A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Jan 23, 2002


Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with? Besides that, happy reading.

I'm also really sorry that you had to wait so long for this installment. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had time to write. I promise that if you wait a long time for a part you will get a lengthy one to help make up for it.

On with A love for James.

A Love For James Chapters 11 and 12


I woke up earlier than Jesse did and took some time to watch him sleep. He looked so distressed but who could blame him. After all he had been through yesterday, I'd probably have done the same thing he did. I was just glad to know he was ok and that he told me about it because he trusted me.

"Whatcha looking at sweetie?" Jesse asked as he woke up from his deep slumber.

"My sexy boyfriend. Who else?"

"I don't know. You could have someone stashed in the closet that I don't know about."

"Never. I have eyes only for you."

"That's sweet. So what's the plan for the day?"

"Well, I'm gonna go to an interview in an hour or so, and then I have a photo shoot this afternoon with the guys. Then rehearsals for the evening. We have a show on Friday and we need to get some practice in."

"Oh. Okay."

"Disappointed we can't hang out much today?"

"A little. Though, I think I know of something I wanna do today anyways. I'm just gonna catch a cab home and get going on it."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm driving you home cause it's on my way anyways."


<<Jesse's POV>>

It was a relatively short drive from his house to mine and I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and went inside. When I got inside I went and checked my house messages. There were a few from yesterday but they were mainly repeats of the one's that were left on my voicemail. There was one from earlier this morning from Autumn asking me to call her back when I got a chance. I called Autumn up and asked her what she needed.

"I have an appointment today and Sarah doesn't know about her mother being sick. I was kinda hoping you might wanna spend the day with her and get to know her. Maybe just drop her off later tonight or whatever you want. I want you to get plenty of time to spend with her. Is that ok?"

"Yeah. I was actually gonna call you later and ask if I could hang out with her. You haven't any treatments done today?"

"Yeah, I have a radiation treatment today and I'm not fun to be around afterwards."

"I can keep her overnight if that's easier on you."

"I would love that. I'll go pack a bag for her."

After a quick description of where they lived at, I hung up with Autumn and went to get the guest room set up for a five-year old. I also needed toys. I would just have to take Sarah shopping for some toys that she could keep at the house for when she stayed over. About a half an hour later, I pulled up into their driveway and saw Sarah run out to the car.


"Hi Sarah sweetie. Ready to hang out with daddy all day?"

"Yep. Can't wait."

"Ok. I'll take your bag and you say bye bye to mommy."

"Ok daddy."

I put her bag in the backseat while she gave her mom a kiss and a hug goodbye. I told Autumn to just give me a call sometime tomorrow and I would drop Sarah back off to her and she said that was fine. So, Sarah and I were off. I realized we didn't really know each other all that well so I started to ask her questions.

"When's your b-day Sarah?"

"February 13th. Same as you."

"Yeah. How did you know that?"

"Mommy told me that I was born on the same day as my daddy."

"Does mommy let you listen to music?"

"Yeah. All the time."

"Do you have a favorite group or person to listen to?"

"Well. I really like the 'dirty pop' boys. That's my favorite song they sing."

"Oh, you mean *NSYNC?"

"Yeah. Mommy says I am too young to go see them in person. I just wanna meet them."

"What else did mommy tell you about me?" I asked wondering if she explained to Sarah that I was gay.

"She said you met someone. Someone that is really special to you but I will always be more specialer to you." I laughed at the way she worded it wrong. It was just so cute.

"I do have someone special in my life. And your mommy is right. You will always be the most special person I know."

"She did say that you loved someone different then you should. Daddy, what does 'gay" mean?"

"Sweetie, gay is a term used when someone falls in love with someone else of the same sex. Like if your mommy fell in love with another woman."

"So, you love a guy?"

"Yes I do sweetheart."

"Oh. Ok."

"Does that bother you?"

"No. Mommy taught me that if you love someone it don't matter what parts theys got." She was so cute. How could I not love her.

"Well, I haven't got any toys at home for you to play with so we're gonna stop here at Toys 'R' Us and get you some ok?"

"You mean it?? I get to pick out any toys I want?"

"Of course. But the toys will be kept at my house so choose ones that you can live without while you aren't at my house."

"Ok daddy. Maybe we can get a game too so that you and me and your boyfriend can all play tonight."

