A Hogwarts Shorty

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jul 19, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


PT 3


G. Cutter

Harry, Ron and little Colin Creevey hit the showers after their session on Harry's New Improved Shag Machine as he now called his four poster. What Harry hadn't told Ron who was his dearest and most faithful friend and ally was that he'd found an old spell book in the library halfway through the term. The book had slipped behind others and was well off the beaten track, in fact, it was in the section dealing with esoteric uses for little known plant forms and had quite possibly been hidden in the past by a nervous student who also happened to be gay and some sort of a sex maniac. Harry had soon found out the small book had many uses and had quickly memorised many of the spells contained therein.

Looking around the shower room he thought of doing the 'nudio freeze' spell which only worked on naked people and having a bit of fun but some things he wanted to keep to himself, he'd share with Ron but that was as far as it went. Looking at Colin and seeing the way the boy was blatantly ogling Ron made him wish he'd done the spell of forgetfulness on the kid... mind you, there was still time.

'Big night tonight,' Ron exclaimed and then started to sing, his singing normally cleared the showers and this time was no exception. Harry grinned, one of the things he'd learned from the book was how his wand waggling could be substituted by a sharp finger clicking. There were many spells of use to a randy schoolboy especially if that schooly was a trainee wizard and Harry was determined to use them all. The biggest problem was not divulging his secret to any of the masters or, more importantly, any of his enemies.

'Solitude', he clicked his fingers and then spoke again. 'Freeze'. The sound in the outer wash room died and there was silence apart from the sound of running water and Ron's singing.

'It's gone quiet,' Colin looked puzzled and then stepped from his shower and grabbed his towel.

'Come here, Colin,' Harry spoke quietly and stroked his limp penis, it responded immediately and began to thicken.

'Piss off,' Colin giggled and attempted to leave but as he went to go through the doorway he felt as it there was a transparent plastic sheet there, he could even see his pals outside but they were frozen in mid motion. 'Wow!! Was that you, Harry?'

'Come here and bend over,' Harry grinned as his organ stiffened and swayed as it stuck out straight from his belly.

'How long we got?' Colin laughed and looked at both Harry now fully hard and Ron who had quickly (for him) realised what had happened.

'No more that fifteen minutes,' Harry reached out and grabbed the smaller boy spinning his wet form around and coaxing him to bend at the waist and put his hands up on the tiles.

'None of your funny extensions,' Colin muttered and adjusted to his position and then wiggled his pale small boy's bottom.

Ron looked on with interest as Harry positioned himself and then bending at the knees slightly positioning his swollen member between Colin's smooth little cheeks and pushed in.

'Aaaaah,' Colin cried out and then started to giggle as Ron slipped to his knees and got into the small space between himself and the wall. Ron grasped the boy's stiff noodle and swallowed it in one as Harry began a slippery and satisfying shag. Colin was well eased and relaxed after his previous antics and fucked Ron's face as he, in turn, was rumped by his hero. He was in heaven and if this was an end of term it was brilliant, God knows what would happen next term, perhaps Harry would teach him a few of the very useful spells he'd recently aquired.

It was soon over as Harry went at it like a madman, he held Colin's narrow hips and lunged and plunged into the boy's sweet tightness until he felt his surge. He then slid in hard and deep remaining glued to Colin's writhing body as he sent at least four good shots of young wizard spunk deep into Colin's tightly clenched bottom. At the same time Colin offloaded his boyish squirts into Ron's suction and fell against the wall as Harry slipped free.

'Ron?' Harry looked at his friend.

Ron grinned and guiding Colin down onto a wooden bench lifted the boy's slender and hairless legs slamming straight into Colin's puffy and cum oozing hole. Colin cried out again but both Ron and Harry were delighted to see a big grin on his face. Colin Creevey the boy photographer liked the bigger boys and he liked them up his bottom, he was having fun and he wrapped his legs around Ron as Ron grunted and shagged his little heart out.

Over at last, they resumed positions and Harry clicked his fingers again. It had been a localised spell and hopefully no one outside the immediate area would have noticed.

'I've got to go to the toilet again,' Colin whined and then grinned at them. 'Cheers,' he laughed and scampered away with his bottom cheeks tightly clamped. Ron and Harry looked at each other, gave a high five and resumed their showers.

