A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Apr 29, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Attached

It became a routine. Juan sucked a man off during his workouts in the basement. Juan couldn't believe it, but he was looking forward to having a man fire his load in his mouth. It was a new kind of recognition and praise of his beauty and skill.

One day, when he had taken a shower after satisfying a man, and when he started doing what he used to do, jacking off, Mr. West walked in.

"Stop!" the man barked.

Juan hadn't taken the message seriously about not wanking his cock without permission.

"I believe it is time to take the next step in your education. There will be consequences if you disobey my orders", he said as he grabbed Juan's arm. He pulled him to a table and made him sit on it.

"What?!" Juan wasn't prepared for this.

"I don't trust a horny young man like you. I need assurance", he said and pulled something from his pocket. He handed it to Juan.

Juan looked at the thing. He twisted and turned it and suddenly he understood what it was.

"Noooo..." he pleaded. It was a chastity device that would deny his cock getting hard.

"This is the way you can show me you want to deepen our relationship. Give me the power over your dick. Let me lock it up and I'll have the only key to set it free."

"But I have gigs where I have to expose my crotch in tight pants", tried Juan.

"I know. Your crotch has to be perfect in every kind of pants and shorts. That's why the device has a soft plastic cover. It will make your package look bigger. I suspect many models use some kind of enlarger, anyway."

"But colleagues and staff will be able to see it when I'm dressing and showering", Juan continued.

"So what? It's not unusual for models to be involved in sex games, right?" the man said as he grabbed Juan's ball sack.

The man's intimate and vigorous groping of his body felt wonderful. Juan couldn't understand why he loved to be manhandled by this real man. He should consider it awkward and demeaning, but it felt totally right. He wanted to offer himself to this man. It was hot to spread one's leg and be groped.

"But... when will I be able to take it off?" Juan wondered.

"When I want you to be free", answered Mr. West as he put a bag of ice over the hard cock to make it go down.

Juan jumped. "Ooooh..." He looked down at his crotch as it was cooled.

In his mind he struggled with what to do. He shouldn't hand so much power over himself to another man. Juan was used to being independent and free but he longed for relationship and belonging.

The man said, "Hey!" And when Juan looked up, he leaned forward and kissed him, still holding the bag of ice over the crotch.

"You're horny as hell", the man laughed when he lifted the bag and saw the cock still a bit hard. He put another part of the bag down to cool the crotch more.

"Please... I don't want to have it on during my trips..." Juan begged.

Mr. West removed the bag and imprisoned the cock with the device as he said, "I have my rules. You don't need to follow them, of course. But then you'll just become one among many employees."

Those words stung because Juan wanted to be with Mr. West. He was attached to him in a deeper sense than he had understood.

Juan swallowed and kept quiet.

When he was done, Mr. West put the key in his pocket. He was extremely pleased. This was a defining moment in their relationship. Taking control of his cock was moving him to the next stage in his development.

The man put a hand on the back of Juan's neck. "I love obedience."

Juan looked at his face. "And young gorgeous guys like you have to share their beauty with mankind. Or at least with men who eagerly want to enjoy it. And for you it's obviously flattering to be courted by alpha males."

Juan felt safe in the arms of this man. He relaxed and was not overly concerned with not having everything properly planned in his life. He was delighted that the man was so happy to get this power.

But now Juan was restrained in a way he never been before. He was controlled by another man. This relationship had a high price. Juan accepted it, even if he thought it was crazy.

"I have dinner in town with some important people tonight. I want you to come with me", the man said.

"With this thing on?"

"Of course."

Juan took a cab home to check his schedule and dressed for the evening. It was strange to have his cock imprisoned while meeting people out on the town. The device constantly reminded him of his situation.

The older men at the dinner asked about the modeling business and other boring topics. Juan regretted he joined the dinner. Mr. West suddenly asked Juan, while everyone around the table could hear, if he was going to work out in the basement the following day. "Tomorrow afternoon I will."

