A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Aug 22, 2023


(Mm, BD, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Recognition

"I have spoken to the client we will visit next, and they want your hair to be short as a proper young man. I have asked Vincent, my hairdresser to come over", Mr. West said.

He didn't want tell Juan the client that wanted him in long hair had rejected the photos they made and didn't want to try with a new session. It was a signal to Mr. West that Juan indeed was beginning to be too old for the business of fashion. Perhaps it was time to make Juan the poster-boy for hardcore sex toys, something that had been suggested.

When the hairdresser arrived, he put his bags down and hugged Mr. West. It was something Juan rarely had seen happened. Vincent was in his 40s, in good shape but not good-looking even if he was dressed in the latest fashion. He looked at Juan (only dressed in a G-string) with hungry eyes.

"So, this is him", Vincent said and put a hand to Juan's nipple and squeezed it hard. Juan twitched but didn't move back or grab the man's hand, which his reflexes told him to do. Juan had always loved the attention he got, but he still hadn't gotten use to men grabbing his body physically. He knew they did it because they sexually coveted him. It was a form of praise, but his reserved personality had difficulty accepting it.

"I have of course seen his work. Nice. I heard rumors about him, that he had gotten himself a sugar daddy. And when I heard he had moved in with you I understood it was another kind of relation." While he talked, he moved his hand over Juan's chest and shoulder.

"He's fit. Exactly the shapes a boy should have." Vincent then grabbed the back of Juan's neck and pulled him to his face and kissed him. Juan stayed passive.

"I couldn't help myself. When you have a famous face like this in front of you, you must take the chance", he smiled. So did Mr. West. He was obviously fond of this man.

"Let's go to work. Juan, will you take my bags. Where to?" Vincent said looking at Mr. West.

He then sat up the hairdressing equipment in front of a large mirror in the basement. Juan was put in a chair and got his hair cut. Vincent asked Mr. West how to do it, not Juan. With skillful hands he transformed Juan's look. They both thought he looked much better in short black hair.

"Juan, time to show gratitude", Mr. West said to Juan when he was pleased with the work Vincent had done.

Vincent grabbed Juan's neck and pulled him out of the chair and to his knees. "Thanks", Vincent said to Mr. West as he left the basement.

"Pull my cock out and take care of it", Vincent said. Juan opened the man's pants and was rewarded by a big, semi-hard cock. It was not circumcised. Juan licked it with his tongue and tried to move it under the skin over the cock head. But Vincent was eager and pushed Juan's head forward, letting his cock penetrate the wet hole. He didn't stop pushing until the cock hit the back of Juan's mouth.

"I know you can take more. Show me!"

Juan began to move his head back and forth over the hard cock. He relaxed and let the cock head move against the entrance to his throat, deeper with every thrust. Soon the cock head passed down in Juan's throat as his nose was in Vincent's pubic hair. Juan pulled back, but Vincent used both his hands to push Juan's head close to his crotch, letting the cock go down the throat again.

"This is what I'm talking about!" Vincent groaned as he let Juan pull back for air, only to push him down again. Hard.

Vincent started to fuck the hole by pushing his crotch forward while holding Juan's head still. To make it easier for Juan he didn't thrust deep every time, but now and then Vincent pushed all the way until Juan's face smashed into his crotch.

Juan coughed up phlegm, but Vincent continued to fuck the face in his tight grip. He sped up and finally shot his load straight into the throat, pushing Juan's head hard against his own body. "Argh!"

When he let go of the jock's head Juan panted hard, his face was red and he had tears in his eyes.

"You did good, cocksucker! Almost a pro", Vincent smiled. "I'll have to change pants when I get home", he said as he saw phlegm on them. He wasn't angry, rather amused.

Juan was pleased that he managed to take the hard blowjob and satisfy the hairdresser as payment for his work. He thought. But when Vincent said, "Nice to have a tip" as he put his cock back in the pants.

