A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Jun 11, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Commitment

Juan went to his flat and fetched clothes and stuff he would need as he stayed in the mansion. He carried the boxes up to the guest room.

That evening he had dinner with the man, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. Mr. West wanted to rip it off him, but he let it pass - for now. They talked about fashion, their common interest and work. At night Juan was told to go to the guest room, not the man's bedroom.

It was exciting to stay in a mansion like this, with people around, rather than being in the apartment alone. Juan appreciated this opportunity.

The following weeks, Mr. West invited various guests to dinner or cocktail parties. Juan was also invited. He greeted many of those he had met in other contexts, i.e. those he had sucked off or who had fucked him. But no hints were made about it. Juan had his own clothes and he kept them on every evening. It was small talk of the usual kind, chats Juan was used to having at the many events he attended as an appreciated fashion model.

During the days, Juan worked out in the basement but no men arrived. Mr. West showed up but otherwise it was quiet. Only Juan's groaning while exercising and his handling of the equipment was heard.

Mr. West would let it be this way until Juan asked about it.

After a few days traveling for a gig, Juan was back. Everything was calm. When Mr. West come down the stairs, Juan asked as he lifted some weights: "So you don't invite your friends anymore?"

That was the signal Mr. West waited for. He wanted Juan to confirm his willingness to go on. And on his own initiative.

Mr. West slowly walked up to him and caressingly put a hand on his shoulder and back of his neck, looking him in his eyes. "Do you want it?"

"Ehm... I... It's a bit lonely here..." Juan didn't want to say it out load.

"But you know what is expected of you if I invite my friends?"

"I... ehm... know..."

"Then, sure. I will come up with something." Mr. West slapped Juan's back playfully and walked away.

To his surprise, Mr. West heard Juan say, "Thanks."

The jock was really horny and wanted intimacy. Mr. West was going to take advantage of it.

The next day two men appeared in the basement while Juan was running the treadmill. He recognized them. Two of the roughest and strictest friends of Mr. West, the always intimidating Anthony and Brian.

They smiled as they walked up to him. Juan stopped. "No, complete your schedule. We are waiting."

As Juan continued to run the two men slowly undressed while talking. Soon they were as naked as Juan. They stood beside the machine and looked on as Juan was running. They saw how Juan's cock got semi-hard, and moved from side to side as the cock and balls hit the thighs as Juan ran on the treadmill.

Juan was surprised at how horny and excited he became as those two demanding men stared shamelessly at his body while he was training. Not before long Juan's cock was hard pointing up to the ceiling. He became ashamed over how obvious it was that he wanted to have sex.

When the exercise was over, Juan was out of breath and sweat was running down his forehead, neck and chest.

"Are you happy to see us?", Anthony asked as Brian put a hand on the back of Juan's neck smiling.

"Yes... yes I am...", Juan said looking down at the floor knowing they saw his rock-hard cock.

"You know that we want to fuck your holes like a bitch, but you want it. Right?" Brian said while his grip on Juan's neck tightened.

Juan nodded, while his gaze still was shamefacedly directed downwards. Juan was excited and wanted to make them happy, although he even now felt ashamed of his feelings.

"Show us how eager you are to get close to our cocks. Show your respect."

Juan wasn't sure what he meant.

"Kiss our feet and thank us for stopping by."

With a mixture of sheepishness and readiness, Juan got down on his knees, put his hands on the floor and lowered his head down to kissed Brians feet.

"And..." Anthony said and Juan crawled over to him and kissed his feet.

"Now crawl to the shower." As Juan did, the two men walked behind him. It was some distance to the shower and no one could fail to realize how humiliating this was. Juan wanted to stand up, but knew it would be bad.

They all three showered and they were wasteful with the soap. Juan had first fingers and then hard cocks poking at his pussy. They grabbed Juan and turned him to the wall, pushing his upper-body down a bit. Two strong hands grabbed his waist and Juan then felt a soaped cock penetrate him. He groaned. It was so long ago. And such a great feeling.

"He needs it", laughed the men. The cock was withdrawn way to early. But a second cock quickly took its place. They took turns with short thrusts.

Then they rinsed off and dried themselves.

Anthony moved a hand over Juan's shaved pubic hair. "I think he has done sloppy work here. We need to clean this body before we continue, don't you think?" Anthony asked Brian as if Juan didn't have a say in this matter.

