A Kiss in the Dark

By Ryan White

Published on Apr 7, 2023



THANK YOU for all the feedback and emails you legends sent me re Chapter one!! It was much appreciated!! Xx

I've always wondered what would happen, or HOW a straight guy would handle being kissed by another dude for the first time in his life...would he freak out? Would he be okay in his sexuality to say...okay, I tried it, but it's not for me?

Or maybe...maybe...he might realise he has been MISSING OUT hahaha!

So here it is...Chapter Two. I had a blast writing it, so please enjoy.

Take care, guys. Ryan


"It's getting there...I can feel something is happening...just keep going, babe..."

Jordan's girlfriend Tanya Lively rolled her eyes and stared miserably at the limp fifteen-year-old penis hanging out in front of her...refusing to get as hard as she knew it could be.

She hadn't physically seen it before of course, Jordan's fully hard teenage fuck stick that is, but she had felt it numerous times when they would make out after class or at a party, they both were attending together. The way they would be smooching the living shits out of each other, eating each other's faces more like, and in those times, she would reach down and caress that rock hard virgin appendage that she knew was trapped inside...

...both teenagers have looked so forward to this evening...where they would both have finally lost their virginities to one another...and now this.


Jordan was as red in his face as he had ever fucking been. He wasn't entirely sure whether it was from sheer morbid embarrassment in the fact that his dick was refusing to get hard in front of his girlfriend who had tried her best to get him in the mood, or whether it was from the effort that was he was trying to put in to getting it stiff in the first place, mighty and proud as he knew it could be...a full six and a half inches the last time he had measured his quivering teenage penis when he was at home.

But every time...every time that he would convince himself that something was indeed happening down there this last half hour or so...just as he felt that he would finally be getting his solder to stand at full attention...he thought back at what had happened earlier on that same evening.

When Kyle, his twin brother Justin's boyfriend, had mistakenly kissed him instead of his brother...thinking that he was him.

The level of rawness, and emotion, not to even BEGIN to mention passion and downright being horny as hell that was coming from Kyle when it had happened was nothing like poor Jordan had ever experienced in his entire fifteen years on this God's green earth.

It was clear that Kyle had deep feelings for Justin, and that was why he had kissed Jordan in the exact mentioned manner...and Jordan just couldn't...he just couldn't understand why he couldn't stop thinking about it for even one bloody second...

...perhaps it was because it made all the kisses that he had EVER gotten from Tanya seem like Jelly Tots in total comparison.

"Jordan...if you're fucking cheating on me and that's why this is happening, you fucking better tell me now! This is not fucking funny!" Tanya whispered out loud as she finally loosened her grip on his by now, reddish penis as she slumped forward and sighed, running her fingers through her hair in complete and utter misery.

She too, had looked forward to finally breaking her virginity with obviously one of the hottest guys in school, in Jordan Ridgeway and this...THIS...my God, this was the last thing she ever had expected to happen, or how the evening would turn out.

They only had her sister's apartment for like an hour, and knowing teenage boys and how fast they tended to cum, especially when they were fucking for the very first time, she obviously thought this would be a piece of cake, finally bedding her stud of a teenage boyfriend.

Jordan's dick, much to his embarrassment, kept resembling a fucking plate of mashed potatoes no matter how hard, literally, she tried to get it to full working order.

Jordan groaned out loud and reached down, gripped his cock inside his right hand and started to jack it off at a ferocious pace, determined to live his dream, to fucking stick his rock-hard cock inside some pussy for the first ever time in his life.

After going at it for a few seconds, and nothing was happening, his foreskin was really starting to actually hurt, before he groaned once more and proceeded to slump the entirety of his teenage body backwards onto the bed that he was sitting on, both of his arms stretched upwards to cover his eyes and his face.

This...this would NEVER have happened if he wasn't KISSED by a boy a few hours ago! NEVER! He NEVER had any problems with getting his cock hard before, in his life! Which fifteen-year-old dude ever had? Jesus Christ! This was humiliating as FUCK! And his life was gonna be totally over if Tanya now decides to tell every living soul that she knew that Jordan Ridgeway couldn't get it up for her. FUCK!

Tanya stood up and got dressed whilst Jordan was still in complete statuesque mode on the bed, but he could hear her going through the motions...she was clearly angry as hell.


Silence. Deathly silence.


