A Life So Changed

By Bobby

Published on Jul 25, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely fortuitous. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you please leave now. The author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at brokendreamboi@yahoo.com with you comments.

A Life So Changed 12

I was...no where. This place was so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it yet. My surroundings were completely white. The only thing in this...place was me, white, and a low-lying layer of fog. There were no people, no cars, no buildings, no streets. It seemed like there was no life at all except for me.

"Kevin," a voice said. I turned around quickly to see who it was, but no one stood behind me. I kept looking around, but nothing. Then it hit me.

"Miranda," I said calmly.

"Kevin Scavo," I turned around once more and there she stood. The woman that wore an elegant white dress with her glowing red-orange hair and her ruby eyes outlined with tanned skin. "You have grown in many ways since we last spoke."

"Um, I guess so." I said meekly. "Why am I here?"

"So I can tell you that you have passed, Kevin. The tries of your life have been exercised and you have successfully gone through them."

"Great! But what does that mean?"

"It means that your life has changed." she said eloquently. "I see that you have met your father."

"Well, I guess I did. It shocked the hell out of me. But why have I just met him? Why hasn't he tried to find me earlier?" I asked sadly, almost in anger.

"Those are questions I cannot answer. You must ask him yourself." she said strictly.

"Fine, but I don't want to do it that soon. I mean, I'm still trying to convince myself he is my dad."

"Yes, it will take time, but you are in for quite a surprise soon. Now, however, the one who loves you is waiting. I will hold you up no longer." Miranda said warmly. "When I disappear, you will awaken."

"Miranda," I shouted before she disappeared completely. "Thanks," I saw a smile across her face and just like that...my eyes opened. I was lying in a hospital bed with an IV running through my arm. No one was in my room which pissed me off.

"Um, excuse me, I'm here to see Kevin Scavo. Apparently he was beat up, and I'm not sure what-" I heard someone say worriedly. The voice sounded familiar, but I can't think clearly at the moment.

"He's currently being checked up by a doctor for possible surgery. If you'd like to wait-" a nurse interrupted him. Then he interrupted her.

"Can I at least poke my head in? I'm his brother." he said.

"I'm sorry, but you can't. You can take a seat there and I can bring the doctor out in a moment." she said.

"I don't want to sit," he said impatiently, "I want to see my brother!"

"Do not raise your voice, sir. I will not hesitate to call security."

"Call security! In fact, call the damn doctor as well!"

"That's it," she said. I'm guessing she pushed a panic button as security suddenly came walking hastily down the hall. I saw the two guards try and grab someone, but obviously it wasn't working.

"No! I want to see my damn brother, now!" he shouted.

A doctor suddenly came running past my door and to the scene that was unfolding in the small waiting room. "What is going on here?"

"I'm sorry, doctor, but this young man was forcefully trying to see a patient." the nurse said.

"I'm not forcefully doing shit! I just want to see my brother!"

"Release him," the doctor said.

"But sir, he was trying to-"

"This is not up for discussion." he said. "Now, where is...wait a minute. I know you from somewhere..."

"Doctor Ron," the boy said.

"Ah, yes, Kevin's bo...friend! I knew I knew him from somewhere too!"

"That's great, Ron! But can I see him now?"

"Absolutely, but he's drugged right now so don't expect much." Ron explained. A few seconds later Jared was walking into my room.

It took him a little bit to finally stand next to me. Obviously he was having a hard time seeing me like this, but I don't even know what I look like so I can't blame him for now. I'm guessing I was beat up pretty good considering I feel like I got hit by a truck.

"Kevin," Jared said softly, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you." Tears were falling from his eyes. I can't believe he's apologizing for something he had no control over. But to say this touched me would be understating it.

Doctor Ron was right; I was really drugged. I couldn't talk no matter how hard I tried. The only thing that came out of my mouth was a grunt instead words. I was barely able to grab Jared's hand and lightly squeezed it. He flashed me a smile then pulled a chair up next to my bed. A hand began to rub my hair which I turn immediately put me to sleep.

