A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Aug 13, 2023


(Mm, BD, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Fistful

Mr. West had a business trip and took Juan with him. He wanted to reward his boy for his good behavior and continuous acclimation to new and humiliating elements in his life. Juan looked marvelous in a new easygoing, casual shirt and pants, which were recently presented at an influential fashion show in Paris.

During the first day, while Juan visited a fashion show in a mall, Mr. West met Logan at his office, the businessman who was in textile with a beer belly. He had previously given Juan a newly created jockstrap. Logan was big in garments for the BDSM crowd. Up to now the items for sale had been shown as pictures without any context, in a sterile and boring way.

Logan wanted to show his garments and outfits with a good-looking fashion model, prepared to expose his body. Not only that but Logan also wanted the model to show his face while displaying the items in ads and other commercials and thereby in practice, become the poster-boy for the entire range of BDSM-garment and gadgets. It would increase the sales. Logan was sure of it, but he hadn't found any top model ready to reveal his body for these types of items.

"You know why, don't you?" Mr. West said to Logan.

"Yeah. The guy would have difficulties getting other gigs after he modeled with my goods", Logan said.

"You bet!" Mr. West laughed. "A model can't be recognized in advertising for provocative BDSM-outfits one week and present a new famous perfume for men the next."

"I would pay a filthy amount if I could use Juan as our poster-boy", Logan replied.

"I know you would. But I can't give you Juan before I judge his career with leading brands to be over. He makes a lot of money for the agency, not to mention all the new clients he attracts to my agency."

"Of course. My encounter with him in my hotel room convinced me that your agency was the best, remember?" Logan smiled. He fondly recollected when he was able to fuck Juan.

"Yeah. But there aren't many company owners in the industry left to convince", Mr. West said thoughtfully. All the men in executive position he knew who were gay had been offered - either outright or more subtly - to try Juan's body out in a more informal way as a sale pitch for the agency.

Logan saw his opportunity. "And isn't he getting too old for the big commercial campaigns?"

"Perhaps..." Mr. West replied. He didn't tell Logan that the customer who required Juan to have longer hair wasn't pleased with gig they had with him. Mr. West was negotiating a new photo shoot to secure the contract. Gossip spreads so easily if a deal is broken. The man didn't know exactly why they had complaints, but he suspected it was that Juan looked closer to 30 than 20, and the client wanted a young look in its advertising.

"So I could have a chance?" Logan said.

"I wouldn't be here otherwise. You know the other models I have to offer, but you have dismissed them all. I need to hear more about your plan for how you intend to use Juan in the advertising."

"Good. I'm prepared to give you a detailed list of what I want to do with Juan", Logan smiled and was very eager to show Mr. West how he wanted to use a gloriously sexy male body in many different outfits and position always showing his face to make the commercials more seductive and personal.

Mr. West was impressed. But if Juan's face and body were to be exploited in Logan's marketing campaign, his career with big brands would be over. Juan would be the face for raw, hard and provocative sex. It made Mr. West aroused to think of Juan used this way. But wasn't it too early to cut his fashion model career short?

Back in the hotel suite, Juan asked why he still had long-haired. "Can't we cut it short? I've done the gig." Juan asked while he sucked Mr. West cock.

"It's not up to you", the man said and slapped Juan's face more forcefully, less playfully. Juan put the cock in his mouth again, regretting he asked. Mr. West put his hands on Juan's head and pushed him down more on his cock.

Juan knew the sign and started to fuck his head on the cock faster and deeper. He felt the cock pushing at the entrance to his throat. He started to feel a gag reflex but managed to relax and continue. He moved his head further down and felt the man's cock head on its way down into his throat. He pulled up, only to press down again, now letting the cock head go down his throat.

"Good boy, get as much of my cock you can down that slutty throat!", the man said jokingly.

Juan tried to push himself down more with each thrust and finally he got the man's pubic hair in his face. Mr. West put a hand on top of Juan's head, preventing him from lifting his head from this excruciating position. Only when Juan began to cough hard and his body tightened up as he didn't get any air. Mr. West removed his hand and let Juan pull his head up.

When Juan did, phlegm ran out of his mouth and onto Mr. West's crotch.

"Lick it up", the man said. He loved the feeling of the boy's tongue doing its work.

