A Hearts Legacy

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Mar 15, 2023


A Heart's Legacy

Sequel to Captured Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Seven

Previously in chapter six:

White Deer ran to the chief's lodge not noticing the tornado that quickly approached the village from behind him, but he stopped when he heard the loud rumbling that shook the ground.

"Strong Bear," he cried out and suddenly Strong Bear was at the teepee's entrance, now running toward White Deer.

"Run White Deer...the wind that destroys," Strong Bear yelled, grasping the hand of White Deer and running toward the river.

As they ran, debris flew violently around them, causing White Deer to fall, his grip on Strong Bear broken. Strong Bear stopped and turned, his face was filled with pain when he saw the wind take White Deer from the ground, sucking him into its blackness.

"Gah-ween," he screamed reaching out toward White Deer, just before a tree fell, pinning him beneath it.

Now chapter seven:

The roar was so loud that the very sound of it violently shook the ground in the village of the Choctaw. People ran for the cave that was beside the river, hoping to find refuge from the storm. But as the tornado grew closer, some children were sucked from their mother's arms and into the blackness, quickly followed by them that had carried them. Hawk and Red Sun ran quickly through the village helping the elderly and children to get to the safety of the cave.

"Come Red Sun, there is no more that we can do, we must get to the cave also," he shouted to be heard over the roar of the wind.

Seth ran beside him, clasping hands as they ran. When Seth thought he heard the cry of a child crying, he stopped and turned, looking for where it could be coming from and saw a toddler roaming aimlessly about.

"Wild Horse," Seth yelled out and ran toward the child, scooping him up in his arms.

"Red Sun run," Hawk screamed, pointing to the twister as it made its way directly toward them.

Hawk ran as fast as his feet would take and reached Seth and the child. Knowing that they could not reach the cave in time, he pulled Seth and the child with him into the shelter of their cabin. He pulled them down to the floor in front of the fireplace, hoping that the stone structure would save them.

"Hawk I love you," Seth yelled out just as the roof tore away and caused the sides to crash down upon them.

Hawk slowly felt around with his hand, hoping to find his Red Sun, who was now buried beneath the rubble of the cabin. His hand finally found the warmth of Seth's hand and he clutched it tightly as darkness engulfed him.

Jeremy was making love to Emily when a sound, like that of a run away train, caused him to stop mid-stroke and alert his ears to the sound. The bed, house and the very ground that the house sat on, trembled and shook violently.

"Tornado," both screamed in unison and hurried from the bed.

Each grabbing their clothes, they quickly ran out of the bedroom and for the staircase, hoping to gain refuge in the wine cellar of the house. The house shook violently, tearing the roof away as well as most of the upstairs rooms.

"Oh dear God save me," Emily screamed and fell forward when the staircase began to shake.

Landing at the bottom of the stairs, dazed from her fall, she looked back over her shoulder to see Jeremy, naked and clinging to the rail. Fear gripped his heart as he looked up to where the ceiling had once been and saw the black sky which was filled with debris that preceded the tornado's wrath.

"Move damn it," Emily screamed but Jeremy only shook his head, refusing to relinquish his hold on the stair rail. "Jeremy please, we have got to get to the wine cellar or else we'll be crushed by the debris of the house," she added as she got up and began moving frantically up the stairs to where he was frozen in fear, his eyes wide and disbelieving that this was truly happening to him.

"Damn it Jeremy, let go and move your feet," Emily screamed and then slapped his face, breaking the fear induced trance he was in.

Pulling his hands from the rail, she pulled him quickly down the stairs. Just as they had reached the bottom, the entire house tore from its foundation, sucking them into the vortex of the tornado, along with the remnants of the house.

Reaching the storm cellar behind their cabin, Jonas gave one last look backwards. He shook with fear when he saw the size of the tornado that was rapidly bearing down on the town.

Hurrying Spotted Wolf down the steps to the safety of the storm shelter, Jonas let out a quick prayer.

"OH Lord, please make sure that my son is alright," he prayed as he pulled the trap door closed over him.

Spotted Wolf had already lit a lantern, illuminating the small shelter with its glow.

"I'm sure that James and Shane got Caleb to their shelter sweetheart," Spotted Wolf said holding a trembling Jonas.