"Good morning," I said hoarsely. The sun shone brightly in my room right onto the person I just spoke to so I couldn't really tell who it was.

"Good morning in deed,"

"Oh, Doctor Ron, I thought you were Jared." I said, trying to clear my throat.

"Here," he handed me a cup of ice chips and I began sucking on a couple. "Better?"

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

"Jared said he had to go and do something and he'd be back soon." Ron said. He was taking my vitals and other stats.

"So, how bad am I?" I asked. I still hadn't seen anything wrong with me nor have I felt much pain. Then again, all the morphine they keep giving me was dulling the pain. Ron went to the bathroom and brought back out a small mirror. I gasped as I saw my reflection. There were scratches and scars scattered across my face as well as a bruise or two. "I've seen worse still." Ron didn't say anything, but slowly pulled down the blanket that I had up to my shoulders and then lifted my gown up. Thank God I was in my briefs otherwise I would have been mortified as hell. But what mortified me even more than being mostly naked in front of someone I really didn't know was the blackish bruise covering my left side and my abdomen.

"I'm back," Jared said, walking in the room. Ron quickly covered me back up and finished taking my stats. "I brought you some breakfast. And you too, Ron."

"Ah, thanks. I haven't had anything to eat since last night." Ron said. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You can show him what happened." He walked out of the room leaving me wondering whether or not I should show Jared; he would flip out and see murder.

"What was that about?" Jared asked as he sat in his chair next to my bed. He pushed the rolling table in front of me and opened the box of donuts. Alls he had was a cup of coffee.

"Nothing," I said as I took a bite of my first donut. "He was just telling me about my recovery."

"Oh, please!" Jared suddenly said a bit harshly. "Kevin I've known you long enough to know when something is wrong. Now, what did he tell you?"

I couldn't tell him, I didn't have the courage. Instead, I pulled the covers down from my shoulders and lifted my gown; that's when I heard a familiar gasp. And something else.

"I didn't want to show you this." I almost whispered. He walked out of my room and got a custodian to mop up the coffee he dropped. The custodian cleaned it all up then left. Jared hadn't said anything this entire time. But he was probably waiting for the janitor to leave.

"They did that to you,"


"Kevin I am so sorry I wasn't able to protect you." Jared said, his voice cracking.

"You didn't have anything to do with this, babe." I tried reassuring him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into me. He was now crying openly.

"I knew you weren't staying with a friend, but I let you stay out because I wanted you to figure things out in your life. If I didn't let you do that you would have been all right." he cried, clutching at me tightly.

I gasped in pain. "Babe not so tight."


"Jared it really isn't your fault. And I'm sorry I lied to you, but I did have time to think about things. Before I was leaving the house I thought about you and I was gonna go home, to you. I...love you, Jared." That's the first time I've said that with such ease since before we broke up.

"I love you, too, so much." he sighed, puling away from me. "Did you drink?"

"Um, yeah, I did. But at first I only drank beer, but then I...talked to someone and that talk drilled into me and I had to drown out the pain. But that's the first time I drank like that since we first got together, I swear!"

"Okay, I believe you. But what kind of talk was this? With who?" he asked. He wiped away his tears then sat in his chair.

"You're gonna love this," I said with a hint of sarcasm. "I have a dad."

"Of course you do. But what does that have to do with anything?" he asked, bewildered.

"No, Jared, I have a dad. I'm...adopted I guess."

"Oh, I see," he said. "So, you met your real dad? How was he? How'd you meet him?"

"He seems all right. Last night he took me to a diner and we talked. When he told me that he's my dad I kind of just ran away. But I first met him the night I went to your house. Him and his partner found me walking and they started asking questions. He started acting kind of weird around me and then they said they'd let me go."

"Well, good. Are you going to see him again?"

"I have no idea. I'm not to sure about it though. I mean it's not everyday that you learn you're adopted."

