A Hearts Legacy

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Mar 8, 2023


A Heart's Legacy

Sequel to Captured Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Four

Previously in chapter three:

Caleb watched his father as he cut away Abe's shirt, exposing his muscular chest with hard, round nipples that just beckoned to be sucked, standing tall on his hair covered chest.

"Help me remove his jeans," Jonas said to Caleb, causing the boy's heart to begin racing.

The longer that he stared at the unconscious Abe, the more that Caleb was falling in love with him.

"Is he going to live, father?" Caleb asked watching his father as he cleaned out the wound, and ignoring his question.

"Hurry and get those jeans off of him, I need to see if he's shot anywhere else."

Caleb ran the scissors up the length of Abe's right pant leg, stopping when he had cut through the waistband of his blood soaked jeans. He then repeated the cutting on his left leg, finally exposing Abe's lower half of his body.

Caleb pulled the jeans away and gasped when he saw the enormity of Abe's manhood as it lay limp against his thigh.

"My God would you look at the size of that thing, I can just imagine how much larger it would get when hard," Caleb thought to himself.

Jonas could see the affect that Abe's naked body was having on his son, and glanced over at him, thinking that the blood was disturbing him.

"You don't have to stay here if this is too hard on you to watch, because I can handle this by myself," Jonas said.

"I want to help you father, I find this very interesting," Caleb replied, but in reality he was admiring Abe's muscular body.

But seeing Abe's nakedness, brought back to his memory a time that was not pleasant to him. He thought back on that night when he was just fourteen and how one of his mother's `friends' had forced himself on Caleb's young body, raping him several times through that night while his mother had sex with another two rooms down.

Now seeing Abe's nakedness only rekindled Caleb's fears and he ran from the room, no longer able to watch.

"Are you alright son," Jonas called out to Caleb who was standing beside the door to the cabin.

"Yes father...it's just that there is so much blood and I felt sick," he lied, unable to share the truth with his father.

Suddenly the cabin door burst open and in like a hurricane came George Bennett, followed by Emily. Emily gasped as she stood there in shock and watched Jonas completely cover Abe with a sheet.

"Oh no he's dead," she gasped and fainted, just as James and Shane entered the room.

James froze when he saw the sheet that covered the body of his son and he too, fainted.

Now chapter four:

While Shane helped James to recover, George was busy assisting his daughter.

"Please tell me that that body is not my son's," Shane asked Caleb who was sitting incoherently staring at him. "Boy," he shouted and finally brought Caleb to his senses. "Is that my son's body that is lying dead beneath that sheet," Shane asked a second time and pointed to Abe's body.

"Yes...but I wasn't aware that he had died," Caleb said and looked at his father who had just entered the room.

"I want order in this room," Jonas shouted as Spotted Wolf walked through the door and saw the commotion. "If you can't maintain civility, then leave," he told those that were now standing there.

Ignoring George and his daughter, James who was now standing and walking toward Jonas, tears filling his eyes as they fixated on Abe's covered body.

"My son...is he..." he said, unable to say the word dead as he looked past Jonas again at the body of Abe.

"He's still alive but won't be if I can't finish repairing the damage that the bullet caused," he said and turned, motioning to Spotted Wolf to join him. "I only covered him to protect him from eyes of whoever was coming in," he added.

James sighed with relief, his son was still living, but what bothered him and Shane, was who shot him. Shane turned to George, wondering why he was there, because it was apparent that there was nothing wrong with him or Emily.

"It was you that shot my son," Shane said accusingly as he locked eyes with George.

"Your son tried to rape my daughter," he shouted in retaliation. "I am here to finish the job that I started," he added standing nose to nose with Shane. "That man doesn't deserve to live."

"I told you father, that it wasn't Abraham that did this to me, it was that evil man, Shawn," Emily shouted, trying to get her father's attention, hoping to prevent another outburst of violence.

"Shawn...Shawn Murphy," Shane asked and Emily nodded. "What was he doing around these parts and for that matter, what did he want with you, Bennett," he asked, but Shane already knew why Shawn was there.

