A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on May 17, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Need

Juan had known for a long time that both women and men covet and idolize his body. It was what earned him his pay as a fashion model. Now it wasn't as simple as that. He had come under the spell of Mr. West. Juan craves alpha males and he was idolizing them.

He couldn't stop thinking about the depraved events he had been exposed to. And how astonishing it had been at the same time. He was amazed at how satisfying it was to be fucked by those two alpha males, even though he was told to let it happen.

Juan went to the basement at the mansion despite knowing what probably waited for him. He yearned for those hard cocks. He relished the passion the men showed. And their eagerness with which they used his body. Juan blamed the chastity device for his outrageous thoughts and feelings.

Juan started his workout. But instead of a man who wanted to use him, Mr. West showed up. "Do your exercise, take a shower and then come upstairs".

When Juan walked up the stairs, with a towel around his waist and the chastity device under it, he heard voices.

"Here he is! Come!" Once again, he was on display for Mr. West's friends. Juan got a glass of champagne and Mr. West said, as he slapped his ass, "Mingle".

As a photo model Juan had mingled a lot at different occasions, but never undressed with only a towel around his waist and with these kinds of openly eager men. He swallowed hard and began to walk between the men. He recognizes them. He had sucked them all.

At first, they shared friendly words, but then he was slapped on his ass. Then someone dared to pinch his nipple. He knew he had to take it. He drank his champagne and pretended like nothing was happening. Hands where all over him. He was saved when Mr. West called for attention. The man welcomed everyone. They would be served dinner, prepared on grills, outside in the garden.

"But first we have a lottery to complete", he said and gestured for Juan to come to him. Then he said to the men, "You have all been given a lottery ticket with a number on it. Juan will put his hand in the raffle box and pick a number. He will let the winner fuck him."

The men applauded and agreed to the proposal. "Yeah!"

Juan was dumbfounded.

"So, my boy. Pick a number." Mr. West smiled, pointed to the box and put a hand on Juan's shoulder.

"The men love this, be a good boy", he whispered to Juan as the men watched with great enthusiasm when Juan was about to draw a number out of the box.

"Are you raffling me off?" Juan asked.

"Yes, but only for half an hour", Mr. West smiled.

Juan should say no and leave as quickly as possible. But he was horny, and he was an exhibitionist and all the attention made him even hotter. Juan swallowed, and all of the men saw his sexy Adam's apple move in his perfectly shaped neck.

As Mr. West had expected, Juan finally nodded. He put his hand in the raffle box and pulled out a number.


"Wow, that makes him mine!" one of the men shouted. Everyone laughed and applauded.

"The lottery prize goes to Eric", Mr. West announced. To Juan he said, "Take Eric to the guestroom opposite my bedroom." This man was tall but also overweight.


"No." Mr. West shook his head and refused to listen. This measure was a new step on the road to submission and Juan should obey without any hesitation. It was important that Juan understood and accepted his role: obeying without reservations. He had no influence whatsoever.

Juan was frozen by shock for a moment. Then Eric grabbed Juan's upper arm and pulled him along as he walked. "You're my prize tonight", he smiled.

In the guestroom Eric pulled the towel off Juan and began to group his body shamelessly.

"I love this body, it's beautiful like a Greek statue, a work of art", he said more to himself then to Juan.

Eric had a beer belly and wasn't in good shape. Juan remembered, after sucking him off at least twice, that the man had a small cock. But he had a strong presence and took what he wanted.

As he pulled his pants down, he said "make me hard". Juan got down on his knees and bent down to reach the cock under the belly. He put the cock between his lips and sucked it.

"That's right!" Eric said as he put a hand on Juan's head. "Let me feel that pussy mouth work".

Juan had always disliked men with big bellis, but now he noticed that they could be combined with strong authority. It could give some men a sense of command and control. Certainly, different than men with muscles, but willpower and weight could be created differently.

Juan wanted to make a good impression. The man pushed Juan's head away and pointed to the bed, "On your back".

Juan had never been fucked on his back like a woman. He sat down on the bed as Eric moved up to him and pushed him down, grabbed his legs to pull his ass over the edge of the bed. Then he lifted the legs up.

"Grab your legs", Eric said. When Juan did, Eric spread the exposed butt cheeks. "Here we have it, the crown jewel of a handsome young man. His newly opened pussy hole".

Leaving Juan in this exposed position, the man undressed. Jacket, shirt and pants.

