A Little Tied Up at the Office

By bound nyc

Published on Aug 12, 2022



Dan had the corner office in the ground floor level accounting firm. It was a small, modest office he opened just a year ago after spending years in a large corporate setting. After he turned 50, he wanted something of his own.

Dan had stayed after hours to finish some work. He was traditionally handsome, with mostly silver hair, a white small beard around his mouth, and took care of his body. Since he was the boss, he always dressed professional and sharp, and today was no exception. He wore black, tailored dress pants, a button up shirt, belt, and shoes with a shine. Since it was casual Friday, he opted out of a tie for the day.

His younger employee Aaron passed by letting him know he was stepping out to pick up some office supplies, and he'd be swinging back by on his way home to drop them off. "Can I pick you anything up?" Aaron asked, smiling. He always seemed friendly, if not sometimes flirty with his boss, but always kept it professional. The two didn't know much about each other, but always tended to linger around one another. "I think I'm good, but I'll stick around until you get back, and we can lock up together," Dan suggested. Aaron smiled, "that would be great, see you in a bit." Dan watched Aaron walk away. His tight khakis hugged his bubble butt, and his tight polo shirt he wore was tucked in. Aaron just so happened to look back and caught Dan looking, smiled, and made nothing of it.

Dan was embarrassed. He wanted to apologize, but didn't want to make it worse. He kept trying to think of something to say when he returned, but couldn't think of anything that would make it anymore obvious or awkward. After only a couple of minutes, he heard the front door open and close. "Wow, that must have been record time," Dan said, surprised Aaron was so quick. He stood up from his desk and stepped into the doorway to greet Aaron, but stood speechless. He saw a tall, burly white man, in an orange jumpsuit, holding some type of weapon, with a tattered backpack over one shoulder.

"Don't move," the man told Dan. Dan raised his hands, "ok, look, can I help you?" "Is anyone else here?" "No, it's just me right now." "Good, shut up, and get in your office," the man said, following Dan inside. "Do what I say and you won't get hurt, got it?" "Yes, what do you want?" Dan asked, clearly nervous. "Take off your clothes." "What?" Dan asked surprised. "Give me your clothes, now" he said, raising his voice.

"Ok, ok," Dan said, quickly removing his shoes and unbuttoning his shirt. He couldn't believe this was happening. Soon he stood there in nothing but his black briefs and black socks. He watched the man hold up his clothes, making sure they would fit. He then opened his backpack, and began pulling out rope. "Turn around, put your hands behind your back."

"Ok, I'll give you whatever you want, just don't hurt me," Dan said, trying to talk the stranger down as he felt the brown rope start wrapping tightly around his wrists behind his back. It was thick, and the man was strong. "Shut up," he told Dan as he began binding his wrists. "Ouch, look, I've got money if that's what you need..." "Shut up, or I'm going to gag you," the man said, interrupting him. Dan stood quiet as he felt the man begin binding his legs as he stood there in the middle of his office. He felt the rope wrap tight around his ankles, then the man also began tying his legs right above his knees. Dan tested the restraints around his wrists, and they were very solid, he knew he wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon, if at all.

The intruder stood up, and they both saw a car pull up to the intersection in front of the office, blinker on, waiting for the light to change to turn into the parking lot. "Better keep you quiet, just to be safe." "No, you don't have to, please mmmmpph" was all Dan could mutter before a wadded up piece of cloth was shoved deep in his mouth. He looked out the window in horror as he saw Aaron was returning, just as the man was tying a strip of a rag incredibly tight over his mouth to hold the stuffing in. Dan tried to protest, but couldn't say a word, everything was completely muffled. The intruder saw Aaron pulling into the parking lot, and made Dan hop across the room and sit against the wall, bound and gagged. "Stay still, and be quiet, got it?" Dan nodded his head.

He watched the man leave the room. He tested his bonds and tried to spit the gag out, even rubbing his cheek on his shoulder to try to push it down, but it was tied too tight. He heard the door open and knew Aaron was returning. "I'm back," he announced, heading to his desk. Aaron noticed his boss's door was open, but didn't hear anything. Dan was usually very outgoing and friendly, so he thought it was odd. He hoped things hadn't changed since he caught his boss checking him out. He set the bag he brought in on his desk, then decided to swing by his office to hopefully smooth anything out.

"Alright, I hope you have a good weekend," Aaron said as he walked to his boss's office door. He stepped in, and saw his boss sitting there, bound and gagged in his underwear, looking wide eyed and scared. "What the hell?? Are you ok??" Aaron asked in shock. He watched his boss struggle and moan loud, trying to say something, as he watched come up behind Aaron and put his hand over his mouth. Aaron struggled and resisted trying to speak, and the man's grip tightened, "shhhh, shut up, and do what I say, understood?" Aaron nodded his head. His hand came off his mouth. "Ok, just don't hurt us."