"That is none of your business," George shouted, shoving Emily aside. "You girl...keep your mouth quiet," he ordered.

"He came to our house last evening to blackmail my father concerning a son that he fathered many years ago when he was governor," she said, ignoring her father's command.

"I said to keep quiet," George demanded again and slapped Emily across the face, knocking her off of her feet.

Shane lost his temper when he saw how cruel George could be to his daughter and directed his right fist to George's jaw, knocking him backwards and on to the floor.

"Caleb, take Miss Emily outside," James said to the boy who was standing there watching the events unfold, but remaining stoic. "Caleb," he yelled, "Take Miss Emily outside I said," he repeated louder and this time Caleb took Emily by the arm and pulled her outside with him.

Emily glared over at Caleb and tore her arm away from him, giving him an angry glare.

"Who are you anyways, to be pulling me away," Emily asked coldly, looking over at Caleb.

"I'm Caleb, my father is the doctor here," he told her. "I just recently came to live with him from St. Louis." Caleb looked at Emily and she could tell by his expression that he was wondering why she was here also.

"My name is Emily Bennett and that man in there that was making all of the trouble, he's my father."

"Then why are you both here, did either of you need attention or was it true that he was there to kill Abe?"

"He is the one that shot Abe, because he thinks that Abraham tried to rape me, when in reality, it was Abraham that saved me from being raped by Shawn."

"So are you Abe's girlfriend?" a confused Caleb asked.

"We were until today, when I learned that Abraham is my half brother. The only problem is that neither Abe nor my father knows it yet."

Emily went on to explain everything that she knew, from Shawn having arrived at her house to him trying to rape her today, and when she was finished, she was in tears.

"Abe's going to live Emily, my father is really good at what he does as a doctor," he told her. "I just hope that you don't prove me wrong father," he thought as he waited outside with Emily.

"Would you please go inside and find out how Abraham is, because I really don't wish to see my father," she asked, Caleb nodded and hurried into the cabin, leaving Emily outside and unaware of Shawn lurking in the shadows.

Looking around to see if anyone else was around, Shawn stealthily moved from the shadows and crept toward Emily, whose back was facing him. Step by step he moved quietly forward and when he was within grabbing distance his foot snapped a twig and caused Emily to turn around with a start. Shawn lunged forward, grabbing her and placing a hand over her mouth to silence her, dragging her off into the shadows of the forest.

Caleb came back outside a few moments later and looked around for Emily. When he couldn't find her; he returned back inside where Shane had George subdued, while waiting for news about Abe's condition.

"Did Emily come back inside," Caleb asked James, and when he shook his head no, Caleb panicked. "I left her outside when I came in to inquire about Abe, but when I returned outside she was nowhere to be found."

James looked to George, whose eyes were bulging with fear and walked over to him.

"Murphy must have her...untie me and at least let me go after my daughter," George demanded, but Shane was not going to release him because he didn't trust him to not return and shoot Abe.

"I'll go to look for her James, but whatever you do, do not let that bastard loose," Shane said and hurried out the door.

Shane called out Emily's name several times but got no reply, and looked long and hard at the forest, wondering if she had been taken in there. He stepped from the porch and walked over toward the woods, keeping his eyes on the ground for footprints. He'd just got to where George's wagon stood and he noticed that there seemed to be tracks and that a struggle had ensued.

Shane ran over to his horse and grabbed his rifle from the sheath which was strapped to the side of the saddle. Running, but gazing down at the tracks, he followed them into the forest and after several minutes he found Shawn stripping while a naked Emily lay bound on the ground. Emily noticed Shane's approach and she blinked her eyes to let him know that she saw him.

"Now missy, lets finish where we left off when we were so rudely interrupted by your brother," Shawn said as he knelt down and forced her legs apart with his knee. "If'n you don't fight me sweetie, I might be obliged to take you real gentle like," he said as he held his cock with his left hand and guided it toward her womanhood.

