A Life Less Ordinary

By Josh Hiett

Published on May 29, 2007


Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal Enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, Without the written permission of the author. This story is a work of fiction The characters in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the Author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names any Resemblance to persons living or dead or places is purely coincidental, as in Real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author; at hiett.josh@gmail.com this story contains descriptions Of consensual sexual contact and relationships between males. As such it is Designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to Read such material, or if the subject matter would offend you, please exit now Otherwise I hope you enjoy this story and send me your comments.

A Life less Ordinary

Chapter 2 My First Summer with Christian

I woke up as the first rays of light came through the blinds I felt warm and comfortable, then I realized I wasn't alone I was in someone's strong warm arms careful not to wake them I turned over to face them It was Chris my angel sleeping so peacefully, holding him close I drifted back to sleep I had never felt so content my mind totally oblivious to the previous days events.

At 10 o'clock A.M I heard a knock at the door and a large body crashed on the end of the bed, it belonged to Conrad Jarring us awake. "Is the cute couple going to sleep all day?" Conrad Teased. " That was the plan." I gave back giving Chris a quick kiss and holding him close we were both still naked under the sheets and I was starting to feel a little self conscious with my brother in the room.

"Ok, Were up, want to give us a few minutes to get ready?" I said sarcastically.

"Fine, You no fun" Conrad answered. "Just don't take to long Christie's got breakfast ready"

"We'll be right there" I Said "Can we get ready now?"

"Ok, Fine I can take a hint I'm going." Conrad laughed.

One he was gone I turned to Chris a kissed him passionately on the lips holding him close. "If you start that we'll never get out there Jason" Chris Teased. "Come on Lets get cleaned up." Chris said, pulling me by the waist into the bathroom and kissing me again. Chris ran some hot water into the tub and put bubbles into the water than he guided me to the tub and stepped in behind me we sat down me leaning back against his chest. Chris took a rag and tenderly washed my neck and chest and abs being extra careful around my bruised abs. He washed my arms and hands slowly washing between each finger he reached down and washed my legs and feet and toes. I was tingling all over. And as he washed me he was kissing and licking my neck and ear lobe and blowing in my ear, it felt so good. I felt as loved as he hugged me to him. Then he washed my back and ass and went around to wash my balls and 7" hard cock I hadn't had someone wash my most intimate of places since I was a toddler and got bathed by the nanny or my mom. It felt weird but really good. Than he washed my medium long dishwater blond hair I felt his fingers massage my scalp and was in ecstasy I did not know anything could feel so good it was different than having it washed at a salon somehow better. As he rinsed my hair he leaned forward and kissed my closed eyelids it was so sensual. Then with me done I moved to wash him but he stopped me saying we had no time to do it properly and that this moment was for me. He very quickly washed himself off and dried us both.

We put on the terry cloth robes that hung in the bathroom and returned to my room. Someone had come in while we were in the tub to bring my clothes in from the main house. I Dressed in A Tight Blue sleeveless Tee shirt with a Blue Plaid Shirt over top, A pair of lightly torn Tight Diesel Blue Jeans and A pair of brown size ten Doc Martins. Then I pulled on my glasses because my eyes still felt dry and itchy from all the crying the night before and I didn't want my contacts to bother them. Chris put his Black Diesel Jeans back on and his Black Loafers but He Asked me to borrow a shirt remembering that his was full of our cum I gave him my favorite black shirt it had a white eagle across the chest with its wings spread and it made Chris look so sexy he had his brown hair in his face and all messy and on him it was so sexy.

Once we finished getting dressed, we went out to the kitchen to and met Christine and Conrad. "Well aren't you guys ever looking hot?" My Brother said Teasing. Conrad was wearing khaki cargo shorts and a short sleeve white collared shirt and brown leather sandals and a seashell bracelet, He had his arms around his new wife Christine who was wearing a soft pink airy beach dress and pink sandals with 2" heels. She had made an excellent breakfast with bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, waffles, Orange Juice and Coffee. We all ate like pigs and laughed and talked about nothing it was a great morning but it came to an end all to fast and it was time to take my brother and his wife to the airport to begin there honeymoon.

Chris and I Drove My brother and my best friend in my silver beamer to the airport and hugged and said goodbye and then watched as the plane took off.

Chris and I Drove around a little after that and went to the beach and walked barefoot in the sand hand in hand stopping every now and then to steal a kiss. We were so in love and not thinking about anything else being a bit reckless in public but at that moment neither of us seemed to care. That again would bite us squarely in the butt.