"I hope that you are right Spotted Wolf, I don't think that I could survive if Caleb did not," he yelled as the ground shook beneath and around them.

"Oh Great Spirit that is maker of all in the world, save us and those that we love," Spotted Wolf prayed clinging tightly to Jonas, who was also praying to his God.

Just as suddenly as the tornado appeared, it was gone. Behind it was left a path of destruction a mile wide and its path like that of a ribbon that had fell haphazardly upon the ground.

Slowly Strong Bear came awake and the first thing he heard was the screams of those in the Sioux village, mourning those that did not survive the tornado. Strong Bear struggled against the weight of the tree that had him pinned to the ground.

"White Deer," he murmured in pain as he remembered seeing his lover torn from his sight and sucked into the wind. "Why...why oh Great Spirit would you allow the wind that spins to take away my White Deer," he cried out, shaking a fist in the air.

"Strong Bear, is that your voice I hear crying out in agony," Brave Heart asked from somewhere to Strong Bear's right.

"Ay-uh my friend, for I fear that I have lost my beloved today," he cried, not caring if he appeared weak in the chief's eyes.

"Gah-ween, for maybe he is trapped as we," Brave Heart said, trying to give hope to his Choctaw friend.

"I saw the spinning wind take him from my eyes," Strong Bear said, closing his eyes as the pain of his loss overwhelmed him.

"Quick...come, my husband is trapped beneath this tree," Soft Cloud shrieked to several warriors.

Using large branches as levers, the warriors soon had their chief free and had now turned their attention at freeing Strong Bear.

"Are you all right my friend," Brave Heart asked from the grass which he now laid on, his leg broken.

"Ay-uh, for Strong Bear fell into a shallow pit before the falling tree trapped me," he said as he shakily stood and looked around at the destruction.

"My brother, have you seen my brother, Spirit Horse," Brave Heart asked Soft Cloud.

She grew very quiet and turned her eyes from those of her husbands, fearing to tell him what she knew.

"Speak to me my wife, tell me that which you know to be true," he demanded, turning her head to face him.

"He is there my husband," she softly said and pointed to a body of a man that had a large branch protruding from his chest. "He is dead my husband," she added and fell into his arms.

"Aaaaaiiiieeeee," he screamed out in pain, his heart mourning for his brother.

Strong Bear gazed but a moment at his grieving friend, before walking away to look for his own love. Strong Bear saw many bodies of fallen men, women and children as he walked through what was once a large Sioux village.

"Wolf," he called out noticing that one of his warriors that had accompanied him for protection, had also survived the destruction.

"Strong Bear my chief," Wolf said as he stepped cautiously around and over fallen debris and bodies that littered the ground. "You have come through the storm unharmed," he said and then saw the hurt in his friend's eyes. "Where is White Deer," he asked solemnly, looking around for him.

"I do not know for the spinning wind sucked him away from me, even now I am looking for him," Strong Bear said, fighting back the lump in his throat that threatened his composure.

"Then I too shall help in the search of our chief's beloved," Wolf said, his own heart aching as he too felt the pain of his chief and friend.

Slowly they made their way through the ruined village, helping those that were trapped to get free, only to resume their search. Strong Bear stopped momentarily and watched those that had survived as they walked back from the cave, hoping that his White Deer was among them.

"My chief come, I have found White Deer and he lives," Wolf shouted from where he kneeled beside White Deer. "His heart beats weakly, but it still beats," he added looking into the eyes of his friend.

Wolf got up and stood away as Strong Bear knelt beside his fallen love. He gently wrapped his arms around him, pulling him onto his lap.

"White Deer my love, please speak to me," he cried as he gently rocked back and forth, holding White Deer tightly to him.

"My husband... did you come through unharmed," the weak voice of White Deer asked, drawing Strong Bear's attention down to his face.

"Your husband is not hurt, but I feared losing you my beloved," he said as his tears flowed freely down his face, dripping onto White Deer's face.

"Do not cry for me my sweet husband, I have but a few moments before I go to walk with my ancestors," he whispered and coughed hard, a trickle of blood began flowing from the side of his mouth, confirming his words.