The evening meal or rather the feast passed off and the house celebrated it's win of the School Cup, Slytherin had been put into second place and everyone seemed happy enough apart from the Slytherin guys and their few girls. Then again, if you set out to upset Hary Potter and his little clique what did you expect.

'That Draco Malfoy is a shit,' Ron was saying as they broke up after the feast. They had a few hours to go and were wandering back to their Common Room. 'I'd zap the prick but he's too smart,' Ron seethed. Draco had come out with another anti Weasley tirade over the evening and Ron and his brothers were furious. The problem was that Draco was pretty hot on his spells and nasty with it, another problem was that his father Lucius Malfoy was a school govenor and a very wealthy and powerful man.

'Humiliation's got to be better than zapping. Humiliate him and make sure he can't say anything about it,' Harry stopped and sat on one of the corridor benches, Ron perched alongside. When Harry had an idea it was normally worth listening to.

'Go on,' he grinned at Harry. 'Say your bit, Master Whizkid.'

'What if we did a Colin Creevey on him only just doubled up?'

'Explain,' Ron looked a bit confused. 'Double up on what?'

'Capture him, spell him so he can't resist and then bugger him.'

'Both of us?'

'Yeah,' Hary got enthusiastic. 'We do him and then as a finale we do him again with enhanced cocks, rip his arse to bits.'

'You evil sod,' Ron guffawed. 'He'll create merry hell.'

'Not if I put a block on, he'd remember but he wont be sure,' Harry got more enthusiastic. 'A half a forgetfulness spell, the 'dreamy spell'... he'd never be sure and he'd have a sore bottom but no way of proving anything happened. He'd be so cringingly embarassed he wouldn't dare to go to anyone not even his father.'

'Sounds good,' Ron looked thoughtful. 'How do we go about it?'

'No tonight,' Harry smiled. 'We have business tonight, you and I business... yeah?'

'Yeah,' Ron grinned. 'What about Draco, we're going to save him for next term?'

'I was thinking about the train ride to London. He's always prancing up and down giving everyone the evil eye. Let's freeze him and once we have him in a compartment we do the security spell... it gives us around three hours.'

'Yeah but what if anyone wants to get into the compartment?'

'No matter with the spell on it's just an empty compartment and no one can get in, exactly the same as my bed.'

'Hey,' Ron grinned. 'That sounds great.'

'I'll spell him to be co-operative and at the end of it do the half forgetting spell so he won't know if he's coming or going.'

'Great,' Ron enthused. Thanks to Harry he was going to shag the biggest irritant in the school and once that was over it was extension time. If Draco didn't squeal the first time around he would the second. Ron could even feel himself harden up. Draco was a snidey git but he'd love to see the bitch naked, he probably had a dick like a owl and believe me that wasn't all that big but the thought of plundering the toffee nosed prick's bottom now that was something else.

However, on their way out they were waylaid by Colin who clearly had something on his mind.

'Harry... Ron,' he looked nervously at them both. 'I've got a question, a favour sort of thing...'

'Go on,' Harry looked around and there was no one close enough to eavesdrop.

'I was gonna ask if you could help me out with Dean, Dean Thomas the black kid.'

'I know Dean,' Harry smiled. 'Quite sweet.'

'Big dick for a kid as well,' Ron chipped in. 'Nice black arse.'

'What about him?' Harry looked at Colin who was into his act, looking all wide eyed and exceeding innocent which was the one thing he was surely not.

'How's about you help me out there,' Colin hissed. 'I'm sure he fancies me.'

'Keep your eyes and ears open when you go to bed,' Harry looked at the little blonde. 'No promises but I'll do my best.'

'Cheers, Harry. Brill.' Colin scampered away again this time making rather obvious pointing motions at a small West Indian lad peering from the leaded window.

'Come on, Ron. Let's do this and have some cocoa,' Harry strode over to the coloured kid with his hand on his wand safely in his cloak's pocket.

'Hypnosis,' he spoke softly as he and Ron stood either side of Dean who was watching the evening mist curl over the grounds.

'Answer all my questions truthfully, Dean.'

'Yes, Harry.'

'How do you feel about Colin Creevey?'

'Er, er,' Dean stuttered and then seemed to switch off gazing out of the window at the falling snow.

'He's popped a fuse,' Ron giggled.

'Tell me, Dean. Tell me all,' Harry spoke soothingly and the West Indian kid seemed to straighten out. 'But quietly, don't speak too loud.'