"If that's what you want. I'm sure James would be delighted to meet you. His friends as well I am sure. If you want we can go meet them a little earlier. Maybe pick up some dinner for them."

"I like that idea daddy. Oh, this way daddy."

For the next hour Sarah dragged me up and down the isles picking out toys left and right that she wanted to get. I wasn't worried about the money so I just let her keep picking. Eventually I told her one more and she picked out 'monopoly junior' to play at home later that night. It was lunch time so I took her home and we put all the toys away and made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. After we were done, my cell phone rang.

"Phone daddy," Sarah said as she went for the house phone.

"I got it. It's not that phone. It's this one," I said holding up my cell phone.

"Then it's probably James."

"Why don't you go ahead and play with some toys while I talk to James about our plan."

"Ok daddy."

She left the room to get her toys and I answered my cell.

"Hey sexy."

"What would you have done if I asked Justin to call you?"

"Told him how deeply sexy I think he is and that I am planning to secretly have an affair with him and get rid of you."


"Just kidding. You should know better than that."

"Sorry. Didn't expect you to say that."

"That's ok. What's up?"

"Well I am really curious as to what you did today since you didn't really say this morning."

"It's a surprise. Hey, can you get the guys to give you an order for what they all want from McDonald's. I'm gonna go ahead and bring it to you guys at the rehearsal if that's ok."

"That would be wonderful. We're here now. So, I am gonna have to let you go. I'll have Lonnie add you to the list so you can get in without any trouble."

"Ok. Well tell him Jesse +1."


"Yeah. I'm bringing someone with me. Someone who is dying to meet you guys. Hey quick question?? Can I get a favor from you?"

"Sure. What?"

"You guys are rehearsing with Tima again right?"

"Yeah. What other slave driver do you know?"

"Give her my number when you get inside and tell her to call me ASAP."

"Sure, but why?"

"Just do it sweetie and I will see you later."

"Alright. I love you."

"Love ya too."

We hung up and I went to find Sarah. She was in the guest room playing with a doll. She was brushing its hair and changing the outfits.

"How's it going sweetheart?"

"Good. How is James?"

"He's doing good. He's gonna call back on water break with the food order. Then we're gonna show up early and surprise him and maybe you too."

"A surprise?? For me??"

"Just maybe. Only if a friend of mine calls back really quick."

She crossed her fingers and started to chant, "please call" over and over. It was absolutely adorable. A few minutes later the phone rang. Sarah let out a "woohoo" as I answered it.


"Yeah. What's up Jesse?"

"I've got a special thing I need you to do for me if you can."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Well I wanna surprise my daughter with something. She doesn't know who James is or who we are coming to see. So, can you do me a favor and at 6pm sharp have the guys perform 'Pop'. Tell them to make it good."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll let em go if they are good after that."

"Great. Thanks a bunch."

"Not a problem. Catch ya later."

I hung up and said, "Someone is getting a surprise."

"WOOOHHOOOOO!!!!!!" I heard Sarah yell from the guest room. We played with her toys for about an hour more and she took a nap from 2-4:30. At about 3pm James called with the order for McDonald's. Sarah woke up and I gave her a little snack while we watched some t.v. At about 5pm we went out to the McDonald's and I ordered their food plus ours. I had Sarah, James', and mine bagged separate. We pulled up to the entrance to the rehearsal building at about ten to six. Lonnie was at the gate and hassled us to waste time so that we went in at the exact time. He took the drinks as I carried the food bags to the food area. At 5:59 I heard Tima shout that this was the last one for the night if we did it good. That was my cue to get Sarah out there quick so she could get her surprsie.

"You want your surprise now Sarah?"

"YEAH" she said.

"Ok. Come on. We gotta hurry."

We walked quickly out to the performance area. Just before she cued the music she said that there might be an audience so no screwing it up. If it wasn't good they would do it over. Sarah and I walked down closer to the stage and the music started. Sarah immediately recognized it and the five men dancing in front of her and screamed really loudly while jumping up and down. I knew this was a good thing. The guys were shocked to hear the scream but they kept going. Once they were done, Fatima let them go. James ran over towards me with the guys in tow.

<<James' POV>>

The interview in the morning was kinda tedious. I spent the whole morning wondering what exactly Jesse was going to do today. He didn't really say much this morning and now I was really curious.

