A Knight's Lodging

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 9, 2017




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was a dark and stormy night. Not fit out for man nor beast and Sir Lellimore was glad he was at least inside now. The tavern wasn't the best sort, but he was beyond caring about that, it was dry and he could rent a bed here.

And now, after talking to the landlord, he knew he was half-right. "No more rooms at all?" He asked again, just to be completely certain.

"I have all six rooms already rented for the night." the landlord comiserated. "All I can offer is space on the common room, and that's going to be crowded as well. You aren't the only one who was traveling and got caught by the storm, you know."

"I know." Sir Lellimore sighed. "Very well, a space in the common room it is." What a great leveler the storm was, so that he, a knight of the realm, had to lie among the common folk of the region!

He had only a soaking wet woolen blanket to lie upon and he spent the next hour holding it before the cooking fire in an attempt to dry it at least somewhat. The blanket smoked with the evaporating water, but was still damp when he was forced to pack it in and turn back to the common area.

The place was truly crowded, it was like everyone who had been sitting at the tables was now making their beds either on the tables or benches or on the floor. Where could he lie down, even?

Over there, a bare spot! He could just fit his body there! He worked his way over the cloths and figures now covering the floor liberally and placed his blanket there on the floor. Half of it for underneath, and half of it for over.

Now he was well away from the fire, and the night was getting cooler (the storm had brought in weather from the northern mountains, many of which were topped with snow and ice year-round, and the rain had not warmed much for its trip into the lowlands), he realized now how wet his clothes were, and resolved to get out of them for the night at least. Others were doing so, he could keep his blanket over him while he undressed, and none would be the wiser, or if they were, would see aught but his head poking out the top.

The couple in the bedding next to his were doing the same, a man and his wife (or girlfriend, the way they were carrying on) were busily undressing each other under the quilt that covered them. Sir Lellimore smiled over at them as the man pulled his tunic over his head. A big, brawny peasant farmer of some kind, he had the sort of muscles that Sir Lellimore dreamed of having some day (he was about halfway there with his small bulbs of biceps and lumps of pectorals), and Sir Lellimore had a brief thought of that huge man holding him like he would that woman and gave a sudden shudder of arousal. Enough of that! He had taken lovers in the castle now and then, among his own kind, the proper course for any knight of the realm. A knight dallied with grateful maidens now and then, but most of the time he sought the companionship and creature comforts of his fellow knights.

Well, his little fantasy was nothing much, the man had his own dalliance and would hopefully not make too much noise while stabbing her with his lance of manhood in the darkness. He could be forgiven for a flash of desire for a real man, more than the idle layabouts at the castle with their games and their drinks and their machinations with widows and ailing parents that....what was he thinking here? Shaking his head, he determined to forget the man next to him and not even look that way again until the morning...if then! He settled back on the blanket, making a pillow of his castoff tunic, wishing it were dry, wishing it were a true bed under him, wishing that bed held more than him alone.... Damn it! He fought his way into slumber as best he could, hearing the grunts from next to him, the couple no doubt, though it sounded like they weren't having much fun in the sack either tonight....

"Ow, stop, that hurts!" the woman was saying to him, but not softly enough. "Don't you have any lubricant for it? It's too big!"

"Oh, Gods, yes, I'll get something for it, then!" the man groused. "There must be some goose-grease about here. Cripes, but it's dark in here!" There were the sounds of the man rising to his feet and padding about the dark common room, no doubt still completely nude, stepping over the sleeping men and women about the floor.

Sir Lellimore turned onto his side and now was facing the bed where the couple had made their bed. Yes, it was very dark in here, he could see little or nothing of the woman now lying in the bed, but the sounds she now made was that she had promptly fallen asleep. Well, they had all been drinking heavily this stormy night. The wind was still blowing hard outside, but it held no raindrops any longer to slam against the stone walls and slate roof....

More sounds, the man was returning. Sir Lellimore could just make him out above the sleeping forms on the floor, between the rows of tables, stepping over and around and sometimes on the sleeping figures on the floor there.

He missed his target here, instead of being on Sir Lellimore's right, where his bed was, he had walked up on the left-hand side. He would have to step over Sir Lellimore to get back to his own bed. Sir Lellimore turned his head to watch the man from the corner of his eye to watch him move, ready to watch that dong slapping back and forth as he stepped over Sir Lellimore....

But instead he got down onto one knee and then the other and then he was sidling into Sir Lellimore's own covers! "I found the goose-grease and have lubricated up this weapon for you, my love." he whispered to Sir Lellimore. "Now let's warm you up while you warm me up."

Sir Lellimore felt the big, male body pressing up against his backside and he gasped, "Oh, you have me wrong!"

But then the big hairy hand slid up and covered his mouth. "Shush, my beloved, we must be quiet if we aren't to awaken the others." The man shifted and Sir Lellimore felt the huge pud sliding down his buttocks. Dear Lords of Heaven and Earth, this thing was enormous! He couldn't do this...could he? He had to struggle, had to get away, had to call out.

