A Kept Woman, TG Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jul 7, 2020



A Kept Woman, April, 2020

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the day!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure that was fun and exciting My husband offered me an adventure of a lifetime. I am 5'1", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was really a strange and interesting experience. The following is taken from my diary entry at the time.

So over the years my Husband Sharon and I have shared clothes and slowly over the years, it is her always borrowing from me. As she always raids my closets for work attire, especially my skirt suits. Now, on one occasion she found a dress in my closet that was one I specifically bought to match a dress I had seen Sharon wearing in an old picture. It was an oriental style dress, green floral pattern, high collar, silk and very traditional with a slit up the left front, the picture showed her smiling, very well made up and sliding on a pair of grey nylons. She emailed me and told me that he had found my new oriental dress in my closet and asked me if I wanted an occasion to wear it out in public. I emailed her back and told her I would be very interested and she said she had an idea, and let her work out the details.

About a week later my husband sent me an email and this is what she said:

Ok dear, I have found a situation\opportunity to for you to wear that new oriental dress of yours, however it will be a very unique experience like no other you have ever had. The date will be in two weeks on a Saturday night, I will be doing your makeup, hair and helping you into your dress. I have chosen your nylons, shoes and purse, I will be leaving the nylons and shoes and purse out for you ahead of time. You will be picked up for 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm. Now what you will have to do is go on the internet and look up what Chinese culture is with regards to what a "kept woman" is, as you will be one on that night.

So I did what she told me and looked it up and was a little confused as to what I was reading, as basically it was explaining a "kept woman", was not a woman at all, but female in body, but void of any human spirit, and would obey her keeper and would look the very traditional formally dressed Chinese woman, but to him all you would be is a "doll", a "charm" at his side. I emailed my husband and told her I really did not totally understand and she emailed me back and told me that on the day of the date she would explain it fully, but in the mean time, she would get some more granular details of the evening and would email me back. At this point I started to have second thoughts, but it was too late, Sharon told me she had committed myself to be a taken woman for an evening.

So the week before I got another email with more details of the upcoming Saturday night with me as a "kept woman". So here is what she what she sent in an email:

Joyce, so the plans are set, be nice and clean and ready in your bra, panties and nylons, your foundation makeup, wear whatever hair you want, then put on the dress the best you can and the shoes and meet me upstairs for 4pm, as well as and your panache perfume.

Your "keeper" for the evening is a gentleman by the name of Joseph Chan, he is a vice president of a well known Canadian bank. He will be taking you to an exclusive very high end Chinese restaurant and you can expect to see other "kept" women, you will know who they are by how they are dressed. Your name for the evening will be Kiki, and he will not address you by that name, but literally treat you as an inanimate object. You do what your keeper wants and obey him no matter what. What makes it more interesting is your keeper has no clue you are not a real woman, so dress accordingly for lingerie.

I was a little taken back at what she had written, but again, it was too late to turn back. The Saturday came and around 3pm, went and got very clean then to my room. I had not decided on lingerie for the evening, but went with black all lace pair of panties and a black lace and satin bra, did not really match, but I was not planning on getting out of my dress anyway. I started with my latex vagina and made sure I was well tucked under and then my all lace black panties then the matching bra. Next was my foundation garment, followed by the grey nylons, sheer toe to waist. I slipped on the shoes to ensure I did not put a run in the nylons. The hair I chose was my shorter, shoulder length hair. I then put on my pink satin makeup robe and made my way to the bathroom and put on my foundation on my face to make it nice and smooth.

I then slipped out of my robe and stepped in the dress, which was very figure hugging and silk, just below knee length and well above the knee slits on either side. It was a combination of green and black with a high collar, very demure looking but sexy all at the same time. I grabbed the panache perfume and headed upstairs. I was greeted with the sight of my husband Sharon, in a knee length black pencil skirt (one of mine) a green silk blouse and ultra sheer nearly black hose and 3" black patent heels and very well done makeup. She smiled at me and said, "Brenda and I are going out tonight to a nice restaurant and then I am spending the night over at her place, I have packed house keys in your handbag". I handed her the perfume and handed me a grey handbag, one to match the shoes I was wearing which were grey open toe, 2" pumps.

