A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Apr 9, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Thank you all for your kind emails. I love hearing your comments, and I especially love the pictures you send me! Hopefully this story finds you in a good place. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

Chapter 7: A Locked Boy's Duty

Soon, the last guest had left. Eric sagged against the ropes. He was naked, and covered in cum. Eric's horniness had long subsided, and his cock relaxed inside its cage.

Edward removed Eric's blindfold.

Eric's vision returned. The sunset hung low in the sky, casting deep orange rays across the backyard. Master Edward loosened his ropes. Eric's feet finally touched the floor. His calves relaxed for the first time in hours. Master Edward untied the ropes, and Eric's sore body collapsed on the floor. Every muscle in Eric's body felt stiff from his tight bondage. As his muscles regained strength, Eric felt the crust of dried cum on his skin. He scanned his body. The slick of sticky cum had dried into an opaque white glaze on his skin.

Master Edward smiled. "There's a shower inside. Get yourself cleaned up."

Eric got into the shower and adjusted the water. He stood under the shower spray, letting the warm water wash over his aching body. His body was a confused concoction of emotions. Dread and desire mingled with embarrassment and ecstasy. The hot water beating against his body brought these emotions to a boiling point, but the cock cage kept him under pressure.

Eric cradled his cage with one hand. Dried cum covered the ever-present metal cage - none of which was his. His own cum remained locked inside his balls. The message was clear:

They're allowed to cum, but I'm not.

He rinsed off the cum, caressing his cage to prevent his arousal from turning into pain. He helped himself to some shampoo and soap. The soapy suds lathered his body, removing the grime, and leaving him feeling cleaner, although his body still felt sore. He rinsed off the suds and looked around the bathroom for a towel.

There were none.

With no other choice, he walked out, stark naked and dripping wet.

Master Edward was waiting for him. He scanned Eric's wet, naked body, drinking in his glistening muscles and caged cock.

Eric's hands shifted in front of his cage. Then he realized how pointless it was. His body had already been exposed to Master Edward and his friends. He removed his hands from his crotch.

Master Edward smiled, "Good boy. You're learning," He pressed a button next to the hot tub. The jets in the hot tub turned on, and the water began to foam. "Get in boy," he said. "Your muscles need to relax."

Eric stepped into the hot tub. "Ahhh....." A gasp of pleasure escaped Eric's lips. The warm water worked magic on his sore muscles. He submerged himself in the foaming water. His body soaked in the heat, and relaxed . He leaned against the jets, and let the water pound into his shoulders and back. "Uhhh....." All the tension from his football practice and stress bondage melted away as he simmered in the hot water.

"Enjoying yourself Eric?"

Eric turned around. Master Edward admired him with amusement. Eric smiled back. "Yes Sir!"

Master Edward smiled. "Good. You did very well today. You deserve this reward."

Reward? Was the hot tub his reward? Eric wondered.

Master Edward smirked. "You're very lucky; you know that boy? Most people would kill to see me strip."

Eric's heart skipped a beat. Master Edward strip? His caged cock began to expand once more.

Master Edward noticed Eric's reaction and smiled. And then, with Eric watching, Master Edward grabbed the hem of his tight black t-shirt, and pulled it upwards, revealing his golden-brown tanned skin and beautiful eight-pack abs.

As the shirt kept rising, Eric was mesmerized by Master Edward's body. The shirt continued its ascent, revealing Master Edward's enormous chest. His nipples - two coin-sized nubs - were peaked in the center of each pectoral. Finally, Edward's shirt crossed over his head, and Eric's jaw hit the floor. Master Edward's torso was a bodybuilder's wet dream. His muscles had perfect proportions. Even Eric's own physique, while impressive, paled in comparison to Master Edward's. "It should be illegal for him to wear a shirt!" Eric thought to himself.

Tossing the shirt aside, Edward reached down for his jeans. Edward unzipped his fly...

Eric held his breath. What was Master Edward hiding in his jeans?.

Edward grinned. Eric was rigid with anticipation. Edward peeled off his jeans.