Some days later, when Juan had showered and walked up the stairs from the basement in his G-string, he was surprised, yes, shocked, when he saw Mr. West sitting and talking with one of his former colleagues on the photo-model circuit. William looked like a surfer dude with long blond hair, coming in straight from the beaches with big waves, sun and sand. He had a self-confident easygoing attitude, often smiling and joking.

They had done several gigs together and shared hotel rooms. Juan thought William was straight. He used to talk about his girlfriends.

"Long time", William said and hugged Juan.

"Hi..." Juan said as William sat down in the only chair left in that corner of the saloon. Juan remained standing.

"I have hired William at the agency to promote our contacts, with both old and new clients. And while we talked, your name come up. I had to tell him about the extra selling point I have at my disposal."

Juan swallowed hard. This was an old friend. They had partied and had many adventures during their business trips. Now Mr. West had exposed his new secret life as a bottom boy.

"I asked William if he had tried sex with a man, and he said no. But then he said he would like to try with you, if I allowed it", Mr. West said. "And I said he absolutely has to try it."

"I'm not into guys, but you are so damn cute. If I'm going to try it, it's with you", said William.

"Take William to the guest room", Mr. West said.

"You have developed a lot since we saw each other last", William said with a smile as they walked into the room. When William moved a hand over Juan's chest and abs Juan was frozen to the spot where he stood. Once again, his old life appeared in Juan's thoughts and he remembered when he was on equal terms with this old friend, or even more popular and successful than William. It made Juan feel exposed and degraded when the friend now was going to use him in his new capacity as a submissive boy.

"You work out a lot. You look good", William said and pinched a nipple.

"Thanks", Juan said and swallowed.

"I thought you were a top. If I had known that you weren't, I would perhaps have hit on you earlier", William said and smiled, and Juan looked at him with surprise. William was blond, tall and obviously good looking and just turned 30.

"Yeah. When we shared room, I was attracted to you. If I was going to experiment with another man, it was with you. But we never did. And I love women."

William grabbed the back of Juan's neck and kissed him. Juan was shaken and surprised. He had fantasized about having sex with William when they were teenagers.

"You're as soft as woman", William teased. "Will you let me fuck you as one?"

Juan got down on his knees and opened William's pants and pulled them and the briefs down. He had wanted to take this cock in his mouth ten years ago, and he wanted it now. He put his lips around the cock head and started to suck his old friend.

"Wow, you know what you're doing..." William moaned.

When the cock was hard, William lifted Juan by his armpits and threw him on the bed. He was on his back, with his legs over the edge. William quickly stepped out of his clothes as Juan looked at the former fashion model. He had still a good body.

William grabbed Juan's legs and lifted them up and forward, almost double-folding Juan, exposing his man pussy. William looked Juan in his eyes.

"Do you want it?"

"Yes, please. Fuck me, William", Juan said and wished he had dared to say it years ago.

William pushed his cock against Juan's rosebud. He wasn't rough, but not gentle either. He was a real man and knew how to fuck a woman, or man.

"Yeah. This is nice. I heard you have been fucked by men who paid for you", William said as he slowly fucked Juan.

Juan blushed again. "I..."

"No need for excuses, it's your life. I'm not judging you", William said. He then fucked in silence. Juan enjoyed watching William's body moving.

"I want to cum on your face..." William sped up, then pulled out. He climbed up on the bed, putting one knee on either side of Juan's chest. William wanked his cock and pointed it to Juan's face.

He shot load after load that landed on Juan's face, neck and chest. "Argh!! Fuck!"

William then moved his body closer to Juan's head so he could stir his cock head around in the jizz on Juan's face, over his lips, nose and cheeks before he put it to Juan's mouth. Juan licked the cock clean. Using his fingers, William then scooped up the jizz on Juan's face and chest and put the fingers into his mouth. Juan licked them clean while William looked on intensely.

Then William walked away but was back with some toilet paper. He wiped Juan's face clean.

