A Love Story

By Elizabeth Johnson

Published on Jul 1, 2013


Chapter Two

"I can't get what happened out of my head," I said. Across the patio table sat Max, my best friend. He was flamboyantly gay with bright red hair, short stubble, and eye make-up that would make any girl jealous. Whenever we hang out, we are often mistaken for boyfriends, and much to his displeasure, I always taken advantage of the strange mix-up to create a joke.

"If you like Elizabeth, then just tell her," he said. "She hasn't changed much since high school, except she's the one teaching now." He laughed to himself.

"How clever; besides, I'm dating Jessica."

"So? Break-up with her, it can't be hard."

"How do you break-up with someone who says they're madly in love with you?" I played with my tongue ring, pulling it out of the hole and then putting it back in. While doing this, I took off my Batman baseball cap and twirled it on my finger. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed the back of my neck. I almost fell out of my chair, but caught the table with my foot and pulled myself back. I turned around; standing behind me was Jessica. She smiled, her teeth yellow from all the tobacco, and dropped three giant bags into my lap. "What the fuck did you buy?" I pushed my faux-hawk back up and placed the hat back on my head, titled slightly to the side. Jessica handed me my credit card back.

"Important stuff," she said. She leaned forward to kiss me and I turned my head to avoid her lips. She frowned. "Kiss me." I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, but she continued to frown.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a bad boyfriend."

"I'm a girl."

"That's what I said – you're a bad girlfriend. I have to pee." I was used to being called her "boyfriend". When I had first met her parents, she introduced me as her "boyfriend" and I had just let it go. I felt more like a man than I did a woman, yet I liked being treated as girl from time to time.

"You know," said Max, leaning in close, "I can tell Elizabeth how you feel about her. I'm meeting her at Luigi's tonight for dinner. I could just casually slip it into conversation." I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head.

"No, don't tell her. She should hear it from me." Jessica walked out of the restaurant with an ugly smile on her face.

"You know what those bitches just tried doing?" I sighed.

"What?" I asked, tossing Max $10 to pay for my lunch.

"They just tried making me pay for something to use their bathroom, so I just used the bathroom." She giggled and I grimaced. "Let's go home." She took off down the street towards the apartment. Max waved bye, mouthing She's such a bitch. I just nodded and followed. None of my friends liked Jessica and Jessica didn't like any of my friends. At first, our relationship was all candy and ice cream and now, it had turned to acid and bile. I wanted to break-up with her, but every time I went for it, she got all misty eyed and told me how much she loved me and that she wouldn't treat me like crap every again. Of course, this never happened.

When we got to the apartment and my key was in the lock, my heart leapt up into my throat. I wanted Elizabeth to be there, so that I could ignore Jessica. But, to my despair, I remembered that it was Monday and Elizabeth was off student teaching. I threw Jessica's bags on the counter and she grabbed one and took it into the bedroom. I kicked my shoes off and slid down onto the couch. A few moments later, Jessica stepped out of the bedroom and into my view. She was wearing lacey, black lingerie. She pulled a sexy pose and stared at me, watching me, waiting for me to make a move.

"I'm not in the mood," I said. She moved forward, bending low, her tits bouncing in my face. "I'm telling you, I'm not in the mood." She kept moving forward, her knee between my legs, pushing up against my pussy while her hands swept themselves under my shirt. She nuzzled my neck, giggling in my ear.

"I bought this for us," she said. I tried pushing her away.

"I have to go to work in a few hours; I'm not in the mood." She continued to work against me. "Stop." When she pulled back, I had to do a double-take. In front of me was Elizabeth, her icy blue eyes begging me. I grabbed her hips roughly and pulled her onto my lap. She wrapped her legs around me and kissed me deeply. Her tongue licked my bottom lip and I let it in. Our tongues entwined as my hands moved to her hips. I dug my nails deep into her skin and felt her gasp against my mouth. I smiled mischievously before shoving my tongue back into her mouth. We stayed locked like that for minutes. She moved my hands from her hips up her back. I undid her bra. It fell down smoothly, releasing her soft, round breasts. Her pierced nipples were hard and pink. I took the left one into my mouth, playing with the ring, nibbling it softly between my teeth. She gasped loudly, her back arching against my hands.

I continued to suck on her nipple hard, moving my left hand down to her panties and pulling them to the side. She was already wet. I slid a finger across her clit, my tongue circling her nipple in slow strokes. She was moaning to the air. Or was that me? Shaking my head clear, I realized that I was day dreaming. Jessica was still standing in front of me, her hands lazily placed on her hips. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, blinking. "I'm fine, but I have to go to work." I pushed Jessica aside and ran into the bedroom to change. Hours later, walking back to the apartment, I was caught in the rain. I broke into a run hoping to outrun the rain; alas, upon entering my building, I realized that my white button down office shirt and black pants were soaking. Miserable and cold, I grumbled my way up the stairs. I checked my phone at the door. A text message from Jessica ran across the screen: "I'm not coming over tonight. Night." Figures, I thought, shutting my phone and opening the door. She never gives me a valid excuse. The room was dark except for the glow of the TV, an old horror movie playing on the screen, and Elizabeth sleeping on the couch. The remote was tucked into her hand; I reached down and grabbed it, shutting the TV off.

She looked peaceful. She was wearing an old T-shirt of mine and bright pink lace panties. I pushed her blonde hair out of her face and her eyes fluttered open. "Did I fall asleep?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. "It's about one in the morning. I just got home from the bar." She looked up at me and stretched, her nose crinkling.

