A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on May 3, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Handled

The punishment Juan received, when he grabbed his cock without permission, had shaken him to the core. Mr. West hadn't returned to the basement after his outburst, but instead he had escorted the guests out. Juan went home to his flat. He didn't return to the mansion for the two days before his next gig in another part of the country.

This was the right time to break with this dangerous man. But at night he couldn't resist thinking about what he had done and it made him hot. He wanked his cock thinking of Mr. West.

He talked with his best friend, a guy who began as a photo model at the same time as Juan. He did not succeed and became an administrator at a clothing company. Juan told him some of his experiences with this dominant man, but left out a lot - like he was the owner of the agency he worked for. The friend suggested that Juan should never speak to that man again.

Back from the work trip, Juan needed to work out. It'd be crazy to return to the mansion. But Juan knew this man represented crucial things that he lacked in his life: excitement, adventure, interesting people and above all a relationship that felt substantial and formative.

Could he renounce all those advantages? Or was the upside too great for him to quit?

Juan ended up in his car at the luxurious mansion with the large green garden. While he sat in his car and contemplated whether he would really return, the rain was pouring down. Suddenly the door on the passenger side opened and Mr. West got in.

"We can continue where we left off, but you should know that I will do the same thing again if you disobey me."

"You don't want to apologize?" Juan was stunned. And impressed.

Mr. West smiled. "You deserved punishment. And you will be punished again in the future if you continue what we started."


"Every boy makes mistakes. It is important that I correct wrongdoings, otherwise, you never will learn your place."

Juan hadn't expected this. No soft talk, no hug, only promises of further punishments. It was straight and to the point. Yes, honest and sincere.

"And you think that is the way to convince me?" Juan had to ask even though his feelings for this man were well known and obvious.

"No, but you don't want to be without the excitement I can offer. You already know that. That's why you're here. Now get out of the car and do your workout." With that Mr. West opened the door and got out of the car. He walked to the building without looking back.

Juan capitulated. He ran in the rain to the basement and did his exercise in the gym.

Mr. West told him to come up stairs after he had showered. Nothing was said of what to wear, so Juan tied the towel around his waist and went up. They sat down on a couch in the big salon. Mr. West held the chastity device in his hand.

Juan's heart dropped. He was right back to where they left off.

"Do you want me to put it back on?" It was clear that Mr. West didn't compromise at all. "That cock is mine. Let me own it again."

The men on the email list were worried that Mr. West had lost his prey. But the man was convinced Juan would be back. He had enjoyed it too much to turn his back on it, even if it was sometimes trying. It was a good thing he had some time to think it over and realize what he needed and what he couldn't be without.

Juan stood up, removed the towel and walked up in front of the man.

"Will you let me take charge?"

"Yes, please!"

In silence the man locked the device in place.

In bed they kissed passionately. Juan got on his back, the man on his side caressing his boy, running his hand over the chest, stomach, shoulders and inside of his thighs.

"You need more training", he said as he caressed Juan's throat with the back of his hand and made him swallow and move his Adam's apple.

The next day Juan was handed a t-shirt and shorts. Both were worn out and too small but Juan didn't complain as they ate their breakfast.

"Let's take a trip", the man said. They ended up at a Municipal swimming pool. It had both an outdoor and an indoor pool. Men, women and children used the pools. They walked to the men's dressing room. Juan wondered what would happen.

"Give me the clothes", Mr. West said even as several men were using the room to change. Juan only hesitated for a second but then removed the t-shirt, shorts and sandals. Now Juan stood naked with only the chastity device on.

To his relief he got swimming briefs. But they were the smallest swimming trunks he had ever seen. It was more like a thong. The man put on swimming trunks that went almost to his knees. He looked strong and in command. Mr. West walked to the outside pool and sat down on the lower bench of the spectator stands, with five rows of benches diagonally above each other.

