A Lesson With Mark and Victoria

By gay b

Published on May 31, 2013



A Lesson With Mark and Victoria

***if you like the story, send me an email. id love to hear from you


I shut the car door gently and stood in his garage. He got out of the drivers seat and and grabbed my bag from the back. Looking at my pink Vera Bradley duffle, he smiled at me. "This is cute, don't let my wife see it when we go inside, she'll get jealous."

I was confused. His wife? I thought I was coming over here to dress and begin my training. How would we have any privacy with his wife around? He couldn't be stupid enough to bring me here while she was home. He must have noticed my look of confusion.

"Don't worry, she knows all about my little hobby. She's turned on by it, in fact. I think she likes getting all dolled up and playing dressup with the girlyboys I bring over." He crossed the garage and opened the door for me to enter the house. I walked in to a beautiful kitchen, and an even more beautiful woman in front of the stove. She had dark hair and was perfectly thick. She was taking something out of the oven. She turned around as he shut the door behind me, and her face lit up as her eyes scanned my features. She rushed over and kissed her husband deeply. His hands went to her hips and her foot curled into the air. Mark broke the kiss and motioned to me.

"Victoria, this is Stephen, the boi I was telling you about. Hes going to be staying with us for the weekend while we begin his training."

She kissed me once on each cheek and shook my hand gently. She looked delighted. She ran her hand down my cheek and brushed my long hair out of my eyes. "He's adorable, Mark. Very pretty." And then she turned me, giddy as a young girl, she took my hand and held it tightly like we were best friends. "Marks been telling me all about you! You're just as cute and he described, and you'll be so pretty once we get all dolled up together. We're going to have so much fun!"

Mark smiled and kissed her on the forhead, then went to serve himself some of the casserole she had just finished. He sat down at the table and began eating. "Do you ladies want to have some time alone together to get aquainted? Im going to sit down to for a little and relax." He pulled the paper from his briefcase and spread it onto the table before him, paging to the stocks.

"Okay, baby, you relax. We'll be upstairs chatting." She took my hand and lead me through the dining room, into a large sitting room, and up the staircase. As we began climbing, I couldn't help but notice her creamy thighs moving under that dress. She held my hand the whole time as she led me down the hall and to an odd bedroom. It had lots of pink and frills. A large pink playmat sat in the middle of the room with soft pillows and blankets all over it. There was a large dresser in one corner, and a very comfortable looking canopy bed in the other. Against the wall was a large mirror with lights lining the outside. On the desk in front of it were all kinds of makeup containers, sprays, hair ties, cute little jewelry, and everything else a girl would need to beautify herself. Victoria noticed me looking around at everything.

"Do you like it?" she asked me. "This will be your room while you're here for the weekend. Its our guest bedroom... and playroom." With that she sat down in front of the makeup table and motioned for me to sit in the chair across from her. She was very pretty. I couldn't help but stare.

"Shall we get started?" she asked enthusiastically. "Lets get you out of those boyclothes, they're no fun! We'll find something really cute for you to wear." She was obviously enjoying this very much. Her warmth and femininity were emanating from her, and I was beginning to soak it in. "Arms up!" she said. I raised my arms into the air, and she grabbed my sweatshirt, pulling it up over my head. She threw it on the floor casually and looked at my hairless body. "Aww, babe, you're already nice and smooth!" she was running her hand over my chest, down to my stomach, biting her lip.

"I shaved before I came over, I figured mark would like me better that way." I confessed to her.

"Well you did a good job," she said happily. "Smooth and soft." Her hands trailed down my stomach to my belt, which she gently unbuckled. She undid my button and let my jeans fall to my ankles. I was in my underwear in front of a beautiful woman. I couldn't help but get a little hard. She noticed and smiled at me playfully. "You like girls, too? I think that's sexy. Id love to get you warmed up before Mark gets his hands on that cute little ass." She giggled, smacking my ass through my boxerbriefs. "Mmm, look at that booty!" she hooked her thumbs in my briefs and pulled them to the floor, letting my cock spring free. I was standing in front of her while she sat in the chair, so it was right in her face. She actually looked eagerly at it. Suddenly she took it in her hand and stood up. Her other hand grabbed my ass and she pulled me close to her, stroking my dick. She bit her lip and she kneaded my ass and looked into my eyes. "You're very cute, Stephen. Or should we say... Stephanie? That's a very pretty naeme for a very pretty girl." And she kissed my neck. Her finger was trailing closer and closer to the crack of my bottom, and she was still stroking my member. She nibbled my ear as she pressed a finger against my boipussy. I moaned softly, and put my arms around her neck. "That's right baby," she whispered, "be a good girl for me until daddy joins us."

I melted into her arms. She was a bit taller than me in her black heels. I was hers. Her finger circled my boipussy slowly as she slid her tongue into my mouth. I kissed back and held her tight against me . Her other hand went to my ass and she spread it for a moment. I puckered my boipussy against the cold air. She began circling it with her finger again before she gently slipped it inside me. I moaned uncontrollably. "Theres my good girl," she said to me, smiling. "Do you want more?"