He turned around and saw the man in the orange jumpsuit. "You're the one they're looking for? I just heard about it on the radio." "Exactly, now I need to keep you out of the way, so be a good boy, and take your clothes off."

Dan protested under his gag. "Shut up, I told you." Dan and Aaron both knew Aaron's clothes wouldn't fit the convict, but he was in no position to argue, so he stripped down to his white briefs in front of both men.

Dan sat there and watched as the man began tying Aaron up just like him. Aaron stayed quiet, feeling his wrists bound behind him. He kept his eyes on his boss, locking eyes and feeling exposed and vulnerable. Dan couldn't help but check out Aaron's body as the convict finished tying Aaron's legs, then made him sit on the floor right next to Dan.

"Are you ok?" Aaron asked Dan, as he looked at him. Dan nodded his head, then began to try to protest as he watched his employee get gagged in the same way, a wad of cloth shoved in and a strip from the same grey rag tied tight over his mouth. Aaron shifted and struggled a little sitting up against the wall, shoulder to shoulder. He and his boss looked at each other wide eyed and nervous. They watched the convict walk over to the window, look around, and close the blinds. He quickly picked up their clothes and belongings and stepped out of Dan's office. The two heard him changing clothes and looking around for things to take. Both men began to struggle a little, testing their bonds. Aaron got closer, hip to hip, and knee to knee and tried to see if he could untie his boss.

He picked at the ropes slowly, then felt Dan grab his hand and shake his head. Dan didn't want to risk pissing the guy off. Aaron understood, and grabbed Dan's hand. It felt scary and strange and oddly intimate, sitting there holding hands like that. He looked over at his boss, holding his hand behind their backs. They locked eyes, and Aaron felt his cock jump in his white briefs. The two couldn't take their eyes off of each other as they sat there helpless. They didn't release their grip on one another's hands, even when the intruder came back in, turned out the lights, and went to look out the window.

The pair had been tied up for half an hour now, and watched as the man looked to make sure the coast was clear. Aaron gave Dan's hand a squeeze, which Dan returned, and leaned his bound knees over against Aaron. It felt like they were almost cuddling. They sat there as the man watched it get dark outside, making sure no cars or people were around, before finally deciding it was safe for him to leave.

The man doesn't say much, just grabs his backpack and heads out. The two men sit quiet, as they hear the door open and close, realizing he's gone. They look at each other, still holding hands, still very close together, and stunned. Aaron whimpered a little as the two let go of their hands and struggled in their restraints. Dan watched Aaron writhing in his ropes and briefs, trying unsuccessfully to talk through his tight gag, and couldn't help but feel his cock begin to swell in his black briefs.

Aaron struggled, realizing he couldn't get out, and looked over at his boss. He couldn't help but notice his boss's raging hard on in his briefs, and soon Aaron's erection was fully on display in his white briefs. The pair locked eyes and moaned to each other. They realized they wouldn't be able to get out, and should make the best of the situation. Dan leaned in and rubbed his gagged mouth against Aaron's. They tried unsuccessfully to work them down, and ended up just trying to kiss. They slowly slid down the wall until they were both lying down, and rolled over facing each other.

They got as close as they could chest to chest and began rubbing their bulges together and moaning through their gags. They were both so incredibly turned on, and couldn't hold back any longer. They began grinding their cocks together as best as they could, moaning passionately. Aaron rolled over and felt his boss's cock in his tied hands, eventually pulling his briefs down, and held him in his hand for the first time. Dan let out a moan and began gyrating his hips, rubbing against his subordinate's hands and ass. Aaron moaned, and then used his tied hands to pull down his briefs, exposing his ass to his boss. He looked over at his shoulder like a damsel in distress, ready to be fucked.

Dan moved as close as he could against Aaron, his chest to the young man's back, the thigh to thigh, and now crotch to ass. Aaron felt his boss's cock rubbing between his ass cheeks and against his bare hole. Dan continued struggling, and felt the tip of his cock press inside Aaron. Aaron felt a jolt through his body and let out a loud moan. Dan froze, making sure it was ok. There was no way to be sure it was consensual, but neither much cared anymore. Aaron gave a quick nod, and Dan continued to slowly press his bare cock inside Dan. Dan moaned loud into the gag, thankful to have it on as his boss pressed himself slowly inside him.

