A Lost Bet

By Amara CD

Published on Jul 27, 2005


Everyone at the table looked at me as they awaited my response. I couldn't help but reflect that just a few days ago, I would have incredibly nervous and scared and on the spot and would have been unable to make a decision. But with my newfound freedom, I knew I could give them the response they were waiting for. Of course, I was still a little nervous because I didn't know how I would be treated by Mark and Alex, but I knew I would still go with them for the night. I looked up.

"I'll do it...on a couple of conditions."

"What are they?" asked Mark.

"One...you have to treat me with the same respect that Frank and Tom showed me. Two...I do have some limits and I expect you to respect them. Three...if I say stop, you stop."

"Wait a minute," Alex said. "How is that any different from your second condition?"

"Well, I can tell you what my known limits are. But I also don't know exactly what you guys have in mind, and I just want the assurance that I'm going to come out of this in one piece with all my limbs and faculties intact."

"That's fair," said Mark. "Basically, treat you with respect, but we can still make you do...stuff. Right?"

"Basically," I responded. "And just to make sure I'm clear, while I'm with you, your ladies will be with Frank and Tom and enjoying all their charms."

Gina jumped in. "Why don't we ladies adjourn to the ladies room and let the guys talk about what falls in and out of bounds. Is that alright?"

A chorus of "yeah" and "yes" could be heard around the table. "Alright, ladies?" And with that, Gina got up and Elise and I followed. As we got to the bathroom, I could feel myself starting to shake with nervousness.

"Okay, be straight with me. Am I in any trouble with your guys?" I asked the others.

"No, no. You'll be fine," Elise assured me. "I'm pretty sure they're going to push your limits though. I know that they've both got some fantasies that they've been wanting to act out, but Gina and I haven't gone there with them. But if they do alright with you, MAYBE we'll consider them."

"Yes, and make sure you tell us everything that they do with you because if they do anything out of bounds, then we'll make them pay for it," Elise added. "But you should be fine. The guys are really sweet. I'm sure they're going to try a few new things though. I'm interested to hear what you end up doing."

"I'll bet that at least one thing they have you do is role play..." Gina started to say before Elise stopped her.

"Shh, Elise. We don't want to ruin all the surprises for Jo," Gina winked. "Don't worry, it'll be a lot of fun. But I don't want to help you get ready for one thing."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, since we know you're going to get a lot of back door' play, we brought something to help you get warmed up.' Turn around." Gina turned me around, while Elise lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties. I heard her pull something out of her purse, then felt her squeeze a tube into my rear. "It's a warming gel. Trust us, you'll like it," Elise said as she continued to squeeze the gel from the tube. "One more thing," she said and I felt her start to slide some of the ben wa balls up my rear. "Just thought you'd like to have a little fun throughout the rest of dinner and on the way back to the house."

"Sure, that's what you say," I responded as I started to feel the warmth. Each movement I made caused the balls to shift slightly, and that in turn brought a different sensation of warmth. "Well, I imagine that you're going to enjoy things with Frank and Tom. I'll have to tell them to try a couple of `tricks' with you as well." I winked at both of them as I pulled my panties back into place and readjusted my skirt. "Shall we...?" We quickly touched up our makeup and walked back to the table.

As we got close, the guys were all chatting animatedly with sly grins on their faces. "What's going on?" we asked as we settled back into our chairs.

"Nothing, we just got our plans together," said Frank.

"So," Gina asked. "What are they?"

Tom surprised me by taking the lead in answering. "Here's how it's going to go. Instead of just having a few hours together tonight, we agreed that we'll have the ladies until tomorrow afternoon, and Alex and Mark will have Jo until then."

"Okay, that's not such a bad plan," Elise said.