Then the first interesting part of the evening started and she unzipped my dress all the way down and then literally started dousing me in the Panache perfume from head to toe. I literally stunk of this perfume and she said, "remember your 'keeper' will want you smelling like this all night and put the perfume in the grey handbag. She then did up my zipper and the button on the front collar and proceeded to hand me a white plastic bag and told me to go to the bathroom and to put it on. I went the bathroom and opened the bag and in it was a jet black wig. I took off the hair I was wearing and put on this, it was straight hair, gave me bangs and was shoulder length. I packed the hair I wore upstairs in the bag and went into the living room and Sharon was waiting for me and had a chair set up next to the dining room table and told me to sit down. I looked over and she had a whole bunch of makeup laid out, all of hers, but some I had never seen before.

She then said, "let's get the hair right", and started brushing it and as she was she was saying things like, "remember not single word EVER tonight, even if asked to talk, also forgot to tell you ALWAYS be two steps behind Joseph when walking". I felt her working away at my hair and asked her what she was doing, and she said, "making you look more of the part". Eventually I felt wisps of hair down the side of my face and her using some sort of spray, and then she said, "and now for the 'crowning touch', and then I felt tugging on my head and then she said, "perfect". Then she said it was time for makeup and for the first time in 30 years, another woman was going to do my makeup.

She started with my eyes and the for the first time, I was going to be wearing eyelash extenders and she told me to close my eyes and put them on. She smiled and said, "perfect", and then started tweezing my eyebrows, then waxed them and it hurt a little, and when she was done took a black pencil and started working on my eyebrows. Then she moved to my eyelids and she had liquid eyeliner, and started applying it very carefully and when she was done she stood back and said, "perfect, you eye size and shape, and makeup definitely gives you Oriental looking eyes". She then took out emerald eye shadow and I felt her put it on my upper and lower lids. Then she finished off my eyes with a very healthy coat of "lash blast" mascara. Then she sat back and said, "even more effect for the kept woman look". Next was my cheeks and she pulled out a darker blush and told me to suck in my cheeks, and brushed on the blush on my cheeks, with a healthy coat in along the cheekbone. She then said, "now the part that will really define the look". She took a red lip pencil and told me to pucker up like I was going to kiss someone and then started to outline my lips, and I felt her outline slightly above my upper lip. She then took out a brush and a pod of bright red (what I thought was lipstick), and then said, "dear this not lipstick per se, it is more like a paint, it is colour last, so you will not have to touch it up all night, I will leave out some special makeup remover for you to get it off". She then said, and finally your nails, and she had laid down a towel on the table and told me to sit up at the table and put my hands on the towel. I did and she proceeded to put on not super long nails, but long enough, that it was going to be fun trying to pull down my nylons. As she glued them on told me that when I got home I was going to have to soak them in a solution to get rid of the nails, as I could not pull them off. She then proceeded to file the nails so they had a dainty tip and then pulled out nail polish a similar colour to the lip colour I was wearing, and applied a nice coat, and told me to be still while they dried. While they were drying Sharon produced the jewellery I was going to be wearing for the evening, which was a pair of long earrings, 3 balls, starting with a small at the top and getting larger as they went down. Then beaded bracelets, green and black on both wrists.

After a couple of minutes she told me to stand took me to the middle of the room and to fold my hands in front of me and then started taking pictures. At one point she handed me the grey handbag and said, "the complete look", she said, "now remember to keep your feet together when standing still". I was dying to see what she had done to me and smiled and said to go into the hallway and have a look in the mirror, she was right behind me, camera in hand. As I looked in the mirror I was completely blown away!, Sharon got my expression at that moment and as I stared at myself, I literally did not recognize myself. Sharon had made me look like a Chinese doll, I stared, my eyes looked small like an Asian woman, but large at the same time, my cheeks were way over done and my lips, it is almost like I had a peak on my upper lip and then my nails, never had I had nails that long in public in my life. My hair was up in a bun and little wisps down the side of my face and through the in the hair bun was a piece of bamboo. She went on to explain that the bamboo was a symbol I was a kept woman, if you see another dressed like you without that, she is not a kept woman. As I stared at myself, I said to Sharon, "I look like and authentic Asian woman, only one problem, I do not speak or understand the language". Sharon went on to explain that Mr. Chan would be under the impression you were orphaned a young age after your parents were killed in a car accident and you were adopted by a Canadian family and that you did not speak Chinese at all.

