A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Jul 29, 2023


(Mm, BD, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Masquerade

The john drove Juan back to the city center and told him to leave the car when stopped at a square. Juan was frightened when he stepped out on a busy street only dressed in shorts, sneakers and a crop-top with the word BITCH on it.

When the john drove off, a car stopped in its place. It was Mr. West. A familiar voice said, "Get in!"

"Good work", Mr. West said and put a hand on Juan's thigh.

Juan relished the praise from a man with authority and power. This moment made it all worthwhile. Juan felt safe, as crazy as it sounds. It had been a strange adventure that Juan did not know how it would end. Being back with Mr. West was a great relief.

Mr. West could sense this feeling radiating from his boy. It was obvious Juan took the strict control he was now subjected to as something natural. It has become a familiar and normal life for him.

It was a huge success for Mr. West. He could now press on and tighten control even more. But the man didn't know he had competition from another master who wanted to get his hands on Juan.

The next day Juan was on his way to do his workout in the basement when he got at text message from Demario: "Come out. Now!"

Juan walked out to the same place in the garden behind some bushes where he had met Demario earlier. The muscular guy had pulled out his black cock and stroke it. Without anything said, Juan got down on his knees and took it into his mouth. It was wonderful to lick and suck a hard cock belonging to a young, big, and muscular guy.

At first Demario moaned and used his hands to caress Juan's neck, cheeks, and shoulders. He pushed his pelvis slightly forward, wanting to get more of his cock into the eager mouth.

But then Demario pulled something out of his pocket. When Juan looked up, Demario dangled it in front of his face.

"I have a toy I want to use", Demario smiled. It was a pair of handcuffs. "Stand up, turn around and put your arms on your back", he said as if it was self-evident that Juan would accept being cuffed.

Juan had been bound by Mr. West once, but not with handcuffs. He knew they would severely restrict his ability to move. He would be vulnerable. Even so, Juan slowly stood up, turned around and put his arms on his back.

"Good boy", Demario said as he locked the wrist into the cuffs. Click. Demario took a step back, looking at the gorgeous backside of this jock. From his broad shoulders and narrower waist to his marvelous butt cheeks and inviting crack between them, down to his strong legs. And the fact that this body was restrained with his arms cuffed on his back made Demario hot as hell.

Juan wondered what was going on and turned his head, but then Demario stepped close and slapped his butt hard. Then he pulled Juan around, looking him in his eyes and let his hand roam over the smooth and defenseless chest and stomach.

"You become so much sexier when tied", he smiled. Then he pulled Juan's G-string off with force, trashing the string, and let if fall to the ground.

Juan's cock was almost hard. Demario slapped it with an open hand from side to side until it was hard and pointed up to the sky.

"Wow! I have always wanted you to be unprotected, vulnerable and susceptible to my wishes, demand, and desires. Now you are!" Demario smiled in triumph. He grabbed Juan's head between his hands and kissed him. They did it passionately before Demario moved back and slapped Juan's face playfully but with some force as he said, "Kneel and serve my cock."

It was something new for Juan to kneel while his arms were tied on his back. He really felt how vulnerable he was. But to be at an eager alpha male's mercy made him horny.

When Demario was satisfied with the blowjob, he said, "Look up". When Juan did, he said, "Open your mouth wide."

Juan did as he was told. Demario leaned his head a bit forward and let saliva fall from his mouth into Juan's mouth. "You're my willing slut, aren't you?" Juan swallowed and then nodded, even if he knew it was a violation against his promise to Mr. West. He was too hot to say no. He wanted to be with Demario here and now.

Demario spat in his face. "Yeah! You're a horny slut!" He spat again. Then slapped him hard over his face with an open hand.

"Tell me why you came out here, ignoring your boss orders."

When Juan didn't answer, Demario slapped him hard again.

"You want to be fucked. Isn't that so?" Demario said scornfully. Juan was ashamed. It was the truth.

Demario pulled Juan up by his arms and turned him around. Demario grabbed Juan's butt cheeks and groped them hard. "I love this white, firm bum!" Then he spread them, and his cock quickly find its target and pushed in. They both groaned.