"Take a swim", he told Juan. He did. It was nice to move in the water. When he looked back toward the spectator stands several men was gathering around Mr. West. Juan recognized them. It was the men he had sucked off in the recent months.

Mr. West signaled with his hand that Juan should swim to him. Juan knew what would happen. It was cocksucking time. Even though he felt it was the wrong place, he swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out.

He felt the raw sexual desire in their stares at his amazing, wet body. He could see bulges in most swim trunks.

"There is a bathroom behind the spectator stands that is closed for maintenance but the door is unlocked. Follow Anthony and give him a good blowjob", Mr. West said.

Men slapped his ass as Juan walked to the empty bathroom that had no light and a dusty floor. Anthony used a stone to partially prop the door open to let in daylight. Then he pulled his trunks down and looked at Juan.

Without a word Juan got down on his knees and grabbed the semi-hard cock. He recognized the cock more than the man, he thought to himself. It was curved more than most. He licked the top of the cockhead like an ice-cream cone.

Anthony was eager and put a hand on Juan's head to make him take all of it in his mouth. He did. The man moaned. Juan sucked and fucked his head over the cock until Anthony grabbed his head with both hands and pushed his pelvis forward. Juan swallowed the load and licked the cock clean.

"Stay here!", Anthony said as he left.

Seconds later the next man entered. They have to be queued outside, Juan thought. He would certainly break his record if all of those men got what they wanted.

Juan pushed the thoughts away and took the new cockhead between his lips.

Ten cocks were served before the last man took Juan back to the pool. Mr. West pushed him down to sit beside him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"You're getting to know my pals. We help one another both in business and pleasure. I want to share what I have and many people are asking for your services."

The men he had sucked now took a swim or sat at the pool side drinking beer.

"Am I only entertainment in those circles?" Juan asked.

"No, but yes, you are entertainment, a distraction from hard work, a provider of immense pleasure", said Mr. West as if it was an obvious thing.

"Here. You need to clear your throat before you help those three guys." Mr. West raised his hand in the air to greet three more men walking up to the pool area from the other side.

Juan couldn't believe he had to do it again. His throat was sore and his jaw tired. But he knew what the man expected of him. One of the three men in their 40s was fit and handsome. He remembered him from some weeks ago.

"Juan will show you the place of action", Mr. West said as a signal for Juan to go back to the dark bath room. The three men followed. Two of them waited outside the half-closed door, and the third moved inside. He caressed Juan's body and licked his nipple. Juan then got down on his knees and pulled the man's trunks down and did his work.

As soon as one man had got his release, the next stepped up. And the next.

Mr. West drove home and told Juan, "I want you in my bed tonight".

In bed Juan asked why he had to do so many.

"Honestly, one reason is because I want to brag about what a great and sexy boy I have in you. They are all jealous. Another reason is to promote our businesses. Both the agency's and yours."

As the man talked his hands roamed all over Juan's body.

During his next work trip, he was doing a shoot for a new perfume. The brand competed with Mr. West's but they still chose West's modeling agency. Juan didn't know that but was pleased to be alone for a couple days. At night he'd watch movies in the hotel room.

Back home, he went back to do his work out at the mansion. No men showed up. Juan was horny and had expected that he would be allowed to suck one or more cocks after the trip. His chastity device changed him and he was looking forward to please men by sucking them off.

The frustration increased over the coming days until Mr. West told him to come upstairs after he showered. He wanted sex and went up only with a white towel around his waist.

Eight men were playing poker and drinking whiskey.

"Help us refill the glasses while we play", Mr. West said and pointed to the bar. "And lose that towel."

Juan swallowed. He put the towel on a chair. Naked except for the device, Juan walked around the table and offered whiskey. Juan was groped. His ball sack was particularly popular to squeeze or pull.

"I heard he served well at the pool. I'm sorry I couldn't come", said a man as he lit a cigar.

"Do you want it now?" asked Mr. West.

"We are playing cards right now..."