"Gah-ween White Deer, I forbid you to leave me," Strong Bear cried and lowered his forehead down to that of White Deer, hearing the rattle that was in his beloved's breathing. "Hold onto my love White Deer, let my love for you hold you to me," he begged.

"Gah-ween Strong Bear my beloved, for even I can hear the sounds of death within my lungs. Kiss me my handsome husband and let me take the sweetness of your lips with me on my journey," he asked and with great effort, he raised his arm up and wrapped it around Strong Bear's neck.

Strong Bear lowered his mouth down to that of White Deer, kissing him with all the love and need that now possessed him. As he deepened his kiss, he felt his beloved shutter for but a moment and then his arm fell from Strong Bear's neck.

"Gah-ween...do not leave me," he cried out as he rocked back and forth rapidly, clinging his beloved tightly to him.

"I shall go make a travois my friend, so that we can take White Deer back to our village and bury him among our people," Wolf said solemnly, his hand resting gently on Strong Bear's shoulder.

Slowly the darkness relinquished its hold on Hawk and he awoke to the sounds of his people wailing, mourning them that had passed. He was also aware of someone working feverishly to free him from the rubble of his cabin.

He was still clinging to Seth's hand and Hawk could feel the coolness of his beloved's grip. His ears picked up the moaning of a small child not far from where he laid.

"Wild Horse," he whispered as he remembered the child that Seth had grabbed up just before the great spinning wind caused the Great Spirit's anger to rain down on his people's village.

"Chief Hawk...it is Jumping Elk," he cried out to his friend and chief, his voice shaking as he helped to clear the debris.

"Jumping Elk, Hawk is fine...free my Red Sun, for I fear that he is not so," Hawk called out, concerned only for the safety of his husband and lover. "There is also a child, Wild Horse," he told him.

Jumping Elk, along with several other warriors, worked feverishly as they removed logs, along with the fallen stones from the fireplace trying to free their chief and Red Sun.

Finally freed from the rubble, Hawk worked along side the others until they finally had Seth and the boy freed. Hawk, with the help of Jumping Elk, carried the broken body of Seth to an area that had been cleared for the injured.

"Red Sun... please talk to your husband," Hawk whispered against Seth's cheek.

Slowly his eye lids fluttered open and he gave a weak smile up at Hawk. Reaching up with his one good hand, he lightly brushed it over Hawk's cheek.

"I prayed to the Great Spirit that he would save you and Wild Horse," he said coughing.

"The child is fine, but his arm is broken and it shall soon heal. Hawk wants you to lie still and think of only the healing of your body," he said, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes.

"Do not cry for me my husband," he whispered. "I have been loved so deeply by you that I have no regrets as I go to that place in the heavens. Red Sun shall wait there by the golden stream for his mighty Hawk," he gasped out looking now to Jumping Elk, who stood quietly behind Hawk, with his hand resting on Hawk's shoulder.

Motioning to Jumping Elk to come near, Seth reached up and softly brushed his hand against the warrior's cheek.

"Jumping Elk, I give to you my husband to love and to watch over until one day he shall be reunited with me," he said, blinking back his own tears.

"Gah-ween my love, Hawk does not wish to live without his Red Sun," Hawk said resting his cheek against Seth's.

"Ay-uh my love, this is my heart's legacy that I give to you, that you will love again with Jumping Elk. I remember how much Jumping Elk loves you, and I know that he will love and protect you even though I cannot," he said and then arched his back upwards, as a great pain wracked his body.

"Gah-ween Red Sun, do not leave me yet," Hawk cried out, cradling Seth tightly to him.

"Kiss me my husband, I wish to take with me the remembrance of your kiss as I walk that road in the hereafter where my father and mother stand waiting for me," Hawk lowered his lips to those of Seth, kissing him tenderly.

"I love you deeply my beloved," Hawk cried and when he looked into Seth's eyes, he saw the stare of death now in them. "Aaaaaiiiieeeee," he screamed out, his very heart feeling like it was being torn from his chest, still clutching the body of Seth to him.

"Come my friend, together we shall prepare Red Sun for burial with our people," Jumping Elk said as he helped his chief and friend to stand.

"Why...why did our Great Spirit rob me of my Red Sun," he asked staring blankly into Jumping Elk's eyes.