"Oh that's not all," said Mark. "Seeing as how this all got started with a bet for Jo, we figured we'd keep the tradition alive. So Alex and I made a bet with Frank and Tom. The bet is this: During our night together, whoever can come up with the most creative sequence of positions or stories or sensual tortures or layouts...yes there will be pictures for only those of us here...wins a weekend vacation with the partner of their choosing to the location of their choice. Now, we've got one night to be creative. Tomorrow afternoon, we'll get back together at our place where there will be kind of a bonus round. During that time there will be a chance for people to work out larger sequences using more people if they choose to. But the prize for that is something different. For the bonus round, the prize is...equally inviting...$100 in cash from each of the losers to spend on whatever they want at Night Dreams, but they also get to choose a partner who will be their servant for a weekend. That's it."

Gina, Elise, and I looked at each other with a mixture of awe, nervousness, and excited energy.

"We figure that there's a pretty even chance for anyone to win even though Frank and Tom have Gina and Elise, and we have only one Jo," Alex interjected. "See, Frank and Tom can do more with more partners and we know the ladies will be into it. But they're still kind of vanilla at the role playing and bondage and stuff. Even though we've only got one partner, we've got a bit more experience and a few more toys at our disposal so it ought to be interesting all the way around."

"Is everybody in?" Frank asked looking directly at me.

"Gee Frank. I don't think I should bet anymore. You remember what happened the last time..." I replied with a nervous look.

He started to respond, but I think he could see the twinkle in my eye. "You're not serious are you?"

"Nope. Like I said on the way here, I've made some decisions to be free, to experiment, and be the woman you and Tom made me to be, and I'm willing to see what Mark and Alex have to offer. So, I've got just three words for you... Bring...It...On!" Everybody laughed including me.

"Well then," said Gina. "Let the games begin." She raised her glass in a toast, and the rest of us did as well. The check came and the guys were nice enough to pick up the tab.

"So I guess this is where we say goodnight," said Frank. We all gave out hugs and well wished each other good luck as Gina and Elise followed Tom and Frank to their truck and I started to follow Alex and Mark to their car.

"Jo, you mentioned your limits back in the restaurant," Alex pointed out. "Why don't you tell us what they are so we can get a sense of what we can and cannot do with you...or to you."

I looked at both guys as we stood next to their car and started to respond. "Well, I'm not at all interested in scat or water sports or things like that. I'm also not interested in pain on having my body marked up or anything like that...nothing that will leave a mark. And like I said before, I'm not really into humiliation, so taking me out in public and calling me whore or slut does nothing for me other than piss me off. I mean, Frank and Tom wanted me to be a lady, so that's what I've been. I'm not a dog or a bitch and I don't expect to be treated like one. But will I be a willing participant in bedroom activities, yes...probably more now than I was when this whole thing started."

"Okay," Mark said. "We can deal with that. Now, I've got a question for you...since all this started, have you had any fantasies?"

I was kind of surprised by the question because I hadn't really expected to be that active a participant. Part of the fun that I'd been adjusting to was giving myself over to Tom and Frank to control. Being asked to contribute ideas was still kind of new so I had to think for a minute before responding.

"Let me ask it another way because I can see it written all over your face that you weren't expecting the question. Of the things that you've seen on TV or in magazines, has there been anything that turned you on?" Mark was pretty sensitive to my nonverbal cues, so I had a feeling that things would be okay.

"Umm...well, I always liked seeing two women together, but then what guy doesn't?" We all laughed at that. "I also liked seeing women in lingerie, heels, short skirts or dresses, even costumes. And I can admit that I enjoyed seeing some bondage photos, like the sexy secretary tied up at her desk, or kidnapped. Things like that."

"Alright," Alex said. "Now we've got something to work with." He turned and flashed a smile at Mark. "Should we begin?"

"Oh definitely," Mark replied. "If the lady enjoys a good kidnapping scene, then how can we not oblige?"

I started to look at him like he was crazy when the lights went out. I could feel Alex's hand over my eyes as he grabbed my wrist and bent it behind my back. He shifted his weight back and I nearly left my feet. I started to say something, but before I could open my mouth, Mark stretched a piece of duct tape over it. There was a part of my mind that was wondering where he got the tape from, but before I could focus more on that, I felt my other wrist being pulled behind my back. Once Mark had both my wrists behind me, I felt him tape my hands together clasped as though I was in prayer, making sure I couldn't get free. He pulled up on my wrists forcing me to bend over at the waist.

