A Little Bit of Love

By ku.oc.u4etuc2@ma-yllaer-I

Published on Aug 16, 2000


Hi everyone - I'm sorry! I really am! Forgive me, it won't be this late again! (i hope...)

I want to make this short and sweet, as much as i can ever be brief! Some stories i forgot to mention last time that i am ashamed i didn't, or are new and need reading. GO READ!!!!!!!!!

Tears in your eyes: this one has got me on tenterhooks! Write more,

dear, more! If you haven't already done so, go check out

Colleen's other stories on her website - the ones i've read

are great and NEED posting! Any Path: I'm ashamed that the dear author of this story is able to

have written SO MUCH in the time i've been away. Hat's off to

you, dear. Finding a belief: a breath of fresh air on the archive - very original,

i think, and written by a great guy! I love it, and you will

too - go read Everything i said: I'm in awe at this guy's achievement - you're a great

guy and a great author, Darren, and i cant recommend your story

enough. Studio in the country - brilliantly written; this guy has what can only

be called talent. If you haven't already read it, do so!

There are loads more, but those are all i can think of for the moment off the top of my head - i'm sorry if i didn't say anything, i'll try to next time. What can i say, i'm in a rush!

People i want to say hi to (in no particular order): Gabriella (MSR) - you're a darling! I said it before, now i'll say it again: go read My surprise romance - it's fab! Darren (EIS) - thank you for being: 1) a great friend; 2) a good laugh; and 3) you. All hail the Uber-bitch! (that's me, old man ) Pranav - i want to say thank you to you as well for being a great person who i really, really like - i'm glad i know you! Brent - Thanks for being someone to have a chat with - i'm sorry i've been so busy recently. David at Nifty - thank's for putting up with me! i've been an utter clutz recently, sending things to post without actually attaching the posting! There, i've admitted it - i'm sorry! And finally - everyone who's emailed me so far; i really, REALLY appreciate that you do. THANK YOU, God bless, you're great... basically: thanks!

OK, so that's Johns 'bit'

I now have to introduce my new co-author, Lurch, who was last chapter's editor. He's gone from reader to editor to co-author in just 4 chapters; am i the only one who gets the feeling that soon he'll have taken over completely? :) It's his first time authoring (aah, bless :) ) so please be gentle. Over to him:

Hi all,

Well for those of you who know me - it's Lurch here; I finally got around to authoring (well, co-authoring) something at Nifty - I know it's about time I mean I've been reading here for long enough.

My story recommendation - it's one J doesn't read - A Tale Of Two Boybands by Aphrodite - and Aunty I didn't put the swearing in J did - so tell him off.

Umm - this difficult - I never realised how hard this bit is until now - ENJOY - I know it's a little boring but it's had a major re-write in the last two days and split into two - the exciting bits are coming - probably next week if not sooner - though that depends on tomorrow (Thursday 17th) for those in the UK who understand - GOOD LUCK to anyone as unfortunate as us out there.

Enough with me - I've kept it short as Johnny-poo has a tendency to witter on about absolutely nothing for hours on end - go read.


Back to John! Well, charming! I'll get him for that - and i think i'll do it by telling you all that i had to do some spelling corrections on the above. So there. That taught HIM!

But i'd like to add my best wishes to his - GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

We've got some new email addresses, so could you please send all correspondance (i.e. protestations of adoration :P ) to these addresses: To contact both of us, please send stuff here:

We-wish-they-were-our@bitofrough.co.uk (What can i say, it was the closest i could get to "little bit of love") If you want to talk specifically to Lurch (dunno why, but anyway :) ) please send here:

howie-is-lurchs@bitofrough.co.uk (Guess who HIS fave BSB is?) And to talk to me:

I-really-do@ilovenick.co.uk (Guess who's mine? I love my Nicky!)

You really should know the disclaimer by now: 1) this = fiction 2) them = We don't know 3) their sexuality = We live in hope (yes, you and me both)

Just to clear a few things up, 'coz this may get a bit complicated:

Speech marks (" ") denote speech (duh!) Inverted commas (' ') denote thoughts Asterisks (* *) denote emphasis - please read as if it was in italics

I know i said that i wuld try and get the next one out in html, but my computer is misbehaving badly. Hopefully NEXT time! I hate not being able to write with italics it's so much... yeah, i remember, i said i'd be brief. I lied. Sorry.