"I do not know how or why the Great Spirit chooses to do what he does, only he can say why," he replied, holding Hawk to him as his friend cried long and hard. "I shall make a travois to carry him back to our people's village for burial."

Grabbing their clothes and hastily dressing, Abe and Caleb rushed from the bedroom and down the hall to the room that James and Shane were in. When he tried to open it, it refused to budge, so slamming his hard body against the door, Abe shattered it open, finding his fathers clinging to one another, the remains of a wall covering them.

"Abe, we are all right," Shane thankfully said when he saw Abe and Caleb standing beside the bed uninjured.

"Just get this damn rubble off of us," he shouted as his eyes held those of Shane's. "Is the house structurally sound," he asked.

"From what I can tell, yes, but for how much longer I can't say," he said as he and Caleb struggled to clear away the debris that covered his fathers.

Finally free, they hurried cautiously down the stairs, which creaked and groaned from their weight. Together they stood outside and looked at the house. It had not been destroyed but it did have a fair amount of damage.

"Oh my God Hawk and his people," James said worriedly while Shane looked at a cloud of dust that was quickly approaching.

"Someone is coming and they seem in quite a hurry," Shane said as he stared at the lone rider.

"It's my father," Caleb cried out within the embracing arms of Abe.

Jonas pulled his horse to an abrupt stop and jumped down, taking Caleb into his arms.

"I was so afraid that I lost you," Jonas said, holding his son tightly to him.

"I'm fine father, but where is Spotted Wolf," he asked reluctantly, fearing that he may be dead.

"He went out to Hawk's village because he knew that he would be needed there," Jonas told him and looked past him at Abe and the others. "Are you all alright?" he asked.

"Other than some cuts and bruises, we'll live," Shane said rubbing the cheek of his ass. "I may need your assistance Jonas to remove a sliver from my..." he said pointing to his backside. "And before you ask...don't," he added, blushing profusely.

"How is the town Jonas?" James asked Jonas who had knelt behind Shane to remove a rather large splinter of wood from Shane's backside.

"Totally gone accept for a couple of cabins, but even they are missing roofs," he added as he pulled the splinter from Shane's ass, causing Shane to cry out in pain.

"How the hell did you get a sliver there, I'm surprised that it could happen what with those leather breeches that you wear," he said as he dabbed alcohol on the wound.

"Damn it doc...that stings," Shane yelled as he pulled up his breeches.

"He wasn't wearing any Jonas, he was too busy taking care of business with me," James said chuckling.

"Why not tell the whole damn town that we were making love, James," he retorted, his face crimson from embarrassment.

"Well Spotted Wolf and I did the same thing while we waited out the storm in the storm shelter," he said, giving a wink over at Caleb who blushed.

"Jonas, did you happen to see Emily in your travels?" Abe asked, with almost a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Her and her lawyer did not make it," he said sadly, not knowing about what had been said to him by Caleb. "I crossed paths with several of her ranch hands and they told me that they found their naked bodies several yards from the destroyed house."

Abe just nodded his head, for if their bodies were naked, that meant that she and Jeremy had been having sex when the tornado hit, he thought and also confirming to him what Caleb said about them.

"I'm sorry son," James and Shane said together.

"I'm not, they both got what they deserved," he said bitterly and then pulled Caleb into his embrace. "Jonas, I would like the pleasure of taking Caleb for my mate," Abe boldly said, surprising all of them, even Caleb, who suddenly turned to face him.

Jonas looked from Abe to Caleb, and he could see the love that was in their eyes. Although his son was but sixteen, he was still considered a man for these times, and one that knew what he wanted.

"Are you agreeable with this son?" Jonas asked looking at his son, who was now smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes father I am, because I love him," Caleb said and then kissed Abe.

"Then I guess you have my blessing, as long as it's alright with Shane and James," he said, now gazing over at the two men.

"Are you sure about this Abe, because it wasn't too long ago that you were condemning us for this very thing that you are now doing," Shane said, standing with his hand on Abe's shoulder.

"I am very sure father," he smiled down at Caleb and then kissed him before looking back at Shane. "I was wrong to judge you and pa, when all along in my heart I knew that I loved Caleb, I have ever since he took care of me when I was shot."

"Then why all this sudden need to marry Emily and merge our lands together," Shane asked.

