A Love Story

By Elizabeth Johnson

Published on Feb 26, 2013


Chapter One

It was the middle of the night and I had just been woken up by a scream. I sat up, confused as to what was going on, before realizing that my roommate, Elizabeth, was calling my name. The girl next to me stirred, but didn't wake up, the "You Can Quit Smoking!" tape blaring in her ears.

"Jamie! Jamie!" Elizabeth's screams were becoming more frantic. I got out of bed, threw on my pajama bottoms, and walked across the apartment to her bedroom. I opened the door and found her standing on the bed, swinging a broom.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I screamed. "What's going on? What's wrong?" She looked at me, her eyes wet with tears and pointed at the wall farthest from her. There stood a spider, no bigger than a penny. "That's what you're scared of?" She nodded. I sighed. "I'll be right back."

"No!" she said. "Don't leave me with it."

"Fine, you can come with me to get some tissue paper." I held out my hand waiting for her to grab it. She stared. "What?"

"Carry me."


"If I touch the floor, it will get me and kill me." Before I could stop myself, I started to laugh.

"The spider won't kill you!" She started to cry and sunk to her knees on the bed. I hesitated. Elizabeth had been my high school crush and when she had contacted me to see if I still needed a roommate I hadn't stalled in telling her she could move in. Jessica, my current girlfriend, wasn't happy about this, but I had assured her that there was nothing going on between us; yet, watching her over the last couple of months, I knew my feelings were still there and that they were getting stronger. I knew in my heart that she had had feelings for me too, but her parents would never allow her to date a girl, even one that looked so much like a man.

She continued to cry, her hand hanging in her hands. Her long, platinum blonde hair fell around her face and her skin glowed softly in the moonlight. Her dragon tattoo down her left thigh was the only shock of color; she was only dressed in a simple t-shirt and black boy-shorts. I walked over to the side of the bed. "I'm sorry." I said. "Of course I will carry you." I had been a semi-heavy weight body builder in high school, so lifting her was no problem. I carried her fireman style to the bathroom and set her on the counter. She looked up at me, her face streaked with black marks. I took a washcloth from the closet and ran it under warm water and gave it to her. "Clean your face off, dear." I turned back to the closet and tried to look for a box of Kleenex. I could feel her icy blue eyes staring at me, boring holes into the back of my shoulders. I knew Elizabeth had a thing for shoulder muscles, so I let them flex while reaching to the top shelf, but stopped when the idea of Jessica sleeping in the next room crept into my mind.

"Why don't you wear a shirt?" she asked. I stopped and looked back at her.

"I wear shirts," I said.

"You know what I mean; why don't you wear them while you sleep? Aren't you afraid you'll get cold?" I looked down and saw that my nipples were hard. I turned away quickly and continued my search. They weren't hard because they were cold.

"I'm extremely flat-chested and most of my muscle takes up what could be a `feminine' breast." Finally, I found the box of tissues and took them down. I pulled two of them out. Along with the tissues came a small, white pill bottle. On the front was written Enhance-o. Before I could pick them up, Elizabeth had jumped off the counter and grabbed them.

"Are you taking steroids?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. I grabbed the bottle from her and put them into my pocket.

"They're not steroids; at least not the ones you're thinking of." She stopped narrowing her eyes. Instead, they became soft and she placed her hands lovingly on my arm; her pale skin was shocking against my dark tan.

"You can tell me anything," she said in a soft voice. She smiled at me. I looked at her eyes and saw my brown ones reflected. Her hands squeezed on my arm.

"Oh, fine. I'll tell you!" I paced back and forth in the bathroom, explaining to her what the bottle was. Two years ago, in the year 2011, a small condom company decided to produce a drug that would enhance sexual pleasure for both men and women; it was intended for a gay audience. After taking the pill, a man could enjoy a sexual experience like a woman, having his body transform from its penis clad self to a vagina, of sorts; vice versa for a woman. Being what you would call a "hard butch" or "stud" in the lesbian community, I had bought the pills only to experiment. I loved the first time with them and continued to use them rather than a strap-on. She looked at me, first in disbelief and then in amusement.

"You know what that makes you?"

"What?" I was afraid to know the answer.

"A bisexual's perfect dream!" She giggled softly to herself. My heart lifted at her laugh and then she became serious again. "How big does it get?"


"You know, how big do you get? Like, how does the pill know when to stop?"

"Uh, well... from what I read on the internet, it's your genetic code. Like, say if I was born a man, I would have these many inches and blah blah blah." At first, it looked like she didn't believe me and then her smile became mischievous.

