A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Jul 9, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Paddle strike

When Juan was at the end of his daily workout in the basement, the black man Demario appeared. "Take a shower. Then we need to go for a drive."

As they walked out to the car, Juan asked, "Where are we going?"

Demario put a hand on Juan's shoulder. "Mr. West wants you to visit a man", he smiled and lifted his eyebrows.

Juan swallowed as he realized what was going on. He would be used as a whore. Demario moved his hand down over Juan's back and grabbed Juan's ass cheek outside his shorts.

"You will do great, I know it", Demario said as he looked at the jock who still became embarrassed when this topic was touched upon.

Juan felt like he was reduced to a thing, a toy the men could play with. And he let it happen. He got into the car and Demario drove him to an address in a rich residential area.

When he turned off the engine he said, "Go to that house and ring the doorbell. I'll wait here."

On shaky legs Juan went up to the door and was let in by a man in only briefs. He was in his 40s, fit and a hairy chest. Juan's heart was beating fast, but he didn't know if it was because of the stressful situation or because he liked what he saw. He wasn't good looking, but he looked strong and seemed well equipped. He had a broad face and short beard.

Without saying a word, he grabbed the back of Juan's neck and pulled him close and kissed him. First Juan was passive. He froze when he was "attacked" in this intimate way. But he then began to respond. When he did, the man pulled back.

"I don't need to pay guys for sex, but when I saw you, I said to West I needed to have you", the man said as he pushed his hand under Juan's t-shirt and moved his hand up to Juan's nipple. He squeezed it hard.

"Put your clothes here and follow me", he said as he turned and walked to the staircase in the hallway. He turned to look back at Juan when he had taken some steps. "Hurry up!"

Juan removed his clothes and followed the man upstairs to a bedroom. The man smiled when he saw Juan's cock was semi-hard.

"On the bed on your knees, chest down", the man said as he slapped Juan's butt.

The man removed his briefs and grabbed Juan's waist to pull him back to the edge of the bed. He spat on Juan's butt and used his dick to move it down between the cheeks.

Then he speared himself into the exposed man pussy. He moaned. As he moved his hands up over Juan's back, he started to fuck him.

"I love obedient boys. Their holes are so sweet, soft and warm. Pity that I had to pay for this one", he said as he moved in and out with powerful thrusts.

"Use your hands to spread your cheeks and give me better access", he moaned while totally consumed by the great feeling to fuck this beautiful specimen of a jock.

Juan complied. The cock went deeper, and Juan moaned without knowing it.

The man withdrew but his hands was moving over the naked skin. One hand travelled down between Juan's legs and pulled his cock back. It was hard.

"I can see why West speaks so well of you", he laughed and then let the cock go and it slapped back against Juan's stomach.

"You're a slutty whore, aren't you? Always willing to take a new cock inside you." The man speared his cock back into the hole and fucked it. He grabbed Juan's waist and hammered hard.

When he got close, he pulled out. "Turn around." Juan did. The man wanted Juan to put his feet on his shoulders. He quickly felt the cock penetrate him again. This time the man looked Juan in his eyes. "Now, tell me: Isn't It nice work to lay on your back and be fucked?"

Juan swallowed. He didn't want to be reminded of his situation. The man knew because Mr. West had told him to tease the boy about selling his body. Mr. West suggested the man should try make Juan confess what he was. Mr. West actually knew the man he gave Juan to. His name was Scott and they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Scott had phoned Mr. West when he heard about Juan from mutual acquaintances, who had sent him Juan's wank-video. Scott asked if he could use his new toy. Mr. West knew Scott was both perky and talkative, so he told him, "If you make him confess that he is a whore, I will let you use him for free".

Juan hadn't answered his question, but Scott saw in his eyes he loved to be in exactly the situation he now was in. Scott grabbed Juan's leg and pushed them down double folding him, then spread them. He slowly fucked the hole before he lowered his head and said close to Juan's face, "You're not fooling anyone, least of all me. I know you love this. You love to let a stranger fuck you for money".

