A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Sep 25, 2019


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: I ended up splitting this chapter in half since it got a little long. Hopefully I can finish it, but my new job is kind of demanding. I enjoy getting feedback and talking with fellow kinsters. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

A Locked Boy's Exposure

Eric's alarm clock woke him on Saturday morning. He lay in bed. The heavy metal padlock sat on his chest, and its ever-persistent companion - the metal cockcage - prevented his morning wood from growing. It pressed down against the blood pumping to his cock. Eric adjusted the cockcage to try and relieve some of the pressure, but he knew that the cage wasn't coming off. He was so horny that his skin could feel the blankets touching his body like feathers. Every point on his skin felt electric.

He reminisced on his encounter with Coach Carson last night after practice. Coach knew. He knew Eric was locked. He made Eric his bitch-boy. What would he do if he refused? Eric pushed the worry out of his mind. He didn't have time to think about Coach. Today was Master Edward's party.

Eric had just finished showering when he received a text message. He wrapped a towel around his waist and checked his phone. It was Master Edward. "Party today. I'll be in the lobby in thirty minutes. Be ready." Eric didn't know what kind of party Edward was planning. What did he mean by "Be ready"? He picked out his favourite date-night outfit: a tight short-sleeved button-up shirt that hugged his muscular torso, white briefs, and tight jeans to sheathe his muscular legs. He studied his reflection. His cockcage was barely noticeable, held close to his body by the tight denim and cotton, while the chain and padlock sat right at the edge of his unbuttoned collar. Even with the chain exposed, Eric looked sexy. He flexed his biceps. The shirt sleeves didn't rip, but they barely contained his biceps. Satisfied with his clothing, he went downstairs to the lobby to wait for Master Edward. The elevator door opened and Eric walked into the empty lobby. Most residents didn't loiter in the apartment lobby. They either stayed in their apartments or they left the building. So when Eric took a seat in one of the armchairs, the male desk clerk noticed. "Expecting someone today Eric?" the desk clerk asked. Eric glanced at the young Latino desk clerk. His name was Mateo. He would often smile at Eric when he checked into his apartment. "Yeah," Eric answered. Mateo eyed him up and down, noticing his tight jeans and shirt, clothing that he never wore to class. "Got a date today?" Eric hesitated. "Something like that." Mateo gave him a nod. "Nice necklace." And he went back to his work with a smile. Eric froze. On several occasion, Eric would catch Mateo stealing glances at his body when he checked in to his apartment after a practice. He always wore his padlock and chain, even in the shower. He remembered how Coach knew he was locked just from his padlock. Did Mateo know? The thought terrified and aroused him. But he sat there as Mateo stole glances at him from behind the front desk. He didn't need to ponder much before Master Edward arrived. Master Edward entered the lobby and Eric stopped to stare. Edward wore a tight black muscle tank top, dark-blue jeans, and sunglasses. His bulging pectorals and dusting of chest hair peeked out, barely contained by the tiny garment. His massive shoulders and biceps were unfettered by clothing, displaying his shoulder tattoo and back muscles. The man dripped with sex, and Eric's cock dripped in response. Eric glanced at Mateo, who stared at Edward with his eyes wide and mouth open. For once, he wasn't looking at Eric. Edward noticed Eric and strut towards Eric. His sunglasses hid his eyes, but a smirk rested on Edward's lips. "Ready to go Eric?" Eric stood up from his armchair. "Yup!" And they walked through the front door together.

"You're aware that your desk clerk was staring at your ass right?" Master Edward said.

Eric's heart skipped a beat. "Yeah, he does that a lot. Not sure why."

"He wants to fuck you." Master Edward smirked.

Eric's cock twitched. "Uhh... Yeah, I figured that part out already."

"A lot of people want your body boy. I just might let them borrow you." Master Edward gave his asscheek a light tap.

"Nghh...." Eric stifled the moan. He was so horny, but he kept his composure as they walked down the street.

They turned a corner and arrived a parking lot. Master Edward walked towards a black convertible with the roof up.

Eric looked amazed. "That's your car?"

"I like showing off what I own." Master Edward smiled. "Speaking of which..." Edward pulled out a small gift bag.

Eric was puzzled. "What's in the bag?"

Edward smiled. "This bag contains your clothes for today. As handsome as you look right now, I've picked a more appropriate outfit for you. Are you ready boy?"

Eric nodded. "Yes sir."

Edward smiled. "Start changing boy."

Eric looked around. They stood in the middle of a packed parking lot. "Sir?..." He already knew the answer before he asked it. He reached for the bag, but Master Edward pulled it away. He gave Eric a smirk. He repeated:

"Start. Changing. Boy."

Eric looked around the parking lot. It was packed with parked cars, but there weren't any moving cars. A few people walked to their cars in the distance, but other than that, the lot was devoid of people.

Eric looked back at Master Edward, who waited with his hands crossed over his chest. Eric saw no other option. In the broad daylight of the parking lot, he stripped.

Eric unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his toned abs. He paused. He could still pass as clothed, but he wouldn't for long. If he changed fast enough, maybe he'd be fine. Eventually, he pulled off his shirt, holding the garment in front of his body.

"Toss it to the side boy," Master Edward said.