"Looks like the girls already started getting Jo prepped for us," Mark said to Alex. "She's got the ben wa balls in."

"Good. That will be fine for the ride home. Let's do her legs then get her in the car," Alex said as he opened the trunk and pulled out some rope. Quickly and efficiently, they bound the rope around my elbows, wrists, knees and ankles making me feel incredibly helpless. Abruptly, Alex and Mark picked me up and set me down on my stomach in the trunk. Just as quickly, they tied my wrists to my ankles, putting me in the hogtie position. I started to mumble through tape, but nothing came out other than moans and grunts.

"Don't worry, we've done this before. We've rigged the trunk so you'll have plenty of air. Other than that, we'll see you at the house." And with that, they closed the trunk. I was kind of nervous and a little scared as I considered my situation. I figured that I could trust them, but things had gotten off to such a fast and unexpected start that I realized that I didn't really know what to expect. I had time to mull over my thoughts while we were moving though. I was actual thankful that they'd done this before because they'd seen fit to put some padding in the trunk to keep me (or whoever was occupying it) from getting additional bumps and bruises, and I appreciated that. Still, I wanted to know what they had planned.

I had no sense of time while we were riding around, but knew that we couldn't have been in the car for more than a few minutes when I felt us stop and heard them shut off the engine. I heard their muffled voices through the lid of the trunk but then heard them walking away. I let out a muffled call for assistance, but all that came out was "mmmppphhhh..." There was no answer. I tried again, but still no answer. I couldn't understand why they didn't take me out. I lay still for a few minutes but started to worry as the seconds continued to tick by and I heard no sounds. I actually started to cry softly because this was not what I had anticipated. After an insufferable eternity (but what couldn't have been more than 20 minutes) I heard sounds outside the car. The lid opened and relief flooded my body.

"Aww Jo, were you crying?" Alex asked. "We just had a couple of things we needed to get ready for your arrival." Then he snapped a couple of pictures. "Struggle against your bonds, just a little." I did as he asked, moaning all the way as he took a few more photos. "Good. We're off to a good start." He reached in and released me from the hogtie position but left my arms and legs bound together. Slowly, he and Mark reached in and pulled me out of the trunk. As they set me down, they leaned me against the car.

"What do you think? Should we start her off upstairs or down?" Mark asked Alex.

"Down, definitely. We'll save the upstairs for later on in the evening." Alex then proceeded to unceremoniously toss me over his shoulder as he made his way into the house, and down some stairs into the basement. As he turned around the pole at the bottom of the stairs, I tried to look around and could see a few things...like dildos and vibrators in one corner, straps and whips and other accoutrements in another...and a chest on another wall. I never saw the last wall, but my attention was drawn to the chest. It looked to be padded on the outside and there were straps at the corners, but I could also see where it could be opened and I wondered what was inside.

Alex set me down in the middle of the room and helped me get as steady as possible while being tied as I was. "Now that we've kidnapped the `secretary,' what should we do with her?" Alex looked at Mark while they both pondered the question.

"Well," Mark started, "if I was her kidnapper I'd want to make sure she understood just how powerless she was to stop us from doing whatever we wanted to do with her." As he said these words, he looked me dead in the eye. I let out a mew of understanding and felt my body fill with a mix of fear and anticipation. Mark leaned in real close and ran his hands over my body as he whispered to me "you do know that you're under our control now, right?" I nodded. "Good. We'll make sure you get some enjoyment out of this, but remember, you've got to put on a good show. Of course, if your show outdoes ours, we'd actually have to face the possibility of losing the bet. But I don't think you've got it in you to be better than us." He started running his hands over my body as he was speaking and with each touch, I felt myself wanting to move away from him, but also towards him as I wanted the touches to continue. Slowly, he ran his hands across my breasts, feeling the corset and my nipples trapped within it. He slid his hands down and caressed my ass through my skirt.