"Oooh, yeah. Your pussy is so damn perfect!" Demario said as he began to fuck with powerful thrusts. He grabbed Juan's waist to hold him in place.

The black cock moved in and out of the willing man pussy in powerful strokes. Then he pushed in hard and stopped. "My bros are dying to get access to this pussy again, but your boss hasn't invited them again. If I bring them here the next time I'm sending for you, will you let them fuck you?"

Juan swallowed. It was one thing to meet Demario without permission, but letting a hole gang of black guys fuck him behind Mr. West's back?

"I know your deal with West. But you need a younger master and more virile men fucking you", Demario said as he pushed Juan's upper body forward, bending him down.

He grabbed Juan's waist and started to slowly fuck him again. "I have promised my bros they will be allowed to have a go at you again. I will bring them with me next time. If you don't appear, you will never see me again."

With Juan bent over, Demario started to fuck hard and fast. His crotch slapped Juan's bum hard. Then filled him with his seed. "Argh!" Panting, holding his cock in place, Demario pulled Juan's body up and tight to his chest. "You are my secret cum dump. Let me use it as I wish. And don't tell the boss."

Demario kissed Juan's neck as he was holding him close with his strong arms. Juan's cock was leaking pre-cum. He shouldn't do it, but he already knew he would walk out to Demario the next time he called for him.

Before Juan could say something, Demario pulled his cock out and grabbed Juan behind his neck. He forcefully pushed Juan's head down to clean his cock. When he was content, Demario pulled his pants in order and said, "Go back to your workout". Then he walked away.

Juan picked the G-string up from the grass and managed to put it around his body, even though a piece of the string was torn off. His cock was still hard, and its head stuck out of the G-string. Juan did his training schedule in the basement thinking about what had happen. Demario wanted to be his second master, behind Mr. West's back. It wasn't a good idea. But he loved them both for different reasons.

At lunch Juan met Mr. West. They talked about possible gigs and other things. Juan was uncertain about what to do. He should tell him about his interactions with Demario.

Juan had promised Mr. West obedience. But what would happen if he told him he let Demario fuck him without permission? He would probably not see Demario anymore. And Juan wanted to be fucked by him again. Almost as much as he loved to be with Mr. West. Juan kept quiet. As long as he didn't cum, Juan wasn't having sex, he thought, only letting Demario have a chance. Couldn't you interpret it that way, Juan argued with himself.

At night he finds Mr. West in the TV-room watching the news. Juan, only dressed in the G-string, sat down beside the man in the couch. The man put an arm around Juan's shoulders and pulled him close.

With his other hand the man caressed Juan's thigh, moved his hand down on the inside. He spread Juan's legs. The man looked in silence at the news while his hand moved up over the now permanently denuded pubic-hair area. Then up over Juan's abs. Juan felt his cock reacted to the intimacy and began to grow. The man moved his hand up to Juan's collarbone and caressed Juan's neck. He pushed Juan's chin up, exposing the throat. The man let the outside of his hand lightly move over Juan's Adam's apple and slightly visible throat.

The man looked at the reaction he wanted to create. And Juan did as he expected, he swallowed and moved the sexy throat. The man lowered his hand to Juan's chest, caressed it before he pinched a nipple.

As he did, he could see Juan's cock was on its way to grow out of the G-strings. The man pinched the nipple harder, and Juan winced in pain but didn't do anything. Juan took it. And not only that. His cock head popped out from the G-string.

Mr. West smiled and then flicked the dick head with his middle finger and thumb. Again, Juan flinched by pain and surprise. But his cock become even harder if it was possible.

Still in silence, the only sound came from the television set, the man lifted the G-string to one side of Juan's crotch. The exposed cock and balls were smooth. A beautiful sight. Mr. West wanted to fuck him so badly, but he wanted him even more under his control before he did.

The man took Juan's cock head between his thumb and index finger and squeezed it. No pre-cum yet. As he continued to squeeze and massage the cock head the man for the first time since Juan entered the room talked to him.

