A Hearts Legacy

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Mar 15, 2023


A Heart's Legacy

Sequel to Captured Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Six

Previously in chapter five:

Caleb stood silently outside the door of Shane and James' ranch, waiting for someone to open the door. He had waited and thought long about coming to talk to Shane and James about what he knew, but his only concern was for Abe's safety, so that was the only reason that he decided to tell Abe's fathers.

"Caleb...how nice to see you again," James said as he stepped aside to let him enter. "What brings you all the way out to see us this late in the afternoon," he asked as he led the way to the parlor where Shane was reading a book.

"Caleb...you look worried," Shane said after he looked up from the book which he was reading. "Is everything all right with your father," he asked and put his book aside, rising to go to the boy and hugged him.

"I need to talk you both about something concerning Abraham," he said nervously, his eyes looking away from Shane, because he knew that he would have to tell them how he came about the information that he was about to share.

He was just about to tell them when Abe walked into the room, causing Caleb to hesitate when he saw him standing there.

"Caleb, how nice to see you my friend," Abe said as he walked over to the boy and gave him a manly hug.

"You might as well have a seat son, because what Caleb has to say concerns you somehow," Shane said and looked at the alarm on Caleb's face. "It is alright if he stays," he asked and slowly, Caleb nodded his head.

Now chapter six:

Hawk sat amongst his people, his face drawn as he looked into their eyes and saw their questioning looks. It was a warm day for September; the sky was a clear blue with not a cloud to be seen. The trees were painted in colors of red, yellow and orange, and the air was filled with the smells of cooking as the women prepared food for the winter months ahead.

Strong Bear sat to his right, with White Deer to his right and Seth to the left of Hawk. Hawk was beginning to show his age, soft creases had appeared around his eyes and grey was beginning to show in his raven black hair. Raising his fist into the air, Hawk stood, silencing the whispers that filled the room.

"My people, your chief stands before you with a heavy heart today," he said beginning. "I come before you to tell you that once again we are moving from this land," he said and a great gasp was heard from those that had assembled to hear their chief.

"Father, you did not tell me that we were moving again," Strong Bear whispered, now standing beside his father.

"Ay-uh my son, I chose not to because I knew that you would not agree with your father and chief," he said and Strong Bear was taken aback by his comment as to why he had kept this silent.

"Father, you are not only my father, but you are also my chief. Whatever decision that you make concerning me and our people, Strong Bear will always stand beside you faithfully," he said and his words warmed Hawk's insides.

"Ay-uh son, but now I must do this as your chief and not your father. For once we leave this land and go to the one that I have seen in a vision, it is then that I shall step down as chief."

Strong Bear's mouth gaped open over this news, he knew that he was next in line to be chief, but he had always assumed that it would happen upon his father's death.

"Gah-ween father, for you still have many winters before you move on to the afterlife of our people," Strong Bear said.

"Thank you my son, but Hawk is old now and wishes to spend the winters that he has left in the loving arms of Red Sun," he said, looking over to Seth who had a warm smile on his face.

Hugging his son, he released him and turned back to his people, and took another deep breath before speaking.

"My people, our Great Spirit has blessed Hawk, your chief, with a vision of this new land that we shall travel to. Arizona is a land that few white eyes desire because of its climate, which is hot and arid. But there is many buffalo there and rich soil to plant our seeds in," he added.

"When are we leaving my chief, for the whispers of winter are in the wind's voice each night and early morning," Jumping Elk asked.

"We shall prepare our travois' today, because we leave as soon as the sun rises tomorrow," he said and again, those in attendance gasped at the suddenness of the move. "My people, already the lands of the land of the Sac, Fox, and Pottawatomie-Shawnee have been handed over to the white settlers and soon it shall be the same for the Choctaw," he said and the people nodded their heads in agreement to these words.

"So now my people go, prepare your lodges for the long travel to this new land," he told them and watched as they slowly rose and drifted silently out of the counsel lodge to prepare for the trip.

"Father please, do not do this thing that you have spoken of, I do not want to be chief until you..." Strong Bear said, stopping short of saying dead.

"My son, I am not only old, but I am also tired of leading our people. It is time that a new face leads our people, one that has the stamina and foresight to lead...you are the one my son. I have raised you in the ways of being a chief and you have shown to me and our people that you are worthy to be chief and to lead them.

"Will you and Red Sun go with us," he asked, almost afraid of what the answer will be.