"There is nothing that prevents us from doing both at the same time", said Mr. West.

"What do you mean?"

"Juan, crawl under the table and take care of the men who want your mouth".

He hadn't expected this, even though he had been roughly handled. He hit a new low.

The men continued to play cards as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Juan wanted to discuss this, but knew it would only make thing worse. He got down on his hands and knees and crawled under the table between two men on their chairs.

The man who had started the discussion spread his legs. Juan crawled in between them and opened his pants. It wasn't easy, but the man helped free his growing cock. Juan took it between his lips and gave him the best blowjob he could.

The man behind Juan kicked him lightly on his ass to make him look behind. There Juan could see another cock outside someone's pants. He turned around to serve it.

Soon six of the eight cocks where out. Juan crawl between them as the men above continued to play poker, drink and smoke.

Juan concentrated on the task and shut out everything else. He was fascinated by the various cocks and was filled with the desire to provide a pleasant experience. He tried hard to get them to shoot. He wanted to feel their loads hit the back of his mouth.

One by one they did. After cleaning them, Juan helped to put the cocks back. "We need more whiskey!" someone said aloud. Juan crawled out from under the table and fetched the bottles. He poured more into the men's glasses.

"Good service!" one man said as he grabbed Juan's ass. Another pulled his balls down.

"I want to see how good he is", said the man beside Mr. West who hadn't got his cock out yet. He looked at Mr. West, "Can I put him on his back on the table and use his mouth?"

"Of course, Brian," the man said. Juan swallowed.

The other men walked away from the table as Brian grabbed Juan's arm and pushed him to the table. "Lie down on your back. Head this way."

Juan slowly climbed onto the table, sat down on his ass and then laid down on his back in the direction of the man. Brian had pulled his cock out and slapped Juan's chin because his head was upside down. Juan only saw pants and shoes.

"Open this mouth pussy and let me try it", Brian said. Juan did and quickly had a soft cock in his mouth. "Suck it good. Make me hard", Brian said as he held a hand over Juan's neck.

Juan sucked and licked. And it gradually got bigger. And bigger. It became really big.

Brian started to move his hard cock deeper into Juan's mouth and hit the back. Juan tried to relax. He knew what was coming. Earlier he had tried to get away, but now he wanted to handle it. Make Mr. West proud.

The cock was pulled halfway out and then pushed back in, hitting the back of his mouth again. And there was still space between Juan's face and the man's pelvis.

Brian pulled Juan's head back, to create a straight channel from lips to the throat. The cock was withdrawn a bit then moved forward. Now the cockhead hit the opening to Juan's throat. Juan couldn't help but cough.

"Relax, bitch!"

The cock hit the opening to the throat again, now with more power. Juan's gag reflexes kicked in. Brian withdrew for a second, then pressed forward again. He felt his cockhead go a bit farther. Juan's body convulsed. He pulled out, letting Juan breathe.

"I will take this virgin throat ring-muscle, whether you are ready for it or not", Brian said somewhat amused over Juan's turmoil as he slapped Juan's chest playfully.

"Relax, Juan. Everything will be fine", Mr. West said as he caressed Juan's cheek.

Brian moved his cock in and softly pushed the cockhead against Juan's sensitive throat muscle as Mr. West caressed his shoulder. Then he held his cock still.

The other men in the room also came close and each one grabbed one of Juan's limbs and caressed it. Brian pushed in slowly but with power. He got a bit farther, but Juan convulsed and coughed up phlegm when Brian withdrew. The thick slime ran down Juan's face to the floor.

As soon as Juan calmed down, he put his cock against Juan's lips. He opened his mouth for the intruder and it hit his throat muscle with force and penetrated it. He pulled out before the gag reflexes started.

"Good boy", Brian said as he pushed in hard again. He pulled out quickly.

Now Brian began to fuck the throat in several rapid moves. Juan convulsed, coughing up more phlegm. He coughed while he felt several hands on his naked body, slowly caressing him.