"Do you know why you become horny when you are being used and manhandled?"

"I... No... I don't."

"You were born to be submissive", the man said as he moved his hand down and grabbed Juan's balls.

"That's why you want to please men. You need them to relish and appreciate you. And when you let them see your body you make them to do just that. And that is true whether men are paying to get access to your body or not."

When Juan was about to say something, the man used his arm on Juan's shoulder. He gently put the hand over Juan's mouth stopping him from talking.

"You have nothing to contribute with words. Only your body is important. That's what counts. Nothing else. It is like in the fashion industry. Show what you got. Present this beautiful body and face. Follow orders. And keep quiet."

As he spoke the man moved his arm away from Juan's shoulder and, surprisingly enough, he suddenly held a ball-gag in front of Juan. "When you see this, it's time to open your mouth wide without being told", the man said.

Juan opened his mouth and let the ball-gag fill it. A tight rubber band around his head held it in place. "That's better", the man said.

As the man resumed his admiration and groping of Juan's body, he said, "I know you don't like me selling your body by the hour as a whore. But it is a grudge you must quell. You will accept every man you are presented to, whatever the reason I let him have you."

Mr. West lifted Juan's chin with his index finger and let his thumb move over Juan's Adam's apple. Making him swallow again.

Then he grabbed Juan's cock and slowly wanked it as he told his boy the plans for the coming weekend. "A party will be held where they request waiters dressed in various Superhero costumes. Spiderman, Zorro, Superman, Deadpool, Batman. It will be elastic and tight fitting, full body jumpsuits. They require healthy men between 20 and 30 yo in good physical shape."

The talk about tight fitting jumpsuits made Juan uncomfortable. He knew his body, his crotch and his ass would be stared at and groped, even if he was covered in some stupid jumpsuit. While Juan heard his instructions, the situation created a strange mix of joy and anxiety. It was as if the two opposite feelings together created a higher presence, stronger emotions and made Juan more aroused.

"I can't guarantee that the costume will withstand the wear and tear it will be subjected to by the crowd", Mr. West smiled while holding Juan's cock and looking him in the eyes.

Juan sighed heavily (but was saved by the ball-gag, it only sounded as a sharp inhaling). Once again, Juan would be naked in front of a lot of people.

On Saturday night Mr. West said, "Its time. Put this on after you have showered". Juan was handed a full body jumpsuit depicting the cartoon hero Spiderman. It was tight and elastic. It followed his body as if it had been painted on him. His crotch was obvious, probably his bum as well. The head mask protected his identity, but it was uncomfortable.

At the party venue, Mr. West led Juan through the personnel entrance. There were several guys waiting dressed in other popular Superheroes outfits. Juan noticed how fit and muscular all those guys were. Their bodies were as hot as his own, Juan thought.

They were told to carry a serving tray with drinks through the crowd and don't react if they were groped. When the tray was empty, they would come back to the kitchen to get a full one.

Juan recognized many of the men at the party, perhaps half of the 50 guests. There were also some women he never seen before. At the beginning of the evening Juan felt hands moved lightly over the costume. During the evening the men got more and more bold when they touched him. Grabbing his butt cheeks and even his crotch.

They constantly pulled at the costume, as if they were told the guys would appear naked if the jumpsuits fell off them. First Juan lost the mitten. Soon the head mask was torn off. Now everyone could identify him. Juan saw that the other four guys also had lost their head masks. They were all good looking. Juan wondered what their stories were. How had they ended up here?

The music was played loudly, and many people danced. The light in the party room dimmed.

The costumes weren't made to take the kind of wear and tear they were put through. They started to burst at the seams. The men pushed fingers into the seams to caress Juan's skin. It made the openings grow rapidly. Soon most of Juan's chest was naked. He saw the other guy's costume also was shreds to pieces. They all ended up naked, except for some parts around their arms and ankles.

Despite they were naked they were sent out with new trays with drinks. Juan saw no one of the other guys protesting. He didn't either. They walked out naked and let the crowd caress their bodies and grope them shamelessly.