"It was her idea to merge our lands; she said it would be easier to do it now then when you died. As for the marrying thing, that too was her idea. She wanted to elope and get married by a judge, forgoing a fancy wedding."

"Then why are you now so intent on being with Caleb. Don't get me wrong son, I cannot think of anyone else that I would like to see you spend your life with, but it just seems like a rather quick switch in sexuality to me."

"I've always suspected that I liked men over women, hell dad, I use to watch through the key hole when you and pa were doing it. I would stroke off while I held my eye to the keyhole," he said and then realized that he shouldn't have when he saw the expression on both of his fathers' faces. "The whole thing is I let the names that people called you affect me."

"I see son, so you really feel that you can spend the rest of your life with Caleb and be happy loving a man?" Abe nodded his head, smiling warmly at his fathers.

"Forgive me for the hurt that I caused you both," Abe asked as he threw his arms around them both.

"As I have said many times to you son, there is nothing to forgive...you really used to watch us doing it," Shane asked.

"Yeah, and dad, you really do have a cute ass," he whispered and Shane pushed him away playfully, his face glowing a deep red.

Abe turned to look at Caleb, took his hands into his and knelt before him on one knee, looking up passionately into the boy's eyes.

"I know that we cannot marry as others do, but would you do me the honor of being my heart and soul for as long as we shall live?" he asked, with tears falling from his and Caleb's eyes.

"Yes Abraham, I'll be that and so much more to you," Caleb said, Abe rose and took the boy into his arms and kissed him hard and long, stealing his very breath away and replacing it with his.

"I love you Caleb and I promise to make you happy for as long as I have breath in me," Abe said, oblivious of those around him and Caleb.

"I love you also sweetheart and I too promise to not only make you happy, but to put your needs before mine."

"Well then I guess that is as close as you'll get to being married," Shane said, slapping Abe on the back. "Go ahead son, kiss your... well damn it just kiss him and seal the marriage," Shane stammered.

Abe slowly took Caleb into his arms, brushed away a stray strand of hair from the boy's face before bending him over backward and kissing him heatedly. Caleb had his arms wrapped around Abe's neck, as their mouths met and their tongues danced together in Caleb's mouth.

Several long and sorrowful months have passed and it was now spring. The dead have been buried and rebuilding the town of Guthrie is well under way.

Hawk is sitting in his lodge with Jumping Elk by his side, discussing the move of the Choctaw to Arizona. Although Jumping Elk has filled the void of companionship that Seth left, Hawk had lost his excitement for living.

"But you are the chief to our people Hawk, this is why it should be you that leads them to this new land called Arizona," Jumping Elk reasoned.

"Gah-ween my sweet friend, Hawk is too tired to face such a journey as this," he replied, resting his hand gently on Jumping Elk's leg. "It is time for me to step down and hand over the title of chief to my son, Strong Bear. He is much loved by our people and he's shown his ability to lead them."

"Ay-uh, then where will we live, my friend?"

"We?" he asked with a questioning look in his eyes as he met those of Jumping Elk.

"Ay-uh we my friend, because Jumping Elk remembers his promise to Red Sun to take care of you always. If my friend stays, so shall I," he placed his hand over Hawk's.

"My Red Sun, still my heart cries out for his touch, his voice," Hawk said and his eyes glossed over as he saw Seth's smiling face in his mind's eye. "I cannot live where he is not, that is why Hawk will remain behind; but I do not ask this of you my sweet friend."

Jumping Elk moved to his knees in front of Hawk and took his weathered hands in his. Gazing lovingly into the midnight darkness of Hawk's eyes, he sighed.

"Do you not know that you have always had my heart, for I gave it to you long ago my friend? Ay-uh, for where you are my love, so shall I be, I do it because I love you," Jumping Elk said, cupping Hawk's face in his hands, drawing his lips to his in a tender kiss.

"Come, let us go outside beneath the heavens and walk," Hawk said and then stood, reaching down to Jumping Elk with his hands.

"Ay-uh, for the night is still young and the moon and stars hold much promise," Jumping Elk said as he looked up at the heavens.

Suddenly a star glimmered brightly and then a second did the same.

"Look, my Red Sun and your White Deer smile down on us," Hawk said with a bittersweet smile.