"How big are you?" I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom.

"I can't tell you." We continued to walk to her bedroom.

"Why not?"

"It'll make the friendship weird. You'll want to touch it or something once I tell you." She blushed at this and no more was heard from her until I opened her bedroom door and the spider was hanging down in front of us. She screamed and hid behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I grew wet at the feel of her soft skin. I shook my head and cleared it. I swiped the spider out of the air and tossed the tissue into the garbage. Elizabeth edged around me staring off into the room. When she was satisfied that there were no more spiders, she turned towards me and kissed my cheek. I grew red, waved, and tried walking back to my room. In the living room, I fell on the couch. I played with my lip ring while thinking about what had just happened. She saw me blush, I thought. And all she did was smile! Could there still be something between us? My mind strayed to the thought of us going together. At first, it was small day dreams of dinner and a movie; long nights cuddled on the couch; buying a dog; and then it moved to sexual fantasies. I imagined taking the pills and ravishing her in bed. I imagined bending her over her desk at the school and fucking her brains out. I imagine her sitting on my face, her juice running down my chin. Before I knew it, I was soaked through my pajama bottoms.

I took them off in frustration and threw them to the floor. Out of the pocket rolled the bottle of pills. I sat up and picked them up off the floor. "You started this," I said. "What am I saying, I started this." I got up and walked to the bathroom. In the mirror, my short black hair was messy and my eyes were tired, but I had to do this. I opened the bottle and took two pills. Deep in my gut I could feel the wonderful sensation of something growing and before I knew it, it was there, showing off in the mirror. Even though I still had my pussy, I really, truly resembled a guy now. I was happy. I went to the bath and filled it with hot, steamy water. When it was full, I stepped in and sunk low. I closed the curtains and listened to could-be silence. Through the wall, I could hear Jessica snoring. I grimaced at the thought of going back in there. I wasn't in love with her and to be honest, it was cruel of me to let her believe that we had a future; but she was there when I saw Elizabeth come home with guys and I felt less lonely. My mind strayed to Elizabeth again. My hands were rubbing my six-pack before finally snaking their way down to my fully erect member. I took my nine inches and started to stroke it slowly. My speed quickened as I thought of our bodies tangled in the sheets, our sweat dripping off each other; and then, the door opened.

I peeked through the curtains expecting to see Jessica, but there was Elizabeth, standing in front of the mirror. I sunk lower into the water, stopping all movements with my hands. She began to speak. "I can't do this anymore," she said, "I need to tell her the truth of why I came back." My ears perked up. What was she talking about? "Jamie deserves to know that I never stopped loving her." She growled in frustration. "But she has a girlfriend! One that treats her like dirt, one that doesn't tell her she's beautiful or handsome, one that doesn't understand her." My heart was lifting into my chest. I could barely breathe. I was amazed that she still felt something for me! I heard her open a drawer and then close it. A buzzing started and my eyes grew wide. Peaking through the curtain I noticed her sitting on the bathroom counter, her legs spread wide. She was no longer wearing a shirt. Her breasts were large and round and soft. Her pierced nipples were hard. I moaned softly, but caught myself before it had become too loud. She started pushed aside her black boy-shorts and then, very gently, pushed the tip of the vibrator into her moist pussy. She was shaved and her juices were already present upon pulling the vibrator out before sliding it back in. My hand involuntarily began to move up and down my shaft. I timed it to her rhythm. I saw her right hand reach up and cup her left breast. She began to squeeze it, moaning softly.

Her moans made me speed up my rhythm, but I slowed down again to follow her. "I want you so bad, Jamie," she said, moaning my name. She sped up, so I sped up. I kept following her speed. I wanted to cum with her. Finally, after what seemed forever, she climaxed her back arching against the mirror. I soon followed. I bit my lower lip to keep quiet. The familiar sensation of being deflated came and went and I was back to my "girl" self. I heard the drawer open and close again and then the water from the sink ran. In the opening of the curtain, I could see Elizabeth washing up and then leave. I stayed there in my unsanitary water and waited. I felt incredible. My feelings were right. A few moments later, I heard Jessica calling my name. I got out of the bath and drained the water. I walked back to my room and lay down in bed. Jessica wrapped her arms around me and continued to snore. I fell asleep and dreamt of Elizabeth.

*All feedback welcomed at redbunnynightmar@hotmail.com :)

Next: Chapter 2

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