The men, and even females, grabbed their balls, cocks, butt cheeks, pinched their nipples and tried to kiss them. Juan noted that all the guys serving drinks were smooth and without pubic hair, like himself. At first Juan was disturbed when he was the only guy whose cock got hard, but to his relief the other guys become hard as the caressing, embracing, kissing and groping continued.

When it got late, Juan saw how one of the guys was talking to a man who grabbed his upper arm and led him away. Soon another of the guys walked away together with a guest. Then Mr. West pulled Juan to the side and pointed to the man beside him. "You remember Haamid?"

Juan nodded. He remembered how the man had fucked him raw in a conference room. The Middle eastern man was again dressed in an expensive suit and looked very confident. He stayed serious. Didn't smile. Only looked straight at Juan with intense and hungry eyes.

"I've sold you for the night. Haamid will return you to me tomorrow morning", Mr. West said as he slapped Juan's butt and walked away.

"Aren't you glad to see me? We had such a good time when we saw each other last," the man said calmly as he moved a hand over Juan's shoulder. Juan wasn't prepared for this. He just stood there.

"Your cock is hard. Do you get hard every time you get naked and expose yourself in front of a crowd?" Juan felt uneasy by that question and look down to the floor.

Haamid was amazed to see this jock becoming ashamed and blushing. It made Juan even hotter in the man's eyes. He wasn't only handsome, he was cute and still uncorrupted by all the experiences he has been through.

"Don't answer. I don't care", the man said as he let a hand lightly roam over Juan's body, from his shoulders down to his butt. The man grabbed it.

"I've been looking forward to this evening, you know", he said to Juan's ear as he moved his hand to grab hold of Juan's ball sack and pulled Juan with him, using the ball sack as a leash.

They walked out on the backside.

"I have no clothes!" Juan protested. Haamid squeezed the ball sack hard as he stopped and looked back at Juan and raised his eye burns. Juan bend over in pain.

"Sorry, sorry", Juan cried. Then the man began to walk again, pulling Juan with him by the balls.

At the rear of the building was a parking lot. It was poorly lit in the dark of night. Haamid pulled Juan with him to his SUV. Juan saw one of the other guys who had worn a superhero costume standing with his hands on a car while two men groped his naked body.

In the car Haamid was quiet as he drove to a big house. He led the naked jock to through a garden and ended up at a swimming pool. Haamid pushed Juan into the pool. When Juan looked up, Haamid was quickly stepping out of his suit. He was hairy and muscular. A real man. He dived in the pool and then grabbed Juan from behind, putting his strong arms around him.

"Relax", he said to Juan. Then Juan felt the man's semi-hard cock line up with the cleft between his butt cheeks. The man let his cock move up and down in the split while it got hard.

"You are making me so damn hot", he said to Juan's ear. "I would love to own you, train you and use you", he said.

When his cock was hard, Haamid pushed his cock in between the butt cheeks. But he had to use his hand in the water to find the bullseye. When he did, he pushed it in without any hesitation. He moved all of it into Juan with a slow but powerful stroke. When his crotch hit Juan's butt, they both moaned. Haamid held Juan close to his chest.

The cock was the center of the universe. For both of them, but in different ways. Juan was delighted to be filled again. It was becoming something he needed as often he could get it. A demanding man using him was the most erotic feeling Juan could imagine now. He wanted his ring-muscle stretched and his intestine filled with cock.

To be fucked with power was good. But to also feel the man's physical strength as he held him close with both his arms made it indescribably voluptuous.

"You were damn pretty tonight wearing that costume", the man said holding his cock still deep inside Juan while standing in the pool. "Everyone wanted to fuck you right there and then."

The man pulled out of Juan and grabbed his arm. They left the swimming pool and with water dripping from their bodies as they walked over a lawn to a round gazebo in a secluded part of the garden. But instead of a lounge set with table and chairs, it had a leather sling hanging there.

Juan had only seen such equipment in porn. Haamid put Juan on his back in the sling and lifted his legs up to secure them to cords hanging from the ceiling.