Before the man fell to sleep in bed, he told Juan they would take a three-day trip on Logan's yacht the next morning. Juan didn't remember the guy until they met on the dock. "Ah, it was that fat man with a little dick", Juan thought without judging.

The yacht had a two men crew and Logan offered lunch for Mr. West and Juan on the main deck as they cruised out of the harbor and to the open ocean. Juan wasn't impressed. He had, as a popular fashion model, been invited to many parties on luxurious boats. But it was perhaps a way for Logan to show he made money and was a serious businessman.

Juan glanced at the captain of the yacht. On his name tag it read "Thomas". He had a white uniform and he looked good in it. He was blond, with a short beard. A middle-aged man with authority and an image of being shaped by sailing on the oceans. Even the sailor helping him was nice looking, a black guy in his 20s. He had big muscles under the white sailor uniform.

Mr. West saw Juan's curious glances at the crew, but he had other plans for whom Juan would entertain. At least initially.

It was perfect weather, not too much wind, just sunny and warm.

When they anchored for the night in a popular bay with a large pier, the three passengers ate at a restaurant close to the sea. Juan discovered that Logan was funny and entertaining. He and Mr. West had a good time before they returned to the yacht and had a drink on deck.

Mr. West leaned over the table and said to Juan, even if Logan heard him. "Go down to the cabin below deck to the right. Strip and put your ass up and head down in the bed."

Juan saw Logan smiling as he left the table and did as he was told. Juan wasn't surprised. He knew this was his task when his man requested it. When he was laying there, putting his ass up, Juan become horny. It was dirty but also arousing to offer his nice ass in this vulnerable way.

He waited for a long time with his knees pulled up under his body and his shoulders and head on the bed. Finally, Logan entered.

"What a sight!" he said and slapped Juan's butt. He put his face to Juan's pussy and began to lick and suck it. He also used his fingers to massage the ring-muscle. He was good at it. He used a lot of lubricant.

"That's right. Relax. Let me play with you", Logan said eagerly. The fingers were pushed deeper. And more fingers were pressing the ring-muscle to open. It created a great feeling for Juan.

Then Juan felt how the man pushed his hole hand, with all five fingers, against his hole. It was stretched further with each push. So wide it began to be uncomfortable. Before Juan had reacted the ring-muscle with a sharp pain had given way and the hand was inside his body. Juan began to turn, but Logan said. "Be still!"

Juan put his head back down on the bed. The pain subsided, but Juan was very surprised over what was happen to him. He had never been fist-fucked before.

"You can take it. I know you've been double dicked, so this isn't much different", Logan said as he slowly began to rotate his hand inside Juan. Logan loved this. His small cock was hard. To move a hand inside a beautiful male star made him thrilled. He clinched his fist inside Juan and pulled his hand back. It was, as he expected, stopped by Juan's ring-muscle. It couldn't widen enough to let a fist out. Not yet, thought Logan. He had small hands, and in this situation, it made it easier.

Juan was first uneasy to be abused in this way, but Logan was careful. And Juan gradually appreciated how full his ass was and how good it was to have his ring-muscle stretched. It felt strange at first, but then Juan enjoyed the hand.

Logan could feel the boy was relaxing. He unclenched his fist and slowly pulled his hand out. Juan's ring-muscle was widened bit by bit, stretched wide again. Juan moaned at the pressure. Then the hand popped out of his body.

"Good boy", Logan said as he softly moved his fingers over the ring-muscle. To Juan's surprise he felt empty, emptier than ever. But then something cold was pushed against his hole and disappeared into him. It must have been a butt-plug.

"This was interesting", Logan said as he stood up, slapped Juan's butt hard and then left the cabin.

Juan turned and stretched out in the bed. Yes, it was interesting, Juan thought. Then the door opened, and Mr. West entered. He undressed and got in bed beside Juan. He asked his man if he could take the butt-plug out, but he only shook his head "no".

The next day the yacht left the bay early, and the men got their breakfast on the deck. Juan still with the butt-plug in his ass.

"Now while we are at sea, why does he have so much clothing on?" asked Logan. He knew the rule Juan followed in the mansion - only a G-string.

"The weather is perfect. Juan, don't you think it would be better to get rid of the shirt and pants?" Mr. West said. He framed it as a question, but Juan knew it was an order. He was about to get up from the table, when Logan said, "You can remove them here."