"What, Jordan? What? Oh look, the hour that we had is already fucking gone, because you decided to be a pussy about things! Were you this nervous about actually fucking me that you can't even get it up? Seriously? Even your God damn homo brother would be on fucking red alert if he would ever be so lucky to see me naked!"

Jordan frowned and then finally sat up onto the bed, not even bothering to cover his once more...flaccid dick with his hand by any means.

"Tanya, come on...leave Justin out of this, okay? He didn't do shit to you or anyone..."

Tanya smirked and checked her make up in the mirror, before she turned nastily towards Jordan...her eyes would have spat out flamethrowers towards his heart if it was at all humanly possible.

"I guess what they're saying is true..."

Jordan ran his hand through his hair, before he looked her straight in the eyes.

"Yeah? Who said what now? Come on, you can't just fucking say that and not have any throwback!" he grunted, his level of frustration and anger now reaching more than just fever pitch.

Tanya threw her own blond hair over her shoulder before she pointed at his flaccid fifteen-year-old penis with her index finger and giggled slightly.

"Your brother is gay...and you guys are twins. Like they said...twins share everything...you probably can't get it up for ME, because you've been fucking each other at night or something..."

Jordan flew upwards and was about to do something unspeakable towards his girlfriend...God knows she had pushed him far enough...before he composed himself and shook his head. What the hell did just happen? He wasn't the violent type of person! He wasn't he sort of guy who hits girls! JESUS!

But what she just said...it was really unforgivable. And more to the point, because it was partly true, but it had nothing to do with Justin...it was because of a kiss that he had gotten from another boy...the best fucking kiss that he had ever had...the same one that he couldn't stop thinking off since it damn well had happened...he didn't wanna admit for shit, that THAT was the reason his dick clearly didn't wanna come to the party.

"Don't...just don't say stuff like that, please..." he said, turning away from her and started to pick up his own clothes that had been thrown so casually on the floor when they had entered the apartment nearly an hour ago. When life was still good and normal, it felt.

Tanya's phone beeped, and he waited for her to read the obvious WhatsApp message that she had received.

"Just fucking great, just fucking perfect! My dad is waiting outside in his car. Damn you, Jordan! Dude, we had plenty of time to actually do all that we wanted to, if only you could have gotten that THING hard! Guess I'll have to find me a real man in the future, because me and you...yeah...we've fucking done. There are dudes in school who would kill their mothers have all of THIS! WE ARE DONE!"

Jordan closed his eyes and sighed inwardly. Jesus. What has he done?

Tanya wasn't finished there though, by any means. She once more checked her hair and makeup, before she swung her handbag, that she had especially brought for the party at the school, over her shoulder before she once more grinned in his direction.

"Just wait until everyone in school hears about this...no one...NO ONE humiliates ME and gets away with it!" she whispered in a dark voice tone, that he didn't even realise or know that she had possessed...before she opened the door of the apartment and SLAMMED it shut so hard that the satin curtains spiralling downwards in front of the windows actually shook with the vibrant force.

Jordan sunk to his knees...and for the first time in his life, he didn't know which way was up, or where to fucking turn to. This was nuts...this was insane!

What in the actual fuck was going on! He hated gays! He hated them!

Oh well...not actually hated...because then he would have to have hated his twin brother and he couldn't imagine like without Justin at his side or in his life. No...it wasn't hatred per say. But he never could understand just why two boys or even two girls for what matter ever wanted to have sex with each other! He just couldn't!

Jordan blinked a couple of times, before he hesitantly...slowly...it felt like he was literally inside a film noir where there was no sound, or voices...just himself...looking at his own body from the outside, in...he reached upwards until he finally touched his bottom lip. He closed his eyes...he didn't want to do thus...my God...he didn't want to.

He kept seeing Kyle come closer and closer in memory shorts from earlier that same evening. Pride, love and happiness streaked across his face because he had seemingly managed to find his boyfriend, and after being bullied on the dancefloor by the older boys all night long, all that he could think of, was...Kyle must have just been so relieved that Justin was seemingly okay, that he didn't realise that he was totally kissing the wrong brother...

It was so different being kissed by a boy, than it was by Tanya, for example. Not that he was saying that Tanya was a bad kisser, because she was not...but there was just something else...something more...more RAW than when Kyle had laid his lips onto his own.

Jordan suddenly realised and remembered that Tanya's sister was going to come back at any moment and he quickly stood up, and finished getting dressed, before he quickly dashed out of the apartment and solidly closed the door behind him.

