A Love of Friends

By Drake Startrick

Published on Aug 5, 2009


Warning to all underaged readers- This chapter is pg13 :) Most chapters will not be however. So if you are not aloud to see a R-rated movie then you are not allowed to read the R-rated chapters and are doing so at you own risk.

Warning number dos- THis chapter introduces many new characters, including the third boy of this main trinity. He is rather on the opposite end of the fit-o-meter (he's real fat) so if that offends you in anyway, well you had fair warning. I am not going to be descreet about my choice in adding this character. Each of the characters has a differend sort of build.

Chapter 2:

Ray woke to the sound of his mother calling up from downstairs. "Come on you two! You need to eat breakfast so we can go! Kal can't keep the horses waiting all day."

There was a muffled clomping sound on the stairs and then a knock on Ray's door. Without waiting for him to answer, his mother opened it. She peeked in, inspecting the room and then rested her gaze on Ray. She saw that his eyes were open, looking back at her. "Come on. We're going to be late! Wake Jod up and get dressed. Now," she said before leaving, closing the door behind her.

Ray rubbed his eyes groggily, adjusting to the bright morning light. Then he looked over his shoulder at Jod, still deep into dream land. Ray thought his face looked so serene. He almost didn't want to wake his friend. But he had to. So Ray reached over with the arm he had been laying on and, over his shoulder, tapped Jod hard on the side.

Jod's face contorted for an instant, then relaxed again. And his arms curled up around Ray's waist, pulling him closer to Jod. Ray could feel his shirtless backside pressed up against the soft skin of Jod's chest and abs. Ray sighed. He really wished he didn't have to wake Jod. Nevertheless, this was not optional. So Ray tapped Jod on the side again. Jod, still dreaming, responded by tugging Ray closer to his body.

Ray was starting to get frustrated. This time he twisted his upper body enough that he could reach Jod's head. He tapped Jod's skull with the knuckles of his clenched fist. Jod responded by nuzzling his forehead between Ray's shoulder blades. Then Ray had a new thought. One that just might get Jod up without having to shout in his ear. He moved both hands back down to Jod's waist, and finding his weak spot, Ray dug his fingers in and began to tickle.

Jod woke instantly, in a fit of laughter. Begging Ray to stop. Ray promised only if Jod would get up. Jod promised. The two boys stared into each other's eyes. Then Ray kissed Jod on the lips lightly and threw back the covers. "Come on. Time we got dressed," said Ray. Ray and Jod tumbled out of opposite sides of the bed.

Ray began looking through his wardrobe. After the party, Jod's brother had offered to take his guitar home so that Jod could come straight home with Ray. Jod accepted the offer but with no clothes besides the ones he was wearing, he'd have to borrow some of Ray's for the day. Which wasn't a big deal. Ray and Jod had pretty similar builds and were roughly the same size. And wouldn't be the first time Jod had visited for an impromptu sleepover.

"Ray?" Jod called from the other side of the bed. "Did you see where I put my underwear last night?"

"No but we don't have time to look. You can just borrow one of mine," replied Ray who was in the process of pulling up his own boxers. He reached into his dresser drawer and pulled out another pare and threw them over to Jod. Jod caught them in mid air.

"Thanks," Jod said. "Man, when was the last time we went horseback riding?"

"I go every month. Sometimes twice a month with my family. But I think the last time you went with us was around three months ago." replied Ray. Pulling his shirt over his head, he moved over to let Jod find a shirt and pants to wear from his closet. "Choose something dark, and not one of the nice shirts. We're probably going to get dirty."

After the boys got dressed, they raced each other downstairs to the dining room and scarfed down their breakfast.

"If you eat that fast you could choke," warned Ray's little sister. She was shuffling through the shoe rack by the front door.

"Emily, if we don't eat this fast we're going to be late!" Jod defended.

"Whatever," replied the frustrated twelve-year old. "Mom! I can't find my boots!" she called in the opposite direction. When Ray's family, and Jod, arrived at the stables, they weren't surprised that Kal had only prepared enough horses for Ray's family. They hadn't had time to call and say Jod was coming as well. Kal would have lent Jod his own horse, already prepped, and just prepared another horse to catch up, however, with Kal's body, his horse was the only one strong enough and used to carrying him. The obvious solution ended up being that Ray and Jod would ride together. Kal replaced one of the horse's saddles with one that would accommodate the two of them.

While Ray waited for his large friend to finish replacing the saddle, he looked around. Kal was really good at his job. Ray's uncle owned the stables and the several acres of riding trails behind them. It was Ray that had introduced his second best friend to his uncle and gotten him the job. Kal loved it. He came out every friday evening and saturday morning to clean the stables and fix anything that needed fixing, over the past 3 years he'd learned pretty much all the ropes to keeping the stable in tip top shape. And 4 days a week, he came in the morning before school started to feed the horses. There were a couple of other workers caring for the stables as well, but Ray was always proud that his hefty friend was the best of all of them.

