A Hot Wednesday Afternoon

By Dave

Published on Aug 22, 2021


This story is entirely fiction. The events, the names, are all out of my over-active imagination. But I certainly want to say that Nifty is NOT imagination. It is real, and we all appreciate it. Please step up if you can to support its continued existence.


From lesson three:

"Hell yeah, man. There's LOTS the three of us can do now. You didn't just let us see you naked. You let us see you start to, well, be 'naked' in a different way."

Me: "And I'll just add my two cents. We like both."

And now Chris is crying a bit. "Shit. I never felt like this before. Like I can just let it all out -- and I really don't mean just my dick. I mean, who the fuck else just actually LIKES Chris the asshole?

"We do."

And I add, "you just showed us you aren't an asshole, but we'll probably like the asshole that's right behind your balls inside those toasted buns!"


"I'm a virgin back there, and I'm not sure I --"

"Next time, let Dave show you how sexy it can be. When he showed me, I came like in buckets without even touching my dick."

"Yeah, your asshole was like pumping my dick, especially when you shot. And you weren't jerking off then, either."

"So how did you and Dave ever, like, hook up or whatever you want to call it?"

"I was looking to make some money and I offered to cut his grass. He said that he could do it, but he liked it that a kid had some initiative. I think that's the word he used."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I said. And it's true, but I also liked watching you. Great-looking guy, getting all sweaty, shorts clinging, pulling up in your ass crack, outlining your junk --. But you were just just a kid, and I'm a teacher, and well --."

"Yeah, I was like only 15 then, and I did the lawn mowing for a couple of summers and then stopped. And some stuff happened with another kid, so ---. After I got out of high school, I couldn't find a job, so I went back to ask if I could start up again."

"And after he finished, I gave him some iced tea, and he was talking about this girl he met, and how he's always horny --"

Justin interrupts: "That's what you kept telling me, too!!"

"And after I finished the iced tea and stood up, I figure Dave saw that I was half-hard, and he said --"

"I told him if he ever needs a blowjob, let me know."

"And then I pulled down the front of my shorts, and he -- well, you know the rest."

"Same thing you did with me!!"

"Yeah, it worked with Dave, and I thought you were like, looking a lot at my junk, so hey, if you want it, who am I to stop you? And both times it was just my shorts that were in the way, so ---"

"Don't you get enough from Dave?"

"Yeah, but he wasn't there, and you were."

I chime in: "He doesn't come by as often anymore now that he found a job."

"You two are making me hard again."

Chris and I grin at each other and Chris says, "You're not the only one. Look at this, and Dave's."

"Dave, before, when you thought Chris was aiming his dick at your ass, you said you were kinda saving it for me this time. So, um, I know this seems weird, but I want to find out what it's like fucking a guy, and, well, I was hoping --" He laughs a little. "Well, I was hoping I'd lose THAT virginity with you."

"It's been a good while, but I'm no virgin. And I was actually hoping you'd be -- well, I was hoping you'd want to try out that side of things, too."

"Dave, you are such a mensch." (And suddenly I'm thinking, "Am I? And how the hell does this kid even know that word?")

"You recycled ALREADY?"

"Yeah, I told you before. It's like 5 or 6 times a day for me."

I smile. "I was thinking this might be Lesson Five...." He grins. "Hey, I think it already IS 'lesson five'."

Chris - "Lesson Five?" "Yeah, Justin came to me and told me you said he needed lessons because his blowjob was 'just okay.' And after he told me a whole lot of stuff about being confused, I joked with him that he'd probably need about six lessons. I was surprised he just trusted me, but also happy because I always just wanted him. Then it was because it sort of felt like we were connected somehow. Like partners or something. I don't know the right word."

Then Justin adds, "and last night, we just slept together naked. No sex. Just us -- well, I'll take Dave's word. Just us 'partners'. And Chris, I think we both want you to, well, be a partner too."

Chris just stares ahead, not focusing on either of us. I see some tears. But Justin wants to do this, and so do I.