"Hawk has not yet made up his mind, my son, but whether or not I go, you will be chief as soon as your feet touch the soil of our new home," he told him, resting his hands on Strong Bears shoulders.

"Ay-uh my father, and Strong Bear will lead his people as you have led them, with love and in peace with all people, whether it be our fellow redskins or the scheming white eyes."

"Hawk knows that there is much compassion and love in your heart, so that is why he steps aside."

Strong Bear rushed into his father's arms and they embraced, while tears filled the eyes of Seth and White Deer. As soon as Strong Bear and White Deer left the counsel lodge, Jumping Elk re-entered.

"My friend and chief, my I have counsel with you and Red Sun," he asked, standing proudly before Hawk.

"Ay-uh my friend, speak," Hawk said and motioned to a seat between him and Seth.

"My friend, you do not plan on taking this journey, I can see it in your eyes," Jumping Elk said and reluctantly Hawk slowly nodded his head. "I too do not wish to go with our people, for I am alone now that my wife has gone to be in the hereafter."

"Then you are most welcome to stay behind with us, my friend," Hawk said and turned to look at his Red Sun.

"Ay-uh Jumping Elk, for I too welcome you to stay and share our last winters together with us."

"Thank you my friends, for you have made this old warrior very happy," he said as he stood and began to leave. "I shall go and speak of this to my son, White Deer. I know that Strong Bear shall always protect him and love him, so as a father I am not worried to see him go. I shall miss his handsome face and smile, but I shall not worry about him," he said and then left.

"I truly shall miss our son, Hawk," Red Sun whispered to his husband as they sat together alone in the counsel house.

"Ay-uh Red Sun, so shall Hawk miss his son," Hawk said and a single tear escaped Hawk's eye, but he quickly wiped it away. "Come my loving Red Sun; let us return to our lodge where we can mourn our people's leaving privately."

"What is this that you have needed to say that concerns me," Abe asked looking into Caleb's eyes.

"Once I say what needs to be said, I don't think that any of you will ever speak to me again," he said with eyes that were quickly filling up with tears, but he knew that if he were to lose Abe's friendship in order to save his life, it was worth it.

"We would never turn our hearts against you Caleb," James said as he hugged the boy and wiped away the tears. "Now sit and tell us that which has you so upset," he said.

Caleb took a deep breath and while entwining his fingers together, looked at all but Abe.

"I have knowledge that Abraham's life shall be in danger as soon as you merge your land with that of Emily Bennett," he said, causing Shane to stand in anger.

"What are you trying to say, Caleb," he angrily asked. "Spit it out and never mind mincing your words.

Abe sat there silently as Caleb spoke to them about what he knew concerning Jeremy and Emily's plans to cause an accident for Abe which would leave him dead and Emily inheriting all of his wealth as well as the very land that Shane and James lived on.

Shane angrily paced the room, while Abe sat there stoically, as the words sank into his mind and James sat there in disbelief over what he had heard.

"Tell me this Caleb, where did you get this information. Because I highly doubt that either of them would just voluntarily tell you," Abe blurted out.

Caleb stood there fidgeting with his fingers; he knew that he had to tell them because it was the only way to make them believe that what he said was true.

"Jeremy told me himself," Caleb said softly.

"Jeremy just came out and told you," Abe questioned. "How damn stupid do you think we are?" he added and turned away from Caleb.

"He told me because he and I have been having sex together and he wants me to live with him permanently," he shouted, stunning the three of them with the revelation.

"You have been what," Shane asked, his face showing the shock and anger over what Caleb had said.

Caleb broke down crying and James rushed over to the boy, and once he was able to control his emotions, he told them the entire story.

"You slept with that evil man to protect me," Abe said questioningly.

"Do you think that for one minute that I enjoyed that man's hands and body taking me? I would have even killed for you Abe, if it meant your safety," Caleb said through deep sobs as Abe stared at him. "Never mind, just hate me," he said and ran from the room and into the darkness that was settling across the sky.

"Didn't I tell you that I didn't trust that woman, Abe," Shane shouted, turning to stare at Abe as James ran after Caleb. "Now doesn't this prove to you that she is as conniving as her old man was," he added and Abe could only nod his head, because his heart was too broken to speak.

Abe's love for Emily was quickly turning to hate and he pulled the will that was in his shirt pocket out and began reading it. He slowly read the document and when he got to parts that were too small for his eyes to read, he asked his father, Shane to read on.

