A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Jun 24, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Chapter 14

I am now posting my stories to my new website, jaygordonstories.com. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. Currently, A Light in the Darkness II Chapters 15-20 are available there, (The latest chapters are for registered users only, so if you don't register you won't find them!), as well as new stories not available on Nifty, so check it out if you like the story!

"So, did you have fun last night?" Sarah asked as she and Xavier sat down with Chase for breakfast.

"AWESOME!" the boy grinned. "It was fun to hang out with some chicks!"

"I'm glad you boys are responsible enough not to drink and drive," Sarah said, drinking some coffee.

"Neither one of us had anything to drink, mom! Really! It's just, we needed to stay with Robbie last night..." They both looked at him expectantly, and he said, "It's not my place to tell you, but Robbie made a comment about gays yesterday and William tried to mess with him, but it ended up with Robbie coming out to William and Dave last night at the tittie bar..."

"The what?" Sarah and Xavier exclaimed, Xavier spraying a little coffee as he laughed.

"Uhm, `gentlemen's' club?" Chase said, and they all broke up laughing. "Anyway, and this is long story short, William helped Robbie track down this guy he used to know and had a bad crush on, and the dude's injured and at Walter Reed so that's why Robbie and William have rushed off to D.C. this morning."

"Shit," Xavier said. "Can't you boys go one week without stirring up the drama?" Xavier said.

"That's what I say, too," Sarah laughed. "So what did you ladies get up to last night?"

"The girls gave Charlotte a bunch of naughty underwear and ... equipment; let's just say if Dave is into light bondage, he's set for life with fuzzy handcuffs and the like. And then there was the stripper, and then we played truth-or-dare with NC-17 truth and PG-13 dare..."

"What does that mean?" Sarah asked.

Xavier interpreted. "It means the girls got too curious about what two teenage boys get up to after dark, but nobody got to touch Chase's junk!"

"Stripper?" Sarah asked with a bemused look.

"Just down to the jock-strap," Chase said. Putting on a dreamy, far-away look, he added, "TIGHT, BLACK JOCK-STRAP!" They looked at him and he said, "What? I picked the wardrobe!"

"YOU HIRED a stripper for Charlotte?" Sarah asked, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Not so much hired as cajoled a friend into it. They couldn't find a quality stripper. Women!" Chase smirked.

"You got a high school boy to strip at a party?" she asked, worried Chase would get into trouble. Then she smacked her forehead and said, "Matt! You didn't? That boy would strip for anybody!"

"NO!" Chase exclaimed. "Though he would have gladly! No, I got one of our legal friends to do it." They both looked at him expectantly, but he shook his head. "I really shouldn't," Chase said.

They ate breakfast exchanging glances until Xavier pounded the table and laughingly demanded, "I MUST KNOW!"

Chase blushed and said, "Lt. Spencer... In uniform..." Sarah was confused and Xavier just gaped.

"YOU DIDN'T! HE DIDN'T!" Xavier said. "Tell me there weren't cameras!"

"There were, but it turns out the light was all wrong and so the face will be obscured in all the photos, and the uniform wasn't his own. My special creation, too tight in all the right places..."

Xavier nodded, and then licked his lips. "Did he ... look like you'd think he does?"

Chase nodded slowly and suggestively before reaching for his cell-phone and scrolling to two pictures, one frontal and one rear. He passed it to Xavier, saying, "I just wanted to make sure the face-obscuring charm worked, you understand."

"Of course," Xavier smiled, eagerly reaching for the phone. He dropped his spoon on the floor and his jaw dropped open as he scrolled down. Chase blushed as his mom leaned over and spilled her coffee.

"I know I've never met THIS young man," she said. Seeing the look of horror on Chase's face, she said, "WHAT? I'm a mother, not a dead woman!"

"You're pregnant!"

"That makes it worse, son," Steve said, walking up behind Sarah and glancing down at the phone. "Good thing your mother wasn't there last night or he'd never have gotten the drool out," Steve said with an eye roll. "I can barely keep her minimally satisfied..."

"DAD! GROSS! I'm going to have to pour alcohol in my ears and blind my third eye, now!" he said with a look of disgust.

"Just a taste of your own medicine, son! Between your off color remarks and the thin walls in this place," Steve said, really turning it on. Seeing the dismissive and disbelieving look in Chase's eye, he laughed and asked, "What's that nickname William has for Chase?"

"You mean, `Oh, my fucking God, Chase!'" Xavier asked, mimicking the tone used and making Chase choke.

