A Love So True

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Mar 8, 2011


The following story is completely fictitious. The events take place in my mind only. Any similarities to anything real, names or places, is completely coincidental.

The usual disclaimer applies. If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to read such things, please leave now.

I will accept constructive criticism or suggestions via e-mail at a.saxon1122@gmail.com. As the author, I maintain all copyrights to this story and it may not be published or saved without express permission from me.

Still red in the face, I said, "Forget it, it was a slip of the tongue." Chase raised an eyebrow at that, but quickly let it drop. "God, he looked so cute just then," I thought. We ate dinner as a family and as we were finishing up, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I said. "Ryan!" I exclaimed. He leaned down to hug me and ran his hands through my hair, saying, "Hi little bro." Ryan was my older brother and had just started college. He had another boy with him, he introduced as Jason Miller. As we were about to close the door, Chase's father Eric walked up. Introductions were made, as we were all ushered into the house. My father, Chase, his dad and I went into the living room, while Ryan, his friend Jason and my mom went into the kitchen. "Are you boys hungry?" My mom asked Ryan and Jason. "I'm always hungry for your cooking mom." Ryan said. And you Jason, how bout something to eat? "Sure." He said, looking at Ryan nervously. I have something to talk to you about mom. Ok, honey, what`s on your mind? Well, it's about why I brought Jason home with me. Him and I are going out. Oh. She muttered. Is that all you have to say? Well, to be honest honey, I think I've known for a while. I mean, you never brought any girls home when you were in high school, but I didn't want to make any snap judgments about you. So, you're okay with it? Of course I am honey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before I continue, I want to provide a little back history on these characters. Aaron and Chase have been friends since elementary school, when Chase's family moved to the neighborhood. They met the first day of fifth grade and hit it off right off the bat. Chase's mom, Doreen Carter was a snoop and found porn sites saved in his computer browsing history and confronted him with it. He couldn't deny it, and she beat on him pretty good, however that was not the first time she had either yelled at him or beat him. That was an occurring theme in his life ever since his father Eric divorced Doreen 4 years ago. Chase kept it pretty well hidden, until now. What led up to Chase coming out? It was little things at first. Aaron and Chase were in the locker room at school, when Aaron noticed some bruises on his arms and torso. He asked Chase what happened, but he avoided the question. Aaron was a little scared at the change he saw in his friend - he was withdrawing. He hadn't called Aaron in more than a week and barely spoke to him at school anymore. As well, he thought he saw Chase looking at him half naked and at a couple others guys that way as well. A couple of those boys caught him and asked, "Are you a fag or something?" Chase shook his head no, turning red with embarrassment. "Leave him alone." I said, getting between Chase and those jag-off jocks. Chase turned around to leave, but I grabbed his arm before he could and said, "their just jerks and I'll protect you." Chase relished in his friends' touch, sending a surge of electricity through him and making his face flushed. It also scared him, because he didn't want to lose the only friend he had. The rest of the day went by pretty uneventfully, and with very little contact between me and Chase, even though we had all of our afternoon classes together. The next day was Friday, it was a teacher work day, so there was no school. That was the day it happened. I called Chase three times and since there was no answer, I rode my skateboard over to his house, and that's where I found him sitting on the curb in tears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 5: All of us sat down in the living room, all looking at each other. You could cut the tension with a knife. Finally Eric spoke up, "Would someone like to tell me what's going on?" Everyone stared at Chase, who finally said, "Dad, I've got something to tell you." As he took a sigh, he winced in pain from the bruises. I took Chase's hand and held it against me, gently rubbing it. "It's okay, he'll understand", I whispered. One more sigh, "Dad, I'm gay." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that some of you might not like the fact that a scared 14 year old, who's been beaten is so willing to tell his best friend and father that he's gay, but I'm doing so to build his support network. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chase's bottom lip began to quiver after he said that, but I just squeezed his hand harder. He was searching his father's face for a response. After a moments silence, Eric said, "Son, I love you." With a tear running down his face, "are you sure? Mom doesn't." Eric stood up, put his left hand on Chase's shoulder and said, "Of course I do. I don't care what you are or who you love, as long as your safe and happy." He sighed and winced again in pain. Okay, that's the second time I've seen you wince in pain. What are you not telling me? This was the time for Chase to be honest with everyone. Mom's been beating me on and off ever since you left her. Show me, my father demanded. Chase looked at me, I nodded in approval, giving his hand a squeeze again. With that, he started to lift up his t-shirt. He was having some difficulty, so I helped him pull it up the rest of the way, to just under his chin. His father stared in horror, as did mine. "How could she do this to you?" "She said that she wouldn't have a faggot living under her roof." What the fuck is wrong with that woman? I don't know. Chase replied. Robert, there has got to be something I can do. "There is, if you'll allow me, I will do whatever I can to get you full custody of Chase." I'll do whatever it takes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Chapter's 4 & 5. I know a lot happened in this chapter, but I wanted to make it longer. Thanks for all the positive feedback and great suggestions. e-mail me at a.saxon1122@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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