One last thing: we'd like to stage a vote - who out of the two groups has the cutest rear end? (we understand the difficulty of this choice) Answers on a postcard, or alternatively to:


Now, without further ado:


Ross' gaze moved from Brian towards Nick and Justin. "Congratulations!"

He said, and again he smiled.

There was an air to him deliberately ignoring AJ's comment, something that most of he room appeared to be in accord with; but there was a new tension in the room that was plain for all to see.

"Excuse me?" Kevin enquired, in as calm and surprised a voice as he could muster - trying to keep Nick and Justin's secret undisclosed. As Ross' eyes fell on him he felt his spine tingle - there was something definitely unsettling to Kevin about that golden-eyed stare - surprisingly knowing and somehow distressing.

"I was congratulating those two on their fledgling relationship, Kevin." It was the way he said it, so self-assured that unnerved Kevin.

Kevin and Ross stared at each other; whilst the rest of the room stared around at each other, their gazes asking each other how he knew. Justin and Nick were looking very nervous, wondering if they were so obvious that anybody could pick up on it. If so, it would mean everyone would know; irreparably ruining their images forever.

After a few moments hesitation Kevin realised that there was no point in denying the new relationship. "How?" he asked in reluctant resignation.

"A good number of things actually," Ross replied. "Firstly, I have been told that I have the most acute gaydar known to man. Their body language is another thing, but what clinches it for me is the fact that they're holding hands - it doesn't really help their cause at all."

The blondes blushed beet-red, whilst Ross grinned at their discomfort.

"I trust that your silence is assured, Ross?" Lance asked, in his usual diplomatic manner; whilst outwardly very pleasant, there was an implicit demand that he would have his silence one way or the other.

"You know it is - I'm not my niece, Sirella, after all." He considered for a second before announcing, "Before you ask we don't get on. And no, she isn't a fan." He finished pointing at Justin. Justin's mouth snapped shut; it was obvious that Ross was not going to be easily diverted. "I take it that this is a recent development?"

"You could say that."

"Understood. From what I've heard about Kevin, you've probably already had a lecture about keeping this a secret?"

There was a groan from the two on the couch. "Narrowly avoided," they muttered almost incomprehensibly under their breaths.

"Really? You must be losing your touch. In that case I'll talk to you two about it later on."

"Aagh" and "Ugh" were the two reactions to this latest development. 'Give us a break - we KNOW'

Ignoring this sorry state of conversation from the younger members of the groups, he continued unabated "While we're still here in Orlando it's going to be less of a problem, but when we go on tour you'll have to be on your guard all of the time."

Justin appeared to be little more than a sulky teenager, being lectured at on what to and what not to do. "Understood," came the sullen reply.

"And that means all of you. Remember. You are not a collection of individuals. You are groups; for the time being one group. The secrets of one are the secrets of all." Ross waved his hands from side to side for emphasis, his gaze raking the ten young men in front of him. There was something strangely intimidating about that stare, and none of them were able to meet it. "In fact we'll all talk about it later."

The two groups acknowledged their understanding of the fact with simple nods.

"Good." His sunny disposition returned. "Now, I thought that I'd say this now so as to get it out of the way-"

Nick interrupted him before he could continue. "Oh no, not more orders - I'm a grown man you know. I know what I should and should not do, I know how to behave etcetera, etcet-" he said in an obnoxious, bolshy style.

Nick was himself interrupted in his prime by Kevin scolding him with "Nickolas Gene Carter!" which, as usual, was enough to get him to shut up and sulk silently. His petulant attitude could last for hours, during which he would occupy himself by giving them both the evil eye, his childish response only proving their point. His pout did, however, give Justin ideas. :)

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." he paused to glower at his fellow blonde "...if any of you ever want to talk to someone about something, anything, then please feel free to speak to me, alright? If I can help, I will, if I can't I'll find someone who can." His tone warmed from icily offended to pleasantly considerate, even caring. It made Nick feel like crap.

"Thank you, Ross, I'm sure we all appreci-" Kevin was cut off before he finished.

"That means you too, Kevin. I know that the BSB depend on you as a father figure, and that you don't always have someone to go to yourself. I want you all to know that I am available to you, anytime. Alright?"

"Um, OK." Kevin responded weakly.

