A Hot Holiday in Australia

By Gary Morgan

Published on Sep 20, 2022



Monday morning

Adelaide to Tailem Bend

I woke at 8.15, later than I'd planned this morning. I had forgotten to order breakfast last night so it meant I would head for McDonalds as soon as I was ready and checked out.

I showered and got moving and was at McDonalds at about 9.15am. I was feeling unusually hungry and wolfed my food down. The coffee was also very welcome. I was finished and ready to hit the road before 9.45.

I was just about to leave and suddenly thought about the guys in Tailem Bend that Warren from two nights ago had suggested I meet up with. The drive to Stawell in Victoria would take about five hours with short stops.

The Tailem Bend guys sounded interesting and there would be enough time to call in to see them. I remembered Warren saying they would 'fuck and fill me and have me on the road again in 30 minutes'. How could I resist that?

I got my phone out and gave them a call. There was an immediate answer and I explained who I was.

'Yes!' said the voice, 'Warren said we could expect a call from you. I'm Les, the one with the big dick. I hope you're going to call in as Alan and I had a shower for a change this morning in case you might'. He sounded fun.

'I'm just leaving Adelaide now', I said. 'I'd love to meet you'.

'We'd be very happy to have you,' he said, suggestively. 'If you're on your way now, you'll be here just after 11. That gives us time to hunt out a condom or two, if we have to.'

'I don't insist on condoms', I said. 'I'm happy without them'.

'That's good', he said. 'Our packet of condoms has probably expired by now, anyway.' He gave me directions to his house not far off the highway and rang off.

Luckily, the morning rush of traffic seemed to be over, but it still took a while to travel east across town and onto the South Eastern Freeway and through the Heysen tunnels at the start of the Adelaide Hills.

It's a beautiful drive through the hills and it was a little misty on this winter morning, making it all even more atmospheric. After an hour the road dropped down out of the hills, heading for the Murray River valley.

I crossed the long road bridge west of the town of Murray Bridge and was soon arriving in Tailem Bend. The Murray River was now on my right below the town which was built on a bend of the river. 'Tailem' means 'bend in the river' in the indigenous Ngarrindjeri language.

Just past the Riverside Hotel, I turned left into the town centre and crossed over the railway lines. Within a few minutes I was pulling up outside the house I had been directed to. I got out of the car and walked down the wide driveway to the large shed and workshop I could see partly tucked away behind the house. I hoped there wouldn't be a dog on guard.

A wide door to the workshop was open and I could hear hammering on metal going on inside.

'Hi there', said a voice just inside the door to the right. It came from a tall well-built man in his late forties with red hair and a neat, greying beard. He was dressed in overalls with the zipper undone down to his waist. There was a tantalising line of red curly chest hair showing.

He shook my hand and introduced himself as Les, the guy I had talked to earlier on the phone.

'Come on in', he said. 'That's Alan making all the noise'.

Alan stopped working and came over, wiping his hands on a dark cloth and grinning. He was possibly a little younger than Les and had closely cut red hair going slightly grey at the temples and he was clean shaven. Wearing overalls, too, he also had a nice bush of red chest hair showing where he was unzipped.

'I know what you're thinking', said Alan, grinning. 'We look like older and younger brothers, right?'

'It did cross my mind, I must admit', I replied.

'Well, we're not', he said. 'But if that's your fantasy then you go with it'. We both laughed.

They were both very attractive men and I was glad I had decided to call in. I've always been attracted to red-heads and the thought of having two of them at once was very exciting - even if they weren't brothers.

'I'll just close this door', said Les, putting his weight against the metal sliding door we had just come through and giving it a push. It rattled loudly as it closed. 'Now we can get started - unless you've changed your mind now that you've seen us'.

'I'm not going anywhere, now that I've seen you', I said.

'Good to hear', said Les. 'Excuse us while we quickly wash up. You don't want engine grease all over your dick'.

Both guys sidled past a car and went through a doorway to what appeared to be a makeshift bathroom in the corner of the large shed. I could hear water splashing for a couple of minutes.

Looking around, there were three vehicles - two cars and a large ute in the shed in various stages of repair. There was a huge and very tidy work bench that ran along one side of the shed and there was a metal hoist in the middle for lifting vehicles above the ground. Tools were neatly hanging on hooks above the bench. It all looked very professional.

Les came back out first and Alan followed him soon after. Les closed a wooden door on the side of the shed nearest the house and locked it.