Haamid pulled Juan's body a bit back. Now his ass was out over the edge to the sling. Without saying anything Haamid spread Juan's butt cheeks and pointed his cock to the pink hole. He slowly pushed himself into the jock.

"Do you love my cock?", Haamid suddenly asked while he was slowly fucking Juan, holding his upturned and bound legs just under the knees.

Juan knew he had to follow the man's lead. And he didn't have to lie. "Yes, sir..."

The man pulled out, stopped and looked Juan in his eyes, as if he waited for Juan to say something.

"Please, fuck me..." Juan whispered.

The hairy man smiled and pushed his cock into Juan's unprotected hole. And he began to hammer the hole with energy and eagerness. The sling began to move in step with the thrusts.

It was a new way for Juan to be fucked. Up on a sling, legs spread and the man fucking him in full view. Haamid's hairy, well-shaped and muscular torso moved with his thrusts. And Juan saw Haamid's strong arms as he was holding the upturned legs. Juan couldn't deny the fact that Haamid was very good looking and sexy.

To be fucked by him was something special. Juan felt how he moved his cock into him in different angles. Without thinking, Juan moved his right hand down to his hard cock and wanted to wank it, but Haamid grabbed Juan's arm to prevent it. He withdrew his cock and moved to the side of the sling.

Haamid lifted Juan's arms up and behind his head. Juan didn't protest. He knew he had acted wrongly and was punished. The man secured the arms with handcuffs secured to the frame.

Then the man slapped Juan's cheek with an open hand. Hard. Slap! Then again, even harder. Slap!! When Juan got tears in his eyes the man spat him on his face.

"You're here to deliver your body and serve your Master, not act on your own behalf. Is that clear?" When Juan nodded and was ashamed over how he had interrupted the scene, Haamid pinched his nipple hard.

Then he put himself in position and looked at Juan as if he waited for him to say something.

"Please, fuck me..." Juan said again.

"No. Your will is of no consequence. You should say, 'this body is yours to use as you wish'."

Juan swallowed and repeated the words. Haamid smiled and pushed in hard. He got into his rhythm again. Juan's cock become hard. Haamid grabbed it and wanked it a couple of times before releasing it. "I want you to cum like a woman. I want to see this beautiful body jerk in orgasm while I fuck it".

It was humiliating, but the man hit Juan's erogenous zone in his ass while pounding his pussy with great skill.

"Let me see this clit explode. You're horny watching me fuck you. Cum like a woman", Haamid repeated as he fucked hard and moved his hands over Juan's body but didn't touch the cock.

"Do it! Cum for me. Show me what a good slut you are!" The man fucked him good, and Juan felt he was reaching the top. He hadn't been allowed to cum for a while and he was so horny.

"I will hold you tight in my bed tonight if you show me what a hot bitch you are. Cum now!"

To Juan's astonishment he felt how he got closer and close. "You are a whore, bound and used as trash. Your pussy is working overtime for me. Let me see your ultimate humiliation and give me your ejaculation! I own you!" The man pressed on in a demanding tone.

Juan's cock exploded, shooting several loads up over his chest and stomach while Haamid continued to fuck him. The man sped up and slammed his cock home and filled Juan with his load. Panting, Haamid smiled as he pulled out. "What a slut!". But then he walked away, leaving Juan bound in the sling. Juan heard Haamid diving into the pool. Then it got quiet.

Juan couldn't move. He lay there and waited. And waited.

After a long time, Haamid walked up to him in a bathrobe and a tray with food. The man moved fruit, vegetables, and bread from the tray to Juan's chest and stomach.

Haamid began to eat. Then he took a piece of an orange and put it against Juan's lips. He opened his mouth and took it. The next piece of fruit Haamid put in his own mouth. He fed Juan and ate himself, using Juan's bound body as a platter.

It was strange, but not uncomfortable. Juan saw how the man enjoyed it.

When they had eaten, Juan whispered "I need to piss".

The man smiled as he said, "Go ahead".