Then he grabbed Juan's legs and pressed them back down, double folding the boy. He then moved his body close and put much of his big belly on Juan's legs so his cock could reach the hole. Finally, Juan felt how the cock penetrated his sphincter. The man groaned loudly. "Aaah! Yeah..."

It was a strange feeling for Juan. The man's cock wasn't big but the man's belly made its presence on top of Juan significant. So much skin and flesh. It was as if the man not only invaded his pussy but engulfed all of Juan.

Despite the small cock the man took Juan on a ride he'd never experienced. To feel how the man excelled in his fucking was nice. And it was intimate in a new way. Juan was impressed how well Eric despite his belly could fuck his hole. But he cummed quickly. "Argh!"

Then he backed off and used a napkin to clean himself, then he pulled his pants up. Juan wanted to jerk off, but his cock was imprisoned.

Eric pulled Juan up to standing position and as he kissed him, groped him shamelessly. "That was nice", he said and walked out.

Juan used a napkin to wipe away semen running down the leg. He lay down again on the bed in the guestroom. He was embarrassed over how he had been made the prize of a lottery.

What exactly was the meaning of this scene? Mr. West wanted Juan to get used to being regarded as an object, a toy, a pet. Not a man among other men. His task was to give his body away for pleasure.

Juan could hear people talk outside. It was Mr. West's Garden party with everyone who had seen him being drawn as a lottery win.

The door was opened. It was the black guy, Demario. "Mr. West ask for you."

"Noooo..." Juan didn't want to go out there.

Demario sat down on the bedside and playfully slapped Juan's shoulder. "Come on!" He had to steel himself against the urge to turn Juan around on the bed and fuck him hard.

"And look what I got", he teased. Juan looked up. It was a key.

"To this?" Juan asked and grabbed his crotch. Demario nodded.

"Please, unlock me", Juan sat up.

"But then you have to come out to the garden party."

Juan gave a grimace of reluctance. He didn't want to go out there with a hardon.

Demario then held something up in front of Juan. "He doesn't want you to go out nude."

"What is it?"

"A singlet, the kind wrestlers use."

"It doesn't hide much", Juan said with both irritation and humor.

"Your body doesn't need to be hidden", Demario said as he swung the singlet as a whip against Juan's leg.

"Come on. Don't embarrass Mr. West in his own home", Demario said in a tone that was more serious.

Juan sat up and inspected the singlet. He knew he would be hot in it. The men would drool. The thought of it made his cock tingle. Juan nodded.

"Good boy", Demario said. And then, "Spread your legs". He grabbed Juan's crotch and unlocked the chastity device and removed it. He looked on as Juan's cock got hard. Juan wanted to grab it, but knew there would be consequences if he did.

"Now put the singlet on", Demario said. Juan did. And he looked gorgeous in it as it highlighted his body's curves and muscles. He followed Demario down to the Garden party, knowing his cock, visible under the tight fabric, would be on display.

And everyone knew he just had been fucked as a lottery prize. It was humiliating and now he could see in their eyes they also wanted to have him, use him, fuck him. It was raw desire. Those attitudes felt much stronger than he ever experiences before. It was frightening , but also intriguing in a fierce way.

The singlet didn't make it better. It was as if he was still naked even though he had something on.

His heart was beating fast when Mr. West walked up to him and guided him to the food. They grabbed some grilled meat and sat down on free chairs at a round table on the lawn just outside a party tent.

"It tastes wonderful. Great party", the man next to Juan said to Mr. West and smiled.

During their small talk the stranger put his hand on Juan's thigh. With an upset stare Juan looked at Mr. West on his other side. Mr. West leaned close to Juan's ear, "It's okay. Let him feel you up, I know him. He is harmless".

Juan was shocked. He thought it was over. But now the stranger moved his hand down between Juan's legs and squeezed his crotch through the singlet while they were eating.

And to Juan's horror he felt his cock respond. It had softened but now it began to get hard again.

The stranger was eating with his left hand while his right hand was in Juan's crotch. Now he was encouraged by the growing cock to do more. With his fingers he lifted the singlet and pushed his hand inside to grab the young man's cock. He then pulled the cock out of the singlet and began to wank it slowly but steadily.

As men around the table talked about new fashion and design, the man skilfully jerked the recently freed cock under the table. Juan felt it was not only hard, but it was on its way to release.

The man increased his wanking. Juan swallowed. It must be because of being tied up in the chastity device for so long, he thought.

