A Hot Holiday in Australia

By Gary Morgan

Published on Sep 7, 2022



Saturday evening


I was startled awake by a message coming through on my phone at about 5.30pm. I had only planned to have a short rest after this afternoon's fun with Gianni, but I must have been more tired than I thought. What had meant to be a 30 minute catnap had turned into nearly 90 minutes of deep sleep.

The message was, surprisingly, from Matty in Port Augusta. 'Please ring me - urgent', it said.

Wondering if there had been some disaster involving Des, I rang him back immediately. His cheery response when he heard my voice made me relax and not think the worst.

'I was wondering if you'd like to be set up with a buddy of mine down there in Adelaide', he said. 'I was telling him about all the fucking we did when you were here and he'd love to have a crack at you, too'.

He went on to tell me that his friend was nicknamed Mr. Big, because he was a mountain of a man. Matty assured me I'd like him and should contact him. If he was anything like Matty and his friends, it could be intriguing fun and I liked Matty's description of him.

I agreed to contact him and he sent Mr. Big's phone number to me. After he hung up, I realized he hadn't told me what the guy's actual name was. I sent Mr. Big a text message, 'Hi, Matty says I should call you'.

I waited a few minutes to see if he replied but the phone remained silent. I got off the bed and had a wake up shower. It was time to get ready and go to the dinner arranged with my friends.

Of course, as soon as I was all wet under the shower, I heard the phone go 'ding!' I finished my shower and, after drying myself, picked up the phone on my bed to read the message.

'Want to be fucked tonight?' was his message. He included a photograph, reminding me a bit of the Jeff Bridges character in the movie, 'The Big Lebowski'. I thought he looked hot so I was happy to give him a try.

I messaged him back, saying that I was interested but it would have to be later tonight as I was going to dinner with friends shortly. He was happy with that and told me to text when I was free, no matter how late it was.

I got ready to go to dinner and drove to the east side of town to a French restaurant on Glen Osmond Road. The small carpark looked full but I was lucky enough to find one remaining parking space.

I was right on time but my friends were already there. They were an elderly gay couple, Rod and Michael. I had met them twenty years ago on a bus day trip to Niagara Falls and we had remained in touch ever since. I often stayed with them when I came to Adelaide. They chided me gently for staying in a motel this time.

It was good to catch up with them and the food was excellent. Both of them like to drink and I had to be vigilant to ensure they didn't keep topping up my wine glass.

We finished dinner about 9.30pm and then continued talking for some time while standing in the car park next to their car. It was surprisingly warm for winter this evening. Eventually we embraced and said goodnight and I waved to them as they drove off.

I got into my car and messaged Mr. Big that I was now ready to meet up. He replied within a minute and gave me his address in Torrensville, surprisingly only a short distance from my motel. The restaurant had been very cosy and a bit too warm, so I decided to have a quick shower at my motel on the way to my meeting with Mr. Big.

I arrived at his house about 45 minutes later. It was a compact but very nice looking red brick semi-detached terrace house from about the 1920s. It was situated on a street corner and it had a small, well-tended garden in the front. The entrance was up a gravel path on the side. I could see a light shining from the porch as my feet crunched over the gravel.

The door was opened soon after I knocked. A very tall, solid man appeared behind the screen door.

'I guess you're the guy I'm supposed to fuck tonight', he said, smiling, as he opened the screen door.

'No', I said, pretending to sound shocked. 'I was just wondering if I could use your phone? My car just broke down out there and -'.

'Jesus, sorry mate', he interrupted, looking horrified. 'I was just joking with you'.

'So was I', I said, laughing. 'If the fuck is still on I'm up for it'.

'You rotten bastard!' he said, laughing and slapping me on my back as he ushered me inside. 'You really had me going there for a minute there'. He shut the door behind me and we shook hands, still laughing.

'I'm Warren, as in rabbit', he said. 'And don't tell me, you must be Monsieur Cum- Dump Du Jour?' His rather good French accent made it sound sort of elegant. I nodded. I guess I couldn't really argue with that description!

