A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Sep 17, 2005


Hi Everyone! For those of you who actually remember my writing this story that I started 3 years ago, way to go. For all others, this was my first attempt at writing on nifty and I really guess the story was good, I had a lot of good emails from people who liked it but I just got way to busy with school and a new job that I ran outta time to be able to write and if your heart isn't in it 100% then there is no point to writing it. So I am gonna try once again to pick up where I left off and see how the story goes.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with? Besides that, happy reading. I'm also really sorry that you had to wait so long for this installment. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had time to write. I promise that if you wait a long time for a part you will get a lengthy one to help make up for it.

On With A Love For James

Last time:

"Sorry about the ma'am, please have a seat and we can go over what you need and get you on your way."

"Sonny boy, I don't know if you have heard of me but you all talk so confusingly that I have to be here forever to understand what you give me."

"Don't worry. I have had quite the experience with putting all this in words that are very easy to understand. So, let's get to business."

Within 25 minutes, I had all the paperwork printed out and had just finished explaining the documents to her and she said she got all of it. I asked her if she was all set and she said she was so I sent her on her way home. I was now free to go home. I was on my way down the hall to the elevator and I ran into Mr. Juventus. "Out so soon, Jesse. Must have been a really short set of paperwork, or you are really as good as I say you are."

"The latter sir. I know how to communicate to people on her level of understanding of accounting. That was part of my job before the incident with Mike. I dealt with most of the elderly cause Mike didn't have the patience. That client is a really sweet women. Glad to help her out. I'm outta here though. Have fun while I am gone."

"Bye Jesse and thanks again." I got into my car and called James.

A Love for James Chapter 16

I called James on my way home to let him know that I was out and heading to my place. He was going to swing by to pick me up before we left for the week of vacationing. We were only going to be traveling to St. Augustine, FL and considering we lived in Orlando it wasn't much of a far trip for a vacation. It just made sense to not steer far from home given Autumn's health was declining and at any moment on any given day anything could happen. We had to be prepared for when it did. I had arrived at home to be greeted by Alyssa. Now I know that I am able to walk and do a lot of things for myself but I just didn't have the heart to get rid of Alyssa. We were great friends by now and it just hurt me to think of not having her around and the pain it would cause her to fire her. I would have no real reason to fire her other than not needing her anymore and deep down I will always need her. She did, however, find another job and was working there full-time and for me only when necessary. She would be spending the next week at my place looking after it while I was away.

Shortly after getting home and ensuring that everything was packed for the week (Alyssa had to approve of my packed attire of course), I heard the doorbell ring. I grabbed a few last minute things and I heard Alyssa letting James in. I heard the two of them talking about how things had been and her asking what we would be doing. He just told her sight-seeing and relaxing seeing how with our working schedules being hectic, and having Sarah on the weekends didn't really provide a lot of `us' time. Seeing how our relationship was still pretty new we both thought this time off for us would be a really good thing in developing our relationship. I was really set on us being a tight couple before I took over for Autumn as Sarah's sole guardian. I was afraid if we weren't that a big change like that could really put a big dent in our relationship.

"Hey there sexy," I said with a wink as I came downstairs with my baggage.

"Hey there yourself. All packed up with Alyssa's approved attire?" he asked.

"There is no other way to pack. I swear sometimes she acts worse than my own mother but I love her anyway. Some days I just don't know what I would have done without her."

"Oh sweety," Alyssa cut in, "I bet you'd have been just fine without me. You might not dress as well as you do now and you might not be as well nourished from my cooking, but you would have just been fine."

"Well aren't you just so sweet. You'll keep a good eye on the place I am sure and since you know this place as well as I do, I won't bore you by running around telling you not to forget this and that. I will say no parties hahaha or at least clean up so good that I can't tell. I am easily fooled."

"I'll be sure it's spic-and-span for you when you return. Now you two have loads of fun and relax before coming back to this rat race. I just wanted to be sure you called Autumn about next week before you leave. I don't want you to forget and than not be able to make those plans work out."