'I like Colin,' Dean groaned clearly under some compulsion. 'I like him a lot... grrrr. That smooth white body, that tight little bum, that suckable...'

'Enough, enough,' Harry spoke urgently. 'Jesus. You little pervo pops.' He frowned at Ron as his ginger haired pal was on the verge of hysterics.

'Go to Colin's bed at midnight, very quietly and have a good time. Give your inhibitions a holiday, Colin likes you and will do anything you want. Remember this instruction and remember it well. We never had this conversation.' Harry looked at the boy who continued to stare from the window. 'You can join Ron and myself one night next term if you want to. Do you?'

'Yeah,' Dean's voice broke into a squeak.

'Remember the instructions forget the conversation. We were never here.' Harry liked that bit, he'd got it from the film of Dune some years previously. He waggled his wand in his pocket and was rewarded by Dean giving a little shudder and a giggle.

'I must have dozed off, fell asleep or something,' the West Indian kid muttered as Harry Potter and his sidekick Ron Weasly grinned at him and walked away. 'I wonder what that was all about,' he muttered and looked around for his little chum Colin, he'd just had a brilliant idea, so bloody brilliant it was making his coffee coloured cock quite stiff.

'Jesus, where do you get all this stuff from, Harry,' Ron asked as they mounted the stairs to their Common Room. He knew of the Hypnosis Spell it was tried and tested but it was forbidden at Hogwarts and was usually used on Muggles who saw too much. He'd seen his father use it on a farmer once when they're been roadtesting their flying car but not with such cool as Harry had shown. Harry made Ron's father look like a fairground shyster. The Penis Enlarger was quite a well known private spell passed down and on through various classes of boys but Harry used them so easily, it was if he was born to them which in a way he was.

Ron went to Harry around midnight once more and this time it was far more laid back and romantic, apart from the security spell there was no magic involved as neither boy had anything to prove other than their love and they both did that twice before the cock began to crow down in the small farm outside the school.

However, Harry Potter and young Master Weasley weren't the only who had a good night. Promptly as the dorm clock sounded the almost silent midnight chimes young Dean Thomas slipped his legs out of bed, he'd awoken with a hard on and gently toyed with his dark skinned stiffness. Suddenly he had this feeling, well, more of a feeling it was a compulsion and it was weird. He'd had a hell of a crush on the little kid with the camera, Colin, all term and he was going to risk his pride, even his school career on one silly move. He just felt it was right, he didn't know why but deep inside he felt Colin wanted him and everything was going to be alright. Colin was in the next bed so there was no great problem in scuttling across and opening the curtains and peering into the dark.

'Dean?' Colin's voice was quiet but nevertheless it was almost a squeak.

'Yeah, how'd you know?' Dean grinned in the dark and slipped into the bed to be grabbed by a suprisingly strong Colin and what was even more surprising was that the childlike blonde was naked and very obviously had a stiffy.

'I knew,' Colin giggled.

'Oh, my Gawd,' Dean moaned and surrendered to the heat of the moment allowing the smaller boy to clamber over him and then held the kid's slender body in his arms and did what he'd imagined doing for months. He put his arms around Colin, sought and found eager lips and clasped those beautifully soft and jellylike orbs of creamy white flesh. He actually had the beautiful Colin Creavey's tiny boylike bottom in his strong hands and Colin was humping against him.

'Get your sleepers off,' Colin muttered. 'Please,' he added remembering his manners. Even at Hogwards they were very strong on 'manners maketh the man'.

Dean rolled over on top and shucked his pyjama bottoms down and rubbed his coffee coloured erection against Colin's smaller white noodle and they humped against each other like dogs in heat. Dean nearly passed out as he felt Colin's sweet lips begin to travel down his body and at the same time Colin tried to turn him around. Dean grinned in the dark, the little blonde knew exactly what he was doing and that slightly suprised him but it was totally and completely alright. The innocent peaches and cream English Rose was into sixty niners, Dean hoped he was into a bit more than that but his feelings told him that this was going to be a good night all around.

'Mmmm...' Dean made the first move and jiggling Colin's smooth scrotum with it's tiny balls took the sweetmeat into his mouth and sucked on the succulent morsel. He froze as he felt Colin's tongue flicker across his bulging knob and then Colin's sweet and hot mouth descend.