Eric's eyes widened. Underneath Master Edward's jeans was a skimpy black speedo! Eric ogled at the sight of Master Edward's barely-covered body. The black speedo sat low on Master Edward's hips, and left little to the imagination. Master Edward's wide shoulders and bulging pectorals tapered down into his chiseled abdominals. His obliques carved deep ridges from his hips, and curved down into the front of his speedos. At the front of Master Edward's speedos was a large bulge...

Eric found himself staring at Master Edward's perfect physique. His bulging thigh and calf muscles rippled with power. Even while clothed, Master Edward exuded power and dominance. But with his muscles and physique on full display, it was crystal clear: This was a real man. Eric was merely a boy.

Edward strut his way towards Eric. With every step, Edward exuded confidence and masculinity. Edward stood at the edge of the hot tub, where Eric was sitting. Standing at six-foot four inches of pure muscle, Edward towered over Eric. From Eric's perspective, Master Edward looked like a giant about to crush him under his muscular physique. Master Edward's enormous pecs and shoulders loomed over him, partially obscuring Master Edward's face from view.

Edward smirked. "Like what you see boy?" Edward was unabashed as he flexed his biceps, shoulders, abs, and chest.

Eric stared in awe. Was it possible for a man to be any more masculine? Master Edward was a true stallion. He showed off a physique that would make bodybuilders horny.

Edward stepped into the hot tub, and wedged himself behind Eric. He placed his thighs on either side of Eric's torso, and wedged Eric between them.

Eric sat between Master Edward's muscular legs. Edward's thighs could crush his torso, but he loved being close to Master Edward's muscular body. He couldn't get enough! He placed one hand on each of Master Edward's thighs, as if he was sitting in a muscular armchair. His hands continued to examine Master Edward's leg muscles underneath the foamy water.

"Mmm..." Edward exhaled a sigh of pleasure. "Yeah, that feels great boy. Just like that." He reached around Eric's waist and cupped Eric's cage in his hand.

Eric loved the sensation of Master Edward's muscles pressed against his body. But by the time Eric noticed what Master Edward was doing, it was too late.


Eric looked down. A thick dog leash was attached to a ring around his balls!

"Nghh..." Instantly, Eric's locked cock jumped in response. "W-what are you doing?"

Master Edward smiled. "I'm reminding you of your duties, boy."

"P-please let go of my balls Sir." Eric's breath was heavy.

But Master Edward reeled in the leash until it was taut. "Do you remember your vows boy?" he asked. "This," he gave Eric's balls a sharp tug, "belongs to me."

"Your body - ", he pinched Eric's nipple "belongs to me."

"And your hole - " he teased his finger between Eric's ass cheeks, "belongs to me."

"Do you understand boy?"

"Ahhhh.... Y-yes Sir." Eric stammered.

"'And everything I do..."" Edward waited

"Ahhh.... I- I do to please my Sir!" Eric responded

"Good boy." Master Edward smirked. He yanked on Eric's leash, shaking the cage and sending vibrations through Eric's body. "Have you ever pleasured a man before boy?"

"Ahh...." Eric shook his head. "P-please, no Sir."

Master Edward smirked. He unwrapped his thighs from Eric's body. He stood right in front of Eric, leash in hand, his bulge positioned in Eric's face.

Eric remained silent. He knew what was coming. He watched as Master Edward slid his speedos down to his knees.

Eric gasped. Master Edward's eleven-inch, fully erect cock sprung from the spandex garment, curving up towards his abdomen. Even Master Edward's own physique could not dwarf the size of his cock. With that python of a penis, it was a wonder that Master Edward was able to wear speedos at all!

Master Edward grinned. He had hypnotized Eric with his cock. He bent his raging erection downwards, letting his cockhead skim the surface of the water. Then, he let go. His cock sprung back to an upright position, flinging droplets of water from his cockhead. It slapped against his rock-hard abs, before settling in an upright position.

Eric stared in awe. He was entranced by Master Edward's display of phallic acrobatics. His own locked cock strained against its cage in response.

A sudden tug on his balls send a wave of pain and pleasure through Eric's body.