"That's true,"

We continued talking about everything for the next hour. Doctor Ron came in eventually and told me that I have another visitor. I agreed to let them see me, but I had no idea who it was.

The boy walked in and a wave of fear suddenly coursed through my body. The heart monitor began beeping faster. Jared noticed the look on my face and took a hint. Before the boy could say anything Jared jumped up from his chair and tackled the kid to the ground, hitting him as accurately as he could in the gut. Security flooded into the doorway tying to pry him from the boy. Jared let him go and stood up trying to get him some more, but security was holding him back roughly.

"I want him locked up!" Jared shouted.

"Jared, you're going to have to calm down." Ron said. Security took the boy into the waiting room where Ron followed them. Jared was detained in my room to my bed. Ron came back in and said that Jared only got two hits in and that he'd be okay. Of course, Jared had to be frank and speak his mind.

"I don't care if he's not okay. He's one of the people that did this to Kevin."

"Is this true?" Ron turned his attention to me.

"Well, before I was attacked he talked to me and he seemed like he was pretty cool. I'm not sure if he helped or not though." I said nervously.

The boy walked in and Jared stood up, but I grabbed his arm. He looked at me curiously and sat down. The boy looked at me with sincerity which confused the hell out of me. If he beat me up why was he giving me that look of...pity?

"Why the hell did you do this to him?" Jared asked viciously. And that's when I saw it. The murderous look in Jared's eyes was clearly visible.

The boy actually winced at hearing the venom in Jared's voice. "I didn't do this to him. I had no part in it."

"If you expect me to believe that then you are the world's craziest son of a-"

"He's not lying," I said calmly.

"What? How do you know? They blind-sided you." Jared argued.

"I just know,"

"Well, you're right. I tried to get them to stop, but they wouldn't. I am so sorry this happened." the boy said.

"Whatever," I said curtly.

"You know, we talked last night, but we never actually learned each others' names." he said. "I'm Tim."

"Kevin," I said. "This bundle of joy is my boyfriend, Jared."

"I swear I had nothing to do with this. If you still don't believe me..." Tim turned around and lifted his shirt up, exposing red marks across his back. "Like I said, I tried to get them to stop."

"I'm sorry then. I didn't know. The look on Kevin's face was enough to tip me off so I just assumed. I didn't get you too good did I?" Jared said sincerely.

"Not really, but I know you got two good hits in." Tim walked to Jared and shook his hand.

We started talking like we'd known each other forever. He really was a nice guy, and cute at that, but who cares? I have the best boyfriend in the whole wide world. After a while, Tim said he had to leave. He gave me his number so that we could keep in touch. As he was leaving, Doctor Ron came in and said I had another visitor. This surprised me more than the first time he had told me this. I knew it couldn't have been Tim again nor my parents, but I had no idea who else.

"Hi, Kevin,"

"Oh, crap," I said under my breath.

"Can I come in?"

"Um, sure,"

"How are you?"

"I've been worse,"

"Excuse me, who are you?" Jared asked.


"He's my dad," I said uneasily.

"Oh," Jared said.

"This is Jared, my boyfriend."

"It's nice to meet you, Jared." Rick said. "I'm Rick. Would you mind if we spoke alone, Kevin? I need to take a statement."

"Sure," I said, turning to Jared. "You don't mind, do you?"

"No, no, not at all. I'll go get you something to eat." Jared said. He kissed my forehead then walked out.

"He seems really nice," Rick started. He then began asking me a series of questions about my attack. I told him that I knew nothing. They were fast and vicious workers so I didn't really see anything but feet. "Well, that should help out a little bit."

"Is that all?" I asked quickly. Tears were streaming down my face at having to remember the events of last night.

"Yeah," he stood up and started walking away.

"Wait," I said. "Can we just talk?"


"Yeah, but a short, easy talk. I'm not sure if I'm ready for anything more."