"Yeah. I see shaving equipment over there", Brian said as he fetched it.

"Lay down on the bench", Anthony said. They put foam over Juan's crotch above the hard cock and used a straight razor to remove the stubble. They also clean his crack and armpit.

It was strange for Juan to be treated like an object. They didn't talk to him, only between each other.

Only when they were finished, Anthony said to him, "Grab the bar" and pointed to one. It was high up and Juan could only reach it by standing on his toes. "With both hands". Brian got behind Juan as Anthony said, "Lift your legs up on my shoulders".

Juan had never done something like this, or even seen it been done. Anthony moved forward and his cock found Juan's hole and pushed in. Juan would have swung backward if not for Brian stopping his body from moving.

Anthony's face was close to Juan's. "Tell me", he demanded.

"Please, fuck me", Juan said and it have never been truer then now.

Anthony fucked slowly, as he smiled and looked Juan in his eyes. "This is your goal in life, from now on. Your only purpose. This is what you live for." He then fucked hard, before he slowly pulled out.

Juan's arms were exhausted and he was happy they carried him to a bench.

"On your knees. And spread those cheeks and show us your pussy", Brian said. When Juan complied, Brian quickly pushed his cock home. Juan was close to falling forward, but Anthony was in the right position to support Juan's upper body while his ass was hammered hard.

Anthony pushed Juan's head down to his cock and Juan put his lips around it and sucked the cock while his body moved in step with Brian's thrusts.

"I want him on his back on a bed", Brian said.

"Let's go up to the guest room where he lives now", Anthony suggested.

"Does he?" Brian sounded surprised as he gave Juan's butt a hard slap. "Living in a mansion? Isn't that almost too good for you?"

The men put their boxers on and took their clothes with them while Juan stayed naked when they went up the stairs.

In the guest room, Brian said, "on your back", as he pulled his boxers off. He climbed on the bed and lifted Juan's legs up and pushed them down, double-folding Juan. "Beg!" he smiled as he looked down on Juan.

"Please... fuck me", Juan wanted it badly. Brian answered by penetrate the exposed hole. He fucked hard.

Anthony climbed on the bed close to Juan's head. He slapped his cock against the forehead. Juan turned his head up and offered his mouth. And quickly got a hard cock in it. He sucked the best he could as Brian hammered hard enough to move Juan's body.

When Anthony moved and laid down beside Juan, Brian withdrew. "Sit on my dick", Anthony said.

Juan climbed up and put a knee at each side of Anthony, facing him and lowered his buttocks. Juan grabbed Anthony's cock and guided it to his hole and sank down on it. They both moaned.

Juan raised himself and then sank down on the pole. "Yeah. Ride it", Anthony said as he moved his hands up over Juan's abs and chest. Juan did, again and again until his legs got tiered.

"Now sit down on it and stay", Anthony said as he pulled Juan's upper body down on his chest. Juan felt how Brian got close to his back. He understood what was going on and said, "Nooo... I'm not used to it!"

"No, but we will spend all time needed grooming your hole until it will take two cocks inside at the same time", Anthony said as he took Juan's head between his hands and looked him in his eyes. "This is going to happen. Let it be done. Relax. Let us in." Juan saw he meant it.

From behind, Brian said, "Relax" while he slowly moved a hand over Juan's lower back.

Juan felt how the pressure against his ring-muscle increased. He tried to relax. The pressure continued. It got worse and worse.

Anthony grabbed Juan's neck and pushed his head down and kissed him. "Relax. Give your body to us. You have no say. Brian and I will have our cocks inside you at the same time. Accept it. Yield. Let us own your pussy."

Brian relieved the pressure for a moment, then pushed again. This time he didn't stop. He slowly increased the pressure. Juan felt pain as his ring-muscle caved in, widened and let the second cock forced itself into the love channel. "AAAAAwww!"

"Good boy. Relax. We will take what we want. Give it to us!" Brian said to Juan's ear. He held still, for a moment.

Brian wanted to continued his pressure to get more of his cock into the gorgeous fashion model. But it was important to not go too fast.

Juan had never felt such pain during sex. Only at the dentist.

Anthony kissed Juan. "We want this sexy body of yours. Let us have it. Don't fight it. Give in. Accept it."

Those dirty words worked on Juan. He relaxed and Brian felt how his cock was allowed to go deeper.

