A Long Weekend

By chris b

Published on May 10, 2003



-hey John! How's it going? Long time no see! -alright Chris. How are you? -pretty good, pretty good.

I hadn't seen John for ages, probably since we left school actually. He hadn't changed much - he still was skinny, dirty blond and looked a bit swotty. It was good to see him, though. That's one of the good things about returning to your home town; familiarity. Familiar places and now, familiar faces. We chatted for a bit and established where we were in our lives. John - quit uni, staying in a flat in the town, working for Tesco, dreaming of being an actor, or writer. Chris - still at uni, doing as little as possible, waiting for life to start.

-so you still going out with Rachel then? -eh no.

that was an awkward one. Rachel had been John's best friend and my girlfriend for a time. We'd been split up for ages because, quite frankly, she just wasn't my type. That is to say she had a vagina and breasts. I'm more of a cock and balls man myself. But I wasn't going to be telling John that. And I certainly hoped that Rachel hadn't mentioned it either. Although it was clear to me that John was bent as a banana and in theory exactly my type - slim, smooth, blond, brainy - I just did not find him particularly phwoor inducing. Therefore I had no intention of ruining my carefully cultivated straight as a roman road hometown image for a shag with someone I didn't really fancy.

-that's time, folks. TIME.

Christ, already! How time does fly when you're getting sloshed. And I was. Being a child of the nineties, a yoof of today, a product of my era I had acquired the particular afflictions of my generation - apathy and, more pertinently, binge drinking. Why have a couple when you can have..well I don't know actually - I'm always a bit too drunk to remember how many I've had by the end of an evening. I'd had more than a couple this evening so I felt a quick trip to the wee man's room was in order before the short trip, via kebab shop, home. Suitably relieved I re-entered the pub to find I'd lost my posse. They were probably at the takeaway already, so I set off in that direction. I spotted John and was about to bid my farewells when he asked

-fancy coming back to my parents' for a bit - they've got plenty of booze. -you certainly know how to get to a young man's heart, old chum. I grinned. -but I thought you had a flat now? -my mum and dad are away on holiday so I'm house sitting for them. -that's funny - me too. They'll not be back for a few days yet. -really?

We sauntered merrily in the crisp night air until we reached John's parents house. It was a big old Victorian villa and stood majestically brooding in the lamplight. John carefully locked the back door behind us and we headed through to the sitting room. John switched on some lights and drew the curtains. I was just about to sit down when he said


I looked round.

-what was that old mate? -I said strip. -eh, what do you mean strip? My heart was suddenly beating rather quickly. I looked down at my hands. They were shaking. -I mean strip your clothes off. He looked deadly serious. -and eh. Em. Why would I eh do that? -because I'm telling you to. I looked at him blankly. -it's quite simple really Chris - either you do what I tell you or I tell everyone you know that you are actually a raging homosexual.

I suddenly felt astonishingly sober. -oh. Ah....you mean if I take my clothes off you won't tell anyone I'm gay? -I mean if you do everything I tell you when I tell you I won't tell anyone you're gay.

It was a bit late for it but I tried: -but I'm not! -oh yes you are (you could tell John liked drama) - Rachel told me all about you. This was not looking good. -you mean you'd blackmail me? -yup. This was not looking at all good.

We were standing facing each other now, about five feet apart. He was still blond, still skinny. But he had a gleam in his eye, he looked pretty confident. He was loving it, the bastard.

-you bastard.

He pulled a chair out from under the table next to him and sat down.

-strip your clothes off boy.

This was it. A defining moment. Either I left and defied him or stayed and did as he told me. If I left I risked humiliation at the hands of my friends and family. If I stayed I risked humiliation at the hands of John. I wasn't even sure I'd be able to leave - where was the key for the door? None of the windows looked as if they opened wide enough to climb through. If I stayed, what would happen? I'd have to get naked and embarrassed in front of John. Maybe we'd end up having sex. I could think of worse things - John wasn't that bad looking. Maybe he could teach me a thing or two. It couldn't be that bad.

I sighed, unzipped my jacket and threw it on the chair behind me. The only problem was I already had a semi. I wasn't looking forward to revealing that.

I took off my shoes, and jumper, and then my socks. I only now had my jeans, shirt and undies left. I was still quite respectably clothed. But not for long. The important ones were about to come off. John seemed to be enjoying it at least. And why not, I was cute and fit and doing what he wanted.

I took a deep breath and started unbuttoning my shirt. As I peeled it off I could feel a slight breeze, perhaps coming from the hall. I unbuttoned my jeans, let them drop to my ankles and stepped out of them. It was only my navy cotton pants left now. There were little wisps of pubic hair sticking out from beneath them and my penis was doing its best to assist in an impression of a tent. I looked at John.

-get them off.

I sighed again and pulled them down. My prick did its best to make me look like one by springing up and I quickly bent down to slowly take my underwear off hoping it would perhaps ease off a little.

-stand up straight with your hands by your sides.

I did. I was standing completely naked in front of my fully clothed old school mate with a three quarters hard on showing quite clearly that I was, as he had said, a raging homo and probably willing to do whatever he fancied.

-turn around slowly.

I turned around slowly showing off my smooth body; bubble butt, flat stomach, nicely defined pecs, slim but muscular legs. Even if I say so myself I was eye candy. Maybe not the best, but pretty tasty stuff.

-face the wall and put your hands behind your back.

I heard John get up and come over towards me. I held my breath. He picked up one of my shoes and it sounded as if he was removing the lace. What was he doing? He had removed the lace - because now he was tying it around my wrists. I was naked and now had my hands tied behind my back. I was in it now. Christ I had the horn.

John went back to his seat.

-face me and kneel down.

I did this. It's quite hard to do with your hands behind your back.

-here's the deal - you are my slave, I am your master. You will do everything I instruct you, when I instruct you. Your aim is to please me. You will speak only when spoken to, or so you can clarify an instruction. You will call me master. If you do not please me you shall be punished. My parents won't be back until Monday. Your parents won't be back until Monday. This is Friday. Do you understand?

-yes master.

This was going to be a long weekend.

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