Master Edward smirked at Eric's look of longing. He walked towards Eric, his hard cock on full display, bouncing with vigor.

Eric froze in anticipation. Master Edward's cock hung inches from his face.

Master Edward's voice boomed through his body. "Show me how a locked boy pleasures a man."

Eric nestled Master Edward's cock in his hand. The erect cock pulsed with energy, and his locked cock pulsed in response. Master Edward's cock was warm and hefty. It felt heavy. He cradled it with both hands, and the cock head still slipped out of his grasp. Eric forgot how his own cock felt in his hand, but Master Edward's cock felt different. It felt girthier, and more rigid. This was a real man's cock.

Master Edward smiled. "You like my body eh boy?"

Eric stammered. "Y-yes Sir."

And he did. His struggling cock could not lie. The sight of Master Edward's naked body aroused him. Master Edward loomed over Eric, his muscular body and rock-hard erection on full display in front of Eric. And despite his nakedness, he exuded an air of machismo that intimidated, and aroused Eric. But the cage kept his cock from hardening. The pressure inside his cage began to build up for the second time that day. The pressure soon became unbearable. Try as he might, he would never get an erection of his own.

Eric slowly began to stroke Master Edward's cock, getting a feel for the feeling of another man's cock in his hand.

Eric hadn't jacked off in a while. When he'd wake up at night from the pained straining inside his cage, he could do nothing except grasp at the metal cage and wait for his tormented erection to subside.

"Mmm... that's right boy. You can play with any cock - except your own."

Eric tested Master Edward's cock, exploring the foreign organ with his fingertips. His fingers traced the veins running up and down Master Edward's shaft, before arriving under the ridge of Master's cockhead.

Edward's breathed sighs of pleasure. "Make me feel good boy," he commanded.

Eric had to obey. For the first time in his life, he inserted a man's cock in his mouth.

At first, he only wrapped his lips around Master Edward's cock head.

Edward moaned. "Mmmm.... that's it." and he tightened the leash around Eric's balls.

Eric felt the leash around his balls tighten, a constant reminder of what he had to do. He had to pleasure Master Edward. Every pleasure that he'd experienced on his own cock, he'd need to employ onto Master Edward. He tightened his lips around Master Edward's shaft. He pulled his teeth back to prevent scraping. He slurped on Master Edward's cock head like an enormous lollipop, swirling his tongue around the bulbous cock head, and tracing his tongue around the crown of his cock.

Master Edward exhaled moans of pleasure. "Hehe. You've done this before, haven't you boy?" He grabbed Eric's head and ran his fingers through Eric's hair.

Edward tousling Eric's head sent tingles through his horny body. He wanted to please his Master. He wanted to pleasure him. Eric opened the back of his throat, and began sliding Master Edward's length towards the back of his throat.

"Ahhh.... that feels amazing, boy."

Eric continued pushing Master Edward's shaft into the back of his throat, but it wasn't long before he started gagging. Before long, the urge to gag on Master's enormous cock was unbearable, and Eric had to pull himself off of Master Edward's cock.

Master Edward smiled. "Not bad boy. You'll make a great cocksucker in no time." He yanked the leash. Eric's balls were pulled forward, forcing Eric to kneel in front of Master Edward. "Open your mouth boy."

Eric was hesitant at first. He had never tasted cum before. But as the leash on his balls tightened, he knew he had no choice. He opened his mouth in front of Master Edward's cock.

Edward pumped his cock. "Yeah boy! Take my load in your mouth! Ohhhhhh!!!" Edward's cock erupted. A fountain of thick, creamy cum sprayed straight into Eric's waiting mouth.

The huge load filled Eric's mouth. It felt slimy in his mouth. It tasted strange: Salty, bitter, and heavy-chlorinated. Everything in Eric's body wanted him to spit it out.

"Swallow." Master Edward commanded.

Eric held on. With one gulp, he swallowed the load until his mouth was empty. And after he swallowed, he opened his mouth to show Master Edward his empty mouth.

"Good boy. You're learning." Master Edward seemed pleased.

Little did Eric know that it was the first of many loads that he'd receive during his sentence.

Next: Chapter 8

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