A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on May 5, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Sorry to keep you waiting. Thank you for all the emails and twitter messages. I hope to hear from more of you soon! Email me or message me on Twitter @speedolover14

Chapter 9: A Locked Boy's Discipline


Eric bolted towards the weight room. His heart raced. Panic crept into his mind. His ears listened for a trace of sound. The hallways were quiet for now. The football team was still showering in the change room. Soon, they'd file through the hallways towards Eric. He had to move fast.

He sprinted down the hallway. His handcuffed arms prevented him from sprinting at full speed. Without his arms, his balance felt unstable. If he fell over, he wouldn't be able to catch himself, or even push himself off the ground. He had to stay cautious. He felt vulnerable, like an injured wild animal being hunted. His once strong arms were crippled by the handcuffs. He couldn't hide, or even cover himself. So he had to run. His only hope was hiding in the weight room. He crept along the hallways. He couldn't trip and fall, or he'd be doomed. If he made too much noise, someone would find him.

He peeked around every corner to check for passerbys. Twice, Eric heard footsteps down the hallway, and had to wait for people to pass before sneaking by. Eric's heart pounded in his ears. The boy's change room - and the weight room - were right around the corner. All Eric had to do was slip into the weight room before anyone noticed.

Eric bolted around the corner to the weight room door. With his back against the door, he grabbed the doorknob and gave it a twist.


It wouldn't budge.

What? No, no, no!

Eric tried again. It still wouldn't budge. The door was locked! Eric's eyes grew wide. His heart raced. Coach said that the door would be unlocked!

Eric heard his teammates' voices echo from inside the change room. They'd be here soon! He had to hide! His eyes darted left and right for somewhere to hide.

That's when he saw it. A shiny reflection caught his eye.

Underneath the nearby trashcan was a small key ring with five metal keys. Immediately, Eric dove and tried to grab them. His cuffed hands made it difficult to pick up those keys, but he squat down next to the trash can and leaned backwards. His hands landed on the cold tile floor. But where were the keys? Eric couldn't see his own hands, so he had to feel his way around. The keys were somewhere behind his back, but where? His cuffed hands felt around the floor behind his back. His teammates would be out any minute now. He had to hurry!

Suddenly, his fingertips touched a cold metal object. The keys! He grabbed them into the palm of his right hand and dashed back to the locked door. He gathered the keys in his hands, feeling each individual key on the key ring.

Five keys. Only one of them would unlock the door.

Or none of them.

What if none of the keys worked? Eric didn't have any options left. He selected the first key. He somehow had to maneuver the key into the keyhole behind his back. Blindly, he tried to angle the key so teeth pointed downwards. Then, he inserted the key into the hole.

He twisted the key. It held firm.

Wrong key.

He tried the next one.

Still no luck.

His teammates' voices grew louder. They were coming! They were right behind the change room door!

He grabbed a third key.

"Please!" cried Eric.

He shoved the key into the hole and twisted.


The door unlocked. Eric twisted the doorknob and pushed through the doorway.

The key! The key was still in the keyhole!. He yanked the key out, rushed into the weight room, and slammed the door behind him.

Not a moment too soon.

Eric slammed the door shut right as Davis exited the change room. Any later, and Davis would have caught a glimpse of Eric rushing into the weight room.

Davis froze for a second. "Strange." he thought. "Did someone drop something?" He decided that he must be the air conditioning. With his duffel bag in hand, he exited the school building.

Inside the weight room, Eric pressed his back against the door. He half expected someone to burst through the door. He held his breath, listening for footsteps. At first, nothing. Then finally, he heard someone's footsteps walk down the hallway. Soon, he heard more of his teammates leaving the change room. Before long, the footsteps had stopped. Everyone had left. Eric breathed a sigh of relief. He still pressed the key ring into his palm, where it made an imprint from his clenched fists. With his hands still cuffed behind his back, Eric sat down on a weight bench and waited for Coach Carson to arrive.