The two finally lay there spooning tied up on the floor with Dan's cock balls deep inside Aaron's ass. The young man whimpered, grunting into his gag, adjusting to having his boss inside him with barely any lube, aside from the precum Dan had been leaking. Dan tried to move his hips back, as best he could laying on his side. "MMMPPH" Aaron moaned. Dan knew Aaron would just have to get used to getting fucked, and continued moving his hips back and forth.

Aaron writhed in the ropes, filling the office with his gagged moans. If anyone even walked by on the sidewalk, they could probably hear him outside Dan's window. Aaron felt Dan's body behind him, and finally pressed back. He looked over his shoulder and rubbed their mouths together as if to kiss. Dan began to fuck his employee as deep and hard as he could, letting his own moans match Aaron's. He hooked his chin over Aaron's shoulder and kept his gagged cheek against Aaron's as he moved back and forth. He felt Aaron return the hold by pressing his cheek into Dan's, and nodding his head. Dan had jerked off thinking about fucking his younger mate, but never thought it would happen, especially like this.

Aaron's tight, bubble butt felt incredible, and Dan could already feel himself leaking precum. He tried to warn Aaron through his gag, "Mmmmmpphhgnnnccmmm" but it was inaudible, so he nodded his head vigorously. Aaron whimpered, nodding his head as well. Both of their moans escalated in pitch and volume, pressing their cheeks together until Dan couldn't hold back any longer.

Dan moaned as loud as he could before burying his cock deep in Aaron's ass and exploding. He quivered as stream after stream flooded his helpless coworker's hole. Both men lay there in disbelief, and total ecstasy. They lay still for several minutes, whimpering and catching their breath. Dan slowly moved his hips back and pulled his cock out, looking down to see some of his cum spill out between Aaron's ass cheeks. Aaron rolled over, revealing he was still rock hard, leaking precum in his briefs. Dan smiled under the cloth, attempted to kiss Aaron, then rolled over and offered him his ass.

Aaron moaned and nodded furiously, trying to get his cock out of his briefs. He knew he wouldn't last long, but wanted his boss's ass more than anything. With the help of Dan's hands, Aaron's cock finally sprung from his white briefs. The young man wasted no time rubbing his erection between Dan's ass, and was finally able to penetrate him, in return.

Aaron let out a deep and long moan as he began working his cock inside. He didn't give Dan much time to adjust, listening to him moan as he began to work his ass, turned on even more by his boss's muffled moans, seeing him struggle a little. Each time Aaron flexed his ass, he felt the cum still inside him and beside his ass cheeks, and it drove him insane. He kept thrusting, moaning just as loud as Dan as he fucked him, already ready to cum.

Aaron gave Dan the same signal, nodding and moaning. As soon as Dan returned the indication, Aaron yelped into his gag as he came deep inside him. He felt cum leaking out of both his front and back end, and lay against Dan collecting himself. Dan moaned, and nodded, trying to kiss him.

Dan rolled over, facing Aaron, with his ass leaking now as well. The two were only able to pull up their underwear slightly, and lay chest to chest looking at each other in the dark office. The light from the hallway and main area with the cubicles spilling in by the door, but not in the corner where they were. They locked eyes on one another; things had changed now and they both knew it. They couldn't talk about it, but they knew.

They lay there cuddled up for another two hours until the first janitor came for his nightly duties. They looked at each other one last time, taking in the end of their situation. When they heard the janitor within earshot, Dan began to struggle and moan for help, and Aaron followed his lead. The two struggled and called out as loud as they could. Not soon after, the janitor finally came in, wondering what the noise was about.

"What in the hell is going on?" he asked, seeing Aaron and Dan tied up and gagged with their asses hanging out of their underwear. "Are you ok? Do I need to call the cops?" Dan nodded his head. The two looked at each other surprised as he left the room and went to the front desk to call the cops. They looked at each other grinning as best they could, and shared one last gag kiss.

Two minutes later, when he returned, he first pulled down Dan's gag, and was surprised to find stuffing under it. He removed it, asking what happened. Dan explained as Aaron's gag was removed. He asked what time it was, and the men were shocked to learn they had been there for five hours. Both had their gags around their necks, and something they would take home as a souvenir.

The janitor was still untying Aaron's legs when the cops finally arrived. They gave the men a towel to wrap around their upper bodies, and sat there in their briefs with their gags around their necks as they explained what happened and gave a report. Dan assured the officers they were fine, and the officers said they would escort each of the men to their own homes, just to be safe. As they got ready to leave, Dan pulled Aaron aside. He smiled, "Monday morning meet me in my office. We have a lot to discuss."

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