"You know we're going to have to untie her in order to get her coat off?" was Alex's comment.

"Oh, I know. Why don't you get started on that while I get her ready for the first part of our activities." And as Mark finished his statement, he started sliding my skirt over my hips and pulling it down my legs. He didn't just let it fall though. He intentionally held on to it and slid it down so that his hands never left my body. The feel of his strong hands caressing my legs through my stockings had an immediate reaction on me and I felt myself getting excited in my panties.

Alex came behind me and started cutting the tape off my hands. As soon as they were free, I flexed my fingers with relief. My wrists and elbows were still bound, so I was limited as to how much freedom I could experience.

"Mark," Alex said. "Before I take off her coat and release her bonds, I think I'd like to have a little fun first."

"Go ahead," was Mark's response as he backed away. "What did you have in mind?"

"Just this..." and Alex bent me over at the waist. I heard him pulling on something, then felt him lift my wrists into place and latch them to something. He pulled some more and I felt my arms being raised behind me, forcing me to stay bent over. My hair fell around my face, blocking my view of anything that they might be doing. I could feel Mark's presence nearby and had the sense that he was there to make sure that I didn't fall over. Then I saw Alex's feet in front of me and I struggled to look up.

He pulled the tape off my mouth slowly, carefully, and with a minimum of discomfort. "Are you ready Jo?"

"Ready for what?" I asked. Then I heard him unzip his pants and I knew exactly what he had in mind. I nodded and he moved closer to me with his cock in his hands. As it got within reach, I tried to kiss it and lick it a little bit. After a few moments of straining, I started to open my mouth to take it in and Alex obliged me by sliding it between my waiting lips. From my bound position, there was only so much I could do, but Alex was more than happy to take control and slowly fuck my face. Gently and firmly, he continued to stroke himself in and out of me. Occasionally as he pulled out, I started to fall forward and Mark would grab my hips and hold me upright. The minutes went by as Alex continued to work on getting his rocks off in my mouth when I felt his rhythm change and he started to pump a little faster. Mark held my body stead as Alex held my head and took total control. Before I knew it, I heard him grunt and I felt stream after stream of cum flowing into my mouth. I started to sputter and Alex pulled out a little so that the overflow could escape, but he didn't remove himself entirely, forcing me to swallow as much as I could.

"That was nice," he said. "Mark, do you want to try her out? She's actually got a very nice mouth."

"Nah, I've got a plan to take her ass. Seeing as how you've had first crack at her, I'd like your help getting her set up for my turn. So, continue undressing her for me, then let's move her to the X facing the wall." I felt Mark loosening the bonds on my hands, letting me down so that I could once again stand upright. As I was helped back into a standing position, Alex moved in and gave me a deep kiss, then he licked some of his cum that had escaped from my mouth from my chin and kissed me again.

"That was unexpected," I breathed into him.

"Who says `kidnappers' can't be gentlemen?" he asked with a wink. As Mark continued to untie my wrists and elbows, Alex bent over and started untying my ankles and knees, caressing them and massaging some of the feeling back into them. Mark finished with my arms and slid my jacket off my shoulders and down my arms. He tossed it off to the side, on top of my skirt.

The guys escorted me over to the X and I wondered what was the next thing they had in store for me. I knew I wouldn't have long to wait as they moved me into position facing the X. Mark wrapped some leather cuffs around my ankles, spread my legs and secured them to the base of the cross. Alex fastened similar cuffs around my wrists and secured them to a couple of chains hanging down from the top of the cross. I expected him to then pull the chains so that I was stretched taut against the cross, but he surprised me when he left my arms dangling lightly. I still couldn't move much, but I wasn't snug against the X.

"Alright," Mark said. "Now, I think we're ready."

"Ready for what?" I asked innocently.