He wasn't gay.


Calm down, Ridgeway...you aren't of them.

Never, ever in your life had you ever had the need to kiss another boy.

But that little...that little irritating voice at the back of his mind kept saying over...and over...and over...

"If that is so...then why can't you fucking stop thinking about it?"


Jordan entered the dark living area of his house and took a look at his watch.

It was already after twelve. FUCK! If things had gone on as planned between himself and Tanya tonight, both of them would have been dancing the shit away and drinking to their hearts content at the all night, after party that was going on right at this minute.

He would have been THERE...with HER...and having a bloody good time at the state of things, having just fucked his first pussy of his hopefully long and happy life.

Instead...no...instead, he was home at this early fucking time feeling so damn sorry for himself, that it was actually starting to feel disgusting. He wiped the sweat off from his forehead, before he looked upwards at the stairs.

He wondered if Justin was home already...he knew for a bloody fact that neither his twin brother or his boyfriend Kyle would have gone to said after party...the jocks made it clear all night that homo's wasn't welcome.

Jordan slumped up the stairs as quietly as he could...he still couldn't quite believe how this...seemingly perfect evening had turned out. The un-used condom that he had stashed away inside his wallet was still there...JESUS! How did things happen so quickly? The one moment he was ready and horny to fuck his girlfriend and the next...and the next a fucking BOY had kissed him with so much need and so much passion that he couldn't get it out of his fucking mind!

He heard it before he realised just what it was.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He leaned his back onto the concrete wall...this wasn't happening...not after everything that had just...His stomach felt like it had been sunk deep into his very guts and gore.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck yeah man..."

Jordan's first instinct was to get the hell out of there...because obviously his brother wasn't alone in the room that they both have shared ever since they were little boys...and he was clearly speaking to someone in particular...

"Get up here...kiss me!"

Jordan frowned as he walked closer and closer to the bedroom door...he knew that the latch of said door was a little rusty after all these years and because his stingy ass father was refusing to do any maintenance in a house that they were renting...always saying that it was a landlord's job...

...meanwhile that same damn latch had opened up just a tad, allowing Jordan, or anyone who would be walking by, to see what the two people inside were actually doing. Justin should be thanking his lucky stars and whatever God he believed in that it was himself, and not his parents who had seen this. Jesus. If his father knew what his youngest boy was getting up to right now, he'd fucking explode and take everyone with him.

Jordan swallowed. Carefully, slowly. He hastily took off his shoes, as to not make any more noise one the wooden floor than absolutely necessary, before he managed to creep forward a little closer. Finally arriving at the door, itself, he saw that Justin was laying on his back, on his own bed. His head was totally thrown back in what could only have been sheer ecstasy, and Jordan's heart raced a million miles an hour when he saw just WHY that was...

...Kyle...the exact same Kyle that had been kissing JORDAN not two fucking hours ago...had his handsome teenage face right in the middle of the crook of his brother's neck. It looked like he was kissing the boy on his shoulder, inside his neck, over towards his collarbone...upwards towards his cheek and then finally he captured Justin's lips between that of his own. Justin gave back as good as he was getting, his hands reaching upwards and holding Kyle's face between his palms, as if to hold him steady so that he could make love to his lips some more...and more...and more.

In a solid flash of happenings, the energetic Justin thrusted his body upwards and managed to flip his boyfriend over on the bed, so that he was now on top, and Kyle was now on the bottom of all of this. Jordan's eyes widened severely as he saw Justin smile sneakily and bent down to kiss Kyle one more time. In the past, where Jordan would have literally and quite happily, have fast forwarded through any scene on Netflix that had gay sex scenes, and he even complained about it the previous week to Tanya...that you couldn't watch anything these days without there being homo's in there.

That were HIS own words...and here he was...he couldn't look away from what he was seeing even if he tried. Being a swimmer just like he and Justin was, Kyle's teenage chest was more ripped and more muscled than the average, every day fifteen year old around. Even the seemingly straight Jordan wasn't that blind...he fully knew that Kyle had looks going for him, but he never really thought about it, in such detail, than what he did now.

Clenching his teeth as well as his eyes, as wide as saucers by now...watched the epic journey of how his twin brother...looking exactly identical as he did, travelling down towards the seed of the problem. Literally.