Both boys sucked away at each other savouring pleasures only dreamt of. Colin was in a seventh heaven as he handled Dean's thick and oh so hard cock. Dean was shorter than Ron but his cock was Harry sized. It was a good six inches of man cock on a boy's body and it was hot and as hard as iron... and he was going to have it in his belly very shortly, just one small matter to get out of the way first.

'Dean... sweetheart,' Colin held Deans now slick cock and talked up the brown boy's belly.

'Yeah, Sweetnuts?' Dean giggled.

'Do you wanna get dirty?'

'As dirty as you like,' Dean groaned as he felt Colin squeeze his erection hard.

Colin turned and came back upto his new lover. 'I want you to fuck me,' he whispered and kissed Dean's nose. 'Then I wanna go at you.'

'Thought you'd never ask,' Dean chuckled and his white teeth gleamed in the gloom of the four poster. It wasn't pitch black in the dorm but as near as dammit. He could just about make out Colin's slight pale form but he could feel the boy's warmth and even more so when Colin turned away presenting his soft bottom. 'Oh, my, my,' Dean sighed as he snuggled up against Colin and nudged his hardness into the boy's hot and eager crack.

'Do me, do me,' Colin muttered into the pillows.

'Quiet,' Dean stiffled a laugh and rolled the smaller boy onto his belly and parted Colin's slender legs. He couldn't see what he was doing but ducked his head onto Colin's soft bottom kissing one soft mound and then the other.

'Go on,' Colin whimpered but he had asked for 'dirty' and Dean was happy to experiment. he knew Colin had showered before bed and without any qualms whatsoever he parted the springy buttocks and shoved his face into the gap. Colin nearly levitated as he felt Dean's hot breath and then the flicker of a slippery organ at his pucker. Dean was rimming him or plating him whatever it was called. Dean was actually licking his bottom and not just his bottom, the West Indian's tongue was at his hole.

Colin wriggled expecting the worst or maybe the best but Dean hadn't got Harry's expertise with 'forbidden' spells and his tongue remained normal. Colin wriggled and opened his legs wider pushing his bum up until he felt a final kiss and Dean seemed to move off a little. Colin tensed then relaxed, he knew quite well what happened next. He grasped his pillow as he felt Dean's bulbous mass push against his ring and then he felt himself open and stretch painfully as Dean's swollen glans pierced him and entered.

'Dean,' Colin moaned as he felt the hardness of the thick boy cock enter and begin to move.

'Relax, lover boy, relax.' Dean held still for a moment with his hot cock lodged in Colin's tight little boy pussy but couldn't hold it. He gave another push and Colin moaned again but there was no going back now. Dean started to move in and out of his groaning lover's super tight hole but Colin fell silent in the end and finally gave a little push up onto the thrusts. 'Perfecto...' Dean sighed and went for it.

The bed bounced and creaked with their passion and those that were awake in adjoining beds pulled their bedding over their heads. Colin Creevey and some lucky, randy sod was having it off... so what? It was a boy's dorm and it was the last night of term.

'Harder, harder,' Colin whispered frantically as Dean's big dick tore into him and now it was moving quite easily on precum and sweat. Colin loved it, the hot cock in his belly, Dean's hard abs on his back and his lovers sweet kisses and breath on his neck. 'Fuck me, Dean,' he rasped and Dean obliged.

When Dean finally came he'd pulled Colin into the doggy position and the wet slaps of their sweaty flesh as it met could have awakened the dead but they were passed caring. Dean drove Colin down onto the bedding and finished in a surge and splatter that amazed even himself. He never realised that he could cum as he had and Colin whined as he felt the coffee coloured organ deep in his belly gush and splatter hot creamy boy spunk far up into his gut.

'Oh, Dean,' he trembled as he felt his lover now depleted stirring in his cum soggy nest. 'Dean...' he sighed with regret as he felt his brown skinned lover leave him then roll him over and attack his lips. 'Perfecto,' Colin smiled repeating Dean's expression. 'You are a sex machine, my man.'

'Are you?' Dean grinned and rolled onto his back raising his legs.

'For Christ's sake have your shag and let's all go to sleep.' An Irish voice sounded out of the darkness.

'Hear, hear.' A plummy Home Counties accent echoed the sentiment.