"Good." It seemed like that was something he said a lot. He was obviously used to things going as he wanted them to. "Now, I was planning on discussing some business but I hardly think that that is appropriate, given the circumstances - it seems we have something to celebrate. Shall we go out to lunch?"

There was a chorus of agreement around the room. Nick now wanted the floor to simply open up and swallow him whole.

"Shame the happy couple can't have a little champagne to celebrate, huh?" Ross smirked.

'On second thoughts, the floor can leave me where I am.'

"I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather get my own car, if that's alright. Then we don't have to worry about imposing on you guys to ferry us home later," Kevin stated.

"Oh, you wouldn't be imposing, Kev, really," JC replied automatically.

"It's very kind of you, but I think I would prefer it as well. And besides, you've still got all of our stuff in the back of your cars. It's better we do it now when we're all sober. As opposed to just those who're going to drive - oh, and Nick and Justin, of course," Howie smirked.

'I'll get you for that, Howie,' Justin thought. His eyes turned towards Nick. 'Aww. He looks so cute when he pouts! So convenient too...'

A minute or so later (well, maybe a little longer), Nicks pout had disappeared completely, his face joining Justin's in a silly grin.

'Goofball,' Brian thought, observing Nick's silly smile. As the two had kissed, the room had gone quiet, peculiarly unable NOT to watch them. Brian's head turned away from the two and his eyes unconsciously focused on Ross.

Ross was still looking at Nick and Justin, with a peculiarly...satisfied... smile on his face. Then he turned and stared directly into Brian's eyes. Brian managed to tear his gaze from Ross, feeling somewhat giddy, and appearing somewhat flushed. He heard a low chuckle, but didn't dare look up to see who it was.

"Umm, Nicky-poo..."

"Yes, sweetie-pie?"

A few retching noises and sniggers tried to intrude on their consciousness, but they were far too involved to notice.

"Would... if... if I asked my mom, and she agreed, would... would you like to stay with me? At my house?"

Nick goggled slightly, then turned towards Brian. "Brian... Bri... BRI!?"

He jerked up, and smiled wanly. "You do whatever you want, Nick. I'm sure I'll be able to find someone to keep me company."

'It's not funny,' AJ told himself, 'It's not. Really, it isn't.' However, his facial expression seemed to have trouble believing him. He was winning, but only just. The grin hadn't broken through yet.

"I'd love to Just. Thank you."

"Lance, can I use your phone?"

"Of course, Curly."

Justin ran of to speak to his mother.

"So how are we going to do this," Howie asked. "Can you guys drop us round to our houses, and then we'll meet you somewhere for lunch?"

"Sounds sensible, doesn't it?" Ross replied "Can I give anyone a lift?"

"MEEEEEEEEE!!!" Chris shrieked, nearly wetting himself.

"Uh, Chris, man, you've got your car here, haven't you? You don't need a lift," JC reminded him gently.


JC just rolled his eyes.

"ME, then!" AJ half-asked and half-stated. He felt his conscience was clear - he'd given Brian a chance to stake his claim first. Admittedly, not many people thought that 13 milliseconds were much of an opportunity, but he felt the demands of honour were satisfied.

"OK, AJ."

AJ's face adopted a martyred expression "I will not hog you, unlike some - I'll catch a lift with someone else to get home after lunch."

"Well, that's nice to know."

Chris smiled at AJ through gritted teeth. AJ got the impression that Chris would want some revenge for that one.

"THANKS MOM!!" came a exuberant and delighted cry from another room - the door burst open, and Justin rushed in like a cat who'd just got the European cream mountain all to him/herself. "Guess what?"

"You're pregnant!? Boy, Nick, you're a fast mover!"

The two blondes went strawberry. "Shut up, Joey."

"You're not? Damn, I was looking forward to being a godfather. I know! You've just heard that Nick is on the awards panel for the 'Rear of the Year' award."

"Oh come on - he'd win without me interfering."

"I think that you "interfering" is just what he wants."

A nuclear reactor couldn't have given off the amount of heat that Nick's face did.

"You know, I think that we'll have to remember this - if we're ever in need of a great deal of heat, like when the car has frosted up, in the middle of a Siberian winter or something, all we need do is make a few comments to these two. That'll soon sort it."

"Shut up, Howie."