"Oh? Did you have any angry consumers tonight?" I laughed.

"No – just the usual bar crowd. Do you want help into bed?"

"No, no, I should be okay." She sat up and brought her knees to her chest. "I found this shirt in with my laundry so I'm wearing it."

"That's fine. It looks good on you." It really did. The shirt was loose enough to show off her perfect, round breasts. Her nipples were hard again, the metal rings making indents in the fabric. I couldn't help staring. Her voice, soft and sensual, caught me off guard.

"Like what you see?" She bit her lip. They looked soft. I wanted to touch them. She smirked, her hair falling into her face when she got up. The curve of her ass was accented by her underwear. She shook it in front of me. I got up after her and pulled her against me. I wrapped my arms her waist and pushed my hips into hers. My fingers traced the outline of her panties; my tongue trailed her neck before I sank my teeth into her soft flesh. Her breathing quickened for a second before returning to its slow rhythm.

"I've always liked what I've seen," I said, breathing into her ear. Her innocence showed slightly in the way she giggled. She turned towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I continued to run my tongue up and down her neck, my hands roaming her body. I cupped her ass and pulled her up so that her legs could wrap around my waist.

"You're so wet! Shouldn't you change first?"

"You mean "get naked"? Don't mind if I do." I laughed again, carrying her into her room and throwing her on the bed. I ripped at my shirt and threw it to the floor. Before I could undo my pants, Elizabeth was on her knees, unbuckling my belt.

"I want to make you feel good," she said, looking up at me. She was quick in undoing my belt and even quicker in getting my pants and boxers to the floor. Her hands roamed my thighs; her nails dug deep into my skin; her tongue drew shapes on my abs. I moaned quietly as her tongue moved to my clit; her tongue moved in small circles; the circles got bigger and bigger until she was sucking softly on my clit. I moaned and moved my hands into her hair. I tugged on it, pushing her face harder into my pussy. She lapped at the juices flowing down my leg. Jessica had never done this for me – I was always the one eating her out or being forced to fuck her with my "pseudo"-dick.

"Mmmm, you're so good, Elizabeth," I said. She giggled. I pulled her up by her hair and attacked her lips with mine. As our tongues entwined, I pushed her to the bed. I broke our kiss and got off the bed; she whined in protest. "I'm grabbing something, hold on." I sprint to my room and came back with my white pill bottle. Her eyes lit up. I swallowed two and felt the familiar sensation. I walked over to the bed and put her hand over my clit. I watched it expand as she rubbed it. When I was fully erect, she looked surprised. "What's wrong?"

"Um..." She blushed. "I've never been with someone so big." I smiled and continued to let her stroke me. I reached down between her legs and felt her wetness; she was ready.

"Lay down," I said. "I'll be gentle." She lay on her back; I climbed over her. I dug my nails into her skin as I pulled her panties down. I tossed them to the side and got between her legs. I lifted them, my hands on the back of her thighs, and spread them wide, giving me full access to her pussy. I loved the look of her pink lips as I slowly inched my 9-inch dick deep into her pussy. Her pussy was tight – it was hard to push through, but soon, I was all the way in. Her body was pink from her blushing. I bent down and kissed her softly; she looked up at me in surprise. I began to thrust, my body bent over her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her nails deep in my back with each thrust. I picked up speed. My thrusts got deeper and harder; my speed faster and faster.

"Oh, fuck!" she screamed. "I'm ready to cum!" Before I could respond, I felt my gut move and I pushed forward, hard, into her pussy. She shuddered against me as I filled her pussy. After a few more slow thrusts, I pulled out and fell next to her on the bed. She lay there, gasping for air; I pushed my hand between her legs and felt her cum ooze from her pussy. I put some on my fingers and tasted it – she was sweet. She turned over on her side. I got close to her, wrapping my arm around her waist. I kissed the back of her neck and shoulder blades. I could feel her smile when putting my cheek against hers. I hugged her close.

"Jamie?" A voice called from the living room. In all of our fun, we hadn't heard the door open. Jessica had decided to come over anyways and had used the spare key. I felt Elizabeth stiffen beneath my arm. "Jamie? Are you in your room?" I jumped from the bed and felt a still semi-hard dick slap against my leg. You've got to be kidding me! I still want to keep going? I looked back at Elizabeth. Of course I wanted to keep going, but the present time wasn't going to work for me. I quickly pulled on my pants and boxers and buttoned my shirt back up. I ran up to Elizabeth and knelt by the bed.

"That was amazing," I said. "I..." I kissed her softly and made my way to the door. I walked out into the living room.

"Jamie, what were you doing in there?" asked Jessica. I closed the door softly behind me.

"Elizabeth wasn't feeling good. I helped her to bed."

"Oh, well, my friends are boring. They left me at the bar, so I decided to come here." She walked over and kissed me hard on the lips; all I could taste was alcohol and tobacco. "Let's do something fun!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my room. I couldn't help, but look back and Elizabeth's back up. I ran up to Elizabeth and knelt by the bed.

"That was amazing," I said. "I..." I kissed her softly and made my way to the door. I walked out into the living room.

"Jamie, what were you doing in there?" asked Jessica. I closed the door softly behind me.

"Elizabeth wasn't feeling good. I helped her to bed."

"Oh, well, my friends are boring. They left me at the bar, so I decided to come here." She walked over and kissed me hard on the lips; all I could taste was alcohol and tobacco. "Let's do something fun!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my room. I couldn't help, but look back at Elizabeth's room.

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