"Ay-uh, oh how I miss my son," Jumping Elk said and his mind's eye saw the smiling face of White Deer as a child.

"Our time of mourning is finished, Jumping Elk," Hawk firmly said. "I know that my Red Sun and also your White Deer would not want us to mourn forever for them. "But I wish it were so for my son, Strong Bear, for he has vowed never to take another," he added.

Hawk slipped his hand into Jumping Elk's and together they walked through the forest until they came to the river's edge.

"So the stars and the moon show much promise," Hawk said turning to Jumping Elk.

Hawk's eyes were filled with a seductive glow and Jumping Elk knew that Hawk had finally ended his mourning. Hawk swept Jumping Elk into his arms and with Jumping Elk's arms clinging around Hawk's neck, Hawk lowered him to a soft bed of thick green moss, covering Jumping Elk's body with his.

The sounds of the night surrounded them, the chirps of the crickets, the hooting of an owl, and the occasional baying of a wolf, only added to the seductiveness of the moment.

Hawk slowly removed Jumping Elk's clothes and in turn, Jumping Elk removed Hawk's. As Hawk brought his mouth down to Jumping Elk's, he covered his lover's body with his.

"Our bodies my be old my chief, but you still hold the handsomeness of your youth," Jumping Elk whispered against Hawk's lips as his hands drifted slowly down his back, coming to rest on the hardness of Hawk's ass.

"As it did many winters ago in our youth, your body still excites this chief," Hawk whispered back and crushed his lips against Jumping Elk's, thrusting his tongue deep into his mouth, while his hand found the hardness of a nipple.

Hawk flicked his tongue over and around it, until he gently began nibbling on it. Jumping Elk arched his back in ecstasy, holding his lover to him. As Hawk moved his mouth's attention to the other nipple, Jumping Elk's hands moved slowly down his lover's back, around his slender hips, finding the heat of Hawk's hardness.

Jumping Elk wrapped his fingers around Hawk's heat and gently moved them on him. Hawk's mouth sought out Jumping Elk's in a quivering kiss, his moans resonating into the night as Jumping Elk's hand continued to pleasure him.

Feeling his seed's need to explode rising quickly, Hawk pulled his manhood from his lover's hand, and trailed a frenzy of kisses as he moved down the silky softness of Jumping Elk's body. He licked and sucked on both nipples and then licked his way down to the flatness of his stomach, running his tongue around and in Jumping Elk's navel.

"Your tongue leaves a trail of fire as it moves, threatening to burn me alive," Jumping Elk cooed.

Hawk licked around the base of his lover's manhood, slowly running his tongue up and down the hard shaft, before he engulfed it fully into his mouth. Jumping Elk's hips thrust upwards, the sensation of Hawk's mouth around him was overwhelming him as Hawk now glided his mouth rapidly up and down on Jumping Elk's cock.

"I have waited too many winters to experience this with you," Jumping Elk gasped out, his fingers woven through Hawk's hair as he glided his lover's movements with his hands. "I fear that I cannot hold out long, for the fire is so intense and the desire greater," he howled as his head moved left and right. "Ay-uh my husband..."

Hawk felt Jumping Elk's cock begin to swell and he knew that soon he would taste the sweetness of his seed, so he quickened his movement on his length.

"Aaaaaiiiieeeee," he howled and shot his seed into the burning mouth of Hawk as his hips moved rapidly up and down, thrusting his manhood deeper and faster into Hawk's mouth.

When Hawk had drained Jumping Elk of all that he had, he kissed his way back up to his mouth. Needing to please his chief and lover, Jumping Elk wrapped his hand around the hardness of Hawk, guided it to that sweet spot that no other man had ever been, and led him inside.

Jumping Elk sucked in a frantic gasp when Hawk's cock fully entered him. His eyes rolled back and he arched his neck in pure ecstasy when Hawk began his rhythmic thrusts. Jumping Elk was completely thrust into the heavens with ecstasy, his hips lifting and moving in perfect sync, meeting each one of Hawk's thrusts.

Ferociously, Hawk took Jumping Elk into his arms and held him tightly to him as his thrusts became more urgent. Hawk's mouth seemed more demanding now and his kisses were definitely hotter, as Jumping Elk compared Hawk's kiss to that first one many winters ago.