Justin was at that very moment, placing wet, soppy kisses just about everywhere you God damn looked, he allowed his tongue to drag down towards and taste every single bit of Kyle's skin as he possibly could, before he hoisted his own lanky body upwards once more and kissed his boyfriend with so much love and dedication, that Jordan actually felt a sharp pain in the middle of his stomach.

What it was, he didn't know the name of...he only knew that he desperately wanted what they had...never mind with who it was with.

Once Justin bit down a little on Kyle's bottom lip, he kissed his way back down his muscled chest once more, making sure that he got his share of each and every one of the six hard blocks of abdominal muscles which Kyle had spent so much time in the pool for to have achieved. Jordan saw his brother reached into the rim of the underwear that Kyle was wearing, the before-mentioned boy's breathing now all of a sudden coming thick and fast, as the anticipation of what was about to happen, got more and more intense.

"You're so fucking hot, my dude..." he could hear Justin faintly whisper, before he saw Kyle take in a deep breath and hiss out loud, before his breathing quickened in record time.

There was only one thing that could have now happened...you didn't need to be a genius to have that one figured out.

Jordan moved a little towards his left and prayed to God that his parents didn't have to use the bathroom any time soon, because that meant they would have to walk past here, but he also knew that with the wooden floors and everything he was sure that he would have been able to hear them way before they would...he couldn't take his eyes off of this, no matter how hard he tried.

Jordan gasped softly as he saw that Justin was doing. He knew that his brother was gay, and the way that himself, Jordan, used to dream about eating out pussy and fucking chicks of every shape and size, in his fifteen years on this earth...he also knew that his brother probably had to be wondering what the dude's at school's dicks looks like, or what he wanted to do with them. It was a whole fucking other concept ENTIRELY to actually SEE and witness what Justin was actually doing.

And he looked like he was having the bloody time of his life.

Justin slurped on Kyle's equally seven-inch teenage penis like his life had depended on it. Up and down, up and down, coming upwards to the top of the flaring cockhead and flicking his tongue inside of the piss slit like no one's business, looking and craving some of that yummy fifteen-year-old pre cummy goodness, making Kyle launch his body and groin area upwards to get more of his cock inside Justin's desperate, thirsty ass mouth.

Around and around his brother would take his pleasuring of the teenage fuck stick until he finally came up for some much-needed air and smiled happily down at Kyle.

"You like that, huh? You like that, don't you, you sexy motherfucker..." he whispered before leaning down to give Kyle a soppy, wet kiss, still jacking off his cock at every second that had passed.

"Jesus dude, what the fuck are you doing to me..." Kyle could be heard whispering back his weak reply, before his head once more flipped back onto the pillow and from where Jordan was standing, he could have sworn Kyle's eyes were rolling back in their sockets, as was the intense feelings of having his cock sucked for him.

A while of complete and utter silence, except for the occasional groan or pleasurable moan or wheeze from Kyle went flying past, before the impressed Jordan saw that Kyle was reaching out and nervously tapping the side of Justin's head with his fingertips...

"Dude...gonna cum...gonna cum, man..." he whispered, his chest now heaving faster than that of a sheer garden mouse, his voice and tone coming in sharp staccato nuances, his eyes as hard and heavy as Jordan had ever seen them, and before the latter knew what had hit him, Kyle heaved himself upwards, reaching out his arms towards Justin, perhaps as to wanting to get him off his crotch before he actually shot his cream down his boyfriend's throat...

"Dude, no! I fucking want it!" Justin hissed softly, as he lifted his mouth off of Kyle's quivering cock for just a second, before pushing his boyfriend's upper body back down on the bed. Kyle landed down on the mattress with a thud, and his head was now completely thrown backwards in his sexual desire to launch his virile teenage sperm into a wet, warm orifice...

...before Jordan saw what had happened.

In his haste to get Kyle to actually blow...Justin had pushed him too severely and he had moved his position on the bed along with the fall back...his head was now backwards and his eyes were closed at first, but then...those beautiful caramel-coloured eyes opened...

...and looked straight into the ones of Jordan.


Kyle's mouth opened just a tad, but then again, he was about to get his long-awaited orgasm from the gifted mouth of his boyfriend...he just laid there...not saying a word...

Jordan and Kyle seemed to stare at each other for near eternity, or so it fucking felt. The fact that Kyle hadn't alerted Justin that his twin brother was busy watching them was a sheer miracle within itself.

Both boys weren't the best of friends, but they weren't exactly enemies either...Kyle was quiet...his breath was still heaving at the feelings of having his cock sucked, but there were no words needed.