"Yeah, babe, it was great! We talked about his job and me and...and...a whole bunch of other stuff! Oh, it was great!" I said excitedly.

Jared let out a small laugh. "That's awesome, babe!"

"He asked me if we could start getting to know each other. That'd be okay, right?"

"Of course! I want you to spend time with your dad." Jared said happily. "I'm glad you found him."

"Me too," I giggled. "At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to even see him, but now I can't wait for him to visit me again. He said he's going to try to see me daily, but he can't make any promises because of his work."

"That is great, Kevin." Jared said, almost sadly.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing...it's just...since you met your dad and all does this mean you won't be staying with me anymore?"

"No, no, honey, no. It is way too early to be thinking about moving in with him. I'm just now getting used to seeing him and talking to him. Even when it isn't too early, what makes you think I'd wanna move out?" I asked, looking at him with seriousness.

"He's your dad and all so I just figured..." he sighed.

"The only time I'll ever even think about moving out is if you tell me to. Even then, I don't think I could manage that." I smiled. He took my hand in his and squeezed it gently.

"I'd never want you to move out." he said.

"Hey, what's that?" I asked him, referring to the enveloped on the small dresser next to my bed. I saw him set it there when he came back from getting me food, but I totally forgot about it.

"Oh, it's a...um...letter for you. I wrote it today; well, I started writing it the last day of school before our break, but I haven't been able to finish it until now. I actually finished it in the cafeteria. I hope you like it." he said nervously, handing me the envelope.

"Dear Kevin, before we met I was so scared of my feelings. I've heard about the kind of harassment that gays have to go through and how they are basically outcasts. I was so scared to accept myself. But then I met you and all that fear just disappeared. Go figure that we met in the bathroom. What kind of place is that to meet the love of your life? haha. I don't think I'm gonna finish this letter today because I have so much to write you, but hopefully I will finish it during or after our break. Here's a preview of what's to come: I love you so much, Kevin." I read aloud.

"What do you think so far?" he asked, biting his bottom lip.

"What do I think?" I said strongly. "I think I love it. But to be honest with you I've already read this part." Jared looked at me curiously. "The first morning back when I was getting our backpacks yours was unzipped and I saw the letter."

"So, that's why you were crying." he said victoriously.

"Yep," I said. I continued to read the letter out loud. "Since we first got together I have been so happy. Putting my feelings on paper isn't something I'm too good at so bear with me here. That time we went to the beach was the best day of my life. I had so much fun. I still have that picture that my mom took of us and I always look at it. And then when my dad flew us in his plane. That was a day I will never ever forget either. When you started to slip into your habits I was so scared and worried that I'd lose you, and sure enough I did. When you were out wandering the streets I was probably moping around the house. I was so out of it you don't even know. That one night when I had to come and get you I was so worried about you. Later when you told me about everything you've done, especially with that Mark guy, well, it broke my heart. But now that we're back together I feel so happy and complete again. Just promise me that you will not doing anything like that ever again. I know that I was a little over controlling and too strict, but I don't know if I can survive another heart break. One last thing, if I've forgotten about anything I'm sorry, but a lot has happened so forgive me, please. I love you so much, Kevin." By the time I finished I was crying. Every single word stuck to me like flies on honey.

"Did you like it?" Jared asked bashfully. He was red and couldn't look me in the eye. I couldn't really respond. My feelings were just brought back to life and I was overcome with emotion.

I reached out and turned his head so he'd look at me. "I love you so much, Jared. I swear I will never ever do anything stupid to you ever again!" He stood up and hugged me, crying fully. I could no longer hold it back; my crying turned frantic.

We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of. Some of us have fallen for the wrong man. Some have let go of the right woman. There are those who have humiliated their parents. And those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow.

Notice to readers: THERE IS ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to send your comments and/or criticism to the e-mail given at the top of every chapter or visit my group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shades_of_Wisteria/ and leave me a message there or you can do both. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 13

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