A Life Less Ordinary

By Josh Hiett

Published on Jul 30, 2007


Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal Enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, without the written permission of the author. This story is a work of fiction the characters in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names any resemblance to persons living or dead or places is purely coincidental, as in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author; at hiett.josh@gmail.com

this story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact and relationships between males. As such it is designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would offend you, please exit now otherwise I hope you enjoy this story and send me your comments.

Ah, well guys as summer has come so fast and my schedule has gotten busier my stories have taken a back burner sorry for such a delay in the writing of this chapter. *********************************************************************** The first week at Yale University was busy with Christian having been assigned as the new resident adviser of our dorm and having the meet all the new incoming freshmen. In our first week we can tell that the final year at Yale would be difficult. We had to meet with our thesis advisers, get our books, and supplies. Most nights we were to tired to do anything but sleep. But even sleep is good with the person you love in your arms.

It was now a weeks since Christian accepted my proposal and we became engaged. In that time we talked a lot and decided that we should marry over thanksgiving break and that his father should officiate the Ceremony. We decided Bobby and Christine would stand up for me and Conrad and Jessica could stand up for Chris. Chris and I would walk down the aisle together where we'd light an eternity candle and six white doves would be released as we left the church. Because of school we could not have our honeymoon but we would take a vacation over the summer.

Bobby came over to see us the following Monday. Bobby asked if Chris would consider being his boys other godparent and ask us to sign papers to that effect in the event something happened to him and Jessica. We were both very touched that they would give us their children in the event of there death or incapacitation. But we never thought it would happen.

We spent a lot of time in the weeks leading to thanksgiving studying helping the residence of the dorm watching little Bobby and Ryan for their parents and being together that thanksgiving came faster than expected. Mom was going to have a houseful for thanksgiving with our wedding being the Friday after an all our guests coming from Yale and our families. But sadly my father and Chris' mother was still holding out and would not be attending the wedding at least as a guest.

My mother had everyone over for thanksgiving it was a wonderful spread everything you'd expect mashed potatoes cranberry sauce sweet potatos, salad turkey and stuffing and apple and pumpkin pie and everyone was full.

The next day Christian and I rode to the church in a limo wearing identical white tuxedos with white roses in the lapels. This ceremony began and the procession was beautiful we took our vows, exchanged rings and we lit our eternity candle. At this point my father came and started to create a scène but our ushers quietly escorted him out. Every thing else went as planed even the doves were beautiful. My mom was crying and Chris' dad shook my hand and told me to take good care of his boy. It was a beautiful wedding.

As we returned to moms place for our reception I got the call that my father was at the hospital having a heart attack and wanted to see me. I did not want to go but Chris told me to go he told me I would never forgive myself if I didn't go and my father died. I'm glad to say I listened to him and went my father died that night but not before telling me that he loved me and as long as I'm happy he respected me and my choices he will never know how much that meant to me.

Bobby and Jessica had to return to Yale early to prepare for very difficult exams I had agreed to watch their boys and bring them back with Chris and I on Tuesday. Monday was My fathers funeral I asked Chris to stay home and watch the boys he of course wanted to be there with me but I told him I would have my family to lean on and the boys would be bored there so he gave in to me and stayed at home.

When I came home the boys were in bed and I could tell Chris had been crying.

"What's wrong Honey?" I asked.

"The Highway Patrol Called and told me that Bobby and Jessica were in a accident we were listed as next of kin in Bobby's wallet" Chris said Hugging me as he told me this. "Jason, They didn't make it, Sweetie"

"Oh my god, Do the boys know?" I asked, I could only think about the two boys that I loved and were now ours.