Both Jordan and perhaps Kyle as well must have known in their heart of hearts that what they were doing was wrong as hell...but they...for some unexplained reason...couldn't look away from each other, even if they had tried.

Kyle's eyes widened...the look on his stunningly handsome teenage face said it all...a horny teenager about to cum, could be sniffed at a fucking mile away.

Still not taking his eyes off from his boyfriend's twin brother for one second, Kyle pursed his lips and seemed to clench his teeth as his orgasm finally RIPPED through out his body like he was made of tin foil.

His young, developed chest heaved with the emotions and warm feelings that must have been cascading through him like hot lava...and Justin seemed to swallow every single drop of sperm that Kyle had managed to launch out of his seven inch, now depleted organ.

Only, it wasn't Justin who Kyle was looking at...focusing on as he let loose his potent baby batter.

He fucking came...staring into the eyes of Jordan...and not Justin.

Jordan turned away, and as quietly as he could, sprinted towards the stairs, and proceeded to descend them two at a time. He had to get the hell out of here...he had to get some fresh air or something...fucking hell, he couldn't believe he actually did that.

He actually just watched his twin brother suck off his boyfriend and what's worse...he actually saw his brother eat and devour Kyle's babymakers.

Jordan ran outside into the backyard, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself the fuck down. He bent his upper body forward, putting both his hands on his knees, as his entire fifteen-year-old body was suddenly wreaked with guilt and wrongdoing, his heart feeling like it would have literally jumped out of his chest if it was actually capable of doing that.

And to his sheer fucking horror...he realised one more thing...one more...terrifying truth of what was going on...

He was hard.


He was rock fucking hard...his six-and-a-half-inch teenage penis bulging the seams of the layers of clothing that was keeping it in check, so fucking hard that it was literally waiting to fuck anything that would have moved around him.

Jordan felt the tears running down his cheeks before he could even try and stop them...tonight he faced sheer morbid humiliation with his girlfriend because even her skilled hands and mouth couldn't get him as hard as he was now. Not even half of what he was now experiencing.

Was he turning gay?

Jesus, no!

Calm down, Ridgeway...you can't TURN anyone fucking gay...

Jordan turned his attentions back to the house, and to the upstairs where the room was that he had shared with Justin. And where he...and his boyfriend probably still was right now.

This was surreal...this was actually insane...as he imagined what he had just seen once more, over and over inside his already fucked up subconscious.

He and Justin looked alike...and I mean, EXACTLY alike.

For just a moment...and the mere fact that he couldn't...wouldn't look away from what he was seeing...

...because in that moment...it was almost as if he saw HIMSELF give Kyle that blowjob...it was HIMSELF that he saw through his own eyes.

Without even thinking Jordan reached upwards with his hand and placed it directly onto his lips...he relieved the kiss he felt Kyle give him earlier that evening, when he mistakenly thought that Jordan was Justin.

He had hoped, that when all this was over, that he would have gotten over with what happened...because clearly that wasn't troubling Kyle as much as it did him. On the fucking contrary.

"What's wrong with me...what's fucking wrong with me..." he whispered, the tears still streaming down his face.


In the days that followed, Jordan tried his level best to stay away from both Justin and Kyle, but the more that he seemed to TRY and do that, the more that he would actually run into them, at will. He God damn shared a room with his twin...and it seemed like Kyle was just ALWAYS there...always around. He couldn't get the hell away from both of them.

Later that following week, the Coach announced that the swimming team of the school was going to have a gala competition against their biggest rivals and a few other schools at the coming weekend, and the team was heading out to where it was going to be held, all the way in the Western Cape part of South Africa, which meant it was going to be a few hours to go by the school bus to get there.

Both Justin as well as Jordan was on the swim team before Justin had come out to the rest of them, with the aftermath just what you would have expected from a school in the middle of a town that was much too much still old school and conventional.

Despite all the comments...all the shit that both himself and Justin had to endure afterwards, the coach had no answer to the bullying that had occurred in the aftermath...it was like the teachers and the principal in particular enjoyed the fact that an openly gay student would be tarnished every damn day, and because both his parents were sworn Catholics, and refused to believe that Justin was, what he said he was, they felt he deserved everything that he got.

In their own father's words...Justin made his own bed, he could damn well lie in it.