The passage from the front door turned sharp left and he walked ahead of me down it past two closed bedroom doors and on to the back of the house. We entered a small lounge room with an ornate old fireplace, a large screen television, a big L- shaped leather sofa and lots of house plants. From there we continued on to the next room - a modern nicely-designed kitchen-living area which looked like it had been recently added on to the main house. Unexpectedly, an Asian woman was sitting at the kitchen table reading a magazine. She looked up and smiled.

'This is my wife, Tina', said Warren. He introduced me and she shook my hand warmly and offered me a coffee or a drink. I opted for a coffee as I could smell there seemed to be some already made. I did not want any more alcohol tonight. I sat down at the table.

I was not fazed by being introduced to Warren's wife. Nothing surprises me with relationships anymore.

We chatted over our coffees. Warren and Tina had been married for about 10 years. They met at the Adelaide City Markets where Warren was working on his father's fruit and vegetable stall. She was a student at the time studying architecture and she was born here in Adelaide. Her parents had emigrated from the Philippines back in the 1980s. Since graduating, Tina had carved out a successful career with a firm of architects. She had even designed their kitchen renovation.

'She's the bread winner now', said Warren. 'I just work part-time at the market these days'.

'Yes, you are lazy man', she said. 'He spends all his time chasing boys'. She giggled. Warren rolled his eyes.

They asked me about living in Sydney and about my current travels.

'He never takes me anywhere', said Tina, putting down her empty coffee cup. There was more eye-rolling from Warren.

'So, shall we adjourn to the bedroom?' Warren asked me.

'Sure', I said.

'Don't you get any creepy stuff on the sheets', she said. 'We have to sleep on them tonight'.

'Do you want to come and watch and make sure we don't?' said Warren.

'Ooh, no, no no!' she squealed, wrinkling her nose and waving her arms around as if batting at flies. 'I watch TV. More exciting than sex with you anyway.' She went off into gales of laughter again.

'Smart arse', said Warren, clearly amused. 'I'll call out when I'm ready to cum on his face. You love watching me do that'. She screamed in mock horror again, followed by more laughter. I thought she was great fun.

Warren took me down to a bedroom near the front door. He explained it was a spare bedroom, not the main one that he and Tina shared.

'That evil bitch will tell you anything', he said, smiling. 'I never play with anyone in our bedroom'.

This spare room had not yet been redecorated and was looking a bit shabby. There was no carpet on the floor, just scuffed floor boards that looked like they were last polished thirty years ago. Bracket shelves loaded with ornaments and other items started only about two feet above the head of the bed and there was an old wardrobe in the corner with one door missing.

He shut the bedroom door behind us and pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. He had huge shoulders and his arms around me felt very strong. He was able to lift me up off the floor easily while kissing me. He was a great kisser - very passionate and sensual. The intensity of this big man was quite exciting. He suggested we get undressed.

'You weren't worried that I was married?' he asked. 'I find that if I tell guys before they come here, most of them chicken out'.

'Not a problem for me', I said, stepping out of my trousers. 'And I love her sense of humour'.

'You can make as much noise as you like', he said. 'She always turns the TV up when I'm playing'.

'I'm not usually a screamer', I said, smiling.

'You might be when you see what I've got', he said, with a wicked grin. 'When I was in prison the prison bull used to get me to rape all the new guys so they'd do as they were told'.

'Seriously?' I said. I stopped undressing and froze.

'Yeah, they'd hold them face down and stuff their underpants in their mouths and I'd pound them mercilessly with my nine inches', he said matter-of-factly, 'and usually with no lubricant, either. They'd freak out but there was nothing they could do about it. Funny, they were never any trouble after that.'

My mouth dropped open in horror. He started laughing.

'Aha! Got you back for scaring me with your broken down car story when you arrived', he said, laughing. 'I've never been in prison, I don't have nine inches and I've never raped anyone in my life. You should see your face!'

'Thank God for that!' I said. My heart stopped pounding hard inside my chest.

