A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Apr 22, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Connect

Juan was on the top of the world. He travelled to many exciting cities as a fashion model. His modelling agency was prestigious and provided him with new clients who paid well for his exposure in advertising for clothes, sport ware and other products for sale.

He had that masculine Latino body with strong arms, six-pack abs, ripped oblique muscle under olive coloured skin. He had black hair, high cheek bones, prominent eye browsers and full lips. He also had a visible Adam's apple and windpipe. And his smile made him look even sexier.

He was often asked to be shirtless in front of the cameras. He knew women could get knee weak as they saw him, both for his handsome face and his smooth muscular pecs. He had, like many Hispanics broad shoulders and narrow waist.

Only one thing could have been better: his height. He was of normal length but it was an advantage among fashion models, most of the successful men was taller than that. But Juan was successful enough.

He was well-paid with a modern apartment in a sought-after district in the town. But he lived alone. Even though he was 28, he had never been in a serious and long-term relationship.

Though, he was often invited to parties and dinners with powerful, rich and glamorous people. It didn't bother him that he constantly was courted by both women and men who wanted to go to bed with him. He got the most ridiculous and shameful suggestions. Others would be disturbed by this disgraceful attention, but Juan was an exhibitionist and he loved to show himself off and make people wanting him.

The agency's management warned him to be too flirtatious. Someone could become angry if he didn't follow up what they thought he had initiated. The management knew Juan was gay but that he wasn't promiscuous. The agency's security detail had at the beginning of his involvement spied on him to see if he fulfilled the contract demanding a low private profile with a lifestyle that didn't risk his or the agency's reputation. The management knew the risks in the industry if a new, beautiful model become involved in scandals with sexual implications. A scandal would receive wide attention and be bad for the commercial interests. Advertising required faces without controversial context.

It was no problem for Juan. He wasn't interesting in one-night stands. He jerked off while thinking of men who had tried to get his attention recently or looking at porn or reading erotic stories and thereby avoid all the draining personal relationships with guys who always wanted something more than raw sex.

He had wanted to discover and explore the rawer side of the gay scene by himself, but he was discovered as a model when he was only 15 and soon become recognizable to many. He didn't want to get tricked.

Now he was 28 and bored. The sex he had experienced with other men was nothing he wanted to remember. He had been a lonely child and close relationship was difficult.

What has given him the greatest satisfaction in life so far has been working as a photo model. He got the attention he wanted, but at a distance. Until now, that had been enough. But to make random men horny in the locker room or on stage was no longer as satisfying as before.

One day when he had finished a gig for a big client Juan got a phone call from the management. The agency had been bought up by a new owner. They didn't know what it would mean for the company or the models. The new owner, a rich businessman, wanted to celebrate his takeover with a party. Everyone was expected to be present.

Okay, thought Juan. He travelled to the agency headquarters. He had been on thousands of corporate events. Usually, it was to give some glamour to a room full of self-important people. It was boring and the biggest challenge was to keep a good mood and smile at everyone.

The only difference now was that his agency was in new hands. It was somewhat scary. The management had been good to him. They took higher commission on his work then other agencies but did a good job to find him clients who paid well and had exciting or ambitious settings.

When he made his entrance, he wore challenging clothes. A crop top but acted very manly and calmly. Juan loved to show off his sexy abs. And provoke men. He studied their reaction closely. Many showed distaste on the surface, but Juan thought he sometimes saw raw sexual desire in their eyes. It was existing to tease them.

Juan greeted colleagues, other models he knew. To his surprise, many clients were also invited. The number of suits become dominating. Then a man walked up on a small stage and welcomed everyone. Something hit Juan like a flash when the man started to talk.

The man had a commanding presence Juan never experienced before. An authoritative attitude combined with a masculine face and strong body even if he perhaps was in his late 40s. He talked with power and didn't make any excuse for buying the agency and planning to develop the business according to his ambitions.

"Time for the next level", was the words Juan remember. Even if Juan was standing in the crowd of a hundred, it was as if the man was looking straight in his eyes. "I'm known to be a tough son of a bitch, and I will be your slave-driver", he said with a straight voice but then smiled. "But it will pay off. We will succeed together."

Juan felt his heart beating hard. It was ridiculous. How could he react so strong to a gaze from a man far away. He walked over to the serving staff and got a glass of wine. He talked to a woman in the management he had known for many years. "Who is this man?", he asked. But then she took a step back.

Juan turned his head and saw what made her move away. The owner walked up from behind and put his hand over Juan's shoulder. "Hello, young man! I have only heard good words about you, but you dress as if you want to give the new owner the finger."