I nodded eagerly and she giggled, pulling away from me. She walked over to the dresser and rummaged in the drawers for a minute. Eventually she pulled out a dildo with straps attached around it, smiling. She came back over to me and held it to me.

"A strapon?" I asked. Are you going to fuck me?" She smiled at me, touching her finger to the tip of my nose. "No, honey, this is for you. I'll show you how it works. Go to the edge of the bed and bend over." As I turned to walk towards the canopy bed, she slapped my ass again. "Mmm, love it!" she smirked to herself. She followed me to the bed, where I bent over the edge. It was high enough that I could set my hips on it and it pushed my bottom up into the air. She smacked it again. "Its starting to get rosey red, honey. Its adorable."

"I think I need a good spanking, I've been pretty naughty." I told her, looking back over my shoulder.

She kissed me on the head. "All naughty girls need a hard spanking, Stephanie. But we'll wait for daddy to give it to you. Okay, baby?"

"Okay," I said to her, biting my lip. I couldn't wait.

"So! Let me show you how this works. This is a wonderful toy that we'll slip inside you, and then these straps come up around your hips to keep it in. You can walk and dance and play, and it wont fall out, no matter how tight you are." She explained this as she lubed the toy up. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was big. Much bigger than my own cock. It was pink and glittery, and dripping with lube.

"Ready, honey?" she asked me. "Just relax." I nodded, and felt her gently rubbing the head of the toy around my boicunt. She was teasing me and I was getting horny. She slipped the head inside of me and slowly pulled it back out again. I moaned. I wanted it all. I felt her hand on my ass as she spread me and pushed it against my hole. It slowly slid into me, filling me up perfectly. It was actually warm. It was very big and I was struggling to take it in my ass. "Just relax, baby, try not to clench for me," she said softly, rubbing my hips.

"It's so big, I don't know if I can take it!" I gasped.

"Relax, babygirl, just a few more inches. We have to get you ready for Mark." She pulled the toy back out of me completely and I couldn't believe how empty I felt. I looked over my shoulder at her, pouting.

"Aww, baby, do you want it back?" she teased. I nodded my head.

"Tell me," she ordered.

"I want it back!" I said. I sounded like a bratty little girl.

"What do you want back, sweetie?" she asked, slapping it against my boicunt.

"My toy, I want it back!"

"Manners, baby. Ask nicely or you'll get a spanking." She told me authoritatively.

"Can I have my toy back please?" I asked her sincerely, making puppy dog eyes. "I like it very much and want to play with it some more."

She smiled at me, kissing my head once again. "Since you asked nicely, you can have it back." I felt it touch against my hole again. This time she pushed it gently and wasn't stopping. I could feel the head pushing deep into my asshole, sliding against my prostate. I had never felt anything like it before. I screamed with pleasure.

"Is that hitting your little prostate, baby?" she asked, gently twisting the toy inside me.

I struggled to give her a nod, to which she responded by smiling wickedly. She slid the toy back out of me until only the head was inside me. "Ask for it again," she commanded.

"Please keep it in me!" I begged her. "I need it!"

She slid it back into me fully, and back out again. She fucked me deeply and slowly with it. I melted into the bed, being filled fully and perfectly. I moaned as she pushed it into me one last time and slapped my ass, hard. The slap made my sphincter flex against the toy and I yelped.

"Such a naughty girl," she said behind me, grabbing my ankle. She lifted it and slipped one of the straps up my thigh. She did the same thing with the other leg, then pulled the straps over my hips. The dildo was snug in my ass, the straps holding it in place. She tightened them by the clasps on each one and it slid into me as tight as it could, the fleshy balls resting against my ass. The straps were pink with lace. They were sitting over my hips like a cute pair of panties. She spanked me one more time.

"All done! Hows that?" she grabbed my hand and pulled me from the bed to a standing position. The quick movement made the giant toy shift inside my ass. I could barely stand up straight. It was so deep inside me. She walked back to the dresser, putting the lube in the drawer and pulling out another device. It was a chastity belt. She looked at me devilishly, struggling with the dildo in my ass. "Come here," she ordered.

I slowly waddled my way across the room, trying to adjust to the intruder inside me. With each step I took it scraped my prostate. I thought I might collapse from the pleasure. She watched me struggle to her, encouraging me that I could be a big girl and do it. I stood in front of her, naked, except for the dildo held into my ass by the frilly straps. She sat on the chair in front of me and showed me the chastity belt.

"I'm going to put this on your little clitty, because it doesn't need to get hard for you to come today. When I begin milking your prostate, and daddy fucks you, you will ooze come for us without being hard. That way you can have multiple orgasms like a real girl would. Doesn't that sound fun?"

I didn't understand how I would come if I wasn't hard, but she obviously didn't care. She removed the ring from the plastic cock shaped dome and situated it around my member. Next she threaded my balls to another ring that was attached to the first one. The cock shape dome came next, clipped onto the base with pins. It only allowed my little clitty to be completely soft, and nothing more. Lastly she took a small lock and clipped it into place, handing the key from her neck.