As it neared evening we headed home Chris had to pick up his car at my place and go home he would not be able to explain being out all night two nights in a row. So once at my house we kissed goodnight and I watched as he left for home.

When Chris got home that evening his father was waiting on the porch for him and told him to come over and sit down with him on the swing. Chris and his Father, James Christian Spencer an Episcopal Minister, Were always very close, but right now Chris was scared.

"You seem happy son?" Chris' Father said.

"Yeah." Said Chris

"So who is this boy that has made my son so happy?" His Father asked warmly

"Wh.. What" Chris Stuttered

"Come on son, I'm not stupid, I've Never known you to have a girl friend and I've never seen you so giddy, Am I wrong?" His Father asked plainly

Chris Looked at his feet "No, Sir you're not wrong" Chris said utterly defeated.

"So, who is he?" His Father said.

"His name is Jason" Chris answered still shaking.

"The Randall Boy?" His Father asked.

"Yes, Sir" Said Chris

"I'll Be Dammed" Said Hid Father "Doesn't He go to school with you? Did you guys meet there?"

"He goes to Yale, Sir, But We just met yesterday at the wedding, sir." Chris Answered.

"Well he's a good lad I've not met many finer then him, you pick well." Said his father to Chris' awe.

"You mean you don't hate me?" Chris asked tears rimming his eyes.

"Of Course not are you crazy you're my son, and I love you and even if you weren't Christ teaches us to love one another unconditionally, Have you ever heard me condemn anyone?" His Father said with Compassion.

"I guess not" Said Chris Hugging his father "Thank you for being there for me, I love you, dad.""

"I Love you too, Son" Said his father "There is Something we need to talk about, I'm afraid you mom is not taking this very well a friend of hers told her they saw you and some boy, I assume to be Jason making out on the beach this afternoon, She is kind of beside herself, I truly hope she comes around but you may find it uncomfortable around here for a while. I'll help you get an apartment if you want if it gets to be too much for you."

"Mom hates me?" Chris Asked.

"She doesn't hate you, she is just confused and very upset, she just needs some time that's all." His Father said sadly

With that they went into the house.

"Your not letting that little dirty fag in our house, are you dear?" Chris' mom said hatefully

Chris fell to his knees and started sobbing. "Dad I can go its ok I don't have to stay where I'm not wanted"

"Don't be absurd I am not throwing my only son out with out a place to stay." Said Chris is Dad seriously

"I have to make a phone call but I'm sure I cam stay with Jason His mom gave him the guest house." Said Chris Running up to his room.

Once there he called Jason and Jason said it would be fine for him to come stay with him. Jason actually sounded excited. Chris packed a duffle bag and his backpack and packed up his laptop and portable printer in the computer bag and went back down stairs He hugged his Father and gave him a piece of paper with the address and phone number on it and said with tears flowing down his face. "When Mom's ready to be a mother again have her call me." And He Walked out of the door.

He sat in his car crying for fifteen minutes until his cell phone rang. It was Jason calling to make sure Chris was alright.

By 8:30pm Chris pulled up the driveway and parked in the space next to my car by the guest house and came to the door I was waiting for him and flung open the door and took him in his arms he was obviously upset, I led him to my room and helped him put his Things away and brought him over to our bed to lie down I laid down next to him and held him as he sobbed, I Kissed His neck. " I'm Sorry about Your mom, but I'm glad you're here" I said and kissed him tenderly on the lips holding him close. We stayed like that along time and ended up drifting to sleep. I woke up at 11:30 pm To go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and went back to our room Chris was still sleeping on top the covers in all his clothes I quickly undressed for bed leaving only my briefs on and went to Chris to take off his clothes I removes his shoes and socks then carefully pulled my tee shirt off him, Then I went to his pants and was surprised to see he was not wearing any underwear I pulled off his pants and pulled the sheets up over him so he would not get cold and went around to my side of the bed slide off my briefs and slide under the covers and next to Chris holding him in my arms our legs tangled together as he moved into me as he continued sleeping. We slept cuddled together all night. I woke the next morning next to Chris. Chris lying on his back my head on his chest as I looked at him I fell in love all over again he slept with a smile on his face and as I looked at this glorious body beside me I noticed his morning wood and it called to me I could not help it I wanted him I kissed his chest and licked each nipple, Chris moaned in his sleep, as I licked down his hard abs to his 7 ½" cock as licked its head pre-cum dribbled out urging me on I took him into my mouth all the way to his neatly trimmed pubes, Chris Started to squirm and opened his eyes groggily and Said, " What a wonderful way to wake up, sweetie."