"Blond beast," I think, Sarah smirked into her coffee as Chase turned absolutely white.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Chase said, dying of embarrassment. "Somebody could have said something and we would have been quieter!"

"In retrospect, it wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would be to have that conversation," Steve said, to nods from Sarah and Xavier, adding, "for me, anyway!"

"I hate you guys," Chase said with a laugh.

Traffic was terrible getting into the D.C. area, so William didn't pull into Walter Reed until 9:30. "We've still got plenty of time," William assured. "Traffic will be fine on the way home."

"He may not even want to see me," Robbie said. "He may not even remember me!"

"I don't believe that," William said with a smile, and led the way toward the main entrance. Walking up to the desk, William said, "We're here to visit an injured soldier."

The woman at the desk pointed and said, "Check in with visitors' services."

The boys walked into the visitors' waiting room and walked up to the desk. "We're here to see Lt. Brandon Parker."

"Are you family?" a young woman in army green asked.

"No, we're friends," William said.

She typed in the name and said, "You're not on the approved visitors' list..."

"How do you know?" William asked. "We haven't told you our names..."

"Lt. Parker hasn't approved ANY visitors...."

"I'd like to speak to a supervisor, please," William said, trying not to sound hostile or upset.

"I can assure your there is nothing to be done. You can file a request and if Lt. Parker..."

"Can you tell him we're here now, and see if he wants to," William began.

"That's not protocol, sir," she cut him off.

"I'd like to see that supervisor now," William said.

"Sir," the young woman began.

"Now, please," he insisted, but the woman didn't budge. "This morning, a friend of mine made a call, and I can assure you..."

"Oh, that's it," the woman said with a smile. "You've got connections? Well, everybody has connections."

William pulled out his phone and called up Sebastian, who reached for the phone, "Hello?"

"Sebastian, could you have your friend call visitor's services? It seems like approval hasn't made it this far yet!"

"Will do," he answered.

"Who's your friend?" the woman asked.

"Sebastian van der Meer," William said.

"Never heard of him," she said.

"Most people haven't," William smiled. "We'll wait for that call," he said, taking a seat in the waiting area. A few minutes passed and Robbie started to get nervous. "Don't worry," William smiled, patting his shoulder. After about ten minutes, a straight-backed military man in uniform entered the room with a fast gait.

"I'm looking for William Jennings and Robbie Cosgrove," he said to the woman at the desk who gulped and pointed to the boys.

"Gentlemen," he turned and approached, "I'm Colonel Tom Fisher, Commander of Walter Reed Health Care System!"

"Nice to meet you sir," William said, taking his hand. Robbie shook a moment later. "Everything is in order, sir?"

"Absolutely. I'm sorry you had this difficulty," he said turning to look at the lady at the desk.

"I figured if it wasn't in the computer, probably there wasn't anything even a supervisor could do, so I called my friend back!"

The man's face softened and the lady at the desk relaxed visibly. "Right you are. Must be some friend. I've heard from General Smithson twice this morning, and he was quite clear," the man laughed. "Make sure these gentlemen are in the system, and get them passes so we don't have to deal with this again!" he said to the lady.

"What credentials, sir?" she asked.

"Apparently," he said, pausing to size up the boys again, "full... You boys can come and go pretty much as you like, but don't abuse the system," he cautioned. "Smithson has confidence in you, apparently."

When the man was gone, the lady took down all the information she needed to make their passes, and while she typed, she said, "Thanks for not ratting me out."

"You should have been nicer," William said, "but I bet people try to bully their way in here all the time. Just remember, not everybody is trying to bully. Some people really have the access," he added with a laugh.

She nodded. "You got that right. So who's General Smithson?"

William smiled and said, "Adjutant General, United States Army."

The woman coughed and said, "That is juice! Sir!"

William laughed and shook his head. A few minutes later, they had their passes and directions to Brandon's room. They walked the halls and saw soldiers everywhere in all states of recovery. Some men had been fitted with prosthetics, while others had bloody bandages over their stumps. Men in wheelchairs playing basketball in the gym contrasted grimly with those who controlled their electric wheelchairs with their mouths.

"God, this is terrible," Robbie whispered.

"War is hell," William said.

Robbie looked at him funny and said, "People say that, but you say it like you know..."

"I'll explain, one day," William said, mysteriously.

They came to the room and the door was open. There were two beds. One guy was laying in bed with his leg elevated by a series of pulleys, reading a magazine. Strike that – he wasn't reading the articles. The other was in a wheel-chair staring out the window.

"Brandon Parker?" William asked, when Robbie froze up. The man in the bed looked up and smiled, and William was surprised at how young he looked – maybe 20.