"Oh shit!!" "I just knew you were gonna forget. Call her and make sure you're all good and call me back so I know how it all worked out."

"Ok thank you so much for reminding me. I will call her when we get on the road and talk to her about it and let you know. Thanks for watching the place for me and I will see you in a week." I gave her a hug and a kiss goodbye as did James before we packed up my stuff in the 4-runner and were on the road.

"What was Alyssa asking you about?" James inquired.

"What do you mean??"

"When she told you to call Autumn about next week? What's happening next week?"

"Oh that. I had wanted to talk to Autumn about having Sarah spend the week here. When Autumn does pass, we will be caring for Sarah 24/7 and I just wanna kind of have a week long trial run at it rather than have it sprung up on me. Seeing as how Mr. Juventus gave me 2 weeks vacation instead of just one, I intend to enjoy every last minute of that second week and try to use it for my trial run."

"Oh that sounds great. I really hope Autumn goes along with it. That would be a great way to not only spend time with Sarah but to see how we would handle situations that could arise any given day of the week." James said.

"Exactly. I am gonna give her a call now before I forget."


"Hey Autumn, it's Jesse. How are you feeling today?"

"Like shit but that is everyday for me now. Some days I just wish I was dead but I always thank God for all the time he has given me to spend with Sarah. What can I do for you?"

"Well I know how grateful you are having Sarah with you while you can and I really would hate to take any of that time away but I have to ask you a favor."

"Well what is it and I will see."

"Well my boss gave me 2 weeks vacation time instead of just one and while Sarah is away camping James and I are going to St. Augustine. But I didn't have anything planned for the second week seeing as I had not planned on having a second one. I was kinda hoping that for the second week you might let me care for Sarah the whole week. I would like to have her stay here for the whole week and kinda get the full experience of what James and I will face when the time comes. What do you think?"

"I am thinking that you think I am gonna say no just cause I want all the time I can have with her now while I can. But, I am gonna say yes because I think it's a really good idea. You don't wanna have a 5 year old sprung on you without warning 24/7 cause I think you might be in for a shock. I will let Sarah know that she will be spending the week after this with you. I am sure she will be totally ecstatic to be with her two favorite daddies for a whole week. I can tell you are on the road right now so go ahead and give me a call later on in the week and let me know what day/time you will pick her up and drop her back off and we'll set the definite plans in stone then."

"I just want you to know that you are an incredible person for allowing me to do this. I think you are one of the bravest and strongest people I know to think of me and Sarah at a time like this. I surely hope that you arrange time to come and play with her during the week she is here because she deserves to spend time with you still while you are here for her."

"I will see what I can do but I am sure I will over there with you guys as much as I can to help you two get the hang of things. Enjoy your vacation and I will talk to you later on in the week, ok Jesse?"

"Sure thing, you take care. Bye." And with that the conversation had ended. James knew what the outcome had been and things were set in motion that I would spend my second week of vacation caring for my daughter 24/7 to get the hang of things before Autumn was no longer with us. With that taken care of I had to call Alyssa to let her know things were a go. I did so and finally was able to sit back and relax while enjoying our calm, quiet drive to St. Augustine. I took James' hand in my intertwining our fingers and just lay back and closed my eyes. Before long I was fast asleep.

"Jesse, we're here. Jesse sweetie wake up, we're here."

"Huh?? Oh wow, how long was I out for?"

"About an hour and a half but it's okay. You looked so tired and when you were sleeping you looked calm and at peace so I just let you sleep. But we're here and I already got our room we just have to take our stuff up."

"Okay well let's get to it then. I know a hot tub that has our name written all over it and I am ready for it right now."

James just chuckled. Every time that we ever got together and ended up at my house and in the hot tub we had sex. And I am not over-exaggerating at all. I literally mean EVERY time. It was kinda like clockwork and it was scary. So I imagine my saying that I wanted the hot tub was translation to "I want you to fuck me senseless." Either way I didn't care cause I really wanted to have James make love to me anyways.