"What that dirty son of a bitch, he's got a clause here that leaves your wealth to him should you and Emily not wed or divorce if you do.

Abe rushed from the room and out of the front door, his hatred for Emily was overwhelming him as he ran by James and Caleb on the way to the barn.

"I better be going sir," Caleb said and turned to mount his horse.

"It's too late for you to be riding back to town Caleb, why don't you stay the night and go home tomorrow," James suggested and had a ranch hand come and put Caleb's horse in the barn.

"I really don't think that Abe would want me here, didn't you see the hatred in his eyes," Caleb said as they stepped onto the porch.

"That was not directed at you Caleb, it was directed at Emily," James told him and took the boy into his arms, hugging him. "I really think that you'd be better off waiting until tomorrow to go home, because it looks like a storm is beginning to brew out here."

Caleb nodded and then went with James as he led him back into the shelter of his house. He was sitting there talking with Shane and James, when Abe came running into the house, his anger still raging.

"It's raining too damn hard to ride anywhere," Abe said, and Caleb noticed how soaked he was.

"Then it's settled, this is not the weather to be out riding in," James said. "I'll show you to your room," but stopped to ask if he had eaten.

"I'm not very hungry sir, but thanks," he said softly.

He took the boy upstairs and lit a lamp for him to see with after they stepped into the guest room. Do you sleep naked or do you prefer a night shirt to sleep with, because if you need one I can grab one of Shane's?"

"No sir, I prefer to sleep naked, thanks," he assured James.

"Then rest a bit and I'll wake you when dinner is ready. Dinner is usually around six," he said.

"Thank you sir," he replied.

"Caleb, would you please call us James and Shane," he said and slipped out of the room.

"Oh my God, Jeremy...what are you doing here," Emily asked when she opened her front door to find the man standing there.

"We need to talk Emily and what better place than here," he said and stepped inside the house without bothering to be invited in.

"And what if Abraham had been here, just how would you or I explain that one?"

"Well he's not and I highly doubt that he will be soon, because there's a storm brewing outside that proves to be a doozie," he said and he had no sooner said it then a clap of thunder shook the ground.

"Very well, but you have got to be gone before I leave for my morning ride with Abraham," she warned.

"How about we talk in bed, gorgeous," he asked, pulling her into his warm embrace.

He covered her mouth with his and it was all over, she threw her arms about his neck and kissed him back.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you spend the night sweetheart, after all, I really am afraid of thunderstorms.

"Make sure that the horses are secure," Hawk yelled to his warriors, as he tried to be heard over the sound of the roaring wind. "Something has angered our Great Spirit," he added while looking up at the rolling clouds that were as black as midnight.

"I just hope that we don't get another tornado," Seth said as he too looked up at the sky, and then like a dam had broke, the rain began to fall, drenching everyone within seconds.

"Come Red Sun, we need to go to the safety of our lodge," Hawk said, pulling Seth by the hand as they ran toward their lodge. "Ay-uh, something has truly angered our Great Spirit," he added before lowering the flap to his lodge.

Caleb was standing at the window, watching the lightning as it zigzagged across the sky and also thinking, when a soft knock on the door brought him back to the present.

"Come in James," he said without turning back to look at who it was.

"It's not James, it's me Abe, Caleb, can I come in," Abe said quietly as he softly closed the door behind him.

Caleb turned on his heels and stared at Abe, his heart racing when he saw him standing there in just his breeches with his manhood clearly outlined as it hung down his right leg. The light from the oil lamp cast a soft glow on his face, and Caleb could see that he had been crying.

"Can I talk with you...please," he asked and Caleb nodded.

"What would you like to talk about Abe?" he asked.

Caleb felt an ache in his heart for the problems that Abe was facing. He knew that he was the reason that Abe felt this way, but he'd said over and over again, that he would do it again because it meant saving Abe's life.

"Us Caleb," Abe said and with a few long strides he was across the room and pulling Caleb into his arms. "I am so sorry that you felt that you had to sexually be with Jeremy just so you could protect me, Caleb," Abe said.

"It was hard being intimate with the man that had raped me, but I would do it all again if it meant saving your life."

"Caleb, can there ever be an... us?" Abe asked, stepping closer to Caleb.

"How can I prove to you just how much I love you, Abe?" Caleb asked looking up into the softness of Abe's eyes.