The man pushed in and stopped. "Stop pretending. You're a whore and you love it." He stayed still waiting for a reaction from Juan.

It was quiet for a while. Finally, Juan whispered, "Yes... yes, I love it. Fuck me, please..."

The man smiled and started to thrust his hips against the upturned butt, drilling the exposed hole to his pleasure. "Yeah. Don't lie to yourself."

Scott was amazed how great it was to hammer this handsome slutty jock. Juan was relishing this moment and didn't want it to end. "Oh, yeah give me this hole!" Scott groaned and then dumped his load inside Juan. "Argh!"

He lowered his body onto Juan's chest, kissed him. "This is you. Taking a load from a man whose name you don't even know." He then rolled over to his back and pulled Juan's head to his crotch. Juan licked the cock clean.

"You can leave now", Scott said as he went to take a shower.

Juan walked naked down the stairs and quickly pulled his clothes on. He left the house and found Demario in the car on the road outside.

"That was quick", said Demario and looked at the watch. "30 minutes. Wasn't he happy with you?"

"He was pleased", Juan said while looking down to the floor with embarrassment.

"Good. We have another man to visit", Demario said as he started the car and drove off.

"Noo... must I?" Juan asked sheepishly.

"What a dumb question!" laughed Demario.

They drove further out of town and ended up at a large and luxurious country residence. There were stables with horses. Juan wondered if he hadn't been here some years before, at some grand party for the fashion industry. He thought he recognized the house and its surroundings.

Inside, too, Juan felt somehow familiar. The great drawing room, the antique furniture. But when the host appeared and warmly greeted Demario, Juan did not recognize him.

"And you brought me the sugar baby I so badly want", the man said and smiled at Juan.

"You can have him, but only for an hour, as Mr. West said."

The man put a hand on Juan's crotch and squeezed playfully.

But Juan felt more molested by the words spoken than by the groping.

"I know, I know", the man said as he grabbed Juan's arm and pulled him with him toward a door. They ended up in a library with the walls covered with old books. The man sat down and told Juan. "Remove your clothes."

Juan did. He stood up naked. "Come here", the man said. When Juan did, the man put both his hands on Juan's naked skin. He caressed him tenderly, and Juan felt how his cock responded. It was humiliating, but the man's caressing hands on his body turned Juan on.

"Good." The man moved his hand close to Juan's cock but didn't touch it. Over and between Juan's thigh, his waist and the denuded area where his pubic hair once was.

"Turn around and bend over. Spread your cheeks for me", he said as he slapped Juan's hard cock with an open hand .

Juan did even if he felt humiliated. The man put a finger on Juan's sphincter and moved it around. "It looks even better in reality then on film", he said.

Nothing was private for Juan anymore, not even his hole. The man saw that the whore recently must have been fucked, but it didn't bother him. "Go to the table and bend over it and spread your legs." ** Soon Juan felt a hard cock move over his hole. The man pushed it home. It sank in easily. The man started to fuck, first slowly but soon faster and harder. He slammed his crotch against Juan's bum. When he was close, he stopped. He leaned forward, over Juan's back. And whispered, "If you get tired of West, I'm ready to take care of you."

He moved again. "You're so damn handsome!" He sped up and shot his load into Juan.

When he had pulled out, he sat down on a chair at the table. Juan looked at him, to see if he wanted him to clean him. He did. Juan got down on his knees between the man's legs and licked the cock clean.

The man dressed, as did Juan. They walked back to the drawing room, where Demario was drinking a cup of coffee. The two men talked for a moment and the man hand over an envelope. Then Demario led Juan back to the car.

"No clothes", Demario smiled before he started the car. Juan pulled off the few things he had on. To be naked in a car was routine for Juan nowadays.