"There!" she said, delighted. "Now we'll be able to make that naughty clit come all night. How do you feel?"

"Naughty," I laughed to her, giggling. She stood up, taking my hand and leading me to the dresser. She moved slowly to let me get used to the toy inside me. "Now," she said, pulling out drawers. "what kind of outfit do you think youd like? We have lots of cute panties and lingerie, costumes, cheerleader, nurse, schoolgirl... or maybe some nylons? Do you want to go sexy or cute and cuddly?" she was genuinely interested. She looked at me, waiting for a response.

"Cute and cuddly," I told her. "I want to be a naughty little girl for daddy."

She beamed at me, digging through the drawers again. I heard her squeal with excitement as she pulled a particular dress from the rack. "How about a princess?" she asked excitedly. "We can make you into a pretty pink princess for your prince charming!"

I couldn't believe what was happening. Here I was, a thick toy in my ass, my boiclit locked away for milking, in front of a gorgeous housewive. She was going to dress me as a beautiful princess for her husband to come train as his boitoy while she helped. I felt so sexy and special. "That sounds perfect." I told her.

"Stephanie, the pretty pink princess. It does sound perfect." She pulled me in again and kissed me on the lips. "Isnt this fun?" she asked, as she turned back to the dresser. She was rummaging in the drawers again, saying "Panties for a princess, lets see, lets see... no, not enough frills. No... you need pink...Ah, perfect!" she pulled a pair of panties out and held them to me. They were baby pink with white lace trim around the waist and legs. Pink and white frills ran up the backside. They were adorable. I nodded to her and smiled eagerly She knelt down and held them by my ankles. I daintily lifted my foot to slip it through the leghole. The toy inside me shifted against my prostate and I moaned loudly. She giggled to herself. I lifted my other leg and the toy shifted the opposite direction. It felt like an orgasm constantly brewing deep inside me. She gently fell to her knees, sliding the panties over my thighs and onto my hips. She fussed with them for a minute, making sure all the lace was frilled out properly.

One of her hands ended up on my hip, and the other on my bottom. She held me tight there and kissed my belly softly. She fussed with my panties some more as she squeezed my ass and gently ran her tongue across my pantyline. She pulled them down ever so slightly and kissed each of my hipbones, leaving red lipstick prints there. She looked up at me then. She was beautiful, knelt before me. Holding my ass tight in her hands as she dominated my movement. I was entranced. She stood up and gently started sucking my nipple, still holding my ass tight. She kneaded it around the toy. I was a doll in her arms. Her tongue slid around my nipple and she bit it softly. She slapped my ass again as she broke the embrace. Turning back to the dresser, she pulled a lace garter belt out fastened it around my waist. "This will make sure your nylons stay up on your thighs nicely. See these little clips? We'll clip these onto your thigh-highs. Boys love garters, and I think theyre very sexy, too." She confessed, winking at me. She slid her slinky black dress up to show me her own garters, black lace. They were clipped to beautiful nylons.

She finished fastening the garters around my waste and let the clips hang. Next she pulled from the dresser, a pair of white thigh-highs with big white frilly bows at the top. "These are perfect!" she said to me. She rolled them each one up and knelt again, pulling them up my smooth legs. I loved the way they felt. The bows sat at the top of my thighs, hanging adorably. "Hmm, whats next..." she mused to herself. "I guess all that's left is to pick your princess dress!" she seemed very excited now. She turned to the large wardrobe next to the dresser and threw open the double doors.

Inside were more cute dresses and shoes than I had ever seen. Everything adorned with silk, lace, made with satin, frills everywhere. I wanted to try them all. It looked like Victoria did as well. I stepped forward and began ruffling through them. They were all so beautiful. Victoria stepped up next to me, placing her hand on the small of my back. "Arent they pretty?" she said.

"Theyre very beautiful," I told her. Wide eyed, I looked through more and more searching for the perfect one.

"You have to find a pink one, obviously. But there are a lot to choose from. Pinks my favorite." She began also looking through the rack of dresses, making comments on certain ones. She found one at the end that she held out for me to look at. It was a pink dress with a frilly pleated skirt. There were big fluffy cuffs on the shoulders with little bows. A white apron with lace trim was tied around the hips.

"I really like that one." I told her.

"Yes, this certainly does look like a dress for a princess. I think this is the one." She stepped to me and held it above my head. I put my arms up, being careful to slide them through the frilly shoulder cuffs. She gently pulled it down over me, my head through the neckhole, and let it fall around my hips. The skirt was cut to sit right above them, and the dress pleated and frilled out, ending in the middle of my thighs. You could see the bows on my nylons underneath it. It was perfect.

Victoria stepped back and admired me. She was giddy with excitement. "Youre so pretty!" she told me.

I blushed, looking at the floor. "Thank you, Victoria."