"They were in bed and I didn't want to wake them and I don't know how to tell them. How do you tell a five and six year old there parents are dead." Chris Cried on my shoulder. We had both come to love those boys and there parents. Bobby had been one of my best friends forever. "They want us to identify them as soon as we get back and we should call bobby's parents, Jessica's parents are deceased and she doesn't have any other family to notify"

We spent the rest of the evening packing and calling bobby's parents they thanked me and said they would do what they could to help with the funeral arraignments. We Called campus housing and notified them to find a replacement R.A. for our dorm and to find out if we could move into Bobby and Jessica's Family housing unit to keep things normal for the boys. The lady was sorry to lose a excellent R.A. in our building but told us that bobby was an R.A. in the family residence Building and wanted to know if we would be willing to take that position. We agreed and everything was set. We would be back at Yale that next evening and by Friday we would have our friends funeral and have to say goodbye.

On Wednesday we made an appointment at the campus medical center with a family counselor to help talk to the boys about there parents death and to tell them they would be living with us. With the nice woman the assigned us we managed to get the boys to understand the best a five and six year old can they were happy to be living with us there "Uncle Jason and Chris" but were of course sad the mom and dad were in heaven and they could not see them for a very long time.

Bobby's parents said they would do what they could to help with the boys they felt bad they could not take them as they were quite old and in poor health at 68 and 75 respectively two young to little boys would wear them out the and likely kill them, but they were living comfortably and wanted to set up a fund to help the boys with there education and any of there needs they felt bad we were stuck with all the boys financial burden I told them thanks and that they could help as much as they wanted but that we loved the boys and were quite comfortable and able to provide them with all the best, As we both had quite healthy trust funds. I didn't mention that Chris's was in dispute due to his mom. But mine had millions enough for all of us.

My mother came up for about three weeks after Bobby and Jessica's funerals to help watch the boys While we settled into our new lives of being newly weds, Parents, and Students at Yale. Mom was a big help with kids and I think she enjoyed it she seemed lonely being the only one in a big house with her husband gone and no one else there. She would be happy when we all came home for Christmas. She also said she planed to come out of retirement and return to her firm to practice law as a named partner they had to let her back, But she was one of the best so it wouldn't be an issue.

At Christmas My Brother brought out the sonograms and told us the news they were having twins. Twin Boys and the doc did some tests and it looked like identical twins. My husband got up and left the room just then and he had a sad face his sister my brothers wife was about o et up and go to him when I told her I'd take care of him. So she sat back down she was already showing quite a bit.

"What's Wrong, Honey?" I asked Holding Chris tightly.

"It's nothing... It's just I was a Twin I lost my brother when I was fifteen and he had a heart defect." Chris Said. "I never stop missing Caleb; it's like missing apart of you."

"I can't even imagine losing a twin I know id be devastated if I ever lost Conrad." I said as I held him Tight as I held Chris, Bobby and Ryan came and jumped into our arms, "Is papa Chris ok?" Ryan Asked

"Yeah, Squirt I Just miss my brother he is in heaven with your mom and dad and I miss him a lot." Chris Said Hugging Ryan.

"You Do?" Ryan and Bobby Both said "We miss mom and dad a lot too."

"I know, and it's ok to miss them" Chris said.

"It is? You don't care that we miss them I mean we love you and Papa Jason, But sometimes we really miss mom and dad." Said Bobby

"Of course it's ok" I said, "and You know what I miss your mom and dad a lot sometimes too." And I hugged them both tight "Ok lets go to bed so Santa can come"

"Yay, Santa!" The boys yelled.

and they all went to bed.And food to say no idea what they're

Well that is it for chapter 4. Please Tell Me What You Think, Questions, Comments, Even Flames Are Welcome Just Don't Correct my grammar I do my best and nothing is more annoying than getting a dozen emails telling me my stories are wonderful but my grammar sucks if you can tell my story is good you obviously were able to read it so it must not have been too terrible and I have read worse. Other corrections are ok but I'm not sure how to submit corrections to nifty and probably wont even bother trying, again you probably got the point anyway if you know it needs correcting and im aware in chapter 1 I gave the wrong location of Charleston, SC I said it was NC.com. I'll try to get chapter 5 up soon. If no idea

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