Juan had four dressed men around him, the crew was also on deck, as he removed the shirt and pants. He was now naked except for the G-string and the putt-plug while the yacht traveled across the sea at a good speed.

When they approached a small seaport to anchor for the night, Mr. West told Juan. "Take the same position as last night". Obediently Juan left the deck and went down to the cabin and put his chest on the bed and raised his ass up in the air, offering it to be used.

Juan heard someone was coming close to the cabin. He thought it was Logan, but when the door to the cabin was opened Juan, looking between his legs, saw it was captain Thomas.

The blond man smiled as he walked up to Juan and slapped the upturned butt cheeks hard several times. Juan jerked but stayed put. Then he got several more slaps, but more playfully on each cheek. Thomas then used both his big and rough-mannered hands to caress and squeezed the butt cheeks. He then grabbed the butt-plug and slowly pulled it out of Juan's body.

"This isn't a virgin pussy", he laughed. "But I like it", Thomas said as he spat on it and then put two fingers to the hole and let them move along the ridge.

Then he pulled his pants off in silence. Juan saw him jerking his cock until it was hard. It looked to be of decent size. The captain then pulled Juan's body toward the edge of the bed and pressed the ass down a bit, until it was in the right height for his cock. The next thing Juan felt how that hard cock sank into him all the way. It was a good feeling.

Juan had felt empty after his first fist-fuck. Now a strong man filled him up with his cock. The captain fucked him in a steady rhythm, holding Juan's waist.

"Oh, yeah. This is really a wet and sloppy hole", the captain groaned as he sped up, slammed his waist hard against Juan's bum several times and filled Juan with his seed. "Argh!"

"Come here and clean me", he said as he slapped Juan's but. Juan got down on his knees on the floor and licked the captain's cock clean.

"Look at me", he said. When Juan did, he spat him on his face.

"You're such a filthy animal. Seducing decent men to have perverted sex with this devilishly beautiful body", he said in a normal tone but with some contempt in it. "You are making my boat a bordello". He spat Juan in his face again. Juan knew it was a game of dominance, but the man was powerful, and he almost got scared.

Then Thomas took hold of his cock and pushed it back into Juan's mouth and began to piss. Juan was surprised and his reflex was to pull back. But the captain was holding one hand on the back of Juan's head and pulled it closer to his body as he emptied his bladder.

Before Juan began to swallow quickly some piss landed on the cabin floor. Thomas smiled at Juan's distress. He slapped his cock at Juan's cheek when he was done.

"Yeah. I also like to use sloppy whores as my toilet", he said with calm and authority.

"Have you sucked the last drops of my piss from my cock?", he asked, and Juan leaned forward to lick it again for safety's sake.

"And now you have to clean the floor." Juan was on his way to stand up and get some toilet paper. But Thomas pushed him down.

"No. With your tongue." The man said as he sat down on the bed watching Juan looking perplexed. He didn't want to do it. What made this man think he could order him to something so disgusting?

"Now then! Do it!" The man for the first time raised his voice.

Juan was trapped. He knew it wouldn't be good if he disobeyed. He slowly bent forward, put his hand on the floor and lowered his head to the floor. To his relief the linoleum floor was smooth and looked clean. He put his tongue out over the piss and began to lick. It wasn't easy to get it up into his mouth.

Thomas moved up behind Juan, who had his ass up in the air. He slapped him hard. "Faster", he said. Then smacked the other butt cheek as hard.

Juan tried but the floor remained wet. Thomas pulled Juan up by grabbing him under his arms. Then Thomas turned Juan around. Looking seriously at him, he spat in his face again.

He looked down and saw that Juan's cock was hard. He shook his head.

"Useless whore", he said and pushed Juan to the bed and then left.

Juan didn't like to be treated this way, he thought. But then, why was he hard and horny?

He didn't have to reflect over that question for long. Logan entered the cabin. He put a hand on Juan's cheek and neck. "You look somewhat stressed out, my dear thing."

To his surprise, Juan loved this moment of comfort. Logan moved close and kissed Juan on his lips. Juan responded. The man grabbed Juan's semi-hard cock and it quickly went hard as a baton.

Logan pulled away and stepped back to watch this beautiful body on display.

"I will continue were we left of yesterday. Get your ass up and present it to me", Logan said as he put bottles of lubrication on the bed.