"Jumping Elk, I love you so much and words cannot express how happy you are making me," Hawk whispered against his lips and then kissed him once again as he thrust urgently now, deeper, harder and faster into his sweet heat.

As their mouths joined in a frenzy of kisses, their bodies rocked and shuddered together as their climaxes overtook them. Jumping Elk spewed his seed between their sweat covered bodies, while Hawk shot his seed deep into Jumping Elk's heat.

"I am so happy Hawk, but I'm sad at the same time, because for us to be like this it cost us the life of a very dear man," Jumping Elk said sadly as he thought about Seth.

"Ay-uh, but he wanted this for us, because it was his ultimate gift to me," Hawk said, and then rolled away from Jumping Elk, resting beside him.

"Anyways my love, I am very blessed and also thankful to be able to spend whatever days that the Great Spirit gives us, with you," he said to Hawk, cuddling close against him.

"Gah-ween my heart, it is Hawk that is blessed for having a friend such as you," he said and pulled him to him, crushing his mouth with his.

They spent the rest of the night snuggling and making love, until the break of dawn drew them back to their lodge, where they repeated it again.

May 1892

The people of the Choctaw have gathered together one last time to say goodbye to their chief, Chief Hawk, before they take the long trip to Arizona.

Hawk is standing in the midst of them, with Strong Bear to his right as he prepares to speak.

"My people, now that you are leaving to travel to Arizona and begin a new life, it is with a new chief that you do this," he said, causing Strong Bear to suddenly turn to him and his people to gasp in shock.

"Gah-ween father, I thought that we had discussed this and that we made up our mind that you would lead our people to Arizona," he said, his hands resting on his hips.

"Gah-ween my son, you made up your mind, not Hawk," he said as he cupped Strong Bear's face with his hands. "I am tired my son and I cannot leave my Red Sun behind, so take the position of chief and lead our people to this new land," he requested and kissed him on both cheeks.

"But..." Hawk placed a finger to his lips to silence him.

"This is my heart's legacy to you my son, go forth and be a loving and caring chief as I know you will. Make this old chief proud to have been your father," Hawk said with his voice cracking as he fought against his emotions.

"Ay-uh my father, I shall proudly do this for you, but first tell me, where will you live?"

"Abraham has given me the land that once belonged to his father," Hawk told him. "Jumping Elk and I shall build our cabin there and spend the final winters of our lives together, loving each other as Red Sun requested of us."

"I too miss my other father, Red Sun, but I miss my White Deer most," he said thickly and fought back the tears that threatened him.

"It is not good that you should be alone my son," Hawk said looking at the loneliness that was in Strong Bear's eyes.

"My heart has known love once and there is no room left for another, my father. Besides, I have two sons now to raise, Tall Cloud and Wild Horse, and one day Tall Cloud shall be chief after his father."

"But sons cannot warm your blankets at night my son, only that special someone can do that."

"Ay-uh father, but the sting of White Deer's death still clings to my heart."

Hawk nodded his head sadly, for he too still felt that sting, even though Jumping Elk was now warming his bed. Hawk hugged his son warmly and kissed him on both cheeks before stepping aside to say goodbye to his grandchildren and his Choctaw people.

Hawk stood proudly tall with Jumping Elk at his side, as his people slowly hugged them both goodbye. As he stood there watching them until they were but a spec on the horizon, he let his tears flow freely down his cheeks.

"I already miss my son," he said turning to look at a tearful Jumping Elk.

"Come my friend, let me make your pain go away, if only for a short while," Jumping Elk said as he moved into Hawk's embrace.

"Ay-uh my heart, let us both take away death's sting for but a moment," Hawk said, his voice thick with emotion and then Hawk kissed him tenderly.

Together, they walked hand in hand back to the only lodge that was left standing in what once was a happy, Choctaw village.

"Are you sure son that this is what you want to do," Shane said as he looked up at Abe, who was sitting on the seat of his covered wagon, with Caleb by his side on his horse.

"I wish to make a new start father, away from the hurtful memories of this place. I am meeting Strong Bear and his people and we shall travel together to Arizona."

"Are you sure Caleb," James asked, looking over at him as he sat snuggled close to Abe's side.

