A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Apr 20, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: I love reading comments! Email me or message me on Twitter @speedolover14 ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 8: A Locked Boy's Entrapment

Coach Carson blew his whistle. Practice was finally over. "Good job boys, hit the showers!"

The football team breathed a collective sigh of relief. Coach ran them through an intense training regiment to prepare for their first game of the season. Everyone was exhausted and eager to hit the showers.

Everyone, except Eric.

Coach's ultimatum echoed in Eric's head: "After every practice, you will report to me for special training. If you don't obey, I'll throw you naked into the change room so your teammates can see your cute, little cock cage."

Eric shuddered. He remembered his previous encounter in Coach's office. He was stripped naked, and used as Coach's plaything. He didn't know what "special training" meant, but he was not looking forward to it. But the alternative was to expose his cage to the rest of his teammates. So he had to obey.

He followed the rest of the football team into the locker room. Immediately, everyone stripped off their football gear. Helmets, pads, gloves, cleats, and jerseys were stripped and strewn with reckless abandon. Everyone was eager to shower and go home.

But not Eric.

Eric grabbed his bag and walked towards the door.

"Whatchu doin' walkin' home in your gear Gunnar?" Davis asked.

Davis, one of Eric's teammates, noticed him trying to leave. He walked up to Eric wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

Eric gave his rehearsed alibi. "Coach told me to meet him in his office after practice for more training again."

"Damn, Gunnar! Carson's got it out for you eh?" Davis laughed and wrapped his arm around Eric's shoulder. Davis was exuberant towards everyone on the team, so Eric didn't mind. But then, Davis leaned into Eric's ear.

"But just between you and me, I heard that Coach is into some fun stuff." he whispered.

Eric jumped in his skin.

"Andrew -you know, the one on the basketball team - he said he saw three sets of handcuffs in the back of Coach's drawer! You'd better be careful Gunnar. One of these days, Coach might just arrest you!" Davis laughed jokingly and headed for the showers.

Eric sighed to himself. It was beyond too late to run.

