A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 2, 2023


(Mm, BD, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Diminished

Mr. West saw how Juan was transforming, not least since he was pierced and every second he was awake he was reminded of what he was by the tag SLUT. He knew that anyone who saw his chest could see what he was - quite literally. He was marked and declared. No discussion. No room for hesitation or doubt.

It pushed Juan to accept his new life, a little more each day.

Mr. West wanted to speed up the process. Mr. West wanted to show off his boy with his now in plain words declared identity. The man took Juan to the public outdoor swimming pool.

When Juan, in the car, saw where they were going, he sighed in a weak and resigned voice, "nnnnoooo... pleeeaseeee...." He didn't want to walk in public with the nipple-tag "SLUT".

The man ignored the protest (for now) as they stepped out of the car. When they entered the public pool area, Juan walked close to his man, almost behind him in an attempt to hide the nipple jewel. He was dressed only in tight swim trunks.

Juan was used to being watched, but then it was for his good looks. Now he was afraid they looked at him for the filthy expression on the tag.

In the same corner as before, Mr. West greeted his friends. The strong and powerful men who all had fucked him before.

"Show your new jewelry to my friends", the man said. But before Juan knew it the men walked up to him. They one by one looked at the pierced nipple and the tag.

"Nice!" someone said with a big smile.

"That's the truth, isn't it?", another man said as he pinched the other nipple.

"I want to inspect it in private", the powerful guy Anthony said and pulled Juan with him by grabbing his arm. They ended up in the still abandoned and badly lit public bathroom they used before. Anthony looked at the nipple bar, then put a finger behind the chain and tag hanging from the bar and pulled it slowly forward, stretching Juan's nipple. Juan took a deep breath.

Then Anthony released it and instead slapped the tag so it was dangling and reflected the daylight from the halfway opened door.

"I love how that the word slut lights up and underscore what you are", he said smiling.

"Strip and turn around", Anthony continued.

Juan pulled the swim trunks down to his feet and turned his back to the man.

Anthony looked at the well sculptured male body and the perfect bum. It made him hard. He stepped close and caressed and squeezed those firm and smooth buttocks.

To expose that butt more, Anthony had a Spreader Bar ready on the floor. He put it at Juan's feet as he threw Juan's swim trunks away. Then he locked Juan's ankles to leather Straps at each end of the bar. It pulled Juan's legs far apart and prevented Juan from changing position.

It was something new to Juan. He couldn't move. But he trusted Mr. West's friends. He tried to be calm and relax as he felt Anthony again grabbed the butt cheeks, one in each hand.

"Yeah. Stay relaxed... Let me feel you up..." Anthony whispered to Juan's ear from behind.

The man couldn't wait. He pulled his cock out and moved his crotch forward. As soon as his cock found the pussy hole, he let it sank into Juan all the way. They both moaned.

"Yeah. Be the slut you are", Anthony said as he started to fuck. He used one hand to push Juan's upper body forward. Juan had to grab the wall-mounted sink in front of him so he wouldn't fall.

Anthony grabbed Juan's waist on both sides and said, "I have you. Let go of the sink and grab you butt cheeks. Spread them for me", Anthony ordered.

Juan complied.

"Yeah, let me penetrate you deeper."

The man began to hammer hard. Anthony fucked with power and strength. He owned this pussy. He owned this marvelous body moving and jerking at his thrusts. He sped up, pumping hard and shot his load into the slut. "Argh!"

He panted as he let his cock stay in the pussy as he pulled Juan's upper body up and put his arms around Juan's chest holding him close. Anthony kissed Juan's neck from behind. "I love you as the slut you are. Yeah, and all the men love your wet and eager pussy. Be a good boy and let it make many happy."

Someone was entering through the door. "Are you finished with him?"

"Yeah, he's all yours", Anthony said as he pulled out of Juan and left.

It was Brian, the tall, well built and brown-haired man who walked up behind Juan. He quickly lowered his swim trunks, letting his big hard cock out and grabbed Juan's waist. "You're ready?" he whispered to Juan's ear.

Without thinking Juan nodded, which made Brian smile as he speared his cock home into the wet hole. He then put his arms around Juan's body and held him close to his chest as he fucked the jock locked in the Spreader Bar.