Eric obeyed. He had nothing to shield his torso. His muscular chest and back were left vulnerable to Master Edward or any passersby. He hoped no one else was looking.

He kicked off his sneakers and peeled off his socks before moving to his jeans. He unbuttoned and unzipped the fly before pulling them down and peeling the tight denim off his muscular legs. The jeans hugged his legs, so he struggled to pull them off, much to the enjoyment of Master Edward.

"Trouble stripping boy? Maybe I should get you some practice." Master Edward smirked.

Eric blushed and continued peeling off his clothes. The faster he stripped, the faster he could get dressed, and the less likely someone would see him naked in public. He managed to peel off his jeans and work them off his legs. Finally, he stripped off his white briefs and tossed them to the side with the rest of his clothes. He stood there stark naked and barefoot on the city tarmac, in broad daylight. His chain and padlock and his cramped metal cockcage shined in the sunlight.

Master Edward grinned. "Hand me your clothes boy."

Eric bent over to pick up his pile of clothes on the ground, exposing his asscheeks to Master Eric.

Master Eric smirked. "Not much colour on those cheeks eh boy?"

Eric blushed, and handed his clothes to Master Edward, who put them in the trunk of his car. Eric's only cover was his cockcage. Instinctively, Eric placed his hands over his crotch.

Master Edward smiled. "Hands at your side boy."

Eric had no choice but to obey.

Master Edward scanned Eric's exposed body and stepped forward. His chest hovered inches from Eric's. He leaned in to Eric's ear and whispered. "You look good like that boy. You should be naked in public more often."

Eric stammered. "Sir, I don't want to get in trouble." He knew that he needed to please Master Edward to get his clothes back.

Master Edward grinned. "I'm sure a police officer would love to arrest you.

He leaned in. "And handcuff you.

"Wrestle you.

"Grab you.

"Inspect every inch of you..."

Eric's heart raced. He shuddered in fear. He hoped no one was watching. But despite his fear, his cock struggled against his cage. "Nghh.... Sir."

Master Edward looked down at Eric's cage smiled. "Getting horny in public eh? You like being watched by strangers don't you boy?" Eric's cock filled every crevice in his cage, and began to press up against its metal prison.

Eric's cage twitched in response.

Master Edward smiled. "I'd love to leave you here to your own devices."

Eric's eyes grew wide. His cock shrunk slightly out of fear.

Master Edward grinned. "But we have a party to host." He handed Eric the gift bag. "Open it boy."

Eric opened the paper bag, eager to cover himself from wandering eyes. He pulled out a tightly folded bundle of clothes: A white muscle tank top, and a pair of red jogging shorts. No underwear. Eric slid on the tiny red shorts, and squeezed into the tank top before moving his hands back to his sides.

It was more clothing that he was expecting from Master Edward, but he still felt exposed. Every muscle in his shoulder and back was uncovered. The thin shoulder straps did little to cover his torso, and the neckline hung so low that a sprinkling of chest hair was visible, his nipples barely covered. The whole garment hugged his body and showed off his muscles from every angle. The red nylon shorts left his thighs exposed, the bottom hem resting an inch below his asscheeks. The material was so thin and tight that his cage left a distinct bulge at the front of his shorts.

Eric stood up as straight as a soldier. Master Edward smiled. He placed his hand on Eric's shoulder, cupping the ball of muscle with his fingers before sliding up towards Eric's neck, stopping right at the skimpy shoulder strap and teasing the edge of the fabric and the skin underneath with his fingertip.

"Nghh..." Eric winced, aware of his exposed skin. Below his waistband, a breeze blew through the leg-holes of his thin nylon jogging shorts, and flowed around his caged cock. Master Edward reinforced his exposure.

"Do you like your new outfit boy?" Master Edward locked eyes with Eric.

Eric's embarrassment was clear on his face. "Y-yes sir."

Master Edward leaned in and blew a stream of air against Eric's exposed neck.

Eric shuddered. The hairs on his neck stood up. His shredded muscles shivered at the feeling of Master Edward's breath on his skin.

Master Edward smiled and pulled away. "Let's get going boy." And he unlocked the car door.

Eric entered the car and sat down. The black leather seats were still cool. The material stuck to the backs of Eric's bare thighs, chilling his sensitive spots, and making him feel more exposed than when he stood naked outside. He placed the palms of his hands against the backs of his thighs and wedged them between his legs and the leather car seat.

Master Edward noticed Eric's discomfort and smiled. "You like the feel of leather on your skin boy?"

Eric flinched. "N-no sir."

Master Edward smiled and placed his hand on Eric's exposed thigh.

"Nghh...Sir..." Eric tensed his body.

Master Edward responded by sliding his hand up Eric's leg towards the hem of his nylon shorts. With his index finger, he traced the line on the inside of his thigh between his thigh muscles.

"Ahhh.... uhhh...." Eric's cock dripped with precum. Master Edward's probing fingers were too much for his horny body.

Master Edward noticed a spot of precum appear. "Ready to blow your load, aren't you boy?"

"Ahh... D-do I get to cum today Sir?" Eric asked.

Master Edward thought about it. "If you perform well today, I'll reward you. Understand boy?"

"Y-yes Sir!" said Eric.

Master Edward grinned. "Good boy." And they drove towards Master Edward's house.

Next: Chapter 5

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