"Thank you", Juan smiled.

"Damn. That was better than I ever could have expected. What a perfect bitch you are!" William was almost frightened over how good it was to fuck a submissive guy.

"The boss joked about giving me access to you as a bonus if I did a good job", William said. "Now I wonder if I should actually remind him of that promise."

They both smiled.

"Do you mind being a reward for a job well done?" asked William.

Juan had preferred they could have met as equal partners, but that was then. Juan knew he wasn't regarded as equal to other men anymore.

"It is Mr. West who decides", Juan said still on his back. It was strange to admit he didn't control his own body. But at the same time liberating. Juan willingly let Mr. West take over. Why Juan offered himself to be controlled by the man, he couldn't really say. Only that it felt right.

"Of course," William apologized. "I'll take it up with him."

Rumors about Juan were spreading. Mr. West was asked why he didn't let more men play with his new toy. Other ranted about how much they wanted a new amateur xxx-movie with Juan, exposing his sexy body in humiliating settings. The pressure to get close to his new boy was something Mr. West hadn't experienced before. But Juan wasn't a submissive bottom boy among many others, he was a successful fashion model. He looked exceptionally attractive in pictures and on film. He was popular.

The combination of attractiveness and submissiveness made Juan extremely popular and made rumors and gossip extra intense.

Mr. West didn't want to increase the interaction with new men more than he had previously planned. The solution to satisfy the demand was to make a new movie with Juan. There were two movies already in circulation which were very popular. In one film Juan had a mask covering his face as he masturbated while sitting on a bed and spreading his legs in front of the camera. The second film showed him drying off after showering and then exposing his ass.

One morning when Juan started his workout in the basement as usual, dressed only in a G-string, Mr. West walked in with a digital movie camera running behind Juan's back as he was standing and lifting and lowering dumbbells with his arms.

Mr. West recorded the beautiful backside of the young man as he used his muscles. The broad back, the narrow waist, and the magnificent buttocks.

Then the man walked around Juan, showing him that he was being recorded. Juan continued without stopping. Now the camera documented the biceps, chest and abs in work. And the bulge in the G-string.

When Juan put the dumbbells down and breathed heavily, he got the camera close to his beautiful face. Juan swallowed hard, moving his sexy Adam's apple. The situation made him both excited and jittery. Sweat was running down his forehead.

Mr. West moved some steps back with the camera, exposing Juan from head to toe. Not least was his breathing, that showed how his stomach was moving.

"Continue with your program", the man said as he continued to record every move this coveted body made. Juan walked up to a bench and laid down on his back. He lifted the barbell with heavy weights attached from the stand above his chest.

Juan held the bar with stretched arms, then lowered it to his chest. Then pushed the bar and weights up to stretched arms again. He repeated it several times as Mr. West recorded it while walking around the bench to get Juan's body from different angles as it was working hard, showing every part of it.

When Juan was exhausted, he put the bar back on the stand. Mr. West recorded the photo model standing at Juan's feet. The camera didn't miss that the cock in the G-string was growing. Mr. West zoomed in on it and was rewarded. The cock head pushed itself out from the pouch. No one could miss how aroused Juan was by the attention.

"Remove the G-string and play with it", Mr. West said.

Juan didn't hesitate. He was too hot to let anything stop him. He used his fingers to move the G-string to one side and began to jerk his almost hard cock.

"Sit up and spread your legs", Mr. West directed.

"Tell the viewers you want to suck cock", the man said as he zoomed in Juan's face.

Juan become fully attentive to the humiliating situation. He looked at Mr. West behind the camera, as if to ask if he needed to. "Do it!", Mr. West said.

"I... I want to... suck cock..."

"No, no. With energy and eagerness!" Mr. West saw that Juan hadn't stop jerking. He was hot but also shy.

"I love to suck cock!"

"Again", Mr. West demanded. He zoomed out to get all of the great body.

"I love to suck cock!"