"I'm so sorry, I-", Juan's legs got weak. He was falling flat for the power and masculinity of this man.

"No, no! Too late for that now", the man smiled and pulled Juan closer with his grip on the back of his neck, on his bare skin. The man was big and strong, almost a head longer than Juan. Then the man whispered to Juan's ear, "I want to take you for dinner tomorrow. A car will pick you up at 7."

Then the man thumped Juan's back as if it was settled even though Juan hadn't given any reply. Then he walked away.

Juan was stunned. And he felt his cock was semi-hard. He looked back and saw the man was talking to some men in suits. Juan sought out the female agency employee again.

"What will this mean? Who is he?"

"He is Theodor West, a businessman mostly in cosmetics. I think that has something to do with him wanting a model agency", she guessed. "His assistant asked for your residential address. I asked why, but she only told me to give it to her."

"Ah, I'm invited to dinner with him tomorrow", Juan said and lifted his eye browsers as to say he wondered what it all was about.

"Be careful, Juan. He is known to be though", the woman said.

Back home, Juan wondered what the man wanted from him. The man had intrigued Juan. No one had made such an impression on him before, and in this raw sexual way. It created a different set of feelings. Juan had always been the one in control, the top. He had preyed on young cute guys in awe of being fucked by a famous photo model.

Now he felt something completely different. He wanted to please this powerful, masculine man. He wanted the man's approval. He wanted the man's big hand on his neck again. He wanted the man to take control. Yes, Juan's cock got hard when he thought of the possibility to be fucked by this Theodor West. Juan had never experienced emotions like this, and now they washed over him.

He read about the ma on the internet. He was indeed a successful businessman in cosmetics. Shamefully rich. He had two children not much younger than himself and was divorced. It had been an ugly dispute. Nothing was known in the gossip magazines about a new woman in his life.

Juan looked forward to meeting him in a private setting. The next evening Juan dressed more conservatively, but still in the latest fashion.

He got a text on his phone: "Be outside in 2 minutes".

A long black limousine stopped in front of him. The door opened and Juan got in. The man was sitting in the backseat.

"Hello Mr. West!" Juan said with a smile as he sat down in the seat with its back turned to the driver area. The man had an aura about him that captivated Juan. He wanted to be close to this man in a way he never felt before.

"If I say you make me so damn hot, what would you do?"

Juan was mesmerised over the blunt message. Usually men where clumsy, nervous or drunk when they hit at him. This man was calm and look Juan in his eyes. His confident, intrusive stare made Juan's dick to grow. The man stirred something inside Juan. He felt a tingling sensation in his body. As the driver pulled out from the sidewalk Juan kneeled down on the floor and put his hands on the man's knees. Juan was scared, but had to take the chance to show he was ready.

The man nodded with a grimace saying, "not bad, go on". He still looked Juan in his eyes as if he could reveal Juan down to his soul.

Juan reached to the man's zipper and pulled it down. He looked up at the man as he put his hand inside and find a semi-hard cock hidden behind underwear.

"Good", the man said as he grabbed Juan's arm and pulled it out of the pants.

"Now we know how our relationship will shape up", he said and pulled the models arm to guide him to sit down beside the man. Juan saw his own cock was hard and made a bulge in his pants.

It was strange for Juan to be the one who followed instructions. The man put a hand on the back of Juan's neck, pulled him close and kissed him. Juan was first passive, and when he began to be active the man sat back. Still holding Juan's neck.

Although Juan was nervous to not be the one in control, he followed the flow. The experience felt surprisingly good. To be controlled by a stronger, more determent and powerful man went against his instincts to always be the one in charge. But a sense of calm come over him. He didn't want to fight for his dignity and protect his masculinity. It was as if the man radiated manhood for them both, Juan couldn't change that. He was the weaker one, and it both frightened Juan and gave him a sensation of peacefulness he never felt before.

The man looked at Juan and understood the intellectual struggle he went through. He moved his hand to grab Juan's chin to turn his face and look him in the eyes.

"Good. You understand the rules", he said. "You're mine from now on."

Juan swallowed hard. His Adam's apple moved. His eyes flickered nervously. He had an idea of what the man meant with those words.

The man then slapped Juan's cheek, playfully but rather hard.

"This dinner is at a conference hotel for one of my competitors. A formal event. They will think you are my footman", he smiled. "You will behave even if you are offended. And don't tell anyone about what you do for a living, other than work for me".

"But-" Juan didn't want to be taken as a...

"Shhh! No need to talk. Just smile and be at my side."

Both men and women looked with curiosity at Juan as they greeted Mr. West. They were all well dressed, older and rich people. Juan loved the attention, and the man seemed to have fun with all the curiosity his attendant created.