Juan looked surprised. Then he understood. "Noooo..."

"I don't mind a little show of watersport", Haamid smiled. "You need to get rid of the mess after the food anyway", he said.

Juan was trapped. He couldn't move and he needed to empty his bladder.

Haamid stood beside the sling and waited.

Finally, Juan had to let go. He started to piss. It filled his stomach and hit his chest. He holds back not letting the jet of piss hit his face.

"Filthy little whore", Haamid smiled when it was over. Juan had never pissed on himself before.

Juan was released from the sling.

"Get down on your knees in the grass", Haamid said as he opened the bathrobe.

Haamid got close and put his soft cock to Juan's lips. He opened his mouth and started to suck. But then he felt his mouth fill with piss. Juan pulled his head back to get the cock out of his mouth. Haamid smiled and let lose a hard jet of piss on Juan's chest and moved it up to his face.

Then he stopped and looked how Juan tried to spit it out. And used his hands to get it out of his eyes. Juan wasn't prepared for it, and he didn't have time to react before Haamid ordered him, "Open your mouth".

Juan did and soon he got a jet of piss hitting the back of his mouth. This was a new kind of humiliation. The man pressed on. "Swallow my gift", he said.

Juan did as his body once again was showered with piss.

Finally, Haamid stepped close again. "Suck the last drops of piss from my cock". Juan did.

While Juan stayed on his knees Haamid walked to a corner and came back with a garden hose. He sprayed cold water over Juan.

"You're such a filthy creature", he laughed.

Then Haamid led the stunned jock to the pool and again pushed him into it.

But at night the man kept his promise and let Juan sleep with him in his bed. Juan woke up when he felt his butt cheeks was spread and a hard cock penetrated him.

"Ahhh, this is how you should start a new day. An excellent boy pussy at hand", Haamid said as he laid down on Juan's back, fucking him slowly.

As he did, he spooked close to Juan's ear. "You're something else. Worth every penny. I will buy you again. I can't get enough of this pussy."

Juan loved the powerful man and his cock, but he was disturbed by the talk of him as a whore you could buy.

"I want this hole to look like a female cunt when I'm done with you", Haamid grumbled. He speeded up and filled Juan with a new load. "Argh! Oh, yeah!"

The man stayed on top of Juan and kept his cock inside of him. Then Juan felt something was happening. "Ahhh. Take my morning piss", Haamid groaned as he pissed straight into Juan's rectum.

Juan wanted to move, but Haamid was holding him in place. "You have to contract your ring-muscle when I pull out and go to the toilet."

It was strange to feel warm piss from a man in his guts. Juan didn't know how to act. Haamid slowly pulled out and said, "Go". Juan walked with difficulties to the bathroom and released his bowels. As Haamid walked past him to the shower, he said "You're my toilet now".

Juan wasn't disgusted by it but thought it strange. But the view of the alpha man showering got Juan's mind occupied of something else. He was captivated by the strong male body that had taken him so easily.

Haamid saw the eagerness in Juan's eyes and turned off the water and gesticulated to the boy to come forward. Juan stood up and walked over to him.

"Show me respect. Kiss my feet", Haamid said looking Juan in his eyes.

Juan was as if enchanted, it felt like the man's gaze saw straight into his soul. Juan slowly got down on his knees, put his hands on the floor and leaned his head down to Haamid's feet. He kissed them with his lips. To Juan it wasn't humiliating. He felt grateful, which surprised him.

"Now take a shower", Haamid said as he left the bathroom.

When Juan walked back to the bedroom, Haamid was dressed. "Let's take you back to the mansion", he said.

"I have no clothes", Juan said softly.

"You don't need any", Haamid said as he pushed him forward. They left the house and got into Haamid's car. They drove through town and people in the morning rush saw his naked torso. It was a thrill to see men and women glance at him.

Outside Mr. West mansion Haamid stopped and nodded with a smile to Juan. He opened the door and stepped out. The man drove away.

Once again Juan had been exploited, used and fucked. But he already missed the man.

End part 14

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Next: Chapter 15

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