A Hot Holiday in Europe

By Gary Morgan

Published on Feb 19, 2021




Sunday evening

Kuala Lumpur (a stopover on the way home from Europe)

As it was to be my last night in Kuala Lumpur, I went to my favourite eating place on the open air Jalan Alor restaurant street. It was busy already and I took my time, starting with one of their large bottles of beer and then having delicious barbecued swordfish for a main course.

It was still early when I finished eating, so I took the opportunity to have a last look around the Plaza Low Yat electronics store in case I found something I needed. It would be cheaper here than back home. I enjoyed looking at all the new gadgets available but I didn't come across anything I wanted, so I returned to my hotel.

Re-connecting with the hotel wi-fi, I noticed a message from Raj, the Indian guy from the sauna this afternoon. Unfortunately, he was letting me know that he had to cancel our planned meeting this evening. His grandmother had died suddenly, he said, and he had to be with his family. If it was true I felt sorry for him but I couldn't help wondering if it was just an excuse not to meet after all. Well, at least he let me know.

Shrugging my shoulders, I checked to see if there were any other messages from guys wanting to meet. I was not disappointed with several interesting ones to choose from.

An Afghan guy called Ali had messaged and asked if I'd like to meet him. He was 32, darkly handsome, clean-shaven but with a strong five o'clock shadow and intense black eyes.

I messaged him back and he replied straight away. He asked me to meet for a drink with him and a friend at one of the nightclubs back near Jalan Alor. He went on to say that his friend would go on home after we had had our drink. I agreed to meet them there at 9pm.

With just an hour to kill, I had another shower and changed clothes. Then I read for a while until it was time to walk up to the nightclub. Dodging around all the motorbikes and scooters parked on the sidewalk, I made my way through the crowds to the nightclub area. It was much busier now than it had been earlier.

When I arrived at the nightclub, a voice called out to me and a stranger with a cigarette in hand came up. He introduced himself as Andi, the friend of Ali who had contacted me online. Ali was inside, he told me. Andi had come outside for a cigarette and had spotted me approaching through the crowd.

Inside, the level of loud music was going to make conversation difficult and the whole bar area was packed with people of both sexes. Andi introduced me to Ali, who was exactly as he looked in his online photo. He had saved two high stools for us at a small circular table. Two large, almost empty beer glasses were on the table showing me that they had been there for a while already. A waiter appeared at the table and took our order for three beers and disappeared into the crowd around us.

Ali was a very physical-looking man, fit and muscular and about 6 foot tall. Andi looked to be in his late 20s, shorter and slimmer than Ali and could have been any nationality with his fair complexion and light brown hair. He was also clean-shaven like Ali.

Although it was hard to hear, I managed to follow the conversation reasonably well. Both Ali and Andi had left Afghanistan two years before and were now settled in Kuala Lumpur and working in the clothing industry. Both had college degrees but, so far, had not been able to find work that matched their qualifications. Their ability to speak English was excellent. Only Ali had a slight accent when he spoke.

When we finished our beers, Andi ordered three more. I would have been happy with only the one, particularly as they came in big glasses, but felt I could manage a second one okay. The noise level in the nightclub was getting a bit tiresome, though.

Eventually we finished our drinks and Ali indicated we should go. Outside, he asked if he could come back to my hotel with me. I nodded and we set off through the crowd that had grown even more. Andi came with us and I assumed he would leave us eventually.

When we arrived outside my hotel, Andi was still with us and showed no signs of going. Personally I would have been happy to have some fun with both of them as Andi was attractive in his own way as well. I wasn't sure if I should suggest that in case it was not what Ali wanted. I had no idea what level of friendship they had and whether playing together with someone was what they would do. So, I just continued chatting without getting around to inviting them into the hotel and left it up to Ali to make the next move.

We must have chatted for another ten minutes with no sign of what to do next. Eventually, I decided I had to take the initiative.

'Well, we have had a very nice time together tonight', I said. 'It seems a pity to finish up. I like you both very much'.

There was a silence in which Ali and Andi looked at each other. It was hard to read what that look between them meant.

Ali then put his hand around my shoulder and drew me a short distance away.

'My friend has not done sex with a man before but is interested. I would like him to join us if you are OK with that. I don't know if he will really do anything, though. He might just watch. What do you think?'

'I am quite happy about it', I said, 'provided he doesn't freak out or anything'.

'No, he has fantasised to me before about this situation and will be OK, I promise', said Ali.