Sharon looked at her watch and said Mr. Chan would be there any minute she took my hand to the living room, and at that time I checked my handbag, and in it was blush, a blush brush, a mirror, a tampon and a sanitary pad, some tissues and a 4 condoms, and keys for the house. I looked funny at Sharon and she smiled and said, "always be prepared". About 2 minutes later Mr. Chan pulled into the driveway, and waited. Sharon then said, remember at the restaurant open HIS door as a sign of respect and do not expect him to open your door at the car". She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "now be a proper kept woman"

I walked out the door, and what was in the driveway was a 4 door BMW car, I opened the door and slid in and Mr. Chan looked me over and really had no expression on his face, I put my handbag in my lap and did up my seat belt and we were off. Mr. Chan never said a word to me as we drove to Mississauga. The restaurant was in an industrial looking plaza and had Chinese writing as a sign. Mr. Chan parked the car and got out and remembered what Sharon had told me I was expect no chivalry and got out on my own, ensuring I was being modest as the slits of the dress rode up quite a bit. Mr. Chan was waiting for me at the front of the car and I went and joined him, and as Sharon told me I followed 2 steps behind as we walked to the entrance. When we got to the entrance he stopped and looked back at me and I just bowed and went and opened the door and he went in and I followed two steps behind. We got to the reception desk and were greeted by an Asian woman, long jet black hair, perfect makeup in a black silk blouse, knee length black skirt, ultra sheer black hose and about 2" black patent heels. Mr. Chan spoke with her in Chinese and then she grabbed a menu and she started walking in the dining room area and of course, we followed, I was two steps behind Mr. Chan. We got to the table and Mr. Chan sat down and so did I and put my handbag on the table. I sat with my hands folded in my lap and was looking around and noticed many girls dressed like me and some with the bamboo shoots in their hair and others without.

Our waitress came and she was stunning looking, she was about my height, perfect makeup nails done as well, jet black hair up in a bun, a red satin blouse (no buttons in the front) low cut in the front showing a bit of cleavage. Lovely dangly gold earrings, breasts were around the same size as mine (obviously wearing a push up bra). The skirt she was wearing black midi length skirt, "hobble style body con style showing off her curves". Black ultra sheer hose and 3" black patent pumps. She started talking with Mr. Chan in Chinese, and at one point looked over at me and gave me a strange look, almost like she was checking me out and continued to talk in Chinese to Mr. Chan. At the end of the conversation, she stared at me and bit her lip and then took the menu from Mr. Chan and continued to stare at me and then walked away. The Mr. Chan continue to ignore me and talked to people around us in Chinese and was laughing and carrying on.

Our waitress came back and then put down two drinks in front of Mr. Chan, and then a glass of water in front of me and again smiled at me and again checking me out and left with the menu. Mr. Chan, continued to chat with the other gentlemen and was totally ignoring me and I was looking around and seeing what was at the other tables, and what I saw was a number of other girls, all dressed like I was, except for a table of 6 Chinese women dressed in business skirt suits. Our waitress came back and again, smiled and was again, checking me out and put down a noodle dish in front of Mr. Chan and said something in Chinese to him and then again, looked me over and left and Mr. Chan looked at me and said in very broken English, "you eat later". I was confused, but went along with the role and sipped on my water, and eventually he was done and obviously ordered another drink and about that time, I noticed a bunch of girls/women heading to the direction of the ladies room, and Mr. Chan looked at me and said, again in broken English, "you go now", and pointed to them.

I smiled and said nothing and grabbed my grey handbag and headed to the ladies room, following the crowd. Now, I have been to Ladies rooms, Ladies bathrooms, ladies washrooms a couple of hundred times, but this was a very new experience. There was a lineup out the door of the and what turned out to be a washroom and not a ladies room. I stood in line and what I saw was ALL the women/girls were dress and made up the same as me, same hairstyle. I appeared to be the oldest, and some looked barely 16 and had the bamboo shoot in their hair bun, which as a woman that knew or thing or two of what being a "kept woman was" and thought, "are they even legal to have sex?". Nothing was said in the line and eventually I got into the washroom, and only three stalls and watched as women/girls were at the sinks, and eventually, a stall came open and it was my turn and I went in and smiled at the girl that came out. She went to the line up for the sinks and I went in and put my purse on the toilet dispenser, and hiked up my dress and carefully pulled down my pantyhose with was a challenge with the long nails, as to not put a run in them. I moved things around and did my business, and I did not hear a sound other than the shuffling of heels and the sound of women urinating. I moved everything back and then pulled up my pantyhose and tugged down my dress and grabbed my handbag and joined the others in the line up for the sinks. A few things I noticed was that like me, none had to touch up their lips, rather they were taking out their perfume from their handbags and adding more perfume and the room, had a certain smell to it of all different perfumes, and not just a "waft", but a strong smell. When it was my turn at the sinks I washed up and then pulled out my Panache perfume and added even more. When I was done, I packed up my handbag and smiled at the other girls in the mirror and left to go back to the table.