She stepped closer to me, pulling my face into her breasts and hugging me tightly. "Youre welcome, Stephanie. Were going to have a lot of fun together." She kissed my forhead and looked back into my eyes. "But theres one more thing, it's the most important part... accessories! Come and sit down at the vanity!" she led me to the chair in front of the mirror with the bright lights. I sat down on it gently, the toy inside me slipping in ever deeper. I settled onto the chair, the head of it pushing against my prostate once again. I was overcome with pleasure.

"You like sitting on that fat cock, babygirl? I bet it feels so good in that tight little pussy," Victoria teased. "Sit and rock on that toy while we do your makeup, honey." She sat down across from me and opened the jewelry box. She removed a pair of dangly clip on earings and fastened them on my ears. I looked in the mirror at myself, smiling. "You like?" she asked.

"I love. Very pretty." I told her. She smiled and squeezed my hand. She removed a makeup bag from the drawer, placing a few shades of pink nail polish in front of me. "Pick a shade and paint your nails pretty to match that dress," she told me. "While you do that, Im going to apply some makeup to your face. Then we'll be all done and ready to play!"

I chose a pale pink that matched my dress and began painting my nails. Victoria was rubbing foundation on my cheeks, and finishing them with soft blush. She applied mascara and I could feel my eyelashes thick with it. She commanded me to sit still as she did my eyeliner and shadow. I had finished painting my nails.

"Good job, babygirl. Now the lipstick to match..." she trailed off, looking through her drawer. She found it and held it up, removing the cap and twisting the makeup out. "Make a kissy face, Stephanie." I puckered my lips together and she applied the pink lipstick to them, smiling. "Rub yor lips together like this," she said, showing me how. I followed her instructions. "Good girl," she teased.

"Okay, last thing and I think youre ready." She went to the hatrack that was behind the door, removing things from it, looking for something. She found it and brought it to me. It was a pink bow that sat on top of my bangs, slightly off center. It had lace ties that came under my ears and hung daintily. She situated and tied it. Finally, she removed two pink hair-ties from her wrist and tied my hair into high pigtails. "All boys like pigtails," she told me, leading me back to the vanity. She plugged in the curling iron and waited for it to heat up. We were both marveling at her handiwork in the mirror. She lifted my skirt a bit and looked over at my ass. "I love those garters, and the bows."

The curling iron was ready. She took it to my pigtails and curled them into tight sausage curls. They bobbed from my head and looked perfect with my pretty bow. She unplugged the curling iron and set it back on the vanity. Taking my hand, she led me to the center of the room. She stepped back and looked me over head to toe. "You look perfect!" she said. "Do a spin for me, babydoll." I spun for her gracefully. My skirt flowed and the toy shifted inside me. I moaned softly as it teased my prostate. I faced her again and curtseyed, crossing my legs and holding my skirt out. She clapped and catcalled. "Do you like it? How do you feel, Stephanie?"

"I feel so pretty!" the soft fabrics felt so good against my skin. All the pink and frills and lace made me feel so bratty and girly. The bows were my favorite. I couldn't wait for daddy to come and unwrap me. "So horny too," I giggled.

Her eyes narrowed menacingly. "Really?" she purred. "Go and lie on the bed. Don't mess up your hair." She was stern but fair. I waddled my sissy ass to the bed, and climbed on top, feeling the toy inside me once more. She came over a moment later and climbed onto the mattress beside me. "Lay on your back, sweetie." She told me, positioning herself between my thighs. She ran a hand down my cheek and down to my dress. , and eventually to my hips. She pulled me towards her with surprising strength. Every movement I made stimulated the toy somehow. It was been teasing me unrelentingly.

She grabbed my ankles and put them on her shoulders, high in the air. I felt like a little girl. I smiled lovingly at her, resting my hands on her thighs. She pulled my panties down from the back, exposing the toy and straps. She gently undid the harness, and pulled the straps off of me. The toy stayed in my ass, it was so deep. She pulled her own slinky black dress up to her hips, revealing her own harness. I knew what was coming. She scooted closer to me, bringing her crotch to the end of the toy. She had to pull my hips up which exposed the toy perfectly to her. She attached her harness to the toy, pulling the straps to tighten it. I felt it shift inside me as it pulled to her. She pulled my frilly panties around my thighs and left them there. Her hands went to my hips and she leaned into me. I bent my legs and allowed her to sink into me. She was looking into my eyes, smiling. "Ready, baby?" she asked. "You're going to love being my little sissy slut."

She thrust her hips against me and snuggled onto me, relaxing. I could feel the toy moving as she did. She put one hand on the back of my head and looked intensely into my eyes. She withdrew her hips slowly, and the giant toy slid out of me. The fake head pulled out of my ass like a real cock. I was locked into her gaze, feeling her cock slide out of me. She slowly pushed it back in. I bit my lip to contain my moan. Her mouth was open like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was back in the whole way, pushing against my prostate. I squealed like a little slut. She smiled, still looking into my eyes, pulling the toy back out. She found a rhythm and fucked me then, slow and deep, watching the expressions on my face. I was moaning deeply for her, moving my hips to better take her strap-on. She didn't take her eyes off of me.

"Theres my good girl," she cooed. "You like that cock, babygirl? I love the adorable faces you make, and you moan so nicely for me."