On the way back, Demario pulled off the highway and drove onto a dirt road. He stopped close to a grove of trees and bushes. "Get out, put your hands on the car and spread your legs."

While Juan stood as he was told, he saw Demario undress. Juan had hoped this very thing would happen. Unlike the two men who just had fucked him, Demario was a young with muscular arms and legs and well-defined abs. Juan's cock quickly become hard and his ass was wet (by other men's semen). He put his ass out a bit more when Demario stepped close.

"Are you offering me this pussy?", Demario smiled standing behind Juan and grabbed his ass cheeks.

"Y... Yes... I do..." Juan was ashamed over his eagerness to be fucked.

"I told Mr. West I would drive you if I could fuck you on the way back. He agreed. He told me you needed more cock to realize what you are", Demario said as he pushed his black cock against its target.

"Tell me!" Demario demanded.

"Fuck me. Please", Juan said without any hesitation.

He was rewarded by being penetrated by a hard cock. They both groaned in delight. Demario fucked the jock with slow but demanding strokes while his hands moved over Juan's body. Over his back, shoulders and around to the front.

"I would fuck you every day if I could", he said in Juan's ear.

Demario moved his hand down to Juan's cock. It was hard. Demario loved to see submissive boys in chastity device. It made them more eager to offer their pussies, he thought.

"I will tell Mr. West I think you look even better when this clit is locked up. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on serving other men's cocks with this hole?", Demario teased the jock as he kept a firm grip on Juan's cock while fucking him.

"It feels so good when you have it in your hand", Juan responded, not wanting the cruel device on again.

"What are you willing to give me in exchange for not asking Mr. West about the device?"

Juan didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

Demario pushed his cock deep and stopped. He continued to fondle with Juan's cock as he said, "I'm a personal trainer for a neighbor of West's mansion. When I text you to sneak out in the garden, you will do it and let me fuck you."


"Mr. West doesn't have to know. One cock more or less doesn't matter", Demario said.

"I can't do that to him", Juan said as Demario let his cock go and started to fuck him again.

"It's cool, just a suggestion", Demario said. "I just want to fuck you more often", he said and dropped the subject.

Juan didn't know if Demario really wanted him so badly that he was prepared to go behind the back of Mr. West or if it was some kind of test.

Demario held a firm grip on Juan's waist as he sped up and got his release. "Shit! Fuck! Argh!"

He held Juan on his cock for a long time, then pushed him down so he could lick his crotch clean.

Then they drove home, Juan looked for his clothes, but they were gone. He didn't want to ask. When they arrived at the mansion Juan walked in naked while Demario drove away.

The experience of being sold by the hour for sex was beginning to have an impact on Juan's self-perception. It even further divided his view of himself and who he was. For more than ten years he had been the successful and appreciated model in the fashion world with high status. Now he was not only called a whore and bitch, but also actually used as one. He was falling to the rock bottom in terms of status.

Why had he agreed to it? Why hadn't he protested? He had to admit the truth: It was exciting and made him aroused in a new way. To offer his ass pussy for money was deeply demeaning, outrageous and, simply wrong. But something in his mind wanted this. It made him horny as hell.

Mr. West used the uncertainty and confusion he saw in Juan to take him deeper into the world of submission.

Some days later they celebrated a big new contract for the agency. Both Mr. West and Juan was dressed in top-notch suits and went to a famous restaurant. Mr. West told Juan he had been instrumental in achieving this. Everyone was happy. Even if Demario was a bit cold, Juan thought.

But at the dessert, the man got a text on his phone. He looked at Juan. "I have received an offer I can't refuse. Go to the staff changing room at the back and undress. A man wants to use you."

Mr. West said it as if was perfectly normal. Juan felt cheap and exploited. He slowly stood up and walked to the back of the establishment. But he felt somehow violated when he had to abandon the party to perform sex. Juan did find the staff changing room with lockers with a bench in the middle.