After the dinner, Mr. West and Juan got into the limo and it drove away.

"You did good", Mr. West smiled. "They all wanted to see you naked."

Juan had never cared much for praise from others, but now he didn't understand his own reaction. He felt immensely flattered by those words.

"Do you think so?" Juan asked.

"I know so!" Mr. West said and pulled a glass of whiskey from the bar.

"And now I want to see it!" the man said as he looked Juan in his eyes. "Strip!"

Juan was surprised, exalted and scared, all at once. No one had ever been this rude and commanding to him in his adult life. But this man made it sound natural. Juan wanted to please him. Slowly he took of the jacket. He unbuttoned the white shirt. When he took it off and exposed his torso to the man, Juan looked with shy eyes at him.

Mr. West sipped on the whiskey and nodded, as to say, "go on".

Juan opened his pants lifted his ass and pulled both his pants and briefs down below his knees. He sat up, exposing his crotch and his hard cock. He looked at the man again.

"Remove everything", Mr. West said.

Juan could protest. Why should he undress in a car? It was insane. But he felt that he wanted to show the man his smooth, fit model body. He was proud of it. And this man was worthy enough to see it.

He bends down and removed the shoes and pulled the pants and briefs off. Now he was completely naked in a moving limousine.

When Juan looked up, the man handed him a paper bag.

"Put the clothes here", he said.

Juan's heart began to beat faster. If he put his clothes in the bag it would take longer for him to cover his body. He would be more vulnerable. But he wanted to please the man. He did was he was told.

By pure instinct Juan handed the bag back to the man, with his clothes, his wallet and cell phone.

"Thanks", he said and put the bag in a compartment beside the bar, and then closed the door to it with a click. Now Juan couldn't cover his naked body if he had wanted to.

The man wanted to see the young man's reaction when he suddenly was naked and powerless. To his delight, Juan's cock got harder. Despite confusion in his eyes, Juan stayed passive waiting for instructions.

Mr. West said, "stand up on your knees so I can inspect you". As the limo drove out on a highway, Juan swallowed his pride and straightened his body as he was on his knees. He had never felt so naked when the man gazed at him, despite years of modelling with some light and strange clothes or for swimming trunks on catwalks in front of many.

The man sat there and loved the view.

Then the limo turned and stopped. "Ah, we're home", the man said. The driver stepped out and opened the door to the back seat area without saying anything.

"Here", Mr. West throw a white robe on Juan. He quickly put it on. It was small, reach only halfway to his knees. But he had his body covered.

"Get out", the man said. Juan stepped out on his bare feet. The gravel was sharp to stand on. A breeze of cold air hit him. He shivered.

"Come along!" the man said and walked up to a big mansion. Through the great gate and into the warmer indoors. A servant took the coat from the man without looking at Juan.

The man walked into a salon and sat down in a couch. "Come here", he said. Juan got to the couch and sat down. Mr. West put his hand on the back of Juan's neck, pulled him close and kissed him. Juan wanted this. It was as if he was being seen in a different way. Not only as a model but recognized as if he belonged. Juan wanted to please the man and get his praise. Juan had difficulty to understand his feelings.

The man broke the kissing and looked Juan in the eyes. "You know why your here? Because you are offering your body to me", he said and pulled apart the white robe to show the evidence, Juan's hard cock.

"I-", Juan was speechless. He was invited but now ambushed with accusations – that however was true.

"Don't worry. If I didn't want you, you hadn't been here." He smiled and slowly grabbed the left side of the robe to pull it more opened. Juan's chest, stomach and genitals come to view.

To be lightly dressed wasn't something new to Juan but being aroused and his cock exposed was new. And for some reason he wanted the man to see him, wanting him, craving him.

The man smiled. "Good. You are offering yourself. I like that." Then he stood up and walked away, signalling with his hand to Juan to follow. They ended up in a large bedroom. The man pointed to a door. "Take a shower".

Juan did. When he had dried himself with a thick, white towel he walked back. The man was in bed. Juan walked to it and got under the sheets beside the man on his back.

The man but a hand on Juan's shoulder. "You're so damn cute", he said and leaned over, and they kissed again.

"But I have a rule", the man said as he sat back up. "I only fuck slaves. Mine or another Master's."

Juan was shocked. What did that mean?

The man ran his palm slowly over Juan's chest, stomach and thighs. "The reason I brought you here is to tell you this: I want to turn you into a slave. My slave. But you have to wish for it, I will never force you. And requires a long process where you have to earn and qualify to be accepted as my slave."