'Sod 'em,' Colin smiled down at Dean as he pushed his way into the brown boy's incredible tightness. He was having sex with the bestest boy on the planet and he didn't give a toss who knew. 'Love ya, Deany.'

'Ditto,' Dean whispered back and held his skinny but very active little lover tightly as Colin began.

The next day it was snowing and just about everyone overslept. There must have been a lot going on in those dormitories on the last night of the term and there were a lot of eyes studiously avoiding other eyes as the boys got up and got themselves sorted out.

'Dean and Colin must have hit it off big time last night,' Ron remarked as they returned to the dorm after breakfast.

'They were virtually shagging in the showers,' Harry laughed. 'True love conquers all.'

'With a bit of help from the Whizkid.'

'One helps,' Harry admitted modestly. 'Carrot top, carrot cock,' he added with a laugh.

'You're going home for a couple of days and spending the Christmas with us,' Ron reminded Harry as if Harry would forget.

'Home?' Harry laughed bitterly. 'I'm surprised they're letting me go to your place.'

'Magic's in the air,' Ron laughed. 'Dad fixed it, he knows a man who knows a man who knows someone else who holds a bit of power over your Uncle Lard Arse. Keep the faith Harry, you have got a lot of friends you know... Now what's the score today.

'Project Rump Malfoy,' Harry grinned and sat on his trunk. The House Elves would take them downstairs in a moment but for now the Common Room was quiet. 'Get the end compartment, right down the end by the luggage van, the guard's van. Then lurk for Malfoy, he's bound to come down just to be nosey and have a dig at us both.'

'What if he's got his chubby cretins with him?'

'He won't, they're too fat to wobble around on a train. He likes his solo tour, makes him feel like Little Lord Muck.'

'I wonder what he'd like with his kit off,' Ron mused. 'He's in nice shape apart from his sneery bloody attitude, his gigantic head and his bloody big gob.'

'We'll see soon enough. The only fly in the ointment might be Hermoine, she'll wonder what we're right down the end for.'

'Tell her we need to have a long chat...or something,' Ron tailed off lamely. He liked Hermoine but she was the wrong sex, good fun but so smart. She made him feel quite a buffoon at times and he was sure she did it deliberately.

'Let's hope she's with the girlfriends.'

'The Hogwarts Feminist Society, even your Ginny's joined. All boy haters,' Harry laughed as the elves bustled in. 'Still, I suppose it leaves more talent for us. Come on, time to make a move, pal.'

An hour later things had gone to plan. Harry and Ron were safely in the end compartment and there were at least three or four empty between them and the nearest occupied. It made sense, most of the kids liked to be up the front of the train. Not much chance of interference and even less of the fat sweet trolly lady making it that far. All they had to do was wait for Malfoy and he would come, he never missed his grand tour as if he were some sort of royalty visiting the peasantry. A mere fifteen minutes into the four hour trip Draco Malfoy appeared with his smirky shit eating grin.

'Ah Potter and Weasley hiding away down here, plotting and planning no doubt.'

'Sod off, Malfoy,' Ron snapped forgetting his lines.

'Jeez, Ron,' Harry grasped his wand and uttered the words. Malfoy tottered for a moment as stiff as a cardboard cutout and fell into the compartment to be caught by our heroes. They placed him onto the seats on one side and checked that no one in the corridor had been watching. The coast was clear as they say in all the best stories and Harry drew the door shut, pulled the curtain and placed his 'Securite' spell. They were now isolated and to a casual observer it was an empty compartment with the door stuck, it was as easy as that.

Harry next shaded the windows like tinted sunglasses and turned the compartment into a huge bed. Ron looked at him and grinned hugely. 'We got away with it, Harry.'

'Not yet,' Harry drew a piece of paper from his pocket and wand in one hand read out what he'd written earlier that day. 'He'll feel confused and tired, just like he would be in a dream. This will just be so unreal he'll feel like he's on one of those drugs the Muggles use.' Draco stretched on the bed and scratched his crotch bringing grins to the his captors faces as they were busy removing his socks and shoes.

'Desnudos,' Harry clicked his fimngers impatiently and Draco was naked his clothing piled neatly in the corner. He and Ron gasped. Draco was pure white like an albino but his dark eyes dismissed that little idea. He was uncircumcised and was bigger than Ron if not as big as Harry, his soft cock was fully hooded and his heavy balls promised a lot, it looked as if he just didn't wank or get any relief. Ron fondled the heavy sac and was amazed, Draco's scrotum felt so heavy and Ron had an overwhelming desire to suck the white haired boy's cock until it squirted.