"I'm very sure James, and I'll take good care of your son," he assured him as he glanced over at Abe. "Besides, I'll have my dad and Spotted Wolf with us also. They decided that the names and torment that the town has put them through, was what finally made up their minds to join us."

"Please remember to wire us; let us know when you arrive. I shall worry about you both everyday until I hear from you," James said, his arm wrapped through Shane's.

"I will father and you let me know how Hawk and Jumping Elk like their new cabin," he asked.

Abe, along with Caleb and his fathers, built a large log cabin which looked out over the river for Hawk and Jumping Elk. Abe knew that they were getting on in their years, so it was his heart's legacy to them.

"I will wire back and tell you son, but I am sure it is going to truly surprise them," Shane said. "I know that the wood cooking stove will thrill Jumping Elk, because I know how badly it hurts him to stoop beside a fire."

Abe jumped down from the wagon, his heart aching for one more hug as he hurried over to Shane and wrapped his arms tightly around him.

"I love you father with all my heart," he said and kissed him squarely on the lips. "I still think you have the sexist ass in all of Oklahoma," he whispered causing Shane to blush.

Abe stepped over to James who was fighting back tears, knowing that of his two dads, James was the most sensitive one.

"Thank you pa for loving me when even I couldn't love myself," he said and buried his face into the crook of James' neck, letting his tears flow freely.

"A father's love is unconditional Abraham, and that is how I always loved you," he said as he wiped away his son's tears. "Now please stop telling Shane that his ass is the sexiest around, there has been no living with that ego of his," James mused.

"Well if its any consolation pa, your manhood is best around also," James blushed and pushed his son away gently.

"You are definitely your father's son, now go on before you miss that rendezvous with Strong Bear," he said wiping away his tears with the back of his hand.

Abe climbed up onto the bench of the wagon and gave one last look at his fathers as they stood with Shane's arm wrapped securely around James' waist. He clicked the reins and the mules began to move, James and Shane standing there waving until they were out of sight.

"Well my sexy little rebel, how about you take that manhood of your and teach my sexy ass just who is boss," Shane whispered against James' ear, shocking him that he was going to let him make love to him.

"Truly Shane...you really want me to make love to you?" James asked excitedly.

"It's about time that I felt what you felt all these years," he said with his hands about James' waist, looking down into his ageless eyes.

"I promise you that I'll be gentle, my sexy Yankee," James said taking Shane by the hand and leading him into their rebuilt ranch.

"Gentle...do you mean it could hurt...maybe we should reconsider this babe," Shane whined as he reluctantly followed James into their bedroom.

"It won't hurt a bit darling," he said, but thought, `at least it won't hurt me'.

James slowly undressed Shane and then himself, and then ushered him to the bed, covering his body with his.

"Oh my God stop...it hurts like hell," Shane screamed as James buried his length fully into Shane's heat. "You'd better enjoy it babe, because this will be the last time I am foolish enough to let you," he moaned, burying his face into his pillow.

Meanwhile outside:

"Maybe Hawk and Jumping Elk come back later," Hawk said to Jumping Elk when they heard Shane's cries.

"Do you think that James is hurting Shane," Jumping Elk asked as they moved to stand beside the opened bedroom window and look in.

"Ay-uh, James is definitely hurting Shane, but joyfully," Hawk whispered, watching James as he pounded his cock into Shane's ass.

James turned toward the window, saw Hawk watching and gave him a big smile as he continued pounding his husband's ass into submission.

"Come Jumping Elk, let us again bring much pleasure to these old bones," Hawk said, walking hand in hand with his lover.

"Jumping Elk is happy that Hawk's glory can still stand tall and proud to give this old man much happiness," Jumping Elk whispered against the old chief's ear as they slipped into the forest and his hand drifted over to Hawk's manhood and found it hard and ready to provide him with much loving. "Ay-uh...Jumping Elk is very happy," he said smiling from ear to ear.

This ends the, A Heart's Legacy and the next story will be An Awakened Heart. I hope that you have enjoyed these stories and the next saga will have much more romance, history and new characters.

I would love to hear your comments at: danielrunningwater@yahoo.com

Thank you all so much for sharing with me your thoughts and suggestions.


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