A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Jun 2, 2020


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: Sorry to keep you waiting. Thank you for all the emails and twitter messages. I hope to hear from more of you soon! Email me or message me on Twitter @speedolover14 ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 10: A Locked Boy's Surrender

Eric struggled to break free. He pulled against the cables with every muscle in his body. But the weights were too heavy, and the cables held firm. He tried to reach up and untie the cuffs, but he couldn't stretch his body any further. The cable machine had stretched his body to the breaking point.

Eric's chest heaved. He was beyond exhausted.

How long would he be imprisoned here? Until Coach came back? Until a teammate saved him? Or maybe he'd be here until morning. The thought frightened Eric. His chest heaved. His heart pounded in his chest.

Suddenly, something caught Eric's attention: the sound of distant footsteps. Who was still on campus this late? The footsteps drifted from the hallway. They came closer and closer.

"Mmmph!!" Eric struggled against the cuffs once more. He didn't want to be caught like this.

Eric heard the doorknob turn...

It creaked open...

"Caught yourself in another trap I see." said a familiar voice. Master Edward stood in the doorway wearing a white tank top, nylon gym shorts, and sneakers. A small gym bag was slung over his shoulder.

Master Edward sauntered around to Eric's front. He grabbed the end of the duct tape gag...


The gag ripped free.

Eric spat out the wadded up jockstrap. His mouth was parched.

Wordlessly, Master Edward held an open bottle of water up to Eric's lips.

Eric sipped the water. He wet his parched mouth and washed the taste of his sweaty jockstrap from his mouth. Stray droplets of water spilled from the corners of his lips and dripped down from his chin onto his chest. Eric swallowed the mouthful of water and finally spoke. "Uhh... Good evening, Sir." said Eric. He didn't know whether to be relieved, or concerned.

Master Edward raised his eyebrows. "You're being very polite today, boy. I wonder why." He paced a circle around Eric, drinking in the sight. This the second time that Master Edward had seen Eric naked and bound, but it was breathtaking nonetheless. Eric's body was spreadeagle underneath the cable machine. His arms were stretched far above his head, held firm by the heavy weights on the machine. Every inch of Eric's skin was exposed and vulnerable. And his chiseled muscles tensed in anticipation. Eric's pectorals looked especially tense. But best of all, his metal cock cage was fully exposed in all its glory.

Eric risked a question. "Sir, how did you know I was here?"

Master Edward smiled. "I didn't. I always come here to work out late at night. Bob Carson gave me a key. He owes me a lot of favours." Edward creeped up behind Eric and placed his hands on Eric's shoulders. "Looks like he had a bit of fun with you." He reached around and placed his freezing cold hands on Eric's sore pectorals.

"Oh! Ahhh..." A gasp of pleasure escaped Eric's lips. His muscles felt instant relief. He moaned as Master Edward's cold hands sapped away the soreness in his pectorals.

Master Edward grinned. "Hehe. Looks like he worked you over huh?" He felt the heat from Eric's sore muscles flow into his cold hands. Slowly, Eric's muscles began to ease and relax.

"Ohhh.... Uhh...." Eric moaned in pleasure.

Master Edward smirked. "I can't believe you're falling to pieces from this."

Soon enough, Eric's muscles were chilled. He was still exhausted, but at least his muscles weren't sore. Eric tugged feebly at the cuffs. They still held tight. "Please Sir. Can you let me go?" Eric pleaded.

Master Edward paused to think about it.

Eric waited for what seemed like an eternity.

Master Edward smiled. "Alright boy. I'll let you go once I'm done my workout."

Eric breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Edward lowered the pulleys until they hovered around Eric's hips.

Eric breathed a sigh of relief as Master Edward showed him mercy. He lowered Eric's arms. Eric felt the blood flow through them once again. His arms were still bound, but now they were spread wide at waist level. Eric knew better than to complain.

Master Edward pulled out a small spray bottle from his bag.

Eric was curious. "What's that, Sir?"

Master Edward smiled. "Just something to keep you busy while I wait." He walked up behind Eric's bound body, and pressed his pelvis into Eric's bare ass. Eric could feel Master Edward's bulge press between his ass cheeks, right at the entrance of his asshole.

Eric's bound arms were powerless to stop him, but he didn't struggle. With Master Edward, he didn't mind the feeling. Having Master Edward's bulge pressed up against his ass felt strangely comforting. Little did Eric know, he wouldn't feel comfortable for long.

Master Edward placed his hands on Eric's hips. He caressed Eric's hip bones before gliding his hands towards Eric's locked cock. He cradled Eric's swollen balls in one hand, and held the spray bottle in the other.

Master Edward grinned. He spritzed Eric's cock through the openings of the cage.

At first, nothing happened.