'Better make sure mum can't accidentally walk in on us', said Alan, making an alarmed face. Les laughed.

'Hope you're OK with being fucked here in the workshop', Alan said. 'There's a bathroom there where you can clean up afterwards.'

'Not trying to rush you but Warren said you just need a quick service', said Les. I nodded, smiling.

'OK, you can put your clothes over there', he said, indicating a chair by the work bench. Both guys started unzipping their overalls.

I was out of my clothes quicker than them as they had boots to contend with, but we were soon naked. They really looked good. Both were quite fit, solidly built and covered in red hair. Les wasn't lying about the size of his cock. It was a good eight inches, thick and hard as a rock. Alan's cock was a very respectable seven inches and also quite thick and hard. This was going to be fun!

Les dragged an old mattress over with him and put it down on the floor between one of the cars and the ute. I knelt down on it and Alan shoved his cock into my mouth and gripped my shoulders with both hands. He started gently fucking my mouth. I could taste precum already.

'You're missing out on our apprentice fucking you, too, today', said Les. 'He should have been here for work three hours ago. Chris knows where he is'.

I was perfectly happy with just these two hot men. I was enjoying sucking this thick cock and it smelled so fresh and clean.

Then Les gave me his cock to suck. Alan got down on the mattress, then slid underneath me and started chewing my asshole. It was hard to concentrate on sucking a cock with that going on as well. Alan was really good at rimming, licking and chewing deeply.

Les's cock was just thick enough to make it impossible to deep-throat. Nevertheless, I think he was determined to get it down my throat anyway and was pushing it in as hard as he could. It tasted good and he was oozing precum, too. I nearly gagged on it with one especially deep thrust and Les eased back a little. He apologised for getting a bit carried away.

'I'm usually an ass destroyer, not a throat killer', he said. I tried to smile up at him but it was a bit difficult with such a mouthful of thick cock.

'Right, let's fuck you', said Les. 'Alan should have got you nicely opened up down there.'

He moved over to the work bench and picked up a tube of lube and came back with it. Alan was still busy with his tongue in my asshole.

'No condoms, right?' asked Les. I nodded.

'Great', he said. 'Hate those fucking things'.

He lubed his cock and told Alan to get out of the way. Alan scrambled up and stood to the side, stroking his cock. Les put some lube on my ass and, kneeling, positioned himself behind me in doggie position. He indicated I should lean forward. As I did so, Alan's cock appeared in front of me, so I put my mouth over it and sucked it.

The hot head of Les's cock touched my asshole. Les rubbed it up and down over my hole. It was so sensitive now from Alan eating it. The big head of Les's cock then started stretching my hole open. He kept pushing it in and the feeling of it sliding upwards inside me was wonderful. I could suddenly feel his pubic hair up against me, so now all eight thick inches were right up inside me to his balls.

He started fucking me steadily. He was a quiet fucker, not making a sound as he worked on me. I did my best to relax my hole and enjoy the feeling of this big cock inside me. I was enjoying sucking Alan at the same time, too. I found I could deep- throat him and his pubic hair was now tickling my nose, too. He was grunting with pleasure as I squeezed my throat muscles around his cock.

Les started fucking me harder and it was really exciting to have these two big cocks working me over at both ends. After about ten minutes of steady fucking, I sensed Les was getting close as the head of his cock seemed to be swelling deep inside me and he was now breathing heavily, too.

'Give it to him', said Alan, shoving his cock really deep down my throat. Les groaned and I could feel him shooting his load deep inside me. He gripped my hips tightly as this was happening. Then he stopped moving and pulled his cock out of me. I could feel some cum leaking out of my ass and dripping down over my balls.

'Give him your load, too', said Les to Alan. Alan pulled his cock out of my mouth and went around behind me.

There was a loud knocking on the metal sliding door.

'Oh, shit, who's that?' said Les. He wiped the cum off his cock with a hand towel from the bench and went over towards the door. A faint voice could heard on the other side of the door as he approached it.

'It's Dane', said Les to Alan and started to open the door just enough to let him in. Alan stood up but made no move to put any clothes on. I stayed where I was. I wondered if this was their late apprentice.

'Oops', said Dane, spotting me naked on the mattress. 'What have I interrupted?'

He was about eighteen or nineteen, solidly built but a bit overweight. He had blue eyes and a straggly beard that didn't really look all that good on him. He had a confident swagger about him, though, which was interesting. He was wearing shorts, a T shirt and boots.