I looked back at Andi who seemed relaxed and smiling. If he had looked worried, I might have said no.

'OK, you can ask him to join us', I said. Ali left me for the moment and went over to Andi. They talked for a few minutes and I watched Andi carefully. He continued to look relaxed and happy.

Then Ali beckoned me to join them.

'I hope I will not disappoint you', said Andi.' Ali has told you this will be my first time?'

'Yes', I said. 'Just do what appeals to you. There will be no pressure from me. And I think you are a very attractive man'.

He looked relieved and Ali slapped him on the back.

'I can't wait to see what Ali does with you', he said. 'I think that will excite me very much'.

I suddenly felt quite excited too. We walked up the steps into the hotel lobby and headed for the elevator.

When we got to my room, Andi asked to use the toilet. While he was gone, Ali spoke to me in a low voice.

'We will start together while he watches. Let's give him a good show to really excite him, OK?'

'Sure, do everything you like to me', I said. "I am not shy and it will excite me to know he is watching'.

When Andi returned, Ali went to use the toilet, too - not surprising after all those beers.

Andi stood there looking uncertain and suddenly grabbed me and kissed me awkwardly. He then jumped back and looked pleased with himself.

'You are the first man I have kissed', he said, triumphantly.

Ali then returned and it was my turn to go to the bathroom, too. When I returned, both guys had started to undress. I noticed with pleasure that Ali's chest was covered with thick black hair. He was quite muscular under it.

Andi was smooth but also slim and muscular. He looked good, too.

I took my shirt off and Ali moved in and embraced me, kissing me hotly. In the background, I noticed Andi had stripped down to his underpants. It was good to see he wasn't being shy.

Ali then took off his pants and underpants and stood naked before me. His cock was thick and about seven and a half inches long, cut and rock hard. The large head was swollen and bright red.

I got naked, too, and Ali indicated I should suck him. I knelt down and put his hot cock in my mouth. After sucking for a short while and listening to him groan, I looked over at Andi, who was now sitting on a chair and feeling his hard cock through his underpants as he watched us. He caught my eye and said 'Wow!' I tried to smile back but it was a bit difficult with such a large thick cock in my mouth!

Then Ali asked me to lie on the bed and got on top of me, kissing me passionately and running his hands all over my body. It felt so good.

I turned over onto my stomach eventually at Ali's bidding and he put his cock between my ass cheeks and rubbed it up and down. The feeling of his hot cock moving smoothly against that sensitive area was exquisite.

'You have some lube?' he said. I reached over to the drawer on the side table and handed him my almost empty tube of lubricant. He put some on my ass and on his cock and then continued to rub his cock along the crack. It started to catch occasionally on my hole but he didn't let it go in. Then he got me to turn over and lifted my legs.

'I am going to fuck him now', he said to Andi. 'Come over here and watch'.

Andi got up from his chair. His underpants were really stretched in front, showing that he had a good-sized cock. I was hoping I would get to see it.

Ali started rubbing the head of his cock on my hole. It felt really good and knowing he was going plunge it into me at any moment was very exciting. Looking up at this handsome, hairy, very masculine man was awesome, too.

'See how his hole is hungry for it', he said to Andi. 'It is trying to suck my cock in all by itself'.

Ali then pushed the head in and I gasped.

'Is that OK?' said Andi, looking concerned.

'Yes, it is the most wonderful feeling', I said.

'Ali wants to fuck me, but I don't think I am ready for that', said Andi.

'Here goes', gasped Ali and slid his cock full length inside me. I heard Andi say, 'Wow!' as I got used to the thickness and heat of Ali's big cock inside me.

Ali started fucking me slowly and increased speed bit by bit.

'I think I can fuck you hard', he said to me. I nodded and he grinned, gathering my legs up and pushing his cock even deeper into me. He then increased his speed quite a lot and started pounding my ass while Andi watched him.

After a long pounding, he suddenly eased off and, keeping his cock in my hole, sat back on his haunches.

'Have a feel', he said to Andi.

Andi reached in and ran his fingers around my hole stretched wide open and filled with Ali's cock.

'That feels so hot', he said, 'much hotter than I would have expected'.

'It feels like fire inside him', said Ali. 'You want to try it?'

'No, not yet', said Andi. 'I'll just watch. I love it'.

Ali then ground his cock as deep as possible into my hole and, lifting my legs back as far as they would go, he started fucking me really hard, hammering it in almost vertically at top speed. I could hear the wind whistling out of me with every stroke.

