A Love for James

By Jessica

Published on Dec 31, 2001


Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing on nifty so be gentle as you read. I've been a reader and always interested in writing so I am giving it a shot. Please send any comments, good or bad, long or short, to me. Any criticism would be good.

Disclaimer: Any statements of Lance/James being gay cannot be confirmed. I don't know any member of nsync or any other celebrity that may appear in the story. If you aren't of age to be reading this, then don't. If it offends you, why are you at the site to begin with. Besides that, happy reading.

Lance's Love- Chapters 1 and 2

"Jesse sweetie, rise and shine to a bright wonderful day". That would be Alyssa with my morning wake up call. I guess I have always preferred personal wake up calls to alarm clocks. Something about that incessant buzzing in your ear. Anyways, perhaps I shall explain who I am and why Alyssa is waking me up.

My name is Jesse Towns (kinda corny, I know) and I am 24 years old and 100% gay. Alyssa knows that and so does Rick, my butler I guess you could say. Don't be thinking I am filthy rich though, cause I am not but I do good work and I get paid well for it. What is it I do?? I am one of the top accountants at Juventus Accounting Firm. It's considered the best in the city and it's hard as hell to get in to. But I made it in somehow. Back to what I was saying, a few years back, I was in a bad car accident that paralyzed me from the waist down. My step-mom was killed and my father practically disowned me; however, Doc says that I can recover and walk but it will be a while before I can. So, until then, Alyssa wakes me up and Rick helps me shower and change before driving me to and from work.

"I am up Alyssa, give me a break will ya. You know I am up before you even come get me. Why not just get Rick so we can get the show on the road already." I stated exhausted from my near sleepless night. Haven't been sure why but I have been having dreams lately that seem to get further each day but not by enough. Rick says see a doc about it but I figure in time it will work out.

"Come on tiger, let's hit the showers," Rick says as he lifts me up and carries me to the shower. I washed my hair as Rick washes my body and then excuses himself so that I may take care of my morning wood that never fails to be there EVERYDAY!!!! But I just think that this is my one time to pretend that I am with my one true love.....James Lance Bass. Realizing that I haven't got a lot of time, I hurry and masturbate as quickly as I can cumming all over the walls of the shower and call Rick back in to take me to change.

Once dressed and okayed by Alyssa, it's off to work. It's a relatively short drive but the time to get in and out is pretty aggravating, but what can you do. When I get inside, I am greeted by Mike, my level manager.

"Hey Jesse, how's it going??? Guess what?"


"I have a new client for you today. He really could be a great aspect to this company and I think you are the man for the job. So, win him over"

Now, Mike knows I am gay and all but he basically says 10 minutes worth of stuff to me in the morning, quick phrases in the day, and a goodbye at the end of the day. That's it. Otherwise, we stay at least 50 feet apart or we'll probably kill each other.

"Alright, I will try but remember that my sexuality isn't what scares my clients off."

"What do you mean?"

"I need almost our entire floors' hands to count how many times a client has walked away from me and to you because I have wheels for travel instead of feet and you know it."

"Well, give it your best because I think we may have found u a client that is different."

"That's what you always say Mike and it never changes. We'll see what happens. Is he waiting for me upstairs?"

"No, he'll be here at 11:15am for his appointment with you. I hope that was ok."

"Yeah, that will work, but I am going to lunch after that."

"Ok, just stop by my office after the meeting and tell me the dish and you can go."

"Ok, deal. Cya later."

Boy was I glad to get away from him and maybe not reporting to him would piss him off.....I'd like that. Anyways, time passed by pretty slowly until 11am. I just sat there waiting for him to show up and at 11:10am he knocked on my open door and allowed himself in.

"Hello, you must be my newest client. I am Jesse Towns, and u are?"

"Hi, I believe I am, it's nice to meet you Mr. Towns, my name is James. Here's my file. Mike let me hang on to it."

"Thank you Mr....??

"Bass, James Bass, but please call me James."

"Only if you call me Jesse. I hate being Mr. Anything."

"Me too. Makes me feel old."

"Well, first let me apologize for not standing to greet you as you came in. If you haven't already noticed, I have wheels for feet. I hope that you will accept that and we can work together."

"You are handicapped? How did it happen?"

"Yes. Don't care to mix personal life with business. No offense to you or anything."