Soon enough, Eric heard heavy footsteps outside the door. Then the sound of keys inside the keyhole. Eric's heart stopped. The door was being unlocked from the outside. The door opened, and Coach Carson sauntered in with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. "I see you managed to get in." He grinned at Eric. "You're not funny." Eric growled "I'm guessing you managed to get in before your teammates saw you?" "Yes. No thanks to you." Eric growled. "I figured. If they saw you as you are now, you; wouldn't be so peppy." Coach Carson grinned. "You'd still be busy sucking all their cocks." Eric growled. "Why'd you lock the weight room?" "I never said that the weight room was unlocked." Coach sneered. "Speaking of which," he held out his hand, "I'd like those keys back." Eric yelled out in anger. "No. Fuck you!" Maybe it was his week of constant sexual frustration. Maybe he just really hated Coach's games. But in that moment, he rejected Coach with every muscle in his body. In hindsight, maybe he should have given Coach Carson the keys... In an instant, Eric was knocked onto his ass. Coach Carson tackled Eric to the ground. Eric's bare ass hit the padded floor of the weight room. He tried to stand back up, but his cuffed hands kept him down. As he tried to stand back up, Coach Carson pushed him back to the ground. He sat on Eric's stomach., straddling his torso, and pinning Eric's cuffed arms between the floor and his own body. Eric struggled and squirmed. "Get off me!" He tried to throw Coach Carson off of his body. But with his arms cuffed behind his back, he couldn't find any leverage. Coach Carson clamped Eric's nipples with his fingernails. "Aghh!!!" Eric screamed as his sensitive nipples were mutilated. "Please! Let go!!" Coach Carson continued his assault on Eric's nipples. What an exhilarating sight. The helpless muscle boy squirmed beneath his body, and screamed for mercy. Eric the Locked Boy had been dominated. "What did you think was going to happen boy?" Coach Carson sneered. "Did you think you would escape? Your arms are tied, and your belongings are all locked in my office. Were you going to run back home with nothing but your handcuffs and jockstrap?" "No!" Eric struggled with renewed vigor. He bucked and buckled with all his strength. He pulled at the metal handcuffs. He pushed and shoved and squirmed with every muscle in his body. Anything to escape. He tried to throw Coach off of his body. A futile effort. Soon, his body was exhausted from struggling. A sheen of sweat covered Eric's body. His chest huffed and heaved. But soon enough, Eric realized that struggling was useless, and there was no escape. His hands were tied. It was futile to rebel. He was at the mercy of Coach Carson's whims. "Are you ready to cooperate boy?" There was no way out. "Yes, Coach." Coach Carson smiled. He got off of Eric's torso, and stood up. "Get up, Gunnar." he commanded. It was a clumsy process for Eric to stand up. But soon, despite the cuffs, Eric stood straight at attention, with his hands cuffed behind his back. "Now, let's try this again." Coach sneered. "Give me the keys." He held out his hand. Eric trudged towards Coach Carson. He turned around so his hands and back were facing Coach Carson. Coach Carson took this opportunity to give Eric's ass cheek a squeeze. Eric winced, but he didn't protest. Protesting meant trouble. So he kept calm. He dropped the keys into Coach's hands with a clink. Coach grinned. "Perfect." And he pocketed the keys. "We're going to do some cable crossovers today. I figured you could use some chest exercises." He pushed Eric towards the large cable machine. Both pulleys were anchored on the frame above Eric's head. But Eric noticed something strange. The handles, which were normally attached to the end of each cable, had been removed. Coach Carson grabbed him by the cuffs. "No funny business. Got that Gunnar?" Eric nodded. "Yes Sir," he said. He had learned his lesson. Coach Carson removed Eric's handcuffs. "Ahh.." A gasp of pleasure escaped Eric's lips. His hands had been cuffed for so long that his arms had become sore, and slightly numb from the tight restraints. He brought his arms in front of his torso and inspected them. There were deep indents where the metal handcuffs had pressed into his wrists. "Stretch yourself out Gunnar. You're going to need it." he sneered. Eric rubbed his wrists to get his circulation going. He massaged his shoulders and stretched them out. He could feel that his muscles were sore from being pinned down for so long. His body felt immensely better. He almost forgot about Coach Carson until... "Ready boy?" Coach Carson smiled. Eric sighed. He'd better get this over with. "Yes Coach." Coach Carson smiled. "Much better. You're learning." He opened his duffle bag and pulled out two strange leather gloves. Eric would later learn that they were suspension wrist cuffs, but in the moment, they looked like medieval dungeon devices. He hazard a question. "What are those Coach?" Coach Carson grinned. "These are for you Gunnar." Eric was confused. Coach Carson continued. "Think of them like special gloves to protect your hands." Eric's arms stiffened up. His fists clenched. Coach Carson held out the left glove. "Give me your left hand." Eric