A hike in the forest

By Woodrow Harrison

Published on Mar 21, 2000



This is intended for adults. If you are not of legal age to see this material you shouldn't have come here in the first place. This is intended for the entetainment of adults over the legal age provided by your jurisdiction only. Comments and constructive criticism to Woodrow_h@hotmail.com

A hike in the forest

For the first day after the Vernal equinox, the weather was quite balmy. There was no wind, and the mercury flirted with the low 60's. I had a full hour for lunch at my job and just a sandwich to eat. Nearby my plant is a forest preserve facility with hiking trails. I went there deciding to kill the rest of the time taking a walk in the woods.

I parked my van a few spaces down from an unoccupied car, across from several whose drivers were sitting reading newspapers. I locked the door and finding an entrance to the woods, began hiking down the well trodden path that would lead me who knows where. I was not twenty feet into the woods when I heard a car door slam behind me. I turned and noted a man entering the woods by the same path I was taking. Thinking no more of him I continued along the path, strolling aimlessly, enjoying the clean air.

The man behind me was in no apparent hurry. He neither gained nor lost ground on me.

As I rounded a thick copse of already leafed out privet, I stopped dead in my tracks. A few yards to the front were two men, one with his pants to his ankles and the other kneeling before him busy giving some very enthusiastic head! They apparently couldn't see me, as they gave no indication to stop.

Instinctively I held out a cautioning hand as the stranger to my rear approached. He stopped and peered over my shoulder then gave an almost inaudible whistle at the sight. We stood there still for several minutes as the man on his knees displayed his expertise. Suddenly his subject clasped the man's ears and pulled his head tight to his groin. His body tensed, then his eyelids drooped. He staggered back, revealing a long piece of flaming red meat dripping saliva and sperm on the ground. The other rose to his feet, spat a few times, then reached into his pocket for a handkerchief to wipe his mouth. The man who had just gotten off pulled up his pants, tucked in his shirt, and without a word walked off down the trail in the direction we were headed. The man who had done the sucking started toward us, and, noticing us for the first time, had a look of anxiety cross his face. He must have realized we had been watching the show, and reddened noticeably as he shouldered by us on the trail.

We turned and watched as he moved back toward the edge of the woods. He'd gone about thirty paces when he turned and looked at us. My companion's hand stole to his crotch in a gesture of invitation. The man stopped where he was and repeated the gesture. I heard the sound of a zipper and saw my friend produce a six inch long, thick hardon. Standing beside me and quite unabashed, he brandished it at the other man, as if I weren't there.

The other fellow had produced his meat as well, and the two began moving toward each other, stroking themselves as they walked. Suddenly excited by all this, I pulled out my own cock which surprised me by hardening immediately. I walked, cock in hand to the spot where the two had met and were now fondling one another. As I drew up to them, they made room for me forming a three way circle. I felt a firm yet gentle hand grip my cock while another guided me to a warm stiffness. This little circle jerk went on for a few seconds then our man dropped to his knees again. I dropped his cock and watched as my companion's meat slid into the man's mouth, the lips going immediately all the way to the hair. Five or six times the head drew out almost to the tip, then plunged all the way back. This elicited a pleasured moan from my friend.

Now the man turned his attention to me. I shuddered involuntarily as my meat felt that warm moist mouth. Just watching the length of it disappearing in to the head below me was so exciting I didn't think I'd be able to hold off for long. He may have sensed that, as after just a few bobs, he turned back to my companion who had been slowly stroking himself watching us.

This time over a minute passed and the sucking became at once more frenzied and voluble. I kept peering down the path to make sure we were not surprised as the others had been, but thankfully, no one was coming into the woods.

My companion slowly pushed the fellow's head away and pulled him to his feet. He wrapped his arms around him and gave him a deep kiss. Their straining cocks touched at the tips, and both jumped as if touched by a cattle prod. My companion now dropped to his knees, and began returning the favor to our new friend. I moved beside them and pointed my cock at his mouth. He pushed our cockheads together and began licking them. I knew there was no way I could stand this very long, and, amazing myself, pulled away, dropped to my knees, and opened my mouth for my first taste of man meat. What each had done to me I wanted to do to them, if for no other reason, to find out what pleasure they derived from it.

The man who had entered the woods behind me was the first to step up. I examined the purplish engorged cockhead, and from this perspective, worried that I might not be able to get it into my mouth. The other fellow had without difficulty, so I swallowed, reached out tentatively with my tongue and licked the tip of it. He gave an involuntary jerk and I felt pleased with myself that I had given him some obvious pleasure. I opened my mouth wide and being careful not to scrape my teeth across it, allowed him in. Slowly I inched forward until I had about three inches of it behind my lips. As he pressed gently toward me the tip touched the roof of my mouth and I gagged. Quickly he drew back until only the head rested between my lips. I teased at the pis slit, tasting a slightly sour and chalky emission dribbling from it. The taste was not altogether unpleasant, and I wondered if it would taste the same to me when he came in his climax.

I continued to work on him for a minute or two then turned to the other fellow. His cock was shorter and not as thick, so I was able to get all the way to his pubes without the gag reflex. I began bobbing as I had seen him do earlier. His breathing became a little forced and he pulled me off him and took his turn on his knees again. We alternated this way for almost twenty minutes, and I had to admit I was enjoying the giving as much as the taking.

The man who had followed me initially had just begun sucking me again when I felt a tightening in my stomach. "OOOO!" I said, "I can't hold it anymore. I'm going to cum!"

His fingers dug into the cheeks of my ass. He redoubled the speed of his bobbing head. My body tensed up, and I shot my wad deep into his throat. I felt dizzy and would have fallen had not our other friend come to my aid and held me up.

I leaned against a tree watching as the man I had just filled with my spunk unloaded his into the other's most willing mouth. The men held each other and engaged in a torrid kiss, the milky white juices leaking from the corners of their mouths.

The man who had enjoyed his second blow job of the day now turned to me expectantly. I dropped again to my knees and took him all the way into my mouth. I sucked with a newly found expertise and soon had him shaking in the ecstacy of what was imminent. I was being deliberately noisy, enhancing the passion of the moment. With my fingers, I toyed with his nuts while slurping away at his cock. His breathing was labored. His cock seemed to swell between my lips. With a loud moan he filled my mouth with his semen. I aspirated some of it and fell to a fit of choking and spitting.

My two partners giggled at my plight while they hastily zipped up. By time I had recovered, they had both left the woods. I zipped myself up and strolled nonchalantly toward the entrance, trying to conceal the boiling emotions within me. I had sucked a cock and enjoyed it! Who would have thought it?

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