Juan drank more wine than he should have and slept longer than normal. Then he travelled to Mr. West's mansion, entered the basement and undressed. Naked except for the device, he worked the different machines.

When he was exercising with a barbell, lifting it from the ground up to a standing position and back down, Mr. West walked in and had company. Juan recognized the older man from the dinner last night. It was strange, but he felt more embarrassed meeting someone when he was naked if he had already met them fully clothed.

"You have him locked up already", the man said as he looked at the chastity device.

"Yeah, Juan is a quick learner", Mr. West said and gestured with his hand for Juan to stop moving. When Juan stood naked before the man, he put his hand on Juan's chest and pinched his nipple. Juan flinched. The men smiled.

Mr. West left by saying to his guest, "I'm upstairs when you're finished".

The man put a hand on Juan's shoulder making him to go down to his knees. When Juan looked up, the man lifted his eyebrows, as if to say, "Do it, open my pants."

Juan pulled the zipper down and put his hand in the pants, past the briefs, until he could grab the semi-hard cock. The man moaned when Juan grabbed it. He carefully pulled it out. When he moved his head forward and took it in his mouth, the man put a hand on Juan's shoulder. "Give me a good blowjob and I will praise you to your man."

It hit Juan, while he had this rather small cock in his mouth, how easy this man got access to his mouth. Juan had been told to suck a stranger's cock and now he was doing it. The man who wasn't young, with somewhat of a beer belly, had an aura of confidence about him that intrigued Juan. He wanted to make the man cum. When the man was close, he surprisingly grabbed Juan's head and started to fuck his mouth.

Juan was glad that this man didn't have a big cock. And he was fascinated how much pleasure he created for the man. As a former top and masculine man Juan should be offended by being used this way, but his brain was excited over the attention and saw it as serious appreciation of him as a man and model. The man shot his small load into Juan's mouth then he swallowed it and licked the cock clean.

The man was impressed. "You are already doing a great job!", he said as he pulled his pants up.

On his way home, Juan wondered how much this man knew about his relationship with Mr. West. Juan had known for many years that people talked and fantasized about him. He hadn't care. Now, for the first time he wondered how those men talked about him, those dirty, powerful, old men! Juan smiled at the thought of being discussed in the upper echelons of the business world.

And he didn't know how right he was. Mr. West had created a mailing list for "friends of his gym jock" and invited key management persons (who he knew well) in the industries of fashion, perfume, PR and marketing. Some was invited as thanks for benefits he had received, others to lure them over to his businesses. It was through this list Mr. West had made an offered to them to come to his mansion's gym and look at his new puppy. Juan was a big hit of course.

They discussed what they wanted to do with him, much more than just looking, groping and having their cocks sucked. Having a handsome, submissive jock within reach made them excited, overly overexcited. Mr. West had to point out that a successful enslavement takes time. The object has to slowly be introduced to new restrictions. One step at a time. Anyone who made contact with his puppy without permission would regret it, he told them. This was his boy to train. They could help, when he asked for it.

For Juan, the device affected his entire existence. When he was in a grocery store a man flirted with him. Normally he ignored all the invitations, but now he felt an eagerness to have sex with this other customer. It was the chastity device that made him more and more desperate and turned-on, he thought.

The chastity device made Juan anxious, eager and horny. He needed to get off.

The next time Juan entered the basement to do his work out he looked forward to sucking a stranger's cock. But afterwards he had to talk to Mr. West about the device. This thing had to come off.

He was almost done, and exhausted, when Mr. West walked up with an average looking man intensely looked at Juan's naked body. Without a word, Juan got down on his knees and opened the man's pants. Mr. West left.

"Wow! He is eager!" the man said. Juan sucked him good and he cummed quickly and walked out.

When he had showered and dressed, he looked for Mr. West in the mansion. Juan didn't know how to say it. "Ah, I wonder if you can remove this thing. It makes me mad."

The man got close to Juan and put a hand on the back of his neck. "Alright. But on one condition."

