A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Sep 2, 2019


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Thank you all so much for your feedback on the first chapter! I enjoy getting feedback and talking with fellow kinksters. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

A Locked Boy's Reflection (Chapter 2)

"I have nothing to be embarrassed about", Eric thought as he walked down the street in his red briefs. He was an Adonis. An alpha male football lineman with a physique that girls and guys fawned over. People stared at his body all the time.

But he usually wore football or athletic gear then. Now, he might as well be naked! Every inch of his muscled torso was exposed to the evening breeze. His beefy chest and chiseled abs tapered down into his narrow waist. The red briefs left little to the imagination, resting low on his hips, just above his pubes. His powerful legs, built from pushing linemen across the football field, were exposed and vulnerable. The light from lamp posts and passing cars accented the ridge of every muscle.

Eric continued home. He didn't go unnoticed.

Drivers whooped and whistled from passing cars. One car full of shirtless fraternity guys even slowed down as they drove past. The sight sent a tingle straight to his cock. His shaft swelled with blood, pressing against the confines of the cockcage.

"Nghh," Eric felt the tight squeeze around his cock. The first of many. He felt his cock fighting against its metal captor, but to no avail. The hard metal encasing his hardening cock sent out aches of pain to his stomach. But it also sent waves of pleasure around his body.

Eric tried to distract himself. "I'm a regular guy on my way home", he thought to himself.

He was definitely not an almost naked muscle slave with a locked cock throbbing against the inside of his briefs - fuck!

"Ahhh..." Eric struggled to calm his hardness. His cock struggled harder in response.

The more Eric attempted to calm his hardness, the more his body reacted to his exposure, and the harder his cock throbbed inside his cage. In the end, he decided run home. The faster he ran, the less likely people would see him, and the less he'd be focused on his exposed body. He took off at a jog. His briefs could pass as jogging shorts right? The idea seemed absurd. As he ran, he felt his cock shift inside its cage. The cold metal pendant weighed down against his chest. With every step, his cock hardened, but Eric persevered through the arousal and the pain.

Finally, he arrived at his apartment building. He hustled past the front desk, rode the empty elevator up to his floor, and bolted into his apartment.

After running, his skin was sweaty and moist, so he decided to shower. He slid the red briefs over his muscled thighs and stepped out of them. He gave them a slight sniff. "Not too bad", he observed, but he threw them in the laundry anyways.

He examined himself in the bathroom mirror. His v-shaped torso and rippling muscles looked the same as this morning. The only difference was his pelvis. The small metal cage rested where his six inch flaccid cock used to be.

His own reflection seemed uncanny to him. He grasped the metal cage to confirm what he saw in the mirror. He gave the cage a slight tug, but it gripped his scrotum tightly.

There was no escape. He was imprisoned in his own horniness.

He grabbed the chain around his neck and pulled it over his head, only to find that it caught under his chin. It wouldn't come off. The chain was too short.

He examined the padlock pendant. The metal square was no larger than his thumb, and yet it felt heavy in his hand. When Edward - Master Edward - locked the chain around his neck, he assumed it was a necklace. But as he studied it, he realized the pendant was a real padlock. The padlock attached the ends of the metal chain together. Without the key, he couldn't detach the chain. He pulled on the chain, attempting to break the metal links, but the chain held firm. Finally, sweaty from his attempts to break free, he turned on his warm water, and stepped into the shower.

It was a bizarre experience. Normally, he'd spend a good thirty minutes in the shower, letting the hot water and soap run down his muscular torso, relaxing his body after a long day of practice. He'd finish off his showers with a soaped-up hand around his hard cock.. He'd drag his fingers from the base of his cock, slowly up to the tip, swirling his finger around the sensitive cockhead, before gliding his enclosed fingers back to the base of his cock. He basked in the waves of pleasure radiating from his cock to the rest of his body, savouring every stroke, caressing every ridge along his manhood. He finished a hard day of practice; he could take his time. Soon he'd reach his tipping point; his climax was near. He tightened his grip. He quickened his strokes. His abs squeezed and flexed, and a thick load of creamy cum shot across his chest and abs.

But stroking his metal cage didn't stimulate his cock. And despite its best efforts, his cock couldn't come to full mast. He tried tapping on the hard metal with his fingers, and while this sent jolts of pleasure to his caged cock, it wasn't enough for him to cum. He tried stroking his exposed balls, but this just made him hornier, without getting him any closer to cumming. Finally, after an hour of futile attempts, he gave up. He turned his water to cold and sprayed his struggling cock until it shrivelled inside its cage. He dried off with a bath towel, wrapped the towel around his waist, and left the bathroom.

Eric glanced at his computer. One unread email. He opened it:

Welcome home Eric.

I hope your run was satisfying. That's all the satisfaction you'll be getting tonight! I trust that you kept your briefs, or else I'll have to ask who you met on your way home ;)

I'm throwing a party this weekend and I want you to be there. I'll pick you up from your apartment on Saturday at ten. You'll find that you have a lot of time to study. Now that your cock is locked away like a good boy, you won't be going out and hooking up with anyone anytime soon!

See you on Saturday stud!

Best Regards,

Master Edward

Eric thought about it. A party huh? He'd been to his fair share of parties, and there was usually some hooking up involved. Maybe he'd be able to cum then. He'd just need to wait until Saturday and he'd be free! No problem!

Little did he know how naive he was...

Next: Chapter 3

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