"Today you already did, Caleb," Abe murmured as he placed his finger under Caleb's chin and lifted his face up so that he could kiss him.

Abe's lips pressed hard against Caleb's as Caleb entwined his arms around Abe's neck and kissed him back. Once they broke their kiss, Abe slowly began to undress Caleb, but suddenly stopped when he remembered that Caleb was but sixteen. He started to pull away from Caleb, but Caleb's arms quickly pulled him back to him.

"I'm no longer a child Abe, let me prove to you how much of a man I am," he whispered and then lifted his arms so that Abe could pull his shirt up and off him.

As Abe kissed Caleb, his fingers were busy undoing the boy's breeches. He stepped back and slowly lowered Caleb's breeches down his lean, muscular legs until they pooled around his ankles. Abe glanced momentarily into Caleb's eyes and then dropped to his knees before him.

"I'm rather new at this Caleb," Abe said, looking up at the boy. "I'll do my best, but don't expect miracles just yet," he added and then lowered his mouth around Caleb's throbbing cock, stopping when it hit the back of his throat, causing him to gag.

"Just swallow when you feel my cock hitting that spot and it'll glide easily past," Caleb instructed.

Abe tried again, and when Caleb's cock felt like it would gag him, Abe swallowed fast, easing his cock further down his throat. Methodically, Abe moved up and down of Caleb's length until Caleb felt that he was approaching the point of no return and pulled his cock from Abe's mouth and eased him to his feet.

Caleb's hands were trembling as he slowly lowered Abe's breeches, exposing his thick long cock that was quickly hardening. As the breeches slowly lowered to the floor, so did Abe until he was kneeling before the man he loved.

"Are you sure that this is what you truly want, because once I give you my heart and love, its forever Abe?"

"Yes Caleb, it is you that I want, not just for tonight but for always. I fell in love with you a while ago, when you were nursing me back to health, but I was afraid of those feelings because you were so young."

"And you are no longer too afraid to show me these feelings?" Caleb asked as he looked up at Abe.

"No, it still bothers me that you are but sixteen, but I will learn to deal with it," was all he said and then slowly Caleb lowered his mouth down to Abe's manhood and took it into his mouth.

He marveled mentally over the length and thickness of Abe's cock, hoping that he could satisfactorily satisfy him. Abe was now fully hard and Caleb figured it to be close to eleven inches. He wrapped his fingers around Abe's hardness, stroking it as his mouth sucked furiously on the sensitive head until Abe felt his edge quickly approaching.

"Stop...I am so close to losing my seed," Abe said as he pulled Caleb up to his feet.

Abe's mouth covered his as he held Caleb close, his hands roaming freely over the silky skin of the boy's back and ass. Abe's kiss started out slow and then turned into a raging inferno in Abe, as his lips crushed those of Caleb.

Caleb moaned against Abe's mouth, as the fire quickly spread from Abe to him, each clinging to each other as their passion grew. Caleb's hands feverishly clawed at Abe's back and then moved around to his hairy chest and began pinching Abe's taut nipples.

"Damn you have me on fire Caleb," Abe crowed as he lowered Caleb down to the bed and covered the boy's body with his, grinding his cock against Caleb's.

Needing to prove to Abe that he was man enough to handle Abe's manhood, Caleb reached down to the throbbing length of Abe, entwined his fingers firmly around its thickness and began stroking it fast.

"I need your heat," Abe moaned against the full soft plumpness of Caleb's lips. "But I don't want to hurt you; Emily never was able to take all of me."

"I'm not Emily, and can we please leave her out of this," Caleb said as he lifted his legs and placed Abe's cock to his rosebud and guided Abe's cock into his heat.

Abe lifted up a bit so that he could watch Caleb's eyes as he slowly impaled the boy with his length. Never once did Caleb flinch, but sighed deeply when he became fully impaled by it. Abe knew by the look on Caleb's face that his manhood was causing him pain. He lowered his mouth to Caleb's and kissed him tenderly, waiting for the boy to adjust to his size. When Caleb moaned with delight and began moving his hips upwards, Abe began a methodically slow stroke, urging his cock deeper and deeper into the heat of Caleb's warm sheath.

Throwing his head back in sheer pleasure, Abe's thrusts became a quicker and more urgent rhythm as he lowered his mouth down to Caleb's neck, leaving his mark on it. As his hips drove his cock into Caleb, Abe trailed kisses down even further to Caleb's hard pink nipples, sucking each one until Caleb was crying out for mercy.