"I Couldn't Resist" I Mumbled Around his Cock. He put his hand on my head playing with my hair as I finished him off. He told me he was going to cum and I drank it all down it tasted so sweet and salty like honey. Chris pulled me back up to him, face to face.

"I Love You" He Said, "Thanks for letting me stay here"

"I want you here, I Love You" I Said in return and kissed him passionately.

When the Kiss Broke Chris asked, "Jason I want to feel you inside of me this time. Please, will you make love to me?"

I heart melted as I kissed him. "of course I'll do anything for you" I Said kissing my way down Chris' neck and chest raising his legs over my shoulders I licked his cock and worked down to his balls pausing to take first one then the other into my mouth then I continued to my prize and kissed his anus circling my tongue around his most sensitive of places as I pierced his sphincter with my tongue, he was rocking his hips wildly as I drove him crazy with pleasure. I added a finger to my ministrations and probed his depths tapping his prostate and making him further gyrate his hips as I added my second finger and wiggled them once inside loosening him up for my main event. He was begging me to put it inside him now "make love to me now I need you inside me I want us to be one" he said. He did not have to ask twice I reached the bedside drawer and removed a bottle of lube and carefully lubed my 7" cock and his hole. Then I lined up my head with his hole and pressed against it, it slid in like butter a perfect fit like we were made for each other he was tight enough to give me all the pleasure I could want and loose enough for it not to hurt him. We were in ecstasy. I asked him if he had been fucked before because he was so good, He said no but he had stolen a dildo from his sisters bachelorette Party/Shower a few months ago and had used it while masturbating, and he said it was just about my size. I teased him saying that even then he was preparing for me. He had trouble laughing though his moans as he was getting close and so was I. I kissed him passionately and held him close to my body as I pounded into him as I came inside him he gripped my cock so tightly with his ass, as he came on us and Held me so tight we felt like one entity. I pulled out and licked up Chris' cum from his chest and abs and worked around his navel before coming to a rest next to my boy taking him in my arms and dozing together for a few minutes.

We kissed and made out most of the morning we were just enjoying out love. We were interrupted at 10 am when the door bell rang. We got up and I grabbed the terry cloth robes from the bathroom threw one to Christian. We went to the door with trepidation I opened the door, It was my mother and molly one of the upstairs maids. Mom looked surprised to see I wasn't alone but recovered quickly.

"Jason, I Thought I would take you to breakfast and let Molly work on this place while we were out, but I see you have company" she said raising one eyebrow.

"You Know Christian" I Said

"Of Course" Mom replied with interest clearly wondering why this boy and here son were hardly dressed.

"His mom is being bit like dad so I've invited him to stay with me for a while."

"I See" Said Mom Darkly Ever the protective mom. " Well it's good you could be there for your friend."

"Mom, He's more to me than just a friend, I guess you have a right to know, He was who dad saw me with." I said a little sadly at the mention of my dad Chris heard the sadness in my voice and put his arms around me from behind.

"Oh I See," My Mom Said "Well at least you found someone to love and that's the most important thing." She Smiled "So how about you boys go get dressed and I'll take you both out to breakfast to celebrate my boys found himself someone."

"Ok, Mom Great" I said and Chris and I ran and got dressed.

Our first summer together was beautiful together we hardly spent any time apart having lunch or breakfast with my mom or Chris' dad sometimes both of them. We went out with my brother and Chris' sister several times that summer once they were back from Italy they stayed with us for a week and a half till they found a place a few weeks later we learned we're going to be uncles we had a party to celebrate and we spent plenty of time alone that summer to going to the park the fair and movies. Not to mention spending plenty of time together alone at home in bed, not that we were sleeping... All too soon our summer was coming to an end it would soon be time to return to school again.

At least we both went to Yale, and we arranged to live together in the dorms. Of course it would not be as nice as the guest house and we had not decided if we were ready to be and openly gay couple on campus. We talked about it but we weren't sure Yale is a long way from home and any of our allies we were afraid of our friends' reactions so we decided to play it by ear and take it slow till it felt right. And then our last free weekend at home came Monday we would be at Yale.


Well that is it for chapter 2. Please Tell Me What You Think, Questions, Comments, Even Flames Are Welcome hiett.josh@gmail.com. I'll try to get chapter 3 up soon with in a week or two.

Next: Chapter 3

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