Juan did. He felt a great need to be filled again. And to his joy, he felt how Logan began to finger the ring-muscle. First lightly on the surface, then Logan put the fingers into the hole and pulled them in different directions to make the hole expand. A little scared, but anticipatory, Juan was waiting for the hand to press against his hole. It soon did.

The five fingers and the palm were pushing against the ring-muscle to widen the hole. The hand was then pulled back for a moment only to again push harder. Back and forth, widening the hole some more with every push. Suddenly Logan stopped.

"Do you want me to go on? Do you want my fist?" The man teased the passive jock.

"Y... yes... please...." Juan couldn't believe it, but he begged a fat man to push his fist into his body.

Logan was ecstatic. He was invited to do what he loved to do. He pushed the fingers deeper and deeper, widen Juan's ring-muscle slowly but relentlessly. And then the hand disappeared. "Oh, my god", Juan groaned.

"Shut up, slut!" Logan said and slapped the upturned ass with his free hand.

Logan moved the hand around inside Juan. Then he clinched his fist again and slowly began to pull out. The ring-muscle was resisting it. Logan stopped pulling for a moment, then he did it again. This time a little bit harder, pushing Juan's hole out, making it expand from the inside. Then he stopped pulling. Let his hand rest inside the boy's love-channel.

Juan was relaxed. He let the man do what he wanted. It felt so good. He tried to not moan.

Then Logan began to slowly but steady pull his clinched fist out. Juan's ring-muscle was stretched out more and more. Finally, it expanded more than ever before and enough to let Logan's fist out.

"AH!", Juan groaned. It hurt.

Logan should have punished Juan for his outburst but didn't. He wanted him in this relaxed state. He now clinched his fist and pushed it against the hole from the outside. It was obvious it wouldn't work, so Logan stretched his fingers and let them sink into the still too tight hole. Then he pressed the palm into the pussy. The ring-muscle still showed resistance, but with some force it sank into Juan again. The pussy boy moaned.

This time Logan didn't stop. He pulled the palm out straight away. Juan groaned. He hadn't expected the quick withdrawal. And then come the next surprise. Logan pushed the palm back into him again. Juan was getting close to orgasming. He had never felt such a delightful pressure before. And now the yacht tilted back and forth in the water which made Juan giddy.

Logan began to fuck Juan with his hand. It gave Juan a sensation he hadn't expected. The raw stretching of his ring-muscle created a feeling of being fucked out of his mind. Juan exploded in a strong orgasm. "Argh!"

Logan stopped moving when his hand was inside the horny slut so he could feel the ring-muscle gripping his wrist during the orgasm.

Juan panted in shock, still with his butt up in the air and head on the bed. He couldn't believe it would be such a thrill to be fist-fucked.

Logan slowly pulled out. Then he told Juan, "Clean up your mess in the bed and change the sheet before your boss arrive." Then he left the cabin.

Juan was just finishing with the cleaning when Mr. West walked in, undressed, and sat down in the bed. "Come here", he said and pulled Juan's head to his crotch. Juan sucked it as the man spoke.

"I've heard you done a good job this evening. The men love you."

Juan sucked and licked for a long time, until the man cummed in Juan's mouth. The man let his cock stay there even when he had calmed down. Juan was laying on his stomach with the softening cock in his mouth.

"Tomorrow, you don't need anything other than the G-string." Then he laid a hand on Juan's head and began to piss. "Aaah", he said. Juan had to swallow fast not to wet the sheet again.

The next day, the third at the sea, all the men shamelessly caressed and groped Juan's body. Captain Thomas and his second even put their hands inside the G-string making Juan hard. They laughed when Juan become embarrassed about it.

Juan didn't know how to react. He should be mad at Mr. West who let him be used in this shameful way, but he knew he had chosen to live with this man, not despite his way but because of it. And he couldn't deny that the crew made him horny. Juan wanted to wank off but knew better.

During midday Mr. West said to Juan as the black guy served him a drink, "Go down to the cabin and put your ass up on the bed. Umar here wants to try your pussy".

Juan saw how the guy smiled when Mr. West gave the order. It was humiliating, but Juan had spied on the crew member for three days and wanted to see him naked. He walked down under deck, with the black guy close behind.

In the cabin Juan got up on the bed, put his head and shoulder on it and pulled his knee under his stomach. Again, he was presenting his man pussy to someone to use.

