A Love Like This

By Stacia Marie

Published on Apr 3, 2000


Hi! See, I kept my promise, here's Chapter Three and in less than a week too. Feedback and any other comments are always welcome and appreciated. As bad as this sounds, and I know all other authors will agree with me on this one, e-mail does encourage more writing, and quicker, too. I can't explain it, but it gives you that charge to keep writing. Thank you so much to everyone who's e-mailed me, I really appreciate that you took a couple of minutes out to do that.

Now on with the story. You know what the disclaimer is, so I won't even bother ...

JC opened his eyes and felt the warm sunlight streaming onto his face. Squinting, he rolled over to face Justin. After they finished their ice cream, they had settled in to watch "The Wedding Singer" on one of the hotel cable stations, amusing themselves by singing along to all the 80's songs horribly out of key. Justin had fallen asleep before the movie was over, at which point JC had decided to turn in for the night as well.

JC smiled at the first sight of Justin. He was sleeping on his stomach with his right arm hanging off the mattress and his mouth open slightly. JC glanced at the clock and knew they had to get up soon.

He moved closer to Justin, lying halfway on top of him and kissing his bare shoulder. "Sweetie, it's time to get up," he gently coaxed.

Justin made a little noise in his sleep but didn't open his eyes. JC interpreted this as refusal to wake up. "Baby, come on, we don't want to be late."

"I think it would be okay if we were late," Justin mumbled. "So what if management kicks our asses and we look completely irresponsible? Just five more minutes here with you, that's all I want."

JC kissed the back of his neck and buried his face in what Justin sarcastically but affectionately called "his 'fro." He savored the sweet smell of his brown locks.

"JC, you're so heavy," Justin continued. "I think I'm getting crushed under your 120 lb body."

JC laughed and got up. "Yeah, I've really been packing on weight lately."

Justin sat up as well, his eyes not fully open and his hair in more disarray than usual. JC leaned forward for a kiss, but Justin shook his head and turned away.

"Uh uh," he denied. "You know the rules. You can't kiss me until I brush my teeth." He got up and stumbled into the bathroom.

JC lay back down on the bed, waiting for Justin to finish making himself wonderfully beautiful so he could brush his own teeth. He rolled over onto Justin's side of the bed, snuggling in the warmth of the sheets still lingering from Justin's body.

Half an hour later, both Justin and JC were dressed and virtually ready to leave. JC was looking in the mirror and styling his hair while Justin sat on the counter, watching him.

"I hate getting up this early," JC complained. "Doesn't management realize we need sleep every once in a while?"

"Yeah, but most people aren't sleep demons like you," Justin replied. "Even if they let us sleep in until noon, you'd still be tired."

"That's true," JC agreed, "but it's six-thirty in the morning. I'm sorry, but that's inhumane."

"People say the best time of the day to have sex is seven in the morning," Justin commented.

JC looked at the reflection in the mirror and saw that Justin was looking at him. He didn't understand why Justin continually brought up sex if he didn't want to do it. JC wasn't mad or frustrated - just confused.

"Oh really?" JC said, raising an eyebrow but not making eye contact.

"Uh huh." Justin jumped off the counter and stood next to JC.

"What are you doing?" JC asked him, turning to face him.

Justin unbuckled JC's belt and knelt down. When he reached up to unzip JC's pants, JC gently pushed him away.

Justin's blue eyes looked up at him with a half-puzzled, half-hurt expression. "No, not here, Justin. Come on." JC took his hand to pull him up and lead him over to the bed.

JC didn't like the idea of Justin getting down on his knees to "service him." Especially not on the cold, impersonal tiles of the hotel bathroom. He didn't think it was a degrading thing to do - not for everyone, at least.

But he couldn't do that to Justin. He respected him too much.

JC laid down on the bed and Justin climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. Justin ran the back of his hand down JC's right arm lovingly.

Oral sex had become very typical in their relationship, but Justin gave it more than he received it. He just preferred it that way. He liked being able to do something, anything, to sexually satisfy JC since they weren't having sex. It had been more complicated than a simple suck-and-swallow affair, though. After the first time, Justin had had some problems, starting with a quiet "Josh ... I don't feel so good ..." which lead to Justin throwing up for half an hour in the bathroom while apologizing weakly for ruining the experience. He had never felt ill having oral sex with the few girls that he had been with, but of course, that was completely different.