I sat down and Mr. Chan looked like he was finishing his drink and as he did I then noticed some of the possible underage "kept girls" had men sitting across from them that were obviously much older than them, with greying hair and obviously in their 50's. Mr Chan finished his drink and then stood up and said, "come", and I grabbed my handbag and followed him out, and in the distance saw our waitress again checking me out. I opened the door for him at the restaurant and followed him to his car. He got in and I went to the passenger side and slid in.

He started the car and we drove to a dimly lit, and seemingly abandon part of the parking lot a ways away from the restaurant. He proceeded to turn off the car and said "back". Well I knew what was coming and got out and opened the rear passenger door and slid in to the leather passenger seat. Mr Chan, got in as well, and it took him no time to undo his belt, and then pants and slid them and his underwear down around his knees. He then looked at me and said, "dinner", I then got closer to him and bent over and opened my lipstick covered lipstick covered lips and engulfed his semi erect cock and found I could get him all the way in and not gag, his pubic hair tickled my nose. I then started licking and sucking his cock, and as well caressing his balls with my long painted fingers. When I got him fully erect, he was moaning and I increased the licking and sucking every while, grabbing his cock with my painted fingers and pumping up and down, all the while, licking and sucking his balls. I got him to the brink of orgasm several times and then would stop and go down and lick and suck on his balls. It was he grabbed the back of my head and really started moaning I started licking and sucking and bobbing up and down on his cock fast and faster. He cried out and grunted and filled my mouth with his lovely juice and I swallowed it all down and then got off his cock and sat back in my seat.

Mr Chan said nothing or even looked at me and pulled up his pants and underwear and did up his belt and got out of the car to the front seat and looked back and at me, and I took the cue and got out of the back seat and into the front. I had no clue where we were going, I assumed he was taking me home, but we pulled up in front of a condo building, not far from the restaurant. He turned off the car and looked at me and then got out and stood at the front of the car, again, I took the hint grabbed my handbag and got out and joined him at the front of the car, and we started walking to the entrance of the condo building. I followed behind him and we entered and I was blown away, it definitely was upscale complete with a concierge. The gentleman gave Mr. Chan a knowing smile and I just followed him to the elevators. I made sure to stand behind him, and we got off on the 14th floor, and I followed him out and to his condo.

We got into the condo and I was blown away, it was two levels, very classy and well decorated, Mr Chan knew exactly what he wanted and grabbed my arm and lead me to the stairs and we went to the second level. We then went into a very specious and large bedroom, with a view overlooking the lake from a large window. I stood in the middle of the room, and Mr. Chan poured himself a drink of something and stared at me as he drank it. Eventually he was done and proceeded to completely strip naked, except for his socks. His cock was slightly erect and he sat on the bed and said "walk", I knew what he wanted and started to saunter around the room in a sexy way and I watched as his cock got harder and harder. At one point all the said was "tits, show". Again, I knew what he wanted and proceeded to undo the button at the front of the dress, and then, luckily I managed to get hold of the zipper and pull it down. I slipped out of the sleeves and then let the dress fall down around my waist, and being as form fitting as it was, was not a problem. I then reached back and undid my bra and let it fall to the floor. Mr. Chan was smiling and came to me and started caressing my breasts and then started licking and sucking on them and nibbling on my nipples, and pinching them, they got hard fast, and I in turn reached down and started stroking his now hard cock.

