A Locked Boys Vows

By Sir Speedo

Published on Aug 31, 2019


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: I enjoy getting feedback and talking with fellow kinsters. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

A Locked Boy's Vows (Chapter 1)


The padlock closed. Eric's witnessed his cock cornered inside the tight metal cockcage.


Eric grabbed the metal cage and struggled to free his cock from its metal prison. A futile effort.

"Sir, why?"

Master Edward smirked. "Didn't you read the contract boy? You're not allowed to cum without my permission. You weren't planning on jacking off behind my back were you?"

Eric felt uneasy. He needed his cock. He needed control over his manhood.

"But Sir, how am I going to piss?"

"Silly boy. The cage will allow you to piss while sitting down. It just won't allow you to get hard or penetrate anything - even your own hand."

"But Sir, what about when I'm changing in the locker room? What if my teammates see?"

Master Edward smiled. "Then they'll know that these-", he grabbed Eric's cock and balls "are owned by someone else, and that you're unable to fuck anyone." Eric's cock twitched, and a rush of blood shot through Eric's body. But Master Edward kept his hold. "Understand boy?"

Eric didn't have a choice. He stood in the middle of Master Eric's living room. Besides the cockcage, he was stark naked, his cock and balls literally in the hands of another man. And he needed the money or else he'd never be able to pay for college. He realized his only answer: "Yes Sir."

"Good boy. Now stand up straight, spread your legs, and place your hands behind your head."

And Eric obeyed.

"Now repeat after me."

Eric nodded.

"'My body belongs to you Sir.'"

Eric hesitated for a moment, then repeated:

"My body belongs to you Sir."

Master Edward continued. "'My cock belongs to you Sir.'"

Eric glanced down at his imprisoned cock, kept under lock and key by his new master. Then he looked back at Master Edward. "My cock belongs to you Sir."

Master Edward stepped closer; his body hovered inches from Eric.

"'My hole belongs to you Sir.'"

A jolt shot through Eric's body. He hadn't put so much as a finger up his hole. Master Edward owning his hole. The thought worried and excited him. And with his locked cock, he didn't have much of a choice.

"My hole belongs to you Sir." As the words left his lips, a tingle radiated from his boyhole to his locked cock.

Master Edward looked amused. "'And everything I do," Edward leaned in to Eric, "'.... I do to please my Sir.'"

Eric hesitated, but his body answered for him. "And everything I do, I do to please my Sir."

And Master Edward looked pleased. "Good boy." And he gave Eric's cage a few light taps.

"Nghh.." A moan escaped Eric's lips.

"It's getting dark, so I'll let you head back to your apartment now."

"Thank you Sir." Eric walked towards the table to retrieve his jeans , t-shirt, and boxers, only to find that they were gone! In their place, a shoebox sat on the table. "Umm.... Sir?"

Master Edward smiled. "Open the box boy."

Eric opened it. Inside was a pair of bright red briefs, and a padlock attached to a metal chain.

And nothing else.

"Sir I...."

"Try them on boy. Unless you want to give them back." The smirk on Master Edward's face told Eric everything. Either wear the briefs, or nothing at all. He bent over and slid the skimpy garment over his calves and thighs.

A notepad would cover more than these briefs. The front pouch, while spacious enough to accommodate his cage, was no bigger than the palm of his hand. The waistband sat low on his hips, just above the base of his cage, and showing his clean-shaven pubes. The back of the briefs were so tight that they hugged each of his asscheeks.

Master Edward looked pleased. "Turn around slowly for me boy"

Eric placed his hands behind his head and slowly turned around. Knowing that he was being scanned and inspected by Master Edward exhilarated him. He felt a slight tingle forming in his cock and balls. Arousal. Master Edward examined every angle of his body. "Perfect" he grinned, "now go home and get a good night's sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow." And he walked Eric to the front door.

It occurred to Eric that he wouldn't get his clothes back. "Sir, what if people see me?" "Are you complaining boy?" Master Edward reached around Eric and hooked his fingertips in the waistband. "Because if you are...." He slowly tugged the front of the briefs downward.

"N-no, Sir"

Master Edward grinned. "Good boy."

Eric stepped out onto Master Eric's front porch. The evening breeze caressed his exposed skin. Before he could change his mind, the door locked behind him with a click.

Next: Chapter 2

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