"Oh my god, I love it," I panted to her. I did.

"You look so sexy taking this big dick, baby. With those pretty eyes fluttering at me and your full pink lips. Look how cute your feet are!" she teased. She took my ankles from her shoulders and pulled them farther into the air. She was still fucking me deeply. She rubbed my feet gently as she fucked me into the bed. I was moaning uncontrollably. She cupped my ass and began fucking me hard. The toy was slamming inside my, I could feel an orgasm building up. It was different somehow, like it was pulsating inside me, growing. Then I remembered my sissyclit was locked away! I reached down to feel it, locked inside its plastic keep. It was soft.

But I felt like I was about to come! My clit was bouncing as Victoria fucked me. I was screaming with pleasure. She was talking dirty in my ear. "Come for me, baby. I want to feel that boipussy clench this strapon." It was overwhelming. I was going to explode. The pulsating was too much to bear. I let it out.

Screaming uncontrollably, it started inside me and rolled outwards over my entire body. It washed over me as I was fucked into the bed. I moaned like a slut and grabbed at my master. She thrust it into me as she watched my orgasm. She loved it. She pushed the toy into me and held it there, rotating her hips. I was humping against her still, moaning. She kissed my forhead. "Such a good girl for me." She was whispering.

I looked at her, smiling. "I came so hard, I've never felt anything like that," I panted. She kissed me deeply, and I felt her fingers play against my chastity belt. She brought her hand to my mouth and wiped her fingers around my lips. "Lick up your squirt, naughty girl. I told you I was going to milk that little pussy." I licked my oozing come off of her fingers, slupring it up. "That's right baby, get it all," she told me, pushing them gently into my mouth.

I was still recovering from my orgasm. The thick toy was still inside me. I nuzzled into her beautiful breasts. She held me close. "Aww, honey, you're adorable," she said softly.

And then the door opened. Mark was standing in the doorway. We both looked at him like we were two children caught playing under the table. He looked amused. He was still in his suit from work. He stepped into the room, removing his jacket and hanging it on the rack. Victoria and I were frozen, her toy still inside of me. We looked at him intently. "Two naughty girls, having fun without me." He was pretending to be mad, but he obviously wasn't. Victoria decided to play along. She hastily pushed off of me and undid her harness. Mark was watching.

"Make sure that toy stays inside her," he commanded Victoria. "Put the straps back on. You both need to be punished."

Her hands fumbled with the straps as she put them back around my hips, tightening the toy inside me once again. She pulled my panties back up and smoothed my skirt. Victoria looked at Mark sincerely, flipping hair out of her face.

"Yes, sir, we have been very naughty. Stephanie and I should have kept our hands to ourselves until you told us otherwise." She seemed like the little girl now, being scolded for being disobedient. We hopped off of the bed and stood next to eachother in our pretty dresses. Me pretty in pink and her in her black slinky number and nylons. "How do you want to punish us, sir?" she asked mark. She took my hand and h eld onto it tightly.

Mark thought for a moment, looking us over. We looked like two scared little girls, about to get a punishment from daddy. "Well, Victoria, Stephanie doesn't know the rules. So I don't think she should be punished. You, however, know exactly what my rules are, and you purposely disobeyed me." He said sternly.

"I'm sorry, daddy!" Victoria said quickly, squeezing my hand tighter. She knew she was in trouble.

"I know youre sorry, honey, but you still have to be punished," mark scolded her, "do you understand?"

Victoria looked at the floor, pouting. "Yes, sir." She mumbled.

Mark walked to the vanity and picked up the chair, setting it near the end of the bed. He sat down on it, taking off his tie. "Come here, babygirls. Over my lap, Victoria." We slowly walked to him, still holding hands. Victoria was still looking at the floor. She let go of my hand and draped herself over Marks lap. He raised his left knee, pushing her bottom into the air. Her legs were gently kicking already, in anticipation of her spanking. He pulled her dress up and her panties down, rubbing her bottom gently. Then he looked at me.

"Bend over the edge of the bed, Stephanie, youre going to help me punish Victoria for breaking the rules. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." I said meekly, positioning myself over the edge of the bed once again. I bent over directly in front of Victorias face. I looked over my shoulder at her. Her breasts were heaving and she looked nervous. She winked at me.

Then I heard a loud smack. Victoria yelped delightedly. And another. She yelped again. "Push your hips out, Stephanie. I want to see both of your pretty little asses." I raised my hips, pushing my bottom into the air. "Pull your skirt up so we can see your panties, baby," Mark told me. I did as instructed. "Pull her panties down, Victoria." She also did as she was told, and pulled my frilly panties down around my thighs. "Look at that adorable little ass." Mark said, "Do you like that pert little ass, Victoria?" the toy was still in me. I felt dirty, exposed to the both of them, plugged with a fat toy. "Take that toy out of her and spread that pussy for me." I heard mark say. I felt the toy being pulled from me gently. There was another smack and moan from Victoria. The toy slipped out of me and I felt fingers spreading my boipussy. "Look at that pink little boipussy!" mark said. I heard another slap and another yelp. Eat that boipussy while I give you your spanking, Victoria. You've been a very bad."