"If you care to see the sunset, I would recommend you move real slowly like away from the woman," Shane said, holding the barrel of his rifle against the base of Shawn's head.

Shawn held up his hands and slowly got up, turning to face Shane where he was standing.

"Well, well, what have we here," Shawn asked with a smirk. "If it isn't one of them robins that raised my nephew," he snarled and cringed when Shane shoved the rifle to Shawn's stomach.

"Shane!" Caleb cried out, causing him to jump and allowing Shawn to lunge at him.

Together, Shawn and Shane fell to the ground and Shane's rifle went flying from his hand, landing beside a tied up Emily. The two men wrestled furiously, fists and dirt flying as they fought. Shawn, seeing the knife that was strapped to Shane's side, grabbed it and tried to thrust it into his chest. Shane held the wrist of the arm that held the knife, struggling to keep Shawn from plunging it into him as he yelled to Caleb to grab the rifle.

"Get the gun and shoot him Caleb...shoot the bastard dead," he yelled as he struggled with Shawn.

Caleb stood there frozen after grabbing the rifle, afraid that he'd hit Shane if he fired. He knelt beside Emily and quickly untied the rope that bound her hands and she sat up, grabbed the rifle from Caleb, and fired.

Shawn froze and his eyes looked over at Emily, and then he grabbed his stomach and fell forward, falling on the knife that he still held. Shane laid there for a moment gasping as he tried to regain normal breathing, while Caleb helped Emily to stand. Once standing, Caleb held up her tattered dress for her to cover her nakedness.

"Are you alright Emily," Shane said as he rushed over to her side.

"Is that evil man dead," she asked, her eyes locked on the body of Shawn.

"Yes, so you have nothing to fear any longer," he said. "Caleb, would you run back to the cabin and get a blanket, so that Emily can cover herself?" he asked and Caleb hurried away.

Once Caleb was gone, Shane looked down at Emily and he could see the truth in her eyes, concerning Abe.

"You know about my son Abe, don't you Emily?" he asked watching her eyes intensely for her reaction.

"Yes Shane, I know that Abraham and I are actually brother and sister," she quietly said and when she began crying she stepped into Shane's arms. "I am so in love with him, so that is why this is so hard for me," she confided, not ready to reveal her own secret of secrets.

"Did you and Abe ever have..." but Shane could not bring himself to say sex.

"My God sir, we only kissed," she said still crying.

"Does your father know the truth yet," Shane needed to know, and he sighed when Emily shook her head no. "Sweetheart, listen to me please, I don't want him ever to know... and that goes for Abe also."

Emily pulled away and looked into Shane's eyes, wondering why.

"We have raised that boy and all that he has ever known, was that he was adopted by us because his mother was dying."

"But doesn't he deserve to know the truth? I would want to know if it were me," she reasoned, her secret begging to be told, but she was still not ready.

"Probably, but for now can we just keep this between us?" he asked.

"For now, but he is going to have to be told. I cannot...I will not keep this from him, Shane, it will destroy him once he knows that you knew and did not tell him."

"Let it be us that tell him...please?" he asked, his eyes watering over at the possibility of losing his son to George. "I promise you that as soon as he recovers we will tell him."

Emily stood there thinking, she wanted to give Shane the chance to be the one to tell Abe the truth about his birth, but she had another problem also, she had a secret to reveal and did not know how to do it.

"Here Miss Emily," Caleb said as he arrived with the blanket and also the sheriff.

"What happened here," Ed asked looking at Emily's nakedness and then down at Shawn's body.

"He tried to rape me and I shot him," Emily said as she clutched the blanket tighter around her.

Ed Bryant gazed at her nakedness, well the parts of her body that the blanket wasn't hiding that is. Emily knew that her father kept this man in his pocket so to speak, and it appalled her to be standing there in his presence.

"I see and just what reason do you have being here ro...Shane?" he asked as he turned to Shane and almost called him a robin.

"He came to my rescue," she said before Shane could answer.