When Kal was done, Ray got onto the horse first, hauling himself up in one smooth motion. Jod wasn't so graceful. Kal had to get his stool and even then, it took Ray pulling and Kal pushing to get Jod up and sitting right. And almost falling off the other end. In order to keep his balance, Jod had to wrap his arms around Ray. Still nervous that he'd fall with every step the horse took as it shuffled impatiently, Jod pressed his body stiffly against Ray's back. Ray had to demand Jod loosen his grip so that he could breathe again. Reluctantly Jod relaxed his arms.

Kal brought his stool over to his horse and heaved himself up over the saddle with it and moved the horse to stand next to Ray and Jod's. Ray leaned over, startling Jod, and kissed Kal full on the lips. "Thanks for getting the horses ready, and taking the time to replace this saddle," said Ray after their lips had parted.

"No problem. Saddles are actually pretty fun for me," replied Kal.

Easing slowly, nervously, Jod leaned over to kiss Kal as well. It was a quick kiss because Jod was eager to return to his somewhat comfortable position.

Now that everybody was on their horses and ready, Ray's father decided it was time to move out. So everybody walked towards one of the trails. Emily trotted alongside her mother and father while Kal, Ray and Jod, moved further up ahead. When they got to a moderately flat range Ray looked over at Kal with a smirk on his face. Kal understood, and with a frightened yelp from Jod, reaching a pitch he usually only reserved for singing with his band, they began a gallop.

The gallop lasted for less than two minutes, because Kal didn't want to over-exert his horse, even with being able to carry his weight. But that length of time was all they needed to get far enough away from Ray's parents to have a private conversation. As they slowed, Ray could feel Jod's pounding heart as he squeezed his body tightly against his back. Jod was now so close, Ray could also feel Jod's dick rubbing against his cheeks, through the blue jeans.

Ray's horse came to a hault and Kal brought his horse next to it. The two horses immediately began inspecting the grasses below them. "It's really hot, I don't know about you but I think I'll risk the sunburn for a cool breeze," Kal said, pulling up his shirt and tying it around his waist. Sweat was already glistening over his enormous body.

"Good idea," Jod agreed. Ray also agreed, and soon all three boys had their shirts tied around their waists.

Ray took the opportunity to compare all three of their builds. He himself was well toned and muscular. He worked out at home and at the gym twice a week, simply because he like to. Kal had once told him that with his blonde hair midway to reaching his shoulders and his muscular toned body he had the surfer look down. Jod, who was finally starting to relax as the horses began grazing, was not toned. He wasn't fat but didn't really work out. His soft features were a definite contrast towards Ray's hard abs.

But the biggest contrast of all was Kal. Based on what he remembered Kal saying he weighed the last time he asked, Ray was guessing he was pushing 320 by now. It was amazing the horse could even carry him at that weight. But it was definitely a special horse. Someone had bred a series of horses that were supposed to be able to carry greater weights than any previous breeds, with specific reasons involving the breeder's own weight. When Ray's uncle had met the guy at a national rodeo event several years ago, he'd been intrigued enough to buy one of the foals to help with the load around the ranch. When Kal came on to work, it turned out to be the only horse that could support his weight with ease. Kal had been ecstatic that he'd finally be able to ride a horse, and turned out to be a natural.

Kal's body was huge. His moobs were soft and easily mistaken for breasts if you got just a glance. Breasts that even on a woman would be highly suspect of implants. But Kal's were natural, and so were the three massive rolls of flab that made up his chest, and his belly. With each small movement his horse made, the fat jiggled like a loose jell-o mold in an earthquake. Kal worked out in the opposite direction Ray did. Ray was always amazed by the contrast the three bodies made.

"So," said Kal, "what's this about a fight with Sarah you called me up yesterday for?"

"When did you call Kal?" Jod asked, trying to remember if Ray had been on the phone when they got back to his house.

"It was before the party. I called Kal right after she left. I would've called you too but I knew you were getting ready to perform and I didn't want to bother you then," answered Ray.

"Now, tell me what happened. You said you didn't want to explain it when you called but that you'd tell me when you came out here today," said Kal.

"Yeah, you still haven't told me what happened between you two either," agreed Jod.

"All right," Ray conceided. He could feel the turmoil of confusing emotions bubbling up in him again. "It started with a small argument over forgetting to get a birthday card for Marrin. You know how that goes, when you've got "forgetting" as a subject theme."

TO BE CONTINUED . . . (gasp!)

I hope you enjoyed time with these characters.

If you have any questions or suggestions please email me. The third chapter will be a flashback of earlier friday (it's Saturday in this chapter) and you will finally understand what happened with Sarah-and you get a better idea what a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is like in this world. :)

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