'Later, Ron,' Harry grinned reading his pal's mind, he didn't need magic for that. He waved his wand agaid and they too were both naked but unlike Draco they were both erect and ready for some fun.

Amazingly Draco smiled at them both and lay back and wriggled his sweet bottom on the bed. 'Hell of a dream this one,' he muttered. 'A naked Potter and a Weasley, could be a nightmare I suppose,' he rolled onto his tummy displaying his snowy white bottom with his cleft dark and inviting. Ron couldn't stop himself and he ducked his head and kissed the firm flesh. 'Mmmm...' Draco whispered and wiggled his bottom.

'How do you like it. Draco my old chum,' Harry whispered.

'Hard and fast,' Draco giggled and opened his legs.

'Oh, my Gawd,' Harry sighed and looked at Ron. 'He bloody well wants it.'

'He's a queen,' Ron giggled 'And he puts himself about like bloody Prince Andrew.'

'Prince Edward maybe,' Harry smirked and ducked his head with Ron, both boys took a solid white buttock apiece and marvelled at the smoothness and softness of their enemy's bottom. They mouthed the smooth white orbs nipping with their teeth and sucking driving Draco into a frenzy of lust.

'Go on, go on,' Draco moaned wriggling his bottom pushing it up into the air.

'Do as he says, Ron,' Harry urged his friend on. 'Dry.'

'Dry?' Ron grinned. 'It's bloody well lubed already,' He was right, he had a generous ooze of precum dripping from his pee slit which he smeared around and over his glans and as Harry sat there holding Draco's cheeks apart Ron positioned himself, felt the slight yield and thrust hard and deep tearing into Draco Malfoy's tight and tender arse.

'Yoooow!' Draco yelled and bucked on the bed but Ron was half into the pale boy's incredible tightness and was shagging away like a dog ignoring Draco's wailing and shouting. Harry held Draco shoulders tightly laughing his head off as Ron face rigid with determination ignored Draco's pleas and forced the white haired boy down into the bed and rammed away at his soft bottom. He got his knees inside his victim's and forced them apart even further elevating Dravo's tender rump and finally felt himself belly to spine with the despised Slytherin poseur. Funnily enough Draco had fell silent and then Ron felt the boy's tight anal muscle clamp and then ease. Draco was working with him, dreaming or not the Malfoy boy was now thrusting his sweet bottom up onto Ron's thrusts with every sign of surrender, acquiesence and finally pleasure. 'Yeah, go... go!'

'He likes it,' Ron panted as he rammed and ravaged the slender boy beneath. If truth be told he felt a bit sorry for Draco but the twerp had it coming and he still had Harry to take. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' Ron chanted as he put his hands under Draco's smooth belly and pulled the slightly built boy up onto himself. Draco might have talked tough but in his dreams, in his sub concious he was just a pussy and a pussy who liked a boy's hot cock at that.

Ron felt a moment of shame and then steeling himself went for the climax. He punched and pounded Draco's soft behind and as Draco pushed back Ron let go with his surge. He lay on Draco's sweat beaded back as he slowly pumped and squirted his all into his old enemy's gut and in the end he just pushed Draco back onto the bed withdrawing with a jerk.

'Oh, my God,' Draco moaned with his cheeks tightly clenched. 'I'm split, I'm squishy... but it's nice,' he giggled into the pillow.

Ron and Harry hastily peered at Draco and then peeled his cheeks apart. The boy wasn't split, his pucker was bruised and puffy, it also oozed Ron's cum but it was intact. 'Thank God for that,' Ron muttered.

'Rambo,' Harry laughed. 'How do you fancy a frontal, Malfoy, you prick?'

'Yes,' yes,' Draco amazingly rolled over on the bed and gazed up at them both with glazed eyes. 'Nice and roughy toughy, please, pretty please,' he simpered like a baby girl.

Harry was as hard as a rock and his six inches of man meat was fully extended and fully hard. Unlike Ron he wasn't precuming but he had no need, Draco had enough lube oozing from his hole and it was all Rons, perfection.