Juan looked at the man. "Tell me", he said eagerly.

"You let me put it back on afterward."


"Oh, yes. I love to have this control over you", he smiled, even though he was deadly serious.

Juan knows everything is a game. If he wanted, he could demand to be released and never let anyone restrained him again. But then he would break the special relationship he had with this man. And Mr. West was so experienced and knew so much about the things he wanted to know about.

"Okay. You can put it back on later", Juan said and looked down to the floor. He was defeated, not only for letting his cock be trapped again but more importantly by revealing his interest in continuing his journey into bondage and submission.

"Go to my bedroom and strip."

Juan waited for a long time.

Finally, the man arrived. "Spread your legs", he said. When Juan did as he was told, the man unlocked and removed the device. Juan moaned and the freed cock got hard quickly.

When Juan moved his arm to grab it, the man pushed it away.

The man undressed and got on the bed, sitting behind Juan. He moved his right arm around Juan's waist and pinched a nipple. "What do you want me to do?" he teased him.

"Please, jerk my cock..." Juan whispered.

The man did. To Juan it was wonderful to lean back against a strong, demanding man with hair on his chest as he wanked his cock.

"Spread your legs more", Mr. West said and Juan did it immediately.

"Do you want to cum?" the man asked when he felt Juan tensing up ready for orgasm.

"Yes, please..."

But Mr. West stopped. "It has a price", he said.

Juan looked back over his shoulder, to the man.

"I want you to follow me to meetings when I will close business deals with our customers."

Juan didn't understand.

"Your training will then come in handy. Many executives in the fashion and perfume industry would love to have you giving them head. It will strengthen our position in the competition with other agencies."

"What!? Do you want to use me for that?" Juan was shocked.

"Yes. And you will love it. You will get attention, believe me." Mr. West said and slowly started to wank Juan's still hard cock. Juan hadn't move out of position despite his outburst. It was more an act of what he thought he should say, not a reflection of how he felt.

The man moved his left hand around Juan and caressed his stomach and chest. It was an intimate moment. Juan let out a long sigh of despair. This was going too far. But the man's hand on his body felt so good. The mixture between delight and fear made the experience so much hotter.

"Will you suck men who need a push to clinch a deal?" Mr. West pressed on.

It would be extremely humiliating, but that thought brought Juan over the top and he fired his load over his chest and stomach. "Argh!"

"I'll take that as a yes", the man said as he moved his hand up to Juan's mouth and let him lick his fingers clean. While Juan lay exhausted on the bed, Mr. West put the chastity device back on the young man's cock. Juan was defeated again.

After a week, the two of them took a flight to a business meeting with a company planning for a big, international advertising campaign. Juan was nervous. He had never been to this kind of meetings, it was usually something the agency handled. But most of all he was worried over what he would be asked to do. At the same time, he was horny after days of being denied cumming.

"You are still a top-ranking fashion model. We are just using that asset more effective", smiled Mr. West on the plane when he saw how nervous Juan was.

The meeting at the company's head quarter was a normal meeting, boring and talk of visions and arrangements. Juan could see two of the officials around the table looking at him in a hungry way. He didn't mind, because they were in good shape compared to others around the table. They were also the most positive to close a deal. It was decided the negotiations should continue the next day.

After dinner with all participants in the negotiation, Mr. West discreetly invited the two men Juan had observed to his suite. Already in the elevator Juan felt hands groping his ass.

When the door was closed behind them in the suite, Mr. West said, "strip for us".

Juan was embarrassed, but also aroused. He removed his jacket. Then the shirt. Mr. West served the two men glasses of whiskey. "Let our guest feel you up." Eagerly the men held the glass with one hand and let the other travel over Juan's abs, chest, shoulders and arms.

Juan then stepped out of his shoes and pushed his pants off. He hesitated, but after a gesture from Mr. West he pulled his boxers off and stood up naked.

"Is he imprisoned?" one of the guests said with surprise in his voice.

