A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Mar 29, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: This was by far the most difficult chapter to write for me. I went through almost four different drafts before I was finally happy with it. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14 ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 6: A Locked Boy's Christening

Eric saw Coach Carson, and his breath stopped.

Coach Carson sauntered up to Eric's bound body. "Got yourself kidnapped eh Gunnar?"

Eric scowled. He refused to struggle against his ropes. He stiffened his body and stood still like a statue.

Coach Carson enjoyed the sight of Eric's scantily-clad body, legs spread wide, and balancing on the balls of his feet.

"How does it feel to be tied up boy? Can't move can you?"

Eric ignored Coach Carson's taunts and kept still.

Carson stepped up to Eric's bound body and hovered his face inches from Eric's.

Master Edward stepped out onto the patio wearing an apron over a black t-shirt. "I take it you're acquainted?"

Coach Carson smirked. "Oh yeah. I'm familiar with him. I'm his football coach." He studied the front of Eric's red jogging shorts, smirking at his bulge. He licked his lips.

Eric glared back at Coach Carson, but he knew was powerless. So he held his body still.

Coach Carson's hand landed under Eric's chin, caressing his vulnerable neck with his fingers. His hand drifted down Eric's chest to his mid-section. He savoured the authority he had over Eric, and his fingers outlined Eric's abs.

"Mmmmph..." Eric grunted, glaring at Coach Carson, who kept stroking his torso and neck, caressing every crevice to find his sensitive spots. Every time Carson found one, Eric stifled his moans into grunts, a sign that Coach Carson picked up on.

"Still locked up aren't you boy?" And his hands dipped from Eric's abs down to his waist. His fingers slithered under the waistband of Eric's tiny shorts.

"MMMFPHH!!!" Eric howled in protest, but as he struggled, the ropes tightened around his chest, warning him to stay still.

Coach Carson grinned, and pressed Eric's bound body into his. "You can squirm all you want, but you're not going anywhere boy." His hands slipped around behind Eric and grabbed his ass cheeks.

"MMppph! Fhhk You!" Eric struggled as he felt a finger slipping between his ass cheeks. But when he tried to escape, the ropes tightened around his chest, constricting his pectorals and shoulders. He had no choice but to endure Coach Carson's groping hands. He clenched his ass cheeks closed, resisting the intruder. But it wasn't enough; Coach's hands were stronger.

Coach Carson massaged his ass cheeks, one globe of muscle in each hand. He kneaded them like buoyant balls of dough, squeezing with his fingers, pushing them together, before pulling them apart.

Eric cursed through the ball gag. "MMmph! Yphou fphucker!" He tried pulling his arms apart. He flexed his triceps, his shoulders, his arms. He struggled with all his might...

But the ropes held firm.

He was defenceless.

Master Edward chimed, "Ben save some for everyone else?"

Coach Carson smiled sheepishly. "Sorry Ed. Got a bit excited." And his hands slid out of Eric's shorts. He took a leather blindfold from the table and blindfolded Eric, leaving Eric in the dark. He went to help Edward with dinner, leaving Eric alone.

Eric's chest heaved. His body tingled from Coach's groping hands. He felt exposed and vulnerable. He hadn't cum for so long. His body became horny against his will. And there was no escape.

Over time, Eric heard the patio door open, followed by a new voice. Eventually, all the men's voices blurred together in a buzz of conversation around Eric.

Eric had no choice but to stand on the balls of his feet and wait for the next attack on his body. He didn't like being blindfolded. It made him feel uneasy. He wouldn't be able to see their hands reaching for his body until they touched him.

A glass clinked and everyone went silent.

Eric stood still and listened.

"Thank you all for coming today." Master Edward said. "As you can see, I've acquired a new locked boy."

Eric froze. They were talking about him.

"He is newly recruited and untrained. He has yet to learn how to serve his superiors. the future, I may lend him out, but tonight shall simply be a welcoming party for him. Please do me the honours of making him as horny as possible."

Eric tightened his body. He braced himself for any assault that these men could employ on his body.

Or so he thought....

snip snip

The sound sent chills into his chest.

"MMmph!!!" Eric squirmed.

"He he. Stand still boy. We don't want to cut your skin."

Eric's heart stopped. He complied as a hand slithered under his tight tank top.

snip snip

The tank top loosened. Soon, the garment fell from his body, exposing his torso. Even though the sun was sizzling, Eric felt a cool breeze brush over his sweaty chest.