Eric was still wearing his full football gear when he arrived in front of Coach Carson's office door. He took a breath, then knocked on the door. "Come in, Gunnar." Coach Carson's voice said from inside. Eric opened the door. Coach Carson was waiting for him. Coach Carson leaned casually against his heavy desk. "Close the door, and take your helmet off." Coach Carson said calmly. Eric obeyed. His hair was sweaty from wearing the helmet during practice. Coach Carson leaned against the desk. "You know, I was half-hoping that you'd forgotten about our deal." said Coach Carson with a grin. "I wanted to throw you stark naked into your teammates." Eric's heart skipped a beat. He shuddered at the thought. "I wouldn't like that." Eric said flatly. Coach Carson grinned. "That's right. You'd prefer to submit to me, eh boy?" Eric stared straight ahead. He said nothing. Coach Carson sauntered towards Eric. He hovered inches from Eric's defiant eyes. He stared down at Eric. "Let's try this again." he growled. "You will submit to me. Right, boy?" Eric hated him. Every muscle in his body wanted to punch Coach Carson in the face, but he knew that the consequences would be dire, not just as a locked boy, but as a football player. Everyone would know he was a locked boy. Eric had no choice. He conceded. "Yes Sir." Coach Carson glared into Eric's eyes. "Strip. But leave your socks and jockstrap on." Eric questioned that last request, but he obliged. There was no avoiding it. He removed his football gear. He took off his bulky cleats and gloves, and placed them to the side. Then, leaving his socks on, he peeled off his pads and jersey, and put them aside. Finally, Eric removed his boxers, revealing his jockstrap underneath. Eric stood straight like a soldier, wearing only his jockstrap, athletic cup, and socks. His metal chain and padlock sat in the center of his chest. Coach Carson noticed the chain. "I was wondering where this went." He hooked his index finger around the padlock, and balanced it on his fingers. "It really does suit a big, muscled locked boy like you." Coach Carson grinned. Coach Carson began rummaging through Eric's pile of belongings and tossed Eric his indoor gym sneakers. They landed on the floor in front of his feet. "Put those on Gunnar." Eric bent down and put on his shoes, tightening the laces before standing up straight again. Somehow, the sensation of wearing heavy socks and shoes on his feet made his body feel even more exposed. Coach Carson began inspecting Eric's body. He walked a slow circle around Eric, drinking in Eric's bulging muscles. Aside from his chain, his jockstrap, and his cage underneath, Eric was completely naked. Carson licked his lips. He had this locked boy at the mercy of his whims. What should he do to him? "Your body looked great on Saturday." Coach sneered. "It's a shame that I had to share you then. But now, I get to have you all to myself!" Eric flinched. But he stood still. He tried to ignore Coach's taunts. He stared straight ahead. He refused to break down today. He refused to give Coach the satisfaction. Coach Carson circled around Eric, admiring his muscular body. His shoulders and back spread wide, with every muscle defined and bulging. Each shoulder blade trailed down to a tapered waist. But something else caught Carson's eye. "Your ass looks as delicious as always Gunnar." And it was. Two beautiful bulging buttocks, each a tight globe of muscle, built from years of football training. He gave Eric's right buttock a light tap. Eric stifled a moan. He would not give Coach a reaction today. Coach Carson paused behind Eric. He rested his hands on Eric's shoulders, right at the base of his neck. Sweat and grime covered Eric's skin. Eric resisted the urge to flinch from Coach's invading hands. If he reacted, Coach would turn his body's urges against him. He didn't want to give Coach any more control, so he defiantly held his eyes forward. Coach Carson's hands continued violating Eric's sticky muscles. He squeezed Eric's boulder shoulders, followed by his biceps and triceps, feeling the tension in each muscle before massaging both biceps in each hand. Still, Eric steeled himself. He refused to react. But Coach Carson was prepared. Before Eric could react, he was already restrained. *click* "What?!" A pair of metal handcuffs encircled Eric's wrists. Eric tried to pull his arms forward, but the handcuffs pinned his arms behind his back. "What the f-Mmmmm!!!!" Coach Carson's grubby hand wrapped around Eric's face, stifling his yells. His arms constricted Eric's bound and sweaty body. Eric tried to escape. He squirmed against Coach Carson's grip, but without his muscular arms, he was trapped. Coach had him pinned, and he would not let go. "You can struggle all you want boy. But you know what'll happen to you if you refuse, right Gunnar?" Coach Carson sneered. Eric froze. What would his teammates do if they saw his locked cock? "Want me to throw you back into the change room?" Coach threatened. Eric shook his head. "Didn't think so!" Coach Carson grinned. He snaked his hand down to Eric's jockstrap. He teased the ridge of Eric's hips and obliques, right at the waistband. Carson gave Eric's luscious ass cheek