"Does it affect your knowledge of accounting and taxes?"

"No." I was starting to wonder where this was going.

"Then what the hell do I care. If you can do your job, I wouldn't care if you were a ten headed dog....hahahaha."

"Very funny but thanks. I've lost many a client who couldn't accept my wheelchair."

We talked over his file for a great while and 12:30pm rolled around. The next thing he did kinda shocked me.

"Jesse, would u consider joining me for lunch, that is if you haven't already eaten."

"No, I would love to. Lunch break was supposed to be when this meeting was over."

"Great, I know this great place to go...Let's go.

So, we headed out for lunch. I was shocked because I, Jesse Towns, was going to lunch with my dream hottie, James Lance Bass.... Talk about luck.

"I guess I am driving huh??" laughed James. I knew he meant it as a joke but I didn't take it as well as he had hoped I would. I know every insult/joke there is for someone in a wheelchair but coming from him, I guess I felt a little hurt by it. He noticed quickly and immediately regretted making the comment.

"Jesse, I am sorry. I didn't mean that the way it came out."

"It's okay James. I should be used to it by now you would think. Just forget about the whole thing."

"I don't think that being in a wheelchair is anything any person can get used to. Please accept my apologies. I wouldn't want to ruin a great friendship."

Friendship???? He already considered me a friend. WOW!! My dream guy wanted to be friends. Maybe I could make it more...nah...I doubt he's even swinging on the other side. Though, people rumor him to be gay. But, although my luck has been good today, I doubt it would be THAT good.

"Alright James, I accept your apology. All is forgiven. So, where are we going exactly?"

"I know this really quiet Italian place about 10 miles from here. It's a nice quiet spot that I think you will enjoy. Hope you like Italian though. I guess I should have asked first."

"No, don't worry about it. Besides, I LOVE Italian food. And peace and quiet would be really great. I have to make a call really quick if you don't mind."

"Of course not. Go for it."

I had to call home of course to tell Rick not to pick me up for lunch. I usually call by noon or just after for him to come get me but he knows if I don't call by 1pm just to come and get me the hell out. So I had to hurry.


"Hi Rick. It's just me. Listen don't come to the office for lunch. I am going to lunch with a client and won't be able to meet you. Ok?"

"Sure thing boss. See ya at 5:30 or so?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. Bye."


I hung up and James was kinda looking at me out of the corner of his eye as we pulled up to the restaurant. It was a look of confusion mixed with curiosity.



"No, seriously, what?"

"It's nothing. It isn't any of my business."

"It'sokay to ask. Ask whatever is on your mind James."

"I'd be too embarrassed and it's a rather personal question."

"I'll answer honestly and truthfully no matter what the question."

"Ok, are you ......you know.....ummmm.....gay??"

He regretted asking as soon as he said it and he blushed and turned away.

"Yes, I am. Does that bother you?"

He turned and gave me a shocked expression.

"No, not at all. I just figured you must have been talking to your boyfriend."

I laughed really hard out loud and he looked at me funny.

"That wasn't my boyfriend on the phone James. Let's go inside and get a table. I'll explain Rick and my life a little better to you."

"Good idea Jesse. Let's go."

We got inside and I saw the beautiful d‚cor of an Italian restaurant and I was just awed by it all. James saw that and just pushed me in and towards our table. The waiter removed the extra chair that wouldn't be needed for obvious reasons. We ordered drinks, both of us just got cokes, and James ordered the house special which I had no idea what it was. Once that was out of the way, I decided to explain myself to James.

"Ok, let me tell ya about how things in my life began. I had some really cool parents that raised me to be free willed and open-minded. They accepted my being gay really well and I lived a pretty healthy life. I moved out when I got my job at the Accounting firm."

"Sounds like a dream kinda life."

"I guess you could say it was. I had everything going for me. Never did date too much though and found my best sex partner to be my own hand. Haha. But anyways, I was visiting for new year's about a year ago and we went out partying. We had all been drinking but I was asked to drive. Rather than refuse, I drove. While driving I lost control and hit a tree."

"No offense but I can't believe you would be that stupid to drive when you knew you weren't able to."

"I know, I have had the lecture and the DUI didn't help either. The fact that my parents were killed because of my mistake doesn't help much either. So spare me the lecture," I raised my voice getting angry that he was lecturing me over something that I have lived with for some time now and will for the rest of my life. That's hard enough without the added lectures.