"What a slut you are. This hole is so damn good to fuck", he whispered in Juan's ear. Brian soon filled him with a second load. "Argh!"

As soon as Brian pulled out a new man was ready to take charge over the defenseless and immobilized body. Juan barely had time to turn his head around to see it was Greg, the athlete with broad shoulders, strong arms and legs. He pushed his cock into Juan with a moan and then put one arm around Juan's chest and grabbed Juan's throat with the other, bending Juan's head back against Greg right under his chin.

"Push your belly out, give me better access", Greg whispered. Juan complied. Greg's cock was sliding deeper. "Yeah, you follow orders as the slut you are", Greg said with amusement in his voice. Juan was ashamed but couldn't help himself. He enjoyed the alpha male's cock deeply. And now Greg pounded him hard. Soon a third load filled him. "Argh!"

Ian and Jason walked in when Greg left. Ian got in front of Juan and grabbed his ball sack with one hand as he slowly moved the other over Juan's abs and chest. Jason positioned himself behind the broad-legged jock.

When Jason moved his cock into Juans pussy hole, Ian slapped Juan's face with an open hand. "Only a complete slut love to be fucked this way. Admit it." Ian slapped Juan's face harder as Jason began to fuck him in earnest.

Ian pulled Juan's ball sack down as he locked Juan in his eyes. "Admit you are a slut, who loves whoring around!" Juan's body moved as he was hammered from behind by Jason's cock.

Juan was confused. He loved to be fucked, but why did it feel more intense when he was abused?

"Look at your cock. It's hard while I and Jason use you and treat you shamelessly. Why?" Ian increased the pressure with his hand around Juan's balls. And Jason fucked hard.

"Idono..." Juan whispered.

When Jason sped up and cummed as he tightened his hold around Juan's waist, it also triggered Juan. He couldn't stop it. Juan cummed while Ian had his balls in a vise grip and a cock deep in his ass.

"What a slut!" Ian couldn't help but laugh. He kissed the stunned jock.

Juan had difficulty getting upset being used this way. It felt good to have those hard cocks in him and it was in a strange way very satisfactory to please the men and take their loads. To be bound and extremely vulnerable increased the charge in the situation. Never had Juan's insecurity and his horniness been greater at the same time.

Finally, Mr. West walked in and released Juan from the Spreader Bar and told him to put the swim trunks on. With shaky legs Juan walked back to the pool area. The men were smiling as Mr. West told Juan to take a dip in the pool.

As Juan swam, he saw how the men were engaged in heated argument. He didn't know if they were talking about him.

On the way back to the mansion, Mr. West wanted to slam the new level of submission home. Instead of praising Juan for his obedience, he underlined what was expected of him. "You are in my hands now. Mine. You want raw sex because you are a slut. Don't insult me by arguing about it."

Juan didn't.

During the following weeks Juan noticed that the requests for him as a fashion model had declined. He was working out in the basement when Mr. West one day walked in with Demario. He had a new exercise to introduce. Juan couldn't believe how shameless Demario was as he talked with the boss. Demario convincing the man it was a good idea to let him, of all people, take care of Juan's training.

When Mr. West had walked out, Demario smiled as he saw how astonishing Juan was over what was happening.

"You're going behind his back!" whispered Juan as Demario hugged him hard. Juan loved to be embraced by this young, strong and good-looking black guy.

"So what? He shouldn't be the only one who have access to a sensation such as you!" Demario kissed Juan as he groped his naked body and made him hard.

"And what choice do I have, when he took your cell phone from you? I had to come close to your daily activities to get a chance to grab you and take you away." Demario slapped Juan's but hard.

"Let me see that nipple thing", he said. Juan pushed his chest forward.

"Not bad. He has a good taste", Demario said as he struck the Slut-tag with a finger and let it dangle back and forth on its chain under the nipple.

"You are a slut. And not just his slut", Demario said with defiance in his voice.

"My friends waiting for us at the basket court", he said as he put a hand on Juan's back and pushing him forward.

"But can we leave?" Juan was worried he would be revealed.

"He has left for a meeting. He won't be back for several hours. We will be back in time."

Juan was only dressed in his G-string but let Demario drove him to the sports hall where they practiced basketball. To Juan's dismay he saw a lot of people outside the building.

