A Love So Blind

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Jun 11, 2000


A love So Blind Lissa A. Green

My family and I where having a wonderful time. My parents got along great with the rust of the guys. And Sandra and JC where having a deep conversation about something. I noticed Lance looking in my direction. He looked worried, which made me nervous. Do I really want to tell them here? What if they don't take it well. I looked around the table, at my family, and my new friends and I just lost my nervs. I excused myself and went into the men's room. I was in there for about five seconds before I started to cry. Why did I suddenly feel ashamed? I don't feel like this when i'm alone with Lance. So why now? I felt a pair of arms wrap around my wiast. then I felt lips kissing my neck.

"It's ok Jason, you don't have to tell them you know." "I know. I figure I'll just get it over with, but I just can't seem to bring it out." "Don't rush it then. let's send a couple of days together first, who knows maybe youll find you don't really love me and you won't have to telll them anything." "That's impossible, I already know i love you very much." "I was hoping youd say that." He smiled at me. He has one of the sexiest smiles I ever saw. "We should go back, before they get the wrong idea." I said reluctantly. "So what if they do." "Come on pervert."

By the time we got back dinner had arrived. Suddenly I was very hungry. I decieded it was now or never. I might as well get it over with.

"Mom, dad, I have something to announce. I'm sure how your going to take it, but please just let me finish before you say anything." I had everyone's attention. I was starting to get nervous again. Lance held my hand underneath the table cloth for support.

"For a while now I've been questioning my, umm... life style I guess. And well you guys know how I don't really talk about girls, or go out on dates, well, there's a reason for it. I'm gay and I've known it for about a year or so."

I looked nervously around the other faces at the table. My sister looked confused, the other guys didn't seem to have a reaction, and I couldn't tell what my parents where's thinking.

"Your always the last to kno son." said my dad. "Huh?" I said. "Well, I sorta had a feeling you were, but I wasn't going to bring it up in case I was wrong." "So your okay with this?" "Sweetheart, we don't care about that! Your our son no matter who you happen to love." My mom was almost in tears (She get's too emotional over stuff. I guess I get it from her becuase I was starting to cry too.) "Well brat what about you?" I asked my sister who said nothing for once. "Me what?" "Are you okay with it?" "Yeah sure, I don't care, just I lost the bet with Rachel that all!" "You bet against your own brother! Thanks a lot!" I said pretended to be offended. "Yeah, yeah, just keep your hands off of JC, he's mine." I looked up at his reaction to this, he looked about as shocked as I was. "Well JC, like my dad said, your always the last to know." "Hay you leave my date alone." He said and put his arm around her. "well, I think I have another surprise." I said. "Oh don't tell me you already found Mr. Perfect and your getting married." "Not exactly Sandra," "Your pregnant!" that got a lot of laughs out at the table, which made a few customers turning their heads over to see what was going on. "No, now let me talk, I did find Mr. Right, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, JC stand up please." "WHAT?!" All three Sandra, JC and Lance said this at once. "Just kidding calm down, Lance, I'd like you to meet my mom and dad, and the brat is Sandra." My mom smiled. "Well i think we have met already Mr, Lance. It's a pleasure." "Hay, at least my brother has taste." "Thanks Sandra, I'll take that as a compliment."

I felt like a ton of wieght have been lifted off of me when everything came out. After all my confessions we continued to talk. This time I was feeling a lot better, Joey was trying to tell a dirty joke he saw on the internet in a PG rated way. I got to know Lance's friends better, since I didn't know anything about them. All through the meal and desert Lance held my hand. I knew I would be there for him as well when he went through this with his own family. I loved him, I would do anything for him.

After dinner. My family went home and the other guys went out to a club. Lance and I went to the beach to take a walk. Massachusetts isn't known for it's many hangouts but it does have a beautiful beach. We held hands and we walked along the water. It's amazing how fast you could fall in love with someone. I've only met Lance not even a week ago, and I was taken by his gorgous looks and his friendly personality. I was wondering why someone would ever want to hurt him like his ex-boyfriend. I swore if I ever ran into him again I would kill him, wouldn't care about ending up in jail for it.

"Whatcha thinking about hon?" he asked. "Life, love, sex." I gave him an evil smile. "Oh now who's the pervert. I was going to ask you a question, but I'm afriad of what you might think of it." "Don't ever be afriad to ask me anything." "Would you want to stay with me tonight? I promise no touching or anything sex related, I jst want to know what it feels like to hold you in my arms all night." "How could I turn down such a wonderful offer?" "You can't." "Actually I have to. As much as I would love too, I can't. I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow remember?" "Damn, I forgot." "Well I'll be home around three you free?" "No, I have an interview tomorrow at four, why don't you come by when you get back?" "Sure I would love to." "Cool, we'll do something together afterwards, maybe I'll take you to that resturant I was telling you about." "Sounds like a plan."

We walked a little bit more. it was nice be close to him. He seemed distant though. I guess I could understand. Coming out of a bad relationship and getting into another one so fast. I just hope he knows I would never do anything to hurt him. I love him way to much.

Next: Chapter 5

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