"I'll need you to stop by the office and fill out a report, ma'am," Ed said. "I will see that the undertaker removes the body," he said as his eyes took in again, Emily's form. "I'd recommend putting some clothes on before you father see you like that," he advised and then turned to walk away.

"Ah sheriff, before you leave, you might want to arrest my father for attempted murder, because he was the one that shot Abraham," he said.

"Well from what I was told, he..." Emily cut him off.

"You were told a lie, so for once do what you were hired to do, protect the law and arrest him," she said dryly.

The sheriff glared at her for a long moment, and then turned and walked away.

"You didn't have to speak for me, Emily," Shane said once the sheriff was gone.

"Now Shane, we both know that Ed Bryant has been on my father's payroll ever since he'd been appointed sheriff. This being known, I felt it better that I gave him the facts, knowing that he wouldn't dare dispute my word."

"I gotta ask you, why did you tell him to arrest your father?"

"I have my reasons and soon all shall know the truth," she said smiling.

Shane, Caleb and Emily walked back to the cabin and found James unconscious and George gone. Shane glanced over at Jonas, who was also unconscious and lying on the floor, with Abe lying naked beside him.

"Abraham," Emily yelled and rushed toward him.

"James," Shane shouted and hurried over to him as Caleb rushed over to his father. "Spotted Wolf...where is Spotted Wolf," he called out.

"George took him with him," Jonas said groggily, as he struggled to stand and leaned against the table to steady him. "The sheriff came in and untied him and once untied, he lunged at James and knocked him out before coming after me."

"My son...is he..." Shane asked.

"He's fine, George pushed the table aside and it caused Abe to roll onto the floor. If Spotted Wolf hadn't pulled a gun on him, he'd have killed him."

"Why in hell didn't Spotted Wolf just shoot him," Shane asked as James came over to stand beside him.

"He tried, but the damn revolver misfired and George grabbed the gun and Spotted Wolf and together they bolted from the cabin."

"Are you alright James," Shane asked as he placed a soft kiss to James lips.

"Yes...why," James asked, when Shane pulled his revolver from its holster and he checked the ammunition, making sure that the gun was fully loaded.

"You stay with our son, I'm going to get Spotted Wolf back and finally put George Bennett in the ground," he said and caught the shock on Emily's face.

"I'm going with you Shane," she said stepping up to him. "I have a few things to say to that man before you kill him." She added as she pulled on some jeans that belonged to Caleb, as well as one of his shirts. "Thanks sweetie," she said to Caleb, running her hand softly across his cheek.

Emily had a secret, and not the one concerning Abe to share with George, that she's been waiting to share with her father.

"I'm ready...let's get this over with," she said and they hurried out the door.

Hawk and his warriors rode hard through the forest, his anger evident in his eyes. All of their faces and upper bodies were painted yellow, red and blue, as they donned their war paint. An eerie silence filled the forest as they rode, Hawk turned his eyes upon Strong Bear and he could see the rage that filled his son's heart.

"Hawk will be the one that takes down the evil man," Hawk shouted over to Strong Bear.

"Gah-ween father, you are our people's chief and should the sheriff be there, I shall be the one to do it and be arrested," Strong Bear challenged.

"Gah-ween my son, as chief I must do this, not my son. I have lived a good life and yours has just begun, for it shall fall upon you to take over as chief."

Strong Bear knew better than to openly challenge his father's authority in front of his warriors, so he simply nodded but in his heart he knew that given the opportunity it would be him to fall the man.

Hawk held up his hand when he saw the Bennett ranch through the trees, pulling up the reins and stopping.

"Jumping Elk take several warriors and go west of the house while Strong Bear and I take the east side. Do not fire until I give you cause to do it, I must first make sure that no innocent people are within shot of our arrows and bullets," he instructed and Jumping Elk rode off with his warriors.

Hawk kicked his heels into his steed's flanks and rode toward the ranch, keeping his eyes alert for George and any ranch hands that may be around. Hawk and Strong Bear dismounted away from the building, and stealthily moved across the open land up to the back of the building, pausing to take a breath as they leaned against the building.