I stood up as he approached. Les introduced us and we shook hands. He then reached forward suddenly and grabbed a handful of my cock.

'Nice one', he said, laughing, as he let it go.

'Where have you been?' said Les. 'You're late'.

'No, I've got the day off to go fishing', said Dane. 'Don't you remember? I asked you last week and you said it was okay'. Les seemed to suddenly remember and nodded.

'Well, what are doing here then?' asked Alan.

"I just came to get my beer and the bait out of the work fridge', replied Dane.

'You want a fuck while you're here? I can recommend him', said Les, pointing at me.

'I can see cum dripping out of your dick', said Dane. 'Have you already fucked and cum in him?'

'Yes, but Alan hasn't yet', said Les, looking down and flicking a small drop of cum off the head of his cock. 'He was just about to when you arrived'.

'You know I'm not keen on sloppy seconds', said Dane, 'but I reckon I could go a head job if he's offering.' He looked at me. I nodded and he grinned wickedly.

'Only thing is, I've got me mate Malcolm waiting out there in the ute', said Dane. 'I could go and ask if he's up for a fuck, if you like'.

'Go on then', said Alan. Dane put his hands in his pockets and headed for the door, whistling.

'You'll like Malcolm', said Les. 'Ugly little bugger, but he has a dirty big dick'. Coming from Les with eight inches, Malcolm's must be pretty sizeable. This was getting very interesting.

Suddenly there was a knock on the wooden door.

'Fuck, it's like Grand Central station in here today', muttered Les. 'It must be mum. Just as well I locked the door, hey?'

'Do you boys want a cup of tea?' an elderly female voice called out as Les went over to the door. 'The kettle's on'.

'No, it's okay, mum, we're a bit busy at the moment', said Les, shouting through the door. 'We'll come in shortly and get one'.

'Right ho', she said. 'Don't do anything I wouldn't do'. I could hear footsteps moving away over gravel.

'I often wonder if she's psychic', said Alan, sniggering. Les gave him a baleful look.

The metal door slid back and Dane re-appeared with another young guy with him. This must be Malcolm. They closed the door behind them.

Malcolm was shorter than me, stocky, fair-haired and about 20 years old. He had a patch of old scarring on his face below his bottom lip and down his neck that looked like he'd had a serious burn at some time. His smile was very lop-sided as a result.

'Someone needs fucking, I hear', he said, shaking hands with me. 'Luckily I haven't jerked off today yet'.

'You won't need a condom with this guy, either', said Alan. 'Les has filled his ass and I was just about to when you two arrived'.

Malcolm started undressing and Dane pulled his shorts off over his boots and rolled his T shirt up. He had a thick, uncut seven inch cock that was nicely hard. He had big balls, too, and his belly was hairy.

'I'll fuck him while he sucks you', said Alan, working on his cock to get it hard again.

Dane leaned back against the work bench and, still standing, I bent over and put his cock in my mouth and sucked on the head. He groaned and closed his eyes. He was a precummer, too, and it tasted sweet.

I sensed Alan moving in behind me and then felt his hot cock on my asshole. He pushed it in up to his balls with one thrust, making me gasp a little. Then he started fucking quite hard. The big head on his cock was very hot inside me. Les's cum was dripping out of me as Alan fucked. It felt really good.

I saw off to the side that Malcolm was now completely naked. He was standing there stroking a very large cock of at least eight inches and watching the action. He noticed me looking at him.

'Wow, look at that!. You sure like being fucked don't you?' he said. 'I can't wait to do you, too'.

Les was also watching from the other side. He'd lit a cigarette and was smoking as he watched.

I deep-throated Dane who showed he liked it by pushing his cock even deeper down my throat. He was moaning as I tensed my throat muscles on him. He suddenly stiffened. I heard him mutter that he was cumming and my mouth was suddenly full of cum. I swallowed quickly and my mouth was filled again instantly. I swallowed that, too, and I could taste that he was still shooting. He let out a huge sigh and collapsed against the bench.

At the same time, I felt Alan starting to cum inside my ass. He gave a loud groan and fucked incredibly hard as his cum filled my ass. It was a really exciting feeling so soon after the mouthfuls of Dane's cum.

'Show us the cum in your mouth', said Malcolm.

'I've already swallowed it', I said. 'It was three big mouthfuls, I couldn't hold it. It tasted great'.

'Felt amazing', said Dane, moving off the workbench. 'Best head job I've had in a while. Made me go off like a fire cracker.'