Juan couldn't believe what he just heard. He swallowed hard. Mr. West smiled because he loved to see the Adam's apple move in the young man's throat. So damn sexy. And a sign of nervousness but not rejection.

"I can see you are upset. Frightened. I expected you to be. But I know you. And what you need. What you have been missing for years. And that is both closeness and dominance. You need to be tamed, put down. And by a man stronger and more powerful than you. What you need is an alpha male to respect, relish and obey."

Mr. West had close attention to the young man's cock. Even if it was untouched it stayed hard.

Juan had never felt so vulnerable and exposed. And protected at the same time. He hugged the man without thinking. And the man put his arms around Juan.

"I want to take care of you. But then you have to learn to be comfortable to let someone else decide. Let a superior man control your life", he whispered into Juan's ear.

The man after a moment, once again took Juan's chin in his hand and looked him in his eyes. "You want to be mine. You adore men stronger and more powerful than yourself. You want to please me and other strong men who yearn after and covets your body."

Juan felt naked in a completely new way. It was as if this man could see into his soul. He wasn't prepared to acknowledge it, he wanted to hide it. Tears filled his eyes.

"You are doing good. I don't want an answer now. I only wanted to tell you how it is. And what you could do. Your clothes are outside the bedroom door. I can call for a cab if you want. But I prefer you stay with me tonight, okay? I will not fuck you but love to have you beside me in bed."

Juan nodded. He didn't want to leave, despite what he had been told. He fell to sleep in the man's arms. The man had a furry chest and hairy legs.

The next morning, he woke up when the man got up and walked to take a shower. What was this, he thought. He couldn't figure it out. He opened the bedroom door, and there where in the corridor the bag with his clothes, wallet and phone. He dressed as the man come back with a towel around his waist.

"Good morning!" the man said as if this was a totally ordinary situation.

During breakfast the man told Juan about his idea for the modelling agency and his ambition to make it more successful. Then he called for a cab to Juan.

Before he walked out, the man put a hand on Juan' shoulder and said to his ear, "Remember what I told you. I mean it. You decide if you want to take the first step or not. If you do, then I will guide you and eventually take over."

Back in his apartment, Juan was free from work the following days and couldn't get Mr. West out of his mind. He was attractive in a way Juan couldn't describe. He was much older, even if he was fit. Probably handsome when he was young, now more respectable. He was powerful, and this kind of self-confidence and boldness was attractive to Juan in a way he never had recognised before.

The man knew what he wanted, and he was a successful businessman. He had resources and power, also known as a form of aphrodisiac, sexy attributes. Especially for someone without authority, who only makes his career by showing his body in the modelling world.

But being a slave? Why did he use a harsh word like that? Juan had many times cruised bars to look for a guy he wanted to fuck as a one-night stand. That kind of unemotional and loveless sex he could relate to, even if it had become boring to him. It was too easy to get whoever from those night clubs to go to bed with him. Men drooled when they saw him and become nervous when he initiated conversations.

This talk of servitude and letting someone else take control over him scared Juan deeply but was at the same time something thrilling. Everything had been so planed and routinely for years now. He was bored with all the champagne, the receptions for celebrities and luxurious hotels. Juan needed something to happen. And the man made him feel so alive in a way he never been before. This man and his aura hit something deep in his mind. He was hocked on the presence of Mr. West.

Juan then did gigs abroad and in different cities. When one exhausted work was over and he threw himself into bed in the hotel room, he got a message on his phone.

"Take a shower and got on the bed on your hands and knees with the ass toward the door and wait. Don't turn your head."

What! Juan first thought was to delete it, but then he remembered the evening with Mr. West and his dominating requests. But was it really him? The message come from another phone then Mr. West have used before. Hm, who else could get a key to his hotel room?

When Juan decided it must be Mr. West, he walked without thinking to the bathroom and showered. Then he got up on the bed with his ass to the door. This was ridiculous! Why did he do it? Then a key opened the door, and someone walked in. Juan's heart was beating fast. Should he turn his head to look? He didn't as a hand roamed over his upturned ass cheeks.

"Good boy! Stay right there" a voice said, and he recognised it as Mr. West. He calmed down somewhat. He wanted to see the man and started to turn his head.

"Head forward!" the man said and slapped his butt hard. The man spread the cheeks and let a finger move up and down over the ring-muscle.

"Relax. If you want to offer me this pussy you have to make it relaxed and inviting."

Juan took a deep breath and tried to ease the tension in his body. In his late teens he had lost his virginity with a college professor. The man had beating him up, caused pain by pinching and being mean in different way. Juan had difficulty to relax in intimate moments.

Now Mr. West wanted his trust. The man caressed Juan's buttocks and lower back before he spread the butt cheeks again, spat on the hole and slowly moved a finger over it.