"You're looking for Chatty Cathy, over there," the young man said with a brighter smile, making him look quite handsome. "Good luck with that!"

"What do you want?" Brandon asked without turning around.

William nudged Robbie, who remained silent. William said, "I've brought an old friend to visit."

"I don't have any friends," the young man said sharply. "How did you get in here?"

"The Adjutant General called on my behalf," William said. "And respectfully, you're wrong!"

The man grumpily grabbed the wheels of his chair and turned slightly. "Brandon," Robbie said softly. "I know you probably don't even remember me, but..."

William saw the tiniest smile at the corner of the soldier's eye. "Robbie!" he said, almost as if he didn't believe it. "Is it really you? You're so ... grown up!"

"I always asked about you, but..." Robbie stopped. "William helped me find you and get in to see you," he said.

"Yeah?" the man asked, a smile creeping on to his face.

"Yeah, we were talking just last night, and he made some calls and here we are," Robbie said, excitement speeding up his words. "I can't believe... When I heard what happened, I had no idea what to expect!"

"It's been ... hard," Brandon said, the sadness returning.

"Where are your parents staying in town?" Robbie asked, remembering how supportive his parents had always been. Brandon's dad almost never missed a game.

"They aren't," Brandon said. "I haven't seen them since I got back. I haven't seen them since ... must be January 2006."

Robbie started forward and Brandon turned away a little abruptly. "Please, don't," Brandon said.

"But ... I'm just... I'm so glad to see you after all these years," Robbie said, sounding just a bit pathetic.

"Me, too, Robbie," Brandon said. "It's just, my face... The left side caught some shrapnel. I don't like for people to see it.

Robbie stepped forward and put a hand on his right shoulder. "I missed you," he whispered.

"I never figured you thought that much about me," Brandon laughed. "Your brother was my friend. My mistake," he said with a bitter laugh.

Robbie dropped to his knees by Brandon and said, "What happened? You two were tight..."

Brandon was again sharp in his response, "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" Then he softened and said, "At least not right now..."

Robbie said, "We don't have to! I'm just so ... can we take a walk and talk?"

Brandon looked cross at first but reached for a hospital mask and put it over the side, rather than front of his face, and nodded. He let Robbie push. William said, "I'll wait here!" and winked at Robbie so that only he could see. Or so he thought.

"You mind if I turn on the television?" William asked the other young man.

"You can if you want, but ... you know how to play cards?"

"Some, but I learn quick," William smiled as the young man grabbed the deck.

"I'm pretty much stuck in here and I don't get many visitors either, so it's television or watching Brandon mope, for me. Plus, since he almost never leaves the room, I can't even really enjoy my magazines, if you know what I mean."

"I'm William, by the way," William said, holding out his hand.

"Jake," the soldier said with that handsome smile.

As they played a few games William knew, they talked some.

"So why don't you get many visitors?" William asked.

"My parents live in Idaho, and they both work barely making ends meet. They can't afford to be out of work to be here. And I don't got a girl, so, who else is there? All my friends are either army or high school, back in Idaho."

"Well, I get the feeling my friend will be back here as often as he's able, so that should free up some time for you and the bunnies," William said with a nod at the magazine. "And I might come back with him from time to time. After all, I got an all access pass!"

The young man smiled and said, "Don't feel like you have to, but it's nice to have somebody other than a doctor to talk to!" They played a while longer before the man asked, "What's the deal with Robbie?"

"His big brother was Brandon's best friend, and they kinda lost track of each other when Brandon went off to college," William said, cagily.

"So, the long lost friend of his brother just happened to become a topic of conversation last night while you guys were..."

"At a bachelor party," William laughed.

"Must have been a really rockin' party, dude," the man laughed. "SO, anyway, you guys are just chatting – at a strip club, I bet," he asked, and William nodded. "So this guy Robbie hasn't seen in years, and wasn't close friends with, himself, just comes up in casual conversation?"

"Yep," William lied, smiling obviously.

"Mmmm hmmm," Jake smiled. "And I guess that wink you have him was just a show of ... support?"

"Yep," William lied again.

"Look, it doesn't bother me one way or the other," Jake shook his head. "But it's nice to see my man smile, or even speak..."

"Maybe someone has been carrying a flame for Brandon since he was like thirteen? Who knows," William said with a smile.

"Well, once Brandon is discharged from here, he'll get an honorable discharge from the Army and full benefits. Then he can do what he wants with whoever he wants..."

"You think he might?" William asked, surprised.