"Shit! He has trained you like a dog, hasn't he?" Umar walked up to the upturned butt and grabbed both the cheeks. He spread them and spat at the pink hole.

He then quickly undressed. To Juan's delight he took all of his uniform off and got naked before he pushed Juan forward, flattening him on the bed. Then Umar climbed up on top of Juan's back. He didn't say anything as he guided his hard cock to the pussy and when he found it quickly pushed it home. All the way. Juan moaned.

"Yeah, bitch!" Umar said, breaking his silence. "I saw how you stared at me when you got onboard. And I recognized you from commercials. I thought you were an arrogant prick, but then Thomas told me. You are a whore that Logan would fuck during our cruise."

Umar slowly began to move his dick inside Juan. "Thomas said he was promised a go at the whore if he wanted. When I said I also wanted to do you, Thomas asked Logan's guest. He said it was all right."

He began to fuck more seriously. He moved his muscular body faster and with more energy. Then he pushed in and stopped. "Do you love my cock, bitch?"

"Yes, I do. I love it, fuck me", Juan said to his own surprise. "Yeah! I knew it! The big celebrity loves Umar fucking him!" He started to fuck again and moved his right hand down under Juan. He grabbed Juan's cock. It was semi-hard. He had cum earlier. But now when the sailor played with it, Juan's cock got hard.

Then he suddenly stopped and pulled out. He got down on his back beside Juan on the bed. "I want to see that pretty face on my cock", he said.

Juan crawled around and put his lips around Umar's cock while the guy looked on with an intense gaze. He grabbed his cock, it was somewhat thin but rather long, and slapped it over Juan's face before putting it back in Juan's mouth.

Then he grabbed it again pulling it from Juan. "Say: I love sucking Umar's big black cock". It was crazy but Juan didn't lie when he said, "I love to suck Umar's big black cock." The sailor smiled as he put the cock into the wet mouth again.

After a while, the sailor pulled Juan's hair to move his face up to his own. Umar kissed Juan passionately. Juan couldn't resist and responded by kissing back. It was great to have this intimacy. But he broke it off. "Sit on my dick", he said.

Juan put his knees on either side of the sailor, reached back with his hand and grabbed the young sailor's cock and guided it to his hole. Juan sank down on it, all the way. His hole was more opened then ever after Logan's actions.

"Now ride!" the sailor ordered. Juan did. The sailor let his hands move over Juan's body, his abs, chest, shoulders and thighs. When Umar saw Juan getting tired, he grabbed his body and turned them around, still with his cock inside.

With his face close to Juan's Umar fucked hard and fast. He soon shot his loads into Juan's body. "Argh!"

After panting, Umar sat up. Juan ran a hand over his beautiful chest. "I want to fuck you again", Umar said as he got dressed in his white uniform.

To Juan's surprise he heard himself saying, "You have to ask Mr. West".

"Is he your pimp?"

Juan smiled. "No, I'm his boy. I live with him."

Umar leaned down and kissed Juan before he left the cabin. Juan wanted to go out on deck and see where they were but thought it best to wait. And soon Mr. West appeared. "Follow me".

They walked up on deck and sat down at the table beside Logan. Logan couldn't resist caressing the inside of Juan's thighs as they waited for the yacht to dock in the harbor. The yacht was on its way back to the starting point.

Logan then pulled the G-string off and grabbed Juan's cock.

"Okay, guys come here", Mr. West had already given Thomas and Umar a glass of champagne. Logan pushed Juan to a standing position with his hardon as he also got a glass.

As Mr. West thanked the crew for the safe trip, Umar couldn't resist moving his free hand down over Juan's back and in between Juan's butts to caress the pussy hole. The whole time Umar looked at Mr. West and raised the glass in answer to his toast. From the other side of Juan, Thomas kept an arm around Juan's waist.

When they had toasted and thanked for nice company during the boat excursion Thomas moved a hand to Juan's nipple squeezed it, as he leaned his head close and said, "I would love to have you back here on the yacht".

This time it wasn't as challenging for Juan as before to be completely naked among dressed men. Juan felt vulnerable but it was also beginning to be a bit thrilling. Juan was exhibitionistic as a photo model, of course, and that part of him took over when he became more accustomed to being used under Mr. West's supervision.

End part 16

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Next: Chapter 17

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