After we got our stuff upstairs we peaked in the bathroom to see that we had a whirlpool tub with the jets and everything and well that worked for me. So I started getting it filled up while James found some candles and got some music playing. When the tub was filled we stripped down and got in sitting cuddled to one another, my head on his shoulder, just relaxing. The heat did wonders on relieving aches in neck and when it didn't James gave me a massage to work the rest out. I felt so good after 20 minutes that I started to kiss at his neck and rub his nipple between my thumb and forefinger. It harden between my fingers and he let out a slight moan. I placed gentle kisses along his collar line and instantly felt him shift. This was my favorite spot to kiss and lick in foreplay cause if he wasn't hard before I got there he surely was when I did get there. He let out a louder moan knowing I had him right where I wanted him. My hand traveled over to his other nipple and pinched it between my fingers to get it hard too before I pulled his face to mine and kissed him hard and passionately. It was a lust filled kiss that told him I wanted him right there in the tub and `no' was not an option.

My hand reached under the water and found his hard cock and I started to stroke it slowly and then quickly and then slowly again. I could tell I was driving him nuts but he trusted me and knew his release would not be far away. I told him to open his eyes and look at me. When he did, I asked, "James do you trust me?". "Of course I do, with my life." I told him to close his eyes and not to peek. I knew the surprise of what I did next would be extremely pleasurable for him and me. When I saw that his eyes were closed tightly I sat up on my knees pressing close to his body and pulled his cock towards my asshole. Once it was at my hole, I impaled myself on him and sat right down taking his whole length in one shot. All of a sudden his eyes popped open and he let out this really deep moan. "Oh my God, Jesse you are so fucking tight. Jesus you feel so good." I clenched my ass around his cock and felt him shiver and heard him moan. I knew he would like it. I was kneeling on the bench in the tub so I could sit up and down on his cock and began to ride him slowly at first. He began to moan louder and louder. I knew that he was really getting into it and was getting closer to orgasm so I had to make my move. I pulled out of him and heard him whimper in shock.

"James you said you trusted me right?" "Of course I do but I thought that proving that was when you impaled yourself on my cock. There is more?" "Yes James there is. Now close your eyes again and I promise I will be back riding that monster cock of yours before you know it."

James closed his eyes and I reached over into my pant pockets. I had bought a special little gift for us to use on our `relaxation' trip knowing full right we would probably be fucking like rabbits because we were just so in love and we loved to express it that way. Now the gift I had gotten was a little anal vibrator that had like a little plug to hold it in. It also had a remote that worked with it so that you could have the person keep it in and all day long you could push one little button and drive them wild. The best thing was it was water resistant and very very quiet. I pulled out the little vibrator plug and told James he needed to relax and I teased his asshole with my fingers pushing one in and hitting his prostate and then two fingers. Once I thought he was pretty well opened up I inserted the vibrator into his ass and told him to keep his eyes closed. I gave him a very passionate kiss on the lips and asked him how he felt. "I feel very turned on but I am guessing that it's not you that is in me cause you can't ride me and be in me at the same time."

"You guessed right but I want you to promise me that you will wear this for the length of our weekend of vacation relaxing. I will tell you what it is when you agree. And if you need some encouragement to agree I will do any one thing you name without question if you promise to do this for me."

"Without knowing what it is I will agree to do it cause I trust you 100% and I have an odd feeling that I will really enjoy wearing this all weekend. I won't lie though, I wanna know what it is."

"It's an anal vibrator. I didn't turn it on yet cause it's gonna rock your world. But it is also like a butt plug so it's gonna stay in there all weekend keeping you stretched out."

" I must be missing something. If it's a plug and vibrator it's only gonna be good when we're having sex so why wear it all weekend?" By now he had opened his eyes cause he wanted to see it although I am not sure how he planned to see it when it was in his ass lol.