"Don't be worried. We take the backdoor", Demario said as he drove the car to the backside. He stopped alongside some lumber and garbage container.

"Come on!" Demario shouted when he walked away from the car. Juan was scared to be detected in his G-string, so in practice almost naked. But he snuck forward and then run into the backdoor when Demario opened it.

They heard people in the building, but Demario walked through a corridor and opened a new door. Juan went in. It was a changing room with lockers on both sides, showers without any cover furthest in and wooden benches in the middle. Much was worn, some broken and it was dirty.

"Now, let me taste that pussy", Demario said and pushed Juan down on a bench. Juan put his knees on the bench and bent forward. He was quickly rewarded by a tongue licking his ring-muscle.

As Demario did the rimjob, his four black friends walked in. "Wow! You've already started the party!"

The four basket players finished practices on the court and were sweaty. They undressed and gathered naked around the bench. "Let me try that", Pierre said.

Demario moved aside and Juan felt a new tongue on his rosebud. At the same time another guy lifted Juan's head and slapped his cock against his face. Juan remembers his name was Naem.

"Do you what it?" he asked.

"Yes", Juan said and opened his mouth. The guys laughed. "Shit! He is as eager as last time!"

Juan got a half-hard black cock in his mouth. He started to suck it. His heart was beating fast. He wanted to please those strong guys and have their big cocks in his ass and mouth.

At the same moment the guy behind Juan stood up and pushed his cock against the wet hole. He let it slowly sink in all the way. Juan trembled with pleasure.

Two big cocks moved slowly but assertively in and out of Juan's two holes. Juan loved to feel himself being owned by those strong males. He couldn't tell why, but he wanted to be dominated while he was fucked. He thought vanilla sex was lame and without tension and energy.

Way too early the cock in Juan's mouth was withdrawn. But he hardly had closed his mouth before a new cock head was pushed against his lips. Juan opened up and took it in. At the same time the cock in his ass was withdrawn only to be replace by another.

The guys walked around Juan and used his holes as they wished, constantly spearing into him from both ends.

Demario then pulled Juan up from the bench and said, "Look at this", pointing to the nipple bar. They all come close and smiled. "He really is!" they laughed. Their demeanor become tougher and less considerate after they seen the tag "Slut".

"We don't have much time. Do him so we can return him to the mansion", Demario said.

Juan was pulled up to a standing position. "Spread your legs", the biggest guy Quincy said with his deep voice as he kicked Juan's foot out to the side. One guy grabbed Juan's waist from behind and said close to his ear, "Use your hands to spread your butt cheeks. Offer that hole to me nicely". While Juan did, his other foot was kicked outward spreading his legs more.

Juan wanted to be penetrated again and his wish came true. A hard cock sank into his pussy all the way. As he moaned somebody grabbed his neck and pulled his head forward and down. There his face met a hard cock. He opened his mouth and took it in.

Now they fucked hard. Grabbing his waist hard and pushing deep in his throat. And then with more force pushed his body over to the next guy who eagerly penetrated him. One by one they fucked Juan hard from both ends. They emptied their balls into him. Juan was again reduced to holes giving pleasure to horny men. But he cherished their eagerness and their hard, muscular bodies. And it gave him unbelievable pleasure to feel those cocks moving in and out of him.

When all five had got their release, they pushed Juan down to his knees and gathered around him. They then started to piss. Juan's face was the most popular target, but no part of him was excluded from being covered with piss.

"Stay there!", Ochai said as they walked to the showers and cleaned themselves. Juan stared at their hard, strong, young bodies while they showered.

"He should leave this way, shouldn't he?", they laughed at the piss covered slut obediently on his knees as they got dressed in their regular clothes.

"No way! I will take him home in my car", said Demario, then looking at Juan and pointing to the showers. On shaky legs Juan cleaned himself. The men looked on for a moment then they left the dressing room.

Demario was dressed and ready to leave when Juan couldn't find his G-string.

"Come on! It didn't cover much anyway", Demario said. Juan walked out in the corridor naked. Demario opened the door to the outside, looked around and then said, "It's clear". Juan ran to the car. During the drive Demario put out the G-string from his pocket and smiled.