"Why are you getting mad at me? I'm trying to be honest with you and be your friend."

"I'm sorry. It's still a very touchy subject that I pay for everyday without anyone else having to add to it. Besides killing my parents, the doctors said I was temporarily paralyzed but it could be restored over a rather long period of time. I'm still in the chair as you can see."

"Wow. A life of greatness killed in one night."

"Tell me about it. After paying out for my parents' funerals and getting over their deaths I had to move on. I hired Alyssa and Rick. I couldn't take care of myself without some kind of help.

"Alyssa is the maid so to speak. She cooks my meals, wakes me every morning, and makes sure I pass her test of appearance before leaving each day for work."

"Rick is the butler/chauffeur. His first job is to carry me to the shower and help me shower and dress. He drives me to and from work as well as for lunch. I called him to tell him he didn't need to pick me up because I was going out to lunch with you. That's the conversation you overheard."

"I feel so embarrassed now for asking you such a personal question over something so silly."

"Don't worry about it. It happens."

Just as our conversation was finishing up, our meals were brought to us. Apparently the house special was chicken parmesan with a side of spaghetti and garlic bread. It was fantastic and I thanked James for picking out such a delicious meal. I took the bill before he had a chance to look at it and told him I would handle it because this was a "business lunch".

"You didn't need to pay for that, it was my treat," said James demanding that he at least pay for his share.

"I am an accountant and I am the best at finding ways to get money back every year. Let me handle it. That or I could just do your taxes the right way and get you less or make you pay instead," I said kinda threatingly but not really meaning it.

"No, I am just joking with ya. Don't make me pay if I don't have to," laughed James.

"Ok smartass. Get me back to work please. I have some meetings this afternoon and one really big asshole is probably ready to kill me right about now."

"Who would that be? Mike?"

"The one and only. He asked me to report to him after our meeting and before I went to lunch. Obviously you can see that I didn't really do as he asked."

"Will you get in any real trouble for that?"

He sounded sincerely worried that Mike would do something really bad to me for not reporting to him on how a meeting with a client went. It's not part of my job, just something Mike likes me to do so that he can see that the "great aspects to the company" stay with the company. James here was definitely one cause he had "big buckaroos" as Mike put it so well.

"Depends on what you call real trouble?"

"You won't be.....like.....fired or anything?"

"Hell no!!!," I shouted, "Mike might be upset but he'll get over it real quick. Once I show him your signed documents to have me as your official tax accountant, his jaw will hit the floor and he'll be kissing my feet."

"Now that's something I would love to see."

The drive back to the office wasn't a very long one and we rode it in silence mostly. James put some music on to kill the awkward silence and at some songs we started singing karaoke and that was definitely a sight to see. Once we reached the office I got out with the help of James into my wheelchair and thanked him for signing with me, for lunch, and driving me back.

"You're quite welcome but shouldn't I have your numbers so that I can reach you if I have any questions about anything?," he asked nervously. It seemed like he was trying to have my numbers for a different reason but the reason he gave sounded more like the truth to me.

"Umm, yeah, here's my card. Home number included in case I don't come in to the office or you need to reach me on the weekend for any reason. You are probably one of few to have that but I know you have a crazy schedule and you'll need it."

"Yeah, thanks. I'll call ya if I have any questions."

"Ok, better get to Mike. Thanks again James."

"Your welcome and thanks for everything Jesse."

"Sure thing, that's my job."

We said our goodbyes and parted ways. I went straight to Mike's office to have him chew me out before he even heard that James signed with me. I rolled outside his office and knocked on his door.

"Come in," I heard him say.

"Hi Mike. Sorry to be late but before you...."


"Mike?? I went to lunch. What's the big deal?"

"I asked you to meet me here before you left and you said you would. I know you and I don't always get along but as your superior I do expect my orders be followed."

"I understand fully Mike but that's not normal procedure and you know it. Besides my lunch was with my client so get off my back. I didn't have time to report to you." "Well, then I apologize for jumping you there but you have been gone for over an hour and your meeting should have ended two and a half hours ago," Mike stated, "Did you at least get the client?," Mike asked exhausted after yelling at me.

"Yes Mike. He signed with me. Everything is good to go and I doubt you will have a problem keeping Mr. Bass as a client for many years to come.