a sharp spank. "Ahh! Nghh..." Eric winced at Coach Carson's probing fingers. He pulled at the cuffs. His powerful muscles flexed with all their might. A futile effort. Eric was defenseless against Coach Carson's invading hands. Coach Carson circled to Eric's front, dragging his fingertips from Eric's hip, to his lower abdomen, right below his navel. He traced his index fingertip along the ridges of Eric's lower abs, teasing the boundary between his abdomen and his waistband. Eric's muscles danced in response to Coach Carson's electric touch on his skin. His defiant silence held firm, but his body's resolve was eroding. Every touch on his horny body sent a spark through his sweaty skin. Coach Carson's hands roamed down to the front of Eric's sweaty jockstrap. He tapped on the athletic cup, and it made a hollow clacking sound. "Ready to show off your goods Gunnar?" Eric remained silent. He knew what Coach was going to do, and he couldn't stop him. Coach Carson pulled back Eric's waistband. He reached into the pouch of Eric's jockstrap, pulled out the athletic cup, and tossed it aside. The elastic garment snapped back into place. "Perfect," Coach Carson licked his lips at the sight. Eric's once white cotton had yellowed with age. Countless practices had worn down the fabric until the garment was threadbare. Fresh from practice, the jockstrap was damp with Eric's sweat. The silhouette of his cage was visible through the tight, translucent yellowed fabric. And right at the front, a small patch of precum had formed. "I think your jockstrap is a little thin there, eh Gunnar?" Coach Carson smirked. "Not that I'm complaining." Embarrassment flushed Eric's face red. He tried to cover himself. He tried to maneuver his arms around his torso to his crotch. But this handcuffs were too short. Eric turned away. He didn't want to give Coach any more satisfaction. Coach Carson grinned a menacing grin. He would get his satisfaction whether Eric wanted to or not. He grabbed Eric's chain and pulled him forward. "Ah!" Eric stumbled forward. He had trouble staying balanced with his hands cuffed behind his back. "Ahhh..." The chain yanked on Eric's neck as Coach reeled him in. "Ready for your special training boy?" Coach taunted. Eric didn't know what to expect, but he knew that he wouldn't enjoy it. But he had no choice. Eric obeyed. "Yes..." Coach pulled the chain even harder. A yelp escaped from Eric's lips. "Yes, what?" Coach growled. "Yes, Coach." Eric replied. Coach sneered. "Much better." And he let go of Eric's chain. Coach Carson smiled. "We're going to play a little game today Gunnar." A nervous shiver slipped through Eric's body. Despite his horniness, his cock shrivelled inside its cage. Coach Carson continued. "You probably know this already, but I have access to the school's weight room after hours. I figured it would be fun to do some weight training tonight." Oh. That's it? Eric breathed a sigh of relief. Weight training was familiar to him. "I have to get some things ready, so why don't you head over there yourself?" Coach Carson smiled. And then, Eric realized it: The only way into the weight room was through the hallways. Eric's stomach sank. He tugged at his handcuffs. His arms were secured firmly behind his torso. His only cover was his threadbare jockstrap. His hands would never be able to cover his crotch. Eric's heart began to race. He began to sweat nervously. "C-coach? M-may I please put on some clothes? Maybe just some sweatpants or - AHHHHH!!!" Instantly, Coach Carson's hand shot out and grabbed Eric's cage through the sweaty jockstrap. He squeezed Eric's low-hanging ball sack in a claw-like grip. "Ahhh...." Eric double over in pain. An intense ache spread from his heavy ball sack through his abdomen. "Don't ever ask for clothes again Gunnar. Or I'll have you practice naked." A soundless scream rang from Eric's open mouth. The body-shaking pain faded into a dull ache in his balls and abdomen. Coach Carson grabbed him by the hair, forcing Eric to look in his face. "Clothes are a reward for boys who behave. Do you understand boy?" Eric nodded. Coach Carson let go. "Get up Gunnar!" he barked. With his hands cuffed, and his balls aching, Eric struggled to stand back up, but eventually, he stood up straight again. He found himself at the mercy of Coach Carson's whims. Coach Carson spun Eric back towards the front of the office. With both hands of Eric's shoulders, Coach Carson steered Eric back towards the front office door. The school hallway was just beyond this door. Eric pleaded. "Please Coach. What if people see me?" Coach Carson sneered. "Then I hope you don't get too excited Gunnar." He reached around Eric's torso and pinched his defenceless nipples. "Nghh..." Eric tried to guard his chest, but the handcuffs kept his chest jutted forward. Coach Carson smiled. "Don't keep me waiting boy." With one last grope of Eric's ass cheek, he opened the door and pushed Eric out the door, and into the open hallway. Before Eric could react, the door behind him clicked shut, locking the door, and leaving Eric - a handcuffed and vulnerable locked boy - to fend for himself.

Next: Chapter 9

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