"Funny girl. Keep talking and we'll have to silence our captive." Alex responded in such a dramatic fashion that I couldn't help but laugh.

Mark came up behind me and grabbed me by the waist, backing me away from the cross until I was almost hanging from my hands and ankles. "Ok, ok. I'm sorry." I wasn't in pain, but a little off balance and I didn't want to fall into the cross. Mark continued to hold me as he caressed my ass through my panties. Then I felt him untie the bows holding my panties up and pull them from between my legs. My cock sprang out erect in front of me and my ass got goosebumps in the chill air of the basement.

"Nice butt," Mark whispered as he pulled me close to him. He started kiss me on the side of my neck and caress my ass with his right hand while his left hand held me close to him. His kisses aroused me and I started to squirm under his ministrations. It didn't take long before he started playing with my hole. Quickly, he distracted me with a light bite on my neck. I gasped, then he slid a finger into my ass, and I gasped again. Slowly he started finger fucking me with one...then two fingers and I moaned a soft "ooohhh..." I'd almost forgotten that the ben wa balls were still in my ass until he started moving them around. Unintelligible sounds escaped my lips. He surprised me by quickly pulling the balls out, then sliding a tube of lube just past my anal ring and squeezing.

I yelped at the cold liquid being let loose inside my rear until I felt a new pressure. Mark had his cock pressed against my hole and was slowly...slowly entering me. He pushed against my hole and my ass expanded. My breathing increased as I tried to accommodate him, but he kept pushing and I'd never felt anything that wide before. I tried to adjust and I heard myself say "too big...too big...never had...anything...like you..."

"I thought you'd enjoy the surprise," Mark said and I could almost hear his grin.

A couple of tears escaped my eyes as I tried to cope with his size. "God, Mark. How big are you?" I managed to choke out.

"Almost the size of your wrist." My eyes snapped open as I looked at my wrists stretched in front of me.

"No way. No way." I couldn't believe it. I mean, it's not like my wrists were huge or anything. They were actually kind of all the small side for a guy, but still, Frank and Tom weren't that wide and I'd been unprepared for him.

"Just a little more," he said as he continued to push into me. The pain started to turn towards pleasure, but the pressure was unbelievable. I felt him deeper in my bowels than anything (except for the dildo at the show...maybe) and I was starting to shiver from the exertion. "That's it Jo, that's it. You're doing fine. As a matter a fact, I think you're in for a helluva ride." And with those words, he started to slowly pump in and out of my ass. My cries echoed off the basement's walls...random sounds like "ooohh" and "aaahh" and moans and a couple of choked sobs...until finally, the pleasure overwhelmed the pain, and a steady stream of "yes" and "oh Mark" became the norm.

Because of my position, he was pumping up into me, and my feet were pretty much lifted off the floor. It was almost like he was holding me in the air while fucking me and it brought new feelings of vulnerability to me...along with tight arms and legs. The minutes passed and Mark started fucking me faster and faster. My cries got louder and louder, the pitch higher and higher until I was practically squealing as I rode Mark's pole (best description of what he was packing). I couldn't stand it any longer. I began to cum and I saw my cum shoot in front of me, falling on the cross. Finally...he came. Jet after jet of cum emptied into my ass as he continued to pump in and out, until with his last exertion, he planted his dick hard in my ass and my mouth opened in a silent "O" as I stared at the ceiling in extasy, seeing nothing.

"Oh God...oh my God...I think I'm dead." I tried to get a sense of what was going on, but I felt utterly disoriented. Alex was laughing in the back at my reaction, and I could almost feel Mark's smile. With an audible "pop" he pulled out of my ass and my body went limp. I could feel his cum draining down my leg as I slumped on the bonds securing me to the cross.

"Ah, ah," was Alex's comments. "I don't think we're quite through with you yet." I looked up in surprise because I was sure they couldn't have more planned for me, not after that. I watched helplessly as he went and pulled the chains. Now, I truly was stretched against the X. Had it not been for the restraints, I most definitely would have fallen in a pile on the floor.