'I've got to make an admission, Harry.' Ron spoke quietly and lay alongside the befuddled ash blonde on the bed. Harry smiled as Ron softly grasped his sworn enemy's balls and gently squeezed the hard nuts within, a steady stream of precum leaked from Draco's cock smearing his belly and now he was face up formed a pearly white puddle.

'Yeah?' Harry grinned having a rough idea what Ron was after.

'I wanna suck him off, even if he is a bloody Malfoy crapbag.'

'No shame in being a cum queen,' Harry laughed and ruffled his mortified mates ginger mop. 'Go for it.'

As Ron lay his cheek on Draco's taut belly rubbing his ear in the puddled slime Harry poised himelf and thrust with one hard movement sinking deep into Draco's well lubricated hole. Draco jerked and cried out but Harry was away and Draco may even have been distracted as Ron's hotly wet mouth took in the end of his jerking penis. As far as dreams go Draco Malfoy must have been having the mother of all dreams. His despised schoolmates raping him, one shagging him to death and the other sucking like a lamprey. Heaven or hell, who knew? 'Certainly not Malfoy, his eyes were closed as his body jerked and moved around under Harry's relentless assault and through it all Ron stayed attached by his mouth and his desire to see his pale skinned persecutor squirt.

He'd always suspected Draco Malfoy of being a closet queen and maybe he was right. Draco certainly showed no sign of discomfort as Harry's rigid six inches of meat speared in hard and deep.

Suddenly Draco grabbed Ron's head and expoded. Ron gagged and swallowed and gagged again spluttering as his mouth was filled and filled with Draco's boy spunk. It was amazing, the slender blonde just kept cuming and cuming, there must have been a termsworth at least. Ron pulled free and looked at Harry as he shagged. He gave a wry grin and fell on his back with Draco's cum smearing his lips and covering most of his face. 'Bloody hell.'

Harry laughed and got in closer and tighter as Draco's legs clamped across his back. He hated to admit it but even with a fannyload of Ron's cum Draco was still a good fuck. He'd rather have liked to do the boy for real, in private just the two of them and with no dreams spell in use. A genuine one on one shag and with the amount of cum Draco had spent, well...!

At last it was over and he slid free and Draco promptly dropped his legs, rolled over and started to breath heavily into the pillow. He was out for the count.

Ron and Hary sat and had a chat, any further tormenting Draco was out of the question, he was enjoying it too much. However, that brought more questions. How about sex with a lesser degree of compulsion, what about making their Nemesis a willing sex slave... how much mileage could they get from their new found knowledge. 'Let's end it,' Harry smiled. 'Time flies when you're having fun.'

'Indeedy,' Ron smirked.

Ron kept a lookout after they got Draco dressed and dumped him in a compartment half way down the carriage. He would awake as if from a sleep and remember everything as a dream, it wouldn't be until he felt sore and a bit fluid around the back end that the warning bells would ring. Then, what could he do? He could hardly accuse Potter and Company of raping him, he had no evidence and he certainly had no proof unless he wanted to go to the Muggle Police which was highly unlikely. He was shafted in more ways than one.

Ron and Harry got from the train and were immediately surrounded by the Weasley family greeting and there was exceptionally good news. Harry was staying the complete holiday down with the Weasleys. 'You'll have to bunk in with Ron, mind you,' Mrs Weasley told Harry. 'Sorry but it's only for a month.'

'Oh, we'll manage,' Ron smirked.

'No problems at all, thank you,' Harry smiled his goody goody smile, the evil one was reserved for his lover. The bade farewells to their friends, Hermoine who would be visiting, Colin and his new friends Dean and many others and then it was time to go. The holiday had begun and still no sign of Draco, not to worry, as they say bad pennies have a habit of turning up when least expected. They got their trunks and owls and were on their way.

Draco Malfoy slept on and was awoken eventually by his father Lucius Malfoy who had to come searching and was not too happy to have his son reported as being fast asleep in a compartment. It was not going to be so pleasant a holiday for our Draco and why the hell was his bum so sore..?

The End.

Well, that's it. One shorty turned into three shorties but enough is enough. I'm not all that familiar with the Harry Potter stories although I've seen all the films and if I carry on I'll just be compounding cock up on cock up. I enjoyed writing it anyway and that's always my selfish aim. By the way: If anyone out there doesn't know what the characters look like I have some nice screencaps of the Hogwarts mob and never fear, they are from the earlier films and not nasty, naughty fakes. Shame on you all with your dirty thoughts.


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