Brian fucked only the mouth for a while, then pushed hard. He would have it all the way down this fashion model's throat. He pulled halfway out, letting the bitch breathe.

"Hold him", Brian said. The men grabbed Juan's arms and legs as Brian pushed in and started to fuck the throat, getting a bit farther with every thrust. The gagging started but Brian continued until he pushed his pelvis against Juan's nose.

Then he pulled out and more phlegm ran out of Juan's mouth, but he didn't cough as much.

Brian loved this. He would rather fuck cute guys throats than their asses. And as virgin as this throat was, it was great to break in. A slower breathing bitch was the signal to continue. Brian slowly penetrated all the way. He pulled slowly out. Juan could breathe.

Then he began to fuck the throat as if it was a pussy. In and out in a steady rhythm. All the way. Everyone was amazed at how beautiful it was to see the big cock move inside the throat, clearly visible on this beautiful model's body.

Juan was out of breath and started to panic. "Hold him", Brian said as he sped up and shot his load straight into his gut.

More phlegm, hard breathing and tear-filled eyes was what the men saw when Brian put a hand on the back of Juan's head and lifted it up.

He coughed. He was exhausted. His throat was sore.

Mr. West leaned over the table and removed the chastity device. Juan's cock slowly got hard.

"Why don't you sit up on your knees and wank of for us?" The man said as he helped Juan to sit up on the table.

Juan was so damn spent, but now he had his chance. Eight men stood close looking at him. He was naked on a dinner table. Juan wanted to cum. He grabbed his cock and started wanking it. Some slime still ran over his body. It didn't take much time before he had a great orgasm. The men clapped their hands, which made it even more humiliating.

Back in Mr. West's bedroom Juan asked if he could use his hand instead of his mouth on his cock. "No need, I borrowed a friend's slave boy earlier today. He was good enough."

It stung.

The following week Juan would do several smaller gigs in different cities. Before he left the mansion to pack his suitcase, Mr. West said "Don't forget this." He threw him something and Juan caught it.

It was the chastity device. Juan looked at the man, then in silence opened his pants and pulled both them and his boxer shorts down. He secured the thing around his cock, locked it and walked over to the man and handed him the key.

"Good boy."

During his travels, Juan pondered the recent events. It was crazy, but he didn't regret it. He had even begun to appreciate putting his lips around all those cocks. He loved the charged and expectant mood as he got down on his knees, ready to satisfy a horny man who was drooling over Juan's body.

He was a cocksucker. He knew it now. He was almost prepared to accept it.

In the hotel room he remembered the various adventures and wished he could jerk off before falling asleep.

Once home, he barely had time to unpack before he received a text message: "Suit on and be outside at 8PM".

He had no idea what kind of event he would follow Mr. West to. He put on a tight-fitting suit he got from a fashion house. In addition to the dark blue jacket and trousers, he put on a white shirt, unbuttoned to the chest. Black leather shoes.

He considered forgoing the underpants and socks, knowing Mr. West would appreciate it. But he hadn't been asked not to, so he put them on. It felt safer.

Combing his rather long, flowing black hair, he thought, looking at himself in the mirror, that he looked good in conservative attire.

He was picked up by Mr. West in a large SUV. "Nice", he said about Juan's choice of clothing. They drove out of the city and ended up at a small castle.

"It's an old friend's birthday. We got to know each other in high school. He is one of my oldest friends, even if his social circle nowadays is different from mine. If you inherited a fortune, you can choose yourself."

Once inside the reception room, Juan understood what he meant. There were many here who did not follow usual conventions. Young men in women's clothing and heavy make-up mingled with poorly dressed older men who appeared to have barely combed their hair.

"Heeeellllloooooo!" someone shouted and ran up to Mr. West and hugged him. The man in his 50s had a feather boa around his neck and was wearing an ugly t-shirt and sweatpants. He was barefoot. The contrast to Mr. West couldn't have been bigger.