"Yes oh yes Abe... faster...deeper baby," Caleb moaned and his cries of sexual ecstasy filled the house, even to where Shane and James were sitting in their bedroom.

"I think our son has finally found his sexuality," Shane said glancing over at James.

"I do hope that he's gentle on Caleb, after all, Caleb is but sixteen and our son is quite endowed.

"And you have been looking at our son?" Shane questioned.

"No more than you did that day that he lay upon that operating table, exposed for the whole world to see."

"Come sweetheart, why should they be the only men that are having fun," Shane said, grabbing James by the hand and leading him over to their bed.

Abe's thrusts took on a frantic, more urgent need and Caleb's pelvis rose to meet each thrust that Abe gave him. Caleb was pinching and suckling on Abe's nipples as Abe pounded his cock further and harder into Caleb's sheath.

"I'm there Cal...oh damn I'm there...aaaaggghhh shooting," Abe screamed and gave one last hard thrust, stopped, and then began blasting Caleb's love canal with his seed.

"As I am also," Caleb moaned and shot his own seed between their rocking and heaving bodies.

Sex never felt so good to Abe, as he pounded deep...hard and frantically into Caleb, feeding Caleb's heat the last of his seed. Still clinging to one another as their sweet afterglow overtook them, their mouths met in a sweet tender kiss.

Still deeply impaled by Abe's manhood, Caleb wrapped his legs around Abe's waist and his arms around his neck.

"I love you so much Abe," Caleb whispered and then nibbled and kissed down the length of his neck.

"I love you too Caleb... oh God how I am so in love with you," he said and then began to pull out of Caleb's heat, but Caleb's legs tightened around Abe's waist, holding him in him.

"Not yet lover," Caleb whispered, as the sound of Shane and James' headboard slammed frantically against the wall, followed by Shane's screams of ecstasy. "Listen Abe, I don't think that we were the only ones making love," Caleb said when he heard James' howls of ecstasy that came from the very next bedroom.

"They do get very boisterous whenever Shane makes love to James," Abe said and then looked down seductively into Caleb's sex glazed eyes. "Are you up for another go around, baby?" he asked looking down into Caleb's eyes.

"I am always up and ready for you sweetheart," Caleb said, lifting his legs high, and Caleb thrust his pelvis upward as Abe began his urgent thrusts downward.

Strong Bear and White Deer traveled to the Sioux village for a counsel with Chief Brave Heart. Strong Bear knew that this chief and Hawk had been talking about moving their villages so that they could be free to live as life once was.

"Chief Brave Heart, it is good to be with you again," Strong Bear said.

"Ay-uh my friend, and how is your father, Chief Hawk?" the handsome chief asked.

Chief Brave Heart was two winters older than Strong Bear. He stood tall and very muscular. His raven black hair grew past his waist and was held back with a beaded headband. His eyes were as black as midnight and his nose long and straight. He had high cheekbones and full pouting lips. Today he wore a simple loincloth that did nothing to hide the size of his manhood.

"Chief Hawk is well, thank you for asking. As the next chief in line, my father left it to me to discuss our people's move to Arizona with you."

"I take it that Chief Hawk will not be moving when his people go," he asked.

"Ay-uh, he and Red Sun will stay behind and live with their white friends, Shane and James." He informed the chief, whose expression showed his surprise.

"Hawk is agreeable to live amongst the white eyes and not his own people?" he asked, shaking his head in shock.

"Ay-uh, for my father is getting on in age and even though he doesn't know this yet, his Red Sun is not well and maybe dying."

"Gah-ween, I am most troubled to hear this, Strong Bear," he said as he kneaded his chin as if considering something. "Then I would think that he would all the more want to go with his son. For when his Red Sun passes to the hereafter, he shall be alone."

"This is true, but Chief Brave Heart knows my father well, so he knows also my father's stubbornness."

"Ay-uh, this is most true, for I remember how my father, Chief Running Fox and Hawk would war against each other, carrying on this savage war of their father as if it were a heart's legacy to them."

"Ay-uh, but Chief Brave Heart is much wiser and sees the pain and suffering that war caused our peoples," Strong Bear said, remembering back to when Chief Brave Heart had approached Hawk and spoke of peace between the two tribes.