"Good to know. You are so far ahead why don't you just go home early."

"Ok, thanks Mike. I really appreciate that."

"No problem but get the hell out of my face."

"Not a problem. Who would want to look at your wart infested ugly butt ass face for more than a minute anyways. I'd probably turn to stone."

"Well, I get my face from having to deal with all the fucking stress you cause me."

"Shut your hole Mike. I'm outta here."

"Good. See ya tomorrow."

I left Mike's office and returned to mine to call Rick and have him come get me. I was feeling really tense and just wanted to go relax in my hot-tub for a few hours with a nice book. When I got home Rick led me straight there and I got naked and he slid me in. I asked if he would get my trunks in case company came and he got them for me.

I turned the jets up to high and just relaxed completely when my cell-phone rang in my pants next to the tub. I looked at the caller ID and it was a number that I didn't recognize. I answered it to see who it was.

"Hi, whoever this is better have something really good to say or they are in for it"

"Is that how you answer your phone all the time?"

"Who is this and what do u need?" I was getting annoyed and tense again and wished to get back to my relaxing but luck wasn't on my side this time.

"It's James. Did I call at a bad time?? You sound really annoyed."

"I've had a long day and I am relaxing in my hot tub right now and you called just as I was about to be fully relaxed."

"Oh man. I am soooo sorry. I know what it is like to just want some peace. I shouldn't have called. I will call later on."

"No, No, what is it you needed?"

"Well, not much actually. Just called to talk."

"Well we can talk if you'd like."

"Cool. I'd like that. I wanna get to know the man who will have control over some of my money."

I laughed at his joke and we continued to talk about our lives and our favorite things to do and what we liked and disliked. I just sat there and soaked in the hot tub while he told me about his past relationships. He brought up sex at one point and asked me if I was a virgin since I had told him my best partner was my hand.

"No, I am not a virgin. I lost my virginity to a guy that I didn't love and that didn't love me but I don't really wanna talk about it. How about you? Are you a virgin?"

"Yes I am. I haven't ever had sex. I guess you could say my hand is my best partner too."

"Well how many girls you been with?"

"Not many. Maybe one or two. Didn't really feel all that attracted to them. Just dated them to date I guess."

"How can you not be attracted to them. Any straight guy would have to have some kind of attraction to any woman."

"That's probably true."

Wait a second. He agreed with me. Was he not a straight man. Was he trying to tell me something and I just wasn't getting it. God help me, I think my dream guy might be gay. I can't ask though I am dying to know. My thoughts connected with my mouth before my brain did.

"Lance, are you trying to tell me you're gay?"

"Well, not trying to tell you, just kinda letting it slip cause I am too nervous to just come out and say it."

"Be blunt. Just say it and you will feel much better."

"Jesse, I'm gay. I'm gay and I am attracted to you." Oh God I shouldn't have said that thought James. Too much info for one night. Think fast. "Jesse, I got another call hang on for a minute."

Something clicked and within minutes my cell was playing that sound that said he had hung up on me. Wait! Did he just say he was attracted to ME???? Oh god, no wonder he hung up. And how the hell can he be attracted to a cripple like me?? I'm nothing special. I'm not the celebrity that a celebrity should date. I have got to talk to him.

I recalled the memory on my phone to show the number he called me from and called him back.


"Lance? Is that you?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Jesse. Please don't hang up."

"Look Jesse, I'm sorry I hung up on you before. I said too much and my brain told me that I had to run scared. Please forgive me."

"It's no big deal James. Forget about it."

"Thanks. Why did you call me Lance before?"

"I don't know but I won't do it much. I like James better."

"Me too. The guys call me Lance so James is reserved for you."

"Thanks. Listen. As much as you are avoiding it we have to discuss what you said before."

"I know. Look, I have never felt this way about someone so soon. But, I was instantly attracted to you and I think we might have this small connection that could become more."

"James, first I should tell you that I am also very attracted to you and never dreamed I stood a chance with you. I would love nothing more than to get to know you and see if this could lead to something more."

"Well, I don't know how to tell you this but Rick just let me in. I'm about to come outside but Rick said I should warn you first. How come?"

"Yes, wait a minute please," I shuffled really quick to get my trunks on so that he didn't see me naked. "Ok, you can come out now James."