"And now tell the viewers if you want to be fucked by them", Mr. West pressed on.

"I love to be fucked!" Juan was hot and was on his way to eruption.

"Beg for it", Mr. West directed.

"Please... Fuck me. I want to be fucked!"

Then Juan's cock shut load after load. It went up in the air and down on Juan's chest.

Mr. West recorded as he put his free hand on Juan's chest and scooped up some of the jizz and the camera followed as he lifted his hand up to Juan's mouth. Juan took the fingers into his mouth and licked them clean.

The man then slapped Juan's face with an open hand, before he stopped recording.

"This is a hot recording. I will send it to my friends. Do you object?" Mr. West said as he put a hand on Juan's shoulder. The man wanted to see how deep his submission had become.

Juan knew he should ask, yes beg, for it NOT to be shared if he wanted to protect his integrity. But he also knew he had handed the power over to the man. And he didn't want to sabotage their relationship. He wanted his praise and attention, more than the respect he previously got as a model.

"I don't object", Juan whispered. He knew this was a new level of surrender. He didn't protect his reputation and status anymore. It was up to Mr. West to decide.

"Good boy!" Mr. West was pleased. He was beginning to take control also over Juan's mind.

Signs of how Juan's new life became more known appeared. Mr. West had received a request from a radical cultural association. They wanted to borrow Juan and let him be a living statue in their next event. The first day he would stand still in a narrow box of Plexiglass, exposing every part of his body from every angle. The second day he would stand still on a foundation putting him above the visitors, but not protected by any glass.

It was an exciting idea, but Mr. West didn't know anything about this association. He rejected the proposal. But perhaps he could use the idea someday. Young men such as Juan were like Greek sculptures. Incredible to consume with one's eyes. The man couldn't get enough of young men's naked bodies. Their beauty should be exposed more.

Juan called some old friends to see if they could have a beer together. For some reason he wanted to see his old schoolmates.

But how would he get to the city? He no longer had a car. Mr. West had paid for everything the few last months. He hadn't any money to pay a taxi. Suddenly he wondered where he put his wallet and bank papers. They must be in the boxes from the apartment when he moved in with Mr. West. Juan didn't know where those boxes were.

Juan asked Mr. West, but instead of showing him the boxes, the man gave him a credit card. "Use this", he said. Then they moved on to other topics.

When he took a taxi to the meeting with the schoolmate it struck Juan that it had been a long time since he had been out on his own. He hadn't missed his old life.

And the beer with his old friend was nice, but in a way sad. Juan was reminded of what a dull life he had lived before he bumped into Mr. West.

The trip to the city was carefully watched by Mr. West. He wanted to see if the time on his own for Juan would raise ideas about greater freedom and a will to make his own decisions.

At breakfast, when Juan was back in his G-string, he handed the card back to Mr. West. "By the way. Where is my own stuff? Wallet and bank papers..."

"Somewhere in the boxes we brought when you left the apartment, I guess", the man said as if it was something unimportant.

"Can we get them?" Juan asked.


"So that you don't have to lend me a credit card", Juan smiled.

"You know I want to have control. And I prefer you go through me when you need cash", Mr. West said as he put the coffee cup to his mouth.

"Okay..." Juan hadn't thought about it that way.

"I provide you with everything you need", the man said.

"Yes, of course."

It was a good sign for Mr. West. His boy had no problem being stripped of the freedom of having money at hand. He was willing to go to his man when he needed some.

The man took it as a recognition by Juan of his new living conditions. Juan refrained from his old ordinary life. Mr. West had a list he would give Juan when he was ready. On it ten truths were given:

  1. You don't want independence, 2) You want guidance, 3) You want freedom from difficult choices, 4) You want less responsibility, 5) You want the comfort of having someone in charge, 6) You want the simplicity of doing as you're told, 7) You want the serenity of surrender, 8) You feel passion for being possessed, 9) You want to submit, 10) All of this because it is your true nature.