Once again, with turmoil in his head, Juan undressed. He wanted to be fucked, but not this way. But he couldn't deny his cock was getting hard and ready for an intimate encounter.

The door opened and a stranger walked in. Juan didn't look at him. He was ashamed over how easy he let himself being used and looked down to the floor. The man walked around Juan and felt parts of his body. The hairless crotch, abs and chest appealed to him.

The man eventually stood behind Juan as he opened his pants and pulled them down to his knees. A hand on Juan's neck pushed him over. A hard anonymous cock soon pressed against the jock's hole.

Juan thought at that moment was, "how easy I give in". He had just followed Mr. West's order and walked into a room where a stranger was going to fuck him. Juan felt the cock press against his rosebud and then spear into him with force. Juan let out a gasp of pain and pleasure while he was skewered on the length of a hard dick.

The delight to have a big cock in him made Juan change his mind. This was just right. This was what he had wanted. The strangers' hand came around and grabbed hold of Juan's cock. The hand began to masturbate and quickly get it hard. Juan was grateful. The man didn't have to do that. He could have ignored Juan's well-being. Juan was a whore, after all.

The man was taking Juan closer and closer when he both fucked him and manipulated his cock. Juan finally came, shooting a hot stream of cum onto the floor. The orgasm made Juan's muscles clamp down on the man's cock, and soon he could feel the man cumming as well. They both were groaning and panting.

Then he withdrew, pulled his pants up and gave Juan's butt a playful slap before leaving the dressing room. Juan stood there. It had happened so quickly. And now his ass had been fucked and semen was running down his legs.

Back at the mansion later that night, Mr. West asked how the evening was. Juan told him, "fine", and felt like a defiant teenager. He showed a passive-aggressive attitude. He didn't know why, but he regretted it.

Mr. West wasn't going to accept that kind of behavior. He grabbed Juan's arm and pulled him to the basement. "Strip."

The man led him to a pommel horse Juan hadn't seen before. "Lean over", Mr. West said.

When Juan did, the man tied his wrists to it, and on the opposite side his ankle was also tied to it. Juan's butt was exposed, and he couldn't move.

"I will not tolerate that kind of outburst. To show respect for real men is crucial if you want to be my boy. I will punish you with ten strikes with this wooden paddle."

Juan had to lift his head up to see it. "I'm sorry", he said in an attempt to evade the punishment.

Mr. West didn't answer as he walked to the other side of the pommel horse and let the paddle softly move over Juan's back down to the tight bubble buttocks.

"You haven't come to terms with me selling your body for sex, which make you a whore. But you must accept it to do the act, be fucked. Why? Because you were born to be a whore for hard dicks."

Smack! The paddle strike Juan's butt cheeks hard and unexpectedly for Juan. "AWW!"

"You are confused and scared over finding out what you truly are: A lost soul in need of guidance and direction."

Smack!! An even harder hit with the paddle against Juan's skin. "AWW!"

"I only bring out your true nature. What you are, deep down in your soul."


"You not only want to be fucked by strong men. You need it."


"To get close to hard cocks is what you live for. They own you."


"You want to offer your body to men who knew how to use it."


"You want to spread those butt cheeks and take any cock. There is no difference if it is a man invited by me or a man buying you as a whore for an hour."


Juan cried and shed tears as Mr. West got around the pommel horse from Juan's bound ass to his upper body. He squatted and put a hand under Juan's chin to lift his head up.

"Do I own you?"

The man wanted Juan to recognize the situation he had put himself into.

Juan swallowed and then slowly nodded. He couldn't say no, he wanted to please his man even if he was tough. In a strange way the harsh treatment was the way Juan got the attention he had longed for all these years.

"If I want to give you five more strikes with the paddle over your beautiful buttocks, what do you say?"

Again, Juan slowly nodded while sniveling.

"I want you to count the strikes out loud", Mr. West said before he got into position behind the bound body with perfect butt cheeks exposed.