'Hope you're not too disappointed about the lack of nine inches', he said. 'This eight inches will just have to do'. He turned around fully naked now and displayed a big cock that was fully hard and throbbing.

'Very nice', I said, feeling excited. It was a really thick one, uncut with a very large red head on it. In spite of a bit of weight on his stomach now you could tell that he had been a weight lifter at some earlier time. He was quite hairy, too, especially around his cock. I thought he looked hot.

I finished undressing and he suggested I suck him. I was very happy to kneel down in front of him and get started.

That big head was quite a mouthful but I was up for the challenge. It was a bit of an exaggeration that his cock was eight inches but it must have been close and it was very thick. When I put my hand on it, I wasn't quite able to close my fingers around it.

He tasted good and I found that licking it just under the head got the best reaction from him. I gave deep-throating a try but it really was too thick to do that. I sucked it as deep as I could get it, running my hands over his hard buttocks and up and down the back of his legs. I soon had him moaning gently.

After a while, he lifted me up and put me down on my back on the bed. He knelt down and took my cock into his mouth and sucked it greedily. His fingers found my asshole and he gently probed inside, which felt good.

'Turn over', he said. I did so and he pulled me back towards him and stuck his tongue into my asshole. He worked on that for about five minutes and he really did a good job. He had me moaning very quickly, too.

'Let's fuck', he said. 'That is a hot ass'.

He slapped some lube onto my hole and pushed his finger in deeply to spread the lube inside of me.

'Fucking tight', he said. 'I love it'. He started rubbing the underside of his cock up and down between my ass cheeks

He offered me some amyl and, given the thickness of his cock, I decided it would be a good idea. Still face down, I took a good sniff, screwed the top back on the small bottle and went to hand it back to him.

'Just put it up on the shelf above you', he said. I tried to reach up to the bottom shelf but it was just a bit awkward to reach. He saw me struggling and took the amyl from me. Leaning over me to put it on the shelf himself, he lost his balance and crashed forward, hitting the shelf. Immediately there was chaos. Shelving and ornaments and other items rained down on top of us. A portable radio came down, too, and bounced off the bed, clattering loudly on the wooden floor.

'Oh, fuckin' hell', he said, regaining his balance. 'Are you OK down there?'

Lifting myself up with small items falling off me, he could see that I was fine. He started laughing and I did also. A moment later there was a knock at the door.

'What's happening in there?' called Tina. 'What have you broken now, you useless man?'

Warren called out that it was nothing to worry about and to go back to the television. We heard her scuttling away.

'Bloody woman', he said. 'She has the ears of a bat'.

Nothing looked broken and we took everything off the bed that had fallen down and put it all on the floor and on a table nearby. Warren smoothed the sheets out and suggested we give it another try.

'You better suck me again', he said. 'Hope you don't mind the taste of lube.'

He was still reasonably hard but I enjoyed sucking it again anyway. Within a couple of minutes he was ready. He put some more lube on it and got me back into doggie position at the edge of the bed. We couldn't find the bottle of lube so I'd just have to cope without it.

He stuck the head of his cock into my hole. The heat coming from it was intense. As he pushed, the thickness of his cock stretched my hole wide open. It was an awesome feeling. I concentrated on relaxing my hole as much as I could. A very thick cock feels particularly invasive in doggie position so you really need to be able to deal with it.

'Damn you're tight', he said. 'But it's going in easily enough'. He kept pushing until it suddenly slipped all the way in up to his balls. I could feel his pubic hair brushing against me. I felt absolutely impaled on it. I flexed my ass muscles and found that I still had a little control down there.

'That is really something', he said. 'Now if you'll let me just rape you a little, I can pretend I'm back in prison'.

'Everyone's a comedian', I said, sarcastically. He laughed and started moving his cock steadily inside me, while gripping my hips with both hands at the same time. The large size of the head of his cock was really noticeable deep inside me. I relaxed my ass in line with his movement and started to enjoy it. It really is the best feeling in the world.