A few more sprays. Still nothing.

Eric began to wonder if it was just water.

A few more sprays...

"Ah! Nghh...." Eric's breath grew hot and heavy.

His flaccid cock came alive inside its cage. His body felt hot and heavy.

Eric gasped. "Sir... Sir, what was that?"

Master Edward smiled. "It's a stimulating spray of my own invention. Spraying it on a boy's cock gives them an instant erection."

"Boner spray?" Eric stared down at his tiny cage.

Master Edward smirked. "Exactly. What do you think boy?"

"Nghh..." Eric felt his cock get harder still. Within seconds, his cock had filled the cage. The metal bars of his cage pressed against every inch of his cock. The pressure around his cock filled Eric with feelings of red-hot pleasure. His cock flexed harder in response, but the cage held firm. And thus, the vicious cycle would continue. Eric tugged against the cables. But there was no escape.

Master Edward smiled. "Enjoy yourself boy," said Master Edward. And he helped himself to the dumbbell rack.

"Ahh! Oh Sir!" Eric's breath was hot and heavy. He was the horniest he'd ever been in his life. From the mirror, Eric saw Master Edward performing bicep curls. He saw Master Edward's biceps swell up in size with every rep. Even with his tanktop on, Master Edward's muscles were seductive.

Eric's locked cock pulsed painfully inside its cage. Soon, the constricting cage began to hurt. "Ahh! Ohh.... Uhh..." Eric moaned in pain and pleasure. Confused thoughts whirled around his head. Did he want to stay hard? Or go soft? His body didn't know. But he knew one thing for sure: The decision was out of his hands. Master Edward's boner spray made his cock react to every tiny touch from his cage. His bound arms prevented his own intervention. His cock was making the decisions now.

His cock made another leap at freedom. But the cage held firm. His cock struggled and squirmed inside the tight cage. Eric's cock had one desire:

Extension. Erection. Ejaculation.

It needed to extend to its hardest and fullest mast. Harder and harder, it pushed against its puny prison. And with every futile flex, it sent waves of pleasant pain and aching pleasure through Eric's body. Instinctively, Eric reached for his cage to attempt to calm his raging cock. But his hand stopped short. The suspension cuffs held his arms at his sides, right out of reach of his cock cage. "Urghh!!" Eric pulled at the cables once more. But the weight was too much for his exhausted arms. Eric was forced to let his cock struggle inside its cage. Endless waves of sensations emanated from his pulsing cock. His own escalating urges racked his body to the brink of insanity.

He tried to calm himself. He tried to distract himself. He shut his eyes and tried to think about anything else. Schoolwork. Lectures. Anything!

But one glance at Master Edward lifting weights, and everything crumbled.

Master Edward counted under his breath. "Nghh-Ten...Nghh- Eleven... Nghh-Twelve..."

Every breath and grunt made Eric's cock pound with lust.

"Nghh! Huh!"

Master Edward's grunts filled Eric's head with visions. He remembered Master Edward's cock in his mouth. He remembered how Master Edward unleashed his warm, sticky load down his throat. He remembered Master Edward's moans when he erupted in an earth-shattering, body-shuddering climax. And Eric's cock struggled in response.

"Ahh..." While Eric's cock was suppressed, his arousal continued rising inside his body. He felt the arousal spread from his caged cock to the rest of his body. His thighs tensed. His ass hole tightened. Before long, Eric found himself mindlessly thrusting his pelvis forward in rhythm with his pulsing cock.

Clear thoughts had departed Eric's mind. Only a heavy haze of horniness remained. His cock was beyond his control. His body was beyond his control. Master Edward had Eric's mind, body, and cock at attention.