"Good boy... Stay relaxed... Make me feel welcome..." he said as he pressed the finger against the hole and slowly penetrated it.

"Is your cock hard?" the man said as he started to slowly move his finger in and out.


"Why do you think it is?"



"Because I like to be dominated by you..." Juan was ashamed. Here he was, offering his ass to a man and telling him he liked it.

"No, Juan. You LOVE to be dominated. Really love it."

Juan was even more ashamed and stayed quiet.

The man pulled out his finger and gave the bum a hard slap with an open hand. Juan jerked.

"Come here. Stand up." When Juan did and turned to the man his cock was rock-hard and pointed to the ceiling. As the man sat down on the bed he grabbed Juan's ball-sack.

"Look at me!" he then ordered. Juan looked the man in his eyes.

"You love this. Your cock is leaking pre-cum. So, tell me, do you love being dominated?"


"Do you love me holding your balls?"

"Y-y-yesss..." With a whisper Juan for the first time in his life admitted his kinky attraction.

The man knew it was an important moment for his new pray. He should take it slow and bring him in, not scare him and push him away.

"Good boy", the man stood up, grabbed the back of Juan's neck and kissed him.

Then Mr. West walked to the door. Before he opened it, he turned his head and said, "If you want more, I'm in room 901." Then he opened the door and walked out.

Juan was aroused in a way he never been. It was so degrading but hot to be manhandled by this man. His cock stayed hard as Juan thought about the invitation. He shouldn't go. But he couldn't resist the temptation to meet the man again. Juan put on gym pants, a t-shirt and running shoes. And put the room key in the pocket as he walked the long corridor and took the stairs up.

Outside room 901 Juan stopped. Should he knock or go back? His brain said he should leave, but his cock wanted to stay. Juan knocked. Mr. West opened the door and let Juan in.

As he closed the door, the man said, "Strip!"

This time Juan wasn't surprised. Indeed, he was expecting it. Yes, even wanting to hear the command. He undressed and put the clothes on the floor. He thrives on being watched and adored.

"Come here", the man said. He grouped Juan's chest, shoulders, and abs. Juan's cock was hard.

"Nice. We have to enhance your beautiful body", the man said and pulled something from a drawer.

"This is a one shoulder harness", he said as he threads one of Juan's arms through the black leather straps and secured the other end over his chest and to the back.

"You will wear this when you meet me. It emphasizes your male physique." The man grabbed the back of Juan's head and kissed him.

Then he pushed Juan down. "Stand on your knees and pull my dick out."

Without further talk, Juan unzipped the man's pants and fished his semi-hard cock out and put it to his mouth. He sucked it with greater delight then he ever had a man's hard cock. The man opened his pants and let them fall to the floor.

"Pull my shoes off and then the pants", the man ordered. Juan complied.

Mr. West then sat down on the bed and Juan resumed his blowjob. When the man was close to cum, he pushed Juan away. "Stand up and jerk yourself."

It was strange for Juan to just stand there in the middle off a hotel room and jerk off while a man was looking on.

When Juan was close to orgasm, the man said, "Lay down on the floor and cum on yourself."

Juan did. To his surprise it was a strong orgasm and his first load ended up on his face and he shot more jizz over his chest.

The man got down on his knees and scooped up the semen with his fingers and put them to Juan's mouth. Juan didn't like semen but licked the man's fingers clean.

He then put one foot on either side of Juan's chest and then kneeled down. He pointed his cock to Juan's mouth. He started to suck it and the man pushed his cock deeper into Juan's mouth. When he coughed the man pulled out for a moment before he pushed in again. Finally, the man cum. He shot his load into Juan's mouth.

When Juan had licked the man's cock clean, the man stood up and walked to the bed. "You can dress and leave", he said coldly.

Back in his own hotel room Juan was confused. On the surface it was a rather simple sexual encounter. But emotionally Juan felt strongly affected. In a good way. He had never felt so alive. When he offered himself, it was as voltage went throw his body and mind, almost as an orgasm. It was satisfying to please this hard and demanding man.

The harness felt good, too. It made his body more exposed and objectified. Dirty. Up to now Juan hadn't had a specific identity. Sure, he was good looking and made good money by showing it off in advertising for clothes, perfume and other things. He was a good fashion model because he loved to expose his body and watch people yearning for it.

Now he was discovering he had an even deeper desire. How much did he want to be submissive? Did he really want to serve, to take orders, to offer his body to eager men? His cock got hard again.

End part 1

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Erlier stories from Dex67: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/nordic-twink/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/one-temptation-too-much/

Next: Chapter 2

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