He continued fucking me steadily with very deep strokes for quite a while. He didn't talk and was soon breathing heavily as if he wasn't very fit.

'Can I try it a bit faster?' he asked. I indicated I was OK with that and he doubled his speed. I tried squeezing my ass muscles on his cock every time he pulled back. He didn't sound like he would last too much longer, especially at this higher speed.

'I think you're about to get fertilised', he grunted, speeding up a little more. He suddenly grasped my hips harder, gave one very hard lunge of his cock full-length inside me and stopped moving. I could feel him cumming strongly inside me.

He groaned loudly as it happened but didn't move until his orgasm was finished. He leaned over me, keeping his cock still deep inside me and reached under to jerk me off. It felt great with his big cock still in my ass.

He seemed to know the right way to jerk me off and I could feel it building up very fast. I suddenly lost control and started cumming. My asshole tightened on his big cock, making me have an even stronger orgasm. I produced a surprisingly big load for me.

He waited until my breathing slowed down and then pulled his cock slowly out of me. it felt just as good coming out as it did originally going in.

I turned around and lay on my back. Warren was still kneeling above me, his body glistening with a fine sheen of sweat.

'That was great', he said. 'No wonder Matty recommended you'.

He handed me a towel out of the old wardrobe and we both went into the bathroom together and took turns in the shower. Returning to the bedroom, we dressed quickly. I found the bottle of lube when I picked my shirt up off the floor.

'When are you leaving Adelaide?' he asked. I told him I'd be going the day after tomorrow, heading for Stawell in Victoria.

'I've got two buddies in Tailem Bend who'd enjoy fucking that ass', he said. 'Want me to arrange it for you?'

I was about to decline as I was starting to feel keen to get back home and not delay too much but then thought I should at least hear why he was recommending them.

'They're mechanics with their own workshop out the back at their home', he said. 'Both are in some biker club down here so you can just imagine. If you like the big hairy biker type, you'll be in heaven.'

'Sounds good to me', I said, 'but I need to get on with the trip without too many delays now'.

'If they know when you're coming, they'll have you fucked and filled and on your way in thirty minutes', he said. 'They won't muck around. One of them has a pretty big dick, too, but I can't remember which one'.

Intrigued by his description, I told him I'd be happy to give it a try if he wanted to contact them.

'Thought you might', he replied, with a knowing grin. 'I'll let them know you're coming. Just message Les and Alan on the morning you're going and let them know what time you'll be there. Wish I could watch them go through you'. He gave me their phone number to put in my phone.

We came out of the bedroom and back to the lounge room for me to say goodbye to Tina. She was still watching television.

'Ooh, he's walking funny', said Tina, pointing at me when she saw us come in.

'Well, that's because he has to keep his asshole tight to stop my cum falling out of it and dripping onto your expensive carpet', said Warren.

'You big pig', she said, squealing with disgust.

'Anyway, you be careful of my carpet, OK?' she said to me, smiling wickedly. Trying to look gravely serious, I promised I wouldn't spill a drop, resulting in her exploding into laughter again.

'Really great to meet you, Tina', I said, going to shake her hand. She reached up and kissed me on my cheek.

'I like you', she said, 'even if that horrible man fucked you. Come and see me sometime when he's not here, OK? I'll tell you things about him you won't want to know'. I promised I would and Warren did another eye-roll and gave a long-suffering sigh.

He walked out to my car with me.

'She really did like you, I can tell', he said. 'And I love her to bits. She's a fantastic lady who puts up with a lot'.

We agreed I should contact him again if I was returning to Adelaide and he waved me off as I drove away. I was back at my motel within ten minutes. It was very late and I was tired and ready for bed.

To be continued....

Comments welcome at gorm4571@mail.com.

You might also enjoy my previous stories 'A Hot Holiday In Pakistan' (scroll down to September 04 2020) and 'A Hot Holiday in Europe' (scroll down to February 19 2021) in the 'Encounters' section of Nifty.

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Next: Chapter 35

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