"That's it. I'm in. We own him. This hot pussy is ours", Brian groaned as he began to slowly pull out a bit before he pushed in again.

Juan had never felt so full, so crammed. The agony was still there but more as dull pain while other feelings was growing in his mind: satisfaction that he was able to take it, pride in achieving what was required of him. It was crazy, but he was happy to have been able to deliver what they wanted, a man pussy taking two cocks.

Slowly the two alpha males began to move their cocks, zig-zagging them while moving back and forth in the narrow hole.

"Damn! So fucking nice!" Brian groaned.

"Yeah, fucking awesome", Anthony moaned as he again kissed Juan's mouth with a hard grip on the back of his neck.

Juan started to worry that his intestine never would recover.

When Juan relaxed, he become more aware of being between two strong bodies, offering them pleasure. It made his cock swell again, after softening due to the pain was sharp.

When Anthony felt Juan was hot again, he said, "Time to switch". Brian pulled out and lifted Juan up off Anthony. Brian laid down on his back pulling Juan on top of him. Juan grabbed Brian's cock and lowered his body on to it. Anthony took position behind him and slowly pressed his cock against the already filled boy pussy.

It took a moment but then the cock head stretched the ring-muscle enough to make way for a second cock again.

This time Juan felt pain but not so sharp as the first time. The two cocks began to move. They used the stuffed hole. They fucked it slowly as they groaned in pleasure.

For Juan it became more and more pleasant. It was a good feeling to be jam-packed with cocks. The two men caressed Juan's body while they fucked it. The intimacy couldn't be more intense. Anthony kissed Juan' neck and Brian pinched his nipples. When the two men began to speed up, Juan felt himself getting closer and closer to orgasm.

He couldn't stop it. The friction between the three bodies was immense. Juan erupted, jerked violently and smeared both Brians and his own stomach with his semen. "Argh!"

Juan's orgasm took the two men over the top and they filled the pussy with their loads. "Argh!"

All three panted. Then they began laughing. "Bloody hell!"

Anthony withdrew from Juan, "What a firework that was!"

Brian pushed Juan to the side and he slipped off the hard pole.

Juan was exhausted. But Anthony slapped his butt to get his attention. "After-treatment", he said and pointed to his cock.

"Me first", Brian said and grabbed Juan's neck when he had begun to turn. Juan licked Brian's crotch and then Anthony. Then they dressed and left, saying "Good work".

Juan took a shower and carefully inspected his ring-muscle with his fingers. It hurt. Back in bed in the guest room he tried to sleep. He was surprised at how good it felt to be double-dicked. Massive pain in the beginning, yes, but everything else was unbelievingly good.

Next day he had a gig out of town and checked into a hotel. After a long day at work with many directives and injunctions from the photographer and executives he took a long shower and used the hotels bathrobe.

Juan poured a drink from the minibar in the hotel room. Then another.

Then someone knocked on the door.

What? Juan barely opened the door, just to see who it was. Two big black guys smiled and said "Hi". Before Juan knew it, they had pushed him and themselves into the hotel room and shut the door.

"Get out!" Juan said angrily. But they were much bigger than him.

"Relax. We come with West's blessings."


One of them had a whisky bottle. "Let's have a drink, pretty boy!"

"I'm so tired. Why are you here?" Juan asked even if he suspected what it was.

"That man, West, is great. He is a big supporter of our baseball team at the university", one of them said as the other had grabbed two plastic cups in the bathroom and poured whisky in them.

"He bet that we could not win the match yesterday with the top team. If we did, he promised me a reward and asked what I wanted. And I told him my friend Demario had met a handsome white photo model in his basement."

Juan sighed. He knew where this was going.

"And West told me I could have you, if we won. And we did. West told me to go to this hotel room at this time. I told him I wanted to take my pal with me, and he said it was okay."

"I'm tired. Can't we do this another day?" Juan tried.

The guy shook his head no. "I'm hot and haven't had a white boy in a long time. The same with my friend."

The friend handed Juan a refilled glass, "drink and relax", he smiled.

Juan drank it in one go. "West said you have to workout that pussy today even if you don't have a gym to go to."

"Whaaat...?" Juan slurred.

The two black guys undressed. They were younger than Juan, and when he saw the two big and semi-hard black cocks, he wasn't that skeptical anymore. He tried to get his head down to suck the closest one. The guys laughed as they pulled the bathrobe off Juan. His cock was rock-hard.