'I'm going to cum', gasped Ali and then I felt him shooting hard inside me, several big squirts. He stopped pounding my ass and stayed still with his cock full length inside me. It kept on jerking for a while.

Then he pulled out and with two fingers pulled my hole open for Andi to see.

'Look at all the cum I gave him', said Ali. 'You want to fill him up too?'

'Let me just feel it again' said Andi, pushing a couple of fingers inside me. 'Oh, that feels amazing'.

Then he pulled his fingers out and wiped them on a hand towel.

'Can you just suck me?' he asked. 'I'm not ready to do fucking just yet'.

'Sure', I said. I got up off the bed and he took my place, lying on his back. Ali lay on the bed beside him and started playing with Andi's nipples.

'That feels good', gasped Andi.

I reached down and peeled his underpants off of him. His cock, which was about the same size as Ali's, sprang stiffly back up onto his belly. It reached just above his navel.

I picked it up and noticed he was oozing plenty of precum. I put my mouth over it and swirled my tongue around the head. Andi gasped and gripped my forearm tightly. I suspected if this was his first time, he wasn't going to last very long.

I took his whole cock into my mouth as far down as my throat could get to. Then I used my throat muscles on it to work on the head. He squirmed a little underneath me and his eyes were wide open with what almost looked like shock but he didn't stop me. He just kept hold of my arm as I started sucking him rhythmically with long strokes.

Ali continued to work Andi's nipples and grinned at me as I caught his eye. I took Andi's cock right out of my mouth and ran my tongue up the underside of the shaft up to the head. He gasped again and then I sucked the head greedily.

He suddenly gave a strangled whimper, grabbed my arm even harder and I could see his legs rising up off the bed. Then he erupted and filled my mouth with a huge load of cum. I swallowed and it filled up again. He was groaning with a pleasure that was clearly almost unbearable but he didn't ask me to stop. I kept sucking him as more cum came out of him. Finally, he collapsed with a great sigh.

'Good?' I asked. He looked at me breathing heavily and couldn't answer for a moment. Then he swallowed and said, 'I loved it. Girls are not as good, I think.'

Then he turned to Ali and said, 'I think I'm gay'. Ali laughed and patted him on the head in quite a fatherly manner.

'I don't think I could be fucked like you, though', he said to me. 'How do you do that? Ali was so rough.'

'It comes with experience', I said. 'If some day you feel you want to do it, you will quickly learn. Just do it the first time with someone you trust and can relax with'.

'Like me, 'said Ali, grinning. 'I really want to fuck him'.

'Well, be patient with me', said Andi. 'Just being sucked by a man was a big step for me'.

He got up off the bed and Ali surprised me by saying he wanted to fuck me again. His cock was rock hard and ready.

He asked me to kneel on the bed and he entered me from behind.

'Watch this', he said to Andi. 'I'll rape the ass off him this time'.

He started pounding me really hard and didn't stop until he blew a second load into me. It felt just as good as the first one.

When he pulled out of me, he got Andi to have another look.

'I know that looks a bit destroyed right now, but it will all close up and be back to normal quickly', Ali explained.

They both showered and Ali asked if they could take all of the free toiletries. I was OK with that.

Then it was time to say goodbye and they both kissed me. Andi might be inexperienced but you could tell there was a good kisser in the making there. I saw them off from my room as they headed for the elevator. Then it was into the shower for me too and off to bed shortly afterwards as I had an early start in the morning.


Monday morning

Kuala Lumpur to Sydney

I got up at 4.30am and got dressed and headed downstairs to check out. I got a taxi to Sentral station, checked my luggage in and then took the high-speed train to Kuala Lumpur's airport.

My flight left on time and was quite pleasant. The seat next to me was empty so I could spread out a bit. As I'd had a late night, I dozed a little during the flight.

We arrived on time in Sydney. It had been a memorable six week holiday with excellent sightseeing, no problems and the opportunity to meet some very hot men and make a few new friends along the way.

The holiday was over. Now to start planning the next one!


I'm working on another 'Hot Holiday' series. Keep a look out for it here in Nifty. In the meantime, you might enjoy my story 'A Hot Holiday In Pakistan', too. It's also in the 'Encounters' section of Nifty.

Comments welcome at gorm4571@mail.com. Thanks for all the great comments about this series. I really enjoy hearing from you all!

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