In the end, things got so bad, that Justin...easily the fastest swimmer on the team, had to quit the sport he loved so much. because he couldn't take the bullying and the hateful comments anymore.

One particular evening, Justin came home from said swimming practise with a blank eye...and Jordan, who had been at home with flu, at the time, immediately demanded that something had to be done. Once and for all.

Fat chance.

Justin later on told his twin brother that he overheard the principal telling the swimming team coach, that nothing would have happened if Justin Ridgeway just kept his mouth shut...yeah...it was clear as daylight where their loyalties laid, and it wasn't with his brother.

In this...this fucked up town where if you DARED be any different than the rest of the people living here...you were ridiculed and called the spawn of satan. Justin knew exactly was he was letting himself in for when he came out, and THAT's why Jordan had been so angry to begin with...he couldn't understand out of all teens that had to be gay in this world, why his twin brother JUST HAD to be one of them.

That was before he was kissed by a boy himself. And it wasn't like, he was going to tell THAT little piece of forbidden into to anyone, anytime soon.

Jordan and Kyle managed to avoid each other at school so far, but in the practise itself, they were kinda forced to interact in some way or form, and that was made more than evident when they were divided into the same team for the relay rehearsal.

Coach told their team that Kyle would be third into the pool to stabilise the middle order, of which Jordan would then finish last, and swim to the finish.

The fact that neither boy could look the other in the face, and flat out refused to talk directly to each other, caused immediate problems for the team, who thought that the team would be better off with Jordan starting, his fast reflexes in the pool, could have given them a healthy head start.

"But see, if we do that, then who's gonna finish in fourth?" Kevin Sanders stated the bleeding obvious, before Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Well, if we still had Justin on the team, it would have been a no-brainer, but you guys all knew better, didn't you?"

The whole entire team, as well as the Coach and Jordan himself, turned towards Kyle...who refused to back down, and shrugged his shoulders.

"He was the fastest dude on the team, can't get away from that...just saying..." he murmured and crossed his arms.

"And he's a cocksucker...we're barely tolerating YOU on the team, so I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut..." the same boy Kevin, said, in full ear shot of the Coach...who proceeded to check they had all the equipment they needed for the tour to the Western Cape.

Jordan couldn't believe his eyes...this was blatant homophobia allowed to happen and the Coach...the one person who was actually IN CHARGE, did nothing to stop it! Or to help Kyle in any way?

When practice was finished, the entire team sat around on the bleachers as the Coach gave orders for Friday afternoon, when the school bus would be taking them to their destination. Kyle had been silent all afternoon, just following orders and doing what the Coach had asked of him, and their team ended up winning the relay race, because of Jordan's fast start and because of Kyle finishing strong.

"Okay, boys! Make sure you get some rest, no partying like I always know you like to do! I swear, if I find out one of you had so much as coffee in his system before we drive away from here on Friday, there will be HELL to pay!" the Coach said, before he allowed them to actually go, and after message beep on Jordan's phone, had himself taking it out and having a look...seems like Justin was waiting for him outside in their parents' car to pick him up.

"Yo, Ridgeway! That your boyfriend you're talking to?" Kevin Sanders called out from where he was at the edge of the pool, still shooting the shit with his mates.

Jordan closed his eyes and tried to count to ten...thanks Justin.

Ever since he came out, and because they were twins, the idiots at school obviously thought Jordan was gonna turn out just like Justin...and that's EXACTLY what he was now so afraid of...that's why he was avoiding Kyle as best he could.

That kiss...that kiss was fucking engraved in his mind and he had NO idea how to remove it from his life.

At times, he wasn't sure if he even wanted to.

Jordan typed a reply to Justin that he was on his way over, and put his phone away, before picking up his backpack and swinging it over his shoulder, before he was suddenly face to face with Kevin himself.

"I was talking to you, fuck face...you think you're better than me? Better than all of us, because you can swim faster than us?"

Jordan shook his head and gripped his bag closer to him. The Coach was standing at the opposite end of the pool, and more than once, had he turned his head to face his team...he could clearly see what Kevin was doing, and he wasn't doing SHIT about it.

"Leave me alone, Kev...it was a long day, come on man..."

Kevin smirked as he stood directly in front of Jordan now, both his arms crossed as he refused to allow him past. Jordan wasn't scared...it wasn't even that, he knew he could handle Kevin and his skanks...but the fact that it was happening in the first place...

Kevin looked back towards his army of bullies, before he turned back towards Jordan.

