A Hint of What Was to Come

By Pip

Published on Feb 26, 2023



Hello you,

This account is related to sapphic bdsm. After writing it for a friend, I realized it might resonate here. Despite being bdsm, I wasn't thrust into the sub role. Rather, I experienced someone else in that role.



I have/had a friend who lives in Greater London. We were a vanilla item in the past. She is/was a (part time) sex worker that worked for what they called a "dungeon" in the area. Her name is Miranda. Over the last couple of years I have largely lost contact with her.

To condense a lot of noise into a few sentences, she knew of my idle interest in being a sub and bdsm in general. (Full disclosure, I am not a true lesbian. But my d/s tendencies come out with women.) We had gotten friendly past just having sex and I felt comfortable enough to ask her about establishing a D/s relationship. For a variety of reasons, mainly because we were friends and I asked in such a clumsy way, it did not work.

Over the course of a couple of years after I was done (briefly) living in London and subsequently when I was back in North America, I complained to her about my unsatisfied fantasies. And she encouraged me to "get out there." I was a sad little whinger and just talked and talked and complained.

Finally, apparently she had had enough and the next time I was was in London, almost an entire year later, she strongly requested that I stop by her place of work. Or one of them. She wasn't going to be there (!) but she wanted me to meet "someone."

In perhaps one of the most daring moves of my life, I resolved to do this. OK, then.

I drove to this commercial area near one of the airports. I looked a bit foolish (so I thought) in my office clothes. In fact, I remember being in a pencil skirt, blouse and comfy shoulder cover. Hardly vamp!

I found myself talking to an older woman in an office, almost like a waiting room. Very Spartan. Happily, we were alone and, after a couple of questions, she asked me to wait in a room just off from there. I went into a room with a sofa, some soft chairs, and a sink. Dimly lit. She closes the door behind me. I see that there is another door on the other side of the room. And I waited...

After I straightened myself in the mirror a couple of times, I wondered what was going on. I was feeling (of course) nervous but also excited and nothing had been (yet) off-putting to me. I made myself comfortable on the sofa and was keeping my hands busy with my phone as I tend to do.

There's a little rap on the door and it opens slightly. A very cute and very bleached tosseled head pops into view, all smiles.

"You are Pip, yes?"


"You're a tad tardy, you know."

"No, I'm not. Are you...?

I don't remember what I was going to ask at this point. But she just laughed and said, "No, not me. I am not your match tonight."

She comes farther into the room, and I can see she is just an itty-bitty thing, shorter than me even. I remember being disappointed. Then I see she is holding a leash in her hand and is pulling on something.

With a squeaky voice and that wonderful "proper" accent, she says something like, "Come now, in here please. This will be something that you enjoy."

Into view comes a tall woman, far over my height. Dark hair. And quite muscular. The leash was fastened with a clip to the front of a collar. Her arms are pulled behind her with what I now know is an armbinder. I remember it wasn't the forearm-to-forearm variety, which are kind of forgiving, but instead the arm-to-arm variety that pulled her shoulders back harshly. Of course, for my benefit, this thrust out her very ample breasts.

Around her head was one of the most positively involved harness ball gags I have seen. Again, it was on tight, with the big white ball thrust deep into her mouth. (This contrasted quite nicely with her bright red lipstick and I remember rather stupidly wondering about her lip liner brand.)

I remember being struck by the sight of this little toe-headed pixie in comfortable flats leading the taller, sporty woman tottering in two-inch heals.

In the next instant I noticed that she had been striped pretty severely with a cane or similar. All over her body from the look of it, with particular attention to her chest and, as I would see later, her butt. Raised lines, a couple of welts.

I was breathless. Speechless. She was a white woman, looked quite athletic, particularly next to the girl who brought her in. And older, maybe 30? Other than her really strict collar, gag, and armbinder, she was naked. I remember thinking that she could have broke the smaller woman over her knee. But she was absolutely helpless and that dynamic supercharged the scene for me.

My eyes were wide, but I remember the bound woman had a very resigned look on her face.

"Cunny Bunny has had a very long evening, and we believe she deserves a respite. And that's where you come in, Pip!"

I did surprisingly little. She was led over to me. Gracious, it was so interesting to see this dinky thing leading this much stronger and taller woman. At this point, I remember seeing one other woman look into the room from the inside chamber. An Asian Indian lady, attractive in their way, wearing what I guess what you would call a body hugging long dress. Like an ao dai. And there was another woman behind her. So, I believe the three of them had been working on her.