Easing up toward an open window, Hawk carefully looked over the ledge and into the building. The room was empty except Spotting Bear was tied and lying on the bed, his face bloodied by an apparent beating from George. Hawk quietly raised the window fully, causing Spotted Wolf to turn his attention to the window.

"He is in the main room with the sheriff and two of his ranch hands," Spotted Wolf whispered when Hawk came to him.

Hawk untied Spotted Wolf and moved over to the window, where he motioned for Strong Bear.

"Motion for Jumping Elk to come to you, and have him create a diversion at the front of the house. Then come and join me, we shall catch them unaware from behind," he further whispered and Strong Bear hurried off. "Stay as you are and remain as if tied, I shall hide until Strong Bear returns."

"Ay-uh my chief," Spotted Wolf said and lay back down on the bed, holding his arms behind him as if he were still tied as George had left him.

Hawk stepped over to a tall wardrobe and climbed in among the dresses that hung within it. He kept the door cracked just enough to see Spotted Wolf and the window to the room. He held his breath when he heard George enter the room with another man.

"If this one moves shoot him," George instructed Bob Carpenter, a ranch hand, and looked over at what appeared to be, an unconscious Spotted Wolf. "I doubt that injun will give you any trouble, he's still out from the beating I gave him."

"Yes sir, Mister Bennett," Bob said and placed a chair in front of the open window and gazed at the unconscious Spotted Wolf.

Hawk heard the bedroom door slam shut, and also heard the sounds of guns firing. Bob quickly rose to his feet and just as he lifted his gun on Spotted Wolf, an arrow struck him in the back. Bob fell to the floor and Hawk burst from the wardrobe, just as Spotted Wolf sprung from the bed. Strong Bear came crawling through the window and handed Spotted Wolf a rifle.

"It is good to see that my father's friend is still well," Strong Bear said as the two men followed Hawk over to the door.

"Remember what you were told Strong Bear, Hawk shall take down the evil man Bennett," he warned and slowly, silently opened the door.

The sounds of the battle raging outside and from in the house, filled the air with thunderous sounds, shielding the sounds of Hawk's approach. A creaking floorboard caused the sheriff and another ranch hand to turn toward him, but Strong Bear and Spotted Wolf dropped them where they stood.

George and the other ranch hand whirled around, but an arrow from outside caught the ranch hand in the back and dropped him to the floor, dead.

Throwing his rifle to the floor, George held up his arms. "I'm not armed, Hawk," he shouted as he faced Hawk.

"Ay-uh, but still you and your evil ways shall die today," Hawk said stepping further into the room.

The noise from outside died, as George gazed about the room, looking at the bodies of the sheriff and his ranch hands.

"Now you wouldn't kill me in cold blood," George said as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"No George, but I would," Emily said as she stepped through the front door with Shane and several warriors, her gun aimed at George.

"Emily...shoot that damn injun," George shouted.

"Gah-ween George," she said and George cringed when he heard her use the native tongue of the Choctaw as well as call him by his name. "Now why would I want to shoot Hawk, for he's a trusted friend and surely not my enemy," she grinned at Hawk as she moved over beside him.

"But I'm your father Emily, we're blood kin," he said, his fury raging within him. "You show me the proper respect due your father," he demanded.

"No George, we are not blood kin, for you see, you not only caused mother's early death, but you also forced her into another man's bed," she said and George's eyes widened at the revelation she told him. "Yes George, your wife, my mother, she cheated on you with Sam," she confided, knowing that Sam from the mercantile was her true father.

"You lie...your mother would never dare betray me," he shouted.

"She not only dared to, but she had me as the result of that dare. You see, I found my mother's diary last night when I was going through her trunk in the attic. Yes George, her diary of her personal thoughts, feelings and most of all, her secrets."

Emily looked at Hawk and then rushed from the room, returning shortly with her mother's diary in her hand. She turned to the page that she had left a turned down corner on, and began reading it aloud.