I tell Justin to get lubed. He's not huge, but it's been a while for me. "I liked this tingly lube, Dave. Can I use it for you?" "Hell, why do you think I even have it??" He laughs. Then he quotes me: "Roll up and pull your cheeks apart so I can see it wink at me!!" I laugh and comply. I haven't exactly been celibate, but I've hoped to find a special guy -- and now, I hope, I have.

He wants me on my back, which I want too, because I want to see his face while he fucks me. He uses more lube than needed, but he definitely knows his goal, and well, his head isn't that much bigger than his dick, and there's only a little resistance, and then in a whoosh, he's all in. I lean back, close my eyes, hold my ankles, and think "oh, yeah."

But I hear Chris say "oh, yeah" too. Then they are kissing, and Chris' dick and balls are swinging back and forth right on my face. His hole is almost within tongue distance. I have a fleeting thought, wondering if that's deliberate, and I lick what I can, but then focus on Justin. This is his first, and I want it to be good -- but he sure doesn't need any lessons in how to fuck.

Then Chris' dick is right there at my mouth. Perfect angle. My head is now bent back over the edge of one of the pillows, and somehow he knows, and I know that dick. I open my mouth, and then he's in. I've sucked that amazing dick dozens of times before, but this is different. Justin fucking my ass and Chris fucking my throat.

Justin seems to get it that sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes hard, sometimes just letting his hard 7 inches rest there inside me. I wanted all of that. With Chris, well in the past, he was just standing there, or maybe leaning back on the sofa, and I was sucking him. Now it's different. He just fucked Justin like half an hour ago, and now he's fucking my throat the same way Justin's fucking my ass - fast, slow, hard, then just letting me suck on it. I'm wondering if I'm tasting Justin now on Chris' dick. I can't see their faces. All I can see is Chris' balls and sometimes his hole. This is just -- and I cum. They both get sprayed, but most of it lands on my chest.

Then they cum. Not at the same time, but just when I'm focusing on Justin and my ass is pulsing as he's spurting, Chris shoves in harder than usual and now I'm swallowing, swallowing. Filled at both ends now, and suddenly deciding to breathe.

After we all calm down, Justin thanks me. "You were right, Dave. I knew what to do once it was in you. And actually, I'm not sure what I like more, me fucking you or Chris fucking me."

Chris jumps in now. "I liked us kissing when we were both, um, well, when Dave was, uh, helping us out."

Me: "New word, maybe. Spitroasting. It's a barbecue word, but in the gay world it means when a guy has a dick in both holes at the same time."

"This is also gonna sound weird, but like I said, if I was gonna get fucked today, it was gonna be you, Justin. You already know how much you already ---."

"Shit man, you don't have to say it, because I already know. But now I'll get the balls to just say you're the guy -- I'm not sure if I'm exactly like you with sex stuff, but you are -- you're -- well, you already said you love me. And now I have the balls to say the same. I love you, Dave. It's like only a day, but shit, you know me better than I do. You like my dick and my ass and all that, but fact is you actually care about ME."

And now I'm the one who's crying.

"I'm thinking you actually give a shit about me, too, right?"

"Always did, Chris. You were always a good kid, but I definitely admit to liking to watch you while you worked."

"I knew you were watching. I wanted you to. I kept hoping you'd, like DO something -- and then when you didn't, I gave up. I was already jerking off with a couple of guys, and well, when one of them saw me watching, he said I could jerk him to. And then -- well, another time, he licked my dick, and said to go ahead and lick his. And I well, ended up blowing him."

"So that day when you used my phone after cutting the grass, and a guy called back kind of pissed, it was that guy wanting a blowjob?"

"Yeah. We all jerked off like everybody does, but he started expecting me to suck him like every Saturday or something. I liked doing it, but I hated that I liked it."

So you both know about the idea of 'blood brothers' right?" "Sure." "Yeah." " "Well, we three haven't just bared our asses, we've bared a lot more. We don't need blood. We already are brothers."

After a long pause, Chris looks at both of us and quietly says, "You guys both have my cum in you. I want yours in me, too. I need to share my ass, too."

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