Strong Bear noticed how Brave Heart was staring at White Deer, as if he saw him standing there without his clothes on and it worried him.

"Chief Brave Heart, this is my heart, White Deer," Strong Bear said as he introduced White Deer to the chief.

"So it is true that you and White Deer are of two spirits, Strong Bear, as is your father Hawk and Red Sun," Brave Heart asked.

"Ay-uh, does this anger the Sioux chief?"

"Gah-ween my friend, for my people too has seen those among us that are of two spirits," he whispered, wishing to keep his conversation private and away from his brother who was standing behind him, but alas, he heard and smiled.

"Truly... some of your people are as we are," Strong Bear asked, watching the young warrior as he stood quietly behind Brave Heart, smirking.

"My brother, come and meet Strong Bear and White Deer," Brave Heart said, motioning his brother forward, allowing them to greet him.

"I am most pleased to meet the future chief of the Choctaw and his... how do you refer to your man as," Spirit Horse asked, all the while his eyes on White Deer.

"He is my heart," Strong Bear proudly said, concerned at how the Sioux warrior was again studying White Deer, as if he saw him naked.

"Spirit Horse, why don't you and White Deer go to your lodge and talk while Chief Brave Heart and I have counsel," Brave Heart said, more as a command then as a suggestion, not wanting his brother around to interfere.

Although they were brothers and Brave Heart older, Spirit Horse wanted to be chief and continue a path of war with the other tribes and the white eyes, not one of peace, as his brother Brave Heart now followed.

"Ay-uh my brother," Spirit Horse said and motioned to White Deer to follow him. "It would surely lead to war if something were to happen to his man, for Strong Bear would want to avenge his heart's disgrace," he thought looking over at White Deer.

White Deer looked cautiously at Strong Bear, because much fear of this warrior filled his heart. Strong Bear watched to see which lodge that Spirit Horse would take White Deer to, before turning his attention back to Brave Heart.

"Come my friend, let us take shelter in my lodge before this storm arrives," Brave Heart said, gazing up at the darkening sky. "You and White Deer may not be able to leave for your village if this proves to be another storm with great spinning winds," he said as he referred to a tornado as a great spinning wind.

"Our people have experienced many storms as these before," Strong Bear said as he followed the chief to his teepee. "We shall make it back to our village even if there is a great spinning wind, because my people will need their chief," he added.

"My people will welcome you both to stay, if you should wish to," he said and held open the flap that covered the opening to the chief's teepee, allowing Strong Bear to step in.

"This is my wife, Soft Cloud," Brave Heart said after he and Strong Bear stepped into the teepee.

"It pleasures Soft Cloud's heart to see the Choctaw and Sioux friends, as our Great Spirit in the sky intended," she softly said and then motioned to the mats before the fire. "Come, sit and let me offer you food to fill your stomach," she added and knelt down beside the fire and began placing venison, vegetables and various fruit and berries on a wooden platter before placing it before Strong Bear, repeating it for Brave Heart also.

"Eat and enjoy," Brave Heart said, but Strong Bear looked toward the door, wondering if White Deer would be eating also, or for that matter was he safe with Brave Heart's brother.

Even though Strong Bear liked Brave Heart, he had mixed emotions concerning Spirit Horse.

"Do not worry about White Deer, for my brother will make sure that he eats as well," Brave Heart said and began picking at his food.

A sudden gust of wind threatened to topple the teepee that White Deer and Spirit Horse were in, causing the Spirit Horse to pull White Deer into his arms when he noticed how frightened he was.

"Are you afraid of the wind, or do you fear that it will become a spinning wind and take us away," Spirit Horse whispered against White Deer's ear and hugging White Deer closer to him.

"I do not fear these storms, because I know that my heart is true and at peace with the Great Spirit that protects those who are worthy," he replied as he tried to push away but the man's grip was too strong for White Deer to break.

"Then maybe you fear this mighty Sioux warrior who now holds you in his arms."

White Deer's body began to tremble when he felt the Sioux warrior's hand slowly moving down his back and coming to rest on his ass. As Spirit Horse's hands began to massage White Deer's cheeks, White Deer worried about Strong Bear and if he was experiencing the same treatment with Brave Heart. Just as he was about to hit the warrior, the wind suddenly stopped.

"Now see, the wind has stopped so there is nothing more to worry about," White Deer said and again, he struggled to break free from his grip.

