A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Sep 9, 2019


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: This chapter ended up taking a while because it's so long. New chapters might take a while since I'm starting a new job, but hopefully I can continue. I enjoy getting feedback and talking with fellow kinsters. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

A Locked Boy's Dilemma (Chapter 3)

The first day wasn't unusual. When he wasn't paying attention to his locked cock, his days were normal. Eric spent his days moving between classes, keeping his mind off sex - or his inability to have sex. In the bathroom, he chose stalls over the urinals to keep his cage hidden. He also found that with the cage, he had to piss while sitting down.

By the second day, everything - even mundane things - turned him on.

His Calculus lecturer droned: "When we graph out the equation of y equals x squared, we get a shape like this, also known as a parabolic curve."

"Looks kind of like a curved cock," Eric thought to himself.

"By manipulating the coefficient, we can compress it downwards or stretch it upwards-"

"Stretch it upwards. It's so big."

"To make it curve higher like this, or lower like this."

"The parabolic curve of your cock - fuck!"

His cockcage squeezed around his engorging cock, and the pressure made him wince.

Chemistry wasn't much better.

"In order for energy to be released in the reaction, a threshold of energy must be reached. This is called the activation energy."

"Kinetic energy against your shaft. Released energy - Fuck!"

And his cock struggled against his cage once more.

Biology was even worse.

"The male bird of paradise looks to attract a mate using his two large hanging tail feathers. But this display alone isn't enough to impress a mate. The male must lift these two heavy tail feathers and hover in midair. It's exhausting, but this athletic display shows off his physical fitness to his potential mates."

"Athletic display. Physical fitness. Flexing muscles. Sweaty bodies. Fuck!"

The squeeze around his struggling cock became unbearable. But there was nothing he could do.

The only relief Eric got was football practice. Changing into his football gear wasn't a problem. He wore his athletic cup under his boxers, so he could keep his boxers on before practice. And after practice, he stayed late and waited for everyone to leave before changing. He took a deep breath and stepped into the locker room. He had rushed to the locker room right after classes, so he knew he was early. Nevertheless, there were still some boys inside getting changed. Several of them were shirtless, and some were only wearing their jockstraps. He exchanged greetings with his teammates before walking to his locker. Eric resisted the urge to stare at their bodies before he got hard.

He knew it was time to get changed. He took off his sneakers and socks first, stuffing his socks into his sneakers before putting them to the side. Then he took off his t-shirt, pulling up the bottom hem, revealing his chiselled six-pack before pulling it over his head. Finally, he unbuttoned his jeans and peeled them off. Without taking off his boxers, he changed into his football gear and left the locker room. And after practice, he did extra training until everyone left and he could change in privacy. He kept this routine for a few days.