"Maybe. Never seen him show anybody that much interest, and there are some rocking nurses here," Jake laughed. "But he's never offered to help me take care of myself, so I can't say! Speaking of which?" Jake teased him.

"Taken," William winked, "otherwise, sailor..."

"Ouch," Jake laughed. "Low blow!"

"You wish," William said, making the man laugh again.

"But seriously, if you know any hot chicks with a gimp fetish, bring them along some time," Jake grinned.

"What happened?" William asked, cocking his head at the leg.

"Shrapnel in the knee and hip. I'm probably done, too, unless they decide I can still do logistics, or maybe intel analysis," Jake said. "But I think I'm done."

"Have you seen Brandon's face?" William asked.

"Yeah," the man said, shaking his head. "He gets freaked out about it, but it isn't that bad. He'll have a scar from just by his ear down the jaw. Makes him look badass, but I guess he's just having trouble with it. Looking in the mirror and seeing someone different looking back, I guess."

"You're a smart guy," William said. "You thought of college when you get out?"

"Yeah, I figure I'll go. Uncle Sam'll pay most of it now," he smiled grimly. They talked a lot while William waited. Jake told him about his past, and William explained about his parents and Chase and things as best he could.

"So why'd you come looking after all this time?" Brandon asked.

"I've thought about you a lot actually," Robbie said, quietly, as he pushed the man around. Some of the staff looked rather surprised to see Brandon out of his room, much less chatting.

"Why me?" Brandon asked, with surprised.

"Really? You were the coolest! Of all my brother's friends, you were the only one who was really nice to me. Plus you were a big baseball star and all. You made a big impact on me," Robbie said. "The one thing I always wanted when my brother came home from college was a report on your exploits," he added with a laugh.

"How is Vic?" the man asked hollowly.

"Alright," Robbie said. "I don't see him too much. Married, kids, dead end job, you know the drill..."

"I'll make you a deal, kiddo," Brandon said with a slightly bigger smile, though he couldn't see Brandon's face light up. "You tell me why you came to see me, and I'll tell you why your brother and me fought!"

"You go first!" Robbie said, hurriedly.

"Alright," Brandon said. "Your brother got me kicked off the baseball team. Well not so much officially kicked off as frozen out..."

"How? Why?" Robbie asked.

"You first," Brandon replied.

Robbie's ears burned. He parked the wheelchair in a private corner of the rec room and sat down next to him, really close. "When I was a kid, I remember watching Dawn of the Dead with you and my brother..."

"I remember," he said with a nostalgic grin that totally transformed his face into a shining thing of beauty to Robbie. "One of the most fun times I ever had hanging with your brother!"

"But he was asleep most of the night," Robbie said, confused.

"Exactly!" Brandon grinned again.

"Well, you remember how scared I was?" Robbie asked.

"I remember," Brandon said, still grinning.

"There was something I wanted to tell you that night, and I never did, and it's stuck with me all these years. I never got that close to telling you again, and it's stuck with me. What if I had just said it?" Robbie shook his head and asked, "How did my brother get you out of baseball?"

"We were roomies and I guess, I don't know, I must have been talking in my sleep. I wake up in the morning and he's gone, and when I get to practice all the guys just stare and me. Your brother told them something he never should have told. I could have done without baseball, but he broke my heart, turning on me like that. I just gave up."

"What did he hear?" Robbie asked, breathless.

"I never knew, exactly, but it must have been a guy's name in a sex dream... Otherwise I don't know how else he would have figured it out." Robbie grunted bitterly, tears rising in his eyes as misery rose to his face. Terror-stricken, Brandon said, "Oh, my God! I thought ... I mean, oh shit. Don't tell anybody, please? I'll lose my medical. I'll lose my honorable discharge and benefits."

"Shut up, numb-nuts," Robbie laughed through his tears. "I'm not pissed. Well, at myself! I was going to kiss you on the couch that night while you held me, but I was afraid you'd beat me up and tell everybody. And all those years afterwards of agonizing over it! I mean, I'm sure you'd never have gone for me, but you wouldn't have pounded the crap out of me."

"Oh, I would have pounded the crap out of you," Brandon laughed and whispered, "just naked and not with my fists. I thought you were so cute; I could have died when you jumped and ended up half on top of me. A few more inches and your hand would have felt the biggest erection of my life!"

"Wow!" Robbie said, putting his head in his hands. "What now?"

"My discharge will be processed pretty soon," Brandon said, "but in the shape I'm in I ... you deserve better, Robbie."

Robbie started crying again and said, "Seeing you after all those years, nothing's changed for me. I had forgotten but it's all back. When you smile, it still stops my heart, Brandon... Give me a chance?"