Justin felt so guilty about it that he swallowed the next time, too, after convincing JC that it had been the shrimp he had eaten at dinner that made him so sick. JC knew that it wasn't the food when Justin got nauseous again. He had rubbed Justin's back soothingly while Justin kept his head poised over the toilet, growing more upset about the situation.

JC didn't let him swallow anymore, and Justin stopped trying. It just made him too sick to his stomach. JC used to try to push him off when he was about to come, but Justin refused to budge. Justin knew that it wouldn't be as good for JC if he pulled off right before JC orgasmed, and he felt bad enough already. Justin compromised with himself and spat it out later instead. Oral sex was no longer a point of uncertainty or discomfort for either of them anymore.

Justin kissed JC softly, biting JC's lower lip a little as he pulled away. He moved down JC's body and unzipped his pants, pulling them down along with JC's boxers. His erection became visible and Justin looked down at it and kissed the head of his penis. He began licking the shaft up and down, swirling his tongue around - doing anything that JC had liked in the past.

JC's hands clutched the bedsheets tightly. Both of JC's ex-boyfriends had always pushed down on his head in their own ecstasy when he gave them blow jobs. It wasn't something that he really minded, but it did bother him that they pushed until he almost gagged. He had done it with some past girlfriends himself, so he knew how that kind of thing ended up happening. But he didn't want to do that to Justin, even though it seemed like something normal, something that everybody did. The only way he could control himself was to grab onto the closest thing - in this case, the sheets.

Justin was a sexual tease by nature. It came out in performances with his rapid thrusting and the way he ran his hands down his body. This was by no means confined to the stage. If anything, it multiplied in the bedroom. He liked to take things slow - excruciatingly slow for his partner, usually.

Justin continued his slow but intense sucking. JC's breathing became heavier and more labored. A moan escaped his lips. "Justin ... that feels ... so good ..." he managed to say.

Justin increased his pace, moving up and down, progressively faster and faster. It wasn't long before JC warned him. "Almost ... there ..." he breathed.

He shot his load into Justin's mouth, who had already mentally prepared himself for the "impact." While a little bit did slide down his throat, he collected most of it in his mouth and spat it out into the trash can next to the bed.

"Oh, God," JC said, his chest rising up and down, thoroughly winded. "Do you see what you do to me?"

Justin had walked into the bathroom to rinse his mouth out. "All good things I hope," he said.

"Oh, yeah, all good. But I don't think I could tell my mother about some of them."

Justin laughed. "So I take it they're naughty?"

JC laughed also while putting away his bits and pieces (I'm sorry, I had to put that in there just to make myself laugh) and zipping his pants back up. "Someday we'll make those naughty thoughts a reality," Justin said, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him and tapping him on the nose.

JC rolled over onto his side and propped his head up with his arm. He looked up at Justin dreamily. "Who really needs all that gross sex when you can just have love and all that sugary pink stuff?"

Justin giggled and started to tickle JC, who doubled over in spasms of laughter and tried to tickle him back. They fell to the floor in a twisted pile, playing around like six-year-old boys.

Lance had finished getting ready for the day. He stepped out into the hallway and heard a heavy thud come from Justin and JC's room. Worried that someone might be hurt, he knocked on the door.

"Justin? JC? Are you okay in there?" he asked.

The door was flung open by a red-faced Justin. "Yeah, we're fine, Lance."

He started to walk back into the room, a little off-balance. "I'm so dizzy.

All the blood rushed to my head."

Lance followed him and saw JC sprawled on the floor. "Really, JC. When the two of you have sex, try to keep it on the bed. It bruises less that way," he joked.

JC and Justin laughed along with him, but something in the way Justin looked at Lance made him slightly regret his offhand remark. Had he accidentally brought up a sore spot?

"Okay, well I'll leave you two alone now," Lance said. "I'm going to go downstairs and get some breakfast at the restaurant in the lobby. No more room service for me. I want to eat at a real table."

"I'll come with you," Justin proposed, grabbing a fisherman's hat and placing it on his head.

"No, no, you don't have to. Stay here with JC."