"That was a good warm up. Next time around, I'll definitely have more staying power," Mark said.

"What, like 30 minutes was too short?" Alex commented. "You were just too excited to get in her ass."

"True, true. And it was a delicious experience," Mark responded. "Jo, I think Frank and Tom did you a favor by putting you in this position. I mean, I'm sure you're a great guy, but you are an amazing chick. Shoot, we might even give them a thank you card." They both laughed and I smiled, but I still wasn't too sure about whether or not I shared their sentiment. I pushed the thoughts aside and resolved to deal with them later.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves. But, can I request a change of position? My arms are getting a little sore." I tried not to whine, but I couldn't help the pleading tone in my voice because my arms were starting to feel like they were on fire.

"Sure Jo, in just a second, we'll let you down. Just...hang on," Alex collapsed in laughter at his pitiful humor as Mark and I both groaned. Mark finished cleaning himself up and getting his pants back on straight.

"You know, I'm kind of thirsty." Mark looked over at Alex. "You want a drink?"

"Actually, I would. Jo, would you like something to drink?" asked Alex.

"Umm. Yes, I think I would." I was skeptical about what they had planned and was trying to figure out whether my choice was the right one.

"Fine. We'll help get you ready." Mark replied, but he walked away from me. I couldn't turn my head that far around so I didn't know what he was doing. "Don't worry Jo, we're just getting a chair for you." I felt some relief at those words, but it would last long. I heard them positioning the chair and then felt them come over and release my hands.

"First things first," was all that Alex said as he unchained my wrists and removed the cuffs. He positioned my arms behind me so that my arms were bent at the elbow and my arms were crossed. Then he tied my arms together, hand to elbow, which forced my chest forward as my back arched. "Okay, hold on to this button. We told you we wanted you to be safe, so only press it if you feel like things are going too far. One or two more little additions up top." Alex fastened a collar around my neck which forced my head stay up. I could no longer look down and see what they were doing, although I could still turn side to side (in a limited fashion).

By this time, my ankles had been uncuffed from the X and Mark had positioned the chair behind me. After Alex finished with me, Mark lifted me up and set me on the chair. As he did, I felt myself being penetrated by the chair.

"What the hell? What kind of chair is this?" I asked.

"It's a chair with a couple of little modifications," Mark said as he then pulled my legs together and started binding my knees together and my ankles to each other. "For instance, you felt the dildo enter your ass, right?"


"Well, it's not just a dildo. It's also a...special kind of enema delivery system." My eyes grew wide as I started to wonder what kind of discomfort I was going to be experiencing. "You see, with this system, you're in control. You have some measure of control over how much liquid gets forced up your ass."

"Okay, so how do I control it?" I was anxious to figure out what I was going to do, and why all this was necessary in order for me to get a drink.

"You suck on this," Alex said as he slid a penis shaped gag into my mouth. "Mmmpph..." was all I managed to get out. Alex held up a tube hanging from the end of the gag. Mark wheeled over a cart with two bottles on it. Alex attached the tube from the penis gag to the smaller bottle, while Mark attached a tube from under the chair to the larger one.

"It's simple really," Mark commented. "The more water you suck, the less water gets forced up your rear. But when you stop sucking, the pump kicks in and water goes in the back door. So, you may want to pace yourself."

There was nothing I could say as I watched them flick the switch and turn on the pump. Immediately, I felt liquid filling my insides, and they were filling fast. I started to suck, but I couldn't find a good rhythm. I turned my head as much as I could to look at them and plead with my eyes to have them let me go. But they only looked back at me with smiles on their faces. "We'll be back in a few minutes. We're gonna get some drinks, call a couple of friends and come back."

With a petrified look on my face, I watched them walk away and tried to figure out what they could possibly want to do next before I resumed sucking down my water and filling myself up like a balloon. I was starting to wonder if maybe I'd gotten myself in over my head, but I had the panic button and knew I could stop it all if I wanted to.

The question was, did I want to?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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