Master Edward finished his workout and sauntered over to Eric. "Enjoying yourself boy?" His sweaty tanktop hugged the ridges of his muscular torso. His biceps and triceps bulged with strength. The sight of Master Edward shocked Eric's sex into overdrive. His cock pushed against the cage with full force. "Ahh... I- Ohh..." With every flex from his caged cock, his pelvis tightened in response. Before (he knew what he was doing), Eric was thrusting his pelvis forward, tightening his ass cheeks with every thrust. Master Edward watched as Eric's ass cheeks flexed and tightened in rhythm with his moans and grunts. "Keeping your ass hole nice and tight for me, eh boy?" "Ahh.. I'm..." Eric didn't know what to say. The spray had worked too well. Lust had seeped into the cracks of his mind. Normal thoughts had been washed away. Only his sexual urges remained. A drop of clear precum formed at the tip of Eric's cock head. Master Edward watched as the single chastity tear gathered at Eric's piss slit. Slowly, it dangled lower and lower. The single droplet hung in midair by a clear, sticky thread. Master Edward grinned. Eric's balls were overflowing. And he was ready to push Eric to his limit. He reached around Eric's torso and cupped Eric's cock and balls with one hand. "Keeping these nice and full for me, aren't you boy?" "Nghh... I don't really have a choice, Sir." Eric winced at the feeling of Master's hands on his sensitive cock and balls. His balls hung low in his ball sack, heavy with cum. Every ounce of blood in his body flowed towards his cock and balls. Every touch on his sensitive scrotum sent sparks through his pelvis. Eric could feel the blood pumping through his compressed cock. His sensitive scrotum felt his precum trickling down his urethra. Master Edward smiled. "I see that my spray is having an effect on you. Are you enjoying how sensitive your cock is boy?" "Please..." Eric pleaded. "Please what, boy?" "Ahh... I... I don't know Sir." Master Edward smirked."Well how am I going to know? I'm not a mind reader you know." "Cock... aches..." Eric stammered. "I bet it does boy. What do you want me to do about it?" "Ahh... A-anything!" begged Eric. Master Eric smirked. "Anything, eh boy?" He began tapping Eric's cage with his fingertips. The vibrations rippled through Eric's sensitive body. Master Edward read Eric's body like a book. He could see Eric's muscles tensing in response to his touch. His sexual frustration was pent up in every muscle of his body. Every muscle begged for release. Master Edward grinned. He was ready to bring Eric to the brink of insanity. From his bag, he fished out a small vibrating cock ring, no bigger than his fingernail. That's all he needed. Master Edward attached the vibrator to Eric's cage, right on the head of his cock. Eric had no idea what the plastic ring was. He had no idea what was coming. Master Edward was ready to unleash his hellish torment onto an unsuspecting Eric. Before Eric could protest, Master Edward turned the vibrator on. The vibrator came to life! It buzzed against Eric's metal cage. "Ahhhhhh!!!" Eric screamed. His body. His cock and balls. Every muscle in his body screamed. The tiny vibrator on his sensitive cock head triggered an earthquake of erotic emotions through his horny body. That's all it took. Eric's sanity came crashing down. "Ahh!!! Oh nooooo!!!" Eric thrust his hips forward. Faster and faster, he furiously fucked the empty air in front of him. As if the air would be gracious enough to let him blow his heavy pent up load. No such mercy. Eric pleaded. "P-please stop Sir!" Master Edward smiled. "You know you don't mean that." Eric didn't know what to think. He'd never felt so much pleasure before. He'd bring himself to a climax immediately if he could. But his captured cock and bound body held him right at the edge of his greatest climax. The excess of pent up pleasure was painful. His cock pressed against all sides of his puny prison. A stream of steady chastity tears dripped freely from his nub like a leaky faucet. Eric couldn't take it anymore. Master Edward was his only hope of salvation. Eric's ego - his pride as an alpha male - shattered all at once. "Please Master! My cock can't take it anymore! I want my cock to shrink into its cage! Please Master! Have mercy on your locked boy!" Eric cried. Master Edward smiled. At that moment, he knew. Eric belonged to him. Master Edward sneered. "Who's your Master?" "You are, Sir!" Eric gasped. "Who's my locked boy?" "I am, Sir!" "Who's my muscle slave?" "I am, Sir!" "And who's my trophy slut?" Eric hung his head in defeat. "I am, Sir!" he cried out. "Say it! Say it out loud!" Eric screamed. "I'M MASTER'S LOCKED BOY, SIR!" That's all he needed to hear. Immediately, Master Edward turned the vibrator up to high. "AHHH!!!!" Eric's body shook and struggled. Eric's cock cage strangled his compressed cock from every angle. His hips thrusted and flexed with all their might. "Ahh! Sir I need to cum! I need to cum! I...AHHH!!!" It wasn't an explosion. It wasn't a gush. A steady stream of translucent, watery cum dribbled out of Eric's cage. Eric moaned. But there was no pleasure in this orgasm. He felt the cum inside his balls drain out. "No, no, no!" There was no climax! This was not the orgasm he wanted. But it was too late. The vibrator continued to ruin Eric's orgasm. Soon, Eric's heavy balls shriveled back to their normal size as Eric was milked of his cum. The week's worth of pent up cum trickled out in a watery stream onto the floor between Eric's legs. Eric's chest heaved as Master Edward turned off the vibrator. . His cock softened and shrunk inside his cage. But Eric's horniness didn't go away. His ruined orgasm did nothing to subside his innate arousal. There was no more pain. No more mounting pressure, but he was still every bit as horny as when he started. Master Edward smirked as he untied Eric's cuffs. "Seems like your balls have overflowed, eh boy?" Eric gasped. "I didn't know I could cum like that Sir." Master Edward grinned. "Soon, it will be the only way you know how to cum, boy."

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