"Eric Gunnar, can I see you in my office please?" Coach Carson called out after practice one day. Eric looked back at Coach Carson. "You're not in trouble, I just want to talk with you for a second. Everyone else, hit the showers!" The remainder of the football team ran back to the locker room, eager to shower off their grime and head home. "Follow me," said Coach. And Eric followed Coach into his office. There was a large desk to the side of the room, and several closed doors that led to other rooms. Besides the two of them, the office was empty. Coach took a seat in his office chair. "Close the door behind you." said Coach. And Eric did so. Coach looked at Eric with a stern face. "I've heard that you've been staying late after practice for extra training. Is that true?" Eric's heart skipped a beat. He was avoiding changing with his teammates so they wouldn't see his locked cock. "Yes." "It's good that you're hard working, but it's possible for you to overwork your body. Not letting your body have enough rest has huge consequences. Understand?" Eric nodded, "Yes Coach." "Just to be sure you're not injured, I'm going to give you a check up." Coach stood up from his chair. "Strip." Eric froze."Coach? I..." Coach gave Eric a stern look. "I can't let you leave until I check your body for any muscle injuries Gunnar." Eric hesitated, thinking Coach was joking, but Coach Carson stood firm with his arms crossed over his chest. Reluctantly, Eric began to strip off his gear. He took off his bulky cleats and his helmet, placing them to the side. He peeled off his socks, jersey, and his pads, and put them aside. Eric stood there wearing only his boxer shorts, and his metal chain and padlock. Coach Carson stood there and watched Eric strip. "Nice chain you've got there." Eric flinched. "Thanks Coach. I uhh... never take it off." Coach Carson nodded. "I see." He gestured down at Eric's boxers. "Everything off Gunnar." Eric froze with fear. Coach kept his posture. "You're going to have to do it eventually. Might as well get it over with." Eric thought about it, and didn't see a way out. Very slowly, he grabbed the waistband of his boxers and slid them down to his ankles, revealing his white jockstrap and athletic cup. He stepped out of his boxers and put them to the side along with the rest of his clothes. "Looking buff." Coach Carson smirked. "Exactly as a locked boy should be." Eric's heart stopped. "H-how do you...." Carson pointed at Eric's chest. "Your padlock. Your teammates might not know, but I know better. The chain is locked around your neck so you can't take it off." Coach smirked and glanced down at Eric's crotch. "Just like the cage around your cock. Am I right?" Instinctively, Eric placed his hands in front of his cup. "Coach I-" "Stand up straight Gunnar!" Eric moved his reluctant hands away from his crotch to his sides, standing like a soldier at attention. Carson paced around Eric's body. Aside from his chain, his jockstrap, and his cage underneath, Eric was completely naked. Carson licked his lips. He had this locked boy at the mercy of his whims. What should he do to him? He circled around Eric, admiring his muscular body. His shoulders and back spread wide, with every muscle defined and bulging. Each shoulder blade trailed down to a tapered waist. But something else caught Carson's eye. "Nice ass you've got there boy." And it was. Two beautiful bulging buttocks, each a tight globe of muscle, built from years of football training. He gave Eric's right buttock a light tap. Eric flinched. But he stood still. He could have run, but he froze like a statue. Part of him was embarrassed. He was exposed and examined by a man who knew his secret. Another part of him was scared. He didn't know what Coach would do if he didn't obey. But a third part of him - a very small part of him - was inexplicably aroused. Coach Carson stood behind Eric and placed his hands on Eric's hips, right above the waistband of his jockstrap. Eric gasped at his cold fingers. Carson leaned into Eric's ear. "Everything off. Isn't that right boy?" Eric shivered. "Yes Coach." Carson hooked his thumbs into each side of Eric's jockstrap. With a gentle tug, he slid the skimpy garment off of Eric's hips, along his thick, muscled legs, all the way down to his ankles. The athletic cup fell to the floor, revealing Eric's tiny metal cockcage. Coach Carson grinned at the sight. "When was the last time you shot your load boy?" "About three days ago Sir." Eric felt exposed, like a steak being fed to a lion. "Hmm..." Carson placed his hand on Eric's bare shoulder. A spark shot through Eric's horny body. "Ahhh...." Eric moaned. "Sensitive aren't we boy?" said Coach, as he placed his index finger on Eric's nipple. "Ahh....please..." Eric gasped, "P-please stop Coach." Coach Carson's fingers sent jolts of electricity from his nipple to his locked cock. Eric felt his cage push against his hardening cock. Coach Carson smiled. "Are you sure about that boy?" He reached around and caressed Eric's caged cock and balls in his left hand. Eric looked down at his crotch. His cock and balls were once again in the hands of another man. "Please Coach, I don't - aghhh!" Carson tapped the cage with his right hand, vibrating Eric's struggling cock. The squeeze around Eric's cock became painful. "Nghhahhh... please! It's too tight!" "If it's too painful, why are you getting hard?" Carson sneered as he continued to tap Eric's cage. Eric's moans of agony continued. Soon, a drop of precum formed at the tip of his cock. Carson grinned as he collected the clear, sticky droplet onto his finger. "Mmm... chastity tears are a precious thing." and he rubbed the droplet onto Eric's nipple, coaxing out a moan. Finally, Coach Carson pulled off of Eric's body. Eric's chest heaved as he tried to calm himself. His body shined with sweat. His hardening cock still felt the tight squeeze from his cage, but it subsided as he calmed down. Eric looked at Coach, who observed him from his office chair with a look of amusement. "Please don't tell anyone about this," Eric pleaded. Coach smirked. "About what Eric? You'll have to be more specific." "You know... that my cock is..." Eric couldn't say it aloud. Coach smiled. "Don't want people finding out you're a locked slave boy eh Gunnar?" Eric blushed and nodded. "Alright Gunnar I'll make you a deal. I'll agree to keep your secret, and you can use the private shower in my office. In return, after every practice, you need to report to me for... special training. Do we have a deal?" Eric thought about it. He didn't know what Coach meant by "special training". Coach Carson continued. "If you don't complete your training, I'll throw you back into the change room naked so your teammates can see your locked cock in all its glory. I'm sure your teammates would love that. It's your choice of course." Eric didn't see much of a choice. His teammates couldn't know. He agreed. Coach Carson smiled. "Good. Now go take a shower." He walked over to a door and opened it, revealing a private shower stall inside. Eric stepped inside the cubicle. As he turned behind him to close the door, Carson propped the door wide open. "Coach?" Coach Carson wheeled his chair in front of the open shower cubicle and sat down. He leaned back his chair and looked at Eric with a smirk. "Get showering boy." Eric didn't see any way out, so he turned on the hot water and stood under the shower spray. Coach Carson watched as Eric lathered up his muscled body, rubbing soap suds into every crevice of his body, running his hands across every inch of his skin. Eric felt Coach's eyes on his exposed body. A mixture of nervousness and arousal swirled around in his body. He tried his best to ignore Coach's wandering eyes. It was only when he rinsed off his body that he realized he didn't have a towel, or any of this clothes. He looked behind him. Coach still sat in his chair with his legs spread. A small tent formed at the front of his jeans. Carson answered before he could ask. "Your bag and towel are under my desk." He gestured behind him. Eric walked out of the shower naked and dripping wet. As he went to retrieve his stuff, Coach gave his left ass-cheek a squeeze. He stifled a moan. His gym bag, shoes, and towel were all piled under the table. He dried himself off. Coach smiled. "Take as long as you want getting dressed. The building should be empty by now." Coach Carson grabbed his bag and headed for the door. "See you on Monday... locked boy." Coach Carson smirked. And he left the office, closing the door behind him, and leaving Eric to ponder his situation. Tomorrow, was Saturday...

Next: Chapter 4

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