"Hi, why did I Have to wait?"

"I don't always like to be clothed when I relax." I blushed.

"Oh, damn, I knew I should of just come out here." We laughed together and it felt great.

"Why don't you join me. I have spare trunks."

"I'd love that. I'll be right back."

James left to go ask Rick for a pair of trunks. I sat in the hot tub pondering what the HELL I was thinking. I made a solemn vow as an intern that when I finally got my career going, I would NEVER get involved with a client of mine because it complicates things too much. But somehow this felt different. I wanted him so bad that if the water wasn't there, my tent would be REALLY obvious. I guess "go with the flow" is the only advice I can give myself. Just as I thought this, James emerged from inside.

"Well, doesn't someone look sexy wearing my trunks?," I laughed and James laughed with me, "You planning on getting in while the water is hot?" He gave a chuckle and slid in facing me on the other side of the tub. I pondered over what this could mean relationship-wise. We sat in an awkward silence and suddenly we both jumped at the sound of music being played. It was Rick and Alyssa. They were playing the piano and the sax. Both were exceptionally good.

As the music played I opened the conversation. "James, are you nervous or something?"

"Nnno...Not at all. Why would you say that?"

"You are sitting really far away for someone who wants to be so close."

He scooted closer to me but not by much. "Listen, maybe this is just a bad idea. It looks as though you really aren't too sure and I don't know if I should be mixing business with pleasure. Maybe we should just get out and forget about it all."

"NO!!! I'm fine. Look, maybe I am a little nervous but it's more a self-conscious thing. You look so fit and I am just so flabby. I can't compare and I just feel really weird with you being so damn gorgeous and me just being ok."

I had to admit that I did find time to work out my upper body so that I had a nice six pack and some defining muscles but nothing TOO muscular.

"James, listen to me. I think you have one of the most incredible bodies a human being could have. You barely have fat on you. Maybe you aren't as defined as I may be but I don't look at looks. I like you for you. You are smart, funny, cute as all hell, possibly romantic, sweet, charming, etc. Your personality is what I like and it makes you who you are. But if you must know, I do think you are sexier than all hell." I laughed and he laughed with me. We both scooted closer to each other and sat back and relaxed in the hot tub. He started to loosen up and I talk about sex and the rest of the group like it was a daily topic. When he would talk about sex, I would grow instantly hard and it was driving me nuts cause no matter what I thought about, my hard-on would NOT go away. What was I going to do. If it didn't go soon, James would surely notice.

"So, we had one night that we were playing truth or dare and I was dared to masturbate in front of all of them. I was floored but I had to do it. So, I whipped it out, and I did it." James continued. I was so hard it almost hurt and getting out of the tub was no option cause he would surely notice then. He turned to me and looked down at his hands under the water and I think he may have notice me being hard. What he said next gave it away.

"Jesse, do you ever get off to pornos or erotic stories?"

"I'm male of course I do. Doesn't every guy."

"Well, I have to say that most men don't get hard at the stuff I was talking about," as he said this he grabbed my hard-on through my pants and my jaw hit the floor as a small groan escaped my mouth.

"Well, I'm not your typical male and I have had a rough day. What can I say?"

"Well, I think that he needs a little attention cause he has been keeping his head up for quite some time now." I can't believe he knew I was hard all this time. What was I gonna do. I wanted to go slow but I wanted him so bad right then and there. Maybe a little hand job wasn't too fast. All I knew was that I needed relief and I needed it now.

"God, I am so hard for you. I don't wanna move too fast but I want you so bad right now."

"I know what you mean and I have the perfect solution."

I slowly felt his hand reach up towards my face and he pulled me to him for our first kiss. It wasn't rushed, just a slow passionate kiss that calmed me down. I was still really hard but I wanted things to last. I felt his tongue push at my lips begging for entrance. I slowly parted my lips to allow his entry. He probed my mouth with his tongue and as he withdrew I slid my own into his mouth to do my own exploring. As we continued our kissing, I felt the hand behind my neck slide down to my shoulders and to my hard nipples. He pulled and twisted my nipples exciting me more while I groaned and moaned for more. His hand slid further down towards my hips and belly button where he continued to tease me. I slid my hands down towards his chest and slowly backed off from our kiss. I slid my mouth around his neck and started kissing and sucking causing him to grow unbearably hard himself. I continued to kiss lower until I had his left nipple in my mouth and between my teeth teasing it while he moaned for more. I continued my assault for a moment before repeating the same to his other nipple. As I kissed lower, he raised his body out of the water so that I would have access to his stomach and lower body. I followed him out till we were sitting alongside the hot-tub. I continued my assault on his lower torso diving my tongue into his belly button. By now we were both getting desperate to just have at on another.