"I wanted to see you run naked outside", he smiled.

Back at the mansion they did what they had planned to do, new moments in the workout. Then they went upstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"I'm still horny. Come here and suck me", Demario said as he sat down at the table.

Juan got down on his knees between Demario's legs. He opened the pants and put the semi-hard cock in his mouth.

As he sucked, Mr. West was back. He walked into the kitchen. Juan was scared they was discovered. His heart was beating fast, and he stopped sucking. But Demario pushed Juan's head down with one hand as he greeted the boss in a calm way and asked if it went well.

"Sure. And you have taken advantage of what the house offers", Mr. West said and kindly slapped Demario's shoulder.

"I couldn't resist" Demario laughed.

That night Juan was remorseful when Mr. West was caressing his body in bed and slowly wanked his cock and then sucked the man. He shouldn't betray this man. He had given Juan so much and Juan trusted him. Demario was sexy and creative but what else could he offer?

As Juan did his daily workout in the basement he started to worry over the lack of gigs for big companies in the perfume and fashion industry. He had recently only done some work for minor clients.

Mr. West told him one afternoon to take his t-shirt and shorts and follow him on a trip.

They ended up at a warehouse in a run-down and almost abandoned industrial area. Juan followed the man to a door with a small sign: "Logan Corp."

Inside they were greeted by Logan, the somewhat fat textile and garment entrepreneur. He showed them around the premises where he had many various product samples. Everything from underwear, including the G-strings Juan normally was wearing, to sex toys of different kinds.

"I want Juan to present all my merchandise with a personal and intimate touch in commercials and advertising."

Juan's heart stopped.

This would be the end of his carrier as a fashion model.

Mr. West saw how Juan's face turned white. He put an arm around his shoulder and said, "This will work out well. I take all responsibilities. It's going to be alright."

Logan, Mr. West and Juan sat down around a table and drank coffee when Logan pushed some papers over to Mr. West.

"Here is the contract making Juan the poster-boy for my merchandise. It will be a good deal for your agency."

"It depends on how you look at it. I lose Juan as a top model for the big accounts. I need compensation for that loss."

"Of course. I know the business. And I'm thrilled to have Juan becoming the face of sales."

To Juan it sounded as if he was also subject of a business settlement. He, or his image and identity, were sold to an eager buyer. He swallowed hard and looked down at the table. He had never been so nervous when a deal for a gig was discussed. He knew it wasn't a normal deal. He would expose his face and body in many provocative and disgusted ways. He would be diminished in the eyes of colleagues in the fashion business and of the public.

"You wanted to inspect the item of this business deal on your own?" Mr. West asked as he signed the contract.

"Yes. It's reasonable for such a large deal as this. I will bring him to your mansion tomorrow", Logan answered.

"I don't like to let my asset go unattended. Where do you intend to do the inspection?" Mr. West said and Juan felt gratitude to his man.

"The dungeon at my place in the countryside", Logan sensed he was going to be rejected.

"Let me deliver him to a suite at a hotel of your choosing. His chaperone can wait in another room. How does that sound?" Mr. West asked.

To Juan it sounded like a bizarre negotiation. But somewhere in his brain he couldn't deny it was a thrill to hear men fighting about him.

"I understand your precautions. We'll do as you suggest. I will let you know the hotel, date and time", Logan said. He was pleased. He would get to use Juan again.

The two men shook hands.

In the car back to the mansion, Mr. West told Juan it was time to do this. The fashion industry is tough and there are always new, young guys ready to take over at the runways and in commercials.

"But it doesn't change anything between us", he added and looked at Juan.

It was a great relief to Juan. Deep down he had always known his modeling work would end someday. To be with his man made it paradoxically easier. Now he had someone who cared about him.

At night Mr. West sat in his bed while Juan sucked him off. Juan had put his body beside the man so he could grope his bum in the meantime.

"It will work out well. You will continue to do photo gigs. The only difference is that perfume and fashion clothes are replaced by harness, G-strings, ball-gags, dildos, cock rings, butt-plugs and other sex toys." The man knew it was a mixed bag of message, but he didn't want to lie to his boy. And he wanted to drive home the inevitable truth about what developments awaited Juan.