The hand was removed from his mouth, but his throat refused to release a single syllable, his mind refused to formulate the protest, his entire body was saying to him, no, no, you have him, he is here, let this happen, he will not notice, he won't think anything of it....

The man pushed and said, "Ah, I've found your back door, my dear. You'll have to open your legs more if you want me to enter the front from this side."

Now his voice would work, and Sir Lellimore grunted out, barely, softly, "Nu-uh!"

"No? Does my darling want me to enter the back door?"


"And you were complaining I was too big for the front!" the man chuckled warmly in his ear. "I'll be easy as I can on you, but it's a thick one you're asking for."

Sir Lellimore groaned and pressed his buttocks back against that warm abdomen, and the prong that lay in its middle. Another soft chuckle at his ear, and the man was pushing that cock at Sir Lellimore's ass.

Sir Lellimore had taken his share of men, but there had never been a knob trying to get inside him like this before! It was like his first time, he felt himself stretched beyond endurance, and there was the bright flash of pain as his body tore from the pressure and then the glans was pressing inside of him. More pain followed that, but the pain was akin to pleasure, the agony was atoned for by the ecstasy, he had this man inside him, he had him, a man, a REAL man! This wasn't gentle lovemaking despite the promise, and that was the right way, the way it should be when you were being fucked by a REAL man! Sir Lellimore moaned from the sheer raw feeling of that cock, he wanted it, wanted it all!

"Ahh, my beauty, you like me in there, don't you?" the man hissed at his ear. "I'll ride you raw tonight, I will and you can thank me in the morning."

He concluded this by giving another thrust to his hips, a hard one and that jammed the prong deeper into Sir Lellimore's ass, Sir Lellimore moaned again and the man pressed against him again and the thrust then not only shoved him still further inside, it rolled him so that he was on his stomach and the man was atop him and with knees on either side of Sir Lellimore's body, he began to slam into the knight's prone body.

Sir Lellimore just lay there, resting his chin on his hands atop each other beneath him and let the big peasant man bang him. This was what he had dreamed of, this was what he'd wanted all those evenings with other men, not the tender caresses, not the soothing words, he wanted the male raunch and male rut, all of it concentrated in that thick hot pole driving into his body.

"A-huh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!" Sir Lellimore grunted as he was slam-fucked.

"Yes, yes, uh, uh, uh!" the man leaned down and pressed his lips against to Sir Lellimore's ear to whisper. "Now, my lovely, you know what having a man with you truly is. Now you can tell your father you'll have no other but me for your husband, for I can love you like this every night. Now you can take it, my love, my dearest darling, my heart!"

"Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!" Sir Lellimore moaned. "Yes, yes." he hissed. "Now I know. Now I know for certain."

"Oh, oh, my heart, my love, I reach my peak, I must give forth, I must! May I pour my seed into you, my love, or do you wish it outside of your body?"

"Inside me, oh, inside, inside!" murmured Sir Lellimore.

"I shall, then, I shall, oh, I am near, I am near."

"So am I, so am I!" Sir Lellimore grunted. "Harder, now, harder, please, more, more, more!"

"I give you my all, I give you, ah! AH-AH-HAH-GUH-UH-UH-UH-UHHHHHHH, KUH-HUHHHHHHH!"

"OH, OH, I'M COMING, I'M COMING!" Sir Lellimore didn't shout these words, but he spoke them in a normal tone, and in the still of that common room, that was enough to be the same as a shout.

And the man heard him too clearly. "Ah-huh, uh, uh, uh! Who...what is this?"

"Oh, oh, so good, oh, so good!" Sir Lellimore groaned. "More, please, more, more!"

"What and who are you?" the man gasped in surprise. "How have you taken the place of my darling Celesta?"

"You came to my bed." Sir Lellimore told the nonplused man over him. "All I took was what you offered me of your own will."

"You lying bag of flying bat-dung!" the man stormed. "I can't believe you said nothing while I.... Oh, my Gods! I have ravished another man this night!"

"And so you have, and quite well." Sir Lellimore felt too good to be insulted. "Next time, you should be more careful whose bed you crawl into. The next man may not want that huge tool inside him like I did."

That won a round of laughter from those who had awakened from the noise thus far, and that woke more and the story was recounted around Sir Lellimore. The man got out of Sir Lellimore's covers and back to the woman's, and just to prove himself, proceeded to make noisy love to her for quite some time after. Or maybe he was just unable to reach climax again so soon, Sir Lellimore thought as he felt his own sticky ass.

He awoke the next morning to the stirring forms around him and looked over, but the man and his girl had arisen early and were nowhere to be seen. For himself, he dressed and ignored the knowing leers of the men around him. He had more weary miles to travel on these roads, but when night came again, he would find lodging at some other tavern, and maybe another warm body to give him what he so sorely needed and could not find behind the castle walls.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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