"September ninth, eighteen seventy-one, I gave birth today to a lovely daughter. I have named her Emily Kate, Emily after my mother and Kate for her father's mother," Emily said reading from the diary and George's eyes widened again, for his mother's name was Carolyn. "How proud Sam will be to know that he has a daughter. So you see father, Sam Andrews is my father and not you."

Emily dropped the book to the floor and turned, not bothering to look back as she walked from the house, knowing that she was now free to marry Abe.

"Why you ungrateful bitch," George screamed and lunged for his gun on the floor, but Shane shot him just as he was about to shoot Emily.

Kneeling down beside George, Shane could hear the death rattle coming from him.

"You may have lost a daughter today, but you gained a son, for Abraham is your son," Shane told him.

"What?" he asked, blood flowing from his mouth as he gasped out a shallow breath.

"You and Jenny, she became pregnant with your child when you were governor," he said smiling.

"Nooooo," he shouted and then his chest heaved upward violently, before he gave up his ghost and died.

Shane stood and turned to Hawk, who had remained silent all this time.

"Why were you here today?"

"I came for revenge of my people that his men killed when they raided our village," Hawk told him.

"I'm so sorry Hawk, now this man shall no longer rain death and misery into our lives," Shane said, embracing Hawk warmly. "Take you warriors and go before the law comes and finds you here."

"Ay-uh Shane, you are a good man with a gentle heart," Hawk said, turning and gathering his warriors to him, before leaving.

Seth hurried from his lodge when he heard the thundering of horses as Hawk and his warriors rode into the village. Stopping in front of his lodge, Hawk dismounted, handed the reins to a young brave and entered his lodge. Seth lunged into Hawk's open arms and kissed him, thankful that he was alive.

"How I have prayed for your safe return my husband," Seth said and then showered more kisses across Hawk's face.

"Maybe Hawk needs to go to war more often, he likes how he's welcomed home," Hawk said pulling Seth tightly to him and kissing him heatedly and long. "Come my lover, let us make love together," he said as he pulled Seth over to their bed.

Slowly Hawk undressed Seth, and then Hawk feverishly removed Hawk's clothes. Hawk eased Seth down to the bed and covered Seth's body with his.

"I love you so much Hawk," Seth whispered, as tears freely rolled down his cheeks.

"What is this...my man cries?" he asked, licking away the tears.

"You have no idea how worried I was Hawk, I feared losing you today," Seth confided and let his tears and pent up anxiety go.

"Do not cry anymore my sweet Red Sun, for your chief and husband has returned home safely to your arms."

"Ay-uh...now make love to me my husband," Seth said and pulled Hawk's lips down to his.

Hawk gently parted Seth's legs with his knee and placed his arms under his legs, lifting them up high. With a gentle but firm thrust, Hawk entered the warmth of Seth's velvet sheath.

"Ay-uh, Hawk is home," Seth murmured as Hawk began his long, slow strokes.

Seth wrapped his legs around Hawk's waist and thrust his pelvis upward, meeting each thrust that Hawk gave him. Hawk lowered his mouth to Seth's, kissing him heatedly, trailing kisses from his mouth down his neck until he found a hard, tall nub just waiting to be tantalized.

Seth arched his back when Hawk's lips surrounded the nipple and gently nibbling and sucking on it.

"Oh how you excite me Hawk, just like you did that first time many winters ago," he said gasping for breath, his hips rising as Hawk's descended.

"You are more handsome today than you were that day I first saw you, Red Sun," Hawk told him and then kissed him again.

A fiery liquid seemed to course through Hawk's body as his climax all too quickly approached. He rose up and began long, urgent strokes into Seth's heat, his seed rapidly rising as he surrendered to his need.

"Aiiiiieeeeee," He howled, thrust one last thrust in and stopped, blasting his seed deep into Seth's heat.

Seth clung to Hawk's shoulders, thrusting his pelvis upwards as he matched the hurried thrusts that Hawk was giving him.

Spent, Hawk pulled out and rolled onto his back, pulling Seth on top him as they kissed.