He bucked his hips upward trying to get me to give my attention to his cock that was straining the trunks he was wearing. I grabbed his cock through the material. "Is this what you want?," I asked as I stroked him. "God yes!!," he moaned. I grabbed at the waist line of the trunks and started to lower the front. He lifted his hips up to allow me to remove them completely and I did releasing his 8 inch prick for me to have at. As soon as I saw it, I wanted it to suck on. I grabbed his dick and slowly started to jerk him off and he was bucking his hips in rhythm to my strokes and I slowly lowered my mouth to have a taste of the precum that was flowing out of the head. I stuck my tongue out and licked the head of his cock and he bucked his hips out with a loud moan begging me to repeat that. I did so and he did it again. It had been a while since I had given a blow job to anyone but I wanted this dick in my mouth and James wanted it there too.

I slowly leaned forward taking his cock head into my mouth sucking lightly getting a slight bucking as a response. James leaned up onto his elbows so that he could watch me suck him. I looked up at him to see his head back and his eyes closed. I started to go down on his shaft whirling my tongue around but concentrating on the head increasing pressure as I went. He bucked his hips up trying to force himself into my mouth but I lightly held him back and he calmed down a little. I let go of his dick and took one of his balls into my mouth and began to suck on it driving him mad. I took the other into my mouth as I slowly began to stroke his cock. He was getting pretty close and I knew he wouldn't hold out much longer. I increased my hand speed and my sucking on his balls and within moments was rewarded with a strong release of 6-7 shots of cum on my hand and his stomach. James slid into the hot tub for a moment to wash off the cum only after I had a little taste. By now I was so hard that I needed release soon. I started to stroke myself knowing that I could get myself off since James seemed pretty spent. Obviously I was wrong.

James came over and gave me a look that said "what the heck do you think you are doing?". He grabbed my hand out of my pants and took my trunks off releasing my 9 inch hard prick for all to see. He immediately dove onto it which made me throw my head back in absolute pure pleasure that I had surely been missing out on. God, his mouth felt good and damn he was good at it. He felt my dick getting harder if it was possible and he let go and began to kiss my thighs and elsewhere. I was shocked. What was he doing? I wasn't ready to just be teased along. I needed my relief NOW!!! He smiled up and me and just said "not yet". I trusted him to help me get off but he had plans to do it his way. So, I just let him. He grabbed my balls in his hand and started to roll em around. It felt pretty good but not as good as his mouth on my cock. I wanted that back. He started sucking on my balls one at a time and slowly stroking my cock driving me absolutely mad. Then he asked me to move closer to the edge of the tub and spread my legs. I complied although slightly confused. He continued his stroking and sucking and then his sucking stopped and he began licking underneath my balls heading towards my ass. He didn't have direct access so he asked me to lie down on my stomach.

I did so and he spread my ass cheeks and began rimming me. I was moaning so bad. I had never had someone do this to me and it was the most incredible thing in the world. He dove his tongue into my ass driving me mad crazy. I was squirming in every which way I could. He had me flip over keeping a hand underneath me and swallowed my dick, deep-throating me all the way down to the base and back up while he rolled my balls with one hand and kneaded my ass with the other. I was in heaven and new that I would have to cum soon. He released my balls and steadied himself and slammed a finger up my asshole causing me to screech a moan out. Damn that was one feeling I wanted again. "Oh my god James. Do it again. Please. I need that." "Of course" he replied nonchalantly. He repeated the action and I moaned as he continued to suck my dick. Within moments I was cumming down his throat and moaning out his name while he continued to fuck me with his finger in my ass. As I calmed, he removed his finger and pulled me into the hot tub. I was spent.

"God, that was amazing James. I have never felt something that good."

"Well, I try my best to return the pleasure you gave me. I'm glad to know you enjoyed it."

"That I did. Let's get outta here before we're prunes."

Next: Chapter 2: A Love for James 3 4

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