Alan pulled his cock out of my ass and stepped back.

'Fuck, look at the cum pouring out of him', said Malcolm.

'He's had two loads up him', said Alan, 'so it's not surprising'.

'Well, he's going to get mine now, too,' said Malcolm. 'Can I do you on your back on that mattress?'

I started to get down on the mattress as he suggested but he asked if I'd suck him a bit first. I was happy to oblige. I knelt on the mattress and he put his cock in my mouth. The head was huge and very hot. He steadied himself with one hand on my right shoulder.

'Bet you can't deep-throat that one', he said, grinning.

I gave it a good try but he was right. It was too thick and long to get it down my throat. He seemed to be enjoying the sucking I was giving it, anyway.

'Jeez, you'd better stop that', he said, after a few minutes, 'or you'll be getting another mouthful.'

I took his cock out of my mouth and lay down on the mattress on my back. Malcolm positioned himself between my legs and lifted them up.

'You're not going to need any lube, I reckon', he said, putting the head off his cock on my hole and pushing it in. Alan and Les were leaning against the ute, watching. Les's cock was quite hard again and he was stroking it. Dane squatted down behind Malcolm to be able to get a good look at the action from the rear.

Malcolm pushed my legs right back against my body and slid his big cock into me. He got about halfway and met a bit of resistance, so he put some more pressure behind it and it suddenly shot in right up to his balls. The thickness took a bit of getting used to but after he did a couple of steady in and out strokes, I could feel my ass getting used to it.

'Really hot in there', he said. 'And nicely full of cum. Love a sloppy hole like this but, holy shit, man, you're a really tight fuck'.

I tried to squeeze my ass muscles as he moved but he was so thick I didn't have much control. I then relaxed as much as possible and enjoyed what he was doing to me.

'Can I go in hard like Alan?' asked Malcolm. 'That looked amazing'.

'Sure', I said. 'I'll tell you if it's too much'.

'Fantastic', he said and pushed my legs back even more so that he was directly above me and hammering his big cock almost vertically down into me. It was an awesome feeling. I reached up to his smooth chest and squeezed his nipples. He seemed to like that and closed his eyes as he fucked me.

'Come and look at this, guys', said Dane behind Malcolm. 'He's so stretched open, it's scary'. Alan and Les went around behind next to Dane and squatted down to have a look. Someone reached in and explored my very stretched and full hole with their fingers.

Malcolm opened his eyes and looked down at me with his lop-sided smile and concentrated on fucking me hard and deep. He kept it up for nearly ten minutes and then, from his breathing, it was clear that he was about to cum.

'Oh, fuck', he said, loudly and collapsed on top of me. I could feel his cock jerking strongly inside me as he shot his load. He kissed me deeply until he finished cumming then he slowly pulled his cock out of me. It was so thick, I felt like I was being pulled inside out!

As the head of his cock popped out of my hole, he looked down and then up at me with a satisfied smile.

'I made a real mess of that', he said. 'Looks amazing'. He stuck a finger into my hole and scooped some cum out and tasted it. Then he stood up and took a couple of slightly unsteady steps back off the mattress. I stood up, too and I could feel cum running down my right leg.

'The bathroom's over there', said Les. 'You'll find everything you need. Looks like you better hurry.'

I went over there and cleaned up. I used the shower and towelled myself dry. When I came back out they were all dressed again.

'I hope that was memorable', said Les. 'It certainly was for us'.

'It was pretty awesome', I said. 'Glad I decided to call in'.

'You've got my number so give us a call if you're back this way again. We'll be very happy to give you another deep service'.

I shook hands with each of them. Malcolm gave me a big bear hug, too, which was nice.

'Time to go', I said. 'Hope to see you all again some time'.

Les saw me to the door.

'I mean it', he said. 'Come back again soon. We love guys who can be fucked like that'.

I walked over to my car and he waved to me as I drove off. I looked at my watch as I turned back onto the highway. It was now nearly 12.30 so it had taken them longer to 'fuck and fill' me than they had promised, but, oh man, I wasn't complaining!

I put my foot on the accelerator and headed south-east for the town of Stawell in Victoria.

To be continued....

Comments welcome at gorm4571@mail.com.

You might also enjoy my previous stories 'A Hot Holiday In Pakistan' (scroll down to September 04 2020) and 'A Hot Holiday in Europe' (scroll down to February 19 2021) in the 'Encounters' section of Nifty.

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Next: Chapter 37

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