Juan knew he couldn't fight against aging. It wasn't Mr. West's fault he got too old for the modeling job, despite only being 29 yo. But he was saddened by it. Mr. West sensed it.

"But it gives us more time to be together and do other things", he said and slapped Juan's butt hard. Then he pulled his boy's head up and kissed him.

"I will always take care of you. But you know it is a mutual relationship. You have to always obey", he said as he broke the kissing.

"I will... I will..." Juan answered.

"You have to surrender this body to me. I will take charge. You will have nothing to say about anything", the man explained as he softly caressed Juan's cheek, neck and shoulder.

Juan loved the intimacy but the word scared him.

"I know it's a big step to take. But I will not accept anything less."

Juan wanted a kiss and lifted his face up against the man, but was hit by an open hand over his face. Slap!!

"You will not take any initiative. You will be a pet, doing what you're told."

Juan was regretful for his action but also worried over his increasingly limited freedom.

"It requires a lot of training, practice and discipline. I will help you with that, but you have to acknowledge to yourself that you want to surrender and let me have complete authority over your life."

The man moved a hand to Juan's crotch and found what he expected, a hard cock. Juan wanted this, but his brain still wasn't prepared to give in.

The man smiled but then pushed Juan's head down to his crotch. Juan continued his blowjob.

After Juan had done his workout and showered the next day, Mr. West rolled in a box on wheels in the basement.

"What is it?" asked Juan as he dried his hair with a towel.

"A room service trolley", Mr. West answered as he put a white cloth over it and then a bottle of wine on it.

Juan didn't understand why.

As the man removed the bottle and the white cloth, he said, "We will surprise Logan. You will be delivered inside it." The man opened the hatch and turned the trolley opening toward Juan.


"Get in", the man said. "There are openings for breathing."

When Juan saw the man meant it, he slowly got down on his knees and crawled into the box. It was tight. He had to pull his legs up to his chest.

"Okay. Come out."

Juan was relieved, but when he was out Mr. West put a ball-gag in his mouth and secured it around his head. Then the man pulled Juan's arms to his back and handcuffed him. Mr. West then bent Juan over and pushed a butt-plug into his ass. Finally, he put earplugs into Juan's ears.

Juan was surprised to suddenly be standing restrain in this way. He didn't believe he could crawl into the box this way. But then Mr. West lifted the top of the trolley. It was also a hatch. Now the man guided Juan down into the small space.

Then the top was closed and after that the front hatch. Mr. West then rolled the trolley out of the basement to a transit van. As he did, Demario arrived with one of his guys.

"Is he in it?" smiled Demario.

Mr. West nodded. They lifted the trolley into the van. All three men then drove to the hotel Logan had checked into. All three were joking around. They had complete power over Juan. And they looked forward to delivering him in a room service trolley.

They put an empty travel bag on top, so as not to arouse suspicions in the hotel while they rolled it through the lobby and into an elevator. Mr. West gave Demario a key to a hotel room. "Wait here. When Logan calls, get Juan to your room. Then call me."

Mr. West gave the travel bag to Demario and sent them away, then he put the white cloth and wine on the trolley and knocked on the room Logan booked. And he opened. He was surprised when Mr. West rolled in a room service trolley.

"Time to celebrate our cooperation!" Mr. West smiled.

Logan asked, "Where is my poster-boy?"

Mr. West opened the hatch and pulled Juan out. His body was stiff even though he hadn't been locked up very long.

Logan smiled. "Delivered in the best possible embellishment!"

"Phone this room when you're done with him", Mr. West gave Logan the room number.

"Thanks! I'm impressed!" Logan said when Mr. West left the room.

"My, my, my!" Logan said as turned and walked up to Juan. He grabbed Juan's balls with one hand and let his other hand move over Juan's chest and abs.

"I can't get enough of this sight. This body is better than a Greek sculpture..." Then Logan leaned forward and licked Juan's left nipple.

Juan just stood there, with a ball-gag in his mouth and hands cuffed behind his back. He knew he should take it and not try to move away.

Logan started to suck the nipple as he continued to softly caress Juan's skin and fondling his balls. Logan knew that if he could get Juan's cock hard, he would have a trump card - then the jock couldn't deny he was loving it.