When Juan was close, he was desperate. Mr. West put his arm around Juan's shoulder. "Relax and enjoy" he whispered. Shortly thereafter Juan cummed. The man holding his cock directed it downwards and milked it like a cow teat. The load hit the grass. Juan had difficulty keeping quiet. It was a strong orgasm. His body jerked, but thankfully no one seemed to take notice.

"Good boy", the man said. He put the young man's cock back and straightened the singlet. Then he used a tissue to clean his fingers.

Mr. West was pleased. His new boy let men use his body when he was horny and couldn't act to stop men who took advantage of him and his body. It gave Mr. West the idea to show his boy off, by leading him past the crowd and expose his now, visible through the singlet, clearly soaked crotch.

"Come, there are a few I want you to greet", Mr. West said. As Juan stood up, he saw the mess the singlet was in. His semen had made the singlet almost transparent, showing a semi-hard cock that newly had had an orgasm.

"Nooo... Please..." Juan begged. Mr. West looked back at him with a sharp glance, then started to walk. Juan had no option than to follow the man. The guest quickly noticed the fashion model's sexy crotch. They smiled and pointed, to Juan's growing embarrassment.

"You remember Anthony, don't you?" Juan had sucked this man off when they visited a public swimming pool. And he remembered he had an unusually curved cock. Juan recoiled at his own train of thought. Why did he remember what the men's cocks looked like?

"Have been busy, I can see!" Anthony smiled and looked at Juan's crotch.

"Yeah," Mr. West said before Juan opened his mouth, "one off the guys wanked him under the table and Juan loved it."

Anthony grabbed Juan's crotch in front of everyone. "Shouldn't we give him a second round?", Anthony asked as both he and Juan felt how the cock started to raise again.

"If you take him inside and clean him up, he can give you a reward", Mr. West said.

"Which kind?" asked Anthony and looked at Mr. West still fondling with Juan's crotch outside the singlet.

"You decide", Mr. West said.

Juan looked at the man pleadingly, but Mr. West only put a hand on Juan's shoulder. "You heard me".

While Anthony lead Juan back to the mansion, every eye was on Juan's once again hard cock, soaked in its own semen, and his perfectly sculptured buttocks.

He was shaken. It was so awkward. Why? Juan at fashion shows had walked a room in only tight briefs, yes, even tangas. But now he didn't appear as the poised, handsome and sexy man in full control with physical distance to the crowd. On the contrary. He was acting like a bitch in heat. And everybody saw him as one. It hurt Juan's perception of himself.

Anthony walked Juan to the basement shower. "Pull it off", he said. Juan had no excuse not to. He struggled to get the tight-fitting singlet off. Anthony was also undressing.

Anthony turned on the water and they both got under the strong, steady flow of water. Anthony soaped Juan all over the body. His shoulders, arms, chest, stomach and crotch.

Juan was tense after the humiliating exposure of his sexual perversity in front of so many men in the garden. But Anthony's hands, the sliding soap and the water felt good.

"Your turn", Anthony said and Juan soaped all over his body. The man was tall, a head longer than Juan. He wasn't muscular, but not fat either. The man's cock got hard (and curved) and when Juan soaped the balls and cock Anthony moaned. "Yeeessss. More!"

Juan continued to massage his balls and cock with the soap until the man told Juan, "Turn around and face the wall".

As soon as he had, Juan felt an eager hand soap the butt cheeks and then moved in between them. One of the man's hands moved around to his abs and chest while the other hand and fingers moved up and down in the cleft, over the ring-muscle. Juan relaxed. It felt sooo good.

Soon the hand moved up to his waist and a hard cock moved over the cleft searching for its bulls-eye. Anthony spread Juan's butt cheeks and the cock pushed at his ring-muscle. It entered with ease. Juan was surprised, but he realized the obvious reason: this was the second time he was fucked this evening.

Anthony moved his hands to Juan's waist. "Lean forward", he ordered. Juan was fucked standing and it felt... so damn good! Juan couldn't believe it.

"Spread your legs!", Anthony commanded. His cock owned this ass and Juan wanted him to have it. He spread his legs more to give the cock better access. It gave him a keen sense of pleasure. To be penetrated was becoming something Juan cherished more and more.

"Yeah, that's good. Let me go deep", Anthony moaned. The cock was the center of universe. It hammered the photo model's pussy as the man slammed his body against Juan's butt. Then pulled back, only to own that ass again by going deep. The man slowed down, as he panted.

"Do you like it?" he then asked.