"Yes, I demand some discipline from my people."

"That's a good idea", the other man said as he took hold of Juan's balls.

"Take him with you to the bedroom", Mr. West said.

The man pulled Juan with him by the balls.

"Go to work", the executive said when they were alone. Juan got down on his knees and opened the man's pants and took his soft cock in his mouth.

"If we sign this deal, will you cooperate like this during the length of our project?"

When Juan was on his way to withdraw his mouth off the cock to answer, the man pushed him back. "You can answer me with my cock in place. One word is enough."

"Yeessshhh" Juan thought he couldn't do anything else.

The man moaned and soon erupted in a strong orgasm. Juan swallowed the jizz and licked the cock clean. As soon as the man pulled his pants up and walked back to the others, the other man entered the bedroom while Juan still was on his knees.

"My turn", he said and presented his already hard cock. Juan went down on it. And when the two men had left, Mr. West sat down on a couch.

"And now I wanted a piece of your mouth pussy". Juan put his lips around the third cock in less than an hour.

"I heard you promised to suck them during the gig. Smart move. But you don't have the power to make deals."

Juan stopped sucking and wanted to say something, but the man pushed his head down on the cock.

"Fuck your face and look at me!" It was a bit of irritation in the man's voice.

"They want to use you, but you have to remind yourself who is the boss. I will decide who gets to use this body."

To Juan that sounded a bit far-fetched. He could decide to go on a bar crawl whenever he wanted and pick up a guy. But now he had his mouth full of cock. He concentrated on serving it.

When they got home and Juan was working out in the mansion, one guy showed up to get a blowjob. Just when Juan got back to his workout, a second guy appeared and expected to use Juan's mouth. It must be a mistake, Juan thought. But he showed a text message from Mr. West in which he promised the man that he could have a second go at that great pussy mouth today.

"Sucks to be popular", the guy said and smiled as he pinched Juan's nipple. Juan wanted to push him away, hit him and throw him out, but he didn't want to anger Mr. West. Despite the humiliating situation Juan kneeled down and opened the cocky guy's pants and sucked his dick.

Even the following days, first one and then a second man expected their cock to get a nice blowjob. One day, weeks later, three men arrived. But not at any time was Mr. West with them. Juan wondered if something was wrong. He hadn't spoken with him in a month. But still he went to the mansion to work out and suck guys off.

It was exactly the reason: Mr. West wanted Juan to get use to serving several men the same day. And as long as he did it willingly and without protest, there were no reason for Mr. West to intervene in his education. The mansion had advanced security equipment, so he could notify the men on the mail list when they could exploit his cocksucker.

When Juan, by Mr. West's decision, had finally graduated in this specific duty, Juan was invited to have lunch upstairs with him. It was the chance for Juan to express his viewpoints. He was determent to make two requests. He wanted to be freed from the chastity device. And he wanted fewer men to arrive to the gym in the basement.

"No. You will do three blowjobs a day until our next negotiation with a new client in a week or two. After that we will see. The device protects my property and it will only come off when I decide to do it. Okay?" It was more a statement than a question. Mr. West really wanted to punish Juan for questioning decisions he had nothing to do with. But this was early in the transformation of Juan.

Juan was also angry. He had never been put down in this manner. They ate in silence.

Back in his apartment Juan was still upset. He wanted to have his cock back. But he didn't want to be at odds with Mr. West. He wasn't frightened of him. It was the opposite: he wanted to please him. And he knew that to do that he had to sacrifice his own freedom. His own will. But it was hard.

And when the anger transformed to a realization that he needed to be compliant, he could fell to sleep.

The next day he got to the mansion and unlocked the door to the gym with a feeling of being defeated. He worked out and sucked off three guys that appeared one by one. They expected to first grope his body. Most common groping was to squeeze his muscles, pinch his nipples and grab his balls and ass. Then they had him go down on his knees and serve them.