"Christopher", he said and held out his hand to Juan, who greeted him and said his name.

"What a delicious thing you brought!", Christopher said with intensity in his voice. "Is he mine?"

"He works for me", Mr. West said and was somewhat subdued in a way Juan never witness before.

"No, not only work. Otherwise you wouldn't had brought him here", Christopher said and leaned close to Juan. "We were each other's first lover." New guests arrived and Christopher moved on.

Juan scanned the other guests and in a corner was, well, wasn't that a well-known pop artist on the world stage? Yes, it was. Juan told Mr. West, who was not surprised. "Christopher has the ability to make many friends", he said.

During the dinner people come and went. A colorful mix of musicians, actors and artists moved in the great halls. Chaotic, lively and loud.

Juan didn't know if he was being watched because of his conservative style of clothing which was completely misplaced or because of his good looks.

Over the course of the evening, Christopher became increasingly interested in Juan. As people were getting drunk or high, Christopher brought Juan and Mr. West to a smaller dining room in the castle.

"You know I have a strong desire to taste your spectacularly wonderful new boy", Christopher said to Mr. West with a smile on his lips.

"Is it just to tease me, or is he your gift to me?" asked Christopher as he grabbed Juan's ass.

"The best gift I can give you is a taste of this young man's cock. He has shown great interest in giving release to men in my social circles", said Mr. West. Juan was no longer appalled to hear the man speak of him in this way. But he was a bit anxious about where this would end.

"Yeah. He loves alpha males, pushing him around. I'm not that", said Christopher.

Mr. West looking Juan in his eyes. "No, but Juan will to take care of your dick anyway, won't you?"

Juan raised his eyebrows, surprised over the question. Mr. West gestured in silence: answer!

"Y... yeah. I would... love to do it", said Juan.

"You have ordered him to say so, haven't you", said Christopher and turned toward Mr. West.

"No, I haven't. Have fun!". Mr. West left the dining room.

Christopher turned to Juan and caressed his chest through the open shirt. Without being told Juan removed the jacket and pulled the shirt off.

"Oooohh", said Christopher and let his hands roam over the broad chest.

Juan pulled his pants and boxer shorts down, revealing all of his body and the chastity devise.

"I knew it. He is training you", said Christopher and grabbed Juan's balls. "Once I tried to be a submissive bottom, but I couldn't live with that kind of discipline."

Christopher released his grip. "I would like to have my birthday present now", Christopher smiled and pulled his sweatpants down to his knees and sat down in a chair.

Juan kneeled down and took the soft and somewhat smelly cock in his mouth. As Juan let his head go down an up over the hardening cock, Christopher caressed his shoulders and neck.

"This is the best present I got today. Sooo nice..."

Juan licked and sucked the cock with new confidence. To suck cock isn't necessarily something dirty and degrading, it can be a meaningful social contribution, he thought.

The birthday child finally tensed up and he shivered in delight as a small load left the cockhead in Juan mouth.

Christopher pulled his sweatpants up, thanked Juan and left.

In the empty room Juan got dressed. He could hear party music was playing elsewhere and followed the sound. People danced while others sat and tried to talk over the loud music. Someone was sleeping on a couch. Juan walked around and looked around the strange house.

Music also played in the park outside and there was a bar serving drinks.

Suddenly, two men in normal clothes approached him in the bar. "How do you know Christopher?" Juan told them he was here with Mr. West.

They both smiled.

One of them took out his cell phone and showed a text message from Mr. West: "Yes, Juan will suck the guest that want it".

He thought he had done his part, but now it was turning out to be a lot more. Juan knew it wasn't worth fighting.

"Where?" Juan asked.

"The double garage is empty", one of the men said. The three of them walked to the garage on the side of the main building.