Brandon laughed as he teared up. "You should at least know," he began and pulled up his pants leg. "This'll never get much better, but I will be able to walk with a cane or something." He put his hand to his face and said, "This ... the damage has been done..."

"Show me," Robbie whispered.

With a nod, Brandon reached up and lifted the mask. Robbie couldn't help but laugh, and Brandon looked hurt. "THAT is it? I was expecting a horrible disfigurement."

"It is," Brandon asserted.

"Brandon, it's a scar. We've all got them; you'll just wear yours out. It's a clean line. To me, you're still one of the most handsome men I know, scar and all. Hell, it kind of gives you a macho look!"

Brandon's smile was tearful as he touched his face. "You think so?" he asked with a teary laugh.

"If we were alone, I'd show you how much I think so..."

"Well, if you want, then," Brandon said. "I've got some time yet in here, and until my discharge, but ... we can get to know each other again? I don't have anywhere else to go!"

"I'm starting a job soon, but it's not too far away. I'll get up here WHENEVER I can," Robbie promised excitedly. "I'm in my best friend's wedding this afternoon in Richmond, so I have to go soon..."

"You drove two hours to see me on the day you're best man in a wedding?" Brandon asked with a laugh.

"I was – I am – seriously IN TO YOU, Brandon," Robbie smiled.

"Me too," Brandon said, a touch of a blush, "I mean I was into you too." After some hesitation, he added, "That name your brother may have heard? It miiiiight have been Robbie, which might explain his extreme reaction," Brandon confessed. Robbie's grin could not be repressed.

Later, when he pushed Brandon back into the room, both men were laughing and smiling. "Holy shit, dude!" Jake said. "I want some of whatever you gave him!"

Both men laughed so hard that William whispered, "Maaaaybe not!" Then he turned to Robbie and said, "We should be getting on the road, buddy!"

"Yeah, I know," he said. Then he whispered something to Brandon and gave him a hug. On the way out, William did ask the administrator a question.

"What was that all about, William?"

"I was checking to see whether they have internet access for the guys. I'm going to get a Netbook in here for Brandon so you guys can Skype and see each other when you can't get to town..."

"You've done so much already," Robbie complained.

"You know when I said I was rich? I meant nine figures rich. Ten if our buddy Dave and Steve get to work," William said seriously.

"THANKS THEN!" the young man replied with a laugh.

"Let's go get our tuxes on and get to that church!" William said.

Back inside the hospital, Jake looked over at Brandon, who sat in his chair smiling and said, "Want to play cards?"

"Why not?" Brandon said.

"You never have before," Jake smiled. "Whoever that kid is, he's good for you. His friend's a nice guy too. Got him a boyfriend back in Richmond..."

"Oh, yeah?" Brandon asked. "You're cool with that?"

"Doesn't bother me," Jake smiled as he dealt. "A guy's gotta be what he is, my man!"

"Cool," Brandon smiled. "You and me, we're cool?"

"Why wouldn't we be? Oh, wait, I can't ask," he added with a quick wink. "I'm just glad I won't be stuck in here with depression on wheels anymore!"

The organist began playing as the guests were being seated, and the wedding parties milled about in their separate rooms. "Getting nervous, bro?" Robbie asked.

"A little, about being in front of that many people!" Dave said. "Not about Charlotte! Your and William's mission was successful?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Let's just say I'll be a regular commuter for a while," Robbie said. "Turns out he kinda felt the same way about me, even back in the day..."

"Dude!" Dave declared. "Cool!"

Meanwhile, William and Chase were doubling as ushers and helping keep people moving to their seats. At last, the music changed and they escorted the female family members to their seats, and everyone began to hush.

When the organ began to play Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, the wedding parties entered by the right and left of the altar, and Chase and William stood waiting at the back of the church for the bride. She was escorted in from around the side and placed between them, putting a hand in the crook of one of each boy's arms.

"It's show time, boys," she said with a wink.

"You look beautiful," William said. When the wedding march began, they slowly made their way down the aisle, everyone watching. At the end, Chase lifted the veil and they each kissed her cheek and gave her a little hug, taking their seats.

The service was beautiful and went off without a hitch, and the boys joined the wedding parties and family for pictures, getting the photographer to do one picture of just them and one with them and Alex.

Then they joined the rest of their family and all their new friends at the reception and dinner. They danced with each other and took turns dancing with Charlotte. Much to everyone's general amusement, Chase cornered Dave into dancing with him, while William danced with Charlotte. Robbie just sat back and watched, until it was time for the best man's toast.