They pushed Juan down to his knees. He willingly sucked them hard and made them wet with saliva before they lifted Juan up and bent him over the side of the couch. The first guy spread Juan's cheeks and spat at the hole before he put his cock to it and eagerly pushed in.

"Shit! Shit!! This pussy is hot!" He started to fuck, first slowly but soon with power.

"Let me have a go!" the other guy demanded. One black cock was replaced by another.

Juan was too tired to protest. And it felt good. He wanted to feel those virile guys using him. They had strength, energy, and a strong sex drive. Juan even moved his hands back and spread his butt cheek to give them better access.

"Shit! This slut love to be drilled", the guy who fucked Juan said. "Let me have him", the other guy said and pushed the first guy away and pierced the willing Latino pussy.

Suddenly they lifted Juan and throw him to the bed on his back, with his head over the edge. One guy pushed his cock into his mouth while the other got up on the bed. He lifted and spread Juan's legs and his cock soon find the bullseye and let the photo model's body surround his cock.

Two cocks were fucking Juan. He wasn't completely present, but knew he was used by two young, big guys. He let them feast on his body.

Juan coughed and phlegm flow from his mouth as the big black cock started to fuck his throat deep without any regard for Juan's comfort.

"Wow, this is like a pussy too!", the guy pounding Juan's throat said.

"Yeah, it's because he is drunk and relaxed", smiled the guy fucking Juan's ass. "Let me try it."

They switched positions several times before the first guy said, "I can't hold it back any longer" and sped up in Juan's ass and filled him with spunk. "Argh!"

"Turn him", the other guy said. Juan went from his back to his stomach as a black guy laid down on top of him. He moved his pelvis until his hard rod found the ass and easily pushed inside. Then he fucked with powerful thrusts.

"Shit!" he groaned. "This is the best pussy I ever had."

"Better than the chicks?" the other guy teased him.

"Shit, yeah! He let me pound him without complain. With chicks you have to go easy and slow."

The guy sped up, pounding hard until he cum. "Argh!"

Juan was laying on his stomach as his head was spinning. He only registered that they were happy and that was enough for him.

"Was he as good as Demario told you?"

"Yeah. I will ask West if we can have him again".

The guy's got dressed, slapped Juan's ass before they left.

When Juan woke up the next morning, he had a bad hangover. And he was sore both in his throat and his ass.

When the door to the hotel room was opened, Juan said "No cleaning yet!" He was exhausted and wanted to stay in bed.

"That's not a problem. But you must eat breakfast and drink water to get over last night's partying!"

Juan turned his head and saw Mr. West.

"Sorry, sir", Juan said as the man put a tray beside the bed with breakfast. Then he sat down on the bed beside Juan. He let a hand caress his chest and stomach. Then he pulled the cover off completely and looked at the naked boy, drained of energy.

The man took a piece of fruit from the tray and put it to Juan's lips. He opened his mouth and ate it. The man repeated it several times. It could have been a sign of affection or even love, but Juan understood it even more was a demonstration of his inferiority. He was fed like a pet.

"Now, take a shower. Then we have to leave", the man said when Juan had eaten the breakfast and drank the coffee.

After the shower Juan noticed that his t-shirt was replaced by a crop-top. Juan lifted it up and it was not only pink but also had the letter BITCH on its front.

"I can't wear this!"

Mr. West looked at Juan with a piercing stare. But he stayed silent.



"But think if someone takes a photo of me and it ends up in social media..." Juan tried.

"I think it would increase your market value" Mr. West said calmly.


"You are 28 and this make you look younger", the man said and handed Juan the worn-out shorts.

It was a powerful blow to Juan's self-perception. Age is a photo model's worst enemy. It always crushes the career in the end.

Once again defeated, Juan put the crop-top and the too small shorts on. Barefoot.

He was deeply embarrassed as they walked through the reception and lobby in the exclusive hotel. He quickly jumped into Mr. West's SUV. But the relief was short lived. As the man started the car, he said "strip".

Juan looked at him, then he pulled the crop-top and shorts of and handed them to him. Mr. West throw them to the back seat. Juan was sitting naked in the car in the middle of a town as they drove back to their city and the mansion.

"You did good yesterday", the man said. "You can create pleasure for many in pictures as a photo model, but you also satisfied desires of the flesh."