I didn't think she would actually do it, but then I felt her hands spread my ass. Her thumbs slid into my boicunt on both sides and spread it open. I felt her tongue circling the rim of it slowly. It felt amazing. I could hear mark spanking Victoria hard. She was squirming and moaning and yelping. His swats were getting faster, and her tongue was more frantic. She pushed it against my hole as she screamed. Mark was spanking her furiously now. She was tongue-fucking me. I reached back and put my hand on the back of her head, pushing her tongue deeper into my boicunt. Mark noticed this and was delighted.

"That's right, Steph, make her pleasure you. Shes being punished. Is she doing a good job?" he was still spanking her. Her legs were kicking.

"Yes, daddy, her tongue feels amazing." I moaned out to him.

The spanking sounds stopped. I felt Victoria stop kicking. It was silent. Her tongue was still sliding in and out of my boipussy. Mark said, more to himself than anyone, "Your cute little ass is rosey red, Victoria. Your punishment is almost over. You took it like a good girl. You can stand up now." Victoria pushed off my ass and stood up from marks lap. She rubbed her bottom, looking very much like a little girl. "Pull Stephs panties up, Victoria." Mark commanded her. She did as she was told. I stood up and smoothed my skirt out. I felt empty without the toy. I didn't like it.

Mark must have remembered. "Actually, Vicky, put her toy back in and make sure the straps are nice and tight. Then go and get me the remote." I bent back over the bed. I felt her pull my panties down again, and the toy was inserted back inside me. She fastened the familiar straps and ran them around my hips. My panties were pulled back up and she patted my ass gently. "Wasn't that fun?" she whispered in my ear.

"Whats the remote for?" I asked her, curiously.

"Youll see..." she trailed off, walking across the room to dig in the dresser again. Mark stayed in the chair, looking at me. "Come here, honey." he told me. I walked over to him, the toy inside me once again. He took me into his arms, sitting me on his leg like a child. I loved it. He made me feel so little and girly. He bounced me on his knee as he held me tightly. He was kissing my neck and telling me how beautiful I looked in my dress, when Victoria returned to us with the remote. He kissed me on the cheek softly, taking it from her. "On the floor, babygirls." He told us.

Victoria dropped to her knees beside me and I slide from Marks lap to the soft carpet. He spread his legs and we both sat between them. I could see his pants beginning to tent. Victoria and I held eachother close as we both reached out to Marks crotch. We worked together to pull his pants down, exposing a perfect cock under a tight pair of boxer briefs. I felt the outline of it in my hand. It was huge, even bigger than the toy. Victoria was licking my ear and whispering to me. "Do you like that, honey? A real cock for you to play with? And a sexy man to please?" I was fixed on it. I was still rubbing the outline of it through Marks underwear. His hands were resting gently on the back of each of our heads. He was watching quietly.

"I want it, Victoria." I said to her breathlessly. She reaches to his wasteband and pulled his briefs down. He kicked them off completely. His erection was standing straight up in front of both of us. She took my hand and placed it on his shaft as she held me tightly. We were both holding his cock as she began stroking. I followed her motion. She began kissing me deeply as we jerked him off. He was moaning and I could feel his hand on the back of my head, pressing my lips against Victorias. His cock was so warm and hard in my little hand.

I was lost in the feeling of the warm cock in my hand, and a beautiful girl kissing me deeply. Then I heard a click, and an incredible feeling started deep in my ass. I opened my eyes in alarm. I stopped stroking, looking at Victoria. She nodded to mark, who was holding up the remote. The giant toy in my ass was vibrating. "Keep stroking, babydoll. Its just a vibrator." Mark said sweetly. I did as I was told without a fuss. Afterall, it felt amazing. I stroked him for a few more minutes before he said, "Stephanie, go to the top drawer and get the other toy just like yours. Bring it here and put it on Victoria." I was in a daze. The buzzing up my ass was amazing. I stood up slowly and walked to the dresser, my ass moving around the fat cock. I found the dildo and harness in the drawer, with another remote. I returned to the two of them. Victoria was kissing the head of Marks cock. His hands were in her hair. "Put that up her ass, baby, and do the straps." He told me. I lifted her skirt, pulling down her black lace panties. Her ass was amazing. I put the toy in my mouth, sucking it for a minute to lube it for her. I touched it to her hole and she moaned. Mark pushed on her head, forcing his cock deep into her mouth. "Go ahead, honey, give it to her," he told me. I followed his orders, pushing it against her asshole until it slid in. It was the same size as mine. She moaned as I pushed it into her the entire way. I fussed with the straps over her creamy thighs, securing the toy inside her. She wiggled her ass but couldn't shake it free. She was still deepthroating Mark.