He then stopped and said "no more, dress", and I bent over and got my bra and put it on, then did up my dress, I do not think I got the zipper all the way up, then the button at the collar. Mr. Chan was on the large bed and was stroking his hard cock, and stared at me and then looked at his cock. I then crawled up on the bed and returned the favour and started licking and sucking on his nipples and pushed his hand out of the way and started stroking his cock. I then kissed my way down to his very erect cock and started licking and sucking on it and caressing his balls with my painted nails, and concentrating on the underside of his cock. I went fast, then slow, bobbing up and down and also sucking and licking on his balls, he was moaning the entire time, and I got him to a feverish pitch several times, and then backed off. At one point, I thought I heard a door close, but kept on sucking and licking Mr. Chan. Eventually he could take no more and grabbed my head and I started bobbing up and down very quickly and he grunted and fed me another healthy load of his lovely juice.

I heard something and was startled and looked over and in the doorway of the bedroom was the waitress that served us at the restaurant, smiling arms folded and said something to Mr. Chan in Chinese and he smiled and said something back. She walked up to me and said, "come, you mine now", I got off the bed then I grabbed my grey handbag. She grabbed my arm, and literally dragged me out of the bedroom, and then to another one, which was next door, just as big, but this one had red silk bedding on a king sized bed. She lead me to the center of the large bedroom and let go of my arm then went and closed the door to the bedroom and came and walked around me and as I stood with my feet together and hands folded in front of me. She came and stood in front of me and gently brushed my face and said, "pretty". She was slightly taller than me only due to the fact I was in 2" heels and her 3 ½" heels. She said something in broken English, but there was no doubt due to the look of lust in her eyes as she stared at me, I knew exactly what she meant. She said, "you pretty, I never been with someone with the same body as me". I smiled and she just kept on staring and me and then said, "have you?", I just smiled and nodded, then she said, "you teach". I again smiled and nodded, she then said, "you start teach".

Well this was not the first time I introduced a female to Lesbian sex, and for her I decided to take it real slow. I gently grabbed her face and moved my lipstick covered lips to hers and gently started with a very light Lesbian kiss. I then grabbed her gently by her waist, and moved her hands to my waist and then I intensified the kissing and slowly taught her how to move her tongue to my mouth as I did hers and this went on for quite a while. As we continued to kiss passionately, she started moaning and I moved my hands from her waist up to her breasts and slowly started caressing them through her silk blouse, and she started the same with me through my silk dress. She then broke our kiss and said, "you undress me", and turned around and I undid all the buttons on her red silk blouse and slid the blouse off her shoulders and un tucked it from the black skirt, and it fell to the floor. I then undid her black lace and satin push up bra and it fell to the floor after I pulled it from her shoulders. I then undid her skirt and tugged it down a little and it fell to the floor, and she stepped out of it, and was wearing a garter belt and stockings, and panties matching the bra.

I was standing behind her and reached around and gently cupped her breasts and started massaging them and then started kissing her neck and I was not sure was perfume she was wearing but it smelled heavenly. She was moaning and her nipples were very hard and I gently tweaked them, she turned around and we went into a deep and passionate Lesbian kiss, she was definitely getting turned on, and then broke the kiss and said, "you undress". I had to think quick on my feet and grabbed for the grey handbag that was on the bed and opened it and pulled out a tampon and had a sad look on my face and she smiled and said, "top only". I then undid the button at the front of the dress and then reached around and could barely get the zipper and undid the dress and let it fall to my waist She came around back of me and undid my black lace and satin bra and tugged it down over my shoulders and it fell to the floor. She started to do to me what I had been doing to her caressing my breasts and I was moaning as she kissed my neck. She came around to me and then I leaned down and started to lick and suck and caress her breasts and she was moaning and rubbing my hair. I stopped and she returned the favour, but what I noticed is that she had let her hair down and it was just below her shoulders, straight like mine, and silky looking, and I caressed her hair as she licked and sucked on my breasts. We were standing face to face and went into another deep passionate Lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, this time our bare breasts were crushed together and our nipples touching. I broke the kiss and cupped my breasts and motioned for her to do the same, and then I took the lead and we rubbed each others nipples together and she had her eyes closed and was moaning.

We broke the rubbing session and then started into another passionate lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, with our breasts crushed together. I thought it was the right time and moved my hand down to the edge of her panties and found her very moist pussy under the panties and started caressing it and concentrated on her clit and she literally squealed when I did. All she did after that was moan, "good", I took her hand and lead her to the bed. She stopped me and said, you dress now". I grabbed my bra from the floor and grabbed my bra and slipped it on and came around back of me and did it up as I adjusted myself in the front. I then pulled up the top of my dress and she zipped me up while did the button up at the front collar of the dress.