"Yes", Juan had to acknowledge it.

"Is it as good as the last fuck you had before dinner?"

Juan didn't want to answer, but said, "Better."

Anthony laughed and sped up. Juan had to put his hands on the wall in front of him so he wouldn't fall. A last thrust and Anthony filled the boy with his load. "Argh!" He held still while panting, then pulled back.

"Suck the last drops out of my cock", he said as he slapped Juan's butt hard.

Juan turned around and got down on his knees and took the cock in his mouth again. He did it almost by reflex now.

They continued with the soap, but Juan didn't want his ass touched. It was sored. Then they rinsed off. Anthony handed Juan a towel and said, "Wipe my body dry".

This was something Juan never had done. He started cautiously with uncertainty, but got the job done. It reinforced the sense of separate status between them. Juan as a servant and Anthony as a master. Juan didn't react negatively to it, which Anthony noted.

The man dressed and walked away without saying anything, while Juan still dried himself. He thought the men were acting strange around him. He was used to it, but in a different way. Guys were normally shy to see this famous and handsome model. But the men around Mr. West weren't shy, it was something different.

He had his regular clothes there and while he was getting dressed, he got a text from Mr. West. "Good work. Be here tomorrow at 4PM".

At home he turned his ass towards the full-length mirror hanging on the back of the bathroom door and bent over at the waist. He reached back to carefully pull the cheeks apart, wanting to see his asshole.

He had never looked closely at his own asshole before, but he was relatively sure that his asshole wasn't supposed to look like the red, swollen, puffy orifice he had now. He couldn't help holding one ass cheeks open with one hand, while slipping the other hand around to his ass crack to feel his sore, irritated ring. He cringed at the touch, as his asshole spasmed and released a small creamy rose wad of blood and cum.

This was the result of being fucked twice the same evening. Juan turned on the shower and began washing up. He parted his ass cheeks and rubbed soapy fingers over the irritated ring, even going as far as to dart one in and out, wanting to wash away all signs of the men's presence inside his body. After the shower he searched for ointments. He found an antibiotic cream for scrapes and bruises, and applied it to his asshole. It burned! Once the burning dissipated, he was able to feel the coolness it brought to his hole, relieving the pain.

Despite this result, Juan remembered the pleasure he had felt when a cock fucked his man pussy. And at night in bed, the humiliation he felt when it happened, now made his cock hard. He wanted to jerk off, but didn't want to anger Mr. West.

The next day he walked up to the basement at the time he was asked to come. Inside were 12-14 men talking and laughing.

"Good", Mr. West said when he saw Juan. "We will celebrate with Frank. It's his 50th birthday. I thought we could start by watching while you do your workout, then we can all go to the restaurant where I reserved a table."

Juan didn't know what to do.

"Strip and do your workout", smiled Mr. West.

The men drank beer and cheered when Juan came out of the dressing room completely naked, not even with the chastity device.

Juan walked up to the Cable pulley machine and grabbed the straight bar with his hands wider apart than his shoulder width. He then lowered himself into the seat with arms extended above his head. He squeezed the Lats and pulled the bar towards the top of his chest. He leaned slightly back as he did the exercise.

The men stood in a circle around him. Watching his magnificent muscles move. Someone got close and moved a hand over his abs while he exercised.

Juan wondered if they were all going to exploit him. But when he had done his schedule, the men went upstairs. Mr. West said, "Shower and put on the clothes on the bench".

After shower Juan looked at the clothes. It was only a bedazzled blazer and suit pants, but with snap fasteners running the length of both legs, making them into Tear away pants. And black sneakers. Nothing else.

Juan put it on. His chest and abs were visible when the blazer wasn't closed. It felt strange to have pants which could easily be ripped off.

The gang ended up at a nice restaurant with booths. They sat six men in each half-circled booth. The food was excellent. The spirit high after some glasses of wine.

Juan sat between Mr. West and Frank. When it got late and most guest had left, Mr. West said he had another birthday present.

"My boy is, as you all have noticed, following the latest trend in fashion and has a shirtless blazer. It looks fantastic on a body like his. But what do you say, isn't it too hot in here to have a blazer on?"

The men agreed, nodded and said "yes", "of course".

Juan looked at the man, then he took off his blazer. He was now naked on his upper body.

"And Frank. My present for you is to let you test how my boy's new tear away pants works."

Frank put a hand on Juan's pants and pulled. They opened alongside the leg, showing the left of Juan's body. It was now naked from top to toe.