He grabbed the microphone and said, "It's my duty to say a few words to the bride and groom," he said. "And I know that Dave and Charlotte have a long life together in front of them. Two people so in love, but more importantly, two genuinely good people who would go a mile out of their way to keep from hurting each other or anyone else. Dave is the best friend a guy could have, more faithful than family ... a fact I recently confirmed. So I don't have any great advice for you guys, other than the best way to protect your marriage is always to just be who you are, and everything will be alright! I love you guys!"

Both of them gave him big hugs and a few more people said some words. Then the party began again, punctuated by the cake cutting and tossing of bouquets and garter. Rebecca caught the bouquet and yelled, "Chase, get me a stripper for MY party too?" making the boy blush. But it was Robbie who caught the garter, earning him a good ribbing from Dave in private.

Later in the evening when the room began to clear, Robbie had been sitting off by himself staring out a window for a long time and Chase nudged William. "What?" William asked.

"Go!" Chase said, giving him a quick shove in the right direction.

"How you doing, buddy?" William asked as he approached.

"Good," Robbie replied with a smile. "But..."

"Staring out the window pining won't bring him any closer," William smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on!"

"Why?" he asked, "what are we doing?"

"Dancing," William said. "Come on!"

"I can't!" Robbie laughed as William grabbed his hand and put it on his waist.

"I'm letting you be the dude, Robbie, unless you don't get on board with this!" William laughed and winked. "Don't worry, Chase's and my shenanigans are legend! Chase's already danced with Dave!"

"What do I have to worry about anyway? My family already doesn't have much to do with me, and my best friend already knows!" he smiled and got into it. A couple of songs later, Chase cut in for a couple of dances. But the highlight of Robbie's evening was when Dave cut in on Chase, with a wink at the little blond, and whirled him around the dance floor.

"Whatever you decide to do, whoever you decide to tell, I'll be there for you, Robbie," Dave said, and felt his friend pull him into a tight hug before they separated, smiling and laughing.

"THAT is going to make for some great pictures for your wedding album," Chase said. "It's getting late, and after last night, I'm tired." They both gave everyone they knew hugs and went out to the car. As they drove home, William told Chase about their visit to Walter Reed, and both Brandon and Jake, and his plan to get Brandon a computer for skyping.

"You should get one for Jake, too, and send one to his parents," Chase said, smiling.

"You are wonderful," William grinned and put his hand on Chase's inner thigh as he drove.

"Mmmm," Chase moaned, making William grin and slip his hand higher. "We'll be home soon! Ahhh!"

"Not soon enough!" William said. Pulling over onto a dark shoulder, he unbuckled himself and crawling over on Chase, he began to kiss him feverishly.

"Mmmm," Chase growled, breaking their kiss. "Let's take this inside, William," he said. William got down in the floorboard and started fumbling with Chase's zipper. "William, what's gotten into you?"

"You, Chase," he whispered, "you..." William pressed forward, digging into the boy's pants and fishing out his hardening penis. When he felt William's mouth envelop him, he moaned, and William smiled when he felt the boy's hands running through his hair. A few short minute later and William smiled up at Chase.

"Well, you aren't getting any until we get in the house, pervert!" Chase winked. William smiled and got back in his seat, finishing the drive home. Before they could get inside, Chase felt William's hands slide around his side and up his chest. "Hold your horses!" Chase laughed as he struggled with the lock. William locked the door behind them and chased him upstairs.

William was barely in the room when he started shucking his cloths and started pulling Chase's off when he finished with his own. "SERIOUSLY, HORNDOG!" Chase laughed and whispered, pushing a naked William back on the bed as he took off his underwear. "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU?"

"I don't know," William sat up with a goofy grin as he looked down his naked body at the pale blond object of his affection. "I guess it's all the love in the air! I just ... the last couple of days have just made me think about how lucky I am, to have you and Alex and our families. And then there's the fact that you are so freakin' sexy," he added with big smile.

"Alright," Chase said, walking over and crawling on top of him, their cocks rubbing together as Chase kissed his neck. "You are pretty lucky. But not as lucky as me," Chase said, then teased, "cause I got to see Lt. Spencer strip last night!"

William didn't miss a beat as he rolled Chase off of him and said, "NO WAY! Do you have pictures?"

"I do," Chase pouted.

"Then show them to me in the morning," William smiled and winked as he crawled on top of Chase. Chase grinned and snapped his fingers, causing a crackling energy to run down the walls. "What was that?"

Chase arched his eyebrows and said, "Apparently, everyone can hear us when we do it up here!"