JC turned to look at them. "No, that's okay, Lance. I wanted to finish up a song I was working on, and with this little angel in the room, I'll never get anything done."

Lance and Justin left the room after saying good-bye to JC, which for Lance, consisted of waving his hand and saying, "Bye, JC." Justin, however, had to get a good-bye kiss and some whispered words, which Lance guessed were along the lines of "I love you, honey, I'll miss you."

They stepped into the elevator and rode down to the lobby, talking about what they had each done the night before. Lance left out the pangs of loneliness, and Justin left out the human dessert part. They sat down at a table in the nearly empty restaurant.

While Lance was eating his eggs, he looked at Justin eating his trusty cereal. He loved spending time with Justin.

Justin seemed to sense that he was being watched and looked up from his bowl to see a pair of green eyes looking back at him. "Is there something wrong, Lance?" he asked.

"Nope." Lance shook his head to punctuate his statement. "Just staring off into space."

Justin nodded, signaling acceptance of the answer. Lance had been out of it lately. Kind of withdrawn, distant almost. He had been pushing Justin away for the past month or so. The incident upstairs was the latest of many. The moment Justin said he would accompany Lance, Lance insisted that he stay with JC. Justin tried to remember the past couple of months. Had he done something to make Lance mad? He couldn't think of anything.

Soon all that remained in Justin's bowl was milk discolored by his cereal. He pushed his bowl away from him.

"Are you going to go back upstairs?" Lance asked him.

"Are you done with breakfast?"

"Not yet. It's okay. Just go back upstairs. You don't have to wait for me."

Justin frowned. Now he was upset. "Lance, what's WRONG? What did I do to make you so mad at me?"

Lance looked at him, completely surprised. "I'm not mad at you. What are you talking about?"

Justin started playing with his fingers as he spoke. "You never want to hang out with me anymore. We're best friends, and you're always saying, 'Go somewhere else.' What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything," Lance said, flustered.

"Then why are you always pushing me away?" Justin asked, growing more agitated.

Lance instantly felt terrible. Justin looked like he was about ten seconds away from crying. "Justin, you didn't do anything," he repeated. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. It's just - it's just that I didn't think YOU wanted to hang out with ME that much anymore."

"Lance, you're one of my best friends! Why wouldn't I want to hang out with you anymore?"

"Because ... you have JC now, and of course you two want to spend all of your time together ..."

Justin stood up and pulled his chair around so he and Lance were now sitting on the same side of the table. "Lance, who am I?"


"Who am I?" Justin asked again.

"You're Justin Timberlake?" Lance answered quizzically.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm not just 'JC's boyfriend' now. I'm still the same Justin. I'm still your best friend. Just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean that I don't want to hang out with my little Lance." Justin smiled and put his arm around Lance's shoulders.

Lance smiled, too. "I'm not that little, you know," he said in mock protest.

"I know." Justin squeezed his shoulder. "So is that why you were always pushing me away? You thought I didn't want to spend time with you?"

Lance nodded. "Well I'm going to tell you right now," Justin continued, "that no matter what, even if I have a ring on my finger and my last name is Chasez, I'll always, ALWAYS have time for you. No matter how busy I get, I'll always make time for you."

"Thanks Justin." Lance suddenly started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You," Lance explained. "Justin Chasez. Justin Timberlake-Chasez. Do you practice writing that in your diary over and over again?"

Justin lightly shoved Lance. "Whatever, man. I don't have a diary. And I DON'T write that over and over again."

"Suuuuuuuuure, I believe you."

Lance and Justin burst out laughing. "I'm glad we had this talk," Justin said.

"Me too. Now I don't feel like shit all the time."

"Aw, really? I made you feel that bad? I'm really sorry, Lance."

"It's okay, it's not your fault. I should be used to it by now. You tend to have that effect on people."

Justin looked up in surprise only to be greeted by Lance's serious expression, which broke into a grin. "You're such an asshole," Justin claimed. "Your mom would ground you for that one."

"Okay, never bring the mother into it. That is never allowed."

This led to more laughter. Lance looked over at Justin. It was just like old times.

And that's Chapter Three. I hope all of you like it. Chapter Four should be coming soon. E-mail me if you want! Thanks.

Next: Chapter 4

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