"If you fold that side of the pants up to the other side, then you have my next present", Mr. West said.

Frank eagerly did and uncovered Juan's crotch.

"Oh! It's released!" Frank said and grabbed the semi-hard cock. The other men laughed.

"But I prefer the holes on a boy", he continued.

"Juan, get down under the table and give my next present to Frank. Put your mouth around his cock", Mr. West said.

Once again Juan was flabbergasted. He was sitting in a fine restaurant with some other dinner guests still eating, albeit at the other end of the room, which now had dimmed lighting. Juan felt Frank's eyes looking him over as if he were a piece of steak. He winched when Frank's hand moved over his thigh and down between his leg.

Juan thought, because they were in a booth, that he perhaps wouldn't be discovered if he got down under the table. Even if he was scared, he slid under it and opened Franks pants. A hard cock waited for him. Juan edged closer and took it between his lips. His tongue was going around the sensitive crown and his wet lips were moving in a way that was bringing Frank to an all too soon climax for him.

Frank made a guttural moan, Mr. West and the others smiled. Juan climbed back up into the booth and drank his beer. He got his blazer back and quickly put it on.

But then Mr. West pulled his pants from the other side and when the row of snap fasteners opened, most of the pants fell to the floor. Juan was now naked from the waist down in the booth at this fine restaurant.

And Mr. West smiled when he saw that Juan had a hard-on.

"I have promised our youngest member, Greg, to catch up with the rest of us. Come. Take my place", Mr. West said and the three men on that side of the table got out of the booth so Greg could move furthest into the booth. Closest to Juan.

This was the only guy Juan had never seen before. He was in his mid-30s and looked like a player of football, hockey or rugby. Massive neck, broad shoulders, strong arms and even stronger legs.

"You will sit on Greg's lap. When you have made his pole hard enough, sit on", Mr. West said.

Juan wanted to protest, but the guy grabbed the back of his neck and pushed his head down to his crotch. "I want to see if you are as good as they say", Greg said.

What could Juan do? And he was curious about this strong guy's cock. Slowly Juan moved his hands to Greg's crotch and opened his pants. Greg helped to bring the cock and balls out.

"Make me hard", he said as he let his grip on Juan's neck go. Instead, Greg moved his hands down under the blazer, pinching Juan's nipple. He held his other hand under Juan's chin so he could feel and follow the movement of Juan's mouth and cheeks.

Juan took the soft cock in his mouth and started to suck and lick it. While he did, he heard the waiter ask, "More coffee anyone?"

It frightened Juan. He stopped. Did he see what was happening? Would he call the police? Juan wanted to lift his head off the cock, but Greg wasn't going to allow it. After his moment of panicking, Juan understood that everything stayed calm. Juan continued to work on the cock that slowly came to life. Soon it was rock hard. And proportional to the rest of him, thus big.

Greg pulled Juan's head up. Juan saw how everybody was looking at him.

"Now get your ass up in my lap", Greg said and moved as far back as he could on the sofa to increase the space between his chest and the table.

This was crazy. But Juan was horny as hell. He wanted that sporty cock in his man pussy. As everybody looked on, Juan crawled up, moved one leg over to the other side of Greg and slowly lowered his body. He felt the cock, and moved it to the bulls-eye. Then Juan lowered his body onto the pole and let it penetrate him. It was a great feeling. His own cock was also hard.

"Great entertainment", one of the men around the table said. But Mr. West wasn't satisfied. "Move your body up and down, fuck yourself on that cock", he said.

As he tried, the waiter walked by. He looked at Juan with hungry eyes.

The men started to talk about other things, while Juan's body had a rod of hard cock up his ass and was fucking himself on it. Greg said to Juan's ear, "You're doing good. Keep it up." Greg's big hands felt good on Juan's body. He moved them up and down from his thighs and hips up to his armpits, under the blazer. Then he put an arm around to hold Juan's body in place. He never touched Juan's hard cock.

But then even Greg started to talk with the other men about some motor race that would take place during the weekend. It was extremely disgraceful for Juan. He was reduced not only to a servant. He was naked, used, exposed, objectified. He was diminished to a simple toy available whenever you needed it.

Juan had never felt so vulnerable, but at the same time he felt a great need to be with men like this. He wanted his ass penetrated by hard cocks.

End part 7

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Remember this is fiction. It is important to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Erotic fantasies stimulate the senses but that does not mean they can or should be turned into reality.

Next: Chapter 8

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