It took a few seconds, but then Juan said "one".



The humiliation of having to count the hits aloud was greater than Juan could have imagine. It was as if he wanted it, as if he invited the blows.

After the fifth stroke Juan was in pain. Mr. West had hit him hard. The ass was red.

Mr. West again squatted close to Juan's head. "Look up at me", he said. It was exhausting but Juan lifted his head as much as he could while his body was tied to the pommel horse and his eyes were tear filled.

The man put his hand on Juan's neck and cheek and slowly caressed it. "You don't want independence. I will free you from responsibility. But then you must obey. And when you are out of line, punishment will follow."

Juan swallowed. He didn't know how to react. He was bound to the pommel horse and his ass was hurting after being hit. This should have been the straw that broke the camel's back and make him break up with Mr. West. Juan was shocked, but strangely enough, not certain he wanted to leave. He was indecisive and wavering. Wasn't he right? Mr. West.

The man walked away, and left Juan bound. He wanted Juan to contemplate his situation. If he got cold feet, he wouldn't take him further. But Mr. West was certain. Juan was a submissive boy who needed guidance and loved kinky sex.

After what felt like an eternity, the man returned to Juan. He moved his hand over Juan's sensitive butt cheeks. Juan's body jerked.

Then Mr. West squatted beside Juan. He wasn't going to console or excuse what happened. On the contrary, press on. Juan should understand this would be his life from now on, if he didn't leave.

"I have a good offer from a john who want to buy you for an hour. His requirement is that you have a butt-plug up your ass when you arrive to his hotel room."

Mr. West show Juan a butt-plug. It is of black rubber and with a rather big globe.

"I will put it in place when I take you to him. Do you have anything to say?"

Juan was slow to react, but he shook his head, no.

The man got behind Juan and after he had lubricated the globe, he pushed it against the sphincter. At first Juan was tense, but he knew he had to relax. When he managed to do it, Mr. West felt how the globe went further and finally popped into the jock's body. The only thing visible was the handle in the form of a round plate.

Juan was filled, but it wasn't a cock. He had never experienced something like this before. The man caressed the jock's body, showing affection and satisfaction. Juan could take the plug. Then it was pulled out. "This was a test drive", Mr. West said as he released Juan from the pommel horse. Then removed the ball-gag.

Back in the guest room Juan got a text message from Demario: "Be in the northwest corner of the garden tomorrow at 10AM." This wasn't right. He shouldn't go behind Mr. West's back. But he wanted Demario's cock and to feel his strong body.

Juan snuck out during his work out. He was naked but the garden was secluded and out of sight from the road. Demario waited behind some bushes. He kissed Juan then turned him around and pushed his cock inside. "Ah, I've waited for this. I love your white pussy", he said to Juan's ear as he started to fuck him.

"How did you do this?" Juan asked while he managed to keep his balance despite the rough pushes Demario made.

"Mr. West alone should not be allowed to control you on his own", Demario said putting his arms around Juan's chest from behind while moving his cock back and forth.

Juan loved the passion Demario showed. And he was even more pleased when Demario moved one hand down to his hard cock and began to wank it.

"I'm not allowed to-"

"Shhhh!" Demario interrupted Juan. "When you're with me, I decide".

Demario pushed deep and stopped. He let one hand move over Juan's chest and stomach while he jerked him off with his other hand. "I want to feel your orgasm", he said to Juan's ear.

It was electrifying intensity between the two of them. Juan was soon there. His cock exploded in a series of loads landing on the lawn. Demario felt how Juan's body jerked and his ass clinched around his cock. Demario started to fuck again. This eruption made him hot. And it didn't get less so when he moved his hand up to Juan's lips and he licked the jizz off it.

Demario speeded up holding Juan's waist hard. He owned this man pussy. And finally filled Juan with his load. "Argh!"