"Oooh, somebody obviously hasn't got any recently." Howie joked.

"Look who's talking," Nick responded harshly, to which Howie just shut up and stepped completely out of the conversation. Nick tried to continue with "If memory serves me right - and it does - you last dated long before I last did so what does that say about you when the girls will take a gay boy over -"

Kevin, Brian and AJ rightly interrupted Nick then, shouting "NICKOLAS GENE CARTER", and AJ continued: "SHUT YOUR CAKEHOLE!"

Justin was about to step in and defend his new boyfriend but when he went to stand up he found two pairs of hands holding him down into his seat."

"Right. All of you, stop this nonsense now. Will you please stop this repetitive winding up of those two before they die due to lack of blood to anywhere but their faces?" Ross stated forcefully. Somehow he managed it without having to raise his voice once. 'Or at least wait until I'm not around and Nick's calmed down a little,' he finished to himself.

"Thank you, Ross." Justin said calmly, though urge to throttle Howie remained. He spun around in his more usual hyper-active manner and ran over to face Nick again "Nick, Mom said you can stay."

"Really?" Soon the two of them were back to canoodling on the couch again. Nick quickly forgot all about the incident. Justin certainly appeared to enjoy helping him to forget.

Nick contemplated Brian, smiling at the sight again before him. Meanwhile Howie sulked away into a quiet hidden recess of the room (well, at least conversationally if not physically), and brooded.

"Well, it looks as though those two are sorted, but what about everybody else?" Kevin asked finally lifting his gaze away from the two of them and breaking the harsh conversational black-hole the room had turned into. "AJ's with Ross, but for everyone else lets just keep the travel arrangements as they were, shall we?" 'That'll pose fewer problems and no chance of an argument - this way I get to talk to Brian and Howie and Nick shalln't be stuck inches from each other for the whole journey.'

"Fine. That means that you and Brian are with me and Howie's with Lance," JC agreed.

"Good. So where shall we meet for lunch?"

"Well, that was a surprise, wasn't it?" Howie asked. Well, conversation has to start somewhere. They'd been driving in silence for miles.

"Yeah..." Lance replied. He appeared to have something else on his mind.

"Did you have any clue about Justin? I have to say that I wondered a bit about Nick but could never be sure."

"Yeah I know what you mean, it's not something that you can just ask someone, is it? But no, I never had a clue about Curly. He always struck me as one of the straightest people I know. I mean he's had loads of girlfriends - both have - but..."

"Both? Who's the other?"


"Err, Nick of course, who else? I'm sure I've read hat he's had a few girlfriends..."

Howie gave Lance a considering quizzical look 'he's read about us in magazines - that's odd...'

"Oh, he has - but not many. They've tended to be short and fleeting. Turn left up ahead. It's the fourth on the right."

Howie was watching him drive off, Lance saw in his rear-view mirror. He berated himself as he drove to the restaurant. 'Control, Lance, control. You can't let yourself down like this. You can't let everyone else down.'

The Lamborghini pulled into the driveway of AJ's house. It would have been nice to be able to say that they had been talking, but it would be a bit of a lie - in fact, AJ had been talking, and this had resulted in Ross entering a mild state of shock. 'Note to self - never let that boy take you shopping.'

"I'll just dump my stuff in the house and I'll be right back."


AJ started hauling the large suitcases indoors, starting with the one which he had perched on his lap - innumerable shopping trips had left AJ with sufficient amounts of clothing to outfit a regiment. Something he had said filtered into Ross' conscious: "Luckily I only took the really essential stuff with me, or we'd have never got it all in the car!" His eyes crossed briefly - if those were essential, he really didn't want to see how much of the more expendable stuff there was. 'Note to self - remember previous note to self. It may be advisable to underline it, too.'

His mind turned to the two groups, considering each person. The brief meeting he had had with them basically confirmed the reports of their personalities, which was fortunate - he felt that they could work well together. But his thoughts returned to less... professional matters before he could really consider them separately as individuals. 'Brian.' Well, that had been unexpected. He smiled to himself. 'Oh well, I've had worse surprises.'

He laughed, not caring if anyone heard him. No one would get it, anyway.

To be continued...

Well, what did you think? Didja Like it? Didja, didja? Please tell us! (We-wish-they-were-our@bitofrough.co.uk)


Next: Chapter 6

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