had to oblige. Coach Carson slipped the wrist cuff onto Eric's left hand. He had Eric grab the handle inside, and clench his fist, before fastening the strap around Eric's wrist. Eric's left fist was enrobed by the leather suspension cuff. Eric's fingers were pinned down, his hand was forced into a tightly clenched fist. It was a straitjacket for his hand. His fingers couldn't move at all. Coach Carson smiled. He tapped on the leather cuff wrapped around Eric's hand. Eric tried to unclench his fingers, but the cuff kept them wrapped up. Coach Carson grinned. "Now, your right hand." Eric obeyed. Soon, both of his hands were bound into leather-wrapped fists. "Perfect!" said Coach. He pushed Eric towards the cable machine. "Stand here Gunnar." Coach pointed to a spot on the floor, right between the two pulleys. With the full-length mirror on the wall in front of him, Eric saw his reflection for the first time since leaving the change room. His body still looked as fit as ever. But his clothing was stripped away, and the silhouette of his locked cock inside his jockstrap revealed all. To everyone else, he was Eric the Star Athlete. Eric the Six-foot-Two Football Stud. The Straight Alpha Male. The peak of masculinity. But the mirror showed him something different. He was Eric the Locked Boy. The Horny Himbo. The Muscle Slut. The Trophy Slave. He was merely a boy toy for other men to play with. The tight jockstrap highlighted his muscled ass cheeks, and caged cock. His two defining assets. Coach Carson attached Eric's cuffed hands to the cable machine. One on each cable. The cables hoisted Eric's arms up and apart until his body was stretched into a Y position. "Feet shoulder-width apart boy!" Coach Carson ordered. Eric obeyed. He spread his feet apart and planted his sneakered shoes on the floor. Coach Carson smiled, and set the cable machine to one hundred pounds on each arm. "Twenty cable crossovers, Gunnar." he commanded. Eric did so. He pulled the cables down and across his body until his arms were crossed across his chest. He could feel the squeeze in the center of his chest, right between his pectorals. He then relaxed his chest muscles and returned the cables to their original position. One... Two... Cable crosses were nothing new to Eric. He frequently did them while he was training. But this time, he was chained to the machine, and his body was exposed. But Eric knew he could handle this. Twenty... Eric returned the cables to their original position. Out of habit, he tried to let go of the cables and relax his arms, but the cuffs kept Eric's arms stretched out and above his head. "Thirty seconds." barked Coach Carson. Only thirty second breaks were allowed between sets. Eric glanced at his own reflection. His muscles always looked bigger after a workout, but today they looked even bigger than usual. He was no stranger to his own reflection in the change room mirrors. But something about his reflection now made him feel different. Maybe it was his almost-naked body. Maybe it was because he was tied spread-eagle to the gym equipment. Whatever the reason, Eric found himself admiring his own physique, and drinking in the sight of his own bound body and its cage. To Eric's surprise, his semi-hard cock filled the confines of his cage. Within seconds, the pressure inside his cage emanated waves of painful pleasure through Eric's body. "Time's up! Twenty cable cross overs! Go!" Coach Carson barked. The second set was exactly the same. Towards the end, Eric's muscles felt fatigued, but he still managed to push out twenty cable crosses. But Coach Carson wasn't pleased. "Your form is getting sloppy Gunnar! Cross your arms all the way!" "Yes Coach!" Eric responded. Coach Carson increased the weight to one hundred and ten pounds. One... Two... The next set of twenty was harder. Seven... Eight... Eric's chest muscles began to ache. Eleven... Twelve... And on the thirteenth, Eric could only perform the motion halfway before his muscles gave out. *SMACK* "Ahh!" A sharp pain on Eric's right ass cheek jolted him awake. He looked back at Coach Carson, and his eyes widened. Coach Carson wielded a long, thin, riding crop. "You're not done yet Gunnar." he barked. And he forced Eric to continue. Eric struggled, but eventually managed to squeeze out the remaining seven reps. "Good boy." Coach Carson smiled. "Thirty seconds." Eric's chest heaved. "How many more do I have to do?" Coach Carson smiled. "As many as I feel you need Gunnar." The tip of his riding crop caressed Eric's left pectoral, prodding the swollen muscle, before teasing the sensitive nipple. "Understand boy?" Eric understood. If he didn't deal with the pain from his workout, he'd feel the pain from the riding crop. There was only one way. Coach's way. Thirty seconds went by in an instant. "Twenty reps! Go!" Eric continued with his fourth set of cable crossovers. Then his fifth set. And his sixth set. And whenever Eric struggled to lift the weights, the riding crop lashed out, leaving red marks on his pectorals. By the end of his ninth set, Eric's muscles were screaming bright red. His pectorals had taken a beating, from both the workout, and from Coach's riding crop. "Thirty seconds." said Coach Carson. Eric gasped for air. "P-please Coach. No