He panted, pulled Juan's upper body close to his chest with his cock deep in him. "I want to do this again. When I contact you with some bull shit words, it means that you should go to this corner of the garden within an hour.

Then he pulled out and pushed Juan down to make him lick his cock clean. "Now, go back", Demario said as he pulled his pants up.

It was mind-boggling for Juan when he thought about what had happen. He didn't have one but two masters. One with all the resources, industry contacts and power. And one with physical strength and a sexy body.

The next day Mr. West walked in when Juan showered. After drying himself, Mr. West said "bend over and spread your ass cheeks". He slowly pushed the butt-plug against the hole. It was uncomfortable for Juan. He knew he would be sold as a whore again.

"Relax. You know you can take it", Mr. West said as he caressed the butt. Slowly Juan took more and more of the black thing and finally it plopped into his pussy.

The man slapped Juan's butt hard. "Good boy. Stand up!" He handled Juan the pink crop-top with the word BITCH in front. Juan looked at the man with pleading eyes, but then pulled it on. Then he got the tight shorts and sneakers.

"You will please a horny man. Enjoy it", the man said as they drove to the city. Soon Juan knocked on a hotel door. The stranger didn't say anything as he opened the door wider to let Juan in.

"Strip and get on your hands and knees on the bed", the man said as if it was nothing.

The man inspected the butt-plug. He pulled it halfway out before letting it sink into the body again.

"Now stand up here on the towel." The man got in front of Juan with a bottle with something he poured in his hand. Then he began massage it into Juan's chest. It was some kind of oil.

The man was skillful, and the intimacy made Juan's cock hard.

"I've wanted to do this since I first saw you in a commercial for some perfume for men. I didn't think it would happen until I saw your film were you jerked off. Then I guessed that you possibly could be bought for money."

The man grabbed Juan's hard cock and slowly wanked it.

"I've bargained with West for some time. He doesn't give you away easily."

The man was old and was probably not able to fuck him, Juan thought as the man was fondling his ball sack as he skillfully wanked his cock. When Juan was close, the man said "catch it in your hand".

The man pointed Juan's dick to his hand when Juan tightened up, jerked and unloaded his seed into his hand. "Argh!"

It was a nice orgasm, despite he was milked like a cow. Perhaps the butt-plug made him aroused.

"Lick your hand", the man said. Juan did.

Juan felt satisfied as the man led him to the bathroom to take a shower. The old man looked on.

"It was worth the money", the man said as Juan pulled his scarce clothes on. It was meant as praise but it only reminded Juan that he was a whore.

Men in suits looked at Juan as he took the elevator to the reception.

To his relief Mr. West was waiting. They walked down to the garage under the hotel, but not to Mr. West's car but to another SUV. "Here he is", Mr. West said to the driver.

"Put him in the back seat", the driver said. Mr. West opened the car door and slapped Juan's butt. With uncertain steps Juan got in and sat down. Mr. West walked up to the man who through the car window handed him an envelope. Then Mr. West walked away.

As the driver started the car he turned his head to Juan, "Strip". The windows were tinted, which was a relief for Juan as he pulled his clothes of for the second time in an hour. The man drove to a secluded parking lot in the middle of nowhere. He turned the engine of and moved to the backseat.

The man smiled as he looked at the naked jock. He then pinched Juan's nipples and pulled his ball sack down. Juan didn't recognize the man. He was perhaps in his late 40s and not remarkable in any way, other in his eagerness to use Juan.

He turned Juan around and bent him over. "Yeah. I heard you've begun to wear a butt-plug", the man said as he began to pull it out. Juan felt how his ring-muscle stretched wide.

The man opened his pants and with the force an eager man is full off, penetrated Juan. "Oh, yeah!" He began to fuck him hard. "I love whores that can take it raw", he moaned as he hammered the exposed man pussy.

Juan was reduced to a hole. And he knew it.

End part 13

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Next: Chapter 14

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