"No way! We're quiet!"

"My mom referenced me as your blond beast this morning at breakfast during our conversation about this," Chase said. "But nobody is going to hear us tonight, and I'm gonna make you yell!"

"Sebastian," Horatio said, "I've got some worrisome news..."

"What is it?" Sebastian asked.

"The kids, they're moving..."

"What?" Sebastian asked with a laugh.

"No, it's bad... The kids on our `Order' watch list, they're withdrawing from school, slowly but surely. The parents' houses are going on the market..."

"Oh, no," Sebastian said. "It's unlikely they are giving up and going home."

"Highly unlikely. More likely, whatever they're planning, it's in motion. We've got to step up security on Chase," Horatio said.

"I will, but secretly. I don't want to rattle them any more than they already are," Sebastian said.

On Sunday morning, Matt sat on his bed, his head in his hands, and said to Daniel, "This isn't happening!"

Daniel's eyes were misty and red, "I'm sorry, I ... they just told me last night..."

"How long do you have before you move?" Matt asked, wiping his eyes.

"Two weeks," Daniel said, and felt the boy's arms closing around him.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you," Matt said, shaking with the tears he was trying to hold at bay.

Daniel's mind was filled with dark despair, but he tried to smile. "We've got two weeks, and it's summer, so we've got time."

"It's not enough!" Matt complained. "It won't be enough!"

"Well, let's make the most of it," Daniel said. "You want to go swimming?"

William and Chase went to the Best Buy on Sunday after they got up and moving. Sarah agreed to watch Alex while they went to buy and deliver the computers. While they were in the store, William called Robbie.

"Hey, buddy, Chase and I were going to run those computers up the Walter Reed in a little bit. Want to ride with us?"

"I would," Robbie laughed, "but I'm already there..."

"We'll see you in a bit, then," William laughed. They quickly picked up some pre-setup Netbooks and went through the line. Then they hit the road.

Daniel slipped out of the water and sat on the bank, his feet splashing while he watched Matt's glistening body glide through the water. "I don't think I can do it," he said out loud to himself. What are you going to do, run away and stay until your parents move? Get real!' As Matt swam laps to burn off the tension he was feeling, the boy simply stared at that beautiful ass wrapped in blue speedo. "I'd give up everything to be with him! I don't have a home except for the one I've found here." Daniel said, continuing to talk to himself. His critical mind responded differently to that. What would you be giving up to stay? Parents who don't particularly like you, and who would hate you if they knew you!' "But Matt might hate me!" `He wouldn't hate you. He just doesn't want you like you want him... He still loves you like a friend!' And Daniel made up his mind not to leave, no matter what.

When Matt surfaced near him, it shattered his reverie, and his eyes again cut to the boy's beautiful, lithe muscles. "Matt, what if I... Never mind."

"What?" Matt asked, turning to consider him seriously.

"I want to stay. What if I ... did?"

"What?" Matt asked, a look of confusion etched in his face.

"I ... my parents are terrible to me. They don't love me. If they ever... They'd hate me, and I just ... I NEED to stay here, with you and Chase and they guys!" the boy said, babbling until Matt grabbed him and hugged him, bare chest to bare chest. "I'm going to stay," he whispered.

Matt said, "I ... that sounds dangerous and you'll get in so much trouble if you try!"

"I'm going to stay," Daniel whispered.

"I know some people who can help," Matt said, softly, patting the back of the boy's head as he held him and feeling guilty for being relieved.

William and Chase walked into Jake and Brandon's room carrying the three small boxes and found Jake by himself. "Love birds are taking a walk," he said when he saw who it was.

"Hey, Jake! This is my boyfriend, Chase!"

"Hey, it's good to see guys like us can date out of our league," Jake said to William with a wink. "Nice to meet you!"

"You didn't say he was a charmer," Chase smiled. "Nice to meet you, Jake..."

"So, what are you guys doing back so soon?" Jake asked.

"Well, my buddy Robbie is starting work soon, so he won't be able to spend his days here. So, I brought a computer so they can see each other whenever!" William said.

"Cool! That's really nice of you guys!"

"Now that you mention it, we did have something else," Chase said, hopping up on the bed next to the man, facing him and setting two boxes on the table. "You seemed kind of bored too!" Chase added with a big smile.

Jake smiled at the enthusiastic boy and said, "I couldn't accept..."

"You can and I hope you will," William said. "Let us spend a little on you?"

"You could even start some online classes while you're here," Chase suggested.

"I don't know," Jake said.