Inside two other men waited. "Strip", one of them said. All four were in their 40s and 50s. Three of them were in good shape. One was strong built with short blond hair. Juan had time to think that he would like to meet this man in the gym at the mansion. Another man had gray hair but was obviously exercising his body. Juan once again removed his clothes. The second time this evening. This time someone, a black-haired man with medium-length beard wanted to hold them. Juan didn't want to hand his clothes to an unknown man, but what alternative did he have.

Now he stood completely naked, except for the chastity devise, in a garage with four hungry men eating his gorgeous body with their eyes.

Someone put a blanket on the ground. Juan got down on his knees. A first man walked up to him and pulled his cock out. Juan took it in his mouth. The man moaned. His cock hardened quickly.

"He's good", the man said.

The other men pulled out their cocks and began to wank them. They began taking turns using the wet mouth they had at their disposal. They removed more of their own clothes. The black-haired man pulled off his shirt and revealed a very hairy chest. It was masculine and radiated strength, something that made Juan weak.

They had different attitude. Some were more brutal, grabbing Juan's head and holding it between their hands while they fucked his mouth as a pussy. Others stood more or less still and let Juan do the work by moving his head up and down.

Because they took turns, they could last longer. Juan felt his sore throat and his tired neck, but he enjoyed the different cocks and styles.

Finally, one by one, they shot their loads, two of them in Juan's mouth. But one pulled his cock out and wanked it and shot his wad all over Juan's face. The fourth guy, the black-haired, pointed his cock to Juan's chest and sprayed it with his load.

They dressed as they were agreeing that this "was nice".

Juan still on his knees, felt the men-juice running down his face and chest. When the men were on their way out, Juan looked for his clothes and couldn't find them.

"Hey! My clothes!" he shouted after the men, but they left.

"Calm down", a voice said. It was Mr. West entering with a man with a camera in his hand and another on a strap over his shoulder.

Juan's heart drops. He wanted to run away, despite being a photo model. He was vulnerable, exhausted and covered with cum.

The man started immediately taking photos of Juan sitting back on his knees on the floor in a filthy garage.

"Look up at your boss", he ordered.

After taking close-ups he said, "wipe your face with your fingers and lick them clean".

He was eager. "Now wipe your chest the same way".

Then. "On your knees, stretch your torso, look to the floor."

When Juan thought it was over Mr. West walked up to him, bent over and unlocked the chastity device and pulled it off.

"Nooo..." Juan heard the shutter sound as the camera worked overtime taking pictures of the fashion model's cock as it grew until it pointed to the ceiling.

"Look at me!" the photographer ordered.

"And now the hands behind the head", he said as the camera took several pictures per second.

"Look down to the floor... And now at your boss. What do you think of this photo session?"

"Now standup, hand behind your head."

"Good. Lower your arms."

"Turn around."

"Back on your knees... Good. Now wank yourself."

It couldn't be true. He didn't want to masturbate in front of a camera. Juan looked pleadingly at Mr. West. But he was expressionless, didn't move a muscle.

Juan had dreamed of doing this every night for weeks, but not this way. He swallowed as the camera documented everything. And then grabbed his cock. It felt so good. And even better when he started to wank it. Soon he had forgotten the camera and wanted a long-awaited orgasm.

When it came, his cock shot load after load straight up in the air.

As Juan panted after the explosion, the photographer was thrilled and only said, "good work".

"Okay, I think I have some good motifs here", the photographer said to Mr. West.

"Can I have that blowjob we talked about?" he followed up.

"Of course," Mr. West said.

This was too much! Juan wanted to protest, but Mr. West was on his way out and the photographer was eagerly opening his pants.

Demoralized Juan stayed on his knees. He opened his mouth as the man pushed the hard cock against his lips. He moaned in delight.

As Juan moved his lips up and down on the average sized cock, the guy bent his head back in delight. "Damn, this is so good".

End part 5

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And thanks for all the emails!

Next: Chapter 6

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