He didn't know who they were, but they were self-confident and well-off men. Some were good looking to be middle aged, others were overweighted. He wasn't use to being so close to men with beer bellies. Sometime he had to bend the cock down to be able to get it into his mouth.

He had to ask those men with small dicks and big bellies to sit on the bench and lean backwards so he could reach their cock with his head. Before this, he would be disgusted to be close to ugly people, but now he was fascinated by the difference between all these cocks. And he had the same purpose with his interaction down there in their crotches - to get the men to orgasm. Juan loved when the man in front of him had a strong orgasm. It was a sign of his ability as a cocksucker. Yes, he now saw himself as a cocksucker.

To his surprise, he was at peace with his new circumstances after Mr. West showed a total unwillingness to listen to Juan's complains. There was no alternative. If he wanted to be with this man he had to do as he was told: be a cocksucker three times a day.

Juan started to recognize most of the men. He had done it for them several times before. But when he tried to speak to them, they avoided answering or only gave a short one. Some said he should stop talking and get to business. They put Juan down. That made him concentrate even more on his task: to serve all the cocks as best he could.

On the way to the meeting with a potentially new clients, Mr. West said that three of the seven owners of this fashion company were gay and were looking forward to using Juan's mouth if a contract was signed.

"Don't see it only as a duty but as an opportunity to make powerful men happy. And enjoy their hard cocks with your lips and tongue", Mr. West said.

The three men were obviously attracted to Juan. It was because of him they wanted this deal with the agency. Mr. West had already put them on his mailing list. When only formalities remained about the contract, one of the owners asked Mr. West, "Can I borrow him for a moment?"

"Of course," the man said.

The owner led Juan to a small storage room without windows. "Strip", he said as he closed the door behind them.

This wasn't what they had talked about on the way here, but Juan complied. The man moved his palms all over Juan's body. He licked and sucked Juan's nipples. Then pushed him down to his knees and put his crotch to Juan's face.

Juan opened his pants and took the semi-hard cock in his mouth. It was nice to feel the cock getting hard, Juan couldn't deny it. After a while the man reached climax and filled Juan's mouth with his semen.

"Stay right there. My colleague wants to get to know you", the man said after pulling his pants up. He closed the door as he left.

Juan waited in a storage room. The second guy smiled when he opened the door and saw the naked fashion model. He pulled Juan up from his kneeling position to be able to groped Juan shamelessly.

"I told your boss I had to inspect you before signing the deal." He opened his pants and Juan again got down on his knees and sucked the cock to release. The man left and closed the door.

The third guy soon arrived, and it all happened again. Juan sucked the cock until it erupted. He was exhausted when the man pulled his pants up. "Wait here", he said as he turned off the light with the switch on the outside and closed the door behind him.

Juan tried to open the door, but it was looked on the outside. He was trapped. He got dressed in the dark. And he waited a long time.

At last Mr. West opened the door. "Here you are!" he said and tried to sound surprised. In reality the man wanted to see how Juan reacted to be involuntarily locked up. Would he panic? But the man saw a scared young man glad to be found.

In bed, Mr. West caressed Juan's naked body and told him they got this big contract. "We have to celebrate this tomorrow!" the man said enthusiastically and playfully pinched Juan's nipple. Juan gave the man his orgasm by taking care of his cock.

The next day Juan partied with Mr. West and the new clients. Juan had a fun evening before they travelled back home.

When Juan worked out naked in the basement of the manor next time, Mr. West come down the stairs with two men Juan's own age, in their late 20s. They were good looking and their clothes radiated wealth. Juan had so far only met older men in Mr. West's circle of acquaintances. Now it felt uncomfortable to meet people the same age as himself. Why should he let them take charge? In his life before Mr. West, it could have been him who fucked one of them after picking him up in a gay bar.

"These are two dear friends. They are a couple but like to have a third guy helping them, like sucking their partner off. I think they would like you to do it."

First Juan thought he would do one at a time, but both undressed. They smiled at Juan while they sat down beside each other on a bench. "Come on!"