And soon Juan felt his dick began to grow. It couldn't be true, he thought. But it was. Logan had found a sensitive erotic zone: he caressed the inside of Juan's thigh. Then the cock was hard and pointed to the ceiling, Logan took some step back to look at the jock. So perfect. He pulled his cell phone out and took several pictures before he put it away.

Logan grabbed Juan's tied arm and led him to an armchair in leather. "On your knees and bent forward".

Logan pulled the butt-plug out, and soon Juan felt fingers gently moving around over his ring-muscle. "Yes, relax and let me play with you."

Juan remembers the night on the yacht as Logan pushed his finger into the hole, slowly widen it. It felt good, even if Juan knew what was coming. Logan pushed more fingers in and soon he used some force to press his hand into the jock. Juan felt a sharp pain but it subsided.

"Yeah", Logan said to himself as he felt Juan relaxed. Logan moved his fingers around inside this beautiful slut he would use in all his advertising. Then he clenched the fist and tried to pull it out. But the resistance was too big. He moved the fist back in, only to pull outward again. This time harder. Then he moved back, and again pulled the fist outward and this time he defeated Juan's ring-muscle and got his hand out.

Juan groaned, but he was muffed by the ball-gag.

Logan tried to push the fisted hand back in but didn't succeed. He quickly straightened his finger and then his hand could overpower Juan's ring-muscle.

For a long time, Logan massaged and stretched the ring-muscle with his hands. He manipulated Juan's pussy hole to make it able to take more than ever before. Not until he was able to push his fisted hand in and out in repeated motions was Logan satisfied. Eventually, sometime down the road, Logan wanted to be able to with rather quick moves fist-fuck Juan with his hand.

But for now, it was enough to have open this jock up. Juan was afraid he never would be able to keep his ass tight again.

Logan pulled the bound boy to the floor on his knees. Logan sat down and removed the ball-gag and told Juan to suck him. Juan opened his pants and put the small cock in his mouth. But Logan began to piss. Juan swallowed it. What else could he do?

While holding his cock in Juan's mouth he called the room Mr. West had given him and said, "You can fetch the toy now".

"I would have liked to have had you around longer, but a deal is a deal", Logan said and put the ball-gag back in Juan's mouth.

When he knocked on the door, Logan pulled Juan with him. He opened the door and was about to push Juan out naked, but he was saved by Demario who put a bathrobe around him.

Back in Demario's hotel room four black guys waited. They were amazed to see how worn-out Juan was. They uncuffed him and pull the ball-gag out. He was led to the shower and they soaped him up gently. They put him in a queen's bed and they hugged and kissed him.

Juan could feel their naked muscular bodies and hard cocks against his skin. After a while, he whispered, "fuck me, please. I don't want to be empty..."

The guys smiled and slapped their hands together in "high fives".

Gently they moved Juan's body around to his stomach on the bed and pushed his knees under his stomach, putting the sweet hole up in the air.

Juan could soon feel the first hard cock slowly filling his love-channel. Juan moaned, both from delight and of pain. His ring-muscle was sore. But Juan wanted to be close and intimate with real men, it gave him comfort.

A cock head began to move over Juan's forehead, cheeks and mouth. He opened his mouth and let the cock in. His head was grabbed and lifted to get a better angle for the cock to fuck the mouth. Soon Juan was on his hands and knees with two big black cocks fucking him in both ends.

When they pulled out, Juan was empty only for seconds before new cocks took their places, fucking Juan eagerly but with care. They who didn't fuck caressed and kissed his body.

Then big guy Quincy laid down on the bed and lifted Juan up on his stomach. From behind someone guided Quincy's cock to Juan's hole and then Quincy loosened his grip on Juan and let his body sink down on the pole. Quincy pushed his crotch up, to fuck the pussy, then he put his arms around Juan and pulled his upper body down on his chest.

It was the signal to Naeem to get up on the bed on his knees and put his cock in the well-used pussy and press it in beside Quincy's cock. They double-dicked Juan as they all three groaned with pleasure. Soon Naeem pulled out so Pierre and then Ochai also could double-dick the exposed man pussy.

Juan felt like he was only a hole for the men to use, and he shivered with delight when they fucked his body in every possible angle.

End part 19

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Next: Chapter 20

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