During the next work trip, which was a gig about advertising underwear, Mr. West followed. They shared a big hotel suite. Juan was happy although he expected to be part of adventures that pushed his limits. He reckoned to be used and humiliated in some way. It was disturbing for Juan that these thoughts also made him excited. What is wrong with me, he thought?

In the evening they had dinner together with Raymond, the first executive to buy him as a whore. It turned out he had a suite on the same floor of the hotel. When they went up in the elevator to return to their rooms, Raymond put an arm around Juan's shoulders and led him to his suite without a word spoken.

Inside Raymond didn't have to tell Juan to undress. When he had taken his shirt off, the man eagerly fondled his upper body including licking, sucking and biting his nipples.

When he broke off, he told Juan, "Strip and lie down on your stomach".

When Juan pulled his pants off, the man slapped his butt hard. "Spread your cheeks and show me that pussy which I paid so much for."

Still, Juan felt a stab of wounded pride when those words was spoken, but he moved his arms back and opened the cleft for the john.

Then Juan felt something hard and cold around his wrists. And clicks. He was handcuffed.

"I told your boss I wanted to use some small restrains and he said you would comply", Raymond said in triumph as he again slapped Juan's butt.

What could Juan do? He had to trust the man.

As last time, the man was good at rim jobs. Juan relaxed. When Raymond stopped, he moved up beside Juan. Before Juan understood what the purpose was, he had a ball-gag in his mouth. The man tied it around his head as he said, "We don't want to wake the other hotel guests".

Raymond caressed Juan's back before he calmly climbed on top of him and pushed his big cock to the wet hole. When it had found its target, it was slowly widening the ring-muscle as it entered. It was a rush of pleasure for them both. They moaned.

Juan was fucked for a long time as he was lying motionless. The man fucked him properly. "I love passive whores taking it", he whispered to Juan's ear.

"There is something dirty about it, to pay for sex. But it gives the event an extra flavor. I got an obedient whore to fuck, the whore can enjoy the act and gets paid", the man whispered to Juan's ear as he moved his cock in and out. The words affected Juan. He became more aroused by the dirty words. And he had to admit he enjoyed being fucked.

The big cock skillfully used the defenseless boy hole. Raymond spread Juan's butt cheeks hard and used his dick head to play with the hole. He moved in to open it, then withdrew. He spat on the hole and moved his dickhead in it before he let the hole cock sink into the passive jock. Then he fucked him hard.

The man unloaded his semen deep into Juan. "Argh!" He rolled off him to the side. Usually, Juan would have moved around and licked the cock clean, but now he could neither move or lick. Instead, the man pushed a butt-plug into the well fucked hole.

The man took a shower with Juan still on the bed. Then he made a phone call. "I'm done with him... Okay..."

Soon there was a knock on the door. Someone entered. Juan was pleased to see it was Mr. West.

They put a bathrobe around Juan and then Mr. West walked him to the door while Raymond said, "I'll call you when I want the third go at him".

Gagged, handcuffed, plugged and with a hard and unsatisfied cock Juan was led through the hotel corridor, only hidden from the security cameras by a bathrobe. In their suite Juan was put on his back on the bed.

The man undressed and was hard when he climbed into bed beside Juan. "You see what you do to me?" he said as he playfully slapped his own cock. Juan felt pride in his ability to arouse tough and powerful men.

Then the man grabbed Juan's balls with one hand and pinched his nipple with the other. "You did good today. I want to keep you gagged, handcuffed and plugged all night. To have you accessible and on display makes me feel good."

As the man moved his hand over Juan's chest, shoulders, neck and down to his abs, Juan's cock began to leak pre-cum. It was as if he wanted to be put on display and exposed in vulnerable positions. Again, Juan asked himself who he was, but every doubt disappeared when the man grabbed his hard cock with his big hand. It felt so damn good.

End part 17

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Next: Chapter 18

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