"Good girl," he said to me, smiling. "Give me her remote." I handed it to him. My toy was still buzzing inside me. I joined Victoria again between his legs. She held me hand again and squeezed it tightly. Her other hand was reaching into my dress to squeeze my nipple. Mark pulled her off of his cock, and put his hand on the back of my head. He pushed my lips to the tip of it, meeting Victorias lips on the other side. I looked into her beautiful eyes as his cock hung between us. We both stuck our tongues out and began to work up and down the shaft. Mark moaned and I felt him pulling on my pigtails. I closed my lips around my side of the tip of Marks cock and Victoria did the same. We kissed with his member between our mouths. I closed my eyes and let my tongue explore hers and the hot member between us. Our toys were still buzzing away inside us.

Just then I felt it get stronger. I screamed around the dick partly in my mouth. Victoria must have done the same because she squealed as well. Mark had turned the remotes up to full power. Victoria and I were squirming terribly, trying as hard as we could to get the toys deeper inside us. We were both moaning, I felt like I was going to come again. Victorias hand was squeezing mine so tightly. Mark held our mouths around his cock, her and I French kissing with it between us. Victorias hand shot down the front of her panties and she began moaning loudly. She was rubbing her clit. The vibrator gave a particularly hard jump and scraped my prostate, forcing me to scream in return to her. We went back and forth this way, uncontrollably. She was rubbing her pussy frantically, looking into my eyes. Suddenly she took Marks cock in her free hand and forced it deeply into my mouth. Her and Marks hands were both on the back of my head, holding my pigtails. They pushed his cock deep into my throat.

With the cock in my mouth, instead of both of ours, Victoria was free to now talk dirty while she rubbed her clit and her ass buzzed from the toy. My hips were dancing around my own vibrator and I did my best to keep deepthroating. Victoria removed her hand from my head, grabbing Marks shaft. She began jerking it, leaving the head in my mouth. She looked into my eyes, her ass wiggling.

"That's it, Stephie! Suck daddy's cock while I jerk it for you! You're such a good little sissy slut!" she was moaning to me. Her orgasm was close. Her beautiful breasts were spilling from her dress. I reached over and gently tugged her top down, freeing them completely. They looked beautiful, bouncing while we gyrated together. I cupped one, holding it in my hand. It was comforting and perfect. I played with her nipple gently and she smiled delightedly at me. "You like those titties, babygirl? Go ahead and play," she panted to me. I complied, squeezing it in my hand as she jerked mark into my mouth. He loved it.

"That's it, rub her titties, honey. Make she she bounces on that dick in her ass." He was watching his cock slide in and out of my mouth, my lipstick making it glide perfectly. I was watching Victoria, waiting for her orgasm to hit. Her panties were around her ankles now, I could see the lace harness holding the toy inside her beautiful asshole. We were moaning back and forth to eachother when she screamed "I'm going to come! Oh, my god, I'm going to come!"

I watched her orgasm ripple through her curvy body, starting in her pussy and emanating to her curling toes. She screamed. I began spanking her ass hard. Mark kept his hand on my pigtail, and his cock in my mouth, as I watched her shudder and moan. Then he commanded "When you're done coming, Victoria, get your mouth around my cock and its Stephie's turn to squirt for us. Understand, honey?" he was sweet but firm.

Victoria was still coming. "Yes daddy, I understand!" she panted through it.

My own was coming up rapidly. It was pulsing again. I squirmed against it. I needed it. Victoria took Marks wonderful cock from my mouth and popped it between her own lips. She sucked on it deeply and looked at me like a brat who just stole my toy. I looked into Marks eyes as my orgasm bloomed. He smiled and kissed my forhead as I squirmed on the floor in front of him. "Are you going to squirt for me, babydoll? Do you want to squirt for daddy?" he asked intensely.

I was trying to speak through my moans. "Yes daddy, please! May I squirt for you, please!" Victoria was watching me closely, content with Marks cock buried in her throat. Mark was my master now, and Victoria my slutty sister. "Squirt for me, Stephie!" he commanded. His hand was on my cheek, his thumb behind my ear. I felt so close to him. I needed to touch him. My hand went to his balls and I rubbed them expertly. Victoria looked delighted and smiled around his cock. He moaned his approval deeply. I leaned forward, taking them between my lipstick lips. I popped one in my mouth, sucking it gently. At the same time, Victoria finally stopped rubbing her clit and reached for the toy in my ass. She pulled it out as far as the harness would allow, and slammed it back into me. It vibrated and scraped my prostate. I moaned around Marks nut. I was going to come. I grabbed Victorias breast again and squeezed. It make my head spin. She was fucking me with the vibrator as I looked into Mark's eyes. I screamed and squirted my sissy juice through the chastity belt and into my frilly panties. Victoria fucked me mercilessly and my prostate squeezed for what seemed like minutes.

Mark pulled his nut out of my mouth and leaned forward, spanking my ass as I came. He stuck his tongue between my lips and held me close to him. I squeezed Victorias breast as the orgasm finally rocked me. I melted into Marks arms and he supported me. I was panting, I felt lightheaded. He was still spanking me, Victoria was still fucking my ass. She had stopped sucking Marks cock, taken the straps off my toy, and started using it as a regular dildo. "Daddyyy..." I moaned into Marks mouth. My body was limp. I was tingling all over. Victoria pulled the vibrator from my ass. She snuggled up behind me, holding my hips. I nuzzled into Marks chest as he held my ass in my panties. My entire body convulsed as my prostate throbbed, sending waves of pleasure through me.