The photo shoot was ok and it went off without any problems but it was boring. I missed being able to spend time with Jesse and so I called him. We talked for a little bit and he asked me to get the guys' order for food from McDonald's. I did and told him I would call him back with it at our water break. He also asked me to have Tima call him and I relayed the message. I kinda wondered what he was up to.

We got to rehearsal early and at break I called in our food order. After that we ran through the oldies that were years old. The last song we were gonna do was 'Pop'. Tima said if it was good we could get out early. Then said something about a possible audience. I assumed that she meant Jesse and whoever he brought with him. I just hoped he got to hang out with his daughter and that maybe I would get to meet her.

We began the run through and early on we all heard someone scream. We kept on dancing and when we got a chance to look over saw Jesse standing there with a little girl that I presumed would be Sarah. We finished the routine and all ran over there to see what was the matter.

"Are you ok?" James asked Sarah who could only nod cause she couldn't believe she was meeting her favorite music group.

The guys gave her autographs and we all sat down and ate our dinner. When we were done, the guys hit the showers and James, Sarah, and I all headed home.

"So, you are with Lance daddy?"

"Yes, but his name is really James."

"Ok. Hi James. Guess what?"


"My daddy loves you."

"Well, can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"I love him too."

Sarah smiled and we drove home in silence. As we got into the house Sarah ran for the guest room and brought out the Monopoly game. James saw it and looked at me.

"I promised her we would play."

"Did you? Well, it can't hurt. And sweetie??"


"Thank you for letting meet your daughter. She is so much like you. She's so adorable."

"Well, there was something else Autumn shared with me that I have to tell you about. But later on, not now."


We played the game for about two hours. When 9pm rolled around I declared it bedtime and off to bed Sarah went after brushing her hair and her teeth, changing, being tucked in, and having had a story red to her by James.

After we kissed her goodnight James and I sat down in front of the tv for a little bit.

"What is it you didn't tell me??"

"About what?"


"Oh. She has breast and pancreatic cancer. They don't give her more than two years. She wants me to take care of Sarah after she passes."

"Well, you did say yes didn't you??"

"Well, I didn't know Sarah yet so I didn't give her an answer. But I am definitely going to without a doubt in my mind."

"That's good sweetie."


"Yes sweetie?"

"I am worn out but I am also really fucking hard right now. Will you make love to me?"

"Are you sure with your daughter??"

"Yes. We'll lock the door. I need you so bad."

We walked to the bedroom and I slowly undressed him while he undressed me. He pulled down my boxers exposing my rock hard cock. I wasn't sure what got me so horny but whatever did it, had me really bad. I pulled down James' boxers and he was hard but with room for more. I would take care of that really quick. My hand slid down to his cock and gave it a few strokes and slid my thumb over the head and slit causing his dick to harden to full potential and to get a moan from him.

I pushed him down on to the bed and took his cock into my mouth slicking it up. His hips bucked a little matching my thrusts while he moaned. He reached for the drawer that had the condoms and lube but I grabbed his hands away. I wanted to feel him cum in me. I trusted him and I knew we were both clean. He got tested every 6 months which was the same as me and we were clean.

"I wanna feel you cum in my ass. I wanna feel your hot cum fill my ass."


He pushed me onto my back and took the lube out to get my ass ready for a good fuck. When my ass was loosened enough, he put my legs on his shoulder and began to slowly enter me pausing whenever I felt pain. Once I was use to him, he began a very slow back and forth motion. This wasn't like a normal fuck. He really was taking his time with this making it last. We continue like that with him stroking my cock in time to his thrusts till I came hard all over my chest. My ass spasmed all around his cock causing him to cum in my ass. It felt so good to feel his cum filling me. After that we were pretty spent so we cleaned up and put on some boxers (can't have Sarah finding us naked in bed) and went to bed. We kissed each other goodnight, exchanged "I love you's" and went to sleep snuggled in each other's arms.

I'm REALLY ten times sorry it took so long to update. I can't promise that I will be quick with the updates from now on but if I think there will be another long break then I will send an update to you all so you will know ahead of time. Thanks for your patience and I hope you will all still send feedback. It's very welcome and I love hearing all your ideas for where you think I should take the story. Thanks again and I hope you still like it.

Next: Chapter 8

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