"Cause it has a remote control that allows the person with the controller to turn it on or off at any given time. So we could be sight-seeing with a hundred people and with a push of a button I am sending vibrations to your prostate which is gonna make you rock-hard within several seconds and there is no going back cause you already said you would do it."

"Wow. I think this will definitely be very interesting. The only thing I ask is that you try not to publically humiliate me considering the popularity I have following me and at least try to only do it with a few people around not hundreds."

"Ok I will give in a little but right now we need to cut the chit-chat and continue where we left off." As I finished saying that I remounted James's cock and began to slide up and down his cock while his hand was stroking my cock to the same rhythm. I leaned into him and whispered, "let's test it out" and with that I pushed the low vibration setting on the remote and instantly James moaned out followed by a few "holy shits" and several "oh gods". I was guessing that he was in sexual ecstacy at the point. As I rode his cock I could feel some of the vibrations from the vibrator probably cause of the water we were in but as I rode him I could feel his cock hardening even more from the added pleasure. Within minutes he had flipped me over so that I was sitting down on the edge of the step where he was and he was fucking me. Not just any fuck either. He was fucking me so hard I felt I would become the wall if he pounded me any harder but it felt so good I was screaming out his name.

"Oh god James fuck me!! Fuck me harder!! Oh yeah you know I love it when you slam me like that with your monster cock!! Oh shit.... FUCK!!!!" God James was fucking the shit outta me and I had no idea how the hell he was holding out for so long but all of a sudden I could feel that he was gonna cum hard within seconds. He screamed out my name " Oh JESSE!!! FUCK, you are so tight, I am fucking the shit out of you. You love it when I fuck you hard with my cock." James had long since abandoned stroking my cock for a good grip on the whirlpool tub so he could fuck me as hard as he could. I was so turned on by all of this that it didn't matter.

I sensed that he was so turned on and was ready to cum that I grabbed the remote real quick and turned the setting to full speed and within 2 seconds James screamed out one really loud "Holy Fucking Shit Jesse!!!!!!" and came long and hard in my ass. As soon as I felt him cumming in my ass I started to cum without anyone touching my cock and then began to ease the vibrator speed down. When we came down from our climaxes he pulled out of my ass and sat down beside me.

"Holy shit Jesse where the hell did you buy that thing and where can I get one of them? That was fucking amazing. I hope that it was okay. I felt like such a wild animal fucking you hard like that. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Oh no James you didn't hurt me at all. God I was as turned on as you were and no offense but when you go all animalistic on me fucking me like that, that was such a fucking turn on you have no idea. You are such a sexy beast and my ass is yours to fuck whenever you please. So, I imagine you don't have any objections to keeping our little toy in all weekend then?"

"Objections?? Hell no, just keep in mind what I said. I don't mind if we're not around a lot of people and you do that. I just hope that I can contain myself when it does happen and not moan out and jump you right there."

With that we rinsed off the cum and drained the tub before heading out to the bedroom. "I have to run an errand real quick before we go to dinner. It's for the one thing, anything, that you will do since I have agreed to wear this in my ass all weekend."

"Okay but don't be gone for too long. I will surely miss you too much if you are."

With a kiss goodbye, James was gone. I was a little concerned. What exactly was he gonna ask me to do and was I gonna regret saying that I would do ANYTHING?

It had been about 45mins before James had returned with a bag from a shopping trip. It appeared he was ready to show me what I would do. He gave me a kiss and asked just as I had asked him, "Do you trust me Jesse?" "Of course James I trust you completely. I am just wondering if saying anything was a bad idea now?"

"Don't worry if you trust me completely you have nothing to worry about. Ready to find out what it is??"

"Yes James, tell me what will I be doing for you this week to match you wearing the anal vibrator??"

"Jesse, I have decided that you will...................."

You just had to know I was gonna end that section there. It was just written everywhere that I was gonna do it lol. Gotta keep you interested if I can and bring people back into reading my story considering it's been 3 years. Well comments and questions are welcome at jlb_16_99@hotmail.com. Lemme know what you are thinking cause I wanna know.

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