"Do your parents have a computer?" William asked. "Since they can't visit, you could see them online this way!"

"My mom and dad can't afford a computer," Jake shook his head.

"Well, on the off chance, we bought two, so you can send one to them as a gift. If you'll just address the label, they could have it and be ready to see you by Wednesday," Chase said, putting the mailing label in front of him.

The man shook his head and took the pen to write out the address. "I don't know what to say," Jake said, a little choked up.

"Say hi to your mom for us," Chase said, grabbing his hand and squeezing. "Face-to-face!"

"I know I'd give anything to be able to do that," William said, wrapping an arm around Chase's shoulder.

"Plus," Chase wagged his eyebrows, "if you get really bored, you can Skype with me!"

Jake laughed. "You are too cute ... for a guy, anyways!"

"Hand me the cards," Chase said. "I'll deal!"

"You'd better be sure to cut, Jake... Otherwise, he'll win for sure!"

William went around the other side of the bed and the three of them played cards and talked, Chase regaling him with hysterical stories, or at least hysterically told stories. A nurse showed up a little later and said, "I didn't realize you had visitors. I can come back later."

"That would be great," he said with a smile.

"Or you could leave that here with me and I could take care of it," Chase said, pointing at the water bucket and sponge. The woman rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Chase, no offense, but that woman's sponge baths are the highlight of my days," Jake said, before the nurse was out of earshot.

"Believe me when I say, pun fully intended, you wouldn't see straight for a week," Chase smiled sweetly, winking. "If William would let me, that is!"

Jake blushed, and William laughed. "Don't worry, Jake! He talks like a sex-barracuda, but he is strictly a one man show!"

Jake laughed and said, "It wouldn't be so bad, but he just doesn't LOOK like that shit should be coming out of his mouth!"

William nodded somberly. "Face like an angel, tongue like a sorostitute! In every way," he added with a wink.

A few minutes later, Robbie wheeled Brandon in. "Hey, guys!" Brandon said with a smile that was taxing some long-atrophied muscles in his face. "What's this?" he said, picking up the box off his bed.

"Your new computer," William said. "So you and your boy can stay in touch, even when he's busy at work..."

Brandon's face lit up. "Web-cam! Cool!" He shook his head and said, "I already owe you so much, for helping get me and Robbie back in touch."

"Just work on getting better and get out of here," William said. "And no naughty shows on the Skype, Robbie. This is an Army network..."

"Oh yeah! I didn't think of that," the young man said with a blush.

"You knew they were doing this?" Brandon asked.

"It was their idea, their surprise," he said, holding his hands up.

Monday morning, Chase was trying to dress Alex and found that most of his clothes were getting too small, so he did his best and took the baby downstairs.

"What is my grandson wearing?" Sarah asked, as she came out and got her bag for work. "That outfit doesn't match!"

"He's growing so fast! We need to go shopping!"

"Why don't you and I go shopping after work? We can go down to the mall and visit a few shops!"

"Sounds fun!" Chase said, kissing her cheek. "Love you, mom!"

Sarah stopped and put her hands on his shoulders. "I love you, too! I am SO proud of you, Chase!"

"So, you really think Sebastian and his friends could help me disappear and get away from my parents?" Daniel asked, laying on his belly on Matt's bed.

"I know he can! He's done it before! I'll call him tomorrow," Matt said as he sat by the bed, his face a few inches from Daniels as they played video games. "We'll get this figured out!"

"Do you want to go shopping with us?" Chase asked. "We're going when mom get's home!"

"If you want me to, I will, but you should spend some time alone with your mom," William said.

"I know," Chase smiled. "I just didn't want you to feel left out!"

"You're so sweet!" William said. "I love you." Chase eased into his lap and made out with him for a little bit until Alex woke up and they laid on the bed and played with him for a while.

After Sarah got home, she changed and she and Chase went out. William watched television with Steve and got a report on the new guys. Dave and Charlotte were away for the week, so Billy and Josh were picking up the slack.

"Sir? Chase and his mother just left alone with the baby!"

"Excellent," Abraxos said. "It's time. Any idea where they are going?"

"It looks like the mall, sir!"

Abraxos pulled up a mall map and considered it carefully. "Get a couple of agents into the Carter's store."

"How do you know they'll go there?" the man asked.

"They're going shopping with grandma," Abraxos sighed. "It doesn't matter where else they are going, they'll go to the baby store..."

"Yes, sir!"

Abraxos sat back in his seat and smiled. Soon, now. Soon.

Thanks to MB, Tarton, Kevin and Terry.

Next: Chapter 30: A Light in the Darkness II 15

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