Juan got down on his knees before one of them and took his soft cock in his mouth. When it was hard the other guy pulled Juan's head over to his crotch. Juan sucked the other cock hard. Then the two moved Juan's head between them, back and forth.

"He's good, isn't he?"

"Yeah, this is nice!"

"Have you seen his work? Do you remember when Theodor showed us some advertisement with this cute model and he said this was his new boy?"

"Yeah. But you didn't believe it", laughed one of them

"How could I! Such a good-looking dude!", the other laughed back.

"But now he has our dicks in his mouth as a cheap cocksucking bitch".


Juan was ashamed. How could he sink this low?

They moved Juan to a corner where some gym mats were laying on the floor. They put Juan on his back. One of them put his crotch over Juan's face. "Lick my balls".

The other guy played with Juan's imprisoned cock. "I want to see the dick on this cocksucker".

Juan tried to look up in surprise, but the guy above him pushed his hard cock against Juan's lips. As Juan tried to suck the cock up-side-down he heard them talk.

"Yeah, I have the key here somewhere."

"But I like to see him restrained and controlled. Desexualized."

"Let's ask him. Lift yourself off his face." Juan could see the guy holding a key in his hand.

"What do you want?"

"Release me, please..."

The guy sat down and grabbed Juan's jewels. When he pulled the device off Juan's cock it quickly got hard. Both guys smiled as they one after the other grabbed his cock and playfully jerked and bent it.

"Okay. Now, go back to work", the one above him said. He changed position and laid down on top of Juan but in the opposite direction. He wanted to fuck Juan's mouth as a cunt. Juan had to bend his head back to let the cock in. The guy started to move his pelvis up and down. His cock wasn't that big and Juan could handle it.

When he was close, he let his pal take charge. He pulled Juan by his neck down to his crotch so he could serve him.

When the two of them were close, they pulled Juan's head back and forth, shifting between them with short intervals. When they cummed they both shot their loads on Juan's face.

"That was good", they said as they dressed. Despite their demeaning attitude toward him, Juan couldn't deny it was great to see, touch and satisfy young men and their masculine bodies.

"We would love to help you train him, in any way you want", they said as Mr. West was coming down the stairs. Then they said goodbye and started to leave, but stopped when Mr. West suddenly shouted to Juan: "Stand up!"

He had seen out of the corner of his eye that Juan on the mat had started to wank his cock. Mr. West walked with determine steps to Juan as the two guests curiously followed, expecting some action.

Those young men were so hot and sexy that Juan couldn't help himself. But he had only just grabbed his cock when the man saw what was going on. Then Juan had quickly removed his hand from his cock.

Mr. West hit Juan hard with an open hand over his face. Juan almost fell to the side.

"You piece of shit!"

Juan had never seen Mr. West angry. The man grabbed the back of his neck and pushed his head down to the mat.

"Lick my guest's jizz up. Show them some respect!" The man released his grip and stood up. The three men watch Juan on his hands and knees. The young men smiled eagerly waiting to see Juan go to work.

"Do it!", Mr. West said.

Juan leaned down to where some spots of liquid were visible and put his tongue out and licked it up. The three men looked on.

"Here! More of our babymakers", one of the guys said and pointed to a spot beside the mat, on the concrete floor. Juan crawled to it and used his tongue to lick the concrete.

It was deeply humiliating. Tear filled Juan's eyes.

"Okay, thanks again for the entertainment", the young guys said and were on the way.

"Wait. My boy wants to thank you for letting him serve you", Mr. West said. He turned to Juan, "Kiss their feet."

Juan wanted to sink through the floor. Crushed, he crawled to the young men and kissed their shoes.

Then Mr. West slapped Juan's ass hard, "Crawl to the shower". While he did, he heard the man say to his guests, "I don't accept any disobedience. And you must carry out the punishment immediately. It's something I learned during dog training sessions." The guys laugh.

End part 4

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Next: Chapter 5

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