But instead of stepping away from White Deer, Spirit Horse wrapped his arms tighter around White Deer's waist, pulled him close, and kissed him. At first White Deer tried to pull away from the man, but as Spirit Horse deepened his kiss and tightened his hold, White Deer surrendered to his violation, hoping that Strong Bear would come to rescue him.

"Please let Spirit Horse take you to paradise," he whispered softly as he gently pulled White Deer toward his bed of pelts and blankets.

"I...I really..." but Spirit Horse kissed him again, lowering White Deer down to the bed and covering White Deer's body with his, pining him to the bed.

The kiss continued while Spirit Horse began to feverishly pull White Deer's shirt up and over his head, exposing the softness of his well muscled chest to him. Spirit Horse raised his head and then lowered it as he began running his tongue around White Deer's taut nipple, causing him to moan, all the while holding him tight within his arms.

"I...we, shouldn't be doing this, I am married to Strong Bear and this is very wrong," White Deer said but to no avail. "Let me up and let me up now," White Deer demanded, who had finally given up on being nice, his anger showing in his eyes.

Spirit Horse refused to heed White Deer's words and thrust his tongue again into White Deer's mouth, in a long, sensual kiss.

"Your mouth's taste excites Spirit Horse, I wish to taste all of you," he whispered as he sat up and began pulling White Deer's loincloth quickly down his legs first and then removed his own, exposing his thick length to White Deer.

"Please don't do this to me," White Deer begged but Spirit Horse laughed haughtily at him.

White Deer laid there in shame, knowing that if caught by Strong Bear he would be banished from his people for betraying his husband's love, even if he told him that he had been taken against his will. But just as he was about to crawl out from under the Spirit Horse, the Sioux warrior forced White Deer's legs apart with his knee and with a mighty thrust, buried his cock fully into the heat of White Deer's ass.

Gasping and crying out from the violent invasion, White Deer turned his head from the chief's brother, for shame and anger was overwhelming him. Spirit Horse was now methodically, urgently thrusting his manhood deep into White Deer's sheath, his own urgency to spill his seed propelling him onward.

"Please do not do this Spirit Horse, for only Strong Bear has made love to me...it is wrong to shame me and my chief," he said shamefully, but Spirit Horse refused to listen as his hips drove downward without mercy into White Deer's heat.

"Soon you shall know the warmth of Spirit Horse's seed as it fills your heat," he said, but White Deer reached up to push him away, and the warrior struck him hard across the face, silencing his struggles and causing a trickle of blood to flow from his mouth.

Spirit Horse captured both wrists and held White Deer's hands above White Deer's head, while his thrusts became faster and more violent, causing White Deer to cry out in shame.

"Forgive me Strong Bear,' he cried out in despair when he felt the sudden swelling of Spirit Horse's cock within him.

"Aaaaiiiieeee," Spirit Horse cried out and then gave one last thrust, stopped and shot his seed deep into the heat of White Deer.

Spent and gasping for normal breaths, Spirit Horse pulled his shrinking manhood from White Deer and rose from the bed. He laughed when he looked down at the shamed White Deer.

"Go...I have no further need for you," Spirit Horse said as he pulled his loincloth up his legs, covering his manhood.

"Strong Bear shall avenge the shame that you have brought to me," White Deer cried as he too covered his nakedness with his loincloth.

"And who shall believe your lies, for remember, you are in a Sioux village and no Sioux will believe the word of a Choctaw, which is lower than a dog," again he laughed at White Deer as he ran from the lodge.

White Deer ran to the chief's lodge not noticing the tornado that quickly approached the village from behind him, but he stopped when he heard the loud rumbling that shook the ground.

"Strong Bear," he cried out and suddenly Strong Bear was at the teepee's entrance, now running toward White Deer.

"Run White Deer...the wind that destroys," Strong Bear yelled, grasping the hand of White Deer and running toward the river.

As they ran, debris flew violently around them, causing White Deer to fall, his grip on Strong Bear broken. Strong Bear stopped and turned, his face was filled with pain when he saw the wind take White Deer from the ground, sucking him into its blackness.

"Gah-ween," he screamed reaching out toward White Deer, just before a tree fell, pinning him beneath it.

To be continued...

There is chapter six and I know that some, if not all, will hate how it ended. Let me know what you think at: danielrunningwater@yahoo.com

Thank you readers,


Next: Chapter 7

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