"Make love to your husband, Red Sun," Hawk whispered against Seth's lips.

Hawk pulled his legs up high as Seth eased his manhood into Hawk's warm velvet sheath. Hawk gasped and rolled his eyes backwards, as the burning of entry overtook him.

"I'm sorry my husband, shall I pull out?" Seth asked when he noticed the pain that he was causing Hawk.

"Gah-ween my man, it is pleasure that I feel, now take your time and make love to me my husband," Hawk said, causing Seth to cry, because never before has Hawk called him, his husband.

Hawk knew what had caused these tears, and his heart cried out for this man.

"Ay-uh Red Sun, for too long have I not called you this. You are as much a husband to Hawk as I am to you," he said and pulled Seth's mouth down to his in a fiery kiss, that sent shivers through both men.

Seth thrust fast and deep, his need burning within him as he felt his seed rising. In all his life, never had he felt so loved as he did this very moment.

"My seed comes," Seth whispered, still fighting back his tears and letting his seed flow into Hawk's warm, tight sheath until he collapsed onto Hawk in a sweet afterglow.

Both men cried because their love was that strong and then after making love again to each other, they rose, dressed and took the baby with them as they walked to Strong Bear and White Deer's lodge.

Being the chief, Hawk did not answer, but boldly entered the lodge. Strong Bear and White Deer hurriedly rose, grabbing a blanket to cover their nakedness.

"Father...why have you so boldly entered our lodge without knocking?" Strong Bear asked, his face glowing with redness, as was White Deer's.

"I am chief and as chief I can enter any lodge that I wish. I find it amusing how you do not wish to be caught making love to White Deer when for years you watched your father make love to Red Sun," Hawk said and laughed at his son's embarrassment.

"You knew that I was watching you, father?"

"Ay-uh my son, so did you learn much from watching us?" Hawk asked, much to Seth's and White Deer's embarrassment.

"I have learned how to love my husband with my heart and soul, for that is how I saw my father love my other father," Strong Bear said, dropping the blanket and walking over to his father's arms, embracing warmly.

Both Seth and White Deer looked at each other, their tears flowing freely as they too embraced.

"I knew that Strong Bear loved me, but I never knew the depths of his love until now," White Deer said through tear filled eyes as he walked over, naked to his husband. "You have made me so happy my husband," White Deer said and then kissed him.

"Enough of this mushy, mushy," Hawk said as he wiped his own tears away with the back of his hand. "Today my son and White Deer become fathers," Hawk turned, took Tall Cloud from Seth and handed Strong Bear the baby.

"You are giving Tall Cloud to us to raise, father?" Strong Bear questioned and when his eyes turned onto the baby, his insides melted. "My son, Tall Cloud," he said proudly and held up his son to the Great Spirit, offering him thanks.

When Shane, Spotted Wolf and Caleb entered the cabin, Shane found Emily sitting by Abe's bed. She was gently bathing his brow when she looked up at Shane who was now beside her.

"Is it over Shane?" was all that she asked and then turned back to continue bathing Abe's brow.

"Yes sweetie, he's gone," was all that Shane said before stepping over to James and embracing him.

"He knew before he left, didn't he," James whispered to Shane.

"I told him just before his last breath, darling."

"I guess we owe Abraham the truth also," James tears rolling freely down his cheeks.

"Yes we do James; I promised Emily that we would tell him together."

"How do you think he's going to take knowing that George Bennett was his true father?" James asked Emily and looking at his unconscious son on the bed.

"Father...that evil man is my father?" Abe said in his mind as the words slowly drifted in from beyond his darkness. "I'd rather die than admit to being his son." Abe slipped further into his darkness...

To be continued...

Your comments are greatly appreciated: danielrunningwater@yahoo.com

For those readers that may have missed the first story of my Indian series, it can be found under Incest and/or Interracial here on Nifty. It is called Captured Heart and it was the first story of this series.

Thank you kindly, Daniel

Next: Chapter 5

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