"All hot and sweaty..." a voice sneered.

Countless hands occupied his shoulders and pecs. They ravaged his torso, groping each mound of muscle.

Eric withstood their invasion. He tried to resist. But the ropes held him tight.

A wet tongue traced the ridges of his abs.

"Mmmmm....." Eric moaned into his ball gag. His body felt sensitized. They pillaged every inch of his body. A deep voice rumbled in his ear, "What a big muscle stud you are." and a wet tongue licked the back of his ear. Eric shivered as warm, slimy tongues slipped across his skin.

Their hands invaded his legs, probing the backs of his knees, and tickling his sensitive spots. Eric stood on the balls of his feet, his legs tensed in an unsteady balance. The ropes paralyzed his body. He couldn't fight back. So he conceded his body to their probing fingers.

Their hands slithered up his thigh muscles, pathing from his knees, all the way up to his red nylon shorts.

Eric's body tensed. He knew what they wanted. And he was helpless to stop them.

Their hands breached the hem of his shorts, desecrating their riches. They caressed his hips and thighs; one hand squeezed his ass cheek.

"Grrrr...." Eric grunted. He felt a tug on his shorts...

snip snip


And his shorts were gone.

Eric stood stark naked, with his cage on full display.

"Oooo... he he," the men chuckled. They whistled at Eric's cage. "Keep contents under pressure eh Edward?"

Someone tapped on Eric's cock head.

"Nghh..." Eric didn't know what to think. He felt violated. His strong and powerful body was rendered useless. He was his captors' plaything, and he had no chance to defend himself. But - as much as he tried to hide it - he felt aroused. His body felt fiery, and edged to the tipping point. Every touch was a trigger. And every touch, every flick, every breath, sent a jolt of electricity to his caged cock. Against his will, he was horny beyond belief. With the blindfold on, he had no vision. Just a constant barrage of sounds and feelings, and urges from inside his cock cage.

If he tried to fend off their, the ropes would constrict his torso. If he kept the ropes slack, he'd be vulnerable to an onslaught of hands occupying every inch of his body.

An intense desire to cum filled his mind. His thoughts faded into a white haze of horniness. Despite the tight ropes, he thrust his hips forward. Nothing else mattered. He wanted to cum. He needed to cum.

He felt his poor cock struggling against its imprisonment. His cock struggled to harden. Every pulse of his straining cock send intense waves of pleasure and pain through his entire body. His cock pressed up up against the bars, trying to burst free from its prison. The men continued ravaging his body, and his body responded to every point of contact. The pressure in his cock built up. He was going to blow! If he could just...



"Alright that's enough." Master Edward's voice boomed.

Immediately, their hands retreated.

No! Please!

Eric strained against his ropes. He could feel his load of pent up cum churning inside his body. His cock continued to pulse against the metal cock cage. But the cock cage held firm. Every muscle in his body tightened with one singular desire: To bring Eric to a body-breaking orgasm.

The men laughed as Eric struggled to cum. He thrust his hips as if fucking the air. He pulled the ropes so tightly that they feared he would break free. But no one touched him.

Eric was exhausted and confused. He felt like he never wanted their hands on his body again. But he also felt like he wanted those same hands to make him cum.

He barely had time to think before he noticed the sound of heavy breathing and soft moaning. Before he realized it, the first spray of hot, sticky cum hit his body. From every angle, they sprayed Eric's body with volley after volley of hot, sticky cum. It coated Eric's body, and dripped down his skin.

"MMmmmph!" Eric struggled to break free. The image of other men cumming made him want to cum more than ever. He tried to reach his cock, but the ropes held firm. Soon, the last volley of cum landed on Eric's body. Eric felt the warm, sticky liquid drip down his body, drying into a crust on his skin. His chest heaved, and his arms flexed. But his cock could only press against its cage. He was too horny too be embarrassed.

Soon, Eric heard the clinks of plates and glasses. They were all eating dinner right in front of him, which gave him time to rest. The conversation swelled around him. Occasionally, a hand would pinch his nipples, or squeeze his balls. Eric would grunt in response. Beyond that, Eric was left alone.

But Eric wanted attention. He wanted to cum. He was in agony. His paralyzed arms made it impossible to touch his cock. Anything could have made him cum at that moment. A pinch of his nipples. A tap of his cage. Anything! But as he heard the guests leaving, Eric realized that he would not be cumming tonight.

Next: Chapter 7

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