He kissed my farhead. She nibbled my ear. Someone whispered, "Good girl, Stephie, such a good girl for us. Such a dirty little girl..." I wasn't sure who it was. I was completely out of it. I was in a blissful trance, held softly between the two of them. I could feel my sissy squirt in my panties.

Suddenly, daddy is picking me up off the floor into his arms. He hoists me up and holds me on his hip like a child. I throw my arms around his neck and hold on, nuzzling his chest. He walks me to the bed, laying me down gently on my back. Victoria is suddenly on the bed beside me. My dress is so cute. Everything is soft. My legs are hanging off the edge of the bed. Then I feel daddy Mark grab my ankles. Hes standing on the floor, hooking my ankles over his shoulders. The soft bed elevates my hips to the perfect angle for him to enter me from a standing position. He pulls my panties down gently. I feel my juice running down my leg as he throws them on the floor and hikes up my pleated dress. I can see white thigh-highs with the pretty bows, and my little boiclit.

I feel mark grab me around the hips and pull me closer to him. His cock is dripping wet with my spit from the deepthroat. Victoria is next to me on the bed, holding me sweetly. "Get ready for daddys cock, babydoll." She tells me, slipping her tongue into my mouth. And with that, I feel it. Marks dick, hard as a rock, slipping and sliding around my boyhole. He finds the sweetspot and gently pushes the head into me. Holding my hips tightly, he pushes his throbbing cock slowly inside me. Its warm and feels ready to explode. Hes holding my hips, my legs over his shoulders, as he begins to work into a rhythm. His cock is huge inside me, bigger than the vibrator. Hes hitting my prostate with every thrust, stretching my hole. Victoria is dirtytalking in my ear. "Daddys big cock is so deep in your ass honey, does it feel good? Is Stephie going to squirt again for us?" I knew I was. I couldn't help it. She wasn't kidding when she said they'd make me come all night. It was pulsating inside me again. His dick was giving me mindblowing orgasms. I was about to come. I screamed.

And then I was empty. He had taken his cock out of me and stopped. I felt loose and unfulfilled. I was angry at him for taking my toy from me. He held the tip against me hole, looking into my eyes. I was squirming, my prostate throbbing. Victoria was slapping my ass as Mark held my ankles in the air, cock pressed against my hole. I couldn't squirm away from her hands, making my ass sting more with every slap. I was squealing. I wanted daddys cock back inside me. I made a pouty face, looking at mark. Victoria conintued spanking.

"What, honey? What do you want?" Mark teased. "Whats wrong babygirl?" Victoria slapped my ass again. It was getting red. She giggled to herself. Mark held my ankles high so it was nicely exposed to her.

"Please daddy!" I moaned. His cock slid down the crack of my ass.

"Please what, Stephie?"

"Please give me that cock back daddy! Please!" I begged him. Victoria smacked my ass again. I was getting desperate. She was wicked. She took his cock from the crack of my ass and sucked it, looking up into my eyes. Mark moaned, pushing her deeper onto it. He started spanking my ass as well, much harder than Victoria. She smirked at me around his cock, as if to say that she'd won this round. They were both spanking my ass, my dress pulled up around my hips. My legs were kicking but they were hooked over Marks shoulders. The bows on my tights bouncing in the air. I struggled to stop them but Victoria pinned my arms. She popped marks cock out of her mouth and slipped it up the crack of my ass to my boihole. She looked into my eyes.

"What do you want, Stephie?" she asked me firmly, holding it there.

"To squirt for for daddy! Please let me! Please!" I was aching for it.

"You want daddy to fuck you until you squirt, babydoll?" she teased.

"Yes! Please fuck me daddy! Fuck me and make me squirt like a sissy slut!"

And with that they slid it back into me. I was filled again and bouncing on Marks cock. I thrusted my hips against his. He was so deep inside me. I was finally going to come around his huge cock. Victoria spanked me one last time. The smack made my sphincter clench enough to set off my prostate. I squirted through my chastity belt all over myself. My ass was a mess of pleasure and dick. Victoria was encouraging, "good sissy slut! Squirt lots for daddy!" my sphincter was still squeezing. It must have been too much for mark, he held my hips tight. I felt his come squirt against my prostate and I squealed like a little girl. He moaned deeply and I couldn't help but smile. He thrust a few more times before gently pulling his cock from me. His come dribbled from my boicunt. He sat in the chair, looking spent.

Victoria crawled to me and began licking his spunk from my boihole, collecting it in her mouth, she tongue fucked me, making sure to clean me up properly. Then she slid in bed next to me, taking me in her arms. She kissed me deeply and used her tongue to push some of daddy Marks come into my mouth. We shared a messy kiss with it on our lips and tongues before I nuzzled into her breasts and fell asleep.

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