Anyways, the little woman waved the other two back. They pulled the door shut behind them.

And then she asked if I would enjoy some "face time" from "Miss Cunny Bunny."

I indicated yes with my actions. The small woman pulled her slave down by the leash into a squat. Stepping behind the slut, the little domme type gingerly went through the remarkable process of taking off this gag monstrosity, before sitting down next to me.

"Miranda said you wouldn't mind if I stayed, and, of course, I need to stay with the client."

Back a smidge. One detail that I remember and I take with me even today was when the ball popped out of her mouth, "Cunny Bunny" said with this almost mechanical quality, "Thank you, Mistress." The little woman just beamed at that!

"Take a moment. Work your jaw out. Give her your nose."

Apparently she had been gagged for a long time! She could hardly close her mouth. But she stuck her face between my legs and nuzzled me up and down with her nose. I could feel the saliva just going everywhere from her poor mouth.

She nuzzled me close to five minutes. Just running her open lips over my pubis and to either side, around my upper thighs.

I just sighed and leaned back.

"More nose...on her clit."

That somewhat tired voice again, "Yes, Mistress."

And then eventually, "Cunny, your tongue now please, mmm? Start using it."

"Yes, Mistress."

It was amazing. I could feel her breath. Being in that position, trying to keep her balance, kept her blood up and I could feel her breathing hard. She worked hard!

She had a nice pattern. She did not particularly respond to me, but I kind of "limp bodied" her, giving her no guidance. I felt throbby simply by the way she stared at my pussy. As soon as her eyes caught sight of it, she stayed fixated on it.

Quite a scene. And it was really heightened with my eyes closed. The sounds took flight. The muffled grunts. The wet slurps. The occasional tinkle of her nipple bells. As she rocked back and forth I could even hear the heavy ring on the front of her collar tapping the leather. I supposed she would have sucked better if her hands were free to wrap under my waist and pull me open.

And then when I crashed over the top and lay back exhausted it was good to just drift there, with only her breath against my very sensitive lips. She knew not to touch. Not to move. Her face was right where it should be.

I didn't even really need much come-down time, usually where I'm all sensitive. The woman next to me held my hand a couple of times, and even stroked my forehead.

I was in a good frame of mind and quite aroused. I did not feel self conscious at all. And I had not even had anything to drink. I can be fairly vocal and after I had peaked each time, she backed off without hesitation, just applying long slow laps up-and-down or just pressing her face in and letting me feel her breath.

It was an interesting dynamic to follow her eyes. She seemed to constantly study my face but with a few furtive glances towards the other woman. As if she was checking with her minder.

Anyway, after I had gone through a couple waves, the other woman gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and stood up. She quickly walked to the internal door and knocked on it. The woman between my legs squatted motionlessly.

The little one came back and took up the leash just as the door opened and the other two women came in. One had a strap in her hand.

I remember when the restrained woman was pulled up that she gave me this hard look and then almost a pleading gaze as her collar was pulled back towards the interior door. At the time, it raised some consent concerns I had. (Later this would prove to be not a problem. Wait for the next account, dearest.)

The little white woman handed the leash to the Indian woman and the two ladies that had just come in led the slut away.

While I was laying back like a spent jellyfish, I remember watching the little woman stand behind the slave and very meticulously and tightly regagged her.

After leading her out of the room, she came back and we talked for a couple of minutes. She was asking how I felt and was I OK to drive (??? uh...yes) and generally looked over. She led me to the threshold with the outer room, patted me on the butt, and said to the woman out front something like "There's one more for this one. He'll be coming in an hour."

"I know."

With that, I got a wink and she turned to go back into the inner chamber.

"Long night, for us all, hmm? Be safe."

From the pocket of her skirt she produced a gag with a hollow hard rubber ring instead of a ball.

Just as I was walking out, when she opened the door I heard some woman's voice barking something like, I said farther! Bend over farther! Keep your legs spread!" This was followed by the unmistakable crack of a paddle or strap hitting flesh and an anguished muzzled squeal. And then a splash, like something fairly heavy hitting a basin of water or a toilet. I've replayed that splashing sound in my head for years now.

Then the door closed and (I think) was locked.

Soon I was driving away. Changed forever. As strange as it may sound to a non-sub, I came to want what cunny bunny was experiencing, but privately of course, and not so harshly. Eventually, I did. For reading all that, well...thank you. ~ Pip

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