"Tell me Ridgeway...since you and your little homo brother are sharing a room and all...are you two sucking each other off?"

Jordan had enough.

He swung his backpack down from his shoulder and allowed it to viciously thunder on the cold, wet area of the poolside area. He walked up towards Kevin and looked his dead in his eyes.

"Take that back! Take that back right now!" he shouted at the top of his voice.

He was tired, sick and tired as hell of all the fucking homophobic bullying that he had to endure, just because of Justin. If his brother was straight, if he was just NORMAL like every other boy he knew, than NONE of this would have been happening!

Kevin slightly pushed Jordan backwards, more harder than he would have preferred as Jordan nearly toppled over backwards, but he managed to keep his balance in the end.

"Kevin! What the fuck man, why do you always have to be such a fucking jerk?"

Jordan flickered his eyes towards the right-hand side of the pool, and saw that Kyle was standing there, looking at the two of them with both his eyebrows raised to the maximum. Kevin's response was to smirk at both of them and then...he actually SPAT out a ball of pent-up saliva, which landed in front of Jordan's feet, missing his skin by mere centimetres.

"Let's go, boys. Let these fucking queers have their fun. For now..." he said, his voice as dangerously low as either Kyle or Jordan had ever heard it, before he and his posse made their way out of the swimming area.

Kyle uncrossed his arms and slowly made his way over towards Jordan, who was still in a state of shock at what had just occurred.

"You okay, man?"

Jordan looked over towards Kyle after the latter's question, and he shrugged his shoulders before he reached down and tried to pick up his back, only to slip in forward in the several puddles of water that was still mattered alongside the pool area.

With the speed and the grace of a ninja, Kyle blitzed forward and grabbed hold of Jordan's arm, before he steadied the boy upwards, and kept him from actually falling flat out on his face on the cold, hard gravel floor.

"Jesus...I nearly...I nearly..." Jordan whispered, his chest heaving and his heart feeling it was going a million miles a minute with the sudden shock and the exasperation of what almost happened.

"Lucky that I was here, then..."

Kyle smiled meekly as he let go of Jordan's arm when he was sure the boy was steady on both his feet and in no danger of hurting himself. For a couple of seconds, both boys simply...stared at each other, without either knowing what to do or what to say.

It was Jordan who literally, couldn't take the silence anymore, they were teammates for God's sake!


Kyle held up his hand, as well as having a far-off expression on his handsome young face.

"Don't...Jordan...just don't...we don't need to ever talk about..."


"Why? Did you just happen to walk past us or did you actually watch what we were doing from the start?"

Jordan opened his mouth, but no words came out. Instead, he just sighed and shook his head. Kyle rolled his eyes, before grabbing his own backpack and steadying it over his own shoulder.

"Dude...I really didn't know what it was you, you know...the other night. I just saw...YOU and thought you were Justin. I'm sorry...I really am, if I freaked you out. I know you don't like me...or people like me in general..."

Jordan gritted his teeth and dared to look upwards at Kyle. This was the same Kyle that he had known for ages. The same guy that he had shared exams with, his fries with...the boy that he trusted with his life on the swimming team, to actually have his back!

The only...literally the only one of his peers who didn't give him shit because his twin brother was gay. Kyle wasn't ugly...at all. He was starting to realise just what Justin was seeing in the boy. He was kind...caring...he obviously loved Justin a great deal, because he said the words...he SAID THEM...when he thought he was talking to Justin that night.

A yearning as he had never experienced in his life seemed to flood its way through his very being.

With Tanya, it was never like this. It was more about impressing his friends and losing his virginity to a hot ass girl, than it was about finding someone special...someone who really cared and was THERE for you. Look how easily Tanya broke things off...and to this day, she hadn't spoken ONE fucking word to him. She flat-out ignored him...was that all it was?

Did it merely take a cock not wanting to get hard, to forget about someone once and for all?

"Earth to Jordan..." Kyle giggled and proceeded to wave his hand front of Jordan's face.

Jordan slowly snapped out of his thoughts and smiled quickly towards Kyle.

"Dude...sorry, man, I was miles away."

"Yeah, a blind man can see that."

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

Jordan smirked, before he took a look at his watch, realising that Justin must still be waiting after all this time.

"Justin is waiting for in the car outside...you want a ride home?" he asked Kyle, who's face lit up at the sound of his boyfriend's name.

"You sure? You won't mind if I tagged along?" he asked, his eyes shining as he did so.