Juan sighed and become downhearted when he was reminded of what he had done. It was a sign that his mind did not accept his new life. Mr. West noted that he had to change that, break him in a way that made him not only understand and accept but also needed to be what he was on his way to becoming.

The next morning, Mr. West showed up in a tracksuit. "I think you should run outside in the nature and not only on the treadmill. Get dressed. Come on!" The man throws the crop-top and shorts from yesterday to him.

Juan pulled the BITCH-sign over his upper body without protesting. With shorts and sneakers on they left the mansion and jogged out of the village through a wooded area. Mr. West left the wide path and jogged onto an almost invisible path between bushes, trees and rocks.

A clearing of grass opened up between the trees. Four men were waiting. Juan recognizes three of them. They had laid out a blanket on the grass. Juan sensed what was going on.

"Strip", Mr. West ordered.

To undress outdoors made Juan feeling more insecure and inferior, but he pulled the t-shirt off. Mr. West put out a hand and Juan gave it to him. Then Juan took off his sneakers. Mr. West wanted them.

He then slowly pulled the shorts down. Mr. West got them.

Juan was nude under the blue sky in a forest. He looked at Mr. West.

"Go down on your knees and give them your mouth", he said.

One by one the men went up to Juan and pulled their cock out of their shorts. As Juan licked and suck one cock, the three other men waited a bit away having a hand on their crotch.

They all shot their loads into Juan's mouth with a groan. "Argh!"

One by one they left when they got what they wanted, and thanked Mr. West before jogging away.

As Mr. West handed Juan his clothes back, he said, "I don't want to have men on short visits at the mansion. From now on you will jog a distance of five kilometers when I tell you. You will stop here and satisfy the men I invited, before running back."

Mr. West slapped Juan's back playfully and begun running before Juan could say something.

The next days no one entered the basement. But while Juan worked out in the basement, he started getting text messages every other day from Mr. West: "jog at 5 p.m".

In the forest Juan would suck of three to six men. They were grateful to have a beautiful guy strip and put his handsome face in their crotches. It became a routine. Juan was used as a cocksucker.

It obviously was humiliating to show up in the forest, strip and giving blowjobs to a mix of strangers and men he recognized.

Soon he noticed that men were talking about his body and how hot it was when he jerked off. They must have seen the film Mr. West did of him. He understood that it had begun to circulate among men who were attracted to a male fashion model in a sexual pose.

One night when he had dinner with Mr. West, Juan asked what happen with the film when he jerked off.

"Why?" Mr. West asked.

"Why...?" Juan didn't understand.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because men have started talking about it while I suck them off in the forest."

"You haven't asked me why you do it in the forest..."

Once again Juan didn't understand.

"You suck strangers off under the blue sky, but you ask about a film..."

Juan was embarrassed. It looked like he loved to suck cocks, but was more interested in a film where only he acted.

Mr. West said as he took another bite with his fork. "The film has become very popular. It is widely shared between horny men."

"But it shows me in a discreditable position..." Juan couldn't believe that this dirty film was out there. It exposed all of his body, his hard cock and his orgasm.

"I deleted the last bit where you took the mask off", Mr. West said as he continued to eat.

"But men know it is me!"

The man put down the fork and looked calmly at Juan.

"You made a commitment when you let me shoot that video. You showed me devotion and put your future in my hands. That's what that video was about. Do you want to retract all that?"

"No... no... I just meant-"

"Good!" Mr. West interrupted Juan. "I'm appreciating your devotion. I count on it."

"Y-y-yes..." Juan didn't know what to say.

"Then strip and crawl under the table and give me a blowjob as the cocksucker you are", the man said and began to eat again.

Juan was dumbstruck. Should he let it pass? Ignore the video which exposed him in worst possible way? He shouldn't do it. His respectability was threatened. But he wanted to live up to the devotion Mr. West expected of him.

Slowly Juan undressed. In shock he crawled under the table and took the man's cock in his mouth.

"Good boy", Mr. West said as he leaned back on the chair and looked down to the cute jock's face and his eager mouth working on his cock.

"Don't worry," the man said as he put a hand on top of Juan's head and pushed it down more on his cock. "Letting your body be seen on a film that exposes your sexual enthusiasm to tens of thousands of horny men only makes you more popular", he said as Juan coughed and choked on the hard cock.

End part 10

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Remember: This is just an essay, a Eurotic fantasy

Next: Chapter 11

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