more." He hung limply from the cables, as his body was suspended by the cuffs. "We'll stop when I tell you to stop Gunnar." Coach barked. "Please Coach. Mercy!" Eric pleaded. "I'll do anything!" That perked Coach Carson's interest. "Anything?" Eric caught his breath. What had he done? Coach Carson grinned. He placed his hand in the center of Eric's reddened chest. Eric's skin and muscles radiated warmth and moisture. His hand glided upwards along Eric's exposed neck to his jaw. He caressed Eric's exposed jugular and chin, relishing in his control over Eric's body. "Alright boy. We'll finish your last set, and I'll let you off easy tonight." Eric breathed a sigh of relief. "But..." Coach Carson continued, "If you don't do it properly..." Coach Carson slid the tip of his riding crop from Eric's chest, down past Eric's abs, past the waistband of Eric's jockstrap. Eric stiffened. The tip of the riding crop hovered between his legs, where it barely grazed his low-hanging ball sack. Even through the jockstrap, Eric's jewels felt exposed. Coach Carson smiled at Eric's reaction. "Don't mess up boy." Coach Carson sneered. One... Two... Three... Eric did his tenth set of strenuous cable crossovers. The fear of pain on his ball sack was enough to force exhaustion out of Eric's mind. Seven... Eight... But his muscles began to struggle. Eleven... Twelve... His muscles were on fire now. Coach Carson pressed the tip of his riding crop into his ball sack. That alone was enough to persuade Eric to continue. Fourteen... Fifteen... Sixteen... He could feel his body collapsing. His entire body screamed in pain. But the fear of greater pain to his scrotum kept him going. Seventeen! Eighteen! Two more! Two more and he'd be free! Nineteen!!! TWENTY!!! The weights came crashing down. Eric's arms hung limp, suspended by the cables and suspension cuffs. He gulped the air for oxygen. Eric looked back at the mirror. His pectorals were bright red from the exercise, screaming in agony. Any sense of horniness he felt was gone. A sheen covered his entire body. Rivers of sweat dripped from his skin onto the floor. Eric breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was over. Eric saw Coach smirking at him. "Good job boy." Coach Carson said. And he lowered his riding crop to the ground. Eric relaxed his tense muscles. His family jewels would be safe for today. "Please Sir. Can you let me go now?" Coach Carson smirked. Before Eric could react, the riding crop flew out and smacked Eric between the legs, right in his ball sack. What came out of Eric's mouth wasn't a scream, but a long, soundless gasp of air. If his chest was in pain from his workout, his ball sack was in agony. Eric crumpled over, trying to shield his exposed scrotum, but the cables held his arms up in a Y position. Coach Carson scowled. "This is for talking back at me boy." He set the cable machine to the maximum weight, and locked Eric's body into a spread-eagle position. Eric pulled on the cables with all his might, but his muscles were exhausted, and the weights were too heavy for him to handle. Coach Carson grabbed the waistband of Eric's jockstrap. Eric squirmed in protest, but there was no point. Whether Eric wanted it or not, his jockstrap was coming off. With a pair of scissors, Coach Carson snipped the jockstrap until it fell from Eric's body. Carson held the damp jockstrap in his hand. He wiped it all over Eric's body, soaking up every drop of sweat on his skin until the jockstrap was dripping in Eric's salty sweat. He gave it a sniff. "Mmm... smells like the scent of a horny muscle boy, eh Gunnar?" Eric remained silent. He had no strength to argue back. Coach Carson reached around and pinched Eric's nose. "Open up boy." Eric held his breath for as long as he could, but soon, his body needed to take a breath. The moment Eric gasped for breath, Coach Carson stuffed the balled up, sweat-soaked jockstrap into his mouth, and taped his mouth shut. "There we go. Nice and quiet." Coach sneered. Eric gagged at the smell and taste of his own sweaty jockstrap. His face contorted with disgust. Coach Carson grinned. "That will be all for today Gunnar." He turned and meandered towards the door. It suddenly dawned on Eric that he was still bound to the cable machine. Coach was going to leave him here! Eric struggled against the cables. "Mmmph!!!" he moaned and screamed for release. Coach Carson turned around. "Oh right. How could I forget?" he smirked. Eric breathed a sigh of relief. But his relief was short-lived. Coach Carson pulled out a key ring. He dangled the keys in front of Eric's face for a moment. Then, he tossed the key on the floor, a foot from Eric's sneakers. Eric's heart sank into his stomach. "Be sure to lock up when you leave." Coach Carson sneered. Eric began to panic. He struggled and screamed. But his sweaty jockstrap gag muffled his screams. He pulled on the cuffs and cables. But the weights wouldn't budge. Coach Carson sauntered towards the door. He took one last look at Eric's naked, bound body. Eric's eyes were wide with fear and panic. "Mmmmmmph!!!!" Eric pleaded. Coach Carson smiled. "See you tomorrow Gunnar." And he left Eric the Locked Boy to struggle alone.

Next: Chapter 10

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