Jordan giggled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Why would I mind...I'll get the fuck home and into a hot shower either way!"

Kyle smiled once more, and that...THAT damn `butterflies in the tummy' feeling that Jordan had been suffering from ever since Kyle had kissed him a few days ago, once more resurfaced.

Kyle's eyes widened just a tad as he saw Jordan looking straight at him, and for a while, the two boys had managed to maintain eye contact...before Kyle sighed out loud.

"Yeah, now that you mention a shower...I'm pretty beat up."

Halfway out of the swimming pool area, Kyle stood still, and stopped Jordan as he attempted to get past him to where he knew that Justin must have been going nuts waiting for his twin brother to finally fucking show up.


Jordan turned around, and looked at Kyle with a glimmer in his eyes...the natural sunlight coming from the outside just meekly seemed to glaze the boy standing in front of him. It was shining its rays all over his boyish features, his beautiful blond hair flopping around in the slight air...his strong cheekbones highlighted by the intense afternoon ultraviolet suds...the faint blond hairs on his arms and legs spread across his flawless skin...

Jordan swallowed. Hard.

Jesus Christ...he never knew...and God help him...but he never realised another boy...could ever be this beautiful.

There was plenty of gay jokes coming his way because of Justin...but this wasn't one of them, he was deadly serious.

His chest was getting close to being shut tight...he never...EVER felt like this for anyone he had ever met.

Why the hell did it take Justin dating Kyle, and all of this...this homophobic crap to have happened between them for Jordan to actually realise what a great guy Kyle really was...?

Kyle smiled and held out his fist towards Jordan...

"I just...before we get to the car and to Justin...I just wanted to say how awesome it is, that me and you are still good. I know that it was a shock for you that me and Justin were dating...but we were buds before that, and I like to think we can be buds again...that's if you want to?"

Jordan's eyes flickered towards Kyle's fist that he was holding out to him.

In his heart of hearts, he knew that he wasn't gay. He was into girls...he had literally been his whole, entire existence.

What changed.

What the FUCK changed.

Kyle kissed him.

That was what changed.

Jordan grinned towards Kyle and held out his own fist and bumped it next that of the latter.

"I'm sorry I was such a dick as well, man. So, my brother is gay...big deal. So, you and him are dating, big deal. So, the guys on the team have a problem with that...next time I'll fucking make sure to teach Kevin a lesson he will never forget! No one messes with my brother or my friends!" he said, loud enough for everyone within ear shot to hear.


As they got to the car, Justin got out and swung his arms out in the air, complete with him rolling his eyes in sheer fucking anger.

"I've been waiting for like half an hour and you two just come in here like two snails on Viagra! You couldn't have WhatApped me to say you'll be late?"

Jordan's irritation towards his twin brother almost snapped, but then he remembered they weren't alone...as he took his backpack and threw it into the car before getting in at the driver's seat.

"You know that you guys are not sixteen yet...driving is totally against the law..." Kyle said with a sweet smile towards Justin, who quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching, before he planted a solid kiss on Kyle's lips.

Jordan looked forward towards the school gates...Justin and Kyle kissing was the LAST thing he wanted to see.

"So what...live life dangerously, you only fucking get one, that's what I say..." Justin squealed as he hugged his boyfriend towards him.

Jordan didn't wanna sound mean...but sometimes just the massive differences between them was so...severe, that you could easily tell them apart. He was more...manly, so to speak, more into sports and action, where as he KNEW that Justin was way more feminine than he was. Make no mistake, their dad taught both himself and Justin how to keep their own in a fight...but just his mannerisms...the way he handled himself...they were just SO DIFFERENT!

"Get in the car, sexy..." Justin said once more, before hopped in at the back alongside his boyfriend. All that Jordan could do, was grit his teeth and start the engine.

"You don't mind if we make out back here, do you?" Justin yelled on the top of his voice towards his twin brother, before without waiting for an answer, literally THREW himself at Kyle. In all fairness, Kyle didn't seem like he minded what Justin was doing one little bit.

Jordan closed his eyes and counted to ten, before he drove them out of the school gates, and turned into the left lane to drop Kyle off first on their way home.

"No...no, I don't mind at all..." he whispered sarcastically, before he sped off.



Coming up next...Jordan and Kyle spend some time alone at the swimming gala...and maybe...just maybe...I might allow some more stuff to happen hahaha



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