She then got up on the bed, I joined her on the silk sheets and we again started a lipstick to lipstick Lesbian embrace. And all the while I was fingering her very moist pussy. When I could feel she could take no more, I started kissing and licking my way down her body, stopping at her nipples, and she moved up the bed and put her head on a pillow. I moved down to her pussy and slowly tugged her panties off and tossed them aside and was greeted by the sight of one of the cutest pussies I had ever seen. Pretty much all shaved bald with a tuft of hair at the top, I then slowly started to lick up and down her slit, savouring the tangy juices of her and then would kiss her thigh as I slowly caress her hard clit. She was beside herself, moaning and groaning and I had not even gotten to her clit yet with my lips yet. When I did she jumped off the sheets and I thought "has this woman never had her clit licked before?". I then proceeded to concentrate on her clit, licking and sucking and before I knew it she was shuddering with a huge orgasm. I lapped up her juices and then felt her hands on my head and she moaned, "more", so I kept on licking and sucking before long she cried out again and shuddered with another huge orgasm. I got up the bed and lay beside her and we went into a passionate lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. She broke the kiss and looked at me and said, "more", but this time she reached into her night stand and pulled out a vibrator and handed it to me and smiled, and I took it and kissed my way down to her hard nipples and licked and sucked on them, and then eventually to her pussy. I turned on the vibrator and slowly inserted it onto her wet and juicy pussy and started moving it in and out and then started licking her swollen clit. Eventually she shuttered again with a huge orgasm, I pulled out the vibrator and turned it off and went up to the bed and lay beside her and brought it to her lips and I started licking on it and she did as well, and smiled at me as we got it all clean, and I could tell she had never tasted a woman's pussy juice before by the expression on her face, eyes closed and moaning.

We finished with the dildo and she put it down and looked at me and said, "I want panties", I kind of knew what she was talking about and then she said "yours". Then I knew what she wanted and told her I would be right back and got off the bed and grabbed my grey handbag and headed to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. I got in and hiked up my dress and then stepped out of the shoes and then carefully took off the pantyhose and foundation garment and pulled off the all lace black panties and then put them on the counter. I then put the foundation garment back on and the nylons and shoes and tugged down my dress. I decided to really give her a treat and doused the panties in my Panache perfume and then after packing up my grey handbag, entered back into the bedroom with panties in hand. She was on the bed, playing with her pussy, massaging her clit as well, and I came and handed her the panties and she brought them to her face and smiled, and said, "one more". I got up on the bed and positioned myself in front of her pussy and started licking the lovely tangy juices and massaging her clit with my tongue, I could see the had the panties to her face and was smelling them and moaning. It did not take long, before she shuddered into yet another big orgasm. When she was done I crawled up beside her for one long and lasting lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, after we broke it she said, "you are done now".

I took the hint and got off the bed and grabbed my grey handbag and then left the room, and Mr. Chan was standing there waiting for me, and said just "come", and I followed him down the stairs to the elevator, and down and then to his car. I got in the passenger seat and kept my handbag on my lap. Mr. Chan said nothing to me all the way back to my place and when we pulled in the driveway, the house was dark and Mr. Chan turned off the car and looked at me and pointed and said, "back". I knew what meant and took my handbag with me and got into the back seat, Mr Chan joined me and before I knew it, he had his pants and underwear down by his knees, and just looked at me, I moved over a bit and then started pleasing him. It was late, I have no clue how late, but all I knew was that I was tired, and started licking and sucking him till he was good and hard and then started bobbing up and down quickly, as well caressing his balls with my painted fingers. It took longer than I thought, but he eventually exploded into my mouth and I swallowed him all down and sat back up and he quickly pulled up his pants and underwear and looked at me and said, "out".

I got out of the car and had to fumble around for the house keys in my handbag, but found them, as Mr. Chan drove off. I got in the house, but was so tired, but knew somehow I had to get out of the dress. Luckily, I had a device for such occasion and managed to get out of the dress. I took off my bra, and foundation garment and latex vagina and then put on a new satin outfits, a camisole top and matching panties, then my comfy blue terri cloth robe. My husband left me instruction on how to get off the lip colour and the nails and I proceeded to follow her instructions. Then the rest of my